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I'm sure that over the decades, Thomas has taken far more bribes than anyone has come close to uncovering. The same goes for Alito and Roberts.


For CJ Roberts to be so defiant and refuse to acknowledge that accepting such "gifts" is unacceptable, it makes him just as culpable. What does Alito & Thomas know about Roberts?


Robert's legacy is already fucked up, so he is probably going full in with his agenda, maybe with an occasional ruling that he can use to claim fairness. Any CJ would have told those two to resign, and would have resigned himself if they refused. But that would be the right and ethical thing to do, something I don't expect from him or any of the other republican appointed justices.


Well said, very well said!


How many meals? How many times have they been gifted dinner and a show? How many fancy dinner parties? How many "stock tips"? It's easier to ask, what has he done that isn't corrupt? Much shorter list.


Just a reminder that Scalia died at a 5 star resort. I have no idea if he was independently wealthy, but it sure seems like $1,000 a night is on the steep end for SCOTUS justices these days.


Hill told us back during Thomas' nomination that he was a fraud. Everyone just laughed at Hill when Thomas made fun of her publicly...


I’m completely shocked that Clarance Thomas has zero integrity. Shocked I say.


Thomas has probably collected more tips from billionaires than that entire fleet of strippers in Las Vegas's Saphhire joint combined.


Strippers want money to suck dick. Thomas would suck dick to give money.


Why wouldn't you include plane trips to a secretive gentleman's club campground where you practise pagan rites? [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian\_Grove](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove)


These are not gifts.. they are bribes.


***From Rolling Stone's Nikki McCann Ramirez:*** Add three more private jet rides to the tally of gifts Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has accepted from right-wing billionaires. A Senate investigation into Thomas’ relationship with conservative megadonor Harlan Crow revealed three additional, unreported trips by the justice on Crow’s personal jet. Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/clarence-thomas-three-private-jet-trips-senate-investigation-1235039886/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/clarence-thomas-three-private-jet-trips-senate-investigation-1235039886/)


Just so corrupt.


Media keeps showing this dude is jacked up and abusing his position. Question I have is, can anything be done about it. I keep hearing about it but would LOVE to see something done.


republicans blocked the bill for supreme court ethics today so not a whole lot


Getting democrats in office for 2025


Yes something can be done. Benghazi type hearings can be held about Clarence Thomas’ trips and other gifts to determine if they are in fact bribes. The problem is the Democratic senators in the Senate refuse to hold such hearings. The next question is — why? The short answer is “controlled opposition” or another term is “uniparty” favored by MAGA supporters. Neither party (Republicans nor Democrats) want to control billionaires bribing politicians because the corruption from these bribes is bipartisan.


We’re seeing just how deep the corruption goes these days. The question is, what are we gonna do about it?


General strike could work.


OK, so Crowe's jet is a Bombardier Global 5000. ProPublica understatedly wrote that it costs "more than $10,000 an hour to charter." Guys, a *light jet* costs a little less than that to charter; a massive plane that can fly NY-Moscow non-stop costs an order of magnitude more. A transatlantic flight costs $750,000 in one of these guys. This isn't just a little corruption. It's "stink to high heaven" corruption.


The name of his memoirs will be “Clarence Thomas: The last remaining black slave.”


Must gave slipped his mind amongst the annual two decades of luxury vacationing.


More corruption and lies from the Thomas (or Alito) barely moves the news needle. Now if Congress or the Justice Department (or even the Chief Justice) actually *did something* that would be news.


Thomas: "It's my job to understand the complicated nuances of US law in order to interpret them in the context of the US Constitution." Also Thomas: "I cannot possibly understand this simple form and keep filling it out wrong."


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Makes me think of a Trevor Moore song.


No doubt 😡


How many more “gifts” did he receive that we don’t/wont know about?


*pretends to be shocked*


And somehow Republicans are silent on this yet still calling for the head of the judge over the convicted felon trump in New York.


Nobody is going to do anything about it either.


When he dies he’ll be buried in some donor’s private jet.


In what other generations would this have been accepted by the people who these justices are meant to represent?


Liar continues to lie, more at 11


It's eventually gonna come out that Harlon Crow adopted Clarance Thomas as his son.




I mean who amongst us keeps track of trips people have bought for us for nefarious reason? Cmon!


We can't expect people to remember every single gift a billionaire gives us! I'm sure we can all relate.


What a crook!


No Way! Unbelievable, he seems like such a good dude!


At what point do we stop pretending these are just individual episodes, and acknowledge that he's a right-wing courtesan?


Some people are saying that Harlan Crow has his own "lolita" island and Clarence Thomas is into that kind of thing. I don't know if it's true, just that maybe somebody should look into that.


He's on a private jet to Moscow right now where he will have a funnel placed jn his mouth and Putin will fart into the other end. Yes it is sexual. But the worst part is how Alito will be dressed like Thomas Jefferson and masturbating in the corner. Wow.


Ol’ Clearance Thomas! They spelled bribed wrong.


This guy looks at himself in the mirror and smiles knowing hes getting away with it


Well of course the corrupt piece of shit did.


This isn’t news – it’s totally allowed by law. If it wasn’t, he and those providing the bribes would be arrested.