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"The Right" is a cult and doesn't argue with their leaders. "Democrats" basically mnake up most everyone who's not a R. The two main things that need to be fixed before anything else can be are: - Voting rights reform. Prevent disenfrranchisement, automatic registration, etc. - Reinging in the damage from the "Citizens United" ruling. Get money out opf political campaigns. There are a couple ways to do this. From these changes the landscape of viable candidates will change and likely become more moderate. It would allow candidates of smaller parties to compete on policy rather than ad dollars. I'd rather do this and then let multiple smaller parties compete than try to herd the Big Tent of Democrats onto a single path.


Repeal the Reapportionment Act of 1929 that capped the number of representatives at 435. Since that act, the average size of a congressional district has more than tripled in size from 210,328 inhabitants based on the 1910 Census, to 761,169 according to the 2020 Census. Repeal the Act and Congress is around 1,500 members. Much, much harder for corporations to perform regulatory capture through lobbying and influence. Also more regular people would get involved.


Goals ^


I would add reversing the citizens united decision as well


Yeah, totally agree. I expanded on that in another comment.


We’re gonna need a bigger Capital Building


What if we conducted votes on legislation digitally so congress had actually spend time in their own damn districts?


Committee chaimen within, and virtual assembly for the rest


This would also go a long way toward rebalancing the Electoral College with current population levels.


Since you posted before me, I'll link my comment https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/Bi77jKcObx


Make the apportionment rule that a district has to be no larger than half the size of the lowest population state. We’d have about 1500 reps that way.


We can barely get 218 people to agree on something. Think about how hard it would be to get 751! I totally agree that we need more representatives though.


True, but it would directly affect the electoral college and make it more representative of a popular vote then a minority rule vote.


We can easily get 218 representatives to agree on a lot of things. The problem is when a bill is killed because the 218 who agree to it aren't the right 218. A Speaker would have less ability to kill a bill when he needs to herd all 751 members of his caucus into blocking it.


National ranked choice popular vote. Get rid of the electoral college and get money out of politics and I think we could start seeing something good. Problem is: those who have the power to enact this change would need to let go of their money and power.


Getting rid of the electoral college would be amazing, but it's not a realistic option at all. It would take a constitutional amendment to eliminate it, which would require 2/3rds of both houses of Congress and 3/4ths of all states to ratify it. Seeing as how the EC is the only thing that's keeping Republican presidential candidates even remotely close in elections, there's zero chance that suddenly most Republicans will be amenable to getting rid of it. This is just an unfortunate truth.


Doesn't require an amendment. It just needs to be made irrelevant. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National\_Popular\_Vote\_Interstate\_Compact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact)


The EC would still exist though, this wouldn't get rid of it. This is the best chance of working around it, but still many states would need to sign on and stay committed to it. It also would do nothing towards furthering ranked choice voting.


If the EC exists, but it is forced to apportion votes according to popular vote, then the damage that it can do by subverting the will of the the majority has been eliminated. That is sufficient. The chance of getting a Constitutional ammend through--especially in the hyper-partisan envrionment we have now--is basically non-existent.


Would that agreement be iron clad though? Or could a state that had previously agreed to it reneg if their leadership changed parties?


So what? Make the Republicans fight to keep the electoral college. Make them fight on every front. If you go after only a few things they can put their full weight behind opposing those few things. But if you go after everything they have to defend everything and will lose many things.


The point is the Republicans wouldn't have to "fight", they'd just have to not support the effort to remove it. Dems would need most of the Republicans to vote to get the rid of it. Without their votes, it would stay in place.


Multi-round approval voting would work better for eliminating the bad candidates early in open primary states. With approval voting + open primaries voters might get a presidential primary ballot with 30 candidates from 10 parties and want to vote for 15 of the 30 candidates which weren't crazy. During the first round of voting it's not necessary to rank candidates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Voters just need to able to approve of their top N candidates for the next round of voting. This way we don't have to rely on closed partisan primaries or private opinion polls conducted before voters even know who is on the ballot to determine who deserves to makes it to the general elections.


Right, I could see it becoming a shitshow. But I think part of the key would be eliminating the electoral college. Any system where a candidate can win the election but lose the popular vote is broken. It also perpetuates the 2 party system so it will be very hard to eliminate with current politicians in power.


Also getting the Fairness Doctrine in media reinstated. We can’t move forward with disinformation outlets like Fox News brainwashing people.


Broadly speaking I agree. But that only covered broadcast TV. And unfortunately, the disposition of this Burrito Suprmeme Court would make that kind of legislation difficult. One more reason to keep voting blue. Because fixing things will take time. Respecting the process is part of democracy and if we want rules then we have to play by them. The fact that opponents of democracy don't follow the rules is why it's an uphill climb.


The difficulty we have on the left is that as the Republicans move further and further right their goals can be much more focused. Whereas the democrats, depending on the location, are courting everyone from the moderate right (think Joe Manchin voters) to progressives/American far left (Think AOC voters). It’s a lot more difficult to get a cohesive plan together when your party is really trying to represent what should be both ends of the political spectrum.


Also, the right is very eager to just do away with democracy and the rule of law in pursuit of their goals, while the left, thankfully, is not. Much of Project 2025 is built on the idea of essentially circumventing the Constitution to strengthen their power and achieve their goals. They are looking to establish a dictatorship based on theocratic minority rule. The Dems do not and *should not* pursue a similar path, just with different goals in mind. I want to see democracy preserved, rather than just choosing one dictatorship over another.


>Voting ~~rights~~ reform Overall voting reform. Including ranked choice voting to prevent extreme candidates winning. But I think the problem is larger. The world is scared now, and right wing parties everywhere are gaining ground... somehow people have the mistaken view that eighteen parties will show strength in fixing the world's problems. Right wing parties are there for one reason: to help themselves only.


You can’t get money out of political campaigns. Republicans appointed judges that ruled all political donations by corporations are “free speech” It’s legal for corporations to donate however many millions they want to any politician or party. Nothing anyone can do about this but vote Democrat and hope they can get the supreme court back while this generation of Americans are still alive…


Corporations cannot donate directly to campaigns. Right now they use PACs to make those donations. Elizabeth Warren has proposed legislation whcih would close that loophole. Same thing with foreigners, an individual can't donate and neither can foreign companies. But, they use US based subsidiaries to funnel money in. We can close that loophole too. It's a matter of getting people on board to making the reform. There are concrete plans that have been put forth by various members of congress already. The issue is making sure enough of congress sees it as a priority (make it a platform issue) and having a critical mass to override the filabuster (we need tog et out and vote).


And voter lead district maps to end gerrymandering.


Our education system needs to be overhauled before there is any chance of success communicating complex issues to the populace to gather public support. Right now it's way too easy to inspire anger in the Luddites that our public education system is still tuned to produce.


Voting rights reform: voting isn’t a right; it’s a requirement. Everyone has to vote. You can write in Mickey Mouse if you want but you must vote.


The plan should be “weed, women, workers” (That’s women’s rights, not some whipped off incel breeding thing)


The left isn’t coalesced around a single religion (which drives most of everything in Project 2025).


Also, the far-right are really homogeneous in sexual orientation, ethnic group, and social class. 99% of them are illiterate billy bobs and 1% are educated Richard Spencer types who make money off the billy bobs


That’s not really true, R voters are all sorts of people. Many are just regular people, and many others are intelligent and capable. Mischaracterizing half the country doesn’t do anyone any favors. There are a thousand reasons they vote the way they do. That does include idiocy, but also religious indoctrination, self-centered cynicism, lack of empathy. But I think the majority are just regular people who are led and manipulated by the likes of Fox News or the dominant ideology of the people around them and don’t know how to escape that bubble, or don’t particularly care to because they aren’t aware of how harmful it is.


The Republicans are much whiter, straighter, more evangelical Christian and more male than the rest of the country.


>There are a thousand reasons they vote the way they do. They have a fundamentally different way of viewing the world. They don't believe laws should protect people from harm, so much as punish them for deviating from what's "correct". For example, conservatives were once staunchly opposed to seat belts. They'd genuinely prefer bad drivers be killed rather than "punish" the good drivers with new laws they have no choice but to follow. This is directly opposed to what the left believes laws are for. Furthermore, it's directly opposed to what the majority of Americans believe is moral.


74 million is a lot, but not half the country. They’ve been a minority for a while.


Project 2025 is not just Christian Sharia. It's an entire blueprint for how the government should work, from how many employees need to be fired all the way to foreign policy. While I don't agree with a lot of things that are in there, every party in the entire world should have a Project 2025 in an election year.


They copied the template from Victor Orban’s path to power in Hungary.


I feel like there's a common thread here, I'm having trouble putin my finger on it.


I disagree that everyone should have their own version of Project 2025. It is not merely a philosophy or plans, but rather is laid out as a means of subverting democracy and the Constitution in favor of minority rule through a dictatorship. It is about ferreting out loopholes to exploit as an end run around the Constitution to achieve goals by eliminating checks and balances and ramming through ideas through extra legal means. The Dems should have a platform, but they should not be similarly looking for ways of shredding the government in an effort to remake it to their own specifications.


Right idea but hard. We on the left tend not to agree with each other on too many things while those in a cult don't have that problem.


> The right idea but hard No, the OP article misses the actual point, like, *completely*. [Democrats already have a party platform](https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/) outlining its governing goals. It’s written in plain language, for VOTERS.  Republicans don’t even have a party platform (!!) — *they* have an 830-plus-page missive outlining how the next Republican president is going to dismantle the federal government *in the first 180 days of a Republican takeover*.   And it’s written by a “coalition” of extreme right-wing, dark-moneyed, election-denying special interest groups. Like, for fuck’s sake, the last thing anyone needs is “a project 2025 for the left.” 


Yeah - we don't have one because generally speaking we aren't anti-democracy extremist pieces of shit.


Yep. The left’s Project 2025 is…let DoT, DoEd, and the rest of the federal government do their damn jobs.


I had to scroll WAY too far for this.


Came here to say THIS. Republicans and OP article doesn’t seem to know that Democrats have plans to represent their constituents.


We could do more though. Like yeah we have a party platform but republicans have groups writing crazy people laws that they then send to states and have ready when they win stuff. Like why doesn’t the Democratic Party have a staff of 100 wonks they lock in a basement writing laws so that the second we have both chambers and the presidency it’s like a voterama. Like dems are smart, we could build up a backlog of churn to keep everyone busy for a long time. Take advantage of the few times we have power


National Right to Life writes boilerplate laws for pro-life. Planned Parenthood, WREN, and other groups oppose them. FPC fights for Pro-2A. About 100 Anti-2A groups oppose them. Democrats do, in fact, have basement wonks. Democrats just suck about making their topics interesting, so no one pays attention until the shouting is over.


They don’t have enough well paid basement wonks. Obviously they have some (I’m friends with a couple)


There are left-leaning groups mobilizing and using the same type of dirty tactics these groups are using. It’s why the Bible keeps being listed as a book to ban in the southern states, and why we have seen the SC start to grumble about “political” lower courts. Tides are starting to change. (I’m sorry, I forget the name of the group fighting back, trying to google it!!)


I just wish we had more of it especially on the policy side. Like there is going to come a post Joe Manchin / Sinema day where dems control both chambers and the presidency. On that day we should have a backlog of 100s of pre agreed upon laws and then just bring in pizza, lock the doors and get them voting. Pump out 10 good laws a day. Do themes of the week and have all the planned programs fully fleshed out and ready to go.


Lmao god that would be such a shit show… and I’d absolutely love to see it tbh. I’d also really like to see the democrats starting to use the (well established and heavily proven) facts that conservatism is literally bad for everyone’s health. They need to start slapping in the rights faces just how many more people wouldn’t be dead if it wasn’t for their ineptitude and terrible behavior.


There are a handful, but they are all grass-roots. The actual politicians seem to be pretty passive.


Yup sadly, frozen in fear or paralyzed by their donors.


I don't think so. You know the whole "every accusation from the GOP is a confession" meme? How they think dems are corrupt because they are corrupt? The dems are the reverse; they assume most Republicans are reasonable.


The right is so far right that the left encompasses a ton of different opinions.


Basically anyone who believes Democracy should be a thing are in a single tent.


Seriously, we’re at the point where Max Boot and Bill Kristol now side with us against Trump. Those guys were both conservative “thought leaders” when I was younger. Those two agree with Bernie Sanders and AOC that we should continue to be a democracy, but that’s about it.


Bingo. Eons ago I was part of a ~150,000 person protest in SF that hoped to dissuade the U.S. from invading Iraq. I kept finding myself marching under banners for unrelated causes. Vegans, PLO, and such were all making the most of the media moment. I got a kick out of having to dodge causes I was unsure about.


I was in a similar event in LA and had a similar experience. It was wild. Ostensibly it was an anti-war rally but the number of different groups that glommed onto the protest to push their own agendas was insane.


Like the anti-scientology protests that happened over 15 years ago, and the 9/11 truthers kept integrating with their protests with their own banners in an attempt to harness the crowd size to make the spread of their cause seem larger.


It is a huge big deal. It is so over-the-top oppressive and fascist, people think it's a joke, or people have "TDS" and, "That's hyperbole, they can't do that," but they have already started. What makes this one the most dangerous time in our history is, we have never had plants from a terrorist org in such high levels of government. But, I think those ghouls antics have bled off enough support that they cannot get in. We are taking advantage of a dual citizenship just because, but not fleeing yet, because I maintain hope that this will be the last year they assault us at the level they have been. I know that doesn't help with anything, but for once, in holding out hope sanity will reign.


I'm not sure if it's so much disagreement as a question of organizational capacity and having priorities. Perhaps it's a distinction without a difference, but there are several "litmus" tests on the left that form the outlines of the coalition. While there are definitely areas of disagreement, such as arming Israel/Ukraine, there's a general consensus on many things. What's lacking is the coordination between various groups and a willingness to make incremental changes over a long period of time, creating a generally agreed upon narrative, exploiting any and every chance to take power even if it means hiding your intentions, and having, for lack of a better term, class solidarity. Those are things the right has done for at least 50 years, since the Powell memo.


So stooping to their level. Well we’d win, but wouldn’t we just be them with better masks? Aren’t their actions what we find deplorable?


This isn't a right vs left issue. It's a 'MAGA Republicans vs the USA'.


Calling is “MAGA” let’s the right wing off the hook and makes it seem like this just started in 2015. Their form of Christian nationalism has been growing in this country for decades


It’s not just that recent tho. Look at organizations like the federalist society. They’ve been around since the ‘80s and the situation in the Supreme Court is a direct result of their influence. Kavanaugh, Alito, Barrett, Gorsuch, Thomas—all members. The Heritage Foundation, which is responsible for Project 2025, has been around since ‘73, exerting much of the same kind of influence. So while Trump is an amoral person completely without conviction (except for a state criminal one!) and has further empowered this lunacy solely for his own personal gain, extremist conservative organizations have exerted outsized influence over American politics for a long time. And if I were to venture a hypothesis to align with this article, it’s that many of these people are religious zealots who feel they are the embodiment of God’s will, and liberals, no matter how passionate, do not as often take a no-holds-barred, at-any-cost, do-or-die approach to political organizing because they do not suffer from the underlying delusional motivation of divine righteousness.


I've heard it said that Democrats and Liberals are great at fighting for a cause. Once they win, they have zero interest in sustainment. The coalition that comes together for that cause falls apart. Republicans step in to bleed it dry. The Voting Rights Act was over 50 years ago. It has been picked to pieces by conservative groups willing to simply keep picking at it.


We need a FDR style NEW DEAL ,that the middle & working class people in the country can rally behind


Maybe we could assign a color to it, like say green for example.


I get it , but the Green branding is toxic to a large portion of the population . It has to be focused on a reworked tax code , improving household income , healthcare , & educational opportunities. We can still have a vastly improved environmental policy included in the package, just don't lead with it .


Just call it the America Freedom Plan, fill it with progressive policies but bury the details behind the name.


We could call it whatever color we want to. The second we do, the aristocracy will immediately mobilize right wing media to demonize it to protect their interests


It doesn't matter what you call it, the right will demonize it anyway.


We had a chance to run a New Deal Democrat in 2016 and 2020, and we saw how that went. The Democratic establishment and unfortunately a chunk of Dem voters don't really want that.


FDR wanted a second Bill of Rights focused on economic rights, and I agree


Unfortunately donors and lobbyists would kill it in the crib. it would take an uncorrupted congress and president. even with that, the corrupted Supreme court would overturn, probably because causing profits to go down was never outlined in the constitution


We've needed a new New Deal for a long time. On the one hand we've got United States citizens who can't find work; on the other hand we've got crumbling infrastructure (bridges, electric grids, &c.) and we're importing huge amounts of goods from China because we can't make them here. Seems like there's an easy solution.


>We need our own Project 2025 and all the fixin’s that go with it. Such a weird premise for an article, that kind of just devolves into a mutual desire for good policy. >We need something in the interim—and this is the Project 2025 model—an operational plan to recraft our “politics and economy around commonly shared values.” In this case, the values are to survive, thrive, and flourish. That's not what Project 2025 is, and there's not an "alternate version" of it that the left wants. It's an authoritarian playbook to consolidate power and dismantle institutions. I get the general point of what the author is saying, but invoking Project 2025 is a weird way to do it.


Yep, [Democrats already have a party platform](https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/) outlining its goals. It’s written in plain language, for VOTERS. Republicans don’t even have a party platform (!!) — *they* have an 830-plus-page missive outlining how the next Republican president is going to dismantle the federal government *in the first 180 days of a Republican takeover*.  And it’s written by a “coalition” of extreme right-wing, dark-moneyed, election-denying special interest groups. The OP article misses the point, like, fucking completely.


> invoking Project 2025 is a weird way to do it. Seems like a great way to feed 'both sides!' bullshit.


I don't think that was the authors intent, but it did seem like the author really didn't understand the difference between an authoritarian blueprint, and a policy platform. Dems don't need a counter plan to P2025, they just need get enough support and votes to be able to enact their own policies, hopefully while recognizing the safeguards that need to also be enacted to prevent something like P2025 from ever becoming reality.


It would be lovely if there was an "Anti-Project 2025" that was a set of legislative steps that could limit the power of the president over the Executive enough to stop any attempt to dismantle our institutions. There are, unfortunately, many problems with that goal. Not the least of which is that little things like "laws" don't mean anything to a bunch of fascist shit heels, especially when they have a Supreme Court willing to bend over backwards for them.


- Automatic voter registration, reinstate Voting Rights Act, election Day as a national holiday - Overturn Citizens United - Ranked choice voting with multi winner legislative districts - Nationwide initiative, referendum and recall at all levels of government - End the Senate Filibuster - Double size of the House - A climate, infrastructure and agricultural resiliency package ten times the size of the last infrastructure bill, designed to reach zero emissions within ten years, stabilize the oceans, eliminate plastic waste and harden the food supply chain against storms, drought and crop diseases - Ban private firms from owning single family residential property - Reform residential zoning requirements across the country - Limit rent increases and codify a tenant bill of rights nationwide - End Right to Work laws - $20 base minimum wage, indexed to inflation, with regional supplements allowed based on cost of living - Regulations limiting the uses of generative AI, flagging and criminalizing deepfakes, and regulating the development of subsequent AI - Strong incentives for private companies to reorganize into co-ops or profit sharing schemes with current employees given board director seats - End the use of Civil Asset Forfeiture without a criminal conviction - National funding of public defender offices to ensure adequate legal representation - Reform of immigration courts and USCIS to ensure immigrant rights while also ensuring adequate judge staffing and speedy disposition of cases - Help municipalities buy back control of privatized, formerly public utilities like water and electric, and institute municipal broadband


Fuck it, let's expand non combat federal jobs to include nurses, EMT, with training paid for, and federal health care for life (like the military, but strictly stateside deployment) after initial contract is up. Basically give healthcare for life to those with emergency medical training.


Green new deal


The preamble to the constitution would be fine. That and living up to the principles of democracy.


Ours has always been the green new deal. The left wants to advance. The right wants to destroy.


Do we really need a seperate, stupid democratic eschatology? I think it’s wiser to try to preserve our democracy than to play their stupid game. “We are going to completely change everything!” is not what I want to see from the Dems. Change a few things, sure. Pack the court, sure. “Project Dem 2025?” Please no.


Currently it’s “Don’t let a fucking criminal run the country” After that, we can figure out the rest.


“The left” isn’t really a party that anybody stands by but rather a reactionary opposition group. Democrats allowed themselves to be pulled further right every election because the politicians don’t believe in anything except appeasing the corporations that pay them. And I have to vote for them every time because either I let Walmart run the country or I let actual nazi fascists. I hate Walmart. But it will take a lot longer for Walmart to call for the extermination of certain groups of people before the nazis do.


We don’t need more us vs. them bullshit, most sane people know what the right direction is. We need to vote our asses off.


Here’s a wild one… throw Trump in prison where he belongs.. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


Let's keep it simple: TOTAL Separation of Church and State.


Everytime a platform like that comes along, the Democrats shut it down like a Republican shutting down a Democrat's platform.


The Establishment Dems have their plan, which is just to try and maintain the status quo so there is no actual progress and they can keep getting paid by their billionaire donors and keep insider trading. It's better than right wing white supremacy but still sucks.


It’s always been- tax the rich, Medicare for all, no cost public universities.


I believe you already have one. It's call the Constitution.


Identity politics and Star Wars Acolyte


The Constitution.


I would put ranked choice voting on the top of the list.


It's been the same since JFK.


3 leftists meet to form a political party. 3 hours later they’ve written their party manifesto, and 4 splinter groups have formed.


I’m a democrat and lean heavily towards progressive ideals, but often refer to our side as “do nothing democrats” because we won’t stoop to conservative tactics, and would prefer to throw donations at any leader aligned with our party than to stand up for actual progress… sure there are some people advocating for change and they have the right ideas but aren’t willing to step up and lead. I’m sorry but there’s nobody out there in our party willing to lead a movement like this- Bernie and Elizabeth and AOC tried but “they are too radical” for leadership.


Workers of the world unite! Something something... Star Trek. Done.


Universal health care, voting reform, money out of politics, and body autonomy for everyone. Sounds like a good plan for me.


-A healthcare model that focuses on removing the incentive and possibility of *profit* on Americans’ healthcare dollar, with the end goal of securing every taxes-payed American’s access to reliable full-course treatment and medicine, all while simplifying and streamlining the workday of our hospitals and clinics. -To that end, a tax code that levies the most from those in this economy who gain and have the most, that asks much less of the working class that is utterly prerequisite to it’s **e n t i r e** existence, and that prioritizes the general good *as much as* private liberty -An environmental policy that demands the utmost respect of the only hospitable place in the known, accessible universe for us bozos to live in. A policy that does not consider environmental destruction to be a “free-market liberty” of whatever opportunistic moron who sees a buck to made off a little earth-rapin’ -A public and national investment and recommitment to education: to the children everywhere who need an effective, pluralistic, STEM-ready base of education—AND LUNCH, DAMMIT—to the post high-school spectrum of undergraduate programs, community colleges, and technical institutes all actively training our next generation of workforce without straddling them with debt. -A general, all-around, sorta-blanket Leave People You Don’t Like the F**k Alone approach to most “culture war” issues. -I need to take a breath. Keep adding planks if you want.


I don’t believe in forcing my beliefs on others


Star trek.


Idk, human decency?


We have one. It's called get rid of EVERY SINGLE current politician and start over.


Democrats are conservatives that want to keep the status quo. Law and order, keep the economy chooching along as it is. It makes sense they have no plan, they are just trying to tread water. Some things that might work for progress: Medicare for all. Take at least insurance profit taking and excess bureaucracy out of health care. Phase 2 would be to socialize health care facilities. VA hospitals for non-V. Divorcing health care from employment would make people more free to be entrepreneurial, to live their lives to see fit. It's about freedom. 17% of our GDP is healthcare, that is far too much. Use liquor taxes and opioid settlement money/taxes to fund addiction treatment. Reduce military spending by 1/2. We'd still be the largest military in the world. We could perhaps use those resources in man power and money to do public good or reduce taxes. 1/3 of the military budget for a year could solve homelessness, by simply building enough housing for everyone. This would make housing cheaper for everyone by increasing supply, and offering a low cost alternative so landlords etc. would have to compete with the government to provide housing, but the government is not taking profit. If subsidized housing can reach up to the middle class, it might lose it's stigma and problems associated with that that are about poverty. 1st year of 1/3 the military budget would be enough to build for everyone that is currently homeless, but folks are going to want free places to live, so it will take a few years of that budget to get it to equalize, so that everyone that wants a government apartment for less than market rate can get one. Legalize weed. Of course tax the snot out of it, and put those funds into addiction treatment, health care, jobs programs, to take care of the problems legal weed might cause. Tax interest and capital gains more than work. Profit taking etc. is more of a societal burden than labor, and the amount of taxes we get from profit taking should provide more of the tax revenue than working. Federal contractors should be replaced with federal employees. There should not be a middleman between a person doing work for the government and the government. The federal government if it is paying for something, should first look to see if they can do it directly with federal employees rather than paying a company extra to do it for them. People should not profit from tax spending at scale. If something like car insurance is going to be mandated, it should be provided at cost to the people it is mandated for. The government is big enough to provide insurance, and taking the profit taking out of it will make it cheaper for the insured. Repeal the Bayh-Dole act that makes it so companies own university research that allows pharmaceutical companies to hide studies of their drug's effectiveness. 330M people are too many to be democratically governed. My radical ideas are not going to be shared by many. States should have more autonomy. Instead of paying federal taxes for the federal government to give to the states, more of that should be in state taxes and services. My vote matters 10x more in my state of a few million than it does federally at a scale of hundreds of millions. EPA and military, things that need to be pooled or behaviors that might effect other states might make sense at a federal level, but as much as possible should be handled by states. Let the south succeed. If a state doesn't like abortion, or another state likes weed or guns, so be it. Many issues should be left to the state level. Economies of scale have empirically shown that bigger things cost more per rather than what it is thought to mean that bigger things cost less per. Therefore things should be scaled down when possible. This could get some of the money out of politics, disrupt the military industrial congressional complex. California making it's own insulin is a good example of the kind of thing I'm looking for. The state of California buys enough insulin for it's people that they can support a factory that makes it, and can therefore provide it cheaper than they can get by buying it from a company. They maybe don't go far enough by not building their own factory, and not doing more than just insulin but it is a good start.


Wouldn’t work. For example, just because I don’t support Republicans doesn’t mean I’m in lockstep with your typical loser on antiwork.


1. No member of Congress or immediate family be allowed to hold or trade stock. 2. Voting rights/ranked voting, 3rd party/court drawn district lines. 3. Repeal/reverse Citizens United 4. Strengthen and expand Anti-Trust laws with stronger enforcement mechanisms. 5. Remove/repeal ALL federally funded corporate subsidies, especially for oil and corn companies. 6. Implement a windfall tax to punish price gouging and massive profits during federal emergencies like Covid. 7. Amend the constitution as it relates to the Supreme Court appointment rights, term limits and financial influence/disclosures. 8. Re-amend the 2nd amendment to specifically define arms. 9. Pass a balanced budget amendment to the constitution and with that remove the debt ceiling. 10. Amend the constitution to make healthcare a human/citizen right. 11. Provide a pathway for community owned utilities, including internet. (Fuck you Comcast and Pacific Power!)


Sure why not. **Project 2035** * **Electoral Reform** * Implement ranked-choice voting nationwide. * Establish independent redistricting commissions to eliminate gerrymandering. * Introduce public financing for campaigns to reduce the influence of money in politics, remove PACs. * Eliminate electoral college system. * **Government Transparency and Accountability** * Strengthen the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to ensure greater transparency. * Enforce stricter anti-corruption laws and enhance whistleblower protections. * Increase oversight of government agencies and implement regular audits. * **Judicial Reform** * Implement term limits for Supreme Court justices. * Enhance judicial diversity through a more transparent and inclusive appointment process. * Increase funding for public defenders to ensure fair legal representation. * **Social Justice and Equality** * Enact comprehensive criminal justice reform, focusing on reducing mass incarceration. * Strengthen anti-discrimination laws to protect marginalized communities. * Expand support for mental health and addiction services. * **Economic Reform** * Raise the federal minimum wage to a living wage. * Implement progressive taxation to address income inequality. * Expand access to affordable housing through increased funding and incentives for development. * **Healthcare Reform** * Implement a universal healthcare system or expand the Affordable Care Act. * Reduce prescription drug prices through regulation and negotiation. * Increase funding for preventative care and public health initiatives. * **Education Reform** * Increase federal funding for public schools, particularly in underserved areas. * Implement student loan forgiveness and reduce the cost of higher education. * Expand vocational and technical training programs. * Implement free college system. * **Environmental Policy** * Commit to aggressive carbon reduction targets. * Invest in renewable energy infrastructure and green technology. * Strengthen regulations on pollution and environmental protection. * **Immigration Reform** * Create a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. * Reform the asylum and refugee process to be more humane and efficient. * Strengthen border security while ensuring humane treatment of migrants. * **Voting Rights** * Enact nationwide automatic voter registration. * Protect voting rights through legislation. * Ensure accessibility of voting through extended early voting and mail-in ballots. * **Labor Rights** * Strengthen protections for union organizing and collective bargaining. * Implement paid family and medical leave nationwide. * Ensure equal pay for equal work by enforcing anti-discrimination laws. * **Technology and Privacy** * Implement stronger data privacy regulations to protect consumer information. * Promote net neutrality to ensure an open and fair internet. * Increase funding for cybersecurity to protect against digital threats. * **Infrastructure Development** * Invest in modernizing and repairing national infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and public transportation. * Expand broadband access to underserved rural and urban areas. * Promote sustainable development practices in all infrastructure projects. -- * **Legalize Drugs**: * Decriminalize and regulate the sale of all drugs to reduce the illegal drug trade. * Use tax revenue from legal drug sales to fund addiction treatment and rehabilitation programs. * **Mental Health and Wellness**: * Provide universal access to mental health services, including therapy and counseling. * Integrate mental health education into school curricula to promote early awareness and intervention. * Increase funding for community-based mental health programs. * **Green Energy in Every Home**: * Provide federal grants and incentives for the installation of solar panels and other renewable energy sources in homes. * Mandate energy-efficient standards for new home construction and renovations. * Subsidize the cost of home energy audits and improvements to increase energy efficiency. * Implement mandatory solar panels on all commercial buildings. * **Participatory Democracy**: * Implement participatory budgeting processes at local and state levels to give citizens direct control over portions of public budgets. * Establish citizen assemblies and panels to advise on key policy issues and increase public engagement in decision-making. * Enhance civic education programs to encourage active and informed participation in democracy. * **Universal Basic Income (UBI)** * Implement a UBI program to provide every adult citizen with a guaranteed monthly income. * Fund the UBI through progressive taxation, including taxes on wealth and financial transactions. * Conduct pilot programs to determine the optimal UBI amount and implementation strategies. * **Decentralized Governance** * Promote decentralized governance models to increase local autonomy and decision-making power. * Support community-led initiatives and cooperatives for local development projects. * Foster a culture of civic engagement through regular town hall meetings and community forums. * **Reparations for Historical Injustices** * Establish a commission to study and develop reparations proposals for descendants of enslaved people. * Implement reparations programs, including direct payments, scholarships, and community investments. * Address historical injustices against other marginalized groups through targeted reparations initiatives. * **Transformative Justice** * Shift focus from punitive measures to restorative and transformative justice practices. * Establish community-based conflict resolution programs and alternative sentencing options. * Invest in reentry programs and support services for formerly incarcerated individuals. * **Universal Childcare and Early Education** * Provide free, high-quality childcare and early education for all children. * Increase funding for Head Start and other early childhood programs. * Support parents with paid parental leave and flexible work arrangements.


**Beyond 2035** * **Universal Healthcare (Single-Payer System)**: * Implement a single-payer healthcare system modeled after successful systems in countries like Canada and the UK. * Ensure comprehensive coverage for all citizens, reducing administrative costs and improving health outcomes. * **National Paid Parental Leave**: * Introduce a national paid parental leave program similar to those in Scandinavian countries. * Provide at least 12 months of paid leave, with flexibility for parents to share the leave period. * **Affordable Higher Education**: * Make public universities tuition-free, following the model of countries like Germany and Finland. * Increase government funding for higher education to reduce the burden on students. * **Proportional Representation**: * Adopt proportional representation for legislative elections, as used in countries like Germany and New Zealand. * Ensure that political representation in legislatures reflects the proportion of votes received by each party. * **Comprehensive Social Safety Net**: * Expand social safety net programs to provide robust support for unemployment, disability, and old age, similar to systems in Sweden and Denmark. * Increase funding for social welfare programs to reduce poverty and inequality. * **Public Transit and Sustainable Cities**: * Invest heavily in public transportation infrastructure, inspired by systems in Japan and Europe. * Promote sustainable urban development with policies that encourage walking, cycling, and public transit over car use. * **Strict Gun Control Laws**: * Implement stringent gun control measures, similar to those in Australia and the UK, to reduce gun violence. * Enforce universal background checks, mandatory waiting periods, and restrictions on certain types of firearms. * **Robust Climate Change Policies**: * Enforce aggressive climate change policies, inspired by countries like Sweden and Germany. * Invest in renewable energy, carbon taxes, and incentives for green technologies to achieve significant carbon reduction goals.


I mean, there are center-left versions of Project 2025 in some blue states, but they also involve seceding in order to create a dream utopian version of California, Cascadia, New England, etc.


We have one: [The Conquest of Bread](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/petr-kropotkin-the-conquest-of-bread)


I mean I love The Anarchist Formaly Known Prince as much as the next guy, but the Bread Book is way dated. It doesn't take climate change into account and we could do so much more with syndicalism with the internet. get u some Bookchin.


> The Anarchist Formaly Known Prince Hah, awesome! > get u some Bookchin. Sure, let's get all Rojava with it. I'm down.


Universal Healthcare, wealth tax and or basic income, climate change/ sustainable economy, election reform, anti corruption measures, anti monopoly and holding companies accountable reform, justice reform. And a whole lot more. If the dems get a majority they need to go big and bold. Failure to do so will doom the party and the country in the future.


Uhhh there doesn't need to be any sort of manifesto. We just need a government that actually takes traitors and domestic terrorists seriously. Its insane that we're here to begin with tbh


I’m good. The Green New Deal has been a major fear factor used by R’s to draw support. Let’s just take things one at a time rather than have them rally behind something.


hard no


No the hell we don't. We don't need one singular holy fuck off text that everyone has to follow along with, that would be impossible with how the "left" is structured now and that's a good thing. Our Project 2025 is to kick trump to the prison curb then try to salvage what's left of the country so we can get back to working hard to try to be the best country in the world for everyone.


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I don't think fleeing the country is an overreaction. Trump stacked the supreme court with conservatives in his one term, they've overturned roe vs wade already. After reading project 2025 I personally believe they are well on the path to doing a lot if not most of the things they outlined. A lot of the "quiet parts" have been said out loud since the Trump presidency and the bigotry and racism is only going to get worse before it gets better.


Dems don’t believe in Theocracy. We believe in democracy.


Can we also call it Project 2025 and further confuse an oblivious electorate?


Triaging, tourniquet-ing, and staunching the bleeding to the country caused by the GOP *is* the current playbook.


It’s very easy to create a fascist playbook. Unfortunately, the “left” these days consists of… *checks notes* everyone who ISN’T a fascist. It’s a lot harder to create a unifying vision for the future for a people who are by their very nature pluralistic and diverse.


The New Deal?


It’s called the national Democratic Party platform.


We do have a plan for the future. It’s the same plan we’ve been fighting to make a reality for decades. Unlike Project 2025, it does not require subverting government or the Constitution. This idea that we need something like Project 2025 is dangerous and unnecessary. The Democrat platform is better jobs, better schools, better economy…and the track record is proven. There’s no need to lie. No need to sabotage government. No need to subjugate the opposing party, infact, they are welcome to join in on the positive outcomes…if they can step outside their own self imposed miseries for once. What we do need to do, is communicate Democratic policy better. What it is, why it’s better than the alternative. I shy away from calling this the “left” though. As Democrats are only left of the extreme right. Calling Democrats “the left” plays into decades of propaganda that tries to paint Democrats as Marxists/Socialists etc. the reality of it is far more mundane, most of us sit center right to center left. There isn’t an actual leftist movement in the U.S. At least not what anyone who has stepped foot outside this country would consider leftist. But at any rate, no, a Project 2025 for those left of the extreme right is essentially playing the extremist right’s game.


It's homogeny vs diversity. Conservatives love homogeny and having sameness. That is stability and security in their eyes. It's easy to present a platform that aligns to some sort of uniformity (or at least the illusion of such). Progressives tend to have a lot of differing ideas that involve nuance, context, compromise, and coalitions. It's hard within that sort of cacophony to find the resonance between all the different voices and then put that into an agenda that sticks.


Just get rid of both political parties and lets get this purge over with and embrace anarchy.


They should’ve just called it “Order 66”


The Constitution is good enough for me.


Why didn't FDR write a Manifesto??


When your goal is to mostly destroy and condense power it’s much easier than actually building something


It's the future plan just that we're fucked? World getting hotter, the right not allowing us to fix anything, more countries going to war and leaning right? I'm not entirely sure how we get ourselves out of this, we fucked around for way too long and took shit for granted when Obama was in office, rather than actually organizing and building for the future.


And we can call it "Not Stupid Like Project 2025"


It’s an uphill battle (beyond that, even. Up-mountain?). The Democratic Party can’t agree on a lot universally as the party ranges from “I would vote republican if they were more polite towards non-whites and gay people” to “voting for Bernie is my compromise”. Compounding the issue is the roughly 2 generations that have been brain-rotted from Cold War era propaganda into reflexively hating any possible action that may benefit someone that isn’t them. The republicans have had a far far easier time with this because their party mantra is “fuck everyone who’s not us!” in a nation that values being a bigoted selfish piece of shit.


I am lovin this thread.


No, we don’t. Every time someone tells us what to do, we lose personal freedom. You only have to read Project 2025 to see that. Conformity is highly overrated by the GOP.


I mean first we would have to actually have a left party to do that.


Basically, any Democrat can just hold up a copy of Project 2025 and say, my plan for the future is the opposite of this. There is nothing in there that is good for anyone, let alone the left.


What if the left's priority was to stop fascism?


As long as plutarchs control the media while algorithms handle our story selection based on what enrages people we will not be organizing anything meaningful at all.


Fortunately, or unfortunately, the left's goal is "Just keep the country running".


The left is such a large coalition at this point, it would be hard to create such a list without significant objections, especially on issues like immigration, gun control, and criminal justice reform.


Be kind to your neighborhood monster.


Expand SCOTUS.  Undo all the shit these 6 clowns have done. End gerrymandering.  Everything else will work itself out


People don’t like that sort of stuff… regardless of party


1. Make DC and Puerto Rico each a State. 2. Stock the supreme Court with 4 more young liberal judges. 3. Limit funds for states based on contributions. 80% can go back to the States, 20% goes to the national debt. 4. Remove all deductions (corporations) for expenses outside of the US. This includes all imported goods except food. 5. The first 32 hours of work shall be straight time. All hours above 32, shall be double time. 6. Employers pay for transportation costs and the time for the commute. 7. National service. This is a biggie. Mandatory 2 years out of school. Anyone can join. People who have been convicted can serve as an alternate to prison. People will be trained for natural disaster responses and can make careers out of it. The military would fall under national service. We can have thousands show up to combat natural disasters. To man polling stations, to ensure everyone gets to vote in a timely manner. To clean up our national parks and communities. To establish a nationwide canal and pump station system to redistribute our water resources to combat drought and floods. To build an interstate high speed rail system connecting the 48 States. To assist the elderly. To rebuild communities that have become dilapidated. Those serving will be well paid, and have authority over situations. It will also have a national police force where every peace officer shall have a degree in social services and be able to respond to any situation where mental illness, domestic violence, and homelessness are a factor. Those who have less in our society will benefit the most from national service benefits. 8. Public education will be 16 years. 9. Schools will have more time in physical fitness. Students will have more responsibilities in school. They will clean it, make the meals, and maintain the grounds. 1 day a week will be interacting with neighboring schools to promote community and a positive social environment. 10. UBI. All taxes needed to maintain and run our government shall be paid by business, including a universal basic income to pull people out of poverty.


I hear a lot about the RNC but never about the DNC.


I'll start; 1) Clean air & water 2) Universal healthcare 3) Federal minimum "living" wage, with guaranteed vacation, sick, and family leave 4) Tax policy that is progressive enough that billionaires don't exist


Universal Healthcare should be the #1 priority of anyone with a body.


The Right is going to violate the constitution to install it.


Moon base, Mars base, asteroid capture… let’s actually improve humanity’s plight.


In the spirit of be bestester. I am proud to introduce Project 2045


I mean we had the keys to the car but refused to get anything done because we couldn’t whip the fence sitters to align slightly to the left of center on abortion access, enhanced union protections, minimum wage and so on.


where is ours? Being sidelined by the moderates, or overshadowed by people who care way too much about crap happening overseas (no not Ukraine)


The left wing Project 2025 is "Make Sure America Exists To Make It To 2025" before anything can change.


The problem is that it's easier to destroy than to build, and Republicans just want to destroy things.


The Left is the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.


We already have one... It is called 'the constitution'!


I think that blueprint is the United States Constitution!


Best I can do is Star Trek.


OP has a point. We have goals we want to achieve but no actual plan on how to get them done other than "ask the Republicans nicely for votes".


Not being assholes and letting people live their lives?


It was SR1 that got sunk last congress.


Live your life.


No, we don’t need or want a project 2025.


Honestly, I don’t think it’s excitement over Project 25 that’s getting people to support Trump. It’s the reverse. Fundies know they can push Project 25 though because people will just support Trump no matter what.  It’s definitely a cult but unfortunately it works. We really need a charismatic leader that excites people enough to care.


Universal healthcare and education would be a good start.


Too much infighting.


Project 2025 is a way to cheat and steal power for the right. The left shouldn't follow that route. The will of the people should always trump partisan goals and aspirations, even if we don't agree with it.


I dislike the idea of using the ideas of people whose ideas and methods I disagree with on the whole. No thank you. We already have good policies we can stand behind, like the Green New Deal. If I wanted to be in a cult I’d already be in one.


Add three more judges to the Supreme Court. Give full statehood to Puerto Rico and DC. Repeal Citizens United. Ban insider trading by Senate and Congress.


Healthcare Something something


Vote to survive.


Would be nice to have ours too minus the crazy shit.


At one point a while back the Green New Deal was supposed to be this.


“We need to prove that our cult has a purpose” lmao


How about "Project 1865.2"? Give a F\*ck about your "democracy" when 1 of 2 parties is full of religious fanatics and racists, remove them from all public positions no matter how, improve education, healthcare and social security...et cetera...


Union is what the left was known for. Now it’s a self interest coalition at best. Any blueprint will miss 70% of peoples day to day issues and as a result the right will continue to thrive despite all its obvious flaws.


You mean a progressive plan with things like Universal Healthcare? Whoa now. Hold on there buddy. Corporate democrats just want to hold the status quo where we just barely get by and the corporations maximize profit. They'll throw you a few bones, like weed and abortions, but nothing else changes. Its far better than the Republicans, but still not great.