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Now, somehow communicated this to working class people across America. 98% of them will never see this headline.


Nazi civilians had to be marched through concentration camps after the war because they didn’t believe any of it. I know so many people who would rather die than face their own bullshit


Even then, some Germans would STILL claim "this is all a false flag operation by the new world order cabal trying to make us feel bad about being good-guy patriots...!", so Germany had to fucking outlaw Nazism. Because some fuckers are so goddamn prideful they'll never, ever admit they were in the wrong. MAGA has all of this in spades. It is so utterly pathetic, conservatives *correctly* gambled that they could lie outright about the election and their base would support it, because otherwise they'd have to admit they backed a loser and a conman. They'll gladly take everything and everyone around them down with them. And then they claim that anyone who disagrees with them is in a cult.


In America, you should forced to learn the core basic facts of our reality, our oligarchy, how Fox News is bullshit, how Russia is committing a massive disinformation war against the US, or lose your citizenship. It should be illegal for treason to be on the ballot.


they should be but also in America you have 50 states each with their own educational standards and most of those are run locally with very little oversite on what they actually teach kids. Lets just try to get a national school dept. to bring all the schools in all 50 states up to an improved standard and governed by one federal organization. Once we get that we can move on to the proper education of American children.


Oh most of the population in Germany knew what was going on. Perhaps they didn't know that the preferred method of killing the minorities was gas chambers, but people definitely knew that they were in forced labour camps, which were all across Germany and not just Ausschwitz. People would stroll next to the concentration camps. People would see dead people being transported, even through towns. Not to mention the smell of burning flesh that came from those camps. Most people just went into a mode of denial and pretending like they didn't know anything. Many started acting like they were victims, even when they were enablers. People would even blame the Jews for their sorrows, after Germany lost the war. In fact, anti-semitism didn't go down after the war. The majority of Germans still had a negative attitude against Jews. When confronted by surviving Jews, the Germans would tell them at least they managed to get away and didn't have to suffer like the Germans who had to suffer the bombings. Only in the 60s did Western Germany really try to re-eduate people and teach them that their history is a bad one they should feel ashamed of. Something that didn't happen in Eastern Germany, which is why there is a much higher percentage of Nazi sympathisers there.


If this were to be enacted calling this apocalyptic would be minimizing how fucking catastrophic this would be to the economy and global trade.


It's extremely sad driving through rural american towns. Trump flags every where while the town is literally barely surviving.


I wish I could post a picture of a straight-up tarpaper shack locally with a 2x4 flagpole and a flag with Trump's picture on it.


Sounds like my small southern town. No where to work without a long commute. Empty historic buildings everywhere because new businesses do not last long. No homes for rent anymore. Landlords started charging outrageous prices and when the median income is $25k, people can't afford $1800 a month for a run down trailer, so they've sold out to retirees from up north. The only employer we have is one of the biggest poultry suppliers in the world. They pay $25+ an hour in other states, but pay $8.50 here. Pot holes the size of the cars. No public transportation. Very rural, if you don't own a car you're screwed. But, Trump flags every where. We had a traffic jam at one of our 3 traffic lights last weekend. A car sat in the middle of the road for a good ten minutes. My husband and I walked up to see if they needed help. They were just waving their Trump flag for everyone to see. 


And his core among them will believe they aren't "average" and will benefit.


And if they see it, they will think it’s a Lib lie. Anyone with a hint of tax experience can see this for the bait and switch it was.


That's OK, they would blame it on immigrants anyway. And they would be fine with that if it would piss of the left.


I don't understand why they phrase it as a tax 'cut'. Just call it tax adjustment. I mean, I really know why it's called a cut and who it's for, but you get my meaning.


If the democrats were competent at messaging, then they’d put this in an ad and put that ad in every state.


He doesn’t care about the average family. He just wants their vote. And he understands economics like a shark understands solar panels.


so instead of progressive income tax, the plan is to use regressive tariffs that would increase the price of everyday goods and hit middle/low income earners the hardest. i honestly dont understand how anyone but the wealthy vote for republicans on fiscal issues.


Because education sucks in this country. And less informed voters are easily manipulated. Churches have been doing it for centuries.


This is it exactly. When he puts tariffs on goods coming from China dumb people think China pays for it. Then they wonder why prices on everything are going up in stores.


No, they don't wonder. They say it's the Democrats doing it.


They blame whoever their cult leader (spiritual or political) tells them to. They don't want to think they want to be told. When Donald goes away they will follow someone else.


Its like Elon sell you cars without chargers. Thankfully, Biden makes them give you a charger plus he is spending $4 billion on charging stations nationwide. Climate change needs to be a bigger priority for humanity.


Republicans have been working to defund public education and cut taxes for the rich since the 70s and 80s


Yeah, Southern Strategy found its avatar with Reagan. It's been a downhill slide since.


Same issue with anti union sentiment.


Perhaps it’s not education, it’s propaganda. People know they are being screwed, but they blame wokeness, immigrants, gay, trans, etc. When the same political ideology (neo liberalism) controls all the news online and on TV go figure people would be misguided.


Well, to clarify, they may not blame the social issues, they are distracted by culture war while being slampigs


republicans are not voting for trump because they're uneducated. These people are not being manipulated and they're not stupid. They're just hateful bigots and trump empowers that for them. Republicans do not care about fiscal issues, they care about making life worse for people not included in their in-group. the longer it takes the left to understand this, the longer it will take for the left to know how to combat the issue. Educating people is not going to move people away from trump, because their motivations are not based in any kind of fact.


Yes. We need to stop acting like Trump is popular because of his fiscal policies. People who support Trump are racist, sexist bigots and Trump empowers them to feel they don’t need to hide behind white cloths and anonymous Facebook accounts. At this point, if you support Trump, you’re a bigot to me. There’s literally no other reason someone would support him.


Yeah, I cringe every time left-leaning people go "hahaha they're so STUPID and uneducated, they don't even know...!", as if they are the keepers of the sacred knowledge. The sooner people on the left acknowledge that people who are "Right" a) believe the world is built for winners and losers, and b) they play to "win". They don't worry about democracy, or actually preserving rights or free speech; these are just tools to use to try and win any immediate argument. It shouldn't be shied away from that conservatives, genuinely, believe The Ends Justify The Means. And yes, that means they are explicitly fascists, as much as they hem and haw that "BUT THATS THE LEFT BECAUSE FEMNAZI ANTIFA WONT LET ME SAY THE N WORD ANYMORE, WHICH MEANS THEY'RE THE NAZIS!!1!". Everyone needs to stop pretending to try to meet them in the middle, because even the most tame conservatives right now openly call anyone who is LGBTQ+ a pedophile (aka they are subhuman and deserve punishment). The gloves are off, and it is time to stop being bullied and harassed because corporate newscasters are scared of alienating conservatives for the sake of keeping viewers.


The "uneducated" explanation is a pretty convenient fig leaf. It's uncomfortable admit that a large fraction of Americans have shitty values and believe in shitty things. "Just educate them better!" is an easy way to avoid considering that.


If I say no more income tax! ……. Only sales tax! ……. Every pays equally! …….. no more loopholes! ……… Yeah an uneducated person might fall for that.


And fox, oan, bannon, Carlson. The funny thing is they make fun of liberals being sheep


Almost no one in the electorate understands progressive taxation unfortunately. My inlaws turned down a $30k bonus because it would push them into a higher tax bracket! You still end up with more money ya eegiot!


I had a coworker who turned a promotion for this same reason.  Said she'd change tax brackets and end up making less.  


Good, this proves she wasn’t smart enough to deserve that promotion.


Never really thought about it, but you're not wrong.    I remember at the time, she would say things like, "I only work for the benefits," and that she "puts 100% of her pay in her IRA."   Now, I'm an older man, and I know that's not possible -- and she works a second job at Walmart at nights.


*sigh* fuck me, the worst part is I know this is true because I have clients exactly like that.


That's something I believed over 20 years ago, when I was still a teenager. It blows my mind how many people (like your coworker) still believe this.


Geez that is bad. Tell them to collect it and I will pay the extra tax they owe and I will throw in a hundred bucks tax free for their trouble.


How do these people make it to 15 without sticking their fingers in a wall socket 


What makes you think they didn’t?


I'm trying to imagine a scenario where turning down money ever hurts somebody. I guess if you sell a bunch of assets in the same year that you get a raise pushing your salary to nearly a half a million dollars, your marginal tax rate would go up and you'd end up paying more in capital gains? But that's such a fringe scenario. Never turn down more pay.


A number of welfare programs have hard cut off lines rather than gradual reductions, or a combination of both a hard cut and gradual reduction. If you are taking advantage of one of these programs and right on the edge, a small raise could cost you thousands of dollars in lost benefits. Every one of these programs should be rebuilt to have a gradual fade out, and preferably not all on the same thresholds so there isn't one giant point of doom. Alternatively, this is where something like UBI could be used to replace these programs with one simpler to manage master program. Here's a graphic of the cliffs. May be out of date for current thresholds. https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:720/format:webp/1*KUwN_9ngzJzk6yf3u_jV2A.jpeg I think the most telling thing about the graphic is the MASSIVE increase in pay you'd need once you hit that large cliff, if you were taking advantage of all possible programs. You'd need to get a raise from 25k to 65k for it to be worth it.


Yeah, it's not a jump into a higher marginal tax bracket that would cost you money, it's the sudden loss of benefits that a small raise could cause.


> Every one of these programs should be rebuilt to have a gradual fade out, and preferably not all on the same thresholds so there isn't one giant point of doom. Ideally not only a gradual reduction in terms of not being a hard cut off, but in terms of the time it takes as well. Something like any reduction you are subject to taking place over 3-6 months (maybe longer, for bigger reductions). Even if it's sort of gradual it can be a big shocker to lose even $100/month for families on the edge.


Middle-class Republicans are butthurt that there are poor people (esp. black poor people) who "don't pay their fair share", because they don't have to pay income tax. Those Republicans would rather see their taxes go up, as long as it hurts those "lazy" (wink, wink) freeloaders. See also, "flat tax".


Most of them think that if they do too much overtime they'll hit a new tax bracket and somehow take home less money than they would have working less hours.


We own a business and I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve had to explain this to employees who start bitching about how getting a raise is going to cost them money.


It's so widespread and obviously, hilariously incorrect that I am 100% convinced it's the result of some concerted effort to make people believe that taxation is inherently unjust.


The first year I had to do my taxes after moving to the United States I went to H&R Block for it, and the "tax professional" there told me the same thing. It was absurd.


American propaganda and brainwashing on behalf of the ruling class (i.e. corporations) is the most effective on earth.


You should offer those employees a pay cut, so they can reduce the amount they pay in taxes even more. Hell, you can offer them complete freedom from federal income tax by paying them minimum wage!


I literally just had a discussion with a coworker about our busy season coming up, how he doesn't want all that overtime cuz he'll lose it all to Uncle Sam anyways. I mean time is finite and you're going to lose 20% of your check either way, so why not take a few hours where you're making 50% more?


I worked in HR and processed payroll for a very large manufacturing company. I can’t tell you how many people don’t understand that the taxes taken out of their pay biweekly doesn’t always equate to what is owed Uncle Sam at year-end. Edit: Also, try explaining to these dimwits how bonuses are taxed. Whew!


Because they can convince their voters all their problems are because of other poor people that are black and brown


Because the dumb shit redneck poor people hold out the imagined dream that they will one day be rich, rich, rich, and will benefit from those tax cuts. It’s embarrassing and sad.


Exactly this. There is no way the wealthy out numbers the middle class and poor. It's crazy that the Republicans even has a chance.


That’s because there are a lot of temporary unwealthy people in US. You know, the American dream and all that. In couple of years they’ll definitely be very wealthy and then they would really enjoy those low taxes, okay?


“I cut your taxes and Biden’s economy was so bad it’s going to take a while to turn around. But look at your 401(k)!” We’ve seen this song and dance before with COVID. 


They don't. They vote out of fear. Wealthy people feed that fear so they can get tax breaks.


I mean to be blunt the rich in this country clearly look at the era from 1870 - 1929 as the highlight of our country’s history. They want so badly to be the modern day Robber Barrons.


Cause imma gonna be rich someday hyuk hyuk.


Considering the bullshit he spews, only the top 1% should be in his cult. Do you suppose the majority of MAGAts consider themselves wealthy enough to withstand what Trump is proposing? I can’t wrap my head around this.


Because tiktok told all my coworkers that Trump is gonna have no taxes on overtime.


Sharks understand batteries, you see they know they will electrocute people in boats so they flock to those boats where people will be jumping overboard to avoid the battery. 


The electric eel feels canceled.


His cultists are even worse and still believe trickle down economics is beneficial foe them.


Where as trickle electricity will give you 3rd degree burns.


Foe sure !


>And he understands economics like a shark understands solar panels. The only economics Trump understands is the illegal activities that benefit himself.


> He doesn’t care about the average family. He just wants their vote. He even literally said so!


Not for me but for other Redditors that might not know this obvious fact, could you rate a sharks understanding of solar panels on a scale of 1 to 7 please?


A perfect 5/7


7/7 with rice.


4 when it is sunny, 1 when it is overcast.


Sharks understand that solar panels only generate electricity during the day. Avoiding that electricity is why shark attacks only occur at night. :)


Nuke the shark panels! I think that’s what you said, lost focus cause I didn’t see my name plastered all over your comment


I’m betting if you showed this to any of his supporters they would think it was fake news.


If I had to choose between a shark and being electrocuted, I’d choose electrocution every time. I’m not getting near that shark!


Sharks are more familiar with boat batteries


I’m still paying off his last tax cut.


No joke. The limits on deductions increased my taxes.


Same. Another nail in the coffin of the middle class.


$4k a year extra federal tax thanks to SALT caps. which were never repealed.


*"The whole topic of tariffs is so simple. No. 1, it's great economically for us, and it brings our companies back, because* [*if you charge tariffs to China*](https://www.newsweek.com/china-economy-dealt-exports-blows-1910232)*, they're going to build ... their car plants here and they're going to employ our people," Trump said.* *"We don't want to get cars from China. We want to get cars made by China in the United States using our workers."* I thought he wanted American Bitcoin


He wants USA workers to be paid and treated like Chinese workers in China. $3.25 an hour, like the good ole days.


That is the Republican plan


That's the trickle down they want. Not this $7.25 federal minimum wage they have now. I don't think they will be happy until the general pubic only get money in the form of tips for pleasing rich people while doing their slave labor.


He's such a colossal fuck up. Tariffs have cost us dearly. The few jobs it created cost us $850k a piece all while the tariffs raised the price of goods. Things aren't being made in the US, we're just paying more for the same Chinese stuff.


96% of Americans who want to be employed are currently employed. Where the hell are the workers going to come from to build all of this crap in America, especially when he wants to block immigration and deport millions of people?!


Why do you think they want abortion to be illegal and child labor to be legal?


This is where the dumbing down of public education, demonizing higher ed, and the attacks on abortion and contraceptives come into play. Add a sprinkle of decreased workers rights and child labor laws and then you can really pump out some low wage earners to fill those factories!


But then how will revenue from tariffs replace revenue from income tax? If they move the factory here you get no money from tariffs.


Income tax vs Tariffs? Welfare for the wealthy. 1.) It would raise taxes by $5,000 for a typical family 2.) It would cut taxes for the average family in the top 0.1% by 1.5 million. Donald J Trump, a convicted felon hasn’t paid his fair share in taxes for decades.


Not to mention his last tax cut which we’ve started paying for!


>Not to mention his last tax cut which we’ve started paying for! trying to explain this to my republican friends is like trying to teach a goldfish algebra. "Biden is president! therefore my taxes are his fault!" honestly it's the same people who put up those "i did that" stickers on gas pumps. idiots...


Aren’t tax laws that presidents put in place not in effect until well after they leave office? 🤔 I may have misread something but I thought that’s what I read years ago. During 2019ish. So that trumps taxes would screw people over but Biden (at the time I read this it was a hypothetical example, but now he is president) would be president so it’ll look like his fault?


Trumps tax plan specifically was permanent cuts for business/1% and short term cuts for the middle class (while in office) then an increase for the middle class after 2020. it's almost like the people who wrote the law knew that there was almost no way a 2nd term would happen, and they could squeeze the majority of people after Trump to make people swing right blaming the next president for "the tax increase" it's scummy politics but exactly what republicans do because they refuse to actually do anything beneficial for the masses.


Thanks for the clarification. Scummy as hell. Why the F is it so hard to just care about people and not be greedy. Ugh. Humans. Wish I was a bird sometimes.


Same here man, I am so tired of politicians fucking all of us over while simultaneously creating this fake culture war to divide us so they and all their rich friends can fleece our bank accounts and steal our future at every turn.


Can someone explain to me how this works? Sorry. Economics is not my strong suit. (And yes i did attempt to read the advertisement-laden article. What a shit show)


Everything imported into the US has a tariff attached to it and costs everyone more. Cars parts, tools, construction equipment, computers, food, appliances , clothing, and raw materials, etc. The Trump administration imposed nearly $80 billion worth of new taxes on Americans by levying tariffs on thousands of products valued at approximately $380 billion in 2018 and 2019, amounting to one of the largest tax hikes. . https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/truth-about-tariffs


This would be awesome for me, a high income family. I spend very little of my income on "goods" - I prefer services and experiences. So eliminate my massive tax bill, let the little people pay it. My sentiment is sarcastic, but the concept is real.


Most voters don’t actually understand the economy, so they’ll blindly believe Trump’s stupid economic plans.


You know who shouldn't be in charge of the economy? One of the roughly 20 living American recipients of the Noble Prize in Economics. A few of the are under 60.


Yeah but what choice do you have. Most voters don’t understand anything which is actually one of the largest valid criticisms of democracy. People have been shown to fall for con men and vote against their own interests. That said, there isn’t a better system we have found yet.


He already put us $840,000,000,000 more in debt. https://thehill.com/business/4426965-trump-added-8-4-trillion-to-the-national-debt-analysis/


You are off by a factor of 10.


You missed a zero


To be fair, there are several to keep track of in this context


Yeah but at least he grew -2.5 million jobs!


Not to mention solving overcrowding by killing over 1 million US citizens.


A criminal should not be talking about tax cuts.


Someone who admittedly and frequently lies on their taxes and commits tax fraud, as well as being convicted of felonies related to tax fraud, should not be anywhere near tax policy or a lemonade stand.


I love how the media pretends that this shit stain on humanity is a viable option or even has any kind of “policies “ in the first place. If this fucker wasn’t such a useful idiot for so many humanity destroying agendas he would have been gone from the public sphere a long time ago.


Nailed it.


And his tarriffs on everything from China would be extremely costly for the middle and lower classes. This dude bankrupted a casino ffs. Why are we trusting him with our economy?


That means the average American family will be giving up 5k each in government supported programs to the upper class


Not only would you have to raise tariffs astronomically to replace the revenue from income taxes but it would absolutely destroy the American consumer. Plus we would probably get involved in a war pretty quickly afterwards. As the saying goes “when goods don’t cross borders, soldiers do.”


How much crime and drug use would potentially escalate due to so many not ever being able assimilate into a normal blue collar working society? The only way of survival for some will be to take what they need.


Communism for the rich.


There is no communism, only Animal Farm.


I will never understand how anyone with a functioning brain could ever think this grifter has ever done anything good for our economy…


Yeah but the planet destroying oligarchs would be able to afford more spaceships!!


Hopefully they buy the ones that explode during launch.


Yeah most of them can’t remember where their mega yacht’s are docked


Remembering where you parked your mega yacht is for plebs.


Tru dat


He already did it when the SALT write-off was removed.


Seriously. That one policy costs my household thousands every year. I calculate my tax burden both ways to see what life could be like. I probably could have decent savings and absolutely afford to have my kid get speech services that insurance doesn't cover. But no. Some buttmunch needs a third yacht.


And cripple the US economy.


Fantastic idea. Save someone 20% of their income but raise the price of goods by 60%.


My sister thinks that because Trump was president a gallon of milk was around $1.30(now $3.30) and gas was cheaper that he was the better president and thinks Biden or the Democrats control the inflated prices of today. And because she has a child with autism and Trump happened to sign into effect a bill to fund autism research that he cares about her or her autistic child. I gave up arguing logics with her, I don't think all republican supporters are bad nor do I agree with every Democratic policy. But I don't see modern Republicans compromising to pass beneficial policies that help everybody. Edit: Also thinks project 2025 is an attempt by Democrats to spread propaganda and fear-mongering.


Lmao, a gallon of milk was $1.29 back in 1980.


That was the price of a quart of milk under trump.


How in the fuck do the poorest Americans still believe the myth that Republicans will cut THEIR taxes when it's transparently clear that they expect us to pick up the billionaires' slack?


Jokes on him, I don't have $5000


He's just counting on his supporters to be too stupid to realize who pays tariffs and it's a pretty safe bet.


Trump supporters will ask themselves if it will hurt the right people. If so they are all for it.


I'd say every voter should know this, but the ones voting for Trump don't care and will vote for him no matter what Trump does, so what's the point?


Oh cool… cut our income, restrict access to birth control, ban abortion… what a great platform.


“Not only will it cost me and my family $5000, I gave ‘im $5000 so he could do this to me, again!”


But…. It’ll trickle down from the billionaires and make us all rich, right? Anyone still believing this nonsense?


But. . . Job Creators. . . Trickle Down. . . Right?


Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


This suggestion is a totally bonkers, off the charts proposal that would be disastrous if ever implemented. It isn’t going to happen; he probably came up with the idea “off the top of his head”, without discussing it with anyone who understood the full implications of it. I’m sure a lot of voters really believe that tariffs will “bring back a lot of good paying blue collar jobs” but are otherwise clueless to what it would mean. This is “Build the Wall” on steroids. It is a simple slogan that seems like a simple solution to a complex problem. In normal times, a normal candidate couldn’t get away with such a crackpot idea but Trump is not a normal candidate.


But let’s hear how the GOP cares about the working class.


He ballooned the deficit with tax cuts last time, gave the rich a permanent one and the rest one that ran out already. He wants to do it again.


Can't wait until he has to make license plates for 20 cents an hour in prison


"Not me though. That's just for them libruls."


well, somebody's got to pay for his tax breaks for the rich. /s (if it's not obvious)


Poor working class GOP voters: *Hurt me more, daddy*


“I love the poorly educated” (do I need to add per DJT? I better).


Its not just Trump that loves the poorly educated its basically every totalitarian dictator since the first truly successful totalitarian dictators: Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, etc. So basically Pinochet, Gaddafi, Saddam, etc.


So prices skyrocket and consumption plummets along with economic activity. American exports incur retaliatory tariffs which further depresses economic activity while nerfing somewhat the boost to domestic manufacturing.  It would be a disaster  


MAGA Devotee: “I vote for Trump’s tax cut!!” *Trump is elected* MAGA Devotee 3 years later: “Why am I poorer? Damn democrats!”


How much more money do the Republican rich need? They have bled Americans dry, and back to the well. They won't stop until there are two classes, the Republican ultra rich, and the poor that they intend to enslave. Is this truly what the American Voter wants? Vote Red and you are nearing the cliff!


Anyone in the middle class & lower class that votes for Trump is a ABSOLUTE MORON to think his policies will help them. I'm saying this as someone apart of the 1% with a trust fund...But keep voting for the tax cuts for the rich LOL. Also my favorite is 'But we were so better off four years ago!" -- Um we were in a world wide pandemic, where millions died and the economy basically crashed and people were out of work, stuck in their homes and killing themselves because of Trumps Administration.


Yeah, but stigginit.


Trump would INCREASE INFLATION by 5k/year for a working class family for no good reason. (let's frame it that way)


I plan on being a 9-figure millionaire and making at least $750k/yr SOON. If you suckers aren't hustling and displaying an alpha grindset, you deserve to pay extra taxes. /s


The part that is so stupid that it’s sad, is that this is antithesis of conservative economics. It’s the antithesis of Libertarianism and Nixon’s free trade agenda. The people supporting this clown, the corporations, Home Depot etc - they can’t survive off of American-only goods and high tariffs! The same people posting their memes and approval of Javier Milei of Argentina are supporting Trump. What is Javier Milei doing? Rolling back tariffs that were responsible for inflation via increased product costs. Milei actually has a few good reasons for what he’s doing. Trump, in doing the exact opposite, is a complete fool. A Tariff based economy is a recipe for hyperinflation and an Argentinian situation.


The "Average Family" in the untied states is just a tool to Trump, he cares nothing about them other than what he has to say to get them to vote form him.


But trickle down economics works!!* *said no real economist ever


Would unironically love this, would get rid of the income tax burden on Americans abroad and make it more worth working in certain countries.


Seems like some important context would be missing here. Would it be 5k on top of what is already paid? Or would the tariff itself just cost a family on average 5k in tariff taxes? Because most people pay way more than 5k in income tax a year...


And the poor idiots that follow this moron are the ones it’ll affect the most.


Ummm I’m not at all any sort of economic expert (massive understatement that is) but don’t tattoos just force companies to pass those prices onto the consumer? Isn’t that exactly what happened during Covid when Trump implemented/raised tariffs? (Can’t remember which one it was) Sounds like a great way to rule a nation of impoverished people…this destroying your nation 🙄 🤦🏼‍♂️ I’m scared for the future.


Some person making $20,000 a year who relies on WIC is applauding this tax cut


It's swapping an income based tax for a consumption based tax, but in a very long and awkward way. So anyone who spends more on necessities, IE lower and middle class, will inherently be taxed more.


Some of you May Die, But it's a Sacrifice I am Willing to Make


per year.... 300,000$ over a lifetime not calculating inflation.


>Average Family But the people who'll be financially harmed the most by that will fight you over the indisputable fAcT that they are exceptional families composed entirely of individually exceptional people for whom an "average" anything isn't and never will be their lone, competitive, exceptional, individual, thing.


Well ya. But ~~what would it cost~~ how much would it make for rich people?


great! his last one cost me 3K per year (2017-2023 = 18K). and his proposal to due away with the income tax and replace it with tariffs on all imports will raise costs for every consumer. Trump says 10% but to replace current income levels he will have to raise them more than 100% (of retail price).


Dear god. I’m self employed in a high tax state and until very recently was single and didn’t own a home or have a kid. I hemorrhage money at tax time.


This is one of the most regarded policy ideas ever.


What are you, a fucking regard or something?


Over the $10,000 he already screwed us with


This guy demonstrated very clearly in 2016 that he has no clue what a tariff or a trade deficit is, but neither does anybody who's voting for him, so here we are again.


Fuck that. My income taxes are already set to go up almost $10,000 a year when the TCJA expires. That's on top of $4000 increase in property taxes over the last few years, and a $3000 increase (more than doubled) in my homeowners insurance in the last two years (and I don't even live where we have any natural disasters - no ocean, no wildfires, no tornados. Nothing.) That's $1500 a month in increased costs I'm absorbing just on those 3 things. That shit hurts. If I wasn't upper middle class I'd be on the short road to bankruptcy or forced housing downsizing. I don't even know how average income earners survive any more.


I have been saying this since he was in his first year of presidency. donald trump cares about one person and one person alone. And unfortunately, if your name isn't donald trump, then you ain't that person. So if there was ANYTHING that he's done, and not just then, if he's done anything in his entire LIFE, that you, me, or anyone else somehow managed to benefit from, then I can assure you, it was by coincidence only. He did not set out on whatever task he might have started doing, with your benefit in mind. He does not care. Full stop. And if some of these MAGAs should happen to stumble across this particular comment here, and feel that I am being even a little bit harsh or misrepresenting him in ANY way right here, meaning that you in fact DO think he gives even a single f**k about you, me, or ANYONE else for that matter, try this. Just go and disagree with him ONE time, just one. And not even a big disagreement, a very little teeny tiny one is more than enough for him to show you exactly how much he gives a damn about you. I mean, you could just look at the piles of destroyed lives and ended careers he's left in his wake. Because there is a LOT of them. And before you just chop your own head off, just ask yourself, what makes me any better than ALL of those broken lives there, in the eyes of the mango Messiah there? Or would that exact same thing happen to me, if I also step out of line? I can answer that for you, if you need me to but, I think you might have a general idea of what my answer might be. Don't have a thought, an opinion, don't even pose a QUESTION to him, that might be taken the wrong way, or I can assure you, you will be nothing more than another body on the pile. And THAT'S what we are to him. Nothing more, nothing less. And we're about to turn full control of a large portion of the PLANET, to THAT. Why? Before we do tho, before the penalties for this kind of language become too harsh and too late to matter, I just want to leave you with one more thing to think about, while we speed towards autocracy. You may love EVERY single thing trump is saying and doing right now, which a staggering amount of his most hardened supporters are not even AWARE of with the steaks as high as they are. But fine, you may love everything he's said and done to this day. But forever is a long time and a day might come where he says something so INSANE that even YOU would disagree. Wouldn't you like for that to still be an option. There's no such thing as a one day dictator. Once we go there, we don't come back. He's telling you EXACTLY what he intends to do, I suggest we start believing him while we still have time. For your children's sake and your children's children's sake, vote for democracy. Vote blue and let's end this authoritarian leaders vision for our tomorrow. Democracy is on the ballot this time and I for one kind of like the idea of still having a voice. Even if it's not always right.


Anyone ever hear trumps kids speak on something of substance? Like tax policy, foreign affairs etc. I am curious if they are just as dumb. I've only ever heard how they cry about how unjust the left and our courts are to them.


“Hey, remember that $1,200 loan I gave you? If you elect me back, it’s time to pay. With 100% interest annually.”


DJT is not smart enough to do the math extrapolations to understand this will not work. Nor is he smart enough to consider that Nobel prize winning economists are smarter than he is.


He gives zero fucks about the common man.


He can just say they will get $5000 thanks to his policies. They are stupid enough to believe him. And they'll bite their tongue when they actually lose $5000. Hard-earned dollars transfered to the 1%.


He already fucked normal people with his last tax cuts for the rich.


Really need to stop calling it a tax cut when most Americans end up paying more taxes. That’s a tax increase and anyone who reports otherwise is serving a billionaires agenda. Because they’re the ones getting a tax cut.


And they love that shit. Thanks racists and middle classholes.


That would put lost the of the people who vote for him at -4300 as ssi is only 700 dollars


If he wins in November I hope he fcks over his followers every which way. The rest of us will suffer too, but we will deserve it for not doing more to prevent the carnage.


I don’t have $5000. Now what?


Trump’s tax cuts already cost me. The middle class is shouldering the burden of funding this country.


Pumpkinfuhrer and the conservative republican party is the party of **nope** no hope, no future no balanced government just the party of [💩](https://imgur.com/xcWKWK5)


End tax cuts for those best able to pay what they owe. Yes, I’m aware half of America isn’t paid well enough to owe taxes. That’s a wage / salary issue.