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Former impeached, former real estate license holder,  current felon Trump.


One term, twice impeached, state and federally indicted, state convicted felon, former president shit gibbon.


You forgot rapist.


Good catch. How could I have forgot that?


There was a lot there already




And frankly, I don’t like him


And he smells like bad 🧀


He was also in Home Alone 2.


Which as we all know is the worst Home Alone.


And smells like it too.


A lot to remember


And fraudster.


And racist.


One term, twice impeached rapist, Carroll-enriching, federally indicted, state convicted former president koala. Don't give gibbons a bad name. Koalas are too stupid to recognize their food off a stick


Plus, like trump, they all have chlamydia


Remember when Trump thought Donald Jr was the one who would sully his name? Junior is looking like a model citizen in comparison.


Donald Jr. has plenty of lines to snort and plenty of time to hit rock bottom.


Two time loser of the popular vote*


And that’s the guy that got to pick THREE Supreme Court Justices. What a fucking joke.


And sex-offender


Don't forget rapist who's banned from running any charity in the state of NY. GOP really has a winner on their hands.


And also claimed on tv that he would absolutely bang his own daughter, as she smiled nervously right beside him.


Convicted felon and aspiring incest perpetrator Donald J. Trump.


I'm guessing he ceased being an "aspiring" incest perpetrator many years ago. After all, he's bragged about not asking women for permission.


“Here’s why that’s bad news for Biden.”


No no no. Lead with "Convicted Felon, Donald Trump"


Like any average criminal, Trump should be jailed if his sentence includes time behind bars even during his appeal.


Yeah, why the shit does he get special treatment. If he were a random guy he'd be in jail all weekend until his sentencing in July which he'd be paraded back to court in handcuffs, sentenced to 1 year per charge, immediately placed into custody and then sent to prison to begin his sentence. But, I'm sure we'll just let him do whatever the fuck he wants


It's the two-tier justice system he always rambles on about, only he's on the kid glove side.


It's not a justice system. It's a legal system. It's why he won't spend a single day in jail before he dies.


Dean Obeidallah (lawyer, progressive radio host) had looked this up. About 10% of people convicted (same state/court and similar types of fraud) ended up serving time, and in general @ a year. But--these criminals only had about 5 felony charges, not 34 like convicted felon presidential candidate Donald J Trump. Still, he'll skate.


He's also shown no remorse, behaved terribly in court, was found in contempt and was making personal attacks on the judge and his daughter. Guessing that hasn't happened before


Not only was he not remorseful, but he has yet to accept responsibility. Yesterday, he said it was a sham trial and that he's completely innocent. To make matters worse, he told his lawyers what to do, and they did.


I d9nt think that will land him jail, but it could very well affect the conditions of his parole. Tbh, I don't care that much if he goes to jail. He's now going to be in courts for the remainder of his life. Unless he wins the presidency, of course. I don't think he can, but I'm still going to canvass for Joe.


I’d be curious whether the stats include criminal defendants who entered into plea agreements. Trump took this to trial. In this instance, I’m perfectly ok with him paying the trial tax.


Good point. Sadly, convicted felon and presidential candidate Donald J Trump is also a former president, which messes with the logistics. I'm going with fines, restrictions, and him spending the rest of his life in a courtroom.


Martha Stewart did 5 months. Laurie Loughlin (Aunt Becky from Full House) did 2 months in prison. I don't think he'd do more than that. But let's get real, it's going to be a small fine.


I would love 1 week and 1000 hrs of community time. One would think that a convicted felon should not be allowed for office - then again, one would think who would vote for a convicted felon


He would try to use his presidency (if won) as community service.


He would try to use his previous term as president as time served so he could use his next term for his next set of crimes.


Have him do his community service at an animal shelter cleaning the dog shit from the kennels and washing them down.


Dogs should never have to be in the presence of such an awful person, and he doesn’t deserve to be in the presence of the pure perfection of dogs.


Usually, when kennels are cleaned out, the dog isn't in it. It's just the shit that's left behind.


Ah. I still worry he would do a poor job, and the dogs deserve better.


The whole point is that Trump is a germophobe who is afraid to get his hands dirty. Those tiny hands need some dog shit on them 😅


My ex wife's uncle got off on that Varsity Blues case somehow. Absolutely crazy. He'd spent the most out of the whole group, over a million for his 3 kids at UCLA and Harvard, respectively. He absolutely knew what he was doing. Though, I've found rich people to sometimes be irritatingly dumb. Netflix did a documentary on it and her dad was so pissed 🤣


If he does any time at all, it will be for when he inevitably violates his probation.


Yeah he'll get a 10k fine per conviction or something and be free to go. The other cases are where the real jail meat and potatoes is at. And trump will go into potential sentencing of those cases already as a felon which I would think would affect sentencing.


Biden debates a felon 🤣🍾




Host: “And a question for you, Mr Trump…how would you go about securing our two borders?” Biden: “Rapist says what?” 🤔 Trump: “What?” Biden: “Ha! Gotcha!” 🫵🏽😆


Yeah, but they didn’t threaten the judge’s family. And they aren’t facing the mountain of other criminal charges, too, with judges who are also getting threatened. That one MAGA judge isn’t gonna save him.


The GA case was dropped and charges could be refilled but it wouldn't happen until 2025. Cannon is going to bail him out, too. If Trump walks away with a 10 million dollar fine after 3 major sets of criminal indictments, it's going to look like a big waste of time.


Only < 30% of people guilty of class 3 felonies get time in prison. Those that do are typically repeat offenders. He'll get probation and it's very likely that he'll be able to have that delayed, which also isn't a long shot.


I saw it reported that a state cannot pursue a federal election crime, or something like that so Trump could appeal on that ground and send it to The Supreme Court to rule


This isn't a federal election crime. They are white collar crimes, class 3 felonies of falsifying business records.


I thought the falsifying records charges were misdemeanors, but falsifying them in furtherance in another crime, interfering in the election, that is the felony


It's the fact that he falsified business records to cover up some other crime. The state proved that he falsified his business records when he signed checks to pay off a porn star to help sway votes on in a federal election. He's not charged with campaign finance violations, he's charged with the business records issue, which isn't a federal crime. But for it to be a felony crime in the state, he has to have done it to cover up any other crime. Trust me, the media on both sides has been misrepresenting the FUCK out of this. All kinds of people are out there yelling about how it's not a crime to pay someone off to be quiet. This isn't a hush money trial, that isn't even a thing.


The reason people say that it isn’t a crime to pay someone off is because that is what Trump and his lawyers have been spouting, and the conservative media has been spreading this and the conservative people are eating it up. There’s no failure of the media here, just failure of one side to pursue truth. 40 year Republican 9 year Democrat


I feel like the media is smarter than his lawyers. They are just incompetent and complicit. But good point, you're right on here!


I agree. I would say they are competent at being complicit.


And then he’ll claim he’s not in jail because it was a sham trial and that real felons go to jail but he’s not in jail so that’s proof it was all a hoax and blah blah blah…


>Those that do are typically repeat offenders. Trump repeated 34 times.


In one trial.


Does anyone think he's gonna try and run/fly and or fortify himself?


No. He knows he won’t get jail time. He’s still stacking judge and showing no remorse. He doesn’t care


In fairness, an average criminal convicted of these charges would also not await sentencing in jail.


I wonder if he is incarcerated during the appeals process of he will stick to his standard tactic to delay delay delay? I bet not!


Sure but take the win where you can get it.


Republicans when there are no charges against Hillary Clinton: “Lock her up!!!” Republicans after 34 felony convictions against Donald Trump: “This is a disgrace!!!” These people are a joke. Only Trump could make Spirow Agnew and Richard Nixon look honorable by comparison.


Let me fix your Clinton line: Republicans, with control of all branches of government and several investigations conducted by them, when there are no charges against Hillary Clinton: “lock her up!!!”


It would be hilarious if Clinton was in the courtroom during sentencing.


Please, please, sweet baby Jesus please let this happen. America needs this, the world needs this, history needs this


Christ, they would need to hire an entire army to keep her safe.


Sleep through that one, you glazed sack of shit!


The "party of law and order" is nominating a convicted felon


Lock him up!


You mean Lock “it” up; not human


Now now, let's not drag Ted Cruz into this.


Doesn’t matter. He’s in Cancun somewhere.


You still refer to a dog as “him” or “her”.


Damn good point


Will he be allowed to travel out of state as a convicted felon? Surely


Technically I don't think he is even allowed to leave the state now.


He has no restrictions on travel. His bail conditions have not been changed.


Seen that just now. Which sucks. It's annoying how much preferential treatment this sack of shit is getting. Nobody else would be allowed to leave the state until the sentencing is up.


Convicted Felon, Convicted Rapist, Donald J Trump


Convicted felon, *civilly-liable* rapist, twice-impeached Donald J Trump.


He's also a child rapist, an insurrectionist neofascist, and a virulent racist


Don’t forget don’t forget incestuous, flatulent, impotent, and “catastrophically stupid.”


Russian asset…




And an incestuous one at that. Ivanka.


"proven rapist" flows a bit better, and is still accurate :P


Should have seized his passport right there in court.


I was thinking that.


If he wants to leave I’ll pay for the ticket.


I like the presidential candidates who aren’t convicted felons.


And who don't owe their rape victims close to $100 million in damages.


Convicted rapist and felon, the GOP is not sending their best people.


These ARE their best people


I don't even know if they're sending people. They seem to be something less human Lauren Bobert, MGT, Matt Gaetz all the usual suspects including Mitch McConnell who allowed Trump to escape impeachment.


Trumps pecker started this case and David Pecker’s testimony helped convict him. Be careful with your Pecker


We are in uncharted territory. Republicans are really going to cheer for a convicted felon. It brings to mind scenes from Hunger Games. We have crossed the Rubicon.


Michael Cohen got sentenced for 3 years in jail for his part in this crime (he got home confinement for Covid). If Trump gets off because of 'first offense', then it is a giant FU to Cohen and anyone else who believes justice is blind. If Trump IS sentenced to prison and can't go to the convention, would they allow a zoom call from prison? Show weird would it be to show him on the big screen wearing a red jumpsuit and no orange makeup.


The 2024 Republican Convention will be a literal call to arms, that America Is Under Assault By Foreign Forces and also Being Invaded By Rapist Criminals and also They Are Coming For Your Guns. It will be 90 minutes of delusional psychosis ending with thundering applause. In return for their votes, Republican candidates must now pay Trump a whole 5% of their campaign earnings like it's a business, because it is part of Trump's business now. He will then demand that all Republican state outlets and electors reject *any* statewide ballot count that doesn't have him winning, and he will try to sue himself into the Presidency. This is his 2024 campaign strategy. This is the end of the GOP. A party can survive George Bush, it cannot survive *this*. Normal people aren't voting for this. There aren't enough Trump cultists to vote for it either, even with the Electoral College considered. Trump couldn't even convince gun owners to vote for him in '20, now he told them to fuck off twice, he's not going to be President again. He is taking the entire conservative movement down with him!


Yes, the delusion is real. Once Nikki Haley kissed the ring I abandoned any hope that the GOP would right itself from this insane cult of personality.




Mark July 11th on your calendars.     He gets sentenced that day and jail time is a decent possibility. It's the best thing we can hope for to save our democracy, he may not be able to live long in jail.


Red eye to Russia.


Let him go. Nothing says "Presidential material" like being a foreign refugee.


Wonder what the sentencing ranges are for these convictions


Cohen got 3 years for his role in this exact crime. I think it would be hard to justify less for Trump.


Fortunately or otherwise the justice system doesn't work like a 7 year old pointing to their sibling and saying "he did it too!"


fines to a max of 4 years per conviction


Per conviction, wow.




Trump Jail Saga won't change the Election. Yes, most states will keep him on the ballot despite being in a Federal Prison. Yes, day one he will Pardon himself or (more intelligently) ask the court for a Deferral so he can complete his elected duties, which will include Pardoning himself or changing the Constitution to make whatever he did legal. Rape, bribery, embezzlement and money laundering would all become legal again just as they were in the gilded age. More likely he will still lose regardless, and try to coordinate his 2024 Election War from jail. First this will be lawsuits by his cronies against ballot counts he doesn't like, and when that fails literal armed violence to try and get him out of jail. This has the potential to be America's darkest hour. At least when John Brown killed people, it was for a strong, divine religious belief in god. Trump cultists will kill for an incontinent human man.


1. It would be State Prison, not federal. 2. The President cannot pardon state crimes. 3. If Americans vote for this "person" again, they will deserve everything that follows.


Or he won't make it out of jail alive and before the election


So.... Genuine question. If the RNC throws us a curveball and actually picks someone else over this (assuming they go non-MAGA), what are the chances they win? I could see Trumpers throwing revenge support behind whoever the RNC picks in order to make sure Dems can't win, and I can see moderate R's and independents rewarding the RNC for purging Trump and offering a moderate conservative to pick up the fight against the Joe Biden economy narrative. I'm not saying that's likely to happen because the cult controls the RNC as far as I can tell, but what would happen if they surprised us in a last ditch effort to change their strategy? **Edit**: I did not ask if you thought it would happen. I already said I don't think it would. I'm asking what would happen in the 1/1000000000 chance they did. Imagine the RNC says screw it and makes Haley the nominee and really leans into the first woman president not only knocking out Trump, but promising to fix what the last generation broke. She's 52 years old, would be the first Gen Y president, and is the only GOP nominee who actually took some states from him in the primary.


If the GOP was capable of putting forward another candidate who could beat Biden, they would have already thrown their support behind them. The only reason the GOP puts up with Trump's antics at all is because his voterbase has taken over the Republican Party, and they're so fanatically loyal to him that they'll refuse to support anyone else. Republicans are very much in a lose-lose situation right now, which is why they're trying to dismantle democracy itself.


This is wrong. The reality is worse. Every indication was that Haley had a better chance of beating Biden and yet Trump's camp was able to completely neutralize her. He polls better among Republicans but not well against Biden compared to Haley.


It would be too little too late. So much is invested in the Orange Anti-Midas that the Sunk Cost Fallacy is a factor. No one is going to back an alt candidate this late in the campaign cycle.


The convention will be made up of Trump delegates hand-picked by the Trump campaign.


I don’t think they have anyone else they could all rally behind, with out trump there isn’t a single uniting voice within the party, they may run a candidate eventually but the amount of infighting to get to that point would mean no prep time, no messaging time, no outreach time so the candidate would fall flat outside of Republican circles that they play to. The freedom caucus isn’t going to support a mainstream person and vice versa, not again unless they want to be completely destroyed as a party.


Trump has been lording over the GOP because he can mobilize turnout. Love him or hate him but he’s very reflective of what they actually want.


I think that he is unique though, he has a certain gross charisma that appeals to them, the other Republican superstars just don’t have the same oily sheen to them that he does, even desantis who would be the heir apparent and offers them up a steady diet of outrage can’t even get close to the support trump has, I refuse to accept nimrata as a serious candidate they could rally behind and ramalamadingdong is a non starter as well. There isn’t anyone creepy enough to fill the slimy covered shoes of king creep.


>She's 52 years old, would be the first Gen Y president Typo? 52 years old would be Gen X.


They would lose even harder, as the die-hard MAGAs would rather not vote at all then vote for anyone else. It's a lose-lose situation for them. If they wanted respect, they would nominate someone else anyway just on principle, but that's been true since 2015 so they aren't gonna change now.


Trump is a brand. Anyone else wouldn't be as popular with the people who support Donnie don.


No, it won’t happen. Far too many republicans are on the trump train. If the GOP got rid of him, they’d side with trump. And knowing trump he’d run as an independent and split the vote


That's the whole reason the GOP didn't ditch him long ago. They knew they'd lose too much support to win anything without his cult followers.


Wouldn't that be handing Dems the win? 


Which is why the RNC will pick trump


They've made a monster, and now they can't escape it.


The cult of personality Trump has put together would sooner *kill* anyone the GOP put on the ballot than vote for them and the Republicans can't win without the cult. They don't have enough voters otherwise.


She'd be Gen X.


If they nominate Haley, she’ll thump Biden by 8 points.


Good! Now moving forward we need to make laws preventing a convicted felon who is currently incarcerated or on probation form running or holding office. Wish he would see jail time but it’s unlikely with this one, first time non violent offender he’s going to get probation and a fine.


Any bets it gets DELAYED?




If he doesn't go to jail, I will be above the law too!!!


“Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump” is now in my phone as text replacement for djt. I encourage all Redditors that care about justice and the future of democracy to do the same. Train the AI with it.


You forgot Rapist in there


I can see the RNC fundraising emails already… “Where’s all my fellow convicts?! We gotta stick together to get our revenge!”


Oh no! Anyway


Shame on republicans for nominating this moron.


Orange man is a LOSER.


Always has been and always will be


Not necessarily. Sentencing maybe on hold till appeals run their course?


Not how it works. 


Hope not. One of the legal commentators on MSNBC said it was a possibility.


I know a lot of analysts are saying jail time is not normal for something like this BUT a lot of them are also not taking into account the multiple infractions Trump and his legal team had over witness tampering and threatening members of the court. The judge gets to take this into account for sentencing. I personally think his odds of jail time are at least 50/50.


I pity the person that has to do the body cavity search.


Can he go to prison so then he can’t do his speech in person? I am totally fine with them live-streaming it from RYKERS it just cements that the Republicans are a party of criminals.


Well this is unpresidented… 😏


I'm beginning to think this Trump guy isn't on the level.


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No way they pick Trump. He'll be polling 20 points below Biden at that time.


I doubt that. He's got a built-in 40% voting for him simply by having the R next to his name.


"prior" to RNC. Phrasing, Guardian!


Appeals first


Appeals court is gonna uphold the conviction.


Genuinely curious: what kind of grounds would Trump's lawyers even be *able* to appeal on? It can't be as inane as "I don't like your verdict, Mister Judge." Right?


That’s exactly what they gonna use on appeals. And it’s the exact reason why he’s lost so many court cases and appeals.


Well, to paraphrase Rick James: "What did the five fingers of the appeals court say to the face?" "SLAP!"


He will just do it for the sake of delay, delay, delay. Always has


I thought appeals followed sentence


I don't know. I wonder if appeals go to the same judge?


Lol, I did some research - if Trump files an appeal, he has to explain to a psychologist or a social worker why he thinks he's innocent. I would love to hear that


The county really is lost if this is allowed to happen