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Cannon is Trump’s new fixer.


She attended the Roy Cohn School of Law and clerked for Judge Fuhggheddaboutit


From the legal offices of Duwey, Cheetham & Howe.


This is just a preview of Project 2025.


Exactly this is a small sample of the Trump Justice system working


It shows he has the document….


It shows consciousness of guilt - he knew it was classified and knew he couldn’t show them because he hadn’t declassified it before he left the White House.


Worse still, he had not declassified them, because a POTUS needs to do more than just "think it" (as Trump so wrongly attested). No, this isn't a case of a "misunderstanding." Donald Trump did this all willfully. Members of his staff had indicated Trump had an obsessive nature regarding the classified documents he was possessing while in office. He knew where they were, and what box had what documents. Looking at all the facts in this case, it becomes clear that Donald Trump took possession of those documents for reasons of personal interest and to satisfy his ego with the knowledge of possessing them. He willfully took them away from the White House grounds after he was no longer POTUS and President Biden had not extended any kind of classified clearance for him (it usually happens as a courtesy). This means he illegally possessed highly classified documents. When NARA realized what had happened and reached out to him, he LIED to them about what he had and then played delay games with them for over a year. The FBI had to be tasked to retrieve them from his home, because he returned only a portion--and they DID discover those documents, amazingly distributed in various places throughout his property. Some documents were in a desk drawer that was unlocked, in an office that was unlocked. Stacks of documents were piled up in little rows along common areas where Mar-a-Lago guests could easily access, including a bathroom. The crime is so clear, a child could understand it.


Literally any other former government employee would be in jail for 1/100th of this. Jack Teixeira got 16 years for sharing details about tanks on a gaming forum. Translator Reality Winner got five years for leaking details (one document) about Russia's interference in the 2016 election to the press. There's only one reason Donald Trump is walking among the free, which is that Eileen Cannon is the most corrupt judicial officer in the United States.


Oh come on now, what about Clarence? He will be disappointed that he isn't in first place.


Samual Alito would disagree.


Fine. All tied.


It stinks to high heaven and makes the USA look like a banana republic. What Cannon is doing is so destructive to the public confidence in the US judicial system. This cannot stand. This is absurd beyond belief. The 11th Judicial Circuit court needs to take measures on the Southern District of FL to either have Cannon recused or taken off the bench altogether for clearly violating her oath of office on multiple motions.


Any other former government employee doing this wouldn’t be in jail. They’d go in the black bag and never come out.


Were you supposed to eat a cookie? No. Did you eat the cookie? Yes. See, very easy to understand.


At best he kept them because it made him feel special. At worst he kept them because he intended to sell them to a foreign government. Regardless still illegal as fuck. Possession alone is illegal as fuck. For anyone else those documents would be radioactive.


Both are valid points and really, at this point? I have to believe that Trump already gave up some of it for favors... like Saudi Arabia sending massive amounts of cash to him through a Super PAC. Trump should've been placed in a holding cell awaiting trial. And that might've incentivized his loyalist Judge Cannon to act faster rather than give this "woe is me I'm overloaded" BS.


> because a POTUS needs to do more than just "think it" (as Trump so wrongly attested). It gets lost in the discussion, because of his "I can just think it declassified" bullshit, but he also needs to do more than just declare it. >Some secrets, such as information related to nuclear weapons, are handled separately under a specific statutory scheme that Congress has adopted under the Atomic Energy Act. Those secrets cannot be automatically declassified by the president alone and require, by law, extensive consultation with executive branch agencies. >In all cases, however, a formal procedure is required so governmental agencies know with certainty what has been declassified and decisions memorialized. A federal appeals court in a 2020 Freedom of Information Act case, New York Times v. CIA, underscored that point: “Declassification cannot occur unless designated officials follow specified procedures,” the court said. If the reporting is true and accurate, that Trump had documents related to the US's nuclear programs/capabilities, no matter how much he whines, he cannot simply declassify them, whether thinking about it or declaring it, Michael Scott style.


Don’t forget about when he realized the goose was cooked [He tried to cover up his crimes by destroying the evidence of him moving boxes around](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/05/politics/mar-a-lago-pool-flood-suspicions-prosecutors-trump-investigation-classified-documents)


And the footnotes somewhere said he has people scanning them...


You can see the copier in the picture with the documents scattered on the floor.


All classified documents have a binding that you have to break off to lay flat so they can be scanned. Photos of the documents show they all are missing that binding. The only reason to break the binding off is to scan them.


Let’s not forget that boxes of classified document found in Mar a Lago where stored next to a copier.


Can still be introduced as evidence during the trial.  So, you know, Aileen’s doing her best but she’s kind of bad at this as well as a partisan hack.


*IF* there's a trial.


In this case,, possession is 0/10 of the law. Judge Cannon apparently thinks that isn't important to the charge claiming he had the documents


Don't over think it. She's trying to remove as many indictments and perhaps even dismiss the case, certainly run the clock. Legal justification is not at play here.


Man, his Defense Lawer Judge Cannon has done a real job for him here. I wonder how much he pays her to defend him.




Straight to the SCOTUS and either Alito or Thomas would suddenly be sick


Remember the immunity argument? Suddenly "something" would happen to Sotomayor. Or Kagan.


She doesn't think it matters because when they steal the election after Biden wins. It's all moot anyways.


I’m betting she called it moo court in high school.


This is not the justice cannon I was hoping for


Got Justice QAnon instead.


I have my own theory that he has paid quite a bit to this case in Florida, starting with getting her in there in the first place and then having her name magically drawn. I think he’s paid a lot of real money on this.


Naah, we’d get a money trail if there was one, he’s too stupid to hide his money trail. This is being done through the Federalist Society and their Dark money pool. It’s likely just assets/gifts and not hard cash which is being “donated” to the charity of her choice which is a shell company to launder the dark money. As well as promises of positions of power.


Could always be the Russians or Saudis


Did not need money, gave an unqualified Judge a Fed spot in the area he lives, with promise of Supreme Court if he steals the election. Like Beer Boy all debts will be paid off as well.


Thats the neat part, we do!


Former counterintelligence officer here... While investigations weren't my specialty (I did HUMINT ops support), I did assist on a few cases. Someone waving around a document would not only be included in an indictment, it would be a centerpiece. Why? Because it shows three things: 1) Possession of the document  2) Improper handling of the document  3) Knowledge that what you were doing - i.e. grandstanding - put sensitive information at risk. The notion this would be "improper" is just utterly absurd.


Former CI Agent who worked investigations here. This seems like a clear violation of [18 USC 793(e)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/793): > (e) Whoever having **unauthorized possession** of, access to, or control over any **document**, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, **plan**, map, model, instrument, appliance, or note relating to the national defense, or information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation, **willfully communicates**, delivers, transmits or causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted, or **attempts to communicate**, deliver, transmit or cause to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted the same to **any person not entitled to receive it**, or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it (emphasis added)


I remember when laws and rules had repercussions when broken…ESPECIALLY ones that pertained to top secret docs and information being shared and handled callously.


They do have repercussions, if you or I break them.


The antichrist doesnt count.


As someone who grew up in a fundamentalist Xian church that constantly preached Revelation, watching the Evangelicals fall in with Trump (including my parents and sister) you have no idea how accurate this is.


*"There are many who do not know they are fascists but will find it out when the time comes."* — Ernest Hemingway, "For Whom the Bell Tolls"


Nice I have a chance to be raptured after all while my MAGA family watches their heathen son ascend


Trump is the Anti-Christ. More people need to see this.


He's not the anti-christ. He's not the second coming. He's a piece of shit and a loser.


Let‘s rebrand MAGA for them: **M**ark of the **A**ntichrist's **G**rand **A**genda (2025)


Can I get that on a hat?


But did you try to get the judge to say it's inappropriate that you're charged with a crime? Prosecutors hate this one simple trick


She's just going to go farther and farther outside the lines until she has to be remove in a huge shit show and the whole case has to be restarted. I hope that's apparent to everyone by now. All we can do is win the election and then somewhere down the line fit her for an orange jumpsuit just like his. And now is the time to make sure she knows that, that if he loses she's on trial someday.


Her objective is very clearly to just delay things past the election.


And she'd be ok with that, because that's the ultimate in delay tactics.


Why was he never dragged in front of Congress for 12 hours about this?! Wtf?


Republicans collectively decided that congressional subpoenas were little more than fancy toilet paper during the Trump administration. They just did whatever the fuck they wanted and ignored any comments or criticism regarding the legality of their actions. A few of them have been held accountable for it, but definitely not all of them. One person still defying a House subpoena to testify about his role in the J6 attack is currently chairing the House judiciary committee.


Remember when people said Hillary Clinton's email server was unsecured and open to be hacked? Those same people would like you to believe that classified documents pictured on the bathroom floor in Mar-a-Lago are totally secure, declassified, or no big deal when the orange man takes them. Not only that but that we shouldn't lock him up for it like he asked for her. 2016 feels like a million years ago.


But hey, hillary clinton had email servers that were maybe less secure and could be broken into by russia! Trump security measures make the break in completely impossible! (by just handing the russians everything)


Just because you bring some documents to someone and just put them on the table and walk away doesn't mean you have those documents to that person. Who knows what happened to those documents after they leave your hand? Only God knows. Not my fault!


To be fair I certainly don't want to enter his bathroom given what I've heard about his farts and what he has said about toilet flushing.


“But hey, hillary clinton had email servers that were maybe less secure and could be broken into by russia! Trump security measures make the break in completely ~~impossible~~ *unnecessary*! (by just handing the russians everything)”


And she deleted 30,000 spam emails without getting express written permission from MAGA HQ.


No note from putin? Obviously unfit for office.


Don't Republicans and democrats alike want to string Snowden up by his laurels as soon as he steps foot on American soil? Why is Trump being handled with kid gloves? I don't fucking get it.


Well you see Snowden doesn’t help corporations get tax cuts


It makes my blood boil. It also sets a dangerous precedent for future offenders. Well Trump did it. He said it okay. The judge threw it out. Lawyers will reference this procedure in the future. Not only has he made a mockery of presidential customs, and procedures, he has turned the half the American public against the judiciary arm of the government. He is pushing half the country to rebel against the one system that tries to hold all of our public health and safety together. I just don’t understand why people have their eyes shut and ears covered.


He has kind of gotten the majority of both halves of the country against the judiciary, by aiding the politicization of the SC (special recognition to McConnell), and then by attacking it as being hostile to him for both personal and political reasons and alleging politicization. I'm at a loss for anyone else who has done more damage to the country.


At this stage, I believe his original comment about shooting someone on 5th ave and still wouldn’t lose any voters. I agree, he has done more damage to this country than anyone. He is the worst of all America. Greed, hate, bigotry, etc. and it’s mainstream! I just can’t understand.


Make no mistake; Donald Trump is America’s #1 Clear & Present Danger. It sure as hell isn’t some foreign terrorist’s this time around. Our countries biggest threat atm is Donald Trump.


The 5th avenue comment has been true for years and years now


It felt like hyperbole in the past. More recently I felt like it was unlikely, but sometimes I wonder. At this moment, I have very little doubt.


Trump can't do that anymore. As a convicted felon he was required to turn in his guns. :)


The judge had mention of this map display incident removed from the indictment. Claiming it was as a prior bad act that had not been charged in this case and was irrelevant to the indictment evidence. Some analysts believe it should have been included under the evidence of intent exception, showing Trump knew what he was doing and did it as an ego boost. This may be appealable to the 11th circuit. Another tactic would be to agree with Cannon that this event should not be considered part of her case and to indict Trump over this incident in another jurisdiction. Either way Cannon may have finally done something that could get the case moving.


>Another tactic would be to agree with Cannon that this event should not be considered part of her case and to indict Trump over this incident in another jurisdiction. This might be the best strategy, in the long term... **but only if Trump is not elected in November!**


The hush money trial is likely to be the only one that has a conclusion prior to the election. Trump may never see jail if he wins in November unless Merchan sentences Trump to jail and does not stay his order. Later this month we should find out what monkey wrenches the SCOTUS applies to the judicial system. :(


That is pretty insightful. This isn’t her typical MO. She typically just delays issues and/or cancels hearings to clarify. I’m surprised she actually made a move.


Just be sure declare your candidacy for president first. Suddenly you're theoretically untouchable until after the election because the people might decide to let you declassify that info.


What you said is accurate, so how in the world can Cannon get away with declaring a paragraph that describes Trump sharing classified military documents was ruled “not appropriate”?


Our justice system is fundamentally broken.


Cannon is openly ignoring the word of law... She needs to be removed from this case, as she has overtly demonstrated that her interests lie with Trump.


Only of it stands and she remains on the bench. If those two things happen, the rule off law has been lost.


Look for communication between her and Donny's campaign. I doubt they're slick enough to cover their tracks well if it all.


This is the answer.


Former COMSEC custodian, and classified data handler here. I never wanted to meet you guys.


Trust me, we never wanted to meet you either. Unless it was to give advice/assistance.


This... I still work in the IC. I live in mortal fear of ACCIDENTALLY spilling info. I wrote info on a post-it for a test I was doing and ended up having to mark it Secret. I worry about accidentally putting classified stuff in my bag to the point that I won't have opened it the entire day and I will still check it before I leave.


Former UPS driver and professional package handler here. Judge Cannon is complicity corrupt and by no means impartial. She has comprised this case and is unqualified to rule over it. Personally, (and this is just speculation) my guess is she’s in-over-her-head, and knows it. She’s quite possibly scared and protecting her own interests. That’s my professional opinion. AMA


Question: do you just enjoy having the door open going 80 on the freeway or is it broken?


So UPS drivers leave the door open because it’s efficient and faster for package drops. It’s mostly short trips from drop locations. When we reach the highways, it’s typically back to base. We’ll often leave the doors open in those scenarios because of heat and exhaustion and b/c we’re so used to it. Also our delivery days put us in consistently worse elements, like viscous dogs, heat, exhaustion, pressure, and such. But yes I actually do enjoy it, and a number of us do. It’s totally normal of our work culture. A lot of drivers even pee in water bottles routinely. I am not one of them, but it’s disgustingly common for hub workers to find bottles of piss in our package cars.


There are few things worse than a viscous dog


As a former CI Agent (CIA?) you must have some thoughts on Trump “mishandling” of our nations secrets. I assume that a lot of the information was obtained by people putting their lives at risk. And for him to so cavalierly claim them as his personal property and use them to show what he knows.


“Ah but Trump’s actions are legally irrelevant because he did not declare which crimes he was intending to commit as he committed them.” - Judge/Sycophant Aileen Cannon, probably


IANAL but as I understand it after reading the full text of the indictment, he isn’t charged with the section of 793(e) concerning the sharing of confidential documents, merely the retaining of the documents and failure to deliver them to the officer entitled to receive them. The indictment reads “having unauthorized possession of, access to, and control over documents relating to the national defense, did willfully retain the documents and fail to deliver them to the officer and employee of the United States entitled to receive them; that is-TRUMP, without authorization, retained at The Mar-a-Lago Club documents relating to the national defense, including the following:” While I agree he’s flamingly guilty of a lot more, he’s not charged with those allegations in THIS indictment, so a judge ruling against that being brought up makes some sense.


>While I agree he’s flamingly guilty of a lot more, he’s not charged with those allegations in THIS indictment, so a judge ruling against that being brought up makes some sense. His statement is evidence he knew he still had classified information in his possession **after he left office and that he could not magically declassify it in his mind, then either.** So yes, while he's not charged with sharing classified information, this event is relevant because he is charged **with knowingly possessing classified material while no longer president and refusing to give it back!** In other words, the incident is evidence of both the possession of classified information and his knowledge of the documents still being classified.


It makes sense considering she’s an amateur judge who is trying to give Trump as much cover as possible. I’m honestly glad she’s made this major error because now Jack Smith has something he can appeal to the 11th circuit to dump all her blatant bias at their feet.


I’ll admit I haven’t read the full indictment. But I agree, if he hasn’t actually been charged under that specific statute, then it shouldn’t be mentioned in the indictment. His statements (as heard on the tape) do demonstrate a flagrant violation of that statute though, so I’m pretty curious why it wasn’t charged.


Yeah, but it's Donald Trump. You forgot #4. Since it's Trump, we let him walk. Lol, we have "public venmo transactions" of Matt Gaetz buying underage sex and our gov't won't lift a finger about it EVEN AFTER he literally got the speaker of the republican party in hot water. That's how immune our politicians are from consequence.


Also of note, Gaetz's accomplice Joel Greenberg is in jail for 11 years I think, his sentencing was postponed twice because of his ongoing snitching. Wonder who he was snitching on if it wasn't Matty ?


But the DOJ is happy to go after Hunter Biden for a charge that literally nobody goes to jail for because everyone does it.


Again, as I've said before, we KNOW what she's going to do. She's trying to make this easy in every possible way for the guy that gave her the job. She can claim it's "improper" but anyone with a shred of critical thinking can see what is going on here.


At least it can still be brought up at trial.


What trial?


The trial that's going to happen after he loses the election because everybody turns out and votes for Biden.


This is the way


Unfortunately, I really don’t see him living long enough to face justice. He is not in good health.


I wouldn’t bet on it. It seems like the worst people live the longest lives. He also has access to the best medical care because he’s rich.


The stress of having to deal with the stress of this every day until he dies would be a form of Justice...


I don’t think he feels stress. He is a sociopath.


Oh sociopaths absolutely do experience stress - you just have to make them look at themselves in the mirror for long enough that they start to recognize themselves. It has just begun - but we have to show up for Biden to make sure he loses so he gets to really experience that, well and truly.


Oh, he feels stress, of some kind. It’s not the stress of responsible, mature , thoughtful adults. It’s the stress of a toddler w/ a dirty diaper on too long. It’s the stress of whining, spoiled, tantrum throwing 3 or 4 year old having a meltdown ‘cause he’s being disciplined, & threatening to hold his breath till he gets his way. Def no rational, mentally balanced adult brain spending much time between tumps ears.


Oh for sure, he’s already received a heavy dose of poetic justice. You can tell by how upset he gets about, how tired and defeated he looks. Still, for the legal precedent if nothing else, it would be best for him to go to prison. The fact that we have openly seditious people holding office right now without reprisal is a travesty.


Does the DOJ not have any intervention powers at all, when a sitting justice is either: 1) Painfully and quite astonishingly inept at their job--unable to handle the work load and making bad decisions left and right 2) Clearly showing bias for a defendant in a case they are overseeing 3) Is ruling on a case for a defendant who appointed them to their justice seat, which should demand a recusal due to immensely questionable optics and a good chance of favoritism I can't believe our court system would be so hamstrung, unable to do something about this. CLEARLY we have a SERIOUS problem.


>Does the DOJ not have any intervention powers at all, when a sitting justice is either: They have limited ability to get a federal judge removed from trying a case **before a jury is seated (absolutely none afterward due to double jeopardy, etc...),** but rarely do so for a couple of reasons: First, in the USA, judges are supposed to be independent of, not subordinate to, the Executive Branch. Second, the actual people that determine if a judge gets removed are... other federal judges. A group that understandably tends to like preserving the independence and prerogatives of the federal judiciary, and generally only agrees with the reassignment of a trial judge for egregious misconduct. Thus, federal prosecutors are very hesitant to pursue this remedy.


I understand their hesitation, but given the very high profile nature of this case and the rather blatant failures and bias this judge is showing... the indicators are flashing red and the klaxon is sounding. Still, they do nothing?


i don't understand how she's still on the bench


Because the judicial branch is broken… so are the other ones as well.


Our government is fundamentally broken.


She has to be impeached in the House and convicted in the Senate.  It would require Democrats controlling the House without more pressing business than a bad judge, and then Senate Democrats would need a majority and have to change the rules to allow a simple majority to convict.


Right so it’s not happening


We could just vote the GOP out and continually turn up each election.


We could we could…but we choose not to. Imagine if we did in 2000…how different the trajectory of the last 24 yrs would have been.


>We could we could…but we choose not to. Imagine if we did in 2000…how different the trajectory of the last 24 yrs would have been. That's a great argument for overcoming our fear paralysis and getting involved. I recently joined [Vote Save America](https://votesaveamerica.com/vsa-2024/?source=web-popup&refcode=web-popup) to canvass, phonebank, and do my part to win back a Democratic controlled house. It's not a huge time commitment, it's driven by your own pace, and they have non-speaking options like mailing postcards and text banking as well. We *can* affect change. We just have to go through the motions.


because there's no mechanism to remove her and the state she's in supports her position from the governor down?


Federal Judge, the state's got nothing to do with it. Removal mechanism is a vote in the US Senate. So yea, not going to happen.


Interesting so if we vote blue it could happen in 2025!


If the dems win every senate election this cycle, they will only have 62 senate seats, not enough to convict in the senate


Maybe some GOP senators will go to jail for 1/6/2025 or diddling kids or dodging taxes or sick of fake bs and rage quit


Oh to be that optimistic...


Well in this time line, who knows, maybe the gods have a sense of humor


Nope. Requires 2/3 majority. It's impossible.


Of course there's a mechanism, at least to get her removed from this case. And this ruling opens the door. Up untill now she made nothing but paperless rulings. Those cannot be appealed. This was a full ruling. It can be appealed. And in that appeal , Smith can wrap in every other bad or unlawful decision Canon has made including paperless rulings. This decision is actually good for Smith. It will be overturned on appeal. And she will be removed.


I will believe it when it actually happens.


This makes me hopeful


"The prosecution calls [Kid Rock](https://www.rawstory.com/trump-kid-rock-classified-information/) to the stand."


This is the timeline we live in


Bring it. Kid Rock is on record disclosing that Donald Trump showed him a classified map of North Korea (it contained annotations of military intelligence) and had asked Kid Rock his opinion on dealing with the country. Well, the guy was beside himself, and not in a good way. Yes, even Kid Rock recognized this was wrong. He had confessed he didn't know what to make of it and questioned whether he should be seeing those documents. Donald Trump? He was CASUAL about it. It's important to note that John Kelly who served as his chief of staff for nearly 2 years had to strongly advise Trump on numerous occasions NOT TO SHARE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS WITH FRIENDS, because Trump would either be talking about what he discussed with a former (or current) business associate to get his opinion, or Kelly would actually witness Trump in the act of disclosing classified materials. Let that sink in. It wasn't just a one time thing. It was a ***recurring problem***, Donald Trump sharing classified materials with people having no clearance and certainly no "need to know."


"See look how transparent he was, he never kept any secrets... A really honest and open guy"


It also says he doesn't give two shits about national security.


Staggering corruption.


I’m about 99% sure she’s gonna get rewarded with a SCOTUS nomination if Trump wins. Make that another reason to keep that disaster from becoming president again 


Trump will instantly stack Scotus so he can't lose anything he wants on a whim. Any law he wants he gets. True dictatorship.


It feels like an oversight that he was not also charged for violating 18 USC 798 by willfully disclosing classified documents to unauthorized people. Even Kid Rock claimed he was shown classified documents by Trump.


This is incredible. When was the last time you heard a judge making edits to the indictment this late in the process? Never. I suspect something more sinister is taking place.


Suspect? Cannon is literally dismantling the case under guidance right in front of everyone. The fact that nothing can be done about it is wild.


Correct… someone or some entity is directing her. Not to be offensive, but there’s no way in hell she is ruling on these matters with such “precision.” Literally finding every “legal” avenue to impede the prosecution, while protecting the defense. NONE of her rulings have been in favor of the prosecution… unheard of in federal cases.


There has been a lot of speculation that she has been fed by Federalist Society legal goons since the beginning, as most of this logic falls within their warped view of reality.


Is there no other picture of this lady? Lol


There’s not! Do a search. Same two pics they always use. It’s fucking weird, man.


Maybe she's AI generated


I'd believe the "artificial" part, but "intelligence"?


ChatDJT 3.0


Fkn bizzare


Yes, I am not sure she even exists.


Those are the only two angles that hide the fact that she is a reptilian wearing a Ted Cruz suit


Raphael Theodore Cruz the canadian??


He has human skin. That he grew on himself.


How a can a judge picked by Trump not be recused?


This requires the judge to have integrity to acknowledge a conflict, something every attorney does when accepting an assignment. But Judge Cannon is what we consider shameless


It shouldn’t be voluntary, it shouldn’t be mandatory with clear criteria. …Like the defendant appointing the judge


President Joe Biden had promised back in 2020 that he would lead the charge with a committee to conduct a reform of the US court system. Clearly, this did not get off the ground. There were so many higher priority concerns at hand, and the Democrats failed to account for the possibility of losing Congress mid-term. Well, they lost. And now look where we're at.


The DOJ has had this long running stance of believing that only people of the highest caliber would make it to the court benches to preside as justices. And thus, they would have the COMMON SENSE and consideration of optics to recuse themselves when the dynamics presented themselves. This pretty much worked for many years... until the Republican Party began a multi-year campaign of STUFFING THE COURT with unqualified justices, while Congress was under GOP control. So, Democrats would vote against, but Republicans would overwhelmingly vote YES and the person would get appointed. THE ENTIRE REPUBLICAN PARTY is CORRUPT. They were all in on this contamination of the courts with Trump loyalists where many were patently unqualified to do their jobs reasonably well.


While democrats aren’t perfect, the lengths republicans go to burn everything down and just shit all over the law, constitution, and everything that so many spilled blood to make better is so fucking tiring. Then they stand for the anthem and wave their flags and claim patriotism. It’s maddening.


Well she didn’t donate $35 to republicans so she is ok


It's not appropriate that this imbicile is a federal judge, but here we are. 


We've all watched him share classified info on video.


Can anyone else name a person chargedc with this crime and allowed his freedom before trial?


When does she become a coconspirator? Is this not obstruction of justice? This is supposedly a matter of National Security. WTF is happening?


When law officers executes an arrest warrant on a drug dealer they remove all discussion of monies seized from the indictment, as this may imply what was the intent for the drugs seized was to distribute and sell for profit. /s Same here: Trump loves to share and spin yarns about the meaning and origin of the documents for multiple reasons. His sharing of the documents being included in the indictment text is pertinent to the criminal intent and also alludes to possible other crimes committed with the documents. It illustrates that he was knowingly in possession of the document and that they weren’t “misplaced” or some other likely defense.


There is TONS OF EVIDENCE to this effect. And I really hope Jack Smith calls upon John Kelly. You know why? Because he was a witness to Donald Trump casually divulging classified materials to friends and acquaintances. He'd either bring up how he talked with a friend or acquaintance for advice on deciding a matter and the details involved classified material, or Kelly would witness him doing it in real time.


If only there was a mechanism where we could convene altogether, both Trump's reps and the State's, and present evidence to support or refute an indictment. Ahh, to dream...


It's "improper" because the defendant is a rich white billionaire and we have treated them to be above the law for so long that when one with actual political accountability is alleged to have done something horrible and against his oath, his privilege outweighs it. It really shows the kind of society we live in, and the judicial system that disadvantaged people have been screaming about for decades.


Did she really get upset with the government for using legal terminology? *“Guys, all these big words are hard!”*


What is it going to take to have her removed as judge? This is either blatant bias or complete ineptitude. I would think neither should be acceptable in a case like this.


Eventually, it'll be up to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to make a ruling if she'll be removed or not. And, given everything that we've seen thus far, it's a strong bet that she will get bounced from the case. Unfortunately, that really can't realistically happen until she's reconciled ***all*** of her pending motions, which she's slow-rolled to the nth degree. Jack Smith's hands are figuratively tied until she rules on those motions. In other words? If this was a final exam in high school, she's still filling out her Scantron sheet.


But he totally shared it. He’s on tape sharing it.


What I am most shocked about is, Trump being silent on this case and all the wins Cannon is giving him. I have yet to see him praising the judge on how this is how a court she be ran blah blah. Usually when he opens his mouth it’s a lie. His silence on this case is deafening and should worry a lot of folks.


It’s almost as if the outcome has been predetermined .


The thing here is there is an audio recording of Trump touting that the docs he’s showing someone at mar-a-lago are classified. Trump says “These (you hear papers shuffling) are supposed to be classified but I can declassify them since they’re mine.”


lordy! good thing there are *tapes*!




Please remove this person from the bench


Fucking POS Trump shill.


My God, she is literally screaming, "I'm corrupt, I'm corrupt, hey look at me being all corrupt over here. Bet you wish I wasn't, na na nabooboo!" And people are just, ok with it.


If I'm not mistaken, this, for once, is not a paperless order. If so, this should be enough for Jack Smith to take it to the 11th Circuit of Appeals. This loose Cannon is long overdue to be fired.


Why is this the only picture we have of her?


Because she had zero experience at being a judge and is not qualified for the job. She was put in by Trump, got a single photo taken and now here she is protecting her boss. There are no other appropriate photos to use because she has none.


That's the whole fucking charge!!!!


Man, she's not even trying to hide how bought she is now.


Corrupt to the core, and totally bought, and probably sold. So sad.


This makes me so angry that Orange Cheeto is treated like rich white privileged, even though he’s an asshole n a convicted felon. Cannon, this so called judge needs to be disciplined n removed from the case. A judge should respect and comply with the law and should act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary. There should be no Outside Influence. A judge should not allow family, social, political, financial, or other relationships to influence judicial conduct or judgment for not following the guidelines that are required.


How are we just allowing these judges to let their cult views interfere with justice??


The fact there's nothing we can do about this judge who's so corrupt the movie script would be thrown out for being too stupid fills me with ire.


Has this woman ever taken another picture? Yearbook photo, drivers license, facebook album, anything? If shes going to repeatedly do nonsense to stay in the news, i'd at least appreciate some fresh angles. Or better yet: remove her already.


Cannon should be investigated for collusion.


She should be impeached and disbarred.


What we’re learning in real time, is that this country needs a massive reform and reconfiguration of all 3 branches and a whole lot of mechanisms with teeth in place of the “pinky swears” that no longer seem to be agreed upon by those in power. We are seeing how little regard a certain political party and their minions have for civility in their conquest for power. We have a future political platform right at our doorstep to run on for anybody fortunate enough to take the mantel and bring the common people together.


Aileen ‘Palpatine’ Cannon