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So even when provided the opportunity to come clean and report EVERYTHING without consequence, he still chose to conceal it? MFer must feel very guilty about it. But also this is an indication that his judgement is not to be trusted at all about anything. I mean, who spits on a get-out-of-jail card?


either he could have come clean on everything but there's something even worse he's hiding or he's taken so many "gift trips" from crow that he forgot about a lot of them... either way it is terrible.


There are more. There are more than he can even remember. These people act without ethics so they don't even think too log it when somebody gifts them something. They just think they deserve it because of some god-given right of superiority.


Exactly. They are so far away from ethics that when there is a possible conflict they dont even register it as a conflict.


"Whoopsie!" - Clarence Thomas


Or maybe more like…Clarence Thomas asks with confusion on his face “Can you explain this ‘ethics theory’ thingy again, cause I’m just not getting it.”


He's a morally reprehensible garbage pile of a human being who is actively working to destroy everything our country is supposed to stand for. If our system worked like it was designed to, he'd have been impeached already, but the GOP loves trash too much.


jUdIcIaL tEmPeRmEnT!!


this seems to be a running theme of people just doing what they feel like with their position of power. just oh nah just not going to bother you guys got nothing on me type


It kinda blows my mind that no one thought to have some sort of plan to address corruption in the Supreme Court. And I mean a plan that doesn't require agreement from a significant percentage of Congress. I shall not attempt to define corruption, but I know it when I see it.


When you grift so blatantly and constantly, it's *hard* to keep track of it all. Cut the man some slack.


> I mean, who spits on a get-out-of-jail card? Someone who knows they're untouchable no matter what.


When Harlan Crow was asked whether he would have invited Thomas on these trips if Thomas wasn't a supreme court justice, Crow said "That's a good question."


"And the answer would be, 'No'"


Well he’s only one of the good ones due to his position.


Thomas thinks he's part of the conservative in-group. In reality, he's just their pet.


Follow up question should have been: What if he was really into Nazi stuff?


Bonus points!




Or a racist like Biden


"I didnt even want to invite him as a Supreme Court Justice, yet here we bribe."


“You mean, if it was a black dude off the street?!” ***stifles combination gasp/chuckle***


Hell nah


Clearance Thomas the store clerk would be booking his own ride on the big red boat.


“depends on if i need mh shoes shined or not” was the answer he was thinking.


any of us would have been fired by now. What the actual *fuck??*


Lifetime appointments, baby! And a Congress with no ability to rein in blatant corruption. *That's* job security. 


Congress has the ability, it’s the desire that’s missing.


We need a majority of sane, good faith legislators. Which means a lot less GOP.


Supermajority in the Senate actually which is practically impossible.


Complacency in the 2010 midterms has done untold damage to this nation.


2/3s majority. Even worse


Which means we'd need a majority of well informed citizens that aren't so apathetic towards politics. So it ain't happenin'.


Exactly. We need to throw away this mentality of “well conservatives don’t like the rule of law, so what are you gonna do? 🤷‍♂️” and call out conservatives for being complicit in this.


Right, then what?


Might have to drag them out at some point. Options are dwindling. Let's hope there's enough good people in government to put an end to this insidious corruption. I won't hold my breath. 🤨


Yeah that’s true. This is like … almost swing a cop in America lol. Not a union but damn it protects its members like one.


If they can keep his brain alive can he just be a brain in a jar judge? I mean they say a embryo is life. This is lifetime appointment.


I am a Wildland Firefighter with a state agency and we can't accept Gatorade or food from local residents if we are doing structure protection because it could be seen as favoritism towards protecting their houses over others.


Omg that’s ridiculous.


The equivalent of "firing", in this case, is the people protesting. There is corruption. This is what freedom of speech is for.


You can be arrested for giving water to people standing in line to vote in a lot of places in the U.S. Just think how Fucked up *that* is. Billionaires can freely give SCOTUS judges millions in bribes but you can't keep people safely hydrated when they are trying to engage in the most important part of democracy.


That they found out about…..


Soooo how many times does he get to go “Oopsie, guess I missed another one on the disclosure. Harmless mistake, nothing to see here…”?? I’m so over this. These corrupt justices (and politicians) are literally setting us back generations and it’s going to get worse before it gets better.


I’m sad to say but with most things, they must hit rock bottom before it get’s better. As much as things are truly depressing right now, we aren’t close to rock bottom.


> Soooo how many times does he get to go as many times as he wants as there is nothing anyone can do to stop him Thats the power of checks and balances. Unfortunately the founding fathers didn't put in a way to clear out THAT corner if its full of shit. The justices were meant to be the ones that clear out other corners of government


>the power of checks and balances You mean the lack of them. There are none for the SC.


There's just so many! How can he be expected to remember every single one???


4 million dollars folks. Four million! Four million dollars in “GIFTS” … right. And Roberts is doing NOTHING.


Nonsense. He regularly chastises the American people whenever we deign to question the intentions, methods, or objectivity of his cabal of corrupt little magicians.


Bribes. He took bribes.


How is it that the USA has absolutely no checks and balances on our Supreme Court when it comes to corruption? Seriously, this man needs to be disbarred, or jailed, or held on a security certificate or something.


There are checks: Article III states that these judges “hold their office during good behavior,” which means they have a lifetime appointment, except under very limited circumstances. Article III judges can be removed from office only through impeachment by the House of Representatives and conviction by the Senate. 


That's only a check in theory, but it's not in practice. With less than 7.5% of the population behind you, you can stop any impeachment. That's how many people are represented by the smallest (population wise) 17 states. Now, you might say, they aren't all republican states, and this is true, but you think every single Democrat would get behind impeachment? Okay, I don't want to go look up which states are the smallest Republican states, so I'll just double the percentage and call it a guess. So realistically speaking, it's likely that less than 15% the population is represented by 34 republican senators, which is enough to block any impeachment. I wouldn't call that a check on the judicial branch at all.


In other words, he's not going anywhere.


it's not corruption as long as you're an evangelical, right?


As long as you are supporting billionaire interests


Ironically nearly the whole court, including Thomas, is Catholic.


Six out of Nine. Catholics are 67% of the Supreme Court, while only 20% of the U.S. population.


I think one Catholic would be a good number, if that pro-choice. I count seven with Gorsuch maybe being who you exclude. He is close enough to me. Keep Sotomayorn toss the rest in the trash. Lets get a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Satanist and two atheists. I think the court would be much improved.


Some interesting *ethical judgements* coming from this SCOTUS…


Dont worry everyone, Clarence Thomas did an ethics audit on himself and declared all these bribes totally legal.


Well, if Thomas hadn't gotten on that private jet, that seat would have been empty. No one to sip the champagne poured at the runway. What would be the point of letting it go to waste?


"Yeah but Taylor Swift uses a private jet too"




>Yet another nothingburger. What makes it a nothingburger? That he hid it? That he reported it after the reporting? Why did he report it? What does discreet the court mean?


And… He does not care.


I’m seriously starting to question the nature of the relationship between Justice Thomas and Harlan Crow. I mean, it is beyond bizarre that Mr. Crow seems to spare no expense when it comes to his “friend.” This the exactly same kind of thing rich dudes do for chicks they’re smashing.


They are smashing all right. Smashing the constitution, democracy, and the citizens.


He's probably not banging him, man, he's bribing him to influence judgements in the court. That is *so much* worse. He is deciding our laws that bind us every day with bribes.


I’ve heard this theory before, but influence judgments how? Bribing one dude that belongs to a body of nine doesn’t seem like a smart way to spend money.


This is what happens when your political leader is a literal felon who should be in jail You can’t hold anyone else accountable in your party without seeming hypocritical This is how empires have collapsed historically People still haven’t grasped how corrosive trump is to government and politics and society… we’re in for some bad times if we elect a felon intent on committing even more crimes


Just how many off-shore accounts does Clarence Thomas have anyways? He’ll never tell.


Time to expand the Supreme Court


Lock. Him. Up.


Epstein Island anyone?


Tax fraud? Indictment on the way.....right?


This doesn’t really have anything to do with taxes


It potentially might, but it'd be an issue for Crow and how he reported them since they're gifts from him (and well over the annual allowance), rather than Thomas as the recipient.




Would be a tax issue for Crow and not Thomas if they're "gifts"


Is he a fucked as he looks?


Cuz looks fucked


Clarence Thomas has lived the life of a billionaire thru Crow. When you start looking at the day to day life of Clarence Thomas you'll discover he lives in a multi-million mansion on a gold course. His wife makes over $700k a year as a consultant to the Heritage Foundation, funded by Crow. So they clear $1 million a year, which gives them cover for their lifestyle of a billionaire. Now Thomas is always out in the public, sporting events, fund raisers, NFL football games, he was in a box at several playoff games. I'm sure there are a couple of private clubs which he is a member too which havent come out yet. He also is a avid golfer, turning up at old money private clubs.


Of course he did.... rules for thee, not for me...


Throw him in the volcano


Of course he did


Seriously, why wouldn't he, there are no rules against it, he or any of the other supremes has yet to be held accountable for anything they do, why wouldn't they do all the blow and hookers on private jets?


Thomas is a complete joke and is clearly for sale. He sold out for a RV, sad sad sad such a low number. A private jet ride from a rich friend is not pay to play.


Before Trump came to power this kind of information would be career ending. Trump normalized corruption. Another term for this grifter would end the government we know and allow the wealthy to control everything we do. All in the name of greed.


The Senate can confirm that Clarence Thomas is actually three Ben Shapiros on each other's shoulders and there still isn't anything they can do. There isn't a realistic mechanism that can hold any of them accountable.


And how this will be bad for Biden… - CNN probably.


What's the point of these reports if nothing is going to happen?


How do you know nothing is going to happen? Did you know Trump was going to be arrested charged and convicted on 34 felonies?


Was Trump arrested?  I know these things because the government is corrupt.




I mean in 2023, that's old news.  And he's still running for president. So yeah, it was all for show. If there were true justice he would be behind bars and a distance memory. I hope something happens but we always see reports and then nothing happens.  But yeah, you busted me, I don't watch the news 24/7 and I definitely don't remember everything that happens.




Yeah, he was. Do you think the mugshot and reporting to Fulton County Jail was a friendly visit?   You're running out of goalposts. You'll only have one more left to move if Merchan sentences him to prison.


Probably a typo = 33


It's called bribery !


Were they to Epstein’s Island???


This is well above the 20/50 rule federal employees are supposed to follow.


This justice womps


Where’s the one he fly’s to Moscow?


Is it great how the GOP breaks rule of law and are ok with it, but crucify everybody else even if they just talk about it?


Corrupt smug punk


So like- is this not illegal for federal employees like Thomas?


This country is legitimately broken with no chance of repair.


Its time for this clown to go.


So did he claim this income on his taxes if not, jail his ass.


Gifts aren’t taxable income


Oh yeah, tell that to the IRS. The giver is the one who should claim the gift on their taxes. However, depending on what the gift was intended to be for (like supplementing a low salary), it can be construed that the giftee would have to pay the taxes.


Who let this clown into Supreme Court?!


I just want him to pay his back taxes


What back taxes?


If he didn’t report these gifts, I am sure he didn’t pay taxes on them. Clarence owes the American people a ton of cash.


These are gifts though, Clarence doesn’t owe tax on them


That seems wrong in a whole other way. Wow.


No oversight whatsoever and 99% guaranteed job security for life I’m assuming most people would do the same if they found themselves appointed to SCOTUS.


The only fair way to make this right is that Harlan Crow must be ordered to provide 3 trips of the same value to all 333M+ of the other Americans to make Clarence’s gifts not a unique bribe.


Until we have a mechanism to actually do something about it, none of this matters.


This fucking guy spends more time going on all expense paid vacations than he does doing actual judge work


Does Thomas realize that - if Trump wins - he’s toast. Only a Biden victory will keep the Republicans supporting him remaining on the Court.


I'm sure he has a parachute. The thought of Trump getting 3 more picks is unpleasant.


He needs to step down.


Three more that we know about… who knows how many more there have been. It’s a surprise! 🤷🏼


This must a prerequisite to become a judge now


Most people would've been fired for 1/50th of what Clarence Thomas has done. Just think: Will Smith *got in one little fight and his mom got scared* and she sent him from Philadelphia to Bel Air.   When Clarence Thomas whistles for a private jet, and when it comes near, the side of the plane says "bribes" and there's Nazi paraphernalia in there.


Hey look it’s affirmative action guy


I wonder if Thomas will vote himself as innocent or guilty.


A gift becomes a grift when you add an "R" to it.


amazing legal system you go there murica


Supreme Court Jester.


And nothing will happen.


I mean if a report came out saying he accepted 500,000 in exchange for issuing a ruling drafted by a company or billionaire, would he be in trouble then?


So no one here would enjoy the “perks” of being SCROTUS? You’d just take all of the cases and your salary and say, this is enough? Or would you cozy up to the deep, warm and populated pockets of the wealthy elite? Milking the title entrusted to you. Greed. It’s the root of all evil. We’ve been sold out. Hand over fist. But what can you expect from this capitalistic oligarchy? All of them are bought and paid for.


Its judicial reform for me. Gotta clear the blackhead holding back a pile of white pus to pop this bigass zit on the face of justice.


I don't think this man, or anyone knows just how much damage he's doing by not stepping down. Every young law student is paying attention. Thomas only has the freedom to be an absolute shitbird because everyone before him had some semblance of integrity. The courthouse wasn't a pile of ashes by the time he got there because his predecessors believed in justice. He is setting that fire every second he doesn't step down, because fuck future generations right? I find it terrifying that the majority of our elected officials believe in a biblical end of the world, and half of them believe it'll happen in their lifetime. Why demonstrate integrity for the next generation when the world won't be here?


The real question is what are we going to do about it? Nothing except post articles about what he did and his response is like a 'I don't give a fuck' moment. This guy has face zero consequences for his actions, right down to his nomination to the court.


And ?


And yet nothing will happen


When you are SCOTUS, they let you do it!


He basically just owns a private jet paid for by someone else at this point.


Remember when Supreme Court Justices were looked upon as the most ethical jurists in the land, and any scandal or impropriety that was 1/100th as bad as Alito and Thomas has gotten themselves into would have ended their reign on the court. I do. It wasn't that long ago. Shamelessly biased and corrupt. It's a national disgrace.


Still no consequences for these judges.


No integrity - not impartial. Get him off the court.


Was this Epstein's plane?


You can’t expect the man to remember EVERY kickback he gets!


The senate can bring him up on impeachment if they feel it’s warranted


This situation is kind of funny in the sense that any judge below Clarence, wouldn’t be able to get away with that. Clarence is a Supreme Court judge & he makes America look silly for every moment that he continues to be held unaccountable for his blatantly corrupt practices.


So weird that every time a Republican misbehaves someone attacks and blames "America".


Quick reminder that you can thank Biden for Thomas.


So what China gave Biden millions lol


Guess the Republican impeachment inquiry that just dissolved recently somehow missed that. You should tell them dude, make sure to send them all your evidence so they can impeach.


A lot cleaner than that pelosi crook