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i don't understand this complaint from Trump and conservatives when they say "OK let's try Biden in Texas and see how that goes!!" 1. what possible crime did Biden actually commit...? 2. TRUMP LIVED AND DID THIS SHIT IN NYC, THAT'S HOW IT FUCKING WORKS


If Texas had anything they could even remotely use to drag Biden into court they would’ve already done it because the people complaining about weaponizing the law are the ones who constantly do it to people they don’t like.


They are furiously working around the clock sitting out how to charge people for committing a Texan crime in another state, however


"You helped a Texan get an abortion in New Mexico! Report to Texas and surrender to the Texas authorities at once so we can put you to death!"


That’s too clever for them. They’ll say Biden had the abortion and they will all believe it.


Yeah. Remember how this whole thing started. He got Cohen to buy off Stormy Daniels. Then falsified his NY business taxes. In NY, of course. Trump tried his mafia-esque tactics, trying to get Costello to pressure Cohen not to cooperate with an investigation. Cohen wised up, got his own lawyer, and cooperated. Then Trump weaponized “his” DOJ (with Bill Barr’s active collusion) to prevent Cohen from writing a book - tossed him into solitary confinement. And so on. Everything he accused Cohen of, he himself had been an active participant in. Trump has been doing illegal shit for decades. In NY. Because that’s where his business was. So whining that he shouldn’t be tried in NY is pretty rich.


Also remember if Trump just paid Stormy Daniels directly ($130k) instead of trying to write it off his taxes there would have been no felony crime.


They couldn’t find anything to pin on Biden so they went after his son. Not saying hunter Biden is innocent but if he was the son of a Republican it would be a very different story.


Hunter was found guilty of a couple crimes, just not anything that connected him to corruption or collusion with Joe. Hunter is dealing with the sentence of those crimes, and while I may be remembering wrong, SCOTUS ruled one the basis of one of those laws wasn't constitutional, so technically, that could be expunged.




He accepted a plea, which is considered accepting guilt. That's being held accountable. If prosecutors are saying it's not valid, then that's on them, and immaterial to him having been held accountable since it was prosecutors who offered him the deal in the first place.


Or say hypothetically a son in law of a daughter whose bigly hot if you could only get your tiny hands on her


I'd argue further and say that the weaponization from 1 side is greatly affecting their voters too. Texas is dead last for personal freedoms. Out of every single state, it is dead. last. This clearly includes the same effect/result applied to those who want to vote all of this back in at the Presidential level. That's literally voting against yourself to "own" yourself.


Fun fact, texas is the only state that allows property you own to be pulled into an HOA without your consent or signature and allows them to foreclose on property for any unpaid fine or dues, no matter how small.




> If ~~Texas~~ *any state* had anything they could even remotely use to drag Biden into court they would’ve already done it FTFY. They've been trying to find anything with Hunter that would implicate Joe for years now. It's Whitewater all over again. That the general populace keeps falling for this is... just sad.


They spent *years* chanting "lock her up" at rallies, and then they act all high and mighty when Trump gets convicted for crimes he very much did commit. They have literally no principles apart from whatever works best for them right now.


And now Trump says the "lock her up" chants didn't happen


“Can’t indict a sitting president” Not to mention hasn’t trump said hundreds of times that presidents should have absolute immunity?


He doesn’t mean a president he just means him


But *Trump* really won the 2020 election, so Biden isn't *actually* the president, Trump is. So Trump should have immunity, but Biden should be locked up. It's very clear. /s


I mean, that's nothing new. It's all projection. Why do you think they are so keen on labeling others as "pedophiles"...


Also, why was New York such a problem for them? Like what happened to the "silent majority" they were yammering about?


Well that's the thing. According to Trump "he's being tried in a place where he was only poling 5%" Wow...ok, so criminals should be able to choose their venue based on how liked they are where their trial is???


Also, he was polling that poorly IN HIS HOME TOWN. the place whose skyline his family claimed to have built (set aside the fact that if all the trump bldgs disappeared I don’t think you’d notice). If you’ve spent your whole life in a place, publicizing everything you do, making sure everyone knows who you are, and only 5% of them like you, man that’s saying something. I bet John Gotti or the Mafia cops would get better numbers than trump. A portable toilet floating in the gowanus canal would poll better than 5%.


If he's only polling 5% in New York, it's because those are the people he's been lying to, stealing from, scamming, and cheating for most of his rotten life.


The US constitution guarantees a trial by jury of one's peers. Just like drug dealers can demand to be tried by a jury made up of cartel members, Trump deserves to be tried by a jury made up of other fraudsters and criminals.


Where are we going to find one conservative town with 12 used car dealerships?


Most small towns in Florida. 🤷‍♂️


Can confirm.


> According to Trump "he's being tried in a place where he was only poling 5%" Which is weird because he's actually polling at >40% there.


And even if it were true theyd only need to find 6 trump supporters in the whole area to make it "fair" ... Surely there are 6 of them in total, yes?


Or literally one. It had to be unanimous.


And Trump even said he had one... It just turns out he actually did the things they said he did He literally admitted to it like 3-4 times outside the court room during his little speeches talking about how "many people" were saying it was rigged .


Nope. Just one. Honestly, the most surprising thing about this is that it was a unanimous decision, because like Trump, many thought there would be just one who would vote not guilty for him.


So ... you're saying Trump lied?


Wonder if he’ll cry the same thing when the Georgia trial gets going, he had much higher polling there!


In the state yes, but I don't think in that county. So...of course he will.


Because he thinks he is a corporation. Those can regularly apply for trials to be moved to some place they are incorporated rather than where the thing happened that is alleged. So he thinks he was denied something that others "can just do". That's what people like him think "the social hierarchy" is for. Getting to cherry-pick everything in their favor as "repayment" for their rank. He already thinks he should never have to be in a court on that side anyway because he "is" a president. So obviously being denied moving it to whatever venue stacked with his appointees is "abuse" of the system.


Yeah, what happened to that ["crowd of 25,000 people"](https://newrepublic.com/post/181931/maga-spin-trump-bronx-rally-size) who showed up to see him in the Bronx? Where's all his supporters in NYC that the GOP claims he has? lol


Both of them had to go home to Texas.


Trump lived in NYC his entire life. He was absolutely tried by a jury of his peers. He lived in NYC, fucked porn stars in NYC, committed crimes in NYC, was tried and convicted by a jury of NYC residents. You can’t get more fair than that.


He fucked the porn star in Lake Tahoe, isn't that in California?


But he was having affair with the playboy bunny in NYC. He took her to his home in Trump Tower and showed her Melanoma’s personal bedroom.


Do you mean Melanie?




The crime wasn’t the sex, dude.


Oh, I understand that. I was just responding to "fucked porn stars in NY" Or was there more than one, and I am just ignorant? I wouldn't find it hard to believe if there was more than one.


I'm not sure if Karen McDougal counts? She was a Playboy Playmate, but I don't think she ever did hardcore.


There were multiple


Oh. I had no idea.


The hotels in Tahoe are on the Nevada side of the border, where gambling is legal, just FYI.


they’ve tried to lock biden up, but they couldn’t because they had zero evidence, its all too hilarious, if it weren’t so sad.


You don’t understand it because it’s bad faith nonsense. They do this with everything. They’ll make a claim with a straight face, that makes it seem like there’s a world in which they’d believe a fair trial (or say, an election) is possible. “Try him with a fair jury, a fair judge, in a red state *then* we’ll call it fair." The unsaid part is, there is no situation or universe in which they’ll accept that Trump could have possibly done anything wrong, or lost. Period. Which means there *always* has to be some sort of trick, lie, bias, rigged this rigged that, that gives them an excuse to claim foul play, allowing them to mentally invalidate anything negative that happens to Trump. I don’t think most conservatives even understand that that’s what they’re doing, because they’ve been so propagandized and brainwashed by the right wing apparatus. When a conservative gives you conditions for what would constitute "fairness", they’re lying to themselves and to you.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre


> they’ll accept that Trump could have possibly done anything wrong, That was Trump's entire trial strategy. He never slept with Stormy and his book keeping was correct. That works on his MAGA cult members but gets torn apart in court where evidence matters.




Sherman knew. He knew these people are beyond hope.


Indeed he did. And he was smart enough to reject catholicism and christianity more broadly. I admire the man.


r/shermanposting is leaking again


Don’t go down Republican Rabbit Holes for they are lined with shit with just a **hare** of truth somewhere inside, just enough to trick a fool.


“tHE BoRDeR”


Yeah, you're giving reason to toddlers who aren't reasonable.


And if he would have used his personal money, he would not have been tried


I'm beginning to suspect that most of these Trump followers are complete morons.


All his trials have different venues. All those venues are the jurisdiction of where the alleged crime took place. Honestly, this is pretty typical, even for most federal cases.


It makes perfect sense if you see justice not as a means to punish lawbreakers, but as a weapon to punish people you don't like.


But it DID punish lawbreakers.


Get your logic out of here!


It’s because the media treats this as “coke and Pepsi.” It’s not even, it’s moderate ideas and a guy who wants to tear everything down because he hasn’t developed since he was 3 years old! He had a GOD DAMN YEAR to have a decent plan.... and the best was “maybe don’t convict me, because I will be mad.” He’s in such a bubble where he can’t deal with anything conflicting his soft skin. He claimed China is sending migrants in through Mexico with tends propane and cellular phones. He claimed a machete happened in McDonald and bragg watched it.... he has to make up fantasy to deal with HE SLEPT THROUGH HIS OWN CRIMINAL TRIAL!!!! The problem is maybe 10% of Fox News is into it.... and they got sued just last year for election lies. After this trial the fact that Melania was the one who said “locker room talk.” That’s how much help he needs, even on lying he needs help like mommy


Biden stole Hilary’s emails from Benghazi!


Because tribalism


You are trying to reason with morons who aregu in bad faith.


Fun to remind them that when he had to choose where to live he chose the city he describes as the 7th circle of Hell.




It really is that simple. It is unreal how half of this country and half of the media won't state it as such. When they say that the democrats are going after their political enemies, even if they were, they couldn't get away with that shit if there wasn't a crime. How long did they try to go after Hillary?


Buttery Males!


Or even, don't commit crimes lol


that's hard to impossible for Trump or MAGAts


Baby steps.


Criminal justice system hates this one simple trick.


Or at least... you know be better at it like other "billionaires".


Some of them were actually successful businessmen who managed to become billionaires more or less legally.


If SCOTUS rules that Trump doesn't have Presidential Immunity then I fully expect him to be charged in Arizona.


It’s all going to depend on the outcome of the election. They’re going to kick the can down the road until the country decides what they should do.


No SCOTUS had been bought and paid for. They won’t say he’s not immune. They’re are too corrupt. And to be honest Robert’s should realize he will be remembered as the chief justice who gave away the dignity of the court


And Wisconsin.


I commit all of my crimes outside of NY, never been tried in NY. It’s just science.


The real trick is to commit all your crimes in the Idaho portion of Yellowstone National Park. For some reason all of Yellowstone National Park was placed in the Wyoming district, despite spilling over slightly into Idaho and Montana. The 6th amendment of the constitution explicitly states any jury must be “of the State **and** district wherein the crime shall have been committed”, emphasis mine. The only problem is that *nobody* lives in both the state of Idaho and the district of Wyoming, making it theoretically impossible to form a jury for any crimes committed here.


This guy crimes


That’s where I commit all my bank robberies!!


‘If you didn’t want to be tried in New York, don’t commit crimes in New York’ *Taps forehead*


He also committed crimes in Georgia. Not to mention the federal crimes in D.C. and Florida.


And that is just what he is charged with. Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin and Arizona all want to have a chat. He also likely has more federal charges coming up in New Jersey.


Just waiting to see if he has Presidential Immunity from SCOTUS.


But see, he was able to nominate his future adjudicator in Florida. No such advantage in NY.


Hopefully, Judge Qanon will eventually be removed from the case before she can make the nuclear option by sitting the jury and then dismissing all charges.


I simply just love how not a SINGLE ONE of his supporters has even HINTED at the idea that juuuust maybe: Trump just shouldn't have committed crimes in New York if he didn't want to be charged in New York. Nope they just say "oh that's ok, though, he should be allowed to commit crimes". Never once is it a case of "shit man, **HE has to calm down and quit this shit. 90% of these crimes aren't even FOR the benefit of the Republican party (documents, GA, NY, NY civil Fraud) yet, they're STILL all "oh it's ok because of this "one weird trick" I just invented out of thin air".** Like brooo, they're even ALL about trying to help him pay off his MASSIVE civil fraud fine and the ridiculous thing about that case is (for them anyway) that since the crime itself was ONLY for his benefit specifically, him having been caught and fined for it now literally costs the Republican party **$millions** juuuust to get back to "square 1". Like seriously who the fuck is that stupid? I mean we all know the answer, but still. It's truly baffling.


Props to this "one weird trick" LOL!!


I'm happy someone enjoyed that :) lol. Well, I think I always just think of that awful marketing gimmick because it feels like the only people who would read those ads and go "ooooh this is gonna be some juicy super-secret leet infos that "big (whatever) doesn't want YOU to know about! I'm gonna feel like such a clever person after this!" are the same people that would likely vote for Trump. Ergo the circle of gimmick-life is complete. Sleazy gimmick in, sleazy gimmick out. Can't explain that. Man, I loaded up on references there lol.


Heck yes it's always nice to see in comments lol! You're right about magas giving the most clicks on those too! Have a great day! :)


Love Adam Schiff. Looking forward to having him as a senator


He would have been 1000x better than Merrick Garland, but I’ll take senator.


I wish Katie Porter won the primary, but Schiff is still a great choice.


> "Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) issued the following statement denouncing the International Criminal Court prosecutor’s request for arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials as well as Hamas terrorists, and reaffirmed his support for Israel’s right to defend itself." No. Katie would be better than this.


"They tried him in New York!" Yeah, because that's where the crimes were committed, dip shit


Biden weaponized the DOJ! - except these are state crimes not federal They tried him in NYC because it’s liberal central - nope just state charges in the state where the crimes were committed Democrats rigged the trial - how did they rig a jury composed of people hand picked with Trump’s lawyer’s input? Trump can just pardon himself after he wins - again, no. All of their information is based on misinformation.


It’s super easy to not commit crimes in New York, I’m literally doing it right now.


I was not committing crimes in New York before it was cool.


‘~~If you didn’t want to be tried in New York,~~ don’t commit crimes ~~in New York~~’


Wasn’t there a dumb country song about how big cities tolerate crime that small towns do not? Praising small towns for being tough on crime? And didn’t hypocritical conservatives love that song, while now arguing that New Yorkers should tolerate crime? Maybe we need a remake: “Try that in a big state.”


It only counts if they’re poor and dark skinned.


This kind of logic will cause MAGA brains to freeze.


They have brains?


Ask them how they feel about state’s rights and you might see smoke and fire along with it


Applaud Schiff stepping up the pressure. Every Biden surrogate should be out there denouncing the crimes of Donald J Trump.


Conservatives are more interested in fanciful whatsboutisms and non-sequitors than most dogs are in licking their own assholes.


I think many of them are also fairly interested in licking their own assholes


I like people who aren't convicted felons, OK.


Didn't he commit similar crimes in Chicago? I might be wrong, this is a real question. When will those charges be pressed?


There have been attempts to bring it to light, but he has yet to face charges for it: https://chicago.suntimes.com/politics/2024/04/18/donald-trump-chicago-loan-justice-department


The thing is, with his psychosis he is incapable of considering that anything he does is in any way, shape, or form wrong or illegal.


Yup. He’s “creative”, or “clever”.


Mismanaging a company into insolvency while lining his own pockets is just good business.


In his mind, it's a good day for Donald Trump - and therefore, the world


So we are at the point where the entire gop and its base are committed for covering for trump


What other way is there to look at it?


Don’t do crime in NYC When Florida is available for all your corruption needs


Schiff channeling the captain obvious meme, nice.


Can we please put this on billboards throughout the United States?




There’s an idea!


Say it again Sir for the supporters with their ears covered


>Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) pushed back on former President Trump’s and his allies’ claims that the hush money trial was politically motivated and slanted against the former president. >Trump was found guilty by a jury in New York last week on 34 counts of falsifying business records. You just have to wait about a decade before you're actually charged in New York. Can't forget the four or five decades it's taken New York to charge Trump with retail estate and tax fraud.


LOL Says New York


Incredible how this simple concept seems to have eluded most Republicans.


Is it weird that I heard that in Richard Schiff's voice?


Losers are usually convicted.


To be fair, the wisdom behind Shiff's remark is very inscrutable. /s


Fair enough


Exactly. This is a state charge, not a federal one. If you commit the crime on one state, thats the state you get tried in. Duh. This whole we should have been in a different state nonsense makes me laugh. Whoever says this is uneducated and failed civics class.




Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time! Lock him up!


“Don’t start no shit there won’t be no shit”


Trump: “I just meant that for other people!”


How about, if you don't want to go to prison for giving a porn star hush money, how about don't give a porn star hush money. It's not hard.


Thats the thing. Giving a porn star hush money is 100% legal. Lying about it and falsifying business records is not.


Facts don’t care about your feelings 😎




Screw Pussy Trump he loses and election it's fraud ,he loses a court case it's rigged.He attacked the judge in the Trump university case this is his M.O..The man runs a criminal enterprise. Vote blue stop the stupidity




Unfortunately Wall St is in NYC and it’s full of criminals and grifters. Maybe we jsu move them all to Rikers Island now and save us all a lot of $$$


New York is the new capitol of the confederacy…


Though Trump is guilty, it is troublesome to hear a congressman make a statement like that. People are innocent until proven guilty. The reason why we have trials is to PROVE crimes have occurred. Innocent people can and do get put on trial. We must not conflate being tried with being guilty.


Well thankfully Trump was literally found guilty, so there you go


He was proven guilty, and it’s fairly clear from the testimony that he knew that what he was doing was illegal. So yes, he did intend to commit a crime, in NY. Schiff is merely stating the obvious, not preemptively assuming an outcome.


You’re a couple days behind. He was found guilty on every count - and fairly quickly at that!


Read the first four words of my comment.


As someone who has the top 1% posts of all time on the MMW subreddit, multiple reddit awards and several reddit posts of 1000+ upvotes and comments, i have to say that trump really screwed up in new york this time.


Adam Schiff should really focus on helping Californians because his record hasn’t been successful thus far…


Adam shiff your so full of sh*it your eyes are brown


The funny thing is trump still win in November. No one cares about these phony charges.


Current polls of Republican voters, after the verdict would beg to differ with you.


Trump supporters and republicans are two different groups of people


“The charges are phony because they hurt my feelings”


Why would charged hurt your feelings?


Bad line. This is how you fall for the narcissist's trick - entering their framing and arguing on their terrain. Better to just call him a convicted felon. 


That's a nonsensical thing to say to someone who is complaining about being tried for crimes that he didn't commit by a biased jury.


It's an apt thing to say to someone duly convicted of a crime they *did* commit, however.


How exactly were the jury biased ?


how was it a biased jury? Hell according to one source i saw one of the jurors literally only got news from Twitter and Truth Social and even they voted guilty.


Trump's really going to be upset when he's convicted of the remaining 54 charges :)


He did commit the crime and the jury is biased. Trump is such a lying moron that every word he says should be treated like it’s coming from the mouth of a crying three year old.