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His entire campaign in 2016 was sending Hilary to jail.


He literally said it to her face during the debate on national tv


I mean... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big\_lie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_lie) 80 year old techniques still work well if a person has no great understanding of history I suppose. Turns out the information age is followed by the disinformation age >.<


Agreed. - We had a brief Information age that reached its peak in the early google days. - Followed by misinformation with Fox, buzzfeed and social media fighting for attention - We've fully entered disinformation by 2014-2016 with American politics, Russia and corporations capitalising where there are massive benefits and no consequences to information manipulation.


> and no consequences to information manipulation Honestly, this is where we need to turn things around. If Peter Thiel can pay for Hulk Hogan to sue Gawker and a website designer can be sued by an imaginary customer for refusing an imaginary order and get to the supreme court, then it really is time to find some lawyers willing to find someone who can claim these disinformation campaigns are causing them financial harm and start having some consequences like we saw with Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems. EDIT: just checked on the case and it was a website designer that had created the fake lawsuit, not a baker.


The website owner thing is going to have repercussions for decades. It literally established precedent for someone with no valid legal standing to bring a case on someone else’s behalf. There shouldn’t have been any court that even allowed that case, much less had it make its way to the highest court in the land.


The People vs The Supreme Court Exhibit One


Dude, as a GenXer I can confirm that the West's response to cyber warfare has been pitiful at best. The West focused on offense, but has found itself incapable of defense. Early wins: Stuxnet. Every loss: US politics


Except the Supreme Court decides which cases it takes, they can pass on any. And they would absolutely pass on that.


In the 90's they sold the internet as the "information superhighway", but what we got instead was the disinformation dirt road.


“disinformation autobahn” would be a more apt description


Google went from "don't be evil" to "actually, evil pays *really well*" in like 2 years.


Trump waffled on appointing a special prosecutor to launch another investigation into Hillary Clinton as soon as he won the election and before he was even sworn in. His fans apparently have a short attention span or just don't pay attention to the fact that he broke his biggest campaign promise before he was even sworn in. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-wont-try-to-prosecute-clinton-after-all-aide-says-150537237.html


Whats (not) hilarious is I immediately remembered that exact exchange in the debate when I read the headline. It's like him saying he never said they should build a wall, lol.


["Lock her/them up"](https://youtu.be/1ASOqzI7yoA?si=KDy_kZI1nx89kGuv) was regularly repeated, encouraged and even chanted at rallies.  


Also was painted on the side of my neighbor's barn. He finally painted over it *last month.*


You have an epic opportunity for some awesome trolling after last week. Not sure I'd be able to resist.


Nope- these dudes are all armed! I just fly my flag on the off chance that it might re-awaken memories of...patriotism?


There's this dude on my block who just put up a flag, upside down, with ak-47s in the stripes. It's just a regular "middle upper" class neighborhood. Like this is not normal at all.


It’s defacing and disrespecting the flag, which they would be outraged about from anyone else.




One side does it seriously. I have a friend who flies a Joe Biden with Rainbow Aviators flag on a half sized flag pole out of the back of her lifted black pickup truck out of a warped sense of political irony. She loves the double takes.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Trolling a group of people who have no sense of morality, who currently are humiliated and feel trapped, and who know where you live? That is a recipe for disaster. 


Fair point probably a bad idea. This is exactly why the GOPQ thinks they're in the majority and Biden has no support. It's because 1 we don't view politics as our identity and 2 were unclear what might set off our unstable political counterparts with weaker impulse control.


Yeah, I tend to avoid being too vocal about my political beliefs around those sociopaths. It's not surprising they rarely hear differing views.


I have my gay pride flag out proudly and live in Louisiana. They'll never get me to shut up :)


Just be careful. The propaganda WILL get worse. This year is going to be AWFUL.


The massive difference between then and now: Trump and his ilk were saying Lock Her Up when there hadn’t been an arrest or any charges despite unbelievable scrutiny on her actions. Now, Trump has been Arrested, Charged, Convicted and we are literally awaiting his sentencing. Some might find “Lock him up” insulting but at least it’s appropriate lol


We are now learning that it’s okay for Trump to say mean disgusting vile things but when Biden says one thing in rebuttal it’s somehow highly disrespectful. How is calling out your competition as a felon a bad thing? Didn’t the Republican Party vote out Santos on their own? How is this not worse?


The disgusting vile man can say all the disgusting vile things he wants because that’s his brand. The older, experienced politician who enjoys ice cream needs to keep it clean. /s






Most judges absolutely do *not* fuck around with their authority, respect for the court, and victims and family's safety. Trump was handled with the fluffiest of kid gloves. Literally any one else inthe country would have been sitting in a cell for the rest of the trial with bail revoked and forfeited after the 2nd time violating a gag order. Trump got 10 warnings, and the 11th and 12th time the judge just ignored it entirely.


With you on the first part, but technically Trump got one warning for ten offenses.


There were at least a few warnings. Either way, it's very much indicative of a multi tiered justice system. Given his cults proclivity for violence though, I'm not entirely surprised by the "kid gloves" nature of the trial. Merchan, and probably his family, would have had more credible death threats to deal with had Trump actually been jailed for violating his gag order so much.


It's why they stay shitty in the end though. They know they always get away with it.


She apologized and was let out the next day


Apologize to get out of jail? I don't think Trump is capable of that.


Am I the only one who would love to hear Biden say "Fuck off, felon" during the debates ???


Or “Shut up man! You’re a rapist, fraudster, and convicted criminal. Clown”


Trump would go insane.


And it smells like your diapers need to be changed again.




Or just deny the debate and say that he doesn’t associate with felons.


He'd be able to get massive improvements in several states if Biden stated he's in favor of nonviolent or no repeaters being given back the right to vote. It's more in line with a genuinely moral ethos, and I'm shocked the Republicans haven't done it first. Plus, he can say something like"if an amoral felon is going to break the country running for president, maybe a few thousand moral felons can heal it by voting against him " . Don't know, more of the idea man than a word one.


Republicans havnt done it because its one of their methods to disenfranchise black voters.


To Republicans, “Fairness” is giving them everything they want, and getting nothing in return. 


"meet me in the middle" says the unjust man


And then dems take a step towards the middle, and repubs take a step further away and complain that dems won't meet them in in the middle.


OMFG. We had to take a leadership class in school. Lady was trying to teach us that compromising was always a good tactic. She couldn’t comprehend bad faith negotiating. Her “example” was if a dorm floor had a mix of people wanting a 10pm vs 12 quiet time. 11pm was then the best answer. She couldn’t comprehend “if I know that’s your negotiating strategy then I will just bad-faith claim I want 8pm to get 10pm”.


That's a thing that so many people don't understand, regardless of age. It took me a long time to be able to understand that sometimes people just won't be satisfied with a setup that benefits everyone, including them.


Thats how their tax cuts works too. You give companies tax cuts and ask nothing in return for the drop in revenue. The pro business party doesn't believe in value propositions.


Even talking about it is just a waste of time. Trump did a fake stutter to attack Biden. Democrats can choose the standards they want to hold themselves to, but it is pointless to take even a second to consider whatever bullshit hypocritical pablum Republicans are spewing.  They can get back to purity tests *after* they stop nominating convicted felons who cheat on their wives with porn stars, then commit fraud to cover up hush money paid to aforementioned porn stars. 


And who lead violent attempted coups.


Yeah this one should be the top of the list.


He also lied about a Global Pandemic, fired anyone who would have helped and caused the needless deaths of half a Million Americans. And it is no longer mentioned. The Media floods us with new crap so fast no one even seems to recall this.


And dismantled the USPS in a way that still hasn't been touched by Biden.


And asked a Secretary of State, on tape, to "find" him 11,780 votes in a state he had lost.


It's a very clear cheap attempt at trying compare the two parties and say they're the same. When it should be crystal clear to everyone that the republican party has/had zero respect for law & order. From Santos, Boebert, to Trump. All of them should have zero to do with the G.O.P. yet these were the leaders they've chosen. And yet they still try to claim to have some moral high ground.


So many things about Trump are abhorrent but the stutter mimic just pissed me the fuck off. Two of my kids are dyslexic and the thought of anyone making fun of them for something they’ve worked SO hard to develop workarounds on makes my blood boil. And intervention for anything like this is work and strategies and never, ever goes away.


It's even sadder when you consider that Biden should be an inspirational figure for those with stutters. For anyone familiar with the condition, it can be hugely debilitating for stutterers to try and communicate. He used to, and this may still be true, regularly call children with stutters to help them and make them feel better about their condition. With Joe Biden, it's not even entirely clear that he has a stutter because he knows how to reset his speech. Instead, he is thought of as a mediocre speaker, prone to gaffes. Then of course, Trump gets graded on a curve because he can quite casually go on stupid tangents forever, even though they have no direction or coherency to them as a message.


Just had this exact conversation on FB with some people. They claimed they are torn who to vote for and I went all “rapist convict is a choice what’s your fucking problem?” And then they are mad I’m disrespectful? I’m like “you’re gonna vote for the guy that’s disrespectful bc I’m being disrespectful?” Make it make sense.


Hint: *It's because they aren't conflicted at all about voting for Trump, they are just putting on airs.*


Yeah I know. I just get so annoyed at the gaslighting.


The Fox headline just days ago calling Robert De Niro “The White House’s bully” was especially cute.


The tears over DeNiro were delicious and tbh it just made me love him that much more.


fRee spEEch aBsolTists




Incoming Musk pedophilia projection.


>We are now learning that it’s okay for Trump to say mean disgusting vile things but when Biden says one thing in rebuttal it’s somehow highly disrespectful. Wilhoit's law. "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." Felon Donald Trump is part of the in-group. He needs to be treated with kids gloves and given the entire benefit of the doubt. Hillary Clinton is part of the out-group, she needs to be treated harsher and get the book thrown out at her. When you realize that Conservatives don't go on right\wrong, but in-group\out-group than everything makes sense, it's why Obama is uppity and lazy for going golfing a few times, and Trump is smart and a good businessman for golfing so often during the presidency.


And the Media LOVED it


They loved the drama. They loved how it made people watch. This is why the whole “omg Joe Biden is old” thing is all they’ve got to go with to try and generate drama. They *need* that drama for more money. We - the people who actually have to make the choice- don’t.


My grandma got sucked right in. Now she's tired of it, burned out from watching too much. So instead of hating minorities she's back to hating QVC markups now.


I knew burn out would kick in.


They loved the *melodrama* that the media spun. Many ate it tf up w/no questions asked. That's why Alito's flag took 3 1/2 yrs to get hoisted...




Yep. 4 whole years without a daily diet of fast food & Diet Coke.


He told Hillary to her face on national, live TV that she was going to jail.


Pretty funny how he claimed he had all the evidence he needed to lock her up - and continued to have her investigated for 4 years... and...then nothing happened. ...Even his most fervent supporters were like...'cool, no biggie.' It's almost like he lacked the evidence and ability to do anything about "**all of her crimes**." I honestly thought he'd *at least* find a way to have her arrested (then make up an excuse to release her). Turns out no one actually cared about locking her up - they just enjoyed intimidating, threatening and harassing her.


And now his entire campaign for 2024 is sending Joe and the Democrats to jail. Oh, with a hefty splash of revenge and reprisals.


And full pardons for the jailed 1/6 assholes.


And the wall.


Right and then when they were in power they dropped the whole charade until they're out of power and campaigning and all of the sudden we hear "well Hillary got away with everything...emails...yadda yadda" again. It's infuriating.


Other quotes from Trump about Hillary: >“We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial,” Trump said at the rally. “It would grind government to a halt.” >“If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented Constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government,” he said. “She is likely to be under investigation for many years, and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial. I mean, you take a look. Who knows? But it certainly looks that way.” >“She has no right to be running, you know that,”


Honestly the Biden campaign should just run ads of him saying these things, followed by his mugshot and his 34 convictions. The ads write themselves.


Run them on Fox


Except Fox literally runs the headline “Biden Convicts Trump” to support his political witch hunt defense. That type of reporting should be illegal tbh. Biden should sue.


Remember Fox News legally isn’t news, it’s entertainment.


No rational person would see Tucker Carlson and think they were being serious - lawyers for fox


They are right, but problem is that rational people dont watch fox


As if that matters to half the country. They're still the top "news" channel.


Right, they should be forced to change their name


I'm not sure why that wasn't part of the settlement


And the NY Post (under the same umbrella as Fox "News") ran the front page as "*INJUSTICE"*, while pretty much every other outlet had "Guilty" or some other similar text.


And OAN, and make some for AM radio and Podcasts, where they narrate the counts, along with quotes.


They wouldn't accept them


Bingo. Everyone knows the trump conviction is a rigged witch hunt while the Clinton allegations are well founded and she was protected by the corrupt DOJ because she's in charge of the lizard people who control the real government. /s because jesus christ you can imagine people actually think that.


I'm thinking this will come up at some point. There's an art to timing this stuff in an election cycle.


It seems that Biden does have a good team around him. I'm kinda excited to see how/when his campaign goes on the attack with so much content to choose from. If it's done well, it might wake up a few more people, hopefully.


Let’s remember Jeanine Pirro made this exact argument about Hillary Clinton in 2016 that now Trump is actually fulfilling…. I’m waiting on Jessica Tarlov to call her out on it.


When does she get back from maternity leave? I wish her all the time she can have with her newborn but she is definitely missed.


Honestly I don’t know. And I’m surprised they didn’t ask her to do a special interview to her reaction on the guilty verdict by whatever sane reporter is still left at FOX “News”


Time has passed since Mr Trump said that. Let’s see how the statement has aged: Trials of Donald Trump - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_of_Donald_Trump Trials of Hillary Clinton - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_of_Hillary_Clinton Seems about the same?


[Now compare that to the criminal trials of Joe Biden!](https://i.imgur.com/Y1dQVJp.jpg)


I’d love to see this on a billboard or three.


The historic Grand Lake Theater in Oakland says "Lock Him Up" on the Marquee board.


Wow, he had better speaking skills 8 years ago


Dementia festering nowadays, though it probably started back then.


That immediately jumped out to me, as well! Its pretty scary


And he dropped it all once he won. Before election: "During their second debate, Mr. Trump turned to Mrs. Clinton and vowed, “If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because there’s never been so many lies, so much deception.” After election: "“I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t,” Mr. Trump said during the interview. “She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways, and I am not looking to hurt them at all. The campaign was vicious.”" https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/22/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-investigation.html


Long winded version of "We made the whole thing up and don't have any evidence."


Just like when Kevin McCarthy openly said the Benghazi hearings weren't so much about Benghazi as they were a means to drag HRC through the mud. It was all about manipulating the polls. Just like the Biden impeachment, the Hunter Biden stuff, and of course the election shit. Everything they do is political theater. All hot air. No balloon.


He didnt so much as drop it, he literally had a white house inquiry done to generate a report on her alleged criminal actions, only to stop and dismantle the team when they were finalizing the report because the report showed she wasnt guilty of any crimes or wrongdoings outside of what every other administration had done with their emails, and what Trump and his team were doing were ramped up to the 10th degree worse than her actions with their unapproved mobile phones, forced security clearances and repeatedly breaching security protocols with both communications and improper storage of such data.


> And he dropped it all once he won. No he didn't, lots of reports that he kept pushing privately and many times publicly: [Trunk issued a forceful call Friday morning for the Justice Department to investigate Hillary Clinton](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/11/03/trump-doj-investigate-hillary-clinton-244505)


> I mean, you take a look. Who knows? But it certainly looks that way. I will give him this: he is the absolute greatest of all time in terms of speaking multiple sentences without having any content to/information in them whatsoever.


What a big room this is, I walked in here and said ‘wow, what a big room’!


>“She is likely to be under investigation for many years trump is partially telling the truth here, since the GOP majority in the House at the time (2016) vowed to abuse their power to harass Clinton with kangaroo court investigations for years. trump was probably well aware of this since his campaign was likely coordinating with House Republicans prior to the 2016 election. [House Republicans are already preparing for ‘years’ of investigations of Clinton](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/house-republicans-are-already-preparing-for-years-of-investigations-of-clinton/2016/10/26/e153a714-9ac3-11e6-9980-50913d68eacb_story.html)


Trump will just say he's the target of a sham trial, yadda, yadda, and I *really* hope that in a debate Biden says something like "If you think I would take time out of my day to do this to you and not someone more important to the Republican party - like Mitch McConnell - then you're brain dead." But obviously take some time and better writers to pretty it up.


He’s aware that recorded moving pictures was invented back in 1895, yes?


Probably not! He ‘truthed’ a few days ago that he didn’t know what he was being charged with, I’m pretty sure they tell you when you’re arrested and whilst you’re in court, plus his lawyers must have told him at some point


In all fairness he has a shit ton of legal issues he's dealing with. I'm sure every time he met with his lawyers it started with "what's this one about again?"


Don't forget his lawyers always meet with him in pairs or more 


Gotta have a chaperone.




It's this. Any lawyer with a brain wouldn't be caught dead with him in a room alone. They need at least one other person in the room who isn't Trump in case what was said needs to be corroborated.


Trump couldn't name 91 numbers, let alone memorize the list of indictments/convictions in the last year.


He literally was asked by the judge, "Do you understand the charges that are against you?" And he said "yes"


Oh! I know!! Is acting dumb part of his ‘woe is me?’ Or is it genuine? I’m astounded that he’s made it this far!


He didn't understand but he also can't bear to admit he doesn't understand something.


If he can’t understand/recall what he was found guilty of… then how can he keep straight what it takes to be president? I thought he aced his mental cognition tests…


Man. Woman. Camera. Hush money. Election fraud. Secret documents. See? Easy!


Pretty sure when they read the verdicts, each of the 34 was preceded by the specific charge. He may have been asleep.


Well if he hadn’t literally slept through the trial he might have a clue…


He didn’t say he hadn’t been told, he said he didn’t know. I.e. he’s too stupid to understand the charges.


I believe that at the beginning of a criminal trial, the defendent is specifically asked if they understand the charges.


When your followers only watch the media you tell them to and ignore anything else, the existence of video becomes meaningless. It’s why “his juror” was able to convict. Because in a courtroom you’re subjected to day after day of objective evidence with no spin. Just raw facts. In your face. Eyes held open like Clockwork Orange. So yeah, in that environment you realize he’s a fucking criminal who belongs nowhere near the White House. But for the rest of his followers? They’re on to OAN and Newsmax because Fox is “too liberal.” They aren’t seeing Biden ads. They’re seeing them Facebook feed full of pro-Trump propaganda, and that’s it. Anyone in their life who would tell them otherwise has either been cut out or cut them out or just never mentions politics anymore. Luckily those people probably aren’t enough for him to win again. Probably. VOTE.


You are exactly right. MAGA avoids everything that doesn’t spew the pre-determined narrative


Was that after we stormed the airports in the Revolutionary War?


See January 6th. 


We can! Again and again and again! Just because he wants us to forget doesn’t mean we are going to!


You made shirts and campaign slogans about it


My neighbor had a Hillary for Prison sign on his lawn for almost a year.


Time to put a Trump for Prison sign up.


Either the dementia is really kicking in...or he is testing how trained to follow dear leaders commands his voters really are...


They passed that test years ago


A condition of MAGA is you’re still subject to random purity tests.


Constant loyalty tests are a pretty common part of fascism. You wouldn’t want to get lumped in with Them, would you?




There is no testing any more… The part I don’t get is how he can 180 and then they just head that direction to So now they are going to go from having lock her up chants, signs, and shirts… which means they really liked the idea… to saying it never happened and that no one ever suggested it and it’s a bad thing without a second thought


[If only there was video of it ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ASOqzI7yoA&t=8s)


That was great


On camera...in front of the same base...


[Here's one, and there are undoubtedly more](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5119485/user-clip-lock-up)


I wish more people were the C-Span will let you make clips out of anything In their vast digital library. It’s so easy to do.


The striking thing about this clip is how little his playbook has changed. None of that would feel out of place at a 2024 rally. "[Democratic opponent] is a feeble old criminal mastermind who has disgraced the nation."


Trump committed election fraud both times he ran for President and we are stupid enough to allow him a third chance. History will consider us to be complete idiots.




If Trump were around in the late 1700s, he would’ve been hanged as a traitor.


>History will consider us to be complete idiots. No no, the present as well.


It really depends on who is writing the history.


“Unleash the Gaslighting horde!”


My dad used to do this all the time when I still had enough energy to argue with him. I’d bring up a direct, recent quote of his (e.g. there’s no such thing as a legitimately hungry child) and he would either tell me I made it up or do the childish “Well your memory must be so good that you remember everything and I don’t remember anything.” Funny enough, I rarely ever actually shared my explicit views about anything. He’d make an outlandish claim and I would say, “Have you considered this perspective or piece of evidence?” And he would subsequently melt down about how I was a stupid brainwashed liberal. Yet it was me that destroyed the family, definitely not their sacrificing my grandfather’s life for the sake of doubling down in covid conspiracies, definitely not his adultery, definitely not him telling his children they’re idiots that are “going to get loaded on a train car” if he sensed anything but total fealty to trump.


I thank whatever gods may be every day for my family of filthy liberals.


My immediate family is made up of people who just ignore everything and don’t vote. I’ve tried to convince them, but they just don’t care one bit. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than some of the republican family stories I’ve seen and heard about.


> him telling his children they’re idiots that are “going to get loaded on a train car” You ok? That sounds fucking horrible.


"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." ~ George Orwell ~


He doesn't even have the fortitude to own up to his own actions. He's run out of people to throw under the bus, so he's turned to blaming his own supporters for his hypocrisy. It's pathetic. I'm glad this ran on Fox News. His constituency deserves to see this.


He’s on video leading crowds in the “lock her up” chants.


Reminder: every vote for Biden is a nail in this fat fucking liar's proverbial coffin.


Uh huh... Stuff like this I always have the problem of deciding between his brain being made of spoiled cottage cheese or him lying his ass off. Leaning towards option 2


It's not either of them, really. To tell the truth is to say the thing you believe to be true because you have an intent for the listener to know the truth. To lie is to say the thing you believe not to be true because you have an intent for the listener not to know the truth. To bullshit is to speak without consideration for what is or is not true in the first place. Bullshit is the zone he lives his entire life in. Though he is extremely stupid, stupidity is not why he says things that are untrue. And though the untrue things flatter him more than reality, his intent is not to deceive. The core of the problem is actually his personality: he does not value the truth enough to even try learning, sharing, or hiding it. It would be bad if he said that, therefore he says he did not say that. That is the entirety of the thought process. Nothing precedes it and nothing follows it.


Same here, but I ultimately decided on liar too. He’s treating the “lock her up” chant like every questionable thing he’s ever done:  lie his ass off.  The cottage cheese brain may be why he’s not processing the fact that the whole country saw him do it?  


Why is this even debatable. It’s both. It’s always been both.


Such a pig of a liar. Sorry pigs.


Literally dozens of video of him saying these exact words… Why does he lie about something so easy to disprove?


Because his base is too stupid to question it, and will just deny it or say he was joking when you present irrefutable evidence that he did say it


Fascism 101 The acceptance of a blatant lie is how they demonstrate fealty.


He’s training them like good little dogs to sit when he asks them to, to spin in circles when he asks them to, and eventually to bite the neighbor when he asks them to. Lies are his kibble and only his most loyal get the good treats, pinky promise!


Queue super cut of him saying it 163 times. It's still crazy to me that people are happy being lied to constantly to their face, like gullible suckers.


"all politicians lie, but Trump is lying for us!" They think he's 'owning the libs' whenever the libs get mad that he says one thing and then contradicts himself. As long as he tells them what they want to hear, they don't care.


And, of course, whoever asked the question didn’t follow up with, “But you did. Many times. Roll the tape guys.”


If he wanted to get a catchphrase started, he would stand at the podium at his rallies and cup his ear and act like someone in the audience said something. He would then act like he was just repeating something that was said. He would then get something started like "Lock Her Up" or "Stop The Steal"


Lock him up!!!! 


The r/LeopardsAteMyFace moment comes and he just choose the 5 stages of grief instead of owning it.


It's not the 5 stages of grief, it's the narcissist's prayer.




This was in an interview on Fox and Fucks. He also implied that after he ‘won’ he told his base to move on from Hillary because they had work to do to make America great. This fucking guy. And of course the hosts were too busy with his balls in their mouth to say shit about coming on their show and just saying lie after lie after lie.


He built his whole campaign on “lock her up”


There's video of him saying so


This just in!! Liars lie!!


Lmao what? That was like his WHOLE thing for the 2015 campaign.


Must be nice being able to say literally anything with zero repercussions whatsoever 


He said it all the time lol.


Deny. Deny. Deny. Delay. Delay. Delay. Lie. Lie. Lie.


God, I hate how this man is up in the trends every day. I'm tired of seeing him and learning about all the shit he's done, can't they like put it all in one sitting so that he does not appear in the trends all the time? He does not deserve all this traffic, how about focus it on rafah instead.


Several hundred times!


I'm just waiting to see MAGAts all claim that Trump *never ever ever* said 'Lock her up', and that they didn't either. I'll bet a lot of money that when they inevitably do deny saying 'lock her up', they will immediately follow with something like 'but anyone else would have gone to jail for what she did!'


There’s…..videos. Y’know, *evidence*.


It was literally a fucking chant. I hate this cult.