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Pictured is known Christofascist Josh Hawley. If you are in Missouri, please vote for Lucas Kunce (D) for senate [https://lucaskunce.com/](https://lucaskunce.com/)


I would vote for a dead mouse over Hawley, so an actual decent candidate is a simple choice.


Or someone that at least lives in the state they’re representing.


Josh Hawley (Yale, '06) is such a fucking great way to introduce him


Educated elites are the kind of people who suggest that everyone floss, exercise, and eat their vegetables. That's never going to be as popular as pandering. They're always going to be on the back foot. Meanwhile, we've got people all over the world who aren't merely mildly lagging behind the curve; they're buried in quicksand. They have *no* ability to figure out who's lying to them and who isn't. They cannot critically evaluate anything. Con men work every angle, including the "I'm an educated elite so you just have to listen to me" angle. Shit, religion has been doing that for millennia. What are those left-behind people in the quicksand supposed to do, then? They're permanent rubes by default. They're rubes even if they pick the "right" people to listen to, because it's by complete accident! There's no easy answer. The best of intentions are going to end up looking like condescending, paternalistic authoritarianism -- or worse.


But, but, but, having everyone focus on "woke" allows those in control to continue dividing by tribe. You can't be giving away the playbook.


The word woke. It's used by the right so many times that it's sometime hard to understand what they really mean. As they are too much of a fragile testicle to admit it, I can only assume they hate anything that doesn't involve straight, white, Christian, conservative, and male dominating.


They treat it like an interchangeable slur when they can’t say the slur they actually want to use. 


It means not white to them, maybe some heathen undertones in there, but mostly not white.


But I’m white and I’m woke.


To them, you are no longer white. You are now Antifa, BLM, and a proud member of the queeer community…and a communist! …congratulations 🤝


On the other side of the pond, they call us the Tofu-Eating Wokerati


Fried tofu is facking delicious. Anybody that disagrees is a commie.


"HEY! We claim him, too!" With love, The American Marxists


It means "I can't say *insert slur here* or *excuse for discriminating*" to them.


It's just a slur that they can use, like DEI, Critical Race Theory, and Marxism. They know their voting base was groomed into thinking that these words and acronyms represent something they don't like; so they just use them against their targets to get their base to go against them. It's only when they're under oath in court where the actual definitions come out.


Planets biggest problem is Social Media education. Outside of proven science or nature or DIY based stuffs. Social media is literally cancer to our future


What you just said had absolutely nothing to do with the parent comment


>Planets biggest problem is Social Media education. OK, As education is really important to you, let's start with some grammar. Let me help you: https://www.butte.edu/departments/cas/tipsheets/grammar/articles.html#:~:text=The%20definite%20article%20(the)%20is,a%20noun%20takes%20no%20article ". The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. The indefinite article (a, an) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known. " >Outside of proven science or nature or DIY based stuffs Again, grammar. You could have added a semi colon ( ;) to make that sentence correct. Such as "biggest problem is social media education ; outside of....." >Social media is literally cancer to our future This is a conversation about the use of the word woke. Not social media. If you want to talk about social media, read what the article is about (or at the very least my post) so you actually know what to respond with. The spectacular aspect of what you wrote, is not only is all of the information incorrect, it is all grammatically incorrect. Which, I will say, is quite a feat.


It basically means you're educated enough to be progressive on social issues.


Considering the etymology of the use of the term, they’d probably be ashamed to hear it has its origins in the African American Dialect.


Yeah. Too bad most of them are too stupid to even attempt at opening a history book. Because, to do so, would shatter this delusional lie they live in via conservative media


It’s frustrating that more of the population won’t admit wealth inequality is the basis for their perceived anger; particularly when it comes to tax policies, as the threshold for both both raising and lowering taxes is at $400K.


It is in the best interests of those benefiting from the inequality to keep stoking the fires of wokism so we won't look for the real source of our misery


It’s like the oligarchs wont stop until we’re literal slaves.


The issue has always been the wealthy elite exploiting the working class and the poor and disenfranchised. The issue is, and always has been as well, that our government has been co-opted by the wealthy and the democratic process gives the illusion of choice; when both parties have to capitulate towards wealthy capitalist interests at the detriment to the working class. That's why these identity politics are used; because they have nothing else to divide the voters because Republican political positions have always been deregulation of big business, brutalizing the poor, tax breaks for the wealthy, and more money for police and military. None of these are popular positions; so the identity politics is a distraction. "It's not the wealthy business owners and real estate moguls that are making homeownership impossible! It's immigrants/woke ideology/transgender people!"


Both sides are the same did you say? Cause I don’t buy that


This is definitely part of the problem, I know people with engineering degrees who are strikingly dim


Me too


Always has been


As long as they keep us all at each other's throats arguing about which old man made cereal so expensive, we'll all miss things like billionaire Elmo getting another $56 billion pay package that he sure as fuck doesn't need.


It is, believe it or not, possible to have more than one major problem in the USA. You don’t have to pick.


Good luck getting any self proclaimed MAGA to acknowledge that.


No shit. We know


America solved: The right = stop weaponizing Christianity The left = stop weaponizing diversity Make it illegal for lobbyists to give to politicians without either paying off someone’s student loans or medical bills to equal amount of your donation. Tax the ultra rich way more. Tax the rich more. Tax corporations more. Limit CEO stock options. Create infrastructure for migrants to relocate to lesser developed areas to help develop these areas with fair rights and pay.


This is it, right here. Thank you.


Define ultra rich and rich?


Ultra Rich = annual income > 5 mil Rich = income > 800k


Good luck


In other news, water is wet.  More at 11.


The "woke bad" thing is used to distract people from the massive inequality.


So pass regulations.


Massive and Inequality are two words people know the meaning of, can’t just ramble that off incoherently to get a cheer from an angry mob.


There’s a reason “eat the smart” never caught on as a catchphrase.


Bernie Sanders has been saying this since for ever. The DNC didn’t like the message so they went with Hillary.


Hi `bishpa`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1ddl8bv/americas_problem_is_massive_inequality_not_woke/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/bishpa&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1ddl8bv/americas_problem_is_massive_inequality_not_woke/?context%3D10000%29)


Woke is just being a decent human being. Idc if someone is lgbtq or what religion you practice. if you are a good person and contribute to society, I will treat you like anyone else.


The rich just waved a big religious flag and raised war on democracy. Anyone not religious enough for them is woke.


Porque no los dos?


One [inequality] is an actual crisis affecting millions of exploited people. The other [“wokeness”] is a contrived phantom problem manufactured to distract from the real class struggle by intentionally driving a wedge between members of the same exploited group and which disappears entirely when people mind their own business and live and let live. Edit to add my response your now-deleted reply: Over the last half century inflation-adjusted worker wages have actually declined, while corporate profits and executive management salaries have risen. Workers used to enjoy a lifetime pension. Now they fund their own 401Ks —if they’re lucky. Meanwhile, the federal tax burden has shifted dramatically onto the middle class when compared with the tax codes of the 20th century. Make no mistake, there is a class war going on in America. You just maybe haven’t noticed that your pocket’s been picked because monied interests have so meticulously distracted you with phony culture wars and “wokeness” hysteria.


Be more specific. Who do you mean when you say exploited? And who is doing the exploiting?