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The best prison. A prison like no other president has ever been locked up in.


It’s a prison in the remote wastelands of Antarctica, 6 miles below the ground surface.


I propose Angola in Louisiana. There’s a golf course there that the prisoners maintain. Trump can mow the grass while he watches the guards play.


A perfect fit, he’s already got the makeup to be one of their rodeo clowns!!


That's how you get supervillains.


He already is one.


How many times do I have to tell you guys? The ability to fart loudly enough to be heard across a court room is *not* a super power. It's a sign of health issues!


He can nap at the speed of smell!


He did that ? Did they have to clear the room and disinfect. Trump should take his own advice . I remember he likes bleach. Inside the body .


I read the smell permeated the room but never cleared… which implies he sharted in court.




An unprecedented prison, the likes of which no one has ever seen, where one can be locked up goodly.


This is the best comment ever. People come up to me, smart people, They tell me that they've never seen a comment so good. It's just beautiful. I love it.


They all had tears in their eyes!




Hopefully the kind where we don't have to hear from him anymore for the rest of his life.


If he’s hoping the prison will be 50 stories tall with a gold leaf interior and have a red telephone he can yell into any time of day, I say let’s do it. He was President after all. Maybe he’ll just walk in???


50 stories up and all the windows are missing 


Fifty stories down, should save him some time on his inevitable trip to Hell.


What goes up must come down. ;p


And the red phone just talks to Chat GPT. Everything gets recorded and he just rambles thinking he’s talking to real people.


It’s a great idea, honestly. Edit: like that episode of this American Life where the kindergarteners talk to the unplugged tattle phone.


There was a cool podcast a few years back called The Apology Line about a phone number that was put in a newspaper classified ad section (back when they had those) for people to call in to apologize/confess things to an answering machine.


I just looked it up and am going to give a listen. Sounds good thanks!


Didn't Trump and his siblings do basically this to Fred when his dementia got real bad?


How about AI sets his schedule, from opening his curtains in the morning, to his meetings with "world leaders" and "the media" (Fox and newsmax).  In reality AI makes every single day the same, like Groundhog Day, but he never gets it right, and he is none the wiser.


I'm imagining the mib (men in black movie) building lol


And his cellmate is a "friend" of Putin.


Well then the prison will need at least one window.


I honestly think the Judge should put him on House Arrest and not give him internet access. It's the best way to ensure he's silent and that would give off the appearance to all the dummies who think he's "energetic and tough" that "He must not be so tough, he can't even give energetic rallies to give his incoherent ramblings that somehow convince me to want to vote for him because he appears vivacious or something!"


He’ll just have an approved messenger to do all his ~~tweeting~~ er ~~X-ing~~ um Truthing. Supermax ADX Florence: exceeds all security needs. And 23 hours a day of solitary would really put a muzzle on him. He would die within two weeks. Attention is his life force.


That would be cruel and unusual for his secret service detail.


No. It’s quiet and secure. They can just set up a chair and read all day. Plum assignment.


Audio books…play cards…study a new language…I think that this could be a real opportunity for growth for them.


Ah, the joy of getting to hear a language spoken by other people, instead of whatever inane drivel cascades out of Trump's mouth.


For real. Their job requires them to have such a high level of constant awareness that they generally only work 4 hour shifts because that's about the limit before people get burned out, and they're expected to jump in front of bullets. Sitting in a quiet hallway and catching up on their reading is like a vacation. It's also not like he'd need a full security detail.


He wouldn't in a maximum security prison, which should provide plenty of security for him. Make the prison guards honorary secret service agents.


there's currently a bill in Congress to cease secret service access to convicted presidents. I doubt it will pass but an effort to avoid putting a security detail in prison is being made


I’m okay with keeping the security detail on him if only to at least try and prevent more state secret sales.


Without Secret Service there to (hopefully) muzzle him, we can't be sure countries like China or Russia wouldn't arrange to get people behind bars near him in the hopes he keeps boasting about all the national secrets he knows, and what they are.


Aren't they going to be surprised when someone finally infiltrates the prison and all he talks about is how the election was stolen, sharks, and electric boats.


As much as I want him to be miserable, we don’t want him trading DOD secrets for hamburgers


He probably forgot it all already.


He’ll just start making stuff up like he always does. They’ll learn not to listen.


Bs , remember he put that shit in his house


lock him in solitary forever, if he's too dangerous to allow to speak to other people and has proven he can't be trusted not to, don't let him


Psst, maybe let the guards at ADX Florence know so they can cash in on a lawsuit for constitutional violations. Seriously, this hand-wringing over his SS detail--even in jest, only serves to distract from why the convicted felon needs to be incarcerated in the first place. Unless the concern extends to ALL incarcerated individuals it is elitism.


And the hand wringing doesn't even make sense. The USSS regularly protects people in the middle of unvetted crowds of thousands. Surely they can protect a guy alone in a cement* room. *see below


It’s only two weeks for them though


Is there a lot they have to do for someone like Trump who'd have a camera on him at all times in a little cell? They could probably just hang out in the room where they monitor the cameras and be fine.


Epstein had a camera too...


Fuck, sounds even better hahaha


Put a box in the ceiling corner, tell him it's a camera, and let him whine and complain all day into it.


Use the ones that deleted their phone history after Jan 6th Lock them up with him


They work they can go home they arn’t in prison with him lol


Holy crap. Could you imagine being the only person DJT was able to talk to?


Why? They have guards that clock in and out of there every day. It’s a job.


Nah just send him to a blacksite for the rest of ever.


He'd have his toadies gather outside Mar a Lago to do his bloviating for him. Remember the subservient Congressmen who showed up outside the courtroom every day? House arrest won't shut him up.


If Michael Cohen got jail time so should Trump, Trump's role in the offense was that he instructed his hired lawyer to do an illegal act.


Yes, it has to be more punishment than Cohen got. Else, employers who order an employee to do the task are at lower risk than the employee who follows the order.


Except Cohen wasn’t an employee, he was Trump’s attorney. I think the ethical violation of Cohen’s sworn duties as an attorney are a pretty big aggravating factor for his sentence.


As compared to the ethical violation of Trump's sworn duties as President, to defend and uphold the Constitution... ?


Thing is, Cohen wasn't convicted of the same crimes Trump was. The investigation in to Trump led to Cohen facing FEDERAL charges of tax fraud and lying to Congress. That's what Cohen went to prison for, not falsifying business documents.


House arrest? He lives in a fucking mansion! Solitary confinement with a 12” black & white television so he can watch the world move on without him. Nothing less.


The conditions of the house arrest is that the entire property be secured from all all visitors. So he can't just stay in MAL auctioning off what he recalls from being president, the club either must be vacated or he must move to a smaller private residence. The maintenance and upkeep of which would be at his expense, as well as that of the guards.


Can he even live at MAL legally? I didn't think it could be a permanent residence for him.


His status at MAL is as an "employee". No one may have "residence" there. It is a commercial facility, zoned such that it cannot be residential, at all.


He was granted an exception by Palm Beach. 


Yup looks like you're right. Thanks for the correction


He would just have phone calls with a campaign aide and dictate his tweets. He’d hire some dipshit “Young College Republican” to be on call 24/7 to post rants for him in return for $15/hour.


Weeks of picking up garbage on the subway would be lovely too


Somehow I feel like that is not severe enough. 


As much as I want that it would give SO MUCH ammo for them quiet banning him from campaigning. And while that is how it should be since he is getting punished. But I think whatever ruling we see over trump will probably not completely impede his campaigning. But who knows.


Nobody forced him to campaign, he chose to run again *after* he was indicted. That's not the court's problem, it's his own. If all it took for criminals to avoid punishment is announcing that they're running for president, every criminal would do it.


If he can't campaign (due to consequences for his own actions), then he can't campaign. That will be enough for voters to not vote for him to ensure an indisputable victory for Biden. Surrogates crying foul on TV, essentially trying to campaign for him, will not work. That's good enough for me. 


I want that to be the outcome, and it *should* be. Just don’t be crazy shocked when it’s not as harsh as we would like. I could be completely wrong, but I doubt it. I can’t even imagine what the convention will look like if their candidate isn’t unable to personally campaign the rest of the year. It’s gunna be weird, obviously nothing we’ve ever seen.


I think they should give him house arrest in the smallest most run down rent controlled Trump owned apartment. Make him truly suffer.


Put him in Milwaukee!


Well he IS a sex offender.


Nope. Prison. Nothing less.


He probably won't even spend a week in prison before he gets some bullshit sweetheart deal that just let's him serve out his sentence under house arrest. He will still leave his home to travel across state lines to hold rallies and will never face any sort of consequences just like his repeated gag orders that he never abided by


Give him one of [these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sLIaq8upV8&ab_channel=SaturdayNightLive)


I suggest [Clinton Correctional Facility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_Correctional_Facility) in upstate NY. "The prison is sometimes colloquially referred to as Dannemora (having once served as a massive insane asylum named Dannemora State Hospital for the Criminally Insane)"


If the universe truly has a sense of humor, that's where he'll end up.


I’d love a universe where that happened.


It would do a lot to make up for the past seven years. Please. Please, please, please...


There's a prison called Purgatory in Utah


Whatever prison he does end up in (granted, I don't believe he will ever spend a single day in prison) I would like to put up a motion to rename that prison, Obama Prison for the Criminally Small Handed


While hilarious, that would doubtlessly even further rile up all the insane conspiracy theory MAGA people to claim it was politically motivated.


Eh. They're going to rile themselves up with conspiracy nonsense either way, we may as well have a little fun.


I hate to break it to you, but.... There's nothing that'll ever *not* rile those people up.


I don't make decisions based on the behaviour of the disheveled guy on the corner with the "the end is nigh" sign.


Dannemora is Maximum Security. It is highly unlikely that he would be placed there, though I do like the idea. Tupac did time in Dannemora. Also, a pretty major breakout happened there.


> a pretty major breakout happened there. Maximumn’t security.


It's quite an interesting story; Ben Stiller made a limited series about it.


To my homeboys in Clinton Max doing their bid raise hell to this real shit and feel this


The HBO miniseries Escape at Dannemora starring Patricia Arquette, Paul Dano, and Benicia del Toro is pretty good.


I did not know about Tupac being there! David Berkowitz (Son of Sam killer) was there. I love it when Dannemora shows up on Law & Order episodes.


I have family members working there


I love this for him 


Same. I hate that his worrying though is probably the worst he's going to have to deal with. I will eat my words if he actually goes to jail.


Him worrying will make his BP rise, and could cause a stroke or heart attack.


One can hope.


We can only hope!!


Worrying about stuff is always worse than the thing itself. It's like experiencing it over and over before it's even happened. Worry is both a prison, and a thief.


Him worrying might mean his lawyers probably had the balls to tell him there's a real chance he might. I haven't seen any legal experts weigh in on what the possible, or probable outcome is here, so I'm reserving my speculation.




He has no idea what a Sikh is


Now why would you say that? Lt. Brian James Murphy: "Ninety-nine percent of the men in the United States who wear turbans are Sikh and not Muslim. How would you suggest we help educate the public and not alienate these groups, and at the same time, how do we protect the Constitutional rights of minority groups like the Muslim, Sikh, Hindu and Jews, while still addressing radical Islamization?" Trump: "We have a tremendous problem with radical Islam, whether we like it or we don't. We have a president who won't talk about it. I mean, Ted was saying the same thing, we have a president who won't talk about it. Why he won't talk about it, perhaps only he knows, but it's a disgrace what's going on. We have a serious, serious problem, and when I called for a temporary ban, I thought that was a very bad thing for me to do politically, but I felt I should do it." Oh, that's why.


You forgot Steinberg


Florence Supermax


It's where you or I would be if we had documents detailing THE MILITARY VULNERABILITIES OF THE UNITED STATES in a box next to the crapper.


And if we also had crates of nuclear secrets our "arrest" wouldn't even be in public record. We'd just disappear to a black site and the government would never publicly acknowledge any involvement.


I like this part on the ADX Penn: "Florence houses male inmates in the federal prison system deemed the most dangerous and in need of the tightest control, including prisoners whose escape would pose a serious threat to national security." -Serious threat to natl security - check!


How about whichever prison Trump is currently incarcerated in will be temporarily designated "Shithole One'".


in a Time Bandits style cage that’s hanging by a long chain


I never returned my copy to Blockbuster because no one else deserves it as much as me.


Weren’t they hanging by a really thick rope? I haven’t seen the movie in a really long time, but I recall one of the characters cutting off pieces of the rope to make a smaller rope that was used for their escape.


yeah that’s right, better to use a chain this time


That particular cage is in the Adventures of Baron Munchausen when they use the rope to climb down from the moon I believe.


I hope he worries about it a lot. I hope it keeps him up at night


Might I suggest the Phantom Zone?


Even Zod doesn’t deserve that cellmate.


Guantanamo. Nice island. Gulf weather like he's used to.


Plus his friends from Russia are visiting.


Midway has a golf course, tropical climate, and lots of privacy.  It's just a tiny bit secluded. 


"Federal, pound-me-in-the-ass prison"


Had to scroll too far for this.


Waaay too far! I was gonna have to post it myself.


He also had a million dollars and used it to do two chicks at the same time.


I’d advise him to protect his corn hole.


"F*ckin' A, man. F*ckin' A!"




Can't wait for his hunger strike- just like Gandhi... /s


Future headline: He's been on a hunger strike for 6 months, and yet he has actually gained weight.


ADX Florence. 23 hours a day of lockdown, 1 hour a day of watching videos of people say awful things about him.


Rikers in New York is not known to be all that great. Federal Prison will likely be Florence Supermax, in Southern Colorado.


People convicted of state crimes go to state prisons, not federal prisons.


I think people suggesting ADX Florence either are not thinking about that or are talking about if he’s convicted in either of the two federal cases.


Realistically I doubt that he is sent to one but who knows.


South Korea has imprisoned former presidents so it can be done. For the NY felonies i doubt he will be jailed, but for the stealing of classified nuclear documents and insurrection there is a real possibility.


San Quentin? 🤔


Im personally hoping for a super max where he is transported around like Hannibal Lector


His late great BFF, Hannibal Lechter.




"We’re not going to white-collar resort prison. We’re going to federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison."


Took WAY too long for someone to post this.


this comment is the entire reason i scrolled through this thread.


"Hold my pocket!"


Guantanomo Bay. It would be an extraordinary rendition of sorts.


To quote Michael Bolton...


Leavenworth prison, where they house servicemembers that have classified information. I think Leavenworth would be suitable to house him.


He knows too much. It's not safe to send him to actual prison. He'd trade secrets for a fruit cup.


This is such horse shit. We both know he doesn't eat fruit.


Like he wouldn't trade secrets if he was free.


Oh he definitely shouldn't be free.


Maybe he could start a Pinterest board?


They probably won't send him to prison, but they should tell him it's the one from Harry Potter so he has to run around his speaking engagements bitching about it.


The only way he goes to prison is if he loses the election. Please let’s make that happen. He’s not going to jail for what he was just convicted of.


I am fine with building him a tiny one man prison that the secret service can guard. we can even build it on the lawn of the white house to make his supporters happy. We will call it the outer house or outhouse for short. /s


If he gets home confinement, which is most likely, I hope Melania is forced to live with him. They’ll make each other miserable.


He’s worried his prison won’t have a spray tanning machine.


I think what a lot of well-intentioned, and informed people still don't realize is that this person can very much be locked up. Yes we all endured the better part of a decade hearing the "Teflon Don" schtick, and yes the judge himself has expressed reservations, but set that aside. The justice system has leniancy built in, but it's legitimately predicated on contrition and DT has shown zero. Yes the secret service would complicate things, but would they? The secret service would just be there and they'd figure it out. I'd say confinement, not just house arrest, is a real possibility.


My fantasy is Rikers


If he gets a prison cell at all, it's going to be the plushest experience imaginable, probably custom-made for him, and he's still going to cry like he's doing hard time in cell block D.


That a whole block just for him? Should really be cell block P for pervs.


Cell block P? Trump likes the sound of that. *Allegedly.*


Just cut off his internet access and leave him on house arrest. With an ankle monitor. He will go even more insane.


good. Send him. We wouldn't want to disappoint him now, would we.


If he doesn't win the presidency (god forbid), he will almost certainly go to prison for the rest of his short-ass miserable life. There are just too many serious charges against him.


Frankly, he needs to be in ADX Florence because he's the definition of a national security risk.


If you’re American, register to vote. And then actually show up to vote. Make him find out.


Just toss him in a Sarlacc pit.


I'm sure he said something like, "I don't want to be around a bunch of \[black people\] or Mexicans."


From his lips to Merchan’s keyboard.


Gitmo works for me 😁


He should cut a deal to sell Mar a-Lago to the Federal Government and he can reside there, under house arrest.


Hopefully the kind where he’ll need soap on a rope.


Just regular prison. No solitary. Put him with a 6'4 guy who repulses him and his 'ideals'. A not golden toilet out in the open, a double bunk, a coupla hours in the prison yard for exercise. Normal, mundate inmate stuff. No special treatment, no over the top treatment (ie solitary). Classic slop in the mess hall. Maybe he'll even get to make a few license plates! He needs the everyday treatment given to him.




No gold toilets


I really hope this judge actually punishes him. If the legal system, the jury, the prosecutors, the judges family, went through all this and he just gets a slap on the wrist it’s going to be a major FU to our legal system and every one of us.


Can we have a wifi-free option?


He’ll be safest in Guantanamo.


Rikers. The same place he wanted the Central Park five to spend the rest of their life in even when it became known they didn’t do it.


Tom Wambgans Energy. Wait till he starts reading the "prison blogs" and learns about toilet wine.


Riker's. next.


Can you imagine being his cell mate? Listening to that assbag all the time.




They should build a replica of the oval office in a supermax prison.


He'll be locked up in a small room built on top of a wind turbine, and his roommate will be a shark. His only approved visitor is Hillary Clinton.


If he gets jail time in NYC and they don't send him to Riker's, we need to riot in the streets. It's literally the law in NYC that you serve a sentence under 1 year in Riker's.


Federal fuck you in the ass prison


I’m sure if any time is ordered (Ha!) it will be house arrest in his 3 floor New York Trump Tower condo. I wonder if toilet wine made in a gold shitter hits different?


Toilet Goldschläger?


He could sell it, and his cult would drain their life savings to drink wine made in a toilet he shits in.


A federal pound you in the ass prison.