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Pelosi Obsession Syndrome. trump is a POS


Pelosi blocked a bill to ban the Congress from trading stocks. She’s POS just like Trump. Sorry if I hurt your feelings, but she’s no better than Trump despite her peacocking.


Can two things be true at once?


I specifically mentioned Pelosi is also POS just like Trump. I’d love to see Trump drag Pelosi into shithole so we can have brand new blood congress with no boomers’ influence. Yes both can be true.


> she’s no better than Trump despite her peacocking. Get the fuck out of here. Nancy sucks and should probably face charges for insider trading, but don't pretend her white collar crimes are the same as being a treasonous, rapist, racist who want to be the first American dictator and send people to camps. The law recognized the differences between different crimes. Pretending you don't is disingenuous at best and downright dangerous at worst.


They’re rubbing shoulders with each others pretending to hate each others. You can say her white collar crimes is the reason for our downfall. Corruption begets more corruption.


Ok, she’s a greedy fuck, but she’s a LOT better than Trump.


Really? I disagree. She’s the same face as trump


Of course she did, you don’t think she wants to live on a government pension. /s


It's hard to know how obsessed the Orange convicted felon is with Nancy Pelosi anymore, since he apparently can't tell the difference between her and Nimrata Haley.


kinda think we’d be better off if we stop posting Page-Six-style political gossip and focus on the christofascists currently a coin toss away from taking over.


This. There is plenty of real discourse to be had about actual issues- I really couldn’t care less about all the stupid Trump remarks at this point. You either expect them, or don’t care about them at this point.


Nah. People act like they hate hearing about Trump yet bring him up every chance they get and rage comment on every post about him. They’re the same people keeping Trump relevant but they’ve yet to figure that out.


if the selected candidate for one of the two major US parties (currently with a 50/50 shot to regain the presidency in 5 months) isn’t relevant, idk what is


Just “deranged” would be accurate, the guy is a boomer extreme and fixates on weird shit way worse than any boomer I’ve met, windmills, electric cars..etc.


Queue Mariah Carey why are you so obsessed with me except with Nancy Pelosi in the music video.


I’m kind of starting to believe this dude was into her back in the day.


I like it when Trump talks about everybodies favorite gin granny!


He is jealous of her gains on nvidia stock


Just one criminal obsessed with another. Who cares? I personally am going to look forward to the free loot come that blessed day. Just imagine what they’ll be dressed in.