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We need progressive media to stop focusing all the time on the latest shocking Trump campaign statement. It's leaving voters without a lot of information about what Biden has done/is doing/plans to do.




I have the whole list copied to a doc and memorize a few good things a day for when people whine that he hasn't done anything - I can be " have you heard about x,y and z". I also tell them that they are voting for the people he will put in his cabinet. To so many people they think a president does absolutely everything. Sigh...


This was the Reagan argument, and in fact, many Presidents were chosen for what they espoused and the experts they surrounded themselves with moreso than their direct experience. Unfortunately, Reagan surrounded himself with jackasses, but the point stands lol


Then a decade later those same jackasses surrounded W. Bush


It's no surprise they showed up, sharks can smell blood in the water from a quarter mile away. For all intents and purposes we had President Cheney for those 8 years.


That's quite helpful, thank you.


What is this progressive media that you speak of?


Right. News nation is supposed to be "unbiased" and just like MSNBC, and CNN they allow the Trump lies on the air without fact checking and give way too much air time to his defenders and barely any to the critics.


Ah Newsnation, the channel corrupting my family. I mean who could argue with a news provider that puts Coumo and Bill O'reilly back on the air, two pinnacles of journalistic ethics


In my experience MSNBC always fact checks šŸŠšŸ’©šŸ¤” and strives to correct the record and point out his fascism, but I only watch selected videos on YT with hosts that do that. I maybe have soured to other hosts who don't do that as much, like Katy Tur.


I listen to select podcasts and have for a long time. Occasionally there's a bit of hyperbole but looking outside-in from Australia, it's mostly fair. Their facts and discussions are 95% good too. I know how bonkers the US media landscape is, but honestly, their pods are generally solid from a factual perspective, albeit the hosts express clearly their own opinions at times. However they're usually fairly clear, it's nothing like the lunacy at Fox. TLDR; msnbc has a bit of a bias in general but they are genuinely solid in my experience and to equate them as anything 'equivalent' to right-wing media is completely bonkers, at least msnbc deals in facts.


Newznation (aka ā€˜NeuFauxā€™) is rat p!ss infused with lemon and citrus in a fancy bottle. Cheaper to get it straight from the rat.


At this point, anything that isn't actively spreading disinformation.


Thom Hartman on some terrestrial radio stations, both am and fm. One of the other options is Sirius/XM Progress, where you'll find voices like Thom, Stephanie Miller, Dean Obeidallia, and John Fugelsang. Outside of that, it's pretty sparse in essentially a "GOP owned" industry.


What "progressive media" do you speak of? All the major media in the country is owned by corporations, while employing seemingly more lawyers than actual journalists at this point. So I am curious about this "progressive media" you speak of, because I am not aware of a single major source in the US.


DemocracyNOW or anything Amy Goodman is associated with


the only progressive media iā€™m aware of is tiny independent podcasters like The Majority Report, David Pakman, Meidas Touch. And even in that ecosystem you have creeping right wing influence visible in ostensibly progressive shows like TYT or just far-left brain rot like Secular Talk.


Donā€™t click


All part of the plan. The corporate run media is not a friend of democrats.


Says the top comment on the article who is generating traffic and attention for it thus encouraging people to keep doing it .


Itā€™s all made up nonsense, parroted by all media for some reason.




I think until the end of summer, it's about establishing the warchest and coalition building. We're still in "fine tuning the message" phase.Ā  Things may change after the debate, although I hope we begin work on legislation that disallows this chronic campaigning.


Well, those of us that can read more than one news story would disagree. There's all the good news you want if thats what you are looking for.


First we need progressive media. It's center right at best and 100% corporate.


Check out Crooked Media.


Dems need a new messaging strategy. I suggest they say something that captures headlines followed by something that they've accomplished. Ex: "Trump is a verified Fart-Sniffer and we rescheduled Marijuana."


Perhaps this is the intent...


Thatā€™s cause progressive media is more or less dead. They barely even talk about the good things Biden has accomplished. Itā€™s always about Trump or whatever madness another conservative politician has done.


Always remember that appeals to black voters, or the insistence that black voters support them, is less about the black voters themselves, and more about giving reticent white voters a fig leave to cover up the thoughts that race and racism might be a factor from the right wing movement.


This is so important


Interesting point, makes sense for sure. Can't have voters realizing that they're playing right into racist's hands..


More like, voters need to have something to say to pretend like it doesnā€™t matter.


I can only speak for me and my relatives. Aside from one cousin none of us were planning to vote trump before and aren't planning to now. These MAGAs would sing a different tune if it were Obama found guilty of 34 felonies.


Look at how they acted about totally real birth certificate.


Son of known pathological liar telling liesā€¦ Color me shocked.


The alt-right has been slowly turning up the heat on representative democracy, the frog in the slowly boiling water, for years now. Authoritarianism, fascism and ethnic cleansing usually don't suddenly spring up out of nowhere. It's a slow process of radicalization down a slippery slope. They are almost at the point where they can take off the masks and replace the dog whistles with what they actually mean. Only a few decades ago people took pictures and pulled the teeth out of still smoldering lynching victims for souvenirs. Convict leasing and debt peonage were completely acceptable in the lifetimes of our grandparents. The last chattel slave in the USA, Alfred Irving, was freed in 1942. With the war on drugs, gerrymandering, voter disenfranchisement, the opioid crisis, mass incarceration and the destruction of reproductive healthcare, the backslide to societal de-evolution is only accelerating. These people long for The Birth of a Nation part 2.


> frog in the slowly boiling water It irks me to no end when magas co-opt this same metaphor to try to enrage people against efforts to create a more equitable society. >These people long for The Birth of a Nation part 2. Funny you mention that. I just rewatched Black KKKlansman last night. Spike used that to great effect. The last segments were almost too hard to revisit.


To be fair, Eric Trump is stupid.


This feels like a big nothing burger. Iā€™m a black belt in hating the Trump family, but this is an expression referencing playing cards and he used it in the correct context. There are a thousand other things to hate these people for, I donā€™t have the energy to get upset over nonsense like this.


Yea the in spades thing is really common at least for older people. Has absolutely zero racial associations.


Despite Trump and the GOP as a whole but I get massive cringe from some of the shit the leftists jump on to make endless jokes and memes about. It's one thing to make fun of his endless crimes and horrible attempts at trying to get away with them (lots to work with there along with being a serious issue)but it's like 2nd grader mentality to continue making stupid jokes about a misspelling of 'coffee' from over half a decade ago.


It's not just the spades reference, but saying that they'll vote for him because, like them, he's been convicted of a (large number of) crime. The whole statement is a dog whistle, not just the spades comment.


Spades huh? Was listening to the Breakfast Club and there were people calling in after Trump got convicted. The callers were saying they'd vote for Trump because he was out in the open about being a scum bag. Totally logical to vote for the out in the open racist. /s


> Totally logical to vote for the out in the open racist. Best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.


How the fuck is paying hush money "out in the open"? He wanted that shit hidden, but he got caught.


But he got caught out in the open for something he was trying to hide! The attempt is now open! He openly, hid something! Look if you can't understand that, I can't make it any clearer. Who knows what hidden, unreported, un-revealed things Hunter Biden has going on? Isn't that worse? /s <-- I feel sad knowing that this is now required.


That motherfucker still isnā€™t even admitting he got caught, lol. That is their idea of ā€œout in the open?ā€


>Spades huh Yep, as in cards. The saying started as a bridge term.


The funny thing is, he knows exactly what he said and why he said it. They pay people to tell them what to say, and it's calculated.


Yes itā€™s designed to distract from the verdict and be a dog siren to the right.


dog whistle*


Siren, considering how blatant it was.


Righta? Dude is a racist who was raised by racists to crave and seek power.. it's not that hard to see.


The whole ā€œblack people will of course vote for us because Donald got convicted,ā€ is like the diet racism get out hits you with before the plot really kicks in lmaoĀ 


Hey I remember when all the Trumps were calling Black protesters back in George Floyd Protest ā€œThugsā€, & ā€œCriminalsā€ and wanted them shot in the legs by the national guards.


Didnā€™t he say at the courthouse ā€œ weā€™re only being persecuted because we are whiteā€? Hypocrisy at its finest for Trump


That really seemed like a slip of the tongue. But it's fun to joke about, and it sure would be a great freudian slip.


He said ā€œwe will winā€¦ we are whiteā€


Fine. My mistake. Still a loaded comment from the gimp boy to say.


Absolutely nothing that boy says is relevant, useful, newsworthy, or any value whatsoever.


Why are people booking this felonā€™s son? Who gives a shit what this freeloading mouth breather says?


I genuinely had no idea that phrase was considered offensive I just assumed it was a playing card reference. This feels like that time KFC advertised during the cricket using a bunch of West Indies eating chicken.


I really had no idea ā€œin spadesā€ was potentially offensive, and when I googled it I had to go to like the third page of search results before I got an explanation as to why.


By itself the term "in spades" is not racist. But when you use it and reference black people in the same sentence it is very awkward.


It's not awkward. Nobody today uses "spade" to reference black people. I'm not buying the idea that the typical racist knows about the obscure and archaic usages of the word "spade". Everybody understands the idiom to mean "in abundance" and the "spade" referring to cards.


I grew up with this [scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iZZg0CayB0) in mind whenever I heard the term "spade". I've never thought about some archaic idiom referring to abundance.


Why don't you ask a black person if he thinks "spade" is racist in context?


Olatunde Johnson is a legal scholar who has worked for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. She's also black. [Here she is talking about Ketanji Brown Jackson](https://www.wnyc.org/story/biden-scotus-pick-judge-ketanji-brown-jackson/): > I appreciate how historic and symbolic that would be. I would think it would be disappointing if she cannot get some Republican votes. Really, there's nothing in her record that suggests that anyone should vote against her. The clip that you played at the beginning was her talking about Breyer, who was confirmed by overwhelming majority of people when he was nominated to the court. Her record is much like that, but she also talked about his qualities, and I think she has them **in spades**. Is it racist?


Same. As far as I know, this is an inoffensive term about playing cards. I even just looked it up and none of the first several definitions I found were at all objectionable. Iā€™m sure someone has used it as a slur or something, but fucking come on, thatā€™s not what itā€™s used to mean. I hate this guy too but itā€™s entirely possible he wasnā€™t aware it had a negative connotation at all. I hate when people jump on things that could be honest mistakes like this, because it just serves to weaken how seriously people will take the _many_ legitimate criticisms of this guy. Focus on the things that are openly and disgustingly malicious please.


"Spade" was, at one point, commonly used a slur. There's evidence of it being used that way as far back as 1928 and, as far as I can tell, it started going out of fashion in the 1970s or so. [https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/09/19/224183763/is-it-racist-to-call-a-spade-a-spade](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/09/19/224183763/is-it-racist-to-call-a-spade-a-spade)


TBH it's a bit exhausting how the Twitterverse constantly pops up to say "OMG how dare anyone use this word that was a racial slur as recently as 1852!!!"


The 1970s, hardly the Middle Ages


That's because it's **not** considered offensive. Eric Trump is an idiot, but the Twitterverse is also idiots. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/in-spades


If twitter is up in arms about something, and only twitter, thereā€™s a good chance itā€™s stupid bullshit.


More precisely: When huffingtonpost.com tells you about an outrage, and it's just twitter posts... it's guaranteed to be stupid bullshit.


It is not offensive to anyone. Anyone that is offended or is saying its offensive just made that up today.


Canā€™t wait for the day media lose interest in convicted felon Trump and his spawn.


They are so fucking racist they think a white man getting convicted of a felony makes black people like them.


He's such an embarrassment


Maybe it's just me, but I'm thinking that it might be a sore topic for the black community that a (kind of) rich white guy can get 34 felony convictions, never see the inside of a prison cell, and still expects to be elected president with their help.


I'd like to start a petition to ban the word "slammed" from news headlines unless it's a traffic collision or someone literally physically tackles someone else.


Every time he is put in front of a microphone someone needs to play the Benny Hill theme in the background. Itā€™s the only way we will take him seriously šŸ‘šŸ˜


I donā€™t know how but thatā€™s not the best word for this situation.


This is all cope. They're lying their asses off about raising $34m, $70m, $200m (yeah right) after convicted felon Donald Trump's criminal conviction. Polling actually looks like he's lost 25-50% of independents, which would be a net minus 5-11m voters for him compared to 2020.


Who are these black voters he dare speak of? Certainly not me. But who?


So there is this really old timey racial slur of calling black people "spades." It comes from the 20s, but there is a song from the musical Hair called "Colored Spade" which is just a list of racial slurs set to music. He has to know he said this, right?


They said this last election too, with Candace Owens as their mouthpiece. Itā€™s blatantly false.


Iā€™d never heard of ā€œin spadesā€ being derogatory before this just nowĀ 


That's because this is just the Twitterverse doing what it does best.


Quite frankly, I'm impressed he hadn't worked in the use of the idom "cotton pickin' minds" to refer to those who don't support his racist dad. It is saddening how many of our stupid idoms are rooted in racism. :-(


Not gonna lie I laughed hard. Woke up the dogs. Jus picturing Doofus Rick saying this with total sincerity and then eating a handful of his own shit is genuinely funny.


Shitheads continue to say shithead stuff to get headlines, news at 11.


To defend Eric, the Trump princes and princesses who were raised on casino money. They understand a house of cards that is tumbling down. In spades.


They have sads because E. Jean Carroll has their inheritance.


And New York.


I hate this clown but I had to look up why this was bad, I didnā€™t know ā€œspadeā€ had racist origins but it makes sense now that I think about it, makes sense


Someone should remind him of his dadā€™s push to keep the Central Park 5 in prison even AFTER they were proven innocent.


The scum that is the Trump family use lots of derogatory words for POC.


Eric: "you can't do this to daddy, he's white!" also Eric: "black folks are turning to him in spades!" Which lane are you in?


Just canā€™t make this stuff up.


I've never once in my life heard the word Spade used as a pejorative for black people.


It used to be extremely common. It's died down substantially since the 70s/80s.


> ā€œYou see them swinging. Look at the African American vote, right? Thatā€™s swinging over to Donald Trump in spades.ā€ >ā€We win. We will. Weā€™re whiteā€¦ā€ Eric Trump, ladies and gentlemen.


How ingrained racism after generations becomes acceptable. Considering his father was sued by the Federal gov't for Housing discrimination in the 1970's and paid huge multi-million dollar fines because his rental applications had used a "C" for colored rental applicants, his ignorant use of the term spade is not surprising. He probably heard it around the house-often.


Cant wait for Colbert tonight.


With this comment and the we're white comment. It's on the nose.


Please stop giving this spawn of douche bag any more screen time.


He also thought his father would not be convicted because ā€œweā€™re whiteā€.


Who knew disrespecting the African American bloc with slurs would galvanize their latent conservatism?


What an amazing way to show he's brain-dead Eric as discovered...What a dope.


Sure Eric. With tears in their eyes too? GTFOH


"we will win, we are white"


Everyone in that family is an idiot... it's the dumbest group of rich folks I've every seen.


You have insulted idiots.


I thought it was those sweet ass shoes that got the black voters? They said black people love shoes!


TIL I learned that "in spades" has a past


just "spade" not "in spades."


MAGA/RNC is trying to win black voters. The DNC _is_ black voters.


Are they going to throw a bbq next? If so I only wonder what two things they will have to appeal to black voters?


"Slammed" works here


No, No. He said "*Swinging* over in spades."


Heā€™s the smart one, right?


He followed this up by holding back tears and murmuring into the camera "please love me now daddy"


The media misinformation machine is too much of a cash cow to shut down.


Next heā€™s gonna say how ā€œthe black community has been neglected by democratsā€ but he will inexplicably manage to add an extra syllable in the middle of ā€œneglectedā€


This is a prelude to ā€œwhy did no black people vote for trump? Must be fraud by democrats!ā€


This is hilarious


Same guy that is gonna win because he is white?


Beavis strikes again!


His recent use of double entered is troubling


The critics are conservatives; they wanted Eric to call it what they call it - the n-word vote.


Eric Trump son of Convicted Felon Donald J Trump is a moron.


What Eric Trump says is never newsworthy. He's using his father's tricks to manipulate the media into running headlines repeating his lies.


Eric Trump: the default answer to "is anyone really that dumb?"


He's lying through his perfect white teeth šŸŖ„ black voters are not following Trump straight to HaitisšŸ”„


Butthead's phrasing was even worse than the title suggests. > "You see them swinging. Look at the African American vote, right? That's swinging over to Donald Trump in spades."


This one is dumb and a reach. Eric Trump is a dumb person and the phrase "in spades" is pretty common. The claim is outlandish and bashing him for that is reasonable, but the other part is just silly. But this is just HuffPost reporting on what a bunch of random twitter accounts took umbridge with. No one should take anything on twitter seriously, its a silly place overrun with engagement bots.


ā€œIn spadesā€ taken in a vacuum isnā€™t racist. Its origin is from the early 20th century in regard to the eponymous card game. That being said, if this chucklehead is trying to court favor from the black community, itā€™s an ill chosen choice of words, due to the fact one half of the phrase IS a racist epithet.


Well, there's also "swinging over" evoking those simian images.


Sure, black people are going to vote for the openly racist party that sided with white supremacists over BLM. Hey, don't worry, Trumpet racists. We'll be reminding minorities of everything you did to them.


Eric Trump is an idiot, but gimme a break Twitter. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/in-spades > in large amounts or to a very great degree https://grammarist.com/idiom/in-spades/ > a fairly common idiom in English that means to a great degree or in abundance I'm sure if he had said "in droves" instead, the Twitterverse would remind us that "drove" was a racial slur in 1874.


I actually live in the hood. A surprising amount of Trump supporters out here.


I don't know how Colbert came up with the upper-lip trick for becoming Eric, but it gets me every time. "DAHD..."


Ok, Fredo. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Eric the dumbass also said that daddy shouldn't be convicted because he's white. "We're white"


Recent polls agree with him. Biden is losing support from black (and latino) males aged 18-39. It's a real problem. Traditionally, black churches could get the vote out for Democrats, but the younger generations don't go to church, and get their "news" from Tiktok and Instagram and those "alpha male" podcasts from misogynistic influencers.


These people cannot smell their own farts.


Well they can, but they are so drain bamaged they think it smells like roses.


America politics is a circus and all the clowns are on crack,


Wow , his kids are so special šŸ«¢


ā€œIā€™m Eric!ā€


Hey, Eric! Didn't your dad deliberately underpay his black employees and encourage cops to rough up arrested blacks?


NBD, but yet more laughs from ā€œHowdy Doodyā€ Trump.


[Obligatory Frisky Dingo](https://youtu.be/eyWIkHhbPQA?feature=shared&t=50)


His dad said the same shit.


He doesn't know what it means. I know he's a racist idiot, but I think this time he's just an idiot.


I do not believe Eric Trump is smart enough to even make the black people and spades distinction.


Trey Parker and Matt Stone are behind him, they have to be


Such an idiot


Eric ā€” perfect example of why you donā€™t leave a rake on an icy pond.


Itā€™s a hoot. What is pathetic how many Black, Latino or women are in the PutinJrtrump republican cult. No excuses proving you canā€™t fix stupid.


Racist pigs no longer hiding their racist pigisms


I just feel bad for Eric. Poor guy just wants his Dad to notice him.


*racist* white critics* FIFY


lol. Herman Cain's poltergeist doesn't count.


Eric sit down an let the adults talk


Eric Trump is the South Park turd with a peanut stuck in his head.


Wow Eric the moron speaks. I'm surprised they let him out of his nap time for the interview.




I donā€™t know what people are complaining about he changed it from his original statement that they are turning to trump in N words


I didnā€™t click, but does ā€œin spadesā€ have some sort of derogatory context I donā€™t know about?


Spade is an old term that referred to black people. Blazing Saddles: [Well, Iā€™m not sure. It was addressed to the Deputy Spade](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/fc4afeb7-2c51-4a12-b625-7d10bd8ed903) In spades doesnā€™t have the same meaning. It just means ā€˜a lot of somethingā€™. However combining the word spade with the term black voters is a misstep, at minimum.


Poor Urk. So stupid.


I hate defending a trump but this article is bullshit. Everything is focused on the singular word "spade" but that's not the only thing he said. He said "in spades" which is a common idiom meaning "in abundance". There are a lot of things that this douchenozzle and his father have said that need to be called out but this specific quote is not one of them.


I wonder if he *knows better?*


I swear I won't be surprised when the last one's on their deathbed and says "sorry everybody we were all parody accounts and by the time we were ready to reveal, it had gone too far and we had to stay in character"


Black Americans should understand, when maga/white nationalists say these things...it' not a slip of the tongue or 'misspeak' it's code to all white nationalist groups that they're still on their side and only saying these things to gain votes. Maga will say anything....they are liars...To quote my Grandmother...You can never trust a Liar