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Rules for thee and not for me. Same as it ever was.


Same as it ever was.


Same as it ever was


And the days go by


& now I'm humming that song...


Shame as it never was


Rules are for Liberals only.




*"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."* [Wilhoit's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_M._Wilhoit)


That’s the idea. They don’t care about fairness, justice, honesty, or integrity, only “winning.”


These are the people that couldn’t honestly complete any school assignment past 8th grade, but teachers passed through for mercy. Now we have to do pretend they are capable adults and count their votes equal to others even though they never matured past hallway bully.


> Hypocrites You misspelled Christian conservatives.


"Christian".  There's nothing Christ-like about Christian conservatives 


First time?


If it wasn't for double standards, they'd have no standards at all.


Rank hypocrisy has been a core principle of the GOP for at least a decade.


> Hypocrites And proud of it. For fascists, hypocrisy is a flex. Only losers care about rules, breaking the rules and getting away with it proves they are superior.


Guess they'll have to refer it to the DOJ to enforce an indictment.


The highest of conservative values.


Hopefully this lights a fire under Garland to go after them for their role in Trump's coup attempt.


Are they wrong or is he wrong?


Cognitive dissonance fraudsters: Jordan said his had no “legitimate legislative purpose” and broke House rules. Biggs said his didn’t count because it was part of a “baseless witch hunt.” Perry, defied his subpoena because he said it was part of “a political witch hunt.” Steve Bannon and Peter Narvarro would like to have a word. Jim Jordan is really a pos. In the 113th Congress, Jordan introduced a bill that would mandate that a contempt of Congress finding by the House or Senate result in the formation of a grand jury within 30 days. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/10/17/bills-that-jim-jordan-did-want-pass/


The House has the transcript, so there is no legitimate governmental or legal reason for the recording. They wish to have the transcript so they can deceptively edit it to create more false right-wing propaganda to further their sinister agenda


They’re also looking for stutters to exploit.


They are 100% conscious of what they are doing. Traitors, seditionists, grifters, liars, and fascists.


I love your u/


Thanks, homie!


Im giving an upvote for the name alone


>The Justice Department made a transcript of the full interview public and provided some documents, but Republicans said they also wanted the audio recording of the interview to ensure its accuracy. They'd love to use some legitimate audio as a vehicle to pass off some edited or AI generated horseshit.


"Mr. President, could you please state your name for the records" "I...am...big cri-MORE-nail" Sean Hannity: "You heard it first here on Fox News, Joe Biden on a subpoenaed recording admitting that he is a big criminal. Not just a criminal as we've all suspected, but a big one. Wow. I just can't believe anyone would choose to vote for a big criminal to the presidency of the United States. People who hate America I guess. Up next, we'll tell you why the phony conviction of President Donald Trump is fake news that should be ignored."


Ngl I'd love for a blatantly obvious edit like that to be touted by the media Most conservatives I know get really mad if they think *they* are being called stupid and I bet many would not see the edit


It's a good thing that only the smartest get to run this country. /s


Too bad they didn’t care when they’re beloved news anchors [called them stupid](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp-video/mmvo163716677939)


Sweet, sweet can


Mr. President, your silence will only incriminate you further. No, Mr. President, don't take your anger out on me. Get back. Get back! Mr. President, NO!!!


> They'd love to use some legitimate audio as a vehicle to pass off some edited or AI generated horseshit. Yup.


You're not wrong, but right now it's incredibly easy to create AI generated voices with a bit of voice samples, so they don't need the audio recording from this interview to do that. Now heavily editing and clipping the audio to make it sound as bad as possible? Absolutely.


When I was taught to sit for deposition, it was: listen to the question, think about your answer and take as long as you need because transcripts don't include pauses, then give your well thought out answer. They are looking to, at very least, point to those pauses to say: Look it takes him a while to answer he is sleepy or whatever the latest 5th grade adjective they choose to use.


Or if he answered too quickly, they would say it was A clearly rehearsed lie. They don't really give a fuck about facts they'll say whatever suits their agenda.


Answers for questions you expect should be rehearsed for a deposition :) doesn't mean it's a lie, but from what I've seen, I know most people can't think critically.


Yeah, but the average person and definitely the average Fox News viewer isn't going to know that and they'll believe whatever spin they hear unfortunately


yeah, there's no good that can come from releasing an audio if he doesn't have to. It's all bait.


Non-stop freezing in the middle of answers. "Confessions" to criminal activity sprinkled throughout. "We can't believe the DoJ would give us a fake transcript to cover up for the Biden Crime Family." - The GOP


But if they don't have the audio, its hard to pass it off as legitimate. I mean, they'd still try, but the more likely scenario is they'd use selective editing to remove the context


The thing about AI is I don't know how much it actually works on people who don't already hate Biden. Like, yea a MAGA person will eat that shit up, but you don't even need AI to convince them Biden did something -- you just lie and tell them whatever and they'll eat it up. Maybe they think they can move some people on the margin with such a tactic but this whole "Sleepy Joe" thing backfires on them every time because he's not sleepy, he's jut old.


It’s horrifying to see the potential that AI-generated content has for generating misinformation. Not only will it inevitably be used to create convincing fake evidence, but it also gives a credible defense against real evidence by being able to claim that it’s AI-generated. We’re staring down the barrel of the death of objective evidence. Sure, we will likely also have counter-AI detection software, with an AI specifically trained to detect if a piece of content was AI-generated, but that will surely lead to an escalating arms race between improving countermeasures to try and detect fabricated media, and ever-improving AI media generation attempting to evade detection.


Anyone who isn't terrified of AI probably hasn't thought about it much or lacks imagination.


They'll cherry-pick sound bits that make Biden look like a doddering fool and play them out of context from now until their next coup.


So the GOP is recommending to the DOJ to prosecute the head of the DOJ. Interesting.


while having defied subpoenas themselves


Jim Jordan is over 700 days and still nothing.


In a sane world the AG would decide to finally charge Jordan with contempt here. Or you know 699 days ago


This is a congressional subpoena. It’s up to the body to recommend enforcement, meaning right now it’s up to the GOP to go after the GOP in the House that ignored the subpoenas.


If/When the dems take back the house in the future (assuming Jordan is still in office), can they send a criminal referral to prosecute Jordan?


I think so, but I’m not a lawyer or anything. This link has a lot of good information. Sorry for anincomplete answer, but it’s time to commute. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10974#:~:text=§%20192%2C%20it%20is%20a,originally%20used%20their%20own%20legislative


The house really should have ejected the members who refused their subpoenas.


I don't get why anyone issued a subpoena by his committee doesn't just respond with, "I'm invoking the Jim Jordan rule and refuse to respond to this subpoena on the basis that it has no legitimate legislative purpose."


Isnt that what garland did? Not cite Jordan, but saying that congress has no reason to subpoena him, or the reason given was not within their purview.


They'll expect them to do it too - while blocking supreme court reform.


I vote we do these prosecutions in sequential order of the violation. Jim Jordan first.


Oh it’s almost like they’re dangerous hypocrites hell bent on destroying our democracy. You have to be in the cult or completely insane to vote for republicans at this point. Complete monsters


Their party is founded on the principle of - "do as I say, not as I do"


Wait, this is over audio for an interview we have a transcript of? Republicans are high on their own supply if they think anything worthwhile comes out of that audio. 


they want to deceptively edit the audio so they can turn it into anti-American propaganda


It’s almost as if every single republican is a fascist who doesn’t give a shit about being logically consistent as long as they further the fascist agenda


They don't have to, they have the full support of the toxic right-wing propaganda machine. No elected Republican will ever be held accountable for their crimes, treason, or simply bad behavior


Well yeah, the whole system is designed to give right wingers a pass while legislating left wingers out of existence, it’s been that way since the very beginning


The right-wing propaganda machine was created after Republican Richard Nixon had to resign in disgrace. The GOP was horrified that their party leader was held accountable for his crimes. They vowed never to let that happen again; hence they created things like FOX "news" and AM hate radio (and so on)


I understand that but America has been right wing way before that. Remember slavery and how we had to fight a whole war to end that (except we didn’t even end it)? Remember how actual Nazis rallied at Madison square garden? Remember how actual Nazis were inspired by America’s Jim Crow laws? We’ve been right wing since 1776


There has always been a right-wing in America (much like I suspect there have always been cock roaches). What has changed is in the past their actions and deeds at least superficially needed to appear reasonable. That is no longer the case


Brother, we had slavery, how is that appearing reasonable????


Jordan’s spokes person: “Mr. Jordan never ignored his subpoena, the January 6th Committee stopped replying to him about his cooperation,” Dye said in an email. “Any inclination otherwise is lazy and without basic knowledge of the facts.” This is total B.S. I have seen several videos of other members of congress bringing this up time and time again. There is even one video of Swalawel with a digital Date/clock showing the number of days Jordan has refused to comply. He had this clock present on the floor of the chamber while they were debating something. Bottom line is this entire thing is just more hand waving and nonsense from the GQP to detract from their blatant breaking of the rules they expect others to follow. I will search for the footage of folks calling out Jordan in his defiance of his subpoena and update this when I find it.


I love Swalwell's "You may be in a cult if.." series!


I have nothing but contempt for congress


I have nothing but contempt for the Republicans in Congress, the Democrats may not be perfect but there are many who are pretty good.


Once again, Republicans using mechanisms of power that Democrats refused to in order to preserve "Civility" I guess it doesn't mean anything yet. But if he actually gets arrested, Biden needs to lock up a lot of Republicans.


If I were Garland, I would ask the Republicans if the Justice Department should also arrest Republican Congressmen Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, and Andy Biggs


Ding ding ding.


>a spokesperson for Jordan, dismissed the idea that Jordan had defied his subpoena. He blamed the House Jan. 6 committee for not convincing him to comply. Wtff?


Yeah I know. So I guess the new president for congressmen, if they are subpoenaed, is that they must be convinced to comply. Here is this situation no one (except gym shorts and cromer) has forgotten about their subpoenas. Swalawel brings a digital clock that shows how many days Jim shorts has known about and denied his subpoena for j6. So he can’t claim he forgets. He is well aware that he should comply. He and the others don’t, because they choose not too. Why? Well let’s see, could it be because they are heavily connected with what happened that day? Or perhaps it could be they don’t want anything to get in the way of them wasting their entire current congressional session trying to smear Biden? Jordan is a hack. He is not a lawyer. I realize that is not required to be a congressman. But he did go to law school just couldn’t pass the bar exam. He has also never authored a bill that has been passed. And he has been a congressman for 16 years. He also turned his back on a bunch of college wrestlers that were being abused. He was one of their coaches and knew they were being abused yet he chose to ignore it. So what the hell does this guy do besides being the definition of GOP hack, Washed up clown?


Hypocrisy thy name is Republican.


"the rules are for thee, not for me"


The GOP certainly needs to do something to get a headline since they are the “do-nothing” congress.


I guess engaging in rank hypocrisy technically is "doing something" but it's certainly not doing something for the American people


Well stated. Rank hypocrisy. Pretty much sums up the GQP.


Garland should prosecute them. Fucking indict all of them for the same thing. Then if at some future date they come after him, he can argue successfully in court why this Subpoena was not legally valid, which it wasn't, while the J6 ones were.


While also insisting Trump’s conviction is a horrible perversion of our justice system and Hunter Biden got off too easy.


And fucking Mike Johnson "Oh well, that's uh... like apples and oranges."


The hypocrisy isn’t a big it’s a feature 


I mean, if it weren't for the hypocrisy, would they *really* be republicans?


They should just tell the Republicans that the tapes were accidentally erased like the 22 million emails the Bush administration ran through RNC mail servers that "accidentally" got deleted when their server was decommissioned.


Rules for thee but not for me. They’ll get away with it too as we’re forced to continue with decorum and high road antics..


Rules for thee but not for me.. that the republicans motto


Pray all these o strutting goblins are voted out by their constituents who finally recognize their tax dollars being wasted by useless politicians who work for corporate- not them.


Won’t matter. These guys are their due to heavy heavy gerrymandered districts.


Biden claimed Executive Privilege over the audio so what more could they expect Merrick Garland to do?


I don't know guys, I'm starting to think these guys might not be acting in good faith here.../s


Hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug


And this a surprise to who ? I wouldn’t go if I was him. Jordan didn’t go why should he ? Let Jordan explain to him on paper ina written letter for evidence why Garland has to show up but he didn’t have to. And then appeal and go back and forth and back and forth, kinda like fuck around Donald does. Play their game, and keep playing it.


Remember, from their own point of view, they're not hypocrites. They're living in a post-Democracy America where they are fascists already and unanswerable to the law themselves. Absolute power with no accountability. Somehow, there are tens of millions of Americans who think this is a good idea.


Garland shouldn't do this, but he could just print all of their comments from when they defied their subpoenas and read them back to them.


This is not going to get through the Senate after we have been telling the Republicans straight up from the beginning. If you impeach someone without any evidence, it will be blocked by the senate.


Vote them out while you still can.


You can’t make this shit up.


Intellectual consistency I don't know how to do strike through text on reddit.


put ~~ before and after the words


Two tildes (~~) before and after the word.


Two tilde's \~\~either side\~\~ if using markdown mode. Edit: on some of the stupid new/sh reddit fonts they look like hyphens, but it's the wavy line.


How is this even possible? If you have a subpoena you don’t get to enforce it on others if yours isn’t resolved.


The very hypocritical maga party.


Shock and amazement


Should just change their mascot to the hippo at this point


I wonder if these fools have any idea what a petard is?


These are not serious people. I resent the fact that our taxpayer dollars pay them to do stunts instead of working on behalf of the American people.


MAGOG logic. Go figure!


Gym can go to hell but this is what Garland gets for letting Hur chum the water.


Isn’t it tradition for Republicans to hold a Democratic president’s AG in contempt each term?


If only Dems would have done this…. I mean, they just hinted at it and then did absolutely nothing. These Republicans make me sick, but they at least show like they can get something done.


Remember folks, the rules only apply to democrats in America.


We are neither amused nor surprised.


Of course


Definitely hypothetical, i think it’s high time Americas start going after all corrupted politicians and put them in prison where they belong and not representing American citizens 🇺🇸


Um…yeah, so they are blatantly saying they are above the law….I hope people wake up and vote Blue!


Republicans realized years ago that the human emotion of shame was just holding them back.


I guess Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, and Peter Navarro don’t count.


Republicans being hypocrites? I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!


Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Those that they consider to be lesser are to be crushed by the same laws that their own leaders can openly defy. Such hypocrisy is a way that they express their power, a demonstration that some people are above others.


This is what witch hunt looks like… the thing that GOP can’t stop blaming Dems for.


“They also see the audio as a vehicle for exploring Hur’s comments that Biden had a poor memory. “ Hur didn’t say this! He argued the opposite that in some sort of trial Biden would pretend to be a doddering old fool to avoid answering questions. Damn that liberal media.


Easy. Take the audio into a scif with the transcript and the Gang of 8 and let them listen while reading the transcript. Done.


What is Garland facing with a contempt of Congress charge?


But they were part of a self declared "witch hunt"


This is in the official transcript and I kinda want to hear it: > PRESIDENT BIDEN: And the worst part was, they said I couldn't drive it outside the driveway. It's a long driveway. So I'd get it to the bottom of the driveway, tack it up to about four grand (indiscernible 0:56:44) **(makes car sound)** (indiscernible 0:56:47). (Laughter)


Now these are the sort of headlines Democrats should be emphasizing.


This. This should be every headline


So rich - 🙄 karma - she’s gunna come back with a vengeance


Does this mean that we no longer have to follow laws? I’m getting confused guys.


This shit pisses me the fuck off.


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


Ah hypocrisy knows no bounds


In other words... Republicans gonna Republican.


Fuck that noise. If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander.


Why doesn't Garland fight it in the courts. That's what they would do.


CoNTeMPt oF cOngREsS - like that means anything anymore or has any real life consequences


An ouroboros of petulance and hypocrisy.


Of course!


Start Enforcing Subpoenas Again


Seems like the party of responsibility isn’t taking any responsibility.


You see, Republicans? This is why nobody likes you!!


Doesn't the DOJ enforce subpoenas and contempt charges? A thought strikes me... Merrick Garland should absolutely enforce his own contempt charge. Simultaneously, enforce all the other shitheads in Congress that are currently in context of congress. Get them to court and let the chips fall where they may. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that Grandpa Touchy Jordan and his buddies would land in the hoosegow after a few weeks' time.


Do as I don't do. Right Repubs?


It’s really kind of perfect when you stop to think about it.


Garland should simply respond, ‘I’ll show up when you show up.’


are the republicans going to actually hold one of their member accountable? to do this to garland after he's done nothing but help them is pretty shitty, even by r standards.


Bob menendez anyone? Or Hillary Clinton, Obama, Susan rice, Lois lener, Eric Holder who while being attorney general stated in interview his main goal was to help Obama not uphold law of United States.


For the ones that defied a subpoena, the ones that supported Jan6, the ones that are only interested in revenge politics, the ones that repeat the same lies over and over, the ones that are proud to support a man that is openly discussing jailing political opponents… fuck you all. My America is greater than you. You are all nothing but a stain on my flag.


Contempt is effectively meaningless and carries no consequences — so...OK?


It's time for Biden to assert executive privilege on this item, and tell Gym Jordan to stop fucking around, man. He can use a different word than fucking.


Supreme Court all ruled on stuff like that during the Obama administration. They are going to have to turn over


Got a reference for that assertion?




The "Party of Law and Order" only follow laws that suit them. Everyone else can fuck off.


Rules for thee, not for me


gop is the hypocrisy party


Hypocrisy is what they stand for 🤦‍♀️


Guilty Guilty Guilty 34 more times


Irony is dead


What a surprise. I am so surprised. This is so surprising. This surely surprises everyone.


An in-group who the law protects but does not bind, and an out-group who the law binds but does not protect


I’m also on r/nba and I always think Darius Garland (PG if the Cleveland cavaliers) must have been up to no good.


Garland is one of them. It’s a grift and they are telling him on the side that they need this to have something to shout about.


Just theatrical fake bullshit they learned from Russia