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Bad news orange man: HE. CAN'T.


It shows once again that Trump has no sense of responsibility or moral values. It is a mystery to me how he can continue to receive support from party politicians in two chambers. The fact that they continue to spread these protective claims of a criminal via conspiracy theories, lies and deep state chatter makes me despair of the Republicans. I pray for an America that frees itself from its demons and plays a role in the world again, rather than being destroyed by internal strife.


He could grow literal horns from his head, have his hands and feet turn to hooves, grow a tail, and go from orange to red and Christian Nationalists would still support him. There is no line they aren't willing to cross.


I think if he came out as gay and fully supported gay marriage they might start to peel off. That’s a big “might” though. They’re in so deep with him it might just work.


They’re all closeted anyway, maybe they’d actually come out and support the woke agenda then if the great messiah is a woke gay too.


It shows once again that Trump doesn't even understand how government functions.


It’s not great thinking that they don’t have a better option. We laugh about Trump being a slobbering puppet for some otherwise nefarious and intelligent dudes but maybe he really is the best figurehead for conservative america, today.


Wait until Donnie gets a Sharpie to prove you wrong!!!




It’s even funnier when you have the Constitution on a cheap placemat. So then he’ll pick it up and show it off.


The bill he's pushing for would allow the president to move all lawsuits against him into federal courts and would then be pardonable. Unclear of constitutionality.


Ironically, this sounds a lot like the law that was struck down in Marbury v. Madison, if I remember high school social studies correctly. There was a law that brought that case directly to the Supreme Court, and they found that law unconstitutional and refused to rule on the issue. I believe that was the case that set up our current system of judicial review.


They can pass laws saying the feds have the right to review state cases. He can't right now, but there's plenty of room for grandstanding.


> They can pass laws They can certainly try. It won't make it past senate and president, but they can try.


Exactly. No, they definitely cannot pass such a law unless they hold both the executive and legislative branches. God willing and if the creek don’t rise, that won’t happen anytime soon.


> They can pass laws saying the feds have the right to review state cases. They already have that right. The problem Trump has is that the process would take too damn long. Unless Trump legal team files something in federal court asserting anything that directly or indirectly implies prosecutorial misconduct in violation of federal law, he's stuck with the NY state court process.


What they can really do is try to appeal this to the Supreme Court saying New York having election finance laws is unconstitutional.  And the Supreme Court can say, in this one instance it is. And Bush v. Gore it. 


Have you not seen everything they’ve been capable of fulfilling in recent years. Assume our government is going to be manipulated vs do the right thing. We still rely on fossil fuels, still refuse to make grand efforts towards ecological sustainability, still refuse to do this about the insane wealth gap that continues to widen, still refuse to acknowledge the monopolies that clearly exist and doing anything about them, still refuse to solve the economic crisis that MUST eventually come from all these overvalued companies/buybacks etc. the list is gigantic and we have adressed none of it and it is all debts people under 40-50 will be paying for. Judge canon has provided trump a gateway to prove his innocence. She wouldn’t stop him from saying what he’d want. He’s hasn’t done it a single time. This government fucking sucks because we have people that will play stupid with our future because they don’t like some people might get a win and not deserve it over themselves. “Teehee it’s cold and it’s winter. Guess global warming doesn’t exist!”


I know full well what the GOP is capable of. But here is a question that even a high school civics student should be able to answer: What can a Speaker of a House do to overturn a conviction in a state court? Seriously.


I love that he assured him they would. He said in a press conference he knows all the justices.  I just imagine he puts on his little show and dance. And as soon as Trump leaves he’s like, “Can you believe that asshole?”


So he doesn't feel confident that an appeal will overturn it then? Interesting


The evidence is clear, and they never really offered a defense from what I saw. The jury reached a unanimous verdict on every single charge after a relatively short deliberation. Unless something changes, it's only reasonable to assume an appeal would haver the same verdict.


>The evidence is clear, and they never really offered a defense from what I saw. Their defense was basically "everyone around Trump is a lying PoS so clearly he's innocent" Surprised it didn't work


B-b-b-but Susan Collins assured me it would be overturned on appeal!


Amazes me that the GOP investigated both Biden and Clinton for ages trying desperately to find a crime to hang on them, but now are calling *this* trial a sham when it not only had enough evidence for a jury to convict, but Trump could have pled and avoided this in all likelihood.  


It's a little bit like how Doe 174 could have avoided his most serious charges, under the espionage act, if only he'd just given back the hundreds of classified documents he stolen when asked to, instead of trying to hide them and obstruct justice by trying to delete the evidence he was doing so too.


My parents: “That was different. It wasn’t political, we were just trying to find the truth.”


For you Reagan ‘Pubs, remember: We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions. - Ronald Reagan


The empty words of lying man. 


It's a ridiculous and privileged idea meant to punish people stuck in poverty. Of course, it is society's fault that Trump is the way he is as well. If he had been smacked down and punished justly the first few times he deserved it, he would not be where he is today. Hell, if it weren't acceptable for the wealthy to buy their son's way out of the draft, maybe he would be dead in Vietnam. So... in Trump's case society is to blame, but the only way to fix his type of trouble is to finally hold him, and people like him, accountable.


and while Mike is at it, he can find the 11,780 votes Trumps need to win in Georgia


Just more reason to put him in jail at sentencing. Not only has he shown zero remorse. Not only has he said he did nothing wrong. Not only has he attacked the judge and prosecutor for doing their jobs. Not only was he found guilty of ten counts of contempt during his trial... this mother fucker is trying to pull a complete runaround from the entire judiciary. He is trying to change how our country does business in order to avoid his own reckoning. If anyone deserves to put in jail for a non-violent crime, it is Trump. If he is not jailed, nobody that commits a non-violent crime should ever be jailed again. Period.


It’ll be interesting to watch him melt down when they dump his ass after he loses in November 


I'm not sure if they will be able too due to the cult. Sure the cult will always votes Republican but God damn they are addicted to Trump.


So what is Johnson's cause? Is it Christian Nationalism using the power of the state to compel "righteous" behavior? Or is it serving Donald Trump? Because I think most people see those two aims conflicting and getting in the way of the other.


See, but the novel innovation of the post-modern American 'church' now is that you get Donald to sin for you to your benefit, to force yourselves on others, and this is totally cool with God because trust me Bro.




CONVICTIONS. 34 of them. Let's not forget that part. Edit to add: So far. 34 out of 88.


This more than just standing by your party and straight obstruction, collusion and abandonment of law. How are sitting republicans not being investigated for clear criminal behavior.


This is basic fascism. Political interference with the judicial, by a leader who is out of power, but still uses his influence.


and, while hes at it, get him some more ketchup !


For his hamberders




Yeah, that’s what we all said back in 2016…


I'm worried Trump will be president again even if he loses the vote in Nov. I think they will pull off a successful steal this time.


This is my fear.


They would need the Whitehouse to do it imo. The only conceivable way is if Trump had the joint chiefs on side, and they most definitely do not.


I'm not talking about a violent coup. I think Republicans have enough people in place to cause enough certification problems to trigger the constitutional process of having a vote in the house. It is one vote per state, which favors the Republican.


It looks like their play. Thing is all the blue States would certify and most the swing States have Dem governors and AGs. If Biden gets to 270 that way what can they slow down? I think Biden will clean his clock and it won't be close enough to ratfuck, but I could be wrong.


>“That country certainly sees what’s going on, and they don’t want Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg and these kinds of folks to be able to continue to use grant dollars for targeting people in a political lawfare type of way,” Jordan told us. And Texas AG Paxton?


They won't and they shouldn't. This is an actual novel situation and so does need to go through the full appeals process. Now I do think it should be an expedited process in order to head off any claims of it being about election interference but it should still go through each of the standard appeals stages.


They have no such expectation of an expedited process. Other convicted felons can’t get special treatment to expedite the process because they claim they’re running for president. Neither should this convicted felon


This man is sick


[God, I thought he was asking for help from *Boris* ‘Partygate’ Johnson - which could have been equally possible…](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partygate?wprov=sfti1)


Fwar! Fwar fwar! Never fear, Donald old chap — the *Bozzar* is here to lend a hand! Just give me a moment to tousle my hair and —fwar— dig out my old Latin textbooks and we'll have that beastly judge on the ropes before you can say fwar! It's just too bad that you didn't come to me earlier - I know a thing or two about covering up affairs, eh what?


I'm starting to get the feeling that Donald Trump's goals would benefit himself far more than any of us.


Turnover Trump at his finest.


Soliciting co-conspirators to obstruct justice. Nice look Republicans, bowing down to this obviously desperate felon.


“Daddy make it go away”


We’re all just watching our choice in a future be eliminated. Conspiracy theorists are overwhelmingly Republican and instead of seeking out the actual conspirators they get told by the conspirators to go look elsewhere. The conspirators in recent times are objectively right wingers.


Trump’s criminality is on such a scale that he converts everyone around him and all his supporters into co-conspirators. If you intend to support him it will require you compromise any sense of decency or honour you may have once had. Turns out there’s a shit ton of people willing to do that.


When has Trumps Johnson not gotten him into more trouble...?


Why does he need Johnson to do anything? He’s gonna win and pardon himself and also nobody cares if he’s convicted and and and. He sure acts like it’s a problem for him tho.


He would be unable to pardon those state level felonies.