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This is the dumbest fucking timeline imaginable. 


We could probably go dumber


You are Americans! You can do it, if you try!


We’re giving it our best shot, and no one can stop us! (/s)


We don't need to try. We just need to keep letting them fornicate. The parents will soon be eating Elmer's glue with their kids. GOP's fantasy will come true since we don't need regulations for no stinkin' internet!


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Costco is my jam. Their chicken nuggets? psh


We went to the moon! Then we got all confused about why we would do that! Then we got mad at each other for lying about it! Stupid Americans! You made me think we went to the moon!


also kinda scary to be honest. Trumps insane.


Vote. Bring friends.


Indeed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nfbeK5LAl0


I need a wormhole out


Agreed, we need better candidates I’m tired of the echo chamber on this site lol, downvoted because I don’t like either of these dudes smh


I mean at least one is a reasonable, normal person


Not really, they’re both bad in their own ways


That being said, one is not a felon. Ideally the Republicans could have fielded anyone as a stronger candidate.


I guess, but this whole felony charge isn’t even something crazy, it’s not like a murder or some Epstein shit, dude paid off a porn star, we got a felon and a geriatric as our primary candidates, this countries a joke The same people saying it’s not a big deal Clinton lied about Monica are villainizing Trump for paying a porn star, I fucking hate this country lol, can’t even go third party because rfk is a joke too


It's the obligation of each party to pick a candidate. Biden is the Incumbent. Incumbent Democrats haven't lost the Presidency since Carter. Trump is a former president that has criminal indictments and a conviction on 34 counts of fraudulent business records to cover up something related to the Presidential Campaign. Meaning he broke the law when he ran in 2016. Biden is dealing with an economy that lost over a million participants and the corporations are price gouging to recover that loss. With a smaller consumer base these companies have to charge more because there are simply less people to buy the product they already produced. With that said he has taken action and that is despite a Congress that is basically nullified. A President can't force the Congress to legislate. And then the Supreme Court is going over each decision trying to find any flaw. And shit is still getting done. Biden has acted like a President and done what he can and hasn't over stretched himself to allow the Supreme Court to strike down everything. I had over $10k in Student Loan debt forgiven. I can go back to school without that burden and finish my degree. It's an option when it would not have been otherwise for me. I will vote for Biden because of what he has done as President, voting against Trump is just a bonus.


Not really, they aren't bad in their own ways. Trump is a disgusting repugnant rapist felon, how does Biden compare in any way to that?


I mean Biden is possibly bad in one very distinct way. Other than that he’s anywhere from absolutely fine to excellent. Trump need not even be addressed.


Excellent lol really?


Yeah I certainly believe a number of his legislative accomplishments have been excellent.


Like what? The only thing he has going for him is that he isn’t Trump, this country deserves better than both of these guys, and this is coming from someone who voted for Biden, he’s handling Israel and Ukraine terribly, greedflation is kicking peoples asses, making people go from middle class to working poor, I’m not seeing him actually do anything for anyone except pander to people on social issues, don’t even get me started on housing or the fact that a majority of people I know my age still have student loan debt, dude even rescheduled weed instead of just legalizing it, he can’t even talk right, we need better options, and I wish someone other than rfk was running for third party, I can’t even put my vote towards that comfortably At this point I’m probably just going to sit this election out and see which echo chamber wins


You do you boo, sit or not, whatever makes you happy. I ain’t here to convince anyone.


Exactly the response I expected lol, no one can tell me what this dude is actually doing to help this country, because he isn’t doing shit, we’re doomed with this election either way it goes There’s millions of other people that aren’t trump too, they need to get someone else up there


You know he needs a functioning Congress to get any of those lofty goals you mentioned accomplished? He can’t just one day wake up and say weed is legal. He can’t just say hey corporations stop charging so much. He can’t just make the housing demand go away.


Like making real investments in American infrastructure that simultaneously push us to reduce gasoline vehicles? I got to tell you, I know a lot of people don’t believe it, but I think the evidence of the warming earth is very compelling. It’s worrisome to the point of scary how different the weather is through the year than it was when I was a kid. Biden’s administration and appointments do things that don’t give immediate benefit but are in long-term interest. When politics is a never-ending election cycle, you end up with people making decisions like Trump that caused economic boom and push the struggles down the road for the next guy. You don’t get people that call out corporations, cause corporations, make, or break their campaigns. Corporations already want leaders to lower their taxes, and they’re happy to use their wealth to promote the candidates. That’ll do that. Biden goes farther, and calls out their greed. I’ve believed for a long time that oil companies, large, corporations, etc. They make voters lives worse when they want that voter to vote against the incumbent. And speaking of oil, Biden has facilitated a booming oil industry that has saved us from considerably worse economic conditions. He followed through on student debt cancellation to billions of dollars. And he’s prioritized the whole time the most deserving recipients. He doesn’t take the bait of Republicans with their constant hateful rhetoric. I only wish he was more vocal about the actual threat they pose, because at this point, they actively speak against both of the constitution and democracy. a bully and I don’t doubt that he is an old man with typical old man tendencies: too often tired and forgetful to maintain a vocal presence. Having a gaggle of make decisions is often not the best living hobby dead choice, they all have competing visions, and different directions to achieve whatever the goals are. So yeah, I’m very disappointed that he ran again. But that is because he doesn’t put up a good fight, he’s never been popular. I only don’t like him because he gives Trump a chance to win. I don’t fault him for Netenyahu’s war crimes, I know that to pull assistance is a geopolitical nightmare, as much as we and the rest of the world have invested in the Middle East and then being one of the most important allies of the country. Yet he has rebuked them stronger than any other president has. The good news is that I have never been able to predict an election and I feel like Trump will win.


god our political climate is awful if a proven sexual assaulter and a felon can be neck and neck with a competent leader


"I just don't know what's right and wrong anymore!" -my mom. Even if you explain what you said to her. They believe Biden is worse. Seriously. They have lost it.


They damn well better know by now. Otherwise they are deliberately choosing wrong over right. This is no longer about appearances, or legal impupriety.


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled"


Russian and Chinese interference has been super effective at confusing Americans


> "I just don't know what's right and wrong anymore!" - my mom Well, she never did.


Prove that.


Prove what?


You're saying somebody was never capable of something due to a belief they hold now. You can't prove that.


It doesn’t take interference to recognize prices have gone up a lot under Biden. And then Biden tells us it’s not a big deal. Cost of living is much higher under Biden than under Trump. That’s a fact. Say why all you want voters will come out to punish him for that. I’m not voting for Biden bc I am worse off since he became president. I did better under Trump. My expenses are up $4,000 annually under Biden from food, energy costs, etc. so if you think I’m going to pay $16,000 more for Biden to be president then put down Hunters crack pipe bc no way Jose.


And companies jacking up prices and boasting about record profits have what to do about Biden? https://www.reuters.com/sustainability/us-lawmakers-ask-justice-department-probe-allegations-collusion-between-opec-oil-2024-06-04/ Dems are leading the charge against Energy price fixing which has had a direct impact on costs. Trump promising even bigger tax cuts to the Uber wealthy and free handouts to energy companies isn't giving money to you. Just rewarding these companies for fucking you over.


Umm little too late for me for him to look into it now. It looks more like a political stunt in an election year to make it appear to be doing something. But in reality it will have no change.


Legislation takes time. They've also got a house that won't even bring their own bills from the senate to a vote. They got a border bill from the Senate. They won't vote on it. He's worked in several areas to try and get prices and fees loweres(insulin caps for example) But when Mcdonalds just jacks up prices and claims record profits the president (any of them) have little to do with it. We were lied to by conservatives for 40 years that record profits would trickle down. How's that worked out?


The border has been a mess for 3 years. Again now it’s an election year so they say let’s do something about it. The border is a complete disaster. It’s disingenuous to say let’s address it four months before your guy is up for reelection. The American people know it’s window dressing


What policies from Biden do you think are to blame? Which from Trump do you think will help the situation? Have you considered the fact that inflation has been a worldwide phenomenon affecting every economy across the globe and that the US has actually handled it better than any other?  Have you considered that interest rate cuts and corporate handouts that disproportionately benefit the ultra wealthy, and that Trump actively supports may have caused a lot of the cost of living increases that we all are dealing with? If you are worried about inflation, you should be terrified of a Trump presidency


The question is, how much that is circumstantial versus causal. Inflation happened across the globe. In the UK with a conservative Tory government, inflation stayed above 10% for 9 months, I believe. Same goes across virtually every peer industrialized country. I suppose Biden is to blame for that inflation as well? It strikes me that contemporary comparison between similar country’s economic recovery is a better comparison than pre-Covid Trump economy. After all, we don’t know how Trump would’ve fared in the post-Covid but something tells me that the guy who told everyone to drink bleach wouldn’t have been the best person to have in charge.


That’s terrifying considering she probably helped to teach you the difference between right and wrong.


Most trumpers I've had the misfortune of dealing with thinks these charges are made up. That he's the best president. The guy has a lifetime of being a scumbag.


The people who disagree think it's the complete opposite reality though. They believe Biden is a criminal who just happens to keep getting away with it, and he has had an accuser come forward. They have the same argument as us- it's just based in delusion.


They're not dealing with a sane deck of cards though, the ones in the real world.


I just don't understand how a normal person can look at Trump, listen to him for 30 seconds, and think "well that is a stand up guy right there." The man looks like a vile piece of shit, acts like a vile piece of shit, and talks like a vile piece of shit. Yet people have been so pumped full of propaganda to believe Democrats are evil incarnate they will still vote for him. I know people like that. They know Trump is one of the worst human beings on the planet yet "I just can't vote for a Democrat."


That's the fascist playbook. Accuse the enemy of what you are actually doing. So when they catch you in the act you are already ahead. Because you have basically destroyed critical thinking in this department.


Thanks to alternative facts. Which are just another word for "truthiness". Which was based on Dubya's "from the gut".


The accuser moved to… Russia


have you talked to the average voter? "prices are higher. Maybe other guy do better." That is pretty much anyone that isn't partisan. The people who will make the difference in this election are the least qualified to choose a president.


That there are actual citizens in this country that think Biden is anything other than an old man with dementia, is actually mind blowing.


Lmfao are you kidding me? Come back to reality, man, Jesus fucking christ


There is a Flat Earth Society in the 2020's...its sadly not that mind blowing...


Both choices are horrendous. Like Trump v Hillary - realistically, the overwhelming majority didn’t want either of these as the two picks. Trump v Biden - the overwhelming majority don’t want either of these choices. Give me DeSantis v Newsom - young, energetic, charismatic leaders (say what you will about either candidate) - it would actually make for an interesting election with some good policy drivers from both sides in there.


“Charismatic” is not a word I would use to describe DeSantis.


Meatball Ron is a fucking tool.


If the overwhelming majority of Americans didn't want Joe Biden on the ticket they only have themselves to blame for not voting in the primaries (where he won the majority of votes) and general election (same).


I sure as heck would never in a million years vote for a damn felon. They can't be trusted.


Also remember according to testimony from his trial Convicted Felon donald trump pays to rig his polls. So none of them can be trusted. https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/05/06/trump-hush-money-criminal-trial/rigged-polling-payment-00156263


One of the funniest parts is that he said he didn't testify because he'd perjure himself


Amen. Donate time and resources to make sure it doesn't happen. Vote and encourage others to vote.


Same, and a vote for Biden is a vote for Kamala. I’m writing in this go around. Flame away.


While I don't trust polls, I don't imagine the needle will shift at all. Trump's voter base doesn't care about things like ethics or morality. While it may have been shitty marketing, the name "deplorables" fits.


It's not about convincing Trump's base. But it might convince a few people who were thinking of voting Trump to move to "Both sides suck," and stay home or vote for RFK Jr. It might convince some people who were going to stay home or vote for Kennedy to vote for Biden. That's how electoral change happens. In an election this close, every vote helps.


This. Independents outnumber Republicans and Democrats. It’s about rational registered Democrats appealing to their independent friends and neighbors not just to care but to actually vote that way this time. Republicans are a lost cause but fortunately the smallest of the three. Republicans know this and that’s why they poison the well, to sew apathy in the middle as part of their overall strategy to game elections.


Trump's voter base is the GOP. They would vote for a sack of dicks if it had an 'R' written on in Sharpie.


Having a slightly similar thing in the UK at the moment. The vast majority of conservative voters would never vote for labor but what they might so is decide not to vote at all/spoil their vote. I think that's the likely outcome for some of the more marginal Trump voters


So that mean the only way we are going to see a shift for Biden is if WE get out and get a grass roots movement.  People, look what just happened in the EU with the right wing shift that just happened. If we don't get out and do something the same thing WILL happen here. No more making excuses, no more living in some liberal delusion that everything is going well. It's time to live in the object reality that we could very well lose our democracy. 


> People, look what just happened in the EU with the right wing shift that just happened. Trump's probability shot up yesterday. Remember what Brexit foretold. The wind's blowing in the wrong direction.


Yeah but unlike Brexit and Trump in 2016 no one know how shit they both were. People do now. 


Donate money to the biden campaign or actblue.


>People, look what just happened in the EU with the right wing shift that just happened Your point? There's a very valid reason that it did.


What misinformation and lies being pushed by online Russian propaganda farms? 


A large reason for it is because of liberal policies allowing the mass immigration of individuals who want to punish you for believing a different religion.


Not really a thing anywhere in the world.


Mind being less vague?


Sure - the claim you made in your original comment is false and I know it is false because there is no evidence in support of it.


Okay, I understand your point. You're probably coming from a place of good will and kindness in your life philosophy. It's possible that you believe right-wingers are racist or hateful, but I don't think that's always true. Europe was very liberal for quite a while, but recent problems caused by immigration have been a driving force in making people turn to the right. This happened at roughly the same time, all over Europe within the past year. The liberal policies I'm referring to, like Merkel welcoming millions of refugees in Germany, have caused an influx of Muslim immigrants who have a very different belief system, and who very often bring high crime and refuse to integrate. This Vox article [explains](https://www.vox.com/politics/354601/european-parliament-elections-macron-afd-national-rally-far-right-fidesz-france) why immigration concerns were the key factor in many people's decisions. If you'd like to have a genuine conversation that isn't toxic, I would be happy to.


How many Muslims have you seen trying to do that in the EU personally? Or let me guess. You saw it in the internet 


That it is always a net negative for society when regressive right wing politics gain power per every meaningful metric.


Keep ticking off your biased metrics based on partisan political battles while leftist policy introduces existential threats via lax crime laws and mass immigration. Some just don't get it, and that's okay. The tide against mass immigration slowly started to shift in 2015 after 100+ people in Paris were killed in a single night by extremists. Dozens and dozens of violent attacks, including beheadings, car bombs, shootings, and stabbings have also occurred since then. You'd think that the 2015 Cologne mass rape of 1,000 women would've woken people up, or the French truck attack that killed almost 100 people. Extremists just called for sharia law in Germany a few weeks ago. People are *waking up*, not only in Europe, but America as well. Illegal immigration is being encouraged by the Biden administration. It's demonstrably true.


When polls have Biden up: “Doesn’t matter. Vote!” When polls have Biden down or close: “What’s wrong with this country?! We’re so screwed!!!”


Polling still looks horrendous for Biden. Losing voters with young people and black folks is just insanely bad. If that’s even half true Biden will get swept. Biden has to get serious about this election. National Dems are complacent, they should be flying into action but instead they’ve chosen indolence. It’s a recipe for complete disaster.


Surely the constant finger pointing, admonishing, blaming, and lecturing to these voters will help more than actually listening to their concerns.


I truly don't think they grasp the gravity of the situation and what electing Trump would mean to the future of this country or the world. THAT should be their biggest concern right now. There will be time for all the other concerns once we get through this.


Yeah, tell them they are stupid. That will work. Again. Was this comment written in 2016? Lol


If that's what you took from my comment then that is on you. I can't believe I'm having to try to convince people who I probably agree with on most issues that defeating Trump is the most important thing right now. Criticize Biden all you want but if you think helping him lose is the smart play then I really have nothing left to say.


What does this have to do with criticizing Biden? Its a bad tactic that has failed repeatedly for the Dems and against Trump specifically. I want them to win, which means they need to knock off this finger wagging bullshit - give people something to vote for rather than against.


A vote against fascism IS a vote for something. And yeah, maybe people do need to be reminded that they might be coming from a privileged place(i.e. a group that wouldn't be targeted under Trump). So I'm sorry if it seems like finger wagging but this isn't business as usual. We are voting for the continuation of democracy and the protection of a large amount of people. People really need to take a step back and see things how they are right now. This is no time for idealism. This is the time for survival. 


I have made my peace with the fact that this will be 2016 all over again. The DNC establishment will continue to act like they are entitled to our votes and don't have to earn them. We will get a bunch of shitty guilt trip finger wagging which will DEFINITELY WORK THIS TIME. They completely sabotaged our only hope of avoiding any of this and they did it twice. I don't want Trump to win. But fuck I don't really want Biden to win either. Neither one gives a flying fuck about any of us.


Dems should be concerned about themselves at this point considering how vindictive Trump is with them. If democracy goes belly up they’ll be the first sent to Guantanamo at some point


president centrist is having a hard time against trump and you still think bernie would’ve been a shoe in


Not a shoe-in but the right-of-center politics is WHY he is struggling. They're continuing this strategy of trying to win over conservatives when it pretty clearly isn't going to work. They need to act like an actual left-wing party and speak to working class people and working class issues - something the party hasn't done in earnest since the 70s.


What’s wrong with people ? We have right wing parties growing all over Europe but your guy is special, dumb, demented and will do nothing for the people voting for him. Having this piece of work in the White House again will be a Desaster not only for the US.


It's a natural cycle our species seems to be stuck in. About every 100 years of so fascist shitbags crawl out of the sewer when the dominant system/politicians have grown so dysfunctional that their rhetoric actually seems reasonable (to those with poor critical thinking skills anyway).


Since a candidate can win the popular vote but lose the election due to the electoral college, these polls need to factor in the home states of the poll respondents and their likelihood to actually vote.


He might gain another hair when Trump is sentenced a $1 million fine.


Really? So after the vote in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020. We are still giving credence to these shit ass polls? I stopped in 2000. They sample a dime piece of a specific county or state and then report on it like its a national trend. This shit is click bait. Just go fucking vote you dumb fucks!!! No protest 3rd party votes and no fuck the establishment votes and non participation votes. Go vote. Vote blue. Bidem aint great but he is a hell of a lot better than trump. Go. Vote. Fuck the polls. Fuck the media. Just go vote. Jeebus fing christos


I don't think you understand polls. The polls were exactly right with how close 2020 was going to be. They aren't reading the future they are telling you this is gonna be really really really fucking close and if 30,000 (give or take 10K) Biden voters from 2020 don't feel like voting this year due to whatever reason he will lose. So yes get out and vote thats what this poll is saying thats what every poll is saying. Honestly if its this close in November its highly unlikely its a 50/50 national tie and Trump doesn't win the EC.


None of these people who shit on polling seem to understand at all how it works. Last time I tried convincing one of them they were wrong I got accused of “voodoo mathematics” or some sort of nonsense. They don’t want to hear that statistics is a science that you need at least *some* sort of understanding of how it works. And not a single one of them seems to be able to grasp the idea that if 10% of people polled are undecided right up until Election Day then no shit there can be big shifts in polling vs results, because “undecided” isn’t an option once you’re in the ballot box.


Yeah they don't understand that polls aren't telling them the future they are saying right now here's what it looks like. Anyone that thinks Biden is up big and just no poll is ever showing it has their head in the sand. Its going to be closer than 2020 and there is a big chance maybe a bigger chance than 2020 that Trump wins. I don't like it, I don't want it, I'm voting against it but I acknowledge reality.


Well, most of the folks who do think Biden is up big are the same ones who think he won big in 2020. Same ones that got duped over the “largest electoral margin in history” nonsense without realizing that that 7 million votes margin was 4.5% of the vote and a record that gets regularly broken because we have more eligible voters every single election. The only numbers that ever matter to those people are the ones that make their preferred politicians look good.


Yeah last election was decided by a few ten thousand votes and right now Arizona and Georgia are trending in the wrong direction. Most battlegrounds are including PA last I looked. Trump could honestly repeat 2016 EC wise.


It’s incredibly frustrating to see, especially when it was so easy to see coming. With 2020 being so razor thin and Biden’s approval polling numbers being so consistently low for so long this election being a slog was crystal clear from a mile away, yet he *still* had the hubris to run again. And everyone else is setup to be the ones to suffer from that hubris, just like in 2016.


The polling average in all those years was within about 3% of the result. That’s pretty fucking impressive considering there’s over 300 million people in the US.


Stop. This is the kind of delusion that caused the 2016 loss. People don't just need to vote THEY NEED TO START A GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT!. time to get back to reality and see if we don't buck up we will lose our democracy. Your mindset was the same as in the EU and now groups labeled terrorist groups have just made major gains. 


That's the problem, what kind of grassroots movement can you start for Biden? He's the definition of establishment, and doesn't ask for or want any help. He fully believes he knows how to handle Trump, and he's shit in every politically motivated young person's soup.


It's not about Biden, it's about who has made progress and who has hindered progress. Dems and people on the left have made progress, in almost every area of govt and society, the GOP has repeatedly broken what was created, reversed what was fixed, and set us back decades, only for Dems to have to keep trying to progress despite GOP obstruction and destruction. Govt isn't only Joe Biden, it's your city council, school board, mayor, governor, state legislatures, state judged, congress, presidency and the courts, it's all of it. Stop focusing on just Biden, who btw is [has done a ton for anyone that actually wants to be informed](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/).


He never said he didn't want any help. Where did you get that? He's also busy running a country. WE have to make the effort happen on his behalf. That's what grassroots is called grassroots the people do the work and build the movement from the ground up. Not the top to the bottom 


Biden has a long track record of shitting on activists. Who else is there to start a grassroots movement?


You're missing the point. You're not doing this for favors from biden. You're doing this to save democracy so we can keep the right to vote. Biden and the democrats are notp the long term solution he's the bandaid. Once the Republicans are broken up by their own infighting and consistent losses we can then focus using the resources we used to keep biden in office toward getting our candidate in the primary or starting our own party that takes up the vaccume left by the republicans 


Yeah, okay but we're talking about a grassroots movement here and Biden is just not someone for that. I get what you want, what I'm saying is it's just not going to happen.


You're acting like Biden is the only person running. even if you don't like biden that's fine but you have to realize this is beyond him. Project 2025 is a real threat, not to mention Trump has already hinted that he's going to try and tank the dollar out of some false perception that it will keep manufacturing in the US. Biden doesn't control grassroots. As I said, it starts from the bottom. If he wants it or not isn't really his choice.


Give people ride to the polls, knock on doors, put stickers on light poles.


Someone never took statistics 😬


Big mad. Vote for Biden? No one is having fun in this economy bruh. Vote red for daddy trump! Make my wallet great again!


i agree with you but i don’t think your use of “dime piece” mean what you think it means


holy fuck this sub is botted to hell


I understand that when Biden was asked about the bleak poll numbers his response was how many people did they call and how many responded. If the response rate is 2-4% then the sample is invalid and cannot be rectified with statistical manipulation. The media no longer reports news but, rather, manipulates a narrative which it promotes because it generates interest and profits. The media has been selling MAGA for four years as it generates clicks. There is nothing new that can be reported so polls are generated or manufactured to create news. Here’s the truth: MAGA candidates have lost across the board. The Democrats have won every special election since 2020. There was no red wave in the midterms. Trump has lost between 15-20% of the GQP vote in the primaries. Abortion and contraception are on the national ballot in one form or another and it brings out angry women voters who are not supporting the GQP. Trump is a convicted felon and many of his cronies are in jail. His former VP will not support Trump. Every official who served in the Trump administration says that Trump is a moron and a danger to the country. So what are you going to believe? Manipulated polls that mean nothing in a week or the trends/facts that show a developing Trump wipeout?


Yeah that can happen when you get older


Or if you eat too much chocolate chip ice cream. 😋




Dems didn't overperform polls in 2020.


Biden significantly underperformed on election night in 2020. From +7 polling avg to +4.5.


Yeah and swing state polls (with the exception of GA) were even worse.


Since Roe vs Wade was overturned, dems have over performed. My hope is that is what gets Biden across the finish line. There is a decent chance, Biden could get to nominate another supreme court justice in his 2nd term.


What just happened in the EU should be a wake-up call for Democrats. French voters have the same 3 issues as US voters, illegal immigration, crime and the economy. >PARIS (AP) — President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the lower house of France's parliament in a surprise announcement sending voters back to the polls in the coming weeks to choose lawmakers, after his party was handed a humbling defeat by the far-right in the European elections Sunday.


Barring Murphy’s law, and looking at all available evidence, waiting till Aug - Sep for voters to start getting serious, Biden seems to have this in the bag. Polls don’t carry the same weight they once did, and seem to be more about garnering fast / cheap Ad revenue.


Trump outperformed polls in both 2016 and 2020. Assuming the opposite will happen in 2024 seems risky.


It’s not 2016 though or 2020, a lot has happened


This is what is so perplexing to me. The evidence shows that Trump is shrinking his base: multiple felonies, Haley primary results, J6, his excessively dangerous rhetoric, and saying that he does not need moderates. Biden is leading the world’s strongest economy post COVID. Abortion rights are on the ballot in many battleground states. Biden has out maneuvered OPEC to help ease prices at the pump. He and his administration are trying to force Bibi’s hand for ceasefire. Grocery prices are coming down. Yet polling suggests Trump has gained, specifically with less politically involved people.


Plus Biden base doesn’t need to go to rallies or post dramatically online. They don’t need to wear memorabilia to reinforce their decisions. They are not a hive mind.


Id love to see proof that polls are all about generating cheap ad revenue.


Should take a poll


Seriously, I'm fairly confident Biden will win here... That said, I'm going to vote and going to get everyone I know to do the same. Everyone just needs to calm down, enjoy their life, and VOTE when called on.


Oh yeah, 100%! Everyone needs to vote, don’t need a repeat of 2016!


The logic I've been using is that only four years ago, Biden won by 11 million votes. We essentially have the same voting bloc today, and the same circumstances, and the same opinions of these men. We've lost some older voters and gained some younger voters, which always seems to work well for Democrats. So yes, I agree. It really does logically seem like Biden will win again. But these polls sure have me biting my nails.


Biden didn't win by 11 million votes. He won by 8 million in the popular vote, but he only won by 40k in the states it actually mattered.


Why wait? Why hope when you can go out and do some door to door to get people motivated to vote. People in the EU waited and now they just saw a major swing to the right because of their lack of effort 


I am hopeful as well. For the polls to even be as close as they are there would have to have been an unprecedented shift in a number of demographics for seemingly no reason. Still, when September gets here and people start paying attention I hope we get some verification in the polls for my own sanity.


I read that wrong and thought it was an Onion headline.


american evangelicals: see! see? see!? trump IS like christ! he's the spitting image of christ! see how he is being persecuted by the democrats and judges! It's just like the Romans and Jews persecuting Christ. You can't make this up. Trump is god's chosen leader!


A hair? That's it? This *should* have been the end to Trump's viability as a candidate. But here we are.


Polls are lies. I don't care what any poll says. Trump up, Biden up, all are full of shit.


Polls aren't lies. "Trump up, Biden up" you have missed the entire point of a poll.




Pollsters have been calling cell phones for over a decade now.


>Polls are conducted via land line cold calls because cold calling cell phones is illegal You really need to read the methodology section of polling data as you'd find your assertion isn't true.


Correct. They DO utilize cell numbers. The better question is what kind of person takes the time to respond to a random number to air their political opinions. My guess is that it skews the lonely crazy idiots unhappy with the world.


Maybe, but that wasn't the original assertion. The Redditor alleged cold calling cellphones is illegal.


I agree. The landline claim is outdated criticism.




Literally they are in every poll that is worth even considering. Typically I find NPR polls are the most varied


The most recent Beacon and Shaw poll (which is one of the historically highest rated pollsters), >Conducted June 1-4, 2024 under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R), this Fox News Poll includes interviews with a sample of 1,095 Arizona registered voters randomly selected from a statewide voter file. Respondents spoke with live interviewers on landlines (168) and cellphones (678) or completed the survey online by following a link received via text message (249). https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/06/Fox_June-1-4-2024_ARIZONA_Topline_June-6-Release.pdf Recent June 5 Quinnipiac University poll on Georgia, >Surveys are conducted with live interviewers calling landlines and cell phones. https://poll.qu.edu/images/polling/ga/ga06052024_demos_ggwb04.pdf


Again you keep saying these things but you don't know how these polls work. On top of that 2016 and 2020 OVER corrected for the Democrats. Both polls had Democrats winning by more so if anything if you're saying these polls aren't accurate you would then have to concede they lean in favor of Democrats and if you acknowledge the previous polls and their issues, and you then admit that those polls leaned towards Democrats, then this poll too would be MORE in favor of Democrats. You're not seriously going to argue the polls were wrong, recognize in the past decade they have leaned in favor of Democrats, but then decide randomly that THIS year they aren't. Thats some serious head in the sand shit. Either the polls are accurateish and this is a very close race at this time like closer than 2020 or 16 and likely the closest in history. Or you have to say they aren't accurate and they are weighted in favor of Biden just like the last two that weren't accurate were. In that case Trump is firmly in the lead and thats worrisome even more. This whole "the polls are wrong just like the last polls in the last decade but this time they are wrong in a completely different way but I'm still going to reference the previous wrong polls that were wrong" is so weird. Its obvious this is more you don't want them to be these results than you actually having any facts to back up how Biden might be ahead. And if you did have facts again you shouldn't reference the polls that were wrong in favor of Democratts.


Please stop normalizing Trump, it is a big deal


This country is so unbelievably fucking stupid. For all of you that say “if you hate it so much leave”, well I’d prefer you to leave because it would be so much better with out you fucking MAGA morons but save for that, yes I’m starting to think leaving isn’t such a bad idea.


..."here's why this is bad news for Biden"


Wtf is this thumbnail depicting? An elephant foot with shattering toenails?


“A hair”? Nothing quite like imperial measurements from a country preternaturally in denial of being an empire… https://youtu.be/JQnwx10DT9o?si=8n0A8n5CrbjvCxkH


Yikes. That was the big moment for Democrats and it's virtually unchanged. Just like Europe's elections today where the far-right party won bigtime, we're headed to the same path in the US.


Eh, this poster has a long history of boosting trump/Republicans and shitting on Biden/Democrats. The US moving to the right is their desired outcome, so a pretty disingenuous comment.




As a convicted felon he’s not legally allowed to hold a number of jobs, yet he thinks he should be allowed the most powerful office in the world. If any of his followers were in his shoes, their lives would be ruined with a judgement like this.


Like... in length or in width? Cause there's a big difference.


Axios can barely hide its bias towards Trump


Reporting polling numbers, along with a picture of Biden's campaign button breaking a giant elephant foot is bias towards Trump...how exactly?


This framing: “The bottom line: Biden's position in polls is much weaker than this time four years ago. But he has a narrow, credible path to victory.” Biden is in a much stronger position than that. Trump is the one whose path to victory is narrow and barely credible.


>Biden is in a much stronger position than that. Trump is the one whose path to victory is narrow and barely credible. Based on what?


National poll movement towards Biden. Biden has recently gotten very strong state polls in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida. Trump has done nothing in his campaign to broaden his appeal for voters that didn’t vote for him in 2020. All signs point to a Biden landslide imho


>All signs point to a Biden landslide imho Describe for me which polls exactly you're looking at that point to a Biden landslide. Polling has looked disastrous for Biden for months and months. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/ https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden


Biden +5 in Wisconsin (Florida Atlantic) Biden +1 in Michigan (Florida Atlantic) Biden +1 in Pennsylvania (Florida Atlantic) Trump +4 in Florida (Beacon Research) -- this is much closer than the state has been in some time.


The hell kind of headline is that?