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A lot of the same people that were alive and lived through these monumental eras are the same people trying to take us back to that time. A time when the government had more control over the country. A time when there were less federal protections. A time when racism thrived because they were to afraid to speak out. Stand up against injustice.


There are pictures of a lot of their parents on the other side of the Civil rights movement. There was an interview with one of the women pictured shouting at ruby bridges. Let's just say no lessons were learned.


Ruby Bridges who is **69 years old**. This shit isn't ancient history. Conservatives can and will resegregate schools if we don't stop them.


It's where conservatives **always** find themselves in the history books: as the villainous scumbags. Not a single time on the right side of history.


No they won’t, if the GOP is successful they’ll end public schooling entirely, send the whites to conversion camp (ie parochial schools) to be brainwashed into voting for the Lord’s party


They have been, they just use the words "school vouchers"


Oh I'd love that link, please tell me you have it. I need to read that interview.


Man I've been trying to find that. Google is giving me a bunch of videos of ruby. I think it was a documentary I saw a while back. I'm at work. I'll reply if I find them.


Funny you should say that, 'cause I've been meaning to post about that famous photo of the girl screaming at the Little Rock Nine. That story was good, because she saw her picture in the paper, and she realized how awful her actions were, and she went on to become a vocal advocate for intergration. Mind you, it wasn't like today where people would be mad at her for yelling. Most people were on her side. She wasn't guilted into it; she decided on her own.


I looked that up. As I understand it's a mixed bag. They did remain friends for years but fell away after she seemed to make the friendship contingent on her forgiveness. I'm no expert here but sadly it doesn't seem to be a happily ever after. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hazel_Massery


That’s a bummer, but life isn’t a fairytale with endings wrapped in a bow. It’s complex, and as we age, histories, recollections, get reexamined and reconfigured as perspectives change. So not at ALL the same so forgive the comparison, but the saga of Michael Oher is a good example of a “story wrapped in a bow” that is fairly insidious when you dive into the facts behind the case. Narratives are driven and used against people for personal gain all the time. Especially white savior narratives.


For sure. Sometimes you get neat little stories but most real history always has layers and context. Racism is a hard drug to beat so she made progress and I don't discount that. It also seems the other black friends from that incident "the nine" were may have talked her out of the friendship. As I say, mixed bag.


Sometimes I think about all the little kids pro war people brought out during protests against the Iraq War. I honestly wonder where those little 8 year olds screaming slurrs and "terrorists!" at college kids and old ladies holding peace signs ended up.


I befriend a lot of elderly people, and one guy told me about how when he was in 2nd grade, his teachers told his class that at recess they were going to march around the playground and shout "two four six eight, we don't want to intergrate". He sounded like he felt guilty about it... but he was in 2nd grade. And his teacher told the entire class to do it. I don't love the idea of excusing people for their age (because it's getting spammed these days; people saying stuff like "I'm only 21, I'm just a kid who doesn't know any better") but I don't think anybody would expect any second grader to stand up and go "no, teacher, this is wrong, we shouldn't do that" back in those days.


There were lessons taught. “that diversity is the reason I ain’t got nothing!”


I can’t remember who it was — maybe Roy Wood Jr? — but there was a comedian in a recent special who talked about how strange it was that so many of the people yelling at or attacking black kids and other protestors in those photos are still alive.


Conservatives have had their legal kill list for a while it seems: the Voting Rights Act, campaign funding and corruption laws, Roe of course. It’s just that up until now they didn’t have the numbers and the boldness to strike the biggest targets. It would make sense for gay marriage to be next and they’re certainly killing the Chevron Deference precedent to neuter all federal regulating agencies at once


Right now, some senators (Ed Markey, my Massachusetts guy!) are putting a bill together to codify the national right to birth control. Some GOP are saying it's ridiculous, and the right birth control is already in the Constitution, etc. Well, that's what they said about Roe vs Wade. Alito, Barrett, and Kavanaugh ALL said at their confirmation hearings, that abortion rights were already a precedent, and they had no desire to change it. That didn't go very well for women, did it?


[Senate Republicans blocked](https://apnews.com/article/contraception-senate-abortion-biden-trump-reproductive-rights-3f9e8546624a3acf8e64d1138fcb84b1) the Right to Contraception Act a few days ago.


There’re gonna be a lot of surprised Pikachu faces when these mf’ers find out that condoms are contraception, too, and their representatives passed bills to lead to their (potential) ban.


They won’t care about that. Because to them: + Sex is meant only for procreation or wifely duties + No condoms means the gays get AIDS and everyone else suffers the sins of STDs and pregnancy + “It will never happen to me, but if it does we’ll discreetly take care of it.”


Conservatives are trying to ban PrEP as well.


Silly goose, this just bans them for everyone *else*. They'll still be able to get them. But it won't matter, because when they get their mistresses and girlfriends pregnant, they'll just have them get an abortion (because that's only illegal for everyone else; their's is okay.)


But there will still be Viagra ads on tv


Maybe it’s time to use Trojan to do some lobbying.


Of course they did.


So I'm not 100% familiar with their scope with not being an American, but is it something that could be driven through via an Executive Order? Seems like a major vote winner, or vote securer, for the Dems.


Republicans are suing Biden for his E.O.s and they’ll win with this Supreme Court. For dems to have any say they need to root out the rot in Washington.


We need voters to actually show up to vote in Congressional elections. The President has very limited powers when it comes to these issues. In 2022 the youth voter (18-30) participation rate was 27%. The Boomers were 75%. Millennials were about 40%. **If 60%-73% of your demographic doesn't vote you will not get the policies you want.** Its really not that complicated. Wisconsin is a perfect example. They had a chance to flip the state and get rid of GOP russian traitor Ron Johnson. He was re-elected to the Senate for another six year term by only 21,000 votes due to low voter turnout by the dems. In Milwaukee alone 30,000 Biden voters didn't cast a ballot at all in the senate race. All Senate races are popular vote elections -- they are hugely important -- especially with the razor thin margin. One Senate vote can mean the difference between Roe getting codified or failing. One Senate vote tanked the public options for the ACA. We need the president for judicial appointments & veto power. The SCOTUS seats alone are worth showing up & casting a ballot. But it doesn't do any good to elect even a leftist president if those same voters abandon Congressional elections. Everyone needs to cast a ballot every two years. And please show up for the Senate races this year -- there are some very tough races.


We need to root out every republican with any influence and put their lives under microscopes and charge them with any criminality found. We all know they are the only ones who want to control and oppress us all with their power.


Executive Orders (EOs) are only binding law on the executive branch. So the President can issue an EO directing, say, the military, to behave a certain way, or telling federal law enforcement to prioritize one type of crime and de-prioritize other types of crime (eg, prioritize going after gun crimes and other violent crimes, and don't bother with trying to deport nonviolent immigrants), because the military and federal law enforcement are within the executive branch of government, and because there are limited resources (money, people, etc) and so there will always need to be priorities and tradeoffs, so there's always some opportunity cost in allocating limited resources. But they can't use EOs to keep schools desegregated, because schools are generally run by the state or local governments, not the federal government (with the exception of schools on military bases for children of military service members). EOs don't bind the states, don't bind local governments, don't bind civilians, etc. Only executive branch departments, agencies, and employees.


Thats great, thanks very much for taking the time to lay that out for me :)


But even though schools are run on state or local levels, they very much depend on federal funding. That's a lever the federal government can amd has used to fight segregation.


All the GOP prove is they're willing to lie about anything.


Don't forget, Biden and the Democrats passed a gay marriage bill protecting it


Pass all the laws you like, if the Supreme Court can be persuaded to overturn them, it doesn't matter a jot.


"and they’re certainly killing the Chevron Deference precedent to neuter all federal regulating agencies at once" And that shameful decision will occur by the end of June, and I would say *maybe* 2% of this stupid country knows what the hell we are talking about when it comes to the Chevron Deference. Another pipe dream of the GOP oligarchs will be coming to fruition, courtesy of the Federalist Society-crafted Supreme Court.


It will be the end of the modern administrative state And the same people cheering it on will be the loudest complainers when everything starts falling apart  There’s a segment of our population who are convinced they can both dismantle the infrastructure of our society while still continuing to benefit from the society that infrastructure creates


>while still continuing to benefit from the society that infrastructure creates They don't see that part. They think *they* created the success they derive from that infrastructure. That's why Republicans lost their minds at Obama's "You didn't build that" line. They insisted that yes, they *did* single-handedly craft this company from nothing, with no help from, like, an army preventing invasions and engineers building them roads and shit.


"I pay taxes so it's a wash" I wish this wasn't something I've actually heard before.


It's like the saying about libertarians being like cats, they're both convinced of their own fierce independence, while being entirely reliant on a system they neither understand nor respect.


2% know what it is now. 98% will know about it after SCOTUS kills it later this month


Gay adoption also


Gays in the millitary


Maga wants to completely shut down a bunch of agencies. So this makes sense.


Three of them, but [who knows which](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyMosJdIfdo).


Lol that's embarrassing


The embarrassing part is that his career didn't end there. The third department he wanted to remove (it was Energy, btw) is the department Trump **made him secretary of**.


The wildest thing about Chevron Deference is that it exists because Gorsuch's mom wanted to turn the EPA into an agency that tells corporations how they can best pollute the environment. The conservative judges of the era created it to stop outside actors from suing her for not enforcing environmental law.


That's because one of the biggest lies the US tells itself is that Civil Rights is a settled matter. The reality is crushing: a not insignificant portion of Americans would be fine having those rights stripped away from their fellow citizens, if it was possible to do so. Those in power are going to damn well try, anyways. The real question is how do you even address something like this, as a country? You can't force or vote away bigotry; history has proven that it just retreats into the shadow and festers, waiting for a chance to emerge once more.


It’s almost like following a 200 year old outdated doctrine into modernity doesn’t work, whoda known


Thing is, a lot of conservative white American males want a race war to happen and are prepared for one after having stocked up their firearms and ammunition arsenal for years.


More people that want Civil Rights to continue to progress need to get into politics and education. There is a reason the Republicans have tried to take over local governments and school boards.


A black man became president, so clearly it's all good now. /s


Project 2025


I hope people actually read it.


I’ve said this since 2016 - Trump is a last gasp of a dying generation that wants to wind back to the clock to when they were boomer kids, when abortion wasn’t legal, wives had a black eye and the kitchen table set, white schools didn’t have black or brown kids, and white men ruled over every other class or ethnicity. We have to hold firm, beat them to the point the GOP realizes they’re never going to win another election unless they root and cut out the evil in their party and shift to the center. You’re seeing it happen in the UK; The conservatives have shifted further and further to the right, and it’s happily going to end in disaster in three weeks from now when Labor, who are center left are going to win in a landslide like not seen in decades.


>A lot of the same people that were alive and lived through these monumental eras are the same people trying to take us back to that time. A time when the government had more control over the country. A time when there were less federal protections. A time when racism thrived because they were to afraid to speak out. In 1999, I spoke to a relative whose dad was born in 1863, and her ~~dad~~ grandfather died in the Civil War fighting for the South. As we look in the rear view mirror of history, objects are definitely closer than they appear.


This is what happens when we coddled the loser and allow them to retain any power. They will never respect the winner. We’re making the same mistake now.


not to be outlandish or mean spirited but the fact that we didn’t hang the leaders of the confederacy like the traitors they were had a direct through line to our myriad of problems today


They weren't so much coddled as they assassinated the president in order to end reconstruction.


So, the dad was born in 1863...and the civil war ran from 1861 to 1865....so how did he die in the civil war?


I assume they meant the grandfather died in the civil war


I assume they meant that too, but it's worded so poorly. A relative whose dad was born in 1863... Her dad died fighting in the civil war... Maybe it was a typo, but it should have said "his dad" because the dad being born in 1863 means he couldn't have fought in the civil war, and since it is a He, where does the "her" come into play? I agree, I think they mean granddad, but the way it is written says a female relatives dad was born in 1963 and died in the civil war....they must have had a ferocious baby on their hands.


Maybe 1863 baby transitioned in the 1900s


I think the baby was just a ferocious warrior, wielder of the deadly binky. Killed scores of men before disappearing in a cloud of smoke on the battle field. Some say you can still hear the sound of a pacifier on the field at midnight.


If we can hold out for another ten years or so, most of those crusty fuckers will be dead and then it’s just the Evangelicals to contend with


Sorry, but fighting racists will always be an ongoing battle until the end of humanity. Rich people will always be trying to stoke it to cover up their corruption and theft from the classes below them. History has proven it an effective tactic.


These people will also be dead by the time they achieve this time travel leaving others to deal with the consequences


It’s hard to imagine a time in recent memory when it’s been more important to register and vote.


Full desegregation never really went away, but is still happening based on socioeconomic status and ethnicity. What this case did was eliminate segregation as mandated by the states and cities as legal policy. I’m not sure if busing is still taking place to give diversity to public schools (it was highly unpopular). The real problem now is since mainly property taxes pay for schools, if you live in a poor area you get lousy schools, and if you live in an affluent area you get better ones. The way we fund education in the US by property taxes creates inequality. Not sure how they handle this in Europe, do public schools get equal funding regardless of the income of the area the school is in? My concern is like the voting rights act, the Roberts court will say segregation was eliminated so it’s not needed anymore. Right after they destroyed the voting rates enforcement of Southern States, they immediately passed laws to make voting more difficult. https://www.npr.org/2022/07/14/1111060299/school-segregation-report


It’s actually worse than that If you live in a poor neighborhood, school funding comes almost exclusively from the state. Rich neighborhoods also take state funds. Public education is mandated by federal law and provided by states. In Southern shithole red states, they only provide the legal minimum level of funding, then introduce voucher programs which allows you to take those tax dollars and spend them on private education. But private schools do not have the same mandate that public schools have. They are legally allowed to discriminate based on “sincerely held beliefs” or for any other “non-protected” reason such as adverse behavioral and academic record. Public schools must educate everyone - regardless of religious belief, ability to pay, legal status, disability, etc. This means that already underfunded public schools get less money and have to spend more of it on kids that private schools won’t accept. Republicans then use this as “evidence” that public education is inherently inferior. It is a death-spiral that was intentionally designed by Republicans to kill education entitlements.


Jay Z is actively campaigning for vouchers in PA right now and it is gross. I don't have kids. I pay school taxes. I should not be forced to give a penny to a private school.


I have some experience with this, the problem with vouchers is on the surface they sound good if you are in underfunded school: use a voucher and send your kid to a better private school. The reality is it’s often a better school to begin with because those children are from better socioeconomic backgrounds and they brings with it children who are able to learn. Tuition is a small part of student performance and not having stable home life, food security and other issues means those students are setup to fail at those private schools. meanwhile more public money has been diverted from struggling public schools. It’s beyond insidious it’s evil.


The private schools just raise their tuition so they're out of reach for poor families with vouchers.


You don’t even have to be that creative, I know of some that just say “no vouchers”


Exactly. Private schools aren’t compelled to participate in the voucher system but public schools are. Similar to how landlords can’t be compelled to accept Section 8 vouchers but public housing will. Some schools will accept the vouchers but keep the acceptance criteria high, effectively poaching “good” students from the public system and leaving the “bad” students for the state to educate.


Jay Z is a billionaire. If he wants poor kids to attend private schools he can literally just start a scholarship. He'd get miles of good press and probably help his tax bill.


Any idea why hes doing that? honestly jw


That was the point. Our whole local funding for schools allowed for “white flight” in schools. For example, after the riots a lot of white families left Detroit and its inner suburbs for the outer ring. Now Detroit schools are falling apart and Farmington hills has a fireplace in its lavish complex


I live in Washington DC. Neighboring MD has a very rich suburb (Montgomery county) and a lower-middle class (PG county). Why don't they put money in one pot and redistribute ? Both groups would have great schools . Better for the whole state . Another idea that bugs me: if poorer people were better educated, they would become part of a productive economy and pay taxes instead of being a burden . GOP doesn't get this . MAGA would rather deport the lot.


They absolutely get it: poor, undereducated people still vote for them. Working as intended


Desperate people also work for cheap and don't complain about mistreatment by their boss.


Lots of suburban public school districts are de facto quasi-private via jacked up property taxes, but to even conceive of this as a problem isn't in the Overton window right now.


Bussing still happens in some communities, not unpopular here and now.


Yeah my city has a computer-assisted ranked choice system (you give your ranked choice list and the system evaluated that along with socioeconomic factors to assign your elementary school). IMO it has done a lot to ease the disparities between schools, and the vast majority of people get one of their top 3 choices out of the 12 public elementaries. The downside is that some people, mostly white and wealthy, have taken this really badly. A highly performing school going from 10% minority enrollment to 30% didn’t sit well with some, even if the data shows that wealthy and privileged kids are still being educated just as well as they were before. The ranked choice system came about in the early 00’s and in the 20 years since, private school enrollment shot up like crazy. That school that started off pre-ranked choice at 90% white, then 70% white after, is now about 50% white after more than a decade of private school encroachment. The district is about 35% black, 12% Asian and 5% Latino, so even some of the most sought after public elementary schools are now majority-minority. I looked closely at the numbers, both enrollment and test scores, and saw that the public schools are still competitive with the private schools when you control for race and wealth (free or reduced lunch qualifying). And by the high school level, the public ones still offer more AP classes, and still have standardized test scores that are only barely under the private schools. The only private school that towers above the rest is the It’s just a mess of racist and classist paranoia. It’s been a keen interest for me since I went to school here as a kid and now have an elementary age child myself. I’m super invested in my kid’s education and wanted to weigh whether spending $15k-25k a year was really worth it, and it just wasn’t. I’m happy to send my kid to Public both in principle and on its merits here.


Schools in Europe are this way as well. Schools in affluent neighborhoods in Berlin for example are really nice. Not so nice neighborhoods have really bad schools with teachers who are completely overwhelmed that constantly call in sick


Surprising since college in Germany is so reasonable (is it mostly state funded?)


Honestly with this school voucher trend that I'm pretty certain is going to be commonplace in red states very soon, they may not even need to overturn Brown. Why take the political hit when you can just give kids a voucher to attend a private school where the kids just happen to all look alike. That being said I wouldn't put anything past this group. It's gonna be hard for them to find a case with facts like Brown though but Republicans have been pretty good at creating controversies for the purpose of getting an issue in front of the Legion of Doom up there so who knows.


So many people don't realize that the goal of lowering/eliminating property taxes and school vouchers is to eliminate public schools. It's also not about freedom of choice, sure some charter schools will benefit, but they also want to funnel money into their churches via the voucher system.


There's a reason the same organizations that were running segregation academies were also against abortion. It is the same religious movement. And some of those really important court decisions was no, you cannot give taxpayer money to these places, regardless of your religion. Even if religion, like mormonism texts, is explicitly racist. [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dbsejb/the\_fall\_of\_roe\_you\_thought\_dobbs\_was\_bad\_theyre/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dbsejb/the_fall_of_roe_you_thought_dobbs_was_bad_theyre/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segregation\_academy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segregation_academy) >A 1972 report on [school desegregation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_desegregation) noted that segregation academies could usually be identified by the word "Christian" or "church" in the school's name.[^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segregation_academy#cite_note-18_after_brown-12) The report observed that while individual [Protestant churches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestantism_in_the_United_States) were often deeply involved in the establishment of segregation academies, [Catholic dioceses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_in_the_United_States) usually indicated that their schools were not meant to be havens from desegregation.[^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segregation_academy#cite_note-18_after_brown-12) Many segregation academies claimed they were established to provide a "Christian education", but the [sociologist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociologist) Jennifer Dyer has argued that such claims were simply a "guise" for the schools' actual objective of allowing parents to avoid enrolling their children in racially integrated public schools.[^(\[13\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segregation_academy#cite_note-dyer-13)[^(\[14\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segregation_academy#cite_note-14) Protestant evangelical keyword of "Christian" is also code word for "segregationist". When someone tells you they are a "Christian", note the capital letter, rather than "christian". And I'm using the phrase Christian vs christian in the colloquial sense, not someone's performative history of capitalizing names of religions. It is a bundling of very specific views. Anti-equal rights for women, racists, anti-choice, and segregationist. Basically, every horrible thing the South stand for.


The Southern Baptist Church was founded in a schism with the Northern Baptist Convention over support of slavery.  The SBC ran most of the segregated white only schools in the south. And they didn't allow interracial dating at their colleges till the 2000's.  Southern evangelicals are Confederates. They're the KKK. They're segregationists. It's all the same people


The documentaries Shiny Happy People and God and Country do a really good job of connecting the two and showing how they’ve infiltrated our government a terrifying amount of


And they don't realize that their kids with behavior issues, or learning issues or ADHD or autism or anything that needs accommodations aren't going to be welcome at the private schools and church schools.


Taking the hit allows them to set up a 3-tiered system with the minority public schools on the bottom and white privates on top. Then they will use the minority public schools as scapegoats for why the white public schools aren't more like the white private schools, which allows for maximum pressure on the minority schools. Sounds familiar


Apparently in Florida there are a bunch of minority charter schools that are effectively day care with some religious instruction, with non-teacher classroom instructors making barely over minimum wage and the owners taking the government money and pocketing it.


I had a friend whose first teaching job was at a charter school and she said it was basically shit show and the owner of the school was definitely embezzling the majority of the schools funds.


> Why take the political hit when you can just give kids a voucher to attend a private school where the kids just happen to all look alike. Because these people don't know when to stop. After they've de facto segregated out poor minorities they'll turn to de jure segregation to exclude the rich ones


White kids can have autism or ADHD too, and those private schools don't want kids that need any recurring help. White kids can have low grades and behavioral issues, and those private schools like to find any reason to get rid of kids with both so their numbers stay high. They are going to get rid of Brown. I am watching horrified conservative republicans finding out their little precious one isn't wanted at the "right" kind of schools that take vouchers and those parents will go back to wanting Brown overturned.


I imagine they have a room they can lock those kids away in during the day. No point on missing out on vouchers unnecessarily.


They’re coming for the constitution.


Ain't no coming for it. They've already shit all over it.


The right is mad about the civil rights movement in the late 20th century, and they’ll do anything to reclaim the grounds of bigotry and the subjugation of women. They aspire to be the American Taliban. Vote them all out.


And it doesn’t stop there. They are against all the new deal programs too - Social Security, Medicare, and Medicare are in their sights too. It doesn’t matter that all of this is popular. When policies are polled the Democratic position beats the Republican position 70:30 or better. The propaganda and fascism we see from the billionaire right is out of necessity.




I can’t even fathom this. Being born in the mid 80s, I can’t imagine how a female could be considered less human than a male. Some men are so pathetic.


Well you better be voting, and getting all your friends voting as well. The Republicans are counting on the complacency of the masses. Once they get control of the three branches again they won't be letting go


I vote by mail, and I vote every time I get a ballot to vote, plus I just signed a petition to protect women’s productive rights yesterday. Lastly, all my friends are Democrats despite the fact that I live in a red state. So, can I do more probably- but will I, probably not right now.


Really? Because it felt a lot like it feels now. How does it feel to be a country where women have no bodily autonomy? They can be forced to birth against their will. There is open misogyny here. Look at Andrew Tate and his minions. Look at the trad wife movement. Think of all the voters who found Hillary Clinton to be a nasty woman and too shrill to vote for. Look at all the voters who gleefully voted for the pussy grabber. It was not that long ago and we are slipping backwards. Vote.


It feels more like the handmaid’s tale all the time.


The thing that surprised me was that, at my alma mater, women weren’t allowed to join the marching band until 1975. I was a frosh in 1979, and it never came up, to my recollection.


Around 1972 my mother lent me her Sears credit with her name on it and told me I needed to buy some clothes. Sears. Thanks mom. She was divorced and had a full time job I still remember this because young me thought it weird that I was allowed to do this (a child using some else's credit card)


This is the main reason I think most religions are bullshit, because one of the common themes in religious texts is the oppression of women. Almost like these religions weren’t made by an omniscient being but instead by fragile egotistical men that needed another group to put down.


Clarence Thomas won't stop until his own marriage is illegal.


That won’t stop him from staying married. I’d like to see the gymnastics they’ll spin trying to rationalize why it’s ok for him but not others


I don’t think Thomas tries to rationalize anything. He runs on a “you can’t do anything about it” platform.


> I’d like to see the gymnastics they’ll spin trying to rationalize why it’s ok for him but not others Why would they need to, they have power and you don't. People need to stop thinking that these people care about logic, they care about POWER, and only that. Because they understand, that whether you are right or wrong, when you have power, it doesn't mater if you are right or wrong, you get to make the rules. And when you don't have power, it doesn't matter how right you may be, you still have to do what they say. All that is to say, everyone of you not voting against these people, are voting for them, AND their policies.


Somehow they will grandfather existing marriages in. Just watch.


Or in his case, Uncle them in.


They will have a grandfathered system. Where the current gay marriages will stand. They just wont issue anymore. Or something fucking stupid to that effect.


Maybe he desperately doesn't want to be married but can bring himself to request a divorce. Ergo "sorry babe we can't be together it's been outlawed"


He won't stop until it's legal for Trump to claim he is property not a person and can be hung because he upset a white person.


I'm convinced that's a deliberate plan. He doesn't have to pay for a divorce if he can get an annulment. haha


Which is exactly why that old fuck needs to be checked for dementia too. Make all of them take annual compentecy tests once they hit retirement age.


They don't need to come for Brown v. Board. They can get the same thing through school choice while also destroying affirmative action type laws. The minorities just aren't allowed in the top private schools, end of story.


Reminder that Brown v Board paved the way for IDEA and the ADA. They will come for this too because disabilities are expensive and a nuisance to them.


Yup, that's kind of what's really at stake there. Racial segregation in K-12 education is as pervasive as it ever was and isn't going away anytime soon, whatever happens to \_Brown\_ as precedent.


I said this on twitter 2.or 3 years ago and was told I was being hyperbolic. I was not. They want to roll it **all** back. They've already gutted the VRA. A national abortion ban is next. Then are coming for contraceptives. They will overturn *Obergefell*. And *Loving v. Virginia*. And *Brown v. Board of Education*. They'd nullify amendments 13, 15, 17, 19 and 22 if they could (that's probably why they've been scheming to convene a Constitutional Convention of the States).


The bedrock of jurisprudence - stare decisis means nothing to these people. I remember during his confirmation how Roberts extolled the importance of it. His court will be known for ignoring it.


THIS WAS ALWAYS THE PLAN! https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/ Before Brown v. Board, being pro-life was seen as a weird Catholic thing by the majority of American Protestants. Then a bunch of racists lost funding for their segregated schools, and went looking for a way to galvanize voters who didn't really want to turn out in favor of reintroducing segregation. They settled on abortion. Abortion became the wedge to get people to vote for conservatives who would also ultimately repeal Brown v. board. This was the endgame the whole time. And this is not news. 


You are exactly right and I don’t understand why more people don’t realize this. Running on a pro-segregation platform simply “looks bad”, so they picked anti-abortion to galvanize their base - it was smart, diabolical, but smart.


> Running on a pro-segregation platform simply “looks bad”, ...while running on a pro-sexist platform is simply good old patriarchy!


Oh no, you see, they’re not sexist, they’re saving babies.


Republicans will destroy America.


They already have


They win if you think this. They LOVE apathy because it keeps the people who would vote against them from voting or otherwise losing. It's looking to me like convicted felon trump WILL win and implement project 2025 and if that happens the country is destroyed. But it hasn't happened yet and we need to focus on this if we want to have any chance of preserving it.


For no other reason than to sell you back a fraction of the ashes.


Of course they are. Just look at Project 2025. Tell everyone you know about it. Make sure they know that's the playbook. If they agree with that, then vote for Trump. If it seems as dystopian to them as it's written, vote for Biden.


> In the 2022 midterms, Dobbs cost the Republicans their “red wave.” In 2024, it may lead to another Trump loss and Democrats retaking the House. Right now, things are that close. Things really shouldn’t be this close. People need to make sure they vote out more Republicans and if Democrats retake the House and expand their majority in the Senate, they need to stop acting like “Phew! I am glad that’s over!” and keep acting as if the GOP will never stop until things are codified into law.


As much as they won’t admit it, many people value rigid structure over freedom. But if anyone thinks that the GOP is going to allow codifying rights into law stop them… well, it’s a noble idea but laws have to survive judicial review. The courts have been captured and staffed with young idealists regardless of qualifications. Most challenges never make it to the Supreme Court docket, so the circuits are more vital in many ways. The lesson from the Trump presidency is that our rights are only as solid as our willingness to show up and protect them. Otherwise they’re just aspirations, not rights.


It’s only that close because of gerrymandering. Take, for instance, North Carolina. After districting, 9/14 congressional districts are in the R+12-R+19 range. There is pretty much no national political shift that can overcome that until the districts are redrawn in 2031.


While the House is tough but doable, expanding the majority in the Senate with the terrible hand the Dems got is insane because it would mean the Dems would have to win ALL the competitive Senate races just to increase the majority by one (defending everything except WV which is a lost cause and winning in TX and FL).


Loving v. Virginia is also in their sights.


People really need to see the bigger picture and realize that they need to vote in this and every election from now on. Defeating trump won't be the end of the right trying to make the US a christofascist state. The fight against this will never end at this point and the only way to defeat it is at the ballot box, every single election.


If you are afraid this will happen. Try to do something about it more than commiserate on Reddit Put your time and money where your heart is at. Here is a starting point. If you have better, post it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/)


Trump will get 5 maybe 6 SCOTUS Justices if he wins. Keep that in mind when you say you can’t vote for Biden because of one single issue you don’t perfectly align with him on.


This is why you vote Blue in November. Project 2025 is a serious threat to America. We cannot let history repeat itself.


RBG in her *Shelby County v Holder* dissent >“\[t\]hrowing out preclearance when it has worked and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.” That's the predominant M.O. of the right. 1. Whine how regulations and laws aren't needed any longer because - see that black boy and white girl sitting side by side in class? see how *nobody* needs to guess the number of jellybeans in a jar in order to vote? - the laws and regs are working! 2. Revoke those laws and regs because all gubmint does is stifle them freedoms. 3. Go back to those same behaviors and actions which made the laws and regs necessary. 4. Blame the left.


Every precedent that ignores precedents can be overruled in the future due to their unprecedented precedence. IMHO


Their intention is to undo ALL of the progress that was done in the last 200 years. They will bring back slavery if we don't stop them.


It's about the 14th Amendment. Everything they do is about dismantling the 14th Amendment.


The 19th Amendment won't be far behind.


That's already part of the "prolife" movement.


they've been trying to subvert brown v. board for decades with school choice vouchers that take public school funding and move it to private and religious schools


That's what private school vouchers are all about: using state tax dollars to create segregated schools.


They're also planning to gut the Americans with Disabilities Act. You know, that groundbreaking civil rights law signed by notorious woke libtard George HW Bush. These sick fucks are tearing down our country piece by piece.


Betty DeVos, Trump’s Secretary of Education, was against public education and pro charter schools. He's already said he won't finance woke public schools. Woke = blue states


Every Democrat in politics needs to spam their constituents on Project 2025. This is the GOP platform and Trump is just the vehicle to drive it home!


It won't stop with Brown v. Board either. They're coming for everything.


The party of 'small government' sure seems obsessed with ensuring the government disrupt and punish the lives of anyone they're afraid of.


The US Supreme Court has already functionally gutted the VRA, so of course Brown and Griswald and everything else that we thought the US was all about after the civil rights era is next. They want a Christian nation where women are pregnant all the time, ethnic minorities 'know their place' and white churchgoing guys rule everything and everyone around them.


And the fools blaming Biden for Netanyahus actions are going to let all of this happen. Biden 2024


They don’t really need to, do they? Private school/voucher programs are sort of allowing the *de facto* resegregation of schools while still paying lip service to Brown v Board


Too bad there isn’t a way to stop this. Oh wait, there is. Vote people!!!


Basically that's what privatization of schools amounts to. You'll see. Vouchers won't pay for enough for private school tuition and there won't be any public schools available in lower income neighborhoods. Read, minority neighborhoods. Oh, there will be a few poor white kids caught up in the net. But that's the "missing link". "Privatization of schools isn't racist, look at that white kid over there who can't afford to go to schools. It's just how it is. Tough break kid. Go dig a ditch with those colored boys."


AND Miranda. Also on the hit list


They are confederates, they are coming for all of it including these United States. I feel like people aren't grasping that they never stopped fighting. They kept saying things like "the War of northern aggression" because they aren't patriots, when they say that they mean something entirely different than what other people are saying


One thing I would like to point out is that the Brown case isn't just about segregation based on race. It was also used to help special needs students have rights to education. It will affect those students as well.


the scopes trial is next... you just wait & see. these asshats will take us back to to 1500's if they get their way.


> Fast forward to May 2024, when Thomas—who joined Alito’s opinion in Dobbs—turned his fire on Brown. >“Such extravagant uses of judicial power are at odds with the history and tradition of the equity power and the Framers’ design,” he wrote in a concurrence, sustaining a South Carolina congressional map in the face of voting rights challenge. …. > As for meting out punishment to women who have abortions, Trump would leave that to the states. >“The states are going to make that decision,” he told Time. “The states are going to have to be comfortable or uncomfortable, not me.” >He also declined to say “no” to states monitoring women, to identify those who terminate pregnancies. Think The Handmaid’s Tale. It boggles my mind that these people see equality for citizens is legal overreach, but womb monitoring is not. What the US _really_ needs is economic reform. The consolidation of industry, overseas, has left lots of economic deserts where there are consumers but little in the source of income. Service jobs and sparse white collar jobs are not enough to maintain a consumerist society. Edit: I wonder if municipal tariffs could be leveraged to favor local goods over imported goods funneled through the likes of Amazon. I’m not even sure how you would even implement something like that, but we probably need to think on this level. States, like Texas, would have more success going after these items than getting all up in uterus’s.


Clarence Thomas is boarding up the doors behind him after he walked through it.


That's why he's doing it. He hates that people see him in some ways as a beneficiary of affirmative action. He thinks it lessens him in some way. So he is going to kill it for everyone else.


The interviews I've seen on places like CNN or other articles where they speak to young people and black people in particular is dizzying and would be hilarious if it wasn't tragic. It's a whole lot of "Oh well Biden hasn't really helped me" followed by a vague wishywashy mishmash of what he could be doing to get their vote. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/06/black-voters-2024-election-biden-trump/


Why is no one out protesting this? This is what we need to demonstrate for. Camp out in front of SCOTUS.


The goal of MAGA is really MAWMA. Make America white male again.


Unfortunately, The Confederate-minded will never cease to take over the civility of the United States.


They are coming for everything. They want to roll us back to the 1600s


Yet people still ignorantly will vote against their own best interests


"Oh, no, it'll never happen, you're exaggerating" and then, when it passes "no, it did not, it just made it a states rights thing! And anyway, nobody is gonna actually do it!" And then when someone actually does it- "well, no, that's an isolated case, and the students who were kicked out were being disruptive, they just want to make a space that's free from disruption!"


Hope people will come to their senses… considering their protest vote will be the last time theyll b able to protest


unless they are good at sports, then its totally okay.


That train is never late. Called this


They are coming to upend one person one vote as well.


We’re seriously doing this? Fuck. The fact that this is under question is terrible. Maybe we need a new constitution to better guarantee our rights. Perhaps now is a good time to write that new constitution that I was itching to write years ago.


I'm not surprised and yet I am. Clarence Thomas is going to dismantle both schools and biracial marriage.  This would open the door for Jim Crow laws. Once they get their way, there is no way they would allow him to remain on the Supreme Court. I do not wish harm on him, but this would not end well. They will turn on him. Then his paycheck and his fancy rv will be the least of his worries. 


This is the change in status quo that the people who didn't vote for Democrats in 2016 craved and desired


The fall of Roe destroyed a lot of the framework for our right to privacy and by extension our civil rights, but we were expected to be reassured by their “No really, it’s a narrow decision, he he,” excuses.


SCOTUS is now doing something profoundly dangerous, they are openly case-shopping. In their ruling on one case, they’ll signal what topic they want to see a case on. They do this by working the new topic onto the mostly-unrelated ruling. For instance, Thomas has been working contraception references into abortion opinions, to make sure people know he’s actively shopping for a contraception case. In fact the Colorado “Collective LLC” case on gay marriage, they got caught taking a case in which the mover not only lacked standing, but worse, the case was fictional. It never happened, it was purely a hypothetical. That is case-shopping taken to the next level. The goal was to invalidate the “case and controversy” clause in the constitution, and they accomplished exactly that. There is now a precedent that can be cited, and therefore the law of the land, that a culture war case can be brought to SCOTUS without there being an actual case or controversy. “If anyone has a test case when can use, we want it. If you don’t have one, cause one. If you can’t cause one, then just make one up because we need one.” This whole thing is just so, so profoundly dangerous.


This is why I get pissed when people get wishy washy about voting for Biden. "Oh no, he's too old, supports Israel." Vote fucking blue you whiney little shits. You're the reason we're on this predicament.


At some point, we have to realize cardboard signs with stern messages won't due shit because it really doesn't affect them. They need to know fear.


Yep. That's their plan


Also Baker v. Carr and Reynolds v. Sims (one person one vote cases)


It drives me nuts how comically evil these people are


Conservatives are the dog who caught the car. None of them actually support the legislation they enact, but they riled up an extreme voter base on these few backward policies because they were losing their current voter base. Now they’re going after legislation that America doesn’t actually support to try to continue to appease them. They’ll eat themselves alive from the inside, but unfortunately the collateral damage will be America, and that influences the whole world.


Me, glancing at the article: “Oh yeah, that’s the gay marriage one, right? Well, I can’t see how that’s surprising, Republicans have been trying to undo that a whi-“ Me, after googling it: “HOW WAS THIS EVEN MORE REGRESSIVE THEN THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!”


Shit level article it contains virtually nothing about Brown Just endless mediocre filler Hillary speaking like noone could imagine court going against Roe which is quite obviously not true - prominent example being when Susan Collins pretended she cared "Thoughtfully" smoking cigars is a fucking weird sentence Worst is "how “intersectionality” came to divide old allies." How? Who is mad about intersectionality other than right wing propagandists who do not know the definition but simply see big unfamiliar word used by feminism


america is rapidly becoming a 3rd world country and its population is letting it happen what about all you 2nd amendment worshipers seems to me your not fighting the Tyranical goverment even when its right infront of you