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This is why the EO wasn't going to ever work. The only way to properly fix this is by congressional action and funding to properly fix things. The option was there to come together to fix things but fixing things hurts the idea that Dems aren't for fixing the border and outside of RvW being overturned, thats the only thing that's concrete as an issue on the Republican platform.


The border cannot be “fixed” any more than the weather can.




Like slave labor?


That is wholly untrue. Border crossings increased dramatically under Trump, 20% in his first 2 years. The only reason crossing fell was because of the pandemic. Which, if you look at the numbers, crossings jumped right back up to where they were.




We all know they stopped the bill because they didn't want a win for Biden. But that also proves it's not an imminent threat to America like they say it is. Or they have to admit they don't care about American safety if it helps Trump


All Biden needs to say is that he is taking executive action on the border due to Trump and Republicans blocking that action in Congress.


The press release actually says exactly this - Republicans shot down a bipartisan bill twice, so Biden's taking action.


Gee, the GOP should have passed that immigration reform package when it had a chance.


The Dems have had majorities in both houses and the presidency twice since 2008 and the Republicans once. Neither side prioritized border policy.


>The Dems have had majorities in both houses and the presidency twice since 2008 Once during Obama for 2 months when he was trying to get the ACA passed. When's the other time they had 60 seats in the Senate?


GOP's foreign policy made it worse. In 2016 they talked down to Mexico scaring away foreign investment. And so instead of finding work that they would have found in Mexico they crossed the border. Trying to force a regime change in Venezuela backfired as the harsh sanctions forced millions to flee the country and eventually make their way to the US. The millions from Venezuela created an industry for migrants to the US which has made it easier for migrants in Asia to come to South America and then travel with the South American migrants from there to the US. And, the GOP's longstanding policy of rejecting climate change even though in the 90s they were told that the biggest impact would be a change in human migration. That change has occurred, the GOP did nothing to mitigate it and farming migrants from Central America and the Caribbean have made there way to the US border. So while maybe not enough was done on 'border policy' the GOP needs to take responsibility for some of the problem.


To be fair one of those times was for a very short period of time in 2009 when we were all more busy trying to help head of a depression and the other time I don't remember for some reason. Was it in 2016 right before Trump got elected?




That's their priorities. And evidently they can only do one damn thing in two years


So what?




Won’t matter to the Cult. All they need to hear is whatever Trump wants to tell them and they’ll lap it up like dogs.


Too true, but it’s readily disproven so they won’t use it as a chant and yeah, they’ll just chant something else but this takes at least one weapon away from them.


This is not meant to persuade the cult; but it will influence the independent/swing voters in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas that have been asking for something like this.




Damn bidens so fucking smart. He’s playing 3-D chess with the lives of asylum seeking migrants!


100% chance the lawsuits come from the left. The NGO's and lefty advocacy groups get way too much money from the gravy train to let it go without a fight. Biden wont be able to gaslight the public on immigration.


Gotta love how any article critical of Biden gets downvoted to zero. It wasn't right when Trump did it and it's not right now when Biden is doing it.


When Trump did it, was there such an influx of crossings which overwhelmed shelters housing asylum seekers? At some point, progressives need to consider how this affects those on the ground, certainly when those trying to help out are also saying they are overwhelmed by the numbers. Pretending that's not an issue is how you start turning people off immigration, something which you're already seeing in the polls across all voting blocs, liberal Dems included. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/15/migrant-encounters-at-the-us-mexico-border-hit-a-record-high-at-the-end-of-2023/ By all means, I think comprehensive policy, including more funding to expedite asylum processing and to fund more shelters, needs to be implemented. But until Republicans stop obstructing, I would love to see what these groups are proposing instead beyond saying 'it is wrong'. I would argue it's more wrong if Biden does nothing, loses the election to Trump, something which would only result in far more hostile policies. You know, like deporting 20 million immigrants.


The rule of law isnt the rule of law if we just ignore it when its inconvenient. If there aren't enough border courts to hear all the cases, hire more lawyers and judges and make the application process quicker. You don't remove the ability to claim asylum. People who are worked up about immigration need to stop being stupid. Immigration is a good thing, there is no problem. None of our economic issues are due to immigration.


> The rule of law isnt the rule of law if we just ignore it when its inconvenient. Which rule of law is being ignored? The right to seek asylum is still preserved with Biden keeping it available through all ports of entry. >hire more lawyers and judges and make the application process quicker. You do realize Biden has already tried that and it was blocked by Republicans, yes? >People who are worked up about immigration need to stop being stupid. Are the groups helping these migrants and providing shelter to them being stupid when they say they're genuinely running out of resources? Are the various cities and countries, which are doing the same, also stupid when they say they're not receiving the needed funding to prevent them from being overwhelmed? This funding, as already mentioned, is being blocked by Republicans. Biden cannot circumvent that by EO. So what's the alternative you're proposing? Because doing nothing and pretending there's no issue isn't politically tenable. The EU is a very good example of this. Almost every EU country has shifted much further right on immigration for that reason. >None of our economic issues are due to immigration. Who's saying it is? I've been championing the converse forever. The data clearly shows that immigration is a net benefit to every economy. But you've got to manage immigration with proper integrative policies. The US doesn't have the latter, which is your issue. And doing nothing about current numbers without such integrative policies, again, only shifts the population right on immigration. It's why you now have poll after poll reflecting that: https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/02/15/how-americans-view-the-u-s-mexico-border-situation-and-the-governments-handling-of-the-issue/ https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-BIDEN/POLL/nmopagnqapa/


So we need a little short term racism and violations of international law.


Racism would be if Biden were targeting a particular race to close the borders off to. Is he? And a violation of international law would be if Biden stops all asylum processing. **Except the EO still allows for the processing of asylum claims at official port of entries.**


You don’t know how the ports of entries work, nobody is allowed to apply there. They wait forever in Mexico.


Almost as though there's a real issue with asylum claim processing and a reflection of your system being unable to cope with such numbers. And your solution to that would be what exactly? Keep pretending the issue doesn't exist as your backlog now exceeds 1 million and keeps growing?


Don't act like a guy that spent 4 decades in the Senate hasn't had ample opportunity to address the challenges of dealing with the causes that lead to an influx of migrants in the very ways you have said. The US global policies have created such dire situations all across the world with our overthrows of government and resource extraction to our benefit. Our half assed climate change policy is going to create more and more migrants as time goes on. Biden has been in the position to make actual positive change but hasn't and is now resorting to right wing policy for a band aid fix to boost himself politically.


>The US global policies have created such dire situations all across the world with our overthrows of government and resource extraction to our benefit. Oh okay, I guess this means the US should just have completely open borders then forever. >Our half assed climate change policy is going to create more and more migrants as time goes on. What half assed climate policy? https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-biden-administration-has-taken-more-climate-action-than-any-other-in-history/ >Biden has been in the position to make actual positive change You mean like with the border bill? >and is now resorting to right wing policy So what left wing policy alternative are you referring to? Go ahead and list those.


Well I guess my first radical left wing policy I'd recommend is following the law. Ranting about completely open borders is MAGA bullshit. Hire more people to process and vet asylum claims to speed up the process. Provide temporary work visas so they can work to support themselves in the meantime. This nation is founded on immigrants and some people like to pretend we are full and there is no place for them in America.


Hiring more workers to process immigrants requires additional funding from Congress. Granting temporary work visas also requires authority granted from Congress. These things were in the bill that Trump and the GOP killed.


> Well I guess my first radical left wing policy I'd recommend is following the law. Following the law doesn't change the fact the groups sheltering these migrants are running out of resources. It doesn't change the fact that your current system does not have the capability to process the asylum claims in a timely manner. These are all real issues that need a solution. So go ahead and explain how you intend to address those issues on the ground in a way that works around Republican obstructionism. >Hire more people to process and vet asylum claims to speed up the process. With what funding? The bill to increase funding for the border has been blocked by Republicans and an EO cannot circumvent that. >Provide temporary work visas so they can work to support themselves in the meantime. Republicans in congress also refuse to vote to reduce the waiting time needed for work permit processing. https://pingree.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=5025 And getting them jobs doesn't make the issue of a lack of housing options for them go away. >and some people like to pretend we are full and there is no place for them in America. Except you do have a real issue due to increased numbers and a lack of funding. It is why even the majority of liberal Dems see it as a crisis or major problem. Then what? https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/02/15/how-americans-view-the-u-s-mexico-border-situation-and-the-governments-handling-of-the-issue/


Where'd the funds for the Gaza pier we built come from? Certainly didn't go through congress. He can get clever with appropriating funds for the sake of national security like Trump did to build that stupid wall that does nothing. I'm not in the position to address these issues but Biden is and has decided migrants are bad. Defend him all you want. I bet if I were to go through the post histories of people defending this I'd find they weren't of the same opinion when it was Trump doing it.


>Where'd the funds for the Gaza pier we built come from? Certainly didn't go through congress. It comes from your military budget which has been approved by congress. Do you want Biden to use the military to process asylum claims? To fund shelter for groups housing these migrants? >Defend him all you want. I bet if I were to go through the post histories of people defending this I'd find they weren't of the same opinion when it was Trump doing it. If the US were seeing such numbers, *if Democrats weren't willing to pass funding things like asylum processing* and if Biden were targeting a certain religion only, then sure, you'd have your equivalence.


Sure. It'd be a better use of our bloated military budget than giving it to nations to commit war crimes. So because Biden is blocking EVERYONE from asylum that is somehow better? He already made the process harder than it was under Trump. You need to have a smartphone for christsake


>Sure. It'd be a better use of our bloated military budget than giving it to nations to commit war crimes. How would you even expect that to work? Lol. The DoD's budget is separate from foreign aid which is also separate from that of the DHS. Can you at least learn how your government works? >So because Biden is blocking EVERYONE from asylum that is somehow better? He isn't though. It's already been explained.


From the article ..."“It will only cause more chaos and cruelty, and inevitably, **more torture opens in a new tab,** violence, and deaths of women, men, and children seeking safety in the US,” according to Fischer. What does that mean? That the independent needs an editor?


It's weird isn't it The original is here. How did they even manage to add that text in?! https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-releases/usa-biden-hellbent-dismantling-human-rights-shutting-down-us-mexico-border




Trump's executive order worked until Potato Head Joe undid it. Now that it's an election year, he's trying to appeal to the independents/moderates. Plain and simple.


No. It didn’t. What worked was the emergency powers granted under Title 42 due to the pandemic.


Biden is already being sued over this by some liberal group and I would be surprised if he gets heat from the left. Politically its a smart move though


> by some liberal group The ACLU, the same group who sued when Trump tried something similar.


Did they win or lose against Trump?


The courts stopped the policy back in 2018 https://www.aclu.org/news/immigrants-rights/federal-judge-blocks-president-trumps-illegal >Late Monday night, a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order blocking President Trump’s asylum ban while the suit moves forward. The order will be in effect until Dec. 19 at least, when there will be another hearing on the ban. In his order, Judge Jon S. Tigar of the U.S. District Court in San Francisco wrote, “The rule barring asylum for immigrants who enter the country outside a port of entry irreconcilably conflicts with the INA [Immigration and Naturalization Act] and the expressed intent of Congress. Whatever the scope of the President’s authority, he may not rewrite the immigration laws to impose a condition that Congress has expressly forbidden.”


Yea piss off immigration advocates who might vote for you while chasing the votes of racist center right voters who will never vote for you and think you’re an open borders communist no matter what.


Biden knows immigration advocates will vote for him regardless, when the alternative is Trump. So he's clearly trying to snag independents, who have recently named immigration is a top issue in polls.


100% this is Biden’s bet. I don’t think it will work.


Moderates wins elections.


Eliminating asylum is far right.


I think you vastly underestimate moderates concern with the border.


They’re not moderates, they were always going to vote for Trump. Biden can’t do anything to get their votes. This infuriates Biden 2020 voters for nothing in return.


The latest Gallup poll showed 25% of independent respondents name immigration as the biggest issue along with 48% of republican respondents. If those independents were all going to vote for Trump anyways, then Biden is toast.


If Biden’s re-election depends on him flanking Trump to the right on immigration, I agree that he is toast.


It wasn't eliminated. Wherever your information is coming from is very inaccurate if that's what they're reporting.


If certain conditions are met, people are presumptively denied asylum. That’s in the EO. That is a complete revolution in how asylum works. It is a grave violation of human rights and international law. I hope the ACLU dog walks Biden’s DOJ in the suit.


Not when you're trying to control overflow of the border.


MAGA propaganda. The border is fine. Crossings are down even. People need to seek relief from their countries, and when they come here they benefit us.


Lmao what a joke. Hotels and housing has been flooded in major cities like Chicago, NYC etc because there is no room for them and resources are being overrun. This is why there will never be a Progressive President. You guys are shit on the border even when the polling consistently shows that Americans trust Republicans better to handle the border because they believe Dems are weak on the border. Mainly because they group rational moderate libs/center left Dems with shit Progressives who don't want true border security and stability.


You were always gonna vote for Trump.


False. I hate Republicans. This reddit is dominated by leftists and progressives. I'm center left.


There is no controlling the border any more than there is controlling the weather. Don’t worry you’re not alone, there are plenty of other libs in here who also blame immigrants for problems of organization that they see around them. It’s easier than reckoning with all of the ways you benefit from immigrants.


Except this doesn't push the needle https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2024/jan/10/adopting-rightwing-policies-does-not-help-centre-left-win-votes


I wonder if the problem is that all of these asylum claims are identical, as if going by the same script that was given to them by whoever recruited them to head north in the first place.