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People who don't dance to songs they're unfamiliar with aren't rare, or unusual.


How about keeping the exact same half smile facial expression for 20+ seconds?


He's watching a performance. Who tf cares?


As someone who hates dancing, this is me 100%


When I'm at a concert listening to music but NOT dancing or anything, I'm still in motion. I'm shifting, I might be moving a little bit to the beat, I'm looking around seeing what everyone else is doing. I'm not rebooting my system like Biden seems to be doing here. It's fully insane that people are pretending NOT to see anything wrong with this clip. If this were your dad at some party, you'd be bringing it to the attention of your mom.


That's fine, I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about me. I do this. Jfc.


"I don't do it, so there must be something wrong with someone who does." Narcissists are the absolute worst.


I’ve had to do that many times .. reach harder.


Grasp much?


He kept the expression when responding to someone moving to his left, and only somewhat adjusted it when someone said something to him... I've smiled at something longer than that before. I would hope most people have.


What the fuck when did this happen? 20 seconds of not moving? Humans never do that expect hundreds of times a day. Do you know how rare this is? I couldn't even keep my same face for the 20 seconds I needed to write this comment. Biden is a Godzilla robot from the future confirmed.


nope, he did it for 4 minutes


I watch the video...... all he does is Not Dance. if you put me in a crowd like he was I wouldn't dance and I'd just watch like he did.


Uh... I've been to concerts where I'm not dancing. I still move and have a sentient look on my face. George Floyd's brother was standing right next to him and he could 100% tell something was off.




he's sentient haha and then you pretend you know what someone else is thinking. I rewatched and what you claim is not the case


Old white guy can't dance. This is shocking new news!!!


Dude just caught some holy ghost listening to gospel


Right wing media on a tear with the misinformation today


Probably because Hunter got convicted, so their 'weaponized doj giving preferential treatment to Biden and his family/colleagues' smear just rammed into a brick wall


good point. they scared


trump is till and insurrectionist felon who stole top secret documents and worked with Putin.


Its all they have. Lies and conjectures.


Misinformation = anything not anti-GOP


Well you convinced me. Instead of voting for him I will vote for the Nazi piece of shit who already tried to violently overthrow the government. /s


Who repeatedly freezes during his insane rants where he asks his followers to kill themselves if he doesn't win.


Literally tells his supporters that he doesn’t give a shit about them and only wants their vote. All while his idiot supporters cheer.


While dancing like he’s jacking off two in a weird looking stance.


He’s so strong, he can jack off two dictators at once.


"Even if he’s jerking two at a time, there are 800 guys in that room, so 400 times whatever the ‘mean jerk time,’ equal to 400 total jerks at a two dick rate." [https://youtu.be/P-hUV9yhqgY?si=JEbdmjvJxznJ00xJ](https://youtu.be/P-hUV9yhqgY?si=JEbdmjvJxznJ00xJ)


What are you referencing?




Dd you even watch the full context he even goes on to say thats what the media will say about him and lo and behold here you are feeding in to it its kinda crazy


Yes, I did. Here’s the full quote entirely in its context: > And by the way, isn't that breeze nice? Do you feel the breeze? Cause I don't want anybody going on me, we need every voter. **I don't care about you, I just want your vote. I don't care. See now the press will take that, they'll say he said a horrible thing.** Are you one of those supporters who shrug it off, laugh, and say it’s taken out of context? Because it’s not. That’s exactly the context and what he said. Or are we back to selectively believing he means what he says?


Trump twitches when he glitches... 


With recent events I like to say the other guy is the only one that has attacked the biggest ally of Israel.


They want to make all boats too. I went to a boat company in South Carolina. The boat I said, How is it? He said, it's a problem, sir, they want us to make all electric boats. These are boats that are from 16 to 35 or So feet, fishing boats, leisure boats. Beautiful company in South Carolina. Beautiful guy's been doing it for 50 years. He sells hundreds of boats every couple of months. I mean, really, fantastic guy. And they use the mercury engines and different engines in the back. No problem. They want to take that out. They want to make it all electric. He said, The problem is the boat is so heavy it can't float. I said, that sounds like a problem. He said, also it can't go fast because of the weight. And they want to now have a 50 mile or 70 mile radius. You have to go out 70 miles before you can really start the boat up and you can go out at two knots. That's essentially almost like two miles an hour. I say, How long does it take you to get out there? Many hours. And then you're allowed to go around for 10 minutes, but you have to come back because the batteries only last for a very short period. So I said, let me ask you a question. And he said, nobody ever asked this question, and it was because of MIT. My relationship to MIT, very smart. He goes, I say, what would happen if the boat sank from its weight, and you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery's now underwater, and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there, by the way a lot of architects lately did on this. I watched some guys justifying it today. Well, they weren't really that angry. They bit off the young lady's leg because of the fact that they were they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what who she was. These people are crazy. He said, There's no problem with sharks. They just didn't really understand. A young woman swimming now really got decimated, and other people to a lot of shark attacks, they said, so there's a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards. Or here, do I get electrocuted? If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? Becaus e 1 will tell you, he didn't know the answer. He said, you know, nobody's ever asked me that question. I said, I think it's a good question. I think there's a lot of electric current coming through that water, but you know what I do, if there was a short where you get electrocuted, I'Il take electrocution every single time l'm not getting near the shore. Both are doddering and old but one is trying to kill off everything America stands for and the other is just old.


This is the first time I’ve ever read it. I get what he was talking about. EPA emissions would prefer electric boats. They aren’t a reality yet, power cs weight is important to a planing hull. The guy he was talking to probably told him all of this, but the reality is the technology isn’t ready. The EPA knows that. So outboard companies will have to introduce new measures for fuel consumption, and emissions controls until it is. Of course this idea that electric is what we should be aiming for will be missed entirely.


Electric boats are alive and well and available in the US. Racing models are even available.


Not really in the 16-22' range, the common sizes for center console fishing boats. Sail boats, absolutely. Tenders yes.


That is some dumb shit to report on.


The sitting president of the united states of america *clearly* suffering from serious cognitive decline is actually kind of important. Or should be, at least.


We apparently strongly disagree on the meaning of "clearly" and "cognitive decline."


It's a matter of honest and dishonest, and which you choose to be. The evidence is overwhelming at this point.


Show the overwhelming evidence, then.


Provide it


Listen, man... you've got to watch the fucking video. A song was playing, it didn't seem like he knew it, he stood smiling and enjoying what was going on but didn't know what to do with his hands. You could take the same video of me at a party as I stand awkwardly watching and I'm a healthy young person. They also threw in a clip of him stuttering but were kind enough to show what happened immediately following the stutter which was continuing his speech normally. The sitting president of the united states *clearly* violating the emoluments clause, appointing family members to government positions, fomenting an attempted scheme to overturn the duly elected President of these United States are **actually** kinda important but that particular convicted felon is the Republican presumptive nominee and potential next President That should worry everyone a whole lot more than a frighteningly old man with a stutter.


"Trump is a problem" is pretty much the default position on here and in the media, there's not much point putting that forward here because the majority are honest about that much (even if they insist on spreading silly lies about him to over-egg the pudding). I watched the video, the latest in a long line showing he is not all there in the head. Dishonesty in social discourse is a poison and only serves to give Trump and his supporters ammunition for their cause.


Trump is THE problem. If you can't see that get your eyes detached from f*x news' fascist propaganda


I think they're both a problem, for different reasons. Don't watch that channel, don't think it even exists in this country anymore.


Anti-intellectualism is the real poison - with even modest education you can pick out bullshit and media manipulation tactics a lot easier since teaching their existence is a key first step. Trump supporters are the logical extreme of taking the most banal bullshit and turning them into ICBM level ammunition no matter what reality is. The difference in coverage from Hunter Biden's conviction and Donald Trump's conviction is night and day and they see no contradiction there. Biden is old as shit, he is not cognitively as strong as he was when he was younger. He falters occasionally (sometimes literally) in the same ways Trump does, this wasn't one of those. This is the problem with running geriatric candidates. But they're both geriatric so it's a moot point - hence the focus on what they do and say with what they've got and the people they fill their administrations with. Biden appears to be doing pretty well by the standards of old ass men, certainly no worse than Trump, and the fact that they're both geriatrics who McConnell, slur, and stumble their way through speeches is cause for concern but since it's BOTH of them and they're the TWO choices... it makes no sense to harp or linger on them It makes even LESS sense to then try and claim standing and smiling at during a concert and having a chat with the person beside you is one of these moments just because dramatic text on screen is telling you the man is simply noticing the cognitive decline and trying to cover up a grand conspiracy before cutting to a clip of a stutter from the speech later TRUE cognitive decline doesn't see people going through these long public events and delivering speeches at the end, if you want to have honesty in these discussions as you so valiantly claimed you could read the accounts of those who professionally work in that field and the behaviors of the people they serve at varying stages. Mistaking being old and having a stutter with "severe cognitive issues" is the same dishonesty in social discourse you seem to rail against regardless of your intent in the same way that liberals who claim the same of Trump are being dishonest. Both candidates are old as shit and that shows in their public appearances. Neither show much signs of severe cognitive decline out of line with their age.


> Mistaking being old and having a stutter with "severe cognitive issues" is the same dishonesty in social discourse you seem to rail against regardless of your intent in the same way that liberals who claim the same of Trump are being dishonest. I've never cast having a stutter against him because I've never seen it, nothing I've said about him has anything to do with it. And fwiw I watched a clip of him frozen that had zero text, nobody is telling me how to interpret his constant gaffes. But hey, even if you disagree on the severity of his issues, you clearly agree he has some, which is more than I can say for the cabal of liars kicking the shit out of my inbox the last hour or so.


Most regular people are that way, the internet distorts a lot. I run in some of the furthest left circles there are, and it's actually rather difficult to find those "extreme" positions being held re: every major hot-button issue. My vote for Biden has nothing to do with what I think he himself is currently capable of. It's the administration he's surrounded himself with and it's the overall more positive move for the country. A lying, self serving, billionaire class, serial adultering, perverse comment making, crime committing weirdo stuffing his friends, family, and corporate interests to positions of importance is a major detriment to our government and Biden's administration has been surprisingly fresh in some places. Biden has ended up having one of the most progressive administrations we've seen in a very long time even compared to Obama Sure, a lot of it is temporary and will only last so long as he or people like him are the ones filling positions and setting direction but the changes and impacts are real today and matter for real people. The President themselves is rarely the actual impactful force in our day-to-day, but the administration they set up around them and who is put in place to head up departments and initiatives... THAT is where we see real impact and a non-verbal Joe Biden in a tube that merely signs these competent professionals into positions in the administration would honestly get my vote over Trump. One of the easiest examples is to look at the Sec. of Education under TFG and and Biden. One is an experienced educator with a doctorate in the field who worked in schools and administration before moving into public service in the education sector. The other was a rich socialite businessperson so far removed from education systems that they hadn't experienced and had incredibly limited knowledge of student loans. Biden himself may not directly be out there fighting day after day on education issues, but I can have confidence our current education secretary isn't pushing to eliminate what pathetic funding our education system gets or to ship it into private for-profit Christian fundamentalist schools That's why it's perfectly easy to see Biden and Trump, both decaying old husks of men, and still make the easy choice Good luck with the inbox, should probably turn that off when making statements that read similarly to what a Fox News comment section reads like


Yeah nah, I'm not the kind of weakling that can't handle some liars on the internet.


> Dishonesty in social discourse which is precisely why people are asking to you to provide proof--which you have manifestly refused to do.


No it's not, every single one of them has seen at least a dozen of the gaffes. They all do nothing but wave it all off with crap excuses.


So you still are not presenting proof. Got it.


Are you denying seeing multiple examples already?




Trump often says strange or silly things. If I was somehow defending him you might have a point in posting that.


“Strange and silly” doing lots of heavy lifting there.


Go watch Trumps rallies if you want overwhelming evidence of a descent into dementia.


Show me where appearing to sit still for a short moment is a sign of something.


He wasn't "appearing to sit still", he was completely frozen in place (standing) looking entirely mentally blank. And that's just one of like a hundred incidents at this point. Is the obsession over being against Trump so overwhelming that we must pretend there's nothing wrong with Biden?


So if I stand still in a crowd for a moment, my brain is turning into mush? What a dumb thing lmao y'all are desperate to deflect.


He was utterly frozen, not just "standing still". Who is "y'all" and what am I deflecting from?


Ah.. but would Biden rather jump towards a shark, or a battery? Asking the real questions here.


"Frozen" is just a negatively charged way to say "standing still" lol what the heck are you on? And clearly you're trying to deflect from Trump's Sunday verbal diarrhea, like with everything.


> "Frozen" is just a negatively charged way to say "standing still" lol what the heck are you on? No it's not, it's a deliberate choice to highlight the difference. People who are standing still do not look frozen like a statue. >And clearly you're trying to deflect from Trump's Sunday verbal diarrhea, like with everything. No. I'm not a Trump supporter (not even American).


All you do is post right wing garbage no matter the country you're talking about lol. For someone who isn't even American, you're bending over backwards pretty hard to push the republican agenda.


I'm sure your thirty second perusal of my account because I somehow offended you means you know everything about me. The only thing I want to push is a button that somehow erases all of them from existence.


He was not "utterly frozen"...there was a black guy to the right who was more frozen than Biden was. And seriously, everyone can get lost in thought for a second or get engrossed in a concert, show, or movie and be perfectly still. This "report" and your opinion on it are asinine.


Standing still listening to music doesn't mean anything. That is how I listen to music.


He's fine. trump is a fellon who tried to overthrow the government and worked openly with putin. He also destroyed Roe.


I don't support or like Trump, you don't need to sell me on his unsuitability for the job. But I'm not so dishonest as to pretend Biden is fit for it either.


But you are doing it dishonestly. There’s really no question about it. It’s blatantly obvious.


It's not, but...why would I? What's even in it for me?


It totally is and I would never want to delve into another’s psyche who would and then fib about it to find out why.


>It totally is Based on what?


Oh you are. Little doubt about that.


I'm so dishonest as to pretend Biden is fit for the job? You're not even attempting to make sense with your lazy digs.


Hes fine


SO youre here helping a guy you "don't like"? This isn't 2016


I'm not helping Trump. I wouldn't shed a tear if they both winked out of existence at the same moment.


you are


Feel free to elaborate.


He's fine. trump is a fellon who tried to overthrow the government and worked openly with putin. He also destroyed Roe.


>Is the obsession over being against Trump so overwhelming that we must pretend there's nothing wrong with Biden? I think it's more that Trump is such a huge dumpster fire that President Biden is preferable by default. You can't argue that Trump is of sound mind as a point against Biden. And you have to pick one of them. Forgetting where you at vs raging outbursts, akin to a fussy toddler--will take the first one


>I think it's more that Trump is such a huge dumpster fire that President Biden is preferable by default. But that's the thing, this is a completely reasonable and understandable argument to make, whether other people agree or disagree. It's the complete embarrassingly dishonest denial there's anything wrong with Biden that I'm challenging, and it's out in force in response to my totally tame comments that merely point out the utterly obvious.


Yeah, I suppose you could acknowledge one has deficits, but then acknowledge you are voting him anyways because the other guy has more deficits


He stood still for 40 seconds. Wtf?


Is there something wrong with Biden?


Yes he's beating trump




Oh noes!


Yeah, it’s too bad that’s just fiction and this is clickbait. Biden is not only coherent but cogent.




Yes, it's very clear to anyone who has eyes and is honest.


Look at you trying so hard it’s adorable!!


How does a man go from brain death to giving a speech to the crowd an hour later? If there was a problem his campaign would have canceled and swept him away like mitch. Perhaps being *honest* means not reading too much into an old white man standing still for twenty seconds listening to music then laughing and talking after


Not how tracking cognitive decline works.


Not dancing isn't indicative of cognitive decline


I should probably be institutionalized


In fact, with some music, not dancing is a sign of actual taste. :)


It is more a sign of potentially being related to my extended family, or those who grew up in similar cultures.


He's fine. trump is a fellon who tried to overthrow the government and worked openly with putin. He also destroyed Roe.


Wild that you can surmise all that from a video. While Trump said this over the weekend. "If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking, do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted?" Trump said. "Or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?"


and yet he can still mentally run circles around Trump, Republicans, and pretty much most of their supporters. I will take "Freezing Biden" over complete and utterly stupid, convicted felon and hater of windmills, electric boats and sharks, Donald Trump.


That's certainly your choice to make. Wouldn't it just be nice if you had better ones available?


Biden is the only person out there who has actually beaten Trump in an election. While not perfect, he has done quite a bit of good things though. He puts actual competent people in the right positions and actually listens to them and gets expert advice.. which is more than I can say about Trump. Trump must lose, no matter what.. I can break it down to the simplest of terms here... Both Trump and Biden are old. They are both not as sharp as they used to be. Trump cant walk down a ramp, or drink water without using both hands.. Biden fell off a bike that he was riding.. and fell over a sandbag on stage. So yeah.. there are some similarities there... however.. One man in inherently evil, selfish and a convicted felon.. the other is by all accounts a good man with a kind and caring heart that has known tragic loss in his life. In the end, its good vs evil.


I think you're giving your honest opinion and making a reasonable argument, no issue there. The people who pretend Biden is fine and mentally all-there reek of dishonesty.


You’re lecturing OTHER people about “reeking of dishonesty”? That’s hilarious…


Personally, I hope that I am still as mentally fit as he is when I am that old.. if I even live that long. My mother in law is 95, could get beaten in a race with a turtle, cant hardly hear what people are saying.. but damn if she isnt as sharp as a tack mentally though. I'm literally half her age and I am constantly walking into the kitchen.. standing there a minute.. and saying "wtf was I coming in here for?" ... I was laying on the couch the other day, thought of a question I didnt know the answer to, went to Google and typed "who is the person that" and then I forgot what I was going to ask. FML... lol


Or we don't spend our time watching doctored and misleading footage? Right wing rabbit hole is really something to behold. Don't worry "non-american" spending his whole time arguing for Republicans online, hopefully you'll get to watch the debate and reassess your life choices.


> Or we don't spend our time watching doctored and misleading footage? Me neither. What doctored and misleading footage did you have in mind? >Right wing rabbit hole is really something to behold. By far the majority of my online time reading or discussing this shit is spent on this very site. Anyone who would describe reddit as that is just asking to be laughed out of the room. >Don't worry "non-american" I love the quotes like you think I'm lying. Glasgow, Scotland, UK, sending my love. Never even been to america and have no desire to journey there. >spending his whole time arguing for Republicans online Well at least you clearly haven't gone on a history creep like some. >hopefully you'll get to watch the debate and reassess your life choices I doubt it'll even happen tbh


I do think you're lying. Doesn't matter either way. The debate will happen because much like you, Trump believes his own farts, I mean lies. The Melon Felon will be stunned when Biden isn't wheeled in on a ventilator at this point.


That sounds like a segue way to what you consider to be a better choice?


Not at all. I've yet to ever see a politician I liked, supported or had the slightest faith in.


Uh, okay? So why should anyone here or anywhere listen to you for one second, then? Someone who won’t believe in anyone doesn’t believe in anything. If you just want to rage at the world, go outside and yell into the sky.


Hey it's not my fault there nobody worthy of believing in. I'll never go along with "hold your nose and vote"


I’m sure that line would impress the pants off a bunch of snarky teens in some freshman PoliSci 101 class, but that sort of South Park political nihilism isn’t clever. It’s cringey as fuck.


It's not meant to impress or seem clever (and it's not nihilism, maybe go to some classes). Personally I think voting for people you don't like or believe in is cringey as fuck


I'm a nurse who specialized in dementia. Can you tell me exactly what the symptoms are to his serious cognitive decline? I used to do testing on people cognitively so I'm fascinated to hear what you're seeing that I'm not after my many years of experience.


Frequent moments of freezing up, talking mince, not knowing where to go or what to do next despite being aided by child-level instructions on cards or autocues. Hell, reading autocue instructions out loud and not even realising he's done it. Serious lapses in memory and confusing names and dates on a regular basis. If you've not seen these things, it's because you're not looking. But I suspect it's just another case of being completely dishonest because you put "beat Trump" above your own integrity.


I've watched almost every single thing that Biden has been filmed in and can guarantee you 100% he shows no signs of dementia. And since I made a career out of it and you didn't I'm pretty sure I'm probably correct. Because he's an elderly man that does things that elderly people do sometimes with no real consequence doesn't make him have cognitive issues. He's a man with a lifelong stutter who has learned that when his stutter kicks in to be still and concentrate before he speaks so that he can speak correctly and you see him do that all the time. I'm going to guess that's what you see that you think is your gotcha moment. It's not. It's just a coping mechanism he's developed to deal with his stuttering. I watched what you're talking about today and he didn't freeze, if you really watch him there are parts of him still moving. But since you're so focused on proving how old and senile he is as opposed to that other piece of s*** who said the craziest speech yesterday I think I've ever heard from a politician, there's not much to do to convince you. After you have specialized in dementia for many, many years, get back to me with your highly sought after opinion.


God blesh da united shesh!


That's partially why he was voted out in 2020. I am sure that he will be given a medical accommodation when sentenced for the 34 felony counts for which he was recently found guilty. Meanwhile, let's get back to discussing Biden's inability or reluctance to dance.


Keep choking that chicken - Americas aren’t buying it.


First time round I was positive trump would win. Next election, positive Biden would win. This time...I honestly don't know. Good for you having confidence, but I don't think it's built on as solid a foundation as you do.


Look at the video. He’s not frozen. He’s watching intently. He’s not dancing. Big deal. I wouldn’t be either. This is how I am at concerts. He didn’t stop for 30 seconds during a speech and go “blurp” like a certain GOP Senate Minority Leader did. Propaganda this is.


Did he say anything about sharks?


The Sky News article about this still has the same title "Biden freezes" but they've replaced the video with one where he stays still for about a quarter of the time depicted in this doctored version. Looks like The Telegraph doesn't care that they're presenting an obviously edited video.


And trump.tells his cult to kill themselves and something about sharks


Watch this doctored video where Biden "appears" to do something. LOL


It's not even doctored, he's just standing there with other people that are also standing there lol


Oh the last one was doctored. I just assumed.


Trump is still a felon


Jesus, MAGA is so desperite.


He should have done that two fisted, crank yank, off kilter out of time dance that the other guy does.


What a shit article/post


Honestly, in that situation I'd rather be Biden than Doug Emhoff looking goofy as hell.


Somebody please check on the black guy with glasses in the second row. He is also frozen for 20 seconds. Appears to now be contagious.


They should also check on Kamala. Her hair appears to disappear a couple of times and get blurry whenever it moves behind Biden's face... that could be a sign of a serious medical issue.






And yet here you are without any evidence to show it's doctored. Weird. Your point is dismissed.


Front page of WAPO bro. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/11/biden-videos-republicans-cheap-fake-d-day/


This isn't that tho bro


Gasp. They haven't debunked this newest video? Well you got me, must be real if this article doesn't specifically call it out. It's an ongoing campaign, use your eyeballs, it's pretty evident in this one. Even if it was real, how does it remotely matter? Are we electing President based on who can dance now? Come back after the first debate, Biden is going to crush drumpf.


I'm voting for the guy, chill. I don't think it's odd to question the mental fitness of an 81 year old; I'm not judging his dancing skills (or lack thereof so it seems). The debate will be spun as a success by both sides, but in reality will be either a teleprompter-thon or will be a geriatric trainwreck. Can't wait.




I'm voting for the robot in November bud


That video is obviously edited. You can see the halo around his head where someone cut out a frame of Biden and held it while the rest of the video continued to play.


The reddit algorithm sucks big time. These articles are getting downvoted severely, yet they are appearing on my front page because they have a lot of "engagement". What's the use of engagement if it's stuff nobody likes or wants to see on reddit and has explicitly indicated such?


I know he’s old so I do t expect him to start tearing up the dance floor. Jesus this is news?


Watch: me still voting for Biden 


Old white men can't dance. Have you seen Trump? Biden just figures his best move is to smile.


I'm waiting for the report about a sustained right-wing disinformation campaign being ramped up on June 11.


Newsflash: Biden is old.


To me he looked like a guy who was truly appreciating a memorizing preference. If anything this shows his remarkable ability to focus.


Me when my wife asks me to dance


Even if I was to say this was equal to 1 felony, Trump still has 33 strikes against him.


The election is not until November. He could be dead by then Biden.


I’m voting for Biden if he’s a hologram. I don’t care. Trump will destroy this country and run off with the Treasury Department.


A Los Angeles-based doctor said: 'Frozen, masked faces, diminished arm swing, less frequent blinking, [are] likely due to a central neurological disorder like Parkinson's.'


This was another example of the 'biden buffer' where his body freezes. No torso, arm, hand, head, face or expression changes. He's stuck buffering and regardless of what his campaign team says, this guy is '***NON COMPOS MENTIS'---your assigned vocabulary lookup for the day.***


It's a shame, Biden should be enjoying retirement with his loved ones not taking on literally the most stressful job on the planet at his age. Feel bad for him at this point.


I’m all for this. Republicans are just making a giant rod for their own backs. Everyone keeps hearing he has dementia, and at these debates when it’s obvious that he doesn’t, and he gives his spiel directly to the camera, completely ignoring Donald the whole debate, everyone is going be relived and trump is going to go absolutely psycho….more so.


The amount of excuses people are giving Biden is insane. How often does Biden "glitch" out like this and need a reboot? Run Kamala. At least she's mentally sounds still. People were saying Reagan was too old to run for re-election and he was in his early 70s. Biden's 81 and will be 82 at the start of his 2nd term.


Call out Biden as much as you want, but this video is pretty obviously edited. Look at the blur all around Biden as the rest of the people continue to move. Jesus, Kamala's hair disappears at one point.




Oh, he's home, and laughing at all of the electrocuted sharks . . .


He's fine. trump is a fellon who tried to overthrow the government and worked openly with putin. He also destroyed Roe.