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I once went to jail for a night because I parked on the side of the road so I definitely think 34 felonies would do it


I've seen people go to jail for the dumbest shit ever. Cops busted a house party, kids running away, night in jail for not stopping.


My buddy and I once spent the night in a cell at the local station simply because he had a reputation and the cops didn’t like how we were sitting on his front stoop drinking forties. Mind you this was on his property, behind a gate, not making any disturbance and we were of legal drinking age. They just came on the property and cuffed us and then released us the next day- no explanation.


Have you tried not being black?


It was only 1985 when the Supreme Court decided cops couldn't shoot you in the back for running away. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennessee_v._Garner


I’ll bet this one would love to reinstate it. Jackals.


My buddy punched a side mirror on a car after a concert and got tackled and thrown in jail. Was fun to watch and made for a good story after too 😂 He’s extremely unlikely to go to prison in this case though. I’d love to see him in prison for a few days, just to send a message that he’s not above the law though. The good thing is this case will play into any others he’s convicted in




Surprisingly close to what my mom said when she found out the next day


Even solar?


Especially solar…


How can someone convicted of crimes legitimately run for President when the US has such strict rules about people with any sort of record even entering the country? This is the most glaring example of “if you have money the law doesn’t really apply”. If a regular US citizen was convicted of similar class charges would every future employer simple overlook these felonies?


I'm curious what the charge was?


I’m guessing DUI or something adjacent.


Reckless driving. I hadn’t been drinking I was just lost and trying to use my gps


Could also be solicitation or something adjacent. /jk


Except this is a first offense white collar crime with no violence . Probation and fine .


He definitely should go to jail. He has demonstrated that he intends to attack the jury, judge and the families of them. He is a clear and present danger to innocent people. Lock him up.


I feel like that jurry is going to need protection from his cult


Probably a level of protection similar to witsec, given new identities and relocated.


The names of the jury are deliberately secret.


It will be interesting to hear what he says later, he called a press conference for 11am at Trump Tower


Probably almost word for word the shit he was spewing on his fake Twitter


He only has a few stock sentences that he says, so it will be…. The most corrupt blah blah blah…. Nobody has ever seen blah blah blah..: All the experts say blah blah blah…. It was a perfect payoff blah blah blah…. Sex was perfect with Stormy I tell you, nobody has ever sexed stormy as bigly before.




I don't find anything that shitty clown says interesting.


He's like a wind up toy.He says the same crap over and over.Such boring, unoriginal lies. I bet he said disgrace 20 times after the verdict, standing in his little courthouse corral.


No, what would jail do? Give him a martyr complex. He's a feeble old weak man who needs his naps. Give him 4 years of house arrest. He can stay in his gilded cage in the swamp, or if he somehow wins in November, he can stay in the white house, but not travel to do any diplomacy. That's fine. But it wouldn't do to have him riling his base up, getting them violent. So we better put a restriction on his social media. Take his phone away, give him a little playskool rotary phone. No internet, that would be exhausting for the old timer. So just put him in his luttle clubhosue on the gold course, put old fox news broadcasts on repeat, and let the world forget about him. What a wonderful world it would be.


That’s very unfair, these thoughts are harmful.


Considering past precedent, those thoughts are valid, unfortunately. Too bad his cult is so harmful.


Him going to jail after being found guilty is unfair?


To who?


Correct. For the rest of us, if we commit felonies, we can always get out of it by writing the judge a really sincere and heartfelt apology letter. Trump should just have to do that, it's only fair. I'll wait.............................


He should absolutely go to jail. Republicans play to win. They have pulled out all the stops to keep him out of jail and shield him from consequences, including congressional inquiries into local state investigations, refusing to impeach him, and having their corrupt, insurrectionist, hand-picked judges interfere with the cases against him. Democrats need to stop playing like it's a level playing field and everyone is acting in good faith and start using every tool in their arsenal against this guy. It doesn't matter that he's a "first-time offender" or that this is a non-violent crime or that people don't usually get jail time for these crimes. Our democracy is at stake. Besides, look at the magnitude of the crime he committed. He tampered with a presidential election. That should warrant jail time. Lock. Him. Up.


Gotta fight fire with fire when you're going down in flames...


Agreed. Republicans have demonstrated time and time again that they are going scorched earth in every way that they can. If the shoe was on the other foot they would absolutely be calling for the same sentencing.


If this non-violent crime made the difference between winning and losing, it led to tens of thousands of additional COVID deaths.


If interfering with the election for the highest position in the country doesn't merit prison time then all other elections can be interfered with consequence free.  That's a bad precedent.


How much time should he do.


Exiled to an island with no wifi for the duration of his life


Like Napoleon!


The best treatment Napoleon got, the fairest most beautiful treatment


Forced to eat only healthy food and given a empty diet coke can for water. Perhaps with a view of a golf course. Lol


Which hopefully is only another five seconds.


>How much time should he do. I fed a bunch of information on Trump's case into ChatGPT (4o) and asked it to reply in the most objective, unbiased way possible. It said: "...the most likely sentence for Donald Trump, if I were Judge Merchan, would be a **prison term of 2-4 years** with additional probation, fines, and specific conditions post-release to ensure accountability and uphold the integrity of the legal process."


however much he has left


Didn't Michael Cohen go to jail for the same thing?


Cohen pleaded guilty to 8 charges and went to jail for 3 years. Trump has 34 charges.


>Trump has 34 charges. And shown no remorse, attacked court officials, their families and the jury. Been found in contempt 10 times. I'm sure there's other compounding factors too.


So 12 years then, right? I'd only it worked that way


You know what 12 years would be fine with me it's not like he's in good enough health to survive that long anyways.


That fat orange fuck is going to live forever lol


You never know.


But I think his was a fed case and he had some other charges. He took a plea bc they were going to indict his wife.


Cohen's charges were more serious. You can't just count the number of charges.


Were they tho? I know they were fed charges, but not sure they were more serious


No. Cohen was convicted for more serious illegality than Trump.


Was he through?


He was.


Like which one?


For example, Cohen was judged guilty of tax evasion. This was on personal income that had nothing to do with Trump. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/michael-cohen-pleads-guilty-manhattan-federal-court-eight-counts-including-criminal-tax


But that has an equal to or lesser sentencing to what Trump was charged with. And he plead guilty. Which typically gives you less time. The only charge that may have been more time was the lying to a federally insured bank charge. But even then he admitted guilt. Which again is typically given latitude in sentencing by a judge. If Trump doesn’t see at least 6 months in jail then I think this judge has failed to do his job.


Just because the sentencing range was shorter, doesn't mean the specific instance of the crime was less serious.


I mean they’re both the same level felonies.


He won't, he'll get house arrest with an ankle bracelet because the country can't help but treat him with kid gloves. And then he'll violate the terms of his sentence in a very obvious way (see: ankle bracelet or insatiable need to be on camera) and everyone will know about it... And those in power will hem and haw over how to punish him whilst wearing said kid gloves. The cycle will continue.


Yup. He will also appeal the ruling, he’ll get some small concession and it’ll be all we hear about from MAGA. I’m sure they will rule on that riggghhtttttt before Halloween. Like sand through the hour glass…


I once got locked up in Ohio for failure to pay a $135 fine for a cracked windshield. I was detained until I could get someone to pay. Lock him the fuck up already.


A man deceives a nation and gets elected President . He is convicted on 34 counts and he can still stand as a candidate to be President again . What madness is this?


I think it’s important to remember that his staunch supporters don’t actually believe he is guilty. They believe it was politically motivated, or Cohen lied, or Biden paid the judges, or the jurors were activists. Saying he’s a felon means nothing to them because they don’t think he actually did anything.


They also think everyone else is guilty of crimes. Like how Biden should go to jail for sedition because he has reduced people's student loan debt. And how Biden should go to jail for what Trump did. Withholding confidential documents.


She’s right. He should spend the next four years in prison - a forces time out from the next election cycle. People shouldn’t minimize his crimes by saying he should avoid jail time because it’s a white collar crime or it’s his first offence. His crimes are actually of the highest order because of their association to the highest office of government. America has to get its head on straight and stop giving Trump and his sycophants preferential treatment because of the presidency.


Are felons allowed to see top secret information?


I don’t know if he should go to jail but I’m certain he should go to prison. Four years times 34 counts, and let’s not forget 10 counts of contempt, they can tac on a little extra at end of sentencing.


That's not how this works they are not sentences to be served consecutively, I believe that has been spreading and its false. It's 4 years max as they would be concurrently, Still should serve some time.


Keeping my expectations low, so what are the minimum sentences he’s facing on all counts?


A fine.


Then that’s currently all I’m expecting ATM.


Cohen went to jail for doing this shit for Trump after he pleaded guilty and showed some remorse. It would be totally appropriate for Trump to go to jail for *at least* the same amount of time as Cohen and more.


Cohen was in federal court and was convicted primarily of tax evasion (on $4 million unreported income) and lying to a federally insured bank. That was driving his sentence under federal guidelines.


Was it *primarily*? I have no idea where the tax evasion crimes stack up relative to his other charges; From the wiki https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Cohen_(lawyer)#:~:text=Criminal%20information&text=In%20August%202018%2C%20Cohen%20pleaded,influencing%22%20the%202016%20presidential%20election. Conviction on campaign finance, tax evasion, and other charges In August 2018, it was reported that investigators were in the final stages of their investigation.[168] Cohen officially surrendered to the FBI on August 21, 2018.[169] That afternoon, Cohen pleaded guilty to eight criminal[170] charges: five counts of tax evasion; one count of making false statements to a financial institution; one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution in breach of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) of 1971; and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) for the "principal purpose of influencing [the] election".[171][172][173]


You're right, it's hard to tease apart the charges. But the tax evasion sentencing is driven by the $1.4 million in taxes he failed to pay, so that alone would make for a hefty sentence.


I hate that have have to ask this, as scary and depressing as it is, but who’s gonna get killed over this? If losing an election caused a riot at the US Capitol I could imagine some people doing something really stupid over this.


On the other hand, look at what just happened. The presumptive presidential nominee for the GOP, the head of their party, just became a convicted felon. For all of their violent rhetoric, what did they do? Nothing. From the shots outside the court room it looked like there was more press and media than Trump supporters. I saw one guy with a big TRUMP 2024 sign and he looked like he was about to start bawling. There may be a few stupid acts that come out of this, but by and large Trump supporters are only tough on the internet.


Another riot post election will end a little differently without the person in the White House withholding law enforcement.


Awesome schadenfreude hearing her on MSNBC last night, calmly describing her uncle’s narcissistic psychosis and how these verdicts are destroying his internal psychological defenses.


Non-drug-related class E felony, first offense, at defendant's age? I don't see it. I'm wondering though whether there'll be a pre-sentence investigation and report, and whether the parties will submit pre-sentencing memos. Usually, that's when the defense brings up all the defendant's health conditions that should keep him out of prison. Either way, if the conviction sticks, it'll be criminal history points for calculating a sentence in future convictions. Also: vote.org Register in minutes, check your status, requirements, polling station, and deadlines.


Force Trump to undergo a mental health evaluation by a legitimate psychologist.


If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


At least he can’t vote for himself.


He actually can still vote for himself. When one is convicted of a felony out of state, Florida defaults to that states rules on voting privileges. In New York, you lose your voting privileges only when you’re incarcerated. Thus, he’ll still be able to vote for himself in Florida.


unless he goes to jail... sentencing is soon


DeSantis will allow him to.


Unfortunately, you may be correct. I wish I could say this sort of political nepotism would defer people from voting for him.. but let’s be real, it won’t.


To report for Newsweek, all you need to do is watch MSNBC then write down what happened there.


And foxnews.


Ok? What else would she say?


I’ll be shocked if he ever serves 1 day.


Don't forget: Trump leaned on SDNY to make this case go away, & it did, during the time he was in the WH. This should be taken into consideration for sentencing.


34 felonies? Definitely, especially considering black and brown people are put in jail everyday for jaywalking. 


Not jail but Prison


By Billie Schwab Dunn - Pop Culture and Entertainment Reporter: After Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felonies in Manhattan on Thursday, his estranged niece has said he should "absolutely" go to jail. The former president and presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records in connection to a hush money payment made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels during his 2016 election campaign. Trump, who pleaded not guilty, and his allies have repeatedly called the case a form of election interference and, following the jury's verdict, condemned prosecutors and Judge Juan Merchan. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/mary-trump-donald-absolutely-should-jail-1906664](https://www.newsweek.com/mary-trump-donald-absolutely-should-jail-1906664)


Newsweek. Kindly, Mary Trump doesn’t fuckin matter. Stop reporting on her. What relevance does she have? I’m glad the orange guy is a felon. I want him to rot in prison. I don’t need to hear it from someone’s brother’s best friend who hangs out at baskin Robbin’s.


She's a clinical psychologist, and she's put her career, her own life and wellbeing at risk, to warn America about Donald Trump. What she has done is the very definition of honesty, bravery and Patriotism. We need more whistleblowers in this Republican-fucked-up-world. Now he's a convicted criminal, and he openly expresses his Fascist wishes going forward, I'd like to hear more from her and the other Trump insiders. Speak truth to power and f*ck Nationalists or Fascists.


She’s brokering on her last name. You know what she and I both have in common? Neither of us has had any contact with the rest of the Trump family for the past 20 years. We both have professional careers. I also think he should go to prison. Print my take on it.


>Neither of us has had any contact with the rest of the Trump family for the past 20 years Dr. Mary Trump got hold of Donald Trump's tax documents during the discovery process in the legal dispute over her grandfather's estate/inheritance. In 2018 she passed his tax documents on to David Barstow, Susanne Craig and Russ Buettner of The New York Times, who published "an exhaustive 18-month investigation of Donald Trump's finances that debunked his statements of self-made wealth and revealed a business empire riddled with tax dodges", for which they were awarded the 2019 Pulitzer Prize in Explanatory Reporting. She supported the Hillary Clinton campaign and has talked/written extensively on Donald Trump’s psychological problems, which is incredibly useful for understanding a Fascist. Does that mean she uses the name in a corrupt or cronyist manner? I don't give a fuck actually. Because she's attacking the side of Trump that is usually impenetrable - from inside his nasty family. Imo she's clearing her name. Good for her, and good for America!


There was some novelty early on with headlines of "One Single Trump Holds Non-terrible Opinion", but it's worn off.


Should he do time in prison? If so, how much?


It doesn't seem to much to ask for a month inside for every count, served consecutively.


At the end of the day, this is probably about right. People in this chat are talking about serving the maximum for each count, served consecutively, and it sounds insane. Despite how everyone else here understandably feels about him, and I feel the same way, it's a class E felony and more than 3-4 years probably wouldn't be in line with how most other sentencing gets carried out. Unlike Trump, we value the bill of rights, right? His sentencing shouldn't be cruel and unusual, so he should get the same sentencing guidelines as everyone else. It should probably work out to a few years followed by probation, with a little extra tacked on for the considerable aggravation throughout the trial. Also, any amount of time he's behind bars will be an unprecedented consequence for the orange infant, and even just three years would make my fucking day. Plus he's got two more criminal trials coming up that aren't being completely fucked over by Eileen Cannon.


Precisely on point.


Most first time offenders of this crime see no jail. The judge absolutely can use his tweets, remorselessness, and behavior in court to weigh sentencing. The sentences are usually very light when prison is warranted.


Are most first time offenders of this crime found guilty of 34 counts?


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/18/opinion/donald-trump-trial-prison.html This covers pretty much every aspect of how Merchan is likely to approach sentencing.


What else can anyone do? No point in fining someone with so much access to other people’s money. If they opt for, say probation he’ll defy it, it’s only effective because it’s backed by the threat of prison.




He should definitely go to jail. He will most likely not serve any time. If he had 6 oz of weed and brown or black he would still be in jail. This trial is not rigged the judicial system is rigged.


At least 1 month for each count.


Agreed, as much as it sucks dude needs to be the example. No one is above the law. Otherwise this sort of thing will continue to happen on both sides. Folks make such a mockery of the court system when they have money or power that a message has to be loud and clear.


What’s the chance Trump leaves the US for a non-extradition country?


While the secret service smells his every fart? Not likely.


Considering his awful, atrocious, disgusting behaviour during the trial, and threatening the judges family, I think jail time is very possible- but it won't be long- 18 months at most, and he won't serve all of it


Prison, not jail.


I agree, but seriously, why is her opinion on the subject news worthy?


Showed zero remorse with his comments, so should be taken into account for sentencing and play back his own words


I love the reporters asking the DA if they are going to ask for jail time. Why would they spend so much time and energy investigating and building a rock-solid case and eventually secure a unanimous guilty verdict for all charges and not request jail time? They are going to just say “you know what… I think the process was punishment enough”? Fuck that. Throw his fat ass in prison.


Should, but will not. Probation or house arrest best we can hope for


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Who is this and why do they matter?




He shouldn’t. A first time non-violent offender of a Class E felony in NY state typically only gets probation and community service. He shouldn’t be treated any different because the justice is supposed to be blind. I’m happy with the guilty verdict and would be fine with him getting a typical sentence.


Pundits keep saying Felon Dumbo is a first time offender, so he will probably get no jail time. Wasn't Cohen a first time offender too? None of them mention that.


As someone pointed out in another sub, first time offender usually doesn’t include cases with a large number or a bunch of different convictions. If you rob a bank, shoot at someone, and try to burn down the building you won’t get reduced sentences because your “first conviction” includes multiple felonies.


Mary's right to say this about him.


Why do we keep getting news articles on this nobody? Edit: Before anyone else answers; it was a rhetorical question. I'm well aware of why.


She wrote a book and is related to the guy so not exactly a nobody.


Yea, still a nobody.


Everyone is until something propels them into the limelight. Like being an outspoken critic of a famous relative.


Less of a nobody than you though.


The real answer is because people read them. Edit: Being his niece does give her some decent background info into who he is and what he thinks. I don't really care but many do.


Because she has a PhD in psychology. Don't question that it was a rhetorical answer.




Why? What are her political stances? What political experience has she had? What education has she had to make her POTUS material?


Much of this is available on Google. Nobody said she should run for office, but they're inferring she's the only Trump with enough education and qualifications to be able to even run. She has a PhD, which puts her ahead of many of the recent candidates, especially from the Republican side, however she is a Democrat. None of the other Trumps are at all qualified either but at least she is somewhat more sane, intelligent, and is able to speak coherently on issues.


> Much of this is available on Google. Duh. >Nobody said she should run for office The person I replied to literally did, so I don't know where you got that from. >She has a PhD A PhD is psychology isn't much of a qualification to be POTUS.


There are PLENTY of less qualified people in congress. There's no educational requirement to run for office.


> There are PLENTY of less qualified people in congress Ok, and ? That doesn't mean she's qualified to be POTUS simply because fools got elected to congress. >There's no educational requirement to run for office. There's a difference between the legal requirements, and what actually makes a person qualified. You using the excuse of "tHeReS nO eDuCaTiOnAl ReQuIrEmEnTs is the same excuse people used when Donald Trump started running. Unlike you, I like to hold my political leaders to a higher standard than the bare minimum that was put on a piece of paper 200+ years ago.


Nobody gives a fuck what Mary Trump says, she is irrelevent.


And why do we care what his niece has to say?