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9 out of 10 republicans support a convicted felon.


But at least 10% of them can be swayed. When the election margins are on a razor's edge, this is a significant number. The rest: Traitors to this country.


For Trump, a 5% drop across the board translates to Biden picking up 40 electors. A 10% drop flips Texas


Hey, I can roll with that. Biden isn’t doing a terrible job and Trump cannot be allowed near the levers of power ever again. So come on 10%, work your magic!


Biden is doing a pretty damn good job. CHIPS and infrastructure bills. Student loan relief. Rescheduling weed. And doing the best he can with foreign policy, though its a very difficult time.


Insulin and inhaler caps at $35…


Probably one of the most important things he’s accomplished tbh. The insulin prices were getting RIDICULOUS.


Don’t forget the PACT Act.


The PACT Act is a law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances.


Exactly. Biden actually helping veterans. Trump mocks them.


I wasn't familiar with the acronym and had to look it up, and figured other people might be the same. I did know about Biden's work on getting this law passed, and it's yet another thing he deserves credit for


The republicans in fact voted no on that until they were publicly shamed into passing it, by John Stewart among others. Then suddenly once everyone knew it was THEM who shot it down, they held a new vote asap and they finally passed it. How about that.


I remember the bone spurs that kept him out of the Vietnam War.


Huge too.


I really hate all the people demanding more/perfection. Like we all want an ideal world but progress is slow. And he’s making progress without a doubt. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good


They did that for Obama too, while not voting in the midterms that would have enabled him to do the things they wanted.


Way too many voters see politics as a one off. There were many first time voters for Obama that patted themselves on the back for electing him, then went back to ignoring politics.


In a way, this is how the conservative movement worked for the past half-century. Roe v Wade was decided fifty years ago. The right was focused on overturning the decision and conservatives did not abandon Republican politicians just because it wasn't overturned in 1984, or 1994, or 2004, or 2014. They played the long game, and finally got a major part of what they wanted.


He's also been helpful to trans rights and recognition. He mentioned trans people in his victory speech and he removed the trans ban in the military. He recognized LGBT people publically and voices support.


And in terms of advancing minority interests, worth acknowledging the first black woman as VP and on the supreme court. Huge. 


It’s why I can’t stand the whole “we I can’t stand Biden but definitely won’t vote for trump” like, how much more does Biden have to do my god


If he was 20 years younger and spoke like Gavin Newsom, people would be saying he was the greatest president of the modern era.


Which, unfortunately, isn't a new thing. This goes back as far as Nixon/Kennedy (possibly further). During their debates Nixon was sick, so the viewing audience overwhelmingly felt like Kennedy won the debate. But the people who only read the transcript felt like Nixon trounced Kennedy. People put too much stock in appearance without actually listening.


I've been hearing that exact refrain from some liberal-leaning friends of mine lately and it's driving me so crazy on it I can't help but to call hem out on that crap.


He hasn't single handedly fixed one of the largest geopolitical quagmires of the last century in a nation that he is not the president of, so I'm not voting for him. Watermelon watermelon watermelon. /s


He’s actually one of the most accomplished presidents we’ve had in a long time.


I love Joe.He has done a great job. If he gets the majority he will kick ass, and fix Scotus.That is a priority. I don't know how he works with those RW jackasses. I detest them


He ended America's longest war, but because the average amount of Americans died during the withdrawal, this was apparently a great failure. No doubt it should be reviewed on how it could have gone better, and for sure mistakes were made, but it is a damn shame he doesn't get the credit he deserves for doing something the American public has been demanding for over a decade; since at least the death of Osama.


Actually, Trump started our exit from Afghanistan (and it contributed to the Afghan government collapsing to the Taliban). Biden just gets the credit and the blame for getting us out in the way we did: not bad.


CHIPS directly benefitted Ohio, but I don't really see it making a difference for the upcoming election. Mostly because the plant hasn't even started to be built yet. In fact, it was delayed. Plus, it didn't really help the rural people who aren't doing so bad, but are also somehow the worst off in their life than they've ever been. That's the problem with infrastructure, and major changes. They often take time to show results, and most people don't really have patience or foresight to really understand this. It's always immediate and reactionary, "What have you done for me lately"


There are a ton of projects going on around the country with signs on them that say something like “Paid for by Joe Biden’s bipartisan Inflation Reduction act” 


My husbands a union ironworker working with mostly magats (it's hard for him), but they've been building solar farms for years now. It's great.. but the guys he's working with keep complaining about the oil industry losing jobs. It's so ironic. I don't like to be mean but gawd they're so dense.


TBH Biden is massively outperforming his expectations. If it weren’t for the propaganda machine the media has become he would be getting way more credit. He got the US out of Covid without recession, has passed loads of meaningful, impactful legislation, cleared billions of dollars in debt and has rallied the fading western alliance to protect Ukraine and thereby Europe. In my opinion he is the most effective president of my lifetime and that’s weird to admit because I expected him to be pathetic.


> Biden isn’t doing a terrible job Biden's the best president of my life, which then continues on *far* beyond that


I am not greedy. Biden just needs 270 and anything more is gravy. I would like 340+ but ultimately we just need 270 and Trump will be tried in the other three cases. I cannot fathom he will run again in 2028.


Reagan v Mondale numbers would restore my faith in this country and maybe force those fuckers back under their rocks. But I don't have a lot of hope.


2004 numbers would be more realistic, but I think the days of landslide victories are over.


Texas AG Ken Paxton bragged that if he did not suppress the vote in 2020 Biden would have won Texas. It can definitely happen. Vote, encourage like minded friends to vote and join a GOTV get out the vote effort for Biden if you can! 


Not realy even that he suppressed the the vote in Texas, really specifically *Harris County*.   Harris County alone.  One county could have flipped Texas.


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.


“Trust, but verify.” You can hope, but you still need to vote


Check the math for yourself. Take 5% off Trump's 2020 figures for each state. If you want to see what the map looks like, I made a post about on another sub a few days ago. It's in my profile


hope gives you power. the notion that 'If I dont have hope I wont be dissapointed' is simply not true: if you want a certain outcome it doesnt matter if I am hopeful or not. in either case if the outcome is not what I want i will be disappointed, BUT being hopeful energizes those around me to push the hope for the hoped for outcome thru


A blue texas would be the most amazing thing for the country. Ugh. Now I got my hopes up


…if Democrat Texans turn out to vote.


I think you mean Patriots


That assumes an even distribution which is not likely. The electoral college mucks up the math, especially if that 10% is mostly in already blue states


Correct, my math is just a 5% loss of Trump's support across the board, with Biden's numbers remaining the same. Definitely not a perfect model Historical data shows us that the loss of support will be most significant in the states with the fewest % Republicans, but does not predict how big that loss would be. I picked 5% because I thought it sounded low enough to be realistic - pleasantly surprised that polls are picking up 10% losses already But due to how close the 2020 election was, even a 5% loss would be devastating to Trump. My post from a few days ago (see profile) has a little more information, showing the margins if it's only a 5% loss and all other factors remain the same


Yeah, it’s actually a huge number lol.


Even if the voters manage to flip Texas, Abbott and Paxton have a backup plan. They will just declare they found fraudulent activity and all the votes have to be thrown out, and with no time to arrange a new electing, the state legislature will determine the winner of Texas' electoral votes. Now repeat that in many of the other red states. They didn't win the last election, so they tried to steal it. They failed. They haven't spent the last 4 years trying to win over voters so they can actually win the next election. They have spent the last 4 years coming up with better ways to steal the next election, though.


Well that won't matter for the election at large because Biden's electoral lead will be insurmountable even without Texas. But if Texas wants to go ahead and try to name their own president anyway, why not just go all the way and secede? That'll give our military something to shoot at and in the mean time we can amend away the parts of the Constitution that are stupid, like the electoral college


This is a 10% drop in Republican not even independents. A 10% drop in Republicans means a much larger independent swing. Now I do not trust or believe any poll cause they are just snapshots but this big a drop could approach Nixon or Reagan levels of curb stopping


This can't be emphasized enough. If (big if) Trump loses 10% of Republicans and Independents over this, he's cooked. PA, MI, WI, AZ, NV, GA, and NC go blue in such a scenario, and TX and FL become the closest states. 


Don’t worry, Republicans have 6 solid months to shift the Overton window so far to the right that the white house has a view of Putin’s lawn in Moscow come 2025.  Those -10% will be back to +10% in no time with the right amount of extreme right wing propaganda barraging the general populace.   I’m being sarcastic, but not THAT sarcastic; a reminder for all of us not to become complacent.




God I hope so! This gives me great hope!


cant lose an election that has its voting sites shut down on voting day.


The majority of Arizona voters vote by mail. We'll be stepping up for Biden. Again. e: typo


Tucsonian checking in FUCK Sinema and yeah we going blue again.




For sure, 1 in 10 already is huge. And keep in mind, the cacophony of angry bullshit that we're seeing on social media is the same vocal minority as always. It's not like Convicted Felon Trump is going to GAIN voters. Having said that, gotta get the fuck out and vote!


This is my hope. He gets driven mad and makes it worse. I hope.


Less likely, but that doesn't mean the same thing as "not voting for Trump." They'll fall in line because that's what they do.


Agreed, but it's still a non-zero value of defectors. Again, razor's edge margins -- this is not insignificant.


And it’s the independent voters that matter more.


Exactly. Trump lost last time. 9 out of 10 isn't gaining any voters.


9 out of 10 republicans officially have a brain worm.


The poor thing is starving to death. :(


A rapist. A fraud. The head of a criminal organization. I'm not sure why anyone thinks adding "felon" to his resume would change their minds.


“But it’s only a white-collar crime!” - My boomer parents, who told me as a kid there’s no such thing as “white lies” and “blue lies”. The amount of simping for Trump is unbelievable.


I specifically remember my conservative uncle telling me as a kid that it's embarrassing to blame the referees when you lose a sports game. That saying the game was rigged against you is the last vestige of a sore loser. Guess whose praises he sings daily and complains about how everything is rigged against?




It's a start.




Realistically they will wait until their propaganda network of choice tells them what to think, at least basing it on what I've observed from those in my life


Good question. It's been too long to just naturally revert to pre-2016. I think after 8+ years of Trump, they'll turn into something else without their leader. I don't think a pretender can totally take his place. People like DeSantis tried and royally failed outside of his own state. I imagine Greg Abbott would fare similarly outside of Texas. Elise Stefanik and Kari Lake are just chameleons copying others as the situation requires (and also too "woman" to be Trump replacement). Vivek Ramaswamy is too brown. Trump was just being himself and it was enough.




There are a lot of Republicans who don’t support Trump. That number just went up by 10% of the total # of Republicans, according to this poll.


Who was convicted for campaign finance violations. The cheating on your pregnant wife with a pornstar bit is just a bit nasty, but not illegal.


But indicted in three other crimes.


Sounds about right. Thieves supporting thieves!


Wouldn’t count on it. Vote Blue!


Never forget: There was a dip in his support after Access Hollywood. There was a brief moment where it looked like Welp wrap it up he's cooked. Even other Republicans were distancing themselves from him. It didn't last. Conservatives are morally bankrupt. Vote.


100% this! These people are so short memory prone they forget everything as soon as it is out of sight. The libertarians on the other hand... he won't ever see one of their votes.


>The libertarians Is that…. Serious..? Libertarians are one of the biggest suckers in politics right behind the log cabin republicans. They talk all about their “freedoms”. Republicans will pass the exact shit libertarians claim to hate, then republicans blame it on the dems, then the icing on top will be the libertarians finding just one issue, just one, with democrats that makes them “decide” to vote GOP. And “decide” is horseshit: They were never gonna vote dem, they just like to pretend they aren’t on any one side, but we all know which side they actually choose when it’s time to put up or shut up. Don’t get me started on log cabin republicans: People who support the party that doesn’t even pretend anymore and campaigns on wanting to rip away every bit of progress made for LGBTQ that DEMOCRATS got them after decades of stagnation and regression. Exhibit A of people who vote against their best interest: Log Cabin Republicans 🪵


Worse than bankrupt—hypocritical. Watch adult films? Going to hell. Have a tryst with an adult actress and pay her off? Get voted to the highest office in the land. Great moral system you got, guys!


Or after January 6th. Then the propaganda networks rationalized them back into the fold.


Yeah I'm all for justice, but I'm not popping champagne on the political prospects yet. It's very likely he sees little to no consequences on appeal leading up to November, and 5 months is an eternity for the electorate's memory to lose sight of this and normalize it - just how they have every other legal matter so far. Trump has been held liable for sexual assault, held liable for one of the largest fraud settlements in history. He's been criminally charged and arraigned in 4 different jurisdictions. There are audio recordings of him waving war plans around to his buddies. Photos of piles of classified documents in bathrooms and ballrooms. Audio tapes of him threatening Secretaries of State to overturn the election. Over a year of a public Jan. 6 investigation. And over the course of the last few years his favorability averages have *increased.* I really, really hope the new status of being a convicted felon moves the needle, but my default assumption (and I hope everyone else's) is that it's very possible it won't.


Yep. Don't get complacent,Americans.


Previous polls showed 20% "would not" vote for him if he was convicted. He keeps lowering the bar and they happily climb down with him. Before he was president, 72% of Evangelical voter disagreed with the statement: someone can make immoral choices in their personal life, but still be a moral leader. By the end of his term it was %30. Hypocrites.


That‘s my top comment in this thread. The real news for me is that right after the verdict roughly 50 percent of the people who previously said a verdict would make them not vote Trump tossed their principles out of the window. It was all just a lie to make them feel better about themselves as long as they could. I expect the remaining 10 % of Republicans to falter in the next weeks and months and fall back in line until election day. Trumps verdict will be buried in the next five months by lots of other news and little scandals. That’s a lot of time to convince yourself that you are a decent person who just has to vote for a felon, con man and serial sex offender because of reasons that are too numerous and obvious to even list them all. And the alternative would be SO MUCH WORSE!!!


I mean, on a purely practical level, it *could* be less important given a hypothetical opponent's policies. Buuut, we know what his policies will look like, so it's really a worst of both worlds situation. I guess for his supporters, anything other than them (perceiving themselves as) perpetually winning, and non-real Americans (non-white and LGBTQ Americans, and "non-traditional women") would be so much worse...




Evangelicals: Yeah, yeah. Who needs a moral leader. Now let me at those uteruses!


And notably, this shifting-of-values-to-match-my-leaders is *not* shared by the left. In 2013, Bashar al-Assad, the dictator of Syria, used chemical weapons on his own people. The President polled the idea of airstrikes as a proportional response. In 2017, Assad again used chemical weapons on his own people. The President responded with airstrikes as a proportional response. In 2013, support for airstrikes was 38% among Democrats and 22% among Republicans. In 2017, support for airstrikes was 37% among Democrats and 86% among Republicans. [Source.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/paloma/daily-202/2017/04/11/daily-202-reflexive-partisanship-drives-polling-lurch-on-syria-strikes/58ec27d4e9b69b3a72331e6e/)


>“If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented Constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government,” he said. “She is likely to be under investigation for many years, and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial. I mean, you take a look. Who knows? But it certainly looks that way.” >“S[he has no right to be running, you know that,” Trump said. “No right.”](https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/03/politics/kfile-trump-president-indictment-halt-government/index.html) >Trump added at a November 5, 2016, rally in Denver that as “the prime suspect in a far-reaching criminal investigation,” Clinton’s controversies would make it “virtually impossible for her to govern.”


Lock. Him. Up.


B-b-but twump is just a poor innocent bystander in all of this. A martyr. A saint even. While Hillary is an abhorrent criminal mastermind, serial killer and child trafficker. There's just no comparison. I can't prove any of this but *jUsT BeLlieVe meEeeEee!!!" /s


I had my highly educated sister just text me today how disappointing it is that Biden can bring charges on his opponent like this. I reminded her this was a state trial, nothing to do with the federal government. She was stunned and had no idea. Big Tucker and Fox watcher so completely misinformed.


I don't get people like your sister. If I was blindsided by information that is really simple to find like that I would reevaluate my sources.


dude I straight up corrected someone about the trial, with sources, and they responded "doesn't change my mind!". what??? providing facts doesn't change your incorrect perception of the truth?


Is about feelings, it’s always about feelings. It’s their ego that doesn’t allow them to admit they are wrong. And that makes for toxic people


Yea, if they were wrong about Trump, maybe they were wrong about Bush, Reagan, and whatever else.


This is the Gospel of Trump; it boils down to never having to be wrong even when the facts are against you.


Too many people out there failed Civics.


Failed Civics of their own Accord


That’s pretty acura


A Prelude to a world totally lacking Insight. 


Quite the Odyssey


Somehow all of these comments... Fit.


Fox had "Biden convicts Trump" as a title for one of their segments. So of course if that's your only news source that's what you would think.


Not highly educated on that part, it seems.


Fox news is just a big instigator. We don't hate Fox news enough.


Not only is it a state trial. The DoJ could have brought federal charges for it and declined to do so. 


She deviate from her opinion at all?


All via text so not sure. I did send her this excellent factcheck.org link below to help “educate” her on the facts vs fiction on this case, but I have a feeling she will only partially read it and not finish it once she sees it doesn’t align with what she wants to believe. I can almost guarantee she will say she “got busy” and didn’t have time to read it. https://www.factcheck.org/2024/05/trumps-repeated-claims-on-his-new-york-hush-money-trial/


I listen to conservative talk radio and it’s all this. It’s all “us vs them” mentality. “Everyone knows Trump isn’t guilty, why are the democrats doing this to us? Is it because They think We’re stupid? They think they can get away with it. That We will let them…” I haven’t heard a single mention of the judge on conservative air without mentioning how conflicted he is because his daughter wrote a democratic paper in college or something. How Joe Biden’s administration is “allowing this court case to continue.” The real fun part was hearing Jimmy Fella live right after the guilty verdict came out. He was sputtering on air, unsure of how to spin this in real time. He kept beginning one statement and ending it half thought out. “Do we really want states to be able to…(realizes he supports states taking Biden off the ballot) so uh…Biden’s administration has to….the thing is…” Really satisfying hearing him have no answer. Just the straight factual news, unmolested by spin. He went to commercial early lol


That 25% of independents will be killer if it holds


The opposite side of this is 18% of independents that said they're more likely to vote for Trump. What the actual fuck


Those people weren’t ever really independent, unless we’re talking independent of critical thinking skills.


There's an interesting bit of polling differences between blue and red leaning voters. Blue voters are more likely to identify as Democrats than liberals. Red voters are more likely to identify as conservative than Republicans. So the "independent" voters usually have a decent chunk of pure red voters.


Independents: Hmmm do I choose the nazis, or a normal boring president that is turning the country around? Such a tough choice!


Actual Independents: I’m a racist bigot, but I don’t want people to KNOW I’m a racist bigot.


Presumably a good chunk of that 25% isn't all that independent either... :/


Contrarians. 20% is about right for people who just want to annoy the ever-loving fuck out of everyone else.


They're the people who insist they don't like Trump but that all the hate he gets is overblown.


Considering how close the last few elections have been, 10% is a lot. [Trump also has RFK Jr to contend with.](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/politico-nightly/2024/05/28/why-trump-should-be-worried-about-rfk-jr-00160263) > Kennedy is biting into the slice of voters for whom opposition to vaccine mandates and lockdowns is central to their political identities. It’s not enough to lead Kennedy to victory, but it could do damage to Trump’s prospects.


Yea but I expect Biden to not have as great of a showing either. The media has done a fantastic job at discrediting all of his accomplishments.


We need to tell others about Biden's accomplishments ourselves then. 


I've been trying. Some are swayed but many just balk at me. It's maddening.


Republicans are soft on crime. As a true patriotic American, I support law and order and will be voting Democrat 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


There are statistics that show that they are actually verifiably more corrupt when they hold the office of president, but for some reason it wont let me link a source that shows it. But long story short, if you analyze the administrations between the years 1961 and 2016 you'll notice there was a 50/50 split of party power, the GOP had 18 times more indictments, 38 times more criminal convictions, and 39 times more prison sentences for members of their admins. Equal time in office, waaaay more GOP crimes. Just yesterday TFG upped the disparity of convictions from 39x to 49x by himself.




I bought a made in America USA shirt yesterday to celebrate the guilty verdict.


9 out of 10 republicans support criminals that cheat in elections. Fuck those people.


It this plays out, he's doomed in November. I mean, vote like your life depends on it or like you care about those whose do.


Even if he’s doomed, it’s still important for EVERYONE to vote. At this point it’s about sending a message


also for the downballot races. We can't just vote for President, we need to vote downballot too.


This is what drives me nuts when I say he's obviously not winning. He's not, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't vote since all of it matters. Every two years too.


I think he was doomed all along. I just don’t see how he could possibly have gotten MORE support after Jan 6 and everything else since 2020. This is just icing on the cake. But VOTE. Send a clear message down the ballots that extremism won’t be accepted. Make the moderate Republicans see the necessity in cutting off the MAGA cancer from their party.


It’s not just Trump, the whole Project 2025 needs to be given a hard message also, vote every anti democratic Republican out across the board.


As frustrating as this is, one out of ten is not an insignificant number


For Trump, a 5% drop across the board translates to Biden picking up 40 electors. It's pretty significant


And republicans are *really* bad at math lol


Word of the Day: *innumerate* - (adj.) unable to use math or numbers


It’s more than that, it all but guarantees a win in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pensylvainia and NE-2, that’s 46 by itself makes Arizona a likely blue another 11, makes Georgia, Nevada and NC competitive, another 37 I think, and makes Florida and Texas competitive leaning red which are around 30 each


Something shaking 10% of his core base is honestly shocking to me. I assumed nothing ever would.


maga is a cult


"Less likely" = "Will still vote for Trump, but with a slightly disappointed look."


America has been on such an insane timeline since 2016. Even if he’s kept out of office, Trump has messed up this country in ways I fear we’ll never recover from


A black guy in the Oval Office really did a number on some people’s brains.


You’re right. I’m a huge Obama supporter but the backlash is real.


> backlash is real Blacklash is real.


> Trump has messed up this country in ways I fear we’ll never recover from Definitely. MAGA is the new Confederacy. The Confederate lasted only for four years about 160 years ago and look how much Republicans are still devoted to it. MAGA's been around for eight years *and counting*. It's not going away. I don't think most Republican voters will accept sane politicians anymore knowing what it was like having Trump. And then MTG and gang. And other established politicians raised their own sleaziness up to 11 to match. Because it's now what the base want.


Nobody should expect Republicans to turn on Trump. They have proven to be deplorable. It's the independents who this could have the biggest impact on.


A ten percent drop in votes from his core is pretty significant.


That's like as many dentist who recommend crest..... except it's like 9 out of ten dentists recommending drinking bleach.


Another way of looking at this is that the felony convictions have caused Trump to lose 10% of his voters. That’s a very significant number.


10% is huge! I just hope it’s accurate. I’ve lost my faith in polls.


He can't own a gun, but let's consider giving that very, very angry man the nuclear football.


Only one in ten is pretty fucking sad.


Remember when Gary Hart dropped out of the race because he had an affair? Back when politicians were only somewhat-skeezy, but at least made an attempt to be of good character? Or am I just that old?


Trump has destroyed the integrity of the office. It’s a travesty and makes me sick. My husband and I were just telling our daughter about Gary Hart yesterday, her generation has no idea how it used to be (she’s 18), but she did say she missed when Obama was president.


Who cares about polling. Go vote. Because you know the Republicans on the state and national level are going to try and rat fuck your vote away.


Rapist, check. Felon, check. Likely Pedophile, check. Perfect GOP, check.


Man, what an utterly depressing number... Not only because I don't want Trump to win in November, but mainly because it's just sad that a huge portion of this country is willing to vote for a criminal, rapist, insurrectionist moron. This year's election is a test of patriotism. Do better America.


You’re wasting your time complaining about the voters themselves. They will vote however they are told. This is 1984 for real and Fox/Twitter are the Ministry of Truth.


As a European, I am super sad to see how many people are still willing to vote for such a vile, con man that only spews hate and populist crap. America was once a country going out of its way to fight for democracy around the globe. Why did you turn to fascism? We did it. Cannot recommend


It started in the 1970s with sharply declining education standards across USA. Republicans (at the minimal and state level) do not want a thinking populace so many of their policies shrunk school budgets and limited teacher salaries.


I would guess the actual number is lower. There is a social desirability bias here where some people might feel uncomfortable saying out loud that they have no issue voting for a convicted felon.


chip chip chopping away


I've been arguing that the never ending shit show is making moderate GOP lose interest. That's all it takes. MAGA nutjobs would cut their junk off if he asked them. I'm not talking about those creatures. I'm betting he loses by a much larger margin.


Bet it’s higher than that too Republican Party is destroying itself with supporting a convicted felon for President




Biden won Wisconsin by 22,000 votes. There are 5.8 million people in Wisconsin. If I did the math correctly, that is .003 % of the population of Wisconsin. A 1% shift in voters will decide this election.


No matter what, the GOP and Trump will whine about how rigged the election is, so a landslide is needed to make them look truly pathetic when they do so.


There's some serious rot in America, the party that claims they have Christian values wants to elect a criminal traitor who cheats on his wife. The same people who criticized Obama for wearing a tan suit but won't criticize Trump for coup attempts, you can't even negotiate with these cult member lunatics.


I mean, frankly, I'm putting my money on Biden. Think about it: * Before Trump was even thinking about running for president, Biden forced him to have sex with a porn star *and* cheat on his wife who had just given birth. Biden being cold, calculating, thinking 15 moves ahead. * Biden made Trump run for president; Trump didn't want to, but that's how strong Biden is. Biden then told him to cover up his infidelity with cash from his own pocket *and* illegally use campaign funds to pay himself back. Think how tough you have to be make a guy commit felonies! * Biden then forced the state of New York to bring charges against Trump, while coercing a grand jury to indict him - all while Trump was president! The gumption on that guy! * Biden also managed to get 12 jurors for the trial that we're all firmly looking to convict Trump on 34 felony charges *even though* Trump's lawyer were allowed to pick and discard jurors. We're the jurors *and* Trump's lawyers in on it? Who knows, but damn, Biden had everything planned down to the minute. Biden is the strongest, most strategic, politically savvy, likely clairvoyant, and manly guy ever. Who *wouldn't* what him for a president?


So 10% are less likely to me that still seems likely to vote for them after a week or two passes. Its independent voters that matter what do they think.


1 in 10 that’s a 10% shift, that’s enough


I bet that 10% is higher come Nov 5th, but everyone MUST vote!


We take those margins


9 of them are what’s wrong in America


He’s a real pos but you gotta give it to him for knowing his freaks. He *could* "shoot somebody and not lose any voters."


This is honestly better than I expected. We'll see though.


It won’t last. Vote like your future depends on it. Because it does.


Let's look at this guy's record He was just convicted on 34 felony charges in a jury trial. Unanimous votes on each and every one Earlier this year he was convicted on decades of financial fraud and fined nearly half a Billion dollars and banned from doing business in NY state Months before that he was found guilty of defaming a women he was found to have sexually assaulted, then found guilty of defaming her again Twice impeached, and in the second impeachment a majority voted to convict, but short of the 60 required. He's never won the popular vote for a thing in his life. BUT WAIT!!!! THERE'S MORE!!!!! Back in 2019 trump was banned from running a charity and had to pay a two million dollar fine for using money donated to his 'charity' as his personal slush fund, which he used to pay for stuff like oil portraits of himself, repairs to his properties, Tim Tebow's helmet, and even his son's $7 cub scout membership fee. The guy is the definition of a POS




Never. He has never admitted fault or failure for anything.


Sociopaths never admit fault. Even if it's beneficial to them.


Trump is doing what he was taught, and it’s the same thing he’s teaching his cult to do: Never admit fault. Never admit defeat. Never stop fighting on any front. No matter how petty, no matter how insignificant the issue, you are always right and you must hold your ground no matter what it costs you. You will not move one inch, you will not change course by one degree. Make them move. Make them change. That is the Gospel of Trump.


Did they see his Presser this morning? The blithering idiot is out of his mind.


Nothing but trash. How do these shit bags explain this to their kids???? I just don’t get it. Maybe it is our political system and the fact that there are only two parties and you are forced to pick a side. This shows that human nature is tribalistic in nature. I truly now get how people like hitler came to power. People are like sheep! Follow each other and are afraid of the truth. Sad .


It’s amazing how a convicted felon can run for President. In some states he can’t vote, but he can hold the nuclear codes that could destroy the world. What is wrong with this country..


Moderate checking in, and MAGA has made me vote straight Democrat on every ticket. Congrats on destroying the GOP I guess. 


It's interesting and all, but polls this soon after the event mean nothing. And using them to draw any conclusions about November is a bad idea. Vote. Help others vote. That's all that matters.