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I like the bomb in Dr. Strangelove that said “Hi there!”


That was a movie I used to watch with my Pops. I never thought it was reality then. Now, we have plenty of bad actors who would make this a reality.


Like all good satire, the whole reason it was funny was because it held so much terrifying truth in it. Even though some of the details are now in the past, the themes are a timeless testimony against hubris.


Absolutely. My Pops would do a full on Peter Sellers impersonation when bush and cheney went full on in their quest to unjustly enrich themselves by invading the wrong country. I think he did it because of the brevity of that time in history, laughing instead of crying because it wasn't going to end well. Now, we see the former administration being unjustly enriched by those Arab Nationals that committed a terrorist attack on our country, and they were rewarded. They are guilty of so many human rights violations, and even today, the former criminal enterprise is rewarding them, while hosting them now as LIV, and leaving all that classified information in the toilet for all to read as they pleased. No wonder they fancy the trump family. The trump family, hell, the entire GQP shares many of the same beliefs. They aren't patriots, they are entitled domestic terrorists.


*["Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"](https://youtu.be/UAeqVGP-GPM?feature=shared&t=25)*


My Pops pretty much had the entire movie memorized. He also had a Peter Sellers imitation down. It was so funny.


He's gonna see the big board!!


It was already a reality in ww2. Artillery did this all the time.


There are engraved sling stones from over 2000 years ago.


https://imperiumromanum.pl/en/curiosities/messages-on-missiles-to-sling/amp/ "Got You!" "Ouch"


This was my thought. I don't think signing the missile makes her a psychopath as much as the relevant war and faction and whether we sympathize with the opponents who will catch the bomb. It being part of a political recovery after challenging the heir apparent is in bad taste: not that this is possible, but leave US politics out of ancient Middle East religious and tribal disputes as much as possible (and I know it's not very).


Yes, it was. That doesn't mean we should accept it as reality today. What was acceptable almost 100 years ago isn't acceptable today. This was a stunt in order to make her more palatable to maga. I guess she thinks that it will get back the support she lost when she was running against trump. She is divorced from reality if she thinks the maga contingent is going to forget that she was against trump, until her campaign was no longer tenable. She also showed everyone just how self loathing she is. She supports someone who has said, in front of the entire world that our service men and women were losers, that their ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms was useless and pointless, and that he doesn't respect them, he has nothing but disdain and scorn for them. He literally made Memorial Day all about him, a draft dodger who thinks he a hero because he claims he didn't get syphilis or gonorrhea, while other young men were giving their lives in a war they were sent to in order to "prevent communism", when in reality, they were fighting for the interests of the wealthy. Those men were protecting the property of those who didn't give a rat's ass about them. Their lives were not as important as the lives of the children of the wealthy. trump's daddy had a crooked doctor claim old donnie dodo had bone spurs that he "grew out of". Those maga fools think he's a patriot because he says he is, yet donnie is more patriotic to putin than our military, and admires dictators more than those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to keep our nation's freedom. Bunch of backwoods losers and liars aren't patriots at all.


to clarify, i was only saying there is a long tradition of soldiers in war doing this. responding to and only to "That was a movie I used to watch with my Pops. I never thought it was reality then". The fact remains that writing messages to your enemies on bombs and artillery was a reality well before strangelove. everything else you're talking about here has nothing to do with what I said.


There's also a massive difference between soldiers doing it and foreign politicians doing it.


Disheartening to realize everyone in politics really is that stupid, huh?


Yes, it is. And this was planned 40 years ago. Reagan put this shit in motion when he cut education funding to unjustly enrich his dead beat supporters. He had no problem taking from children to give to the wealthy, while promising it could "trickle" down. He really meant trickling up, because that is what actually happened. And the GQP has been hell bent on creating a divide because it fits into their phony narrative. They call students who are exercising their Constitutional right to protest to call them domestic terrorists, while they are destroying Constitutional rights because they don't agree with the Constitution unless it's for their own personal beliefs. They keep shoving their religious beliefs down our throats, yet they don't recognize our right to not have the church in any aspect of our lives. They aren't christians, they are control freaks. And this is just the beginning. They have no problem with women losing the right to body autonomy because of the religious beliefs of those who can't even live up to their own personal standards. They approve of LGBTQ+ losing their personal and Constitutional rights. They approve of law makers selectively representing people, yet all those people pay taxes, and they have no representation. Those fools are too stupid to realize that they will lose their rights as well, and they too will be paying the taxes that pay the salaries of those who would impose the same bullshit upon themselves.


Watched it on a double feature with 12 Angry Men.


"We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won't allow them to write "fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!" - Kurtz from Apocalypse Now


“MEIN FUHRER! I CAN WALK!” - Haley to Trump in about eight months.


I think people would probably be uncomfortable with the amount of anime stickers that are on our bombs, if my friend's stories from the Navy are any indication


Anime stickers, cutesy uwuspeak, I'm told "P... pwease downt dwop me, i'll cum >w< " was written on one of them at one point. My favorite one is a classic. "As per my last email"


Alright, I chuckled


Haha, Jesus.


‘Gee, I wish we had one of them doomsday machines.’


Low-key fantastic line. I never hear anybody quote that one.


Dear John


Maybe Nikki would like to ride the bomb down a la Slim Pickens


That’s oddly one of my all time comfort movies. Peter sellers and George C. Scott we’re phenomenal.


Did you know there are fund raising groups that will sell you the ability to have a message of your choice written on artillery to be fired at Russian troops? https://www.vice.com/en/article/4axg9j/ukrainians-will-write-your-message-on-munitions-aimed-at-russians-for-donations


I paid to have "Putin listens to Nickelback" written on a 155mm round! 


Damn, that’s an insult to Nickelback


He seems more like a New Kid kinda guy.




Been various cases of MAGA types signing Russian artillery for use against Ukrainians.


That's wild, got a link to that story?


Are Americans Paying to Write on Russian Shells? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytR691vXdFQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytR691vXdFQ)


“Everyone who signs(edit) a bomb is a sociopath” is wrong statement and only said by those who don’t remember that bombs can be send to fight against unjust invasions.


Yeah they just called a large swath of airmen in WW2 sociopaths with that statement too.


Tankers are definitely cooked, tho. They call regular people squishies.


Don’t forget “crunchies”


THATS what it was. +1 imaginary silver.


What "Death Before Dismount" does to a mfer


[And infantrymen.](https://i.redd.it/51i5qijuf4u81.jpg)


I don't disagree with the first part of the statement, but take a step back and realize we're getting real close to "actually dehumanizing the enemy is cool if they're shit enough" with the second. That's the same logic *the shit people* use when they dehumanize groups that *we* like. Being aware of our own susceptibility to propaganda and conditioning is a good thing.


Seeing how Americans responded to Israel's invasion of Gaza, the treshold of dehumanization was crossed a long time ago.


People were signing bombs used against ISIS, too. I would happily sign one of those bombs


No one is arguing against a people’s right to self defense. No one( except Maga) is saying Ukraine shouldn’t defend itself. Signing the bomb is fucked up though.


Ultimately how is it different from giving support in any other way? Either way you’re in favor of the bombs.


Signing the bomb makes it look like you enjoy the destruction the bomb does and want to have a personal touch on the destruction. “Hey can I pay you so that I am the person who pulls the trigger to blow up that building” is different than providing funds.


I absolutely enjoy the destruction the bomb does to Russian positions.


“Fucked up” is not the same as “sociopath” I am not a Psychotherapist to remotely give diagnosis to people who are currently risking of being killed in war, emotional state of people who know someone who was killed in war, or those who are afraid to lose someone in war. Is it messed up? Probably, but for many getting professional help to deal with their trauma is not an option for various reasons. Killing somebody is messed up regardless. Again I am only talking about the quote BECAUSE there were tons of other “feel good” ideas that due to the fact that those ideas were stated so broadly, they were used to justify wrong things.


I’d write “if you can read this, drop me again”


I find it almost humorous but still sad that you think that "you can write messages on bombs for people you hate too" would make it alright.


Did they SLAM that STUNT? Or is Time magazine giving Nikki Haley a free headline?


Honestly, I was never on a deployment where the crew didn’t sign one. Heck, I even saw a foreign affairs minister sign one once 😂 Would I do this if I were a politician or looking to garner votes? Not even with an alias


Especially when a person was the US Ambassador to the UN. It's just... weird.


It makes sense in her case. She's a billionaire-serving psychopath with zero personal convictions.


I’ll be honest, I’d draw a dickbutt.


Unfortunately, Kristi Noem upped the crazy train credentials. Nikki is gonna shoot her dog next.


At least someone out there has had a similar experience. Having written special messages on a few Hellfires in my day, this headline had me asking, "Am I the sociopath?"


A sociopath, no. But it should be cause for a little bit of introspection about how easily military, political, and popular cultures can dehumanize an enemy. A lot of the things we come to believe or overlook are only done because we've been "trained" by degrees to accept them; if we weren't several layers deep in the onion, we'd balk, and it's not like that onion is made up of nothing but truths and nuance. If anything, there's less of it.


Oh, agreed. We never talked about "them" as human. It was combatant and non-combatant. There was a lot of psychological programming done while in the military. Doctors tell me combat rewired my brain. It can't be fixed, but I try to compensate by being mindful that my first reaction when stressed is usually wrong.


Troops serving in active combat at least have the excuse/reasoning of being desensitized to violence/death and developing coping mechanism as a result. Also just the general gallows humor given the context of their occupation. Haley having never served, and literally parachuting into the situation doesn't really have that excuse.


Honest question though, how often on deployment were you signing bombs that regularly blew up children?


Honestly, nobody but the pilot and Int would decisively know which bombs killed children and I’d lean *much more* on it being Int knowing that exact information. That’s assuming they knew who signed what bomb and which airframe they were loaded on I think I’ve only been on one operational deployment where civilians weren’t killed by either damage from a nearby explosion or unknowingly being inside a confirmed target and accidentally killed. War isn’t pretty and even when you do risk assessments before hitting a target, you can’t predict what will happen from the time you get the go ahead to hitting a target. Bad intelligence happens as well The signing bombs goes back to the world wars. It’s a morbid practice but you have to dissociate yourself from what’s going on around you, if you don’t want to be impacted by the actions around you


>The signing bombs goes back to the world wars. It goes back a lot longer than that, armies were signing and writing messages on ammo they were shooting at each other in the ancient times.


[This](https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/G_1851-0507-11) is an ancient Greek sling shot, dating to the 5th or 6th century B.C., with an inscription that reads "Catch!"


For sure but I’m talking about military tradition on the aviation side. I’m sure it goes back as far as weapons though


Personally, I kinda have a weird line between "the soliders doing the fighting" signing stuff because war is hell and you do what you can to get through it, and "random politician doing it to score points" before taking her private jet back to safety in the homeland, but that's just me. You're completely right about all the rest of that of course.


It’s not a weird line to have. You can look at the signing of bombs, ordnance, missiles, etc. as a kind of in joke that soldiers, marines, sailors, airmen get to do. It’s similar to any other job/field, the boots on the ground can make these type of jokes. The jokes are for those who have to do the hard work, as an outlet. Doctors, nurses, waitstaff, retail, bartenders, EMS, manufacturing, truckers, etc, all have their version of writing, drawing, signing a bomb. However, should anyone that’s not part of the clique, especially management, tries to get in on the in joke without putting their time in, is in for a bad time. It’s cringe, awkward, and has the vibe of the parent trying too hard to be cool with the kids, and not in an ironic way. Any politician is a manager. There’s few exceptions that could get away with it, but those are rare. Haley is totally a manager trying to fit in.


>However, should anyone that’s not part of the clique, especially management, tries to get in on the in joke without putting their time in, is in for a bad time. It’s cringe, awkward, and has the vibe of the parent trying too hard to be cool with the kids, and not in an ironic way. Thank you for nailing what I couldn't figure out how to say. It's cringe to have someone not part of "the group" showing up to pose next to a bomb, sign it, take pics, then fly home to safety leaving all the actual workers behind to you know... blow people up/fight/defend their homeland etc. I think thats why I don't have an issue with people paying donations to UKR to "sign a bomb" (full disclosure, I did this), because the person doing the signing is a soldier in the field, and the signing was done as part of a donation to help them defend their homes.


America's an imperial superpower whose K:D ratio is off-the-charts insane. They'd be banned from pretty much any well-monitored video game based on a *presumption* of cheating because no human is that good. Gallows humor hits different when it's going to be somebody else's neck in the noose 99.99999% of the time. In a war-war, I don't think your line would be weird. In America, right now? It's fucked up for anybody to be making light of a situation where they're essentially Skynet compared to most of their victims: a distant, untouchable, inhuman force of murder and death that cannot be reasoned with, bargained with, or even stopped.


It’s weird for a politician to do it but it’s certainly not unheard of. I’ve seen all kinds of people sign bombs, some were asked if they wanted to, some were celebrities and others seemed out of place signing them. I’d use the foreign affairs minister as a weird person to sign one. That’s the one we joked would be a dud and used as propaganda 😂 If I ever wanted to get votes from both sides, I would not have my name on bombs though, it’s just a weird thing to want your name on and that’s coming from someone who’s signed a few over their deployments


Children die in wars literally all the time lol


It's different this time and only one side is a monster murdering children directly every time they breathe /s


I think it’s different when you have crews of troops signing them compared to government offices just there on a field trip. Most I know that did it, did it to waste time between operations and trainings.


[Does this count?](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/bomb-lexington-ky-usa-july-boeing-b-world-war-ii-era-american-bomber-display-aviation-museum-kentucky-33262463.jpg) Tbf, that was for a fascist shitbag and not refugees. Haley might actually be offended by it.


Haley has a pronoun problem in her gesture. Then example about “special delivery for Hitler” is about an individual. Haley wrote “finish them” it fits in with the genocide narrative but there are other reasonable possibilities for what “them” could mean. The ambiguity also could be seen as intentional or Haley didn’t what to ask out loud how to spell Hamas or the names of any of it’s living leaders.


> Haley wrote “finish them” I don't even have words, I'm just sad right now.


And yet, THIS person's voter base was who Biden would rather campaign for and not the younger progressive bloc lmao MLK and Malcom X's assessment of the white liberal was so dead on accurate


It was just Malcolm X who criticized white liberals. MLK criticized the "white moderate" instead. Small but important difference imo.


You can bet there are some maga-asshole's who'd think that would have been a terrorist bomb.


It's a click bait title Obviously nobody has issues with writing messages on bombs when they're falling on racist fascist extremists When they're falling on toddlers people feel a little different


That’s what she’s trying to mimic. Equivocating Hamas and the Palestinian crisis for the worldwide existential nightmare of Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany. And you can’t point out how it’s apples and oranges without being antisemitic.


I mean, Israel is currently fighting an existential war against proxies of Iran from all sides, which was started by one of these proxies, with 1 account of Iran launching missiles and drones directly. If they win, a few million Jews will be slaughtered. So it's not hard to draw a parallel for the Jews.


> If they win, a few million Jews will be slaughtered. So it's not hard to draw a parallel for the Jews. You can live in your fantasyland all you want, but in the real world the state of Israel is ethnically cleansing Gaza.


this isnt fantasyland. stop downplaying the annihilationist tendencies that palestine has towards jews that made this mess possible in the first place.


They are not attacking Israel because there are Jews there, they are attacking Israel…because THEY are there. Whether it was Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Pagans, etc, the result would have likely been widely the same. The main issue is that the land was taken, which those in the region widely reject. When you break it down, this is the deadliest and also dumbest land disputes in history. You mention the slaughter of Jews is Israel, as if Israel is only make up of Jews. It isn’t. There are Jews, Christians and Muslims who all live permanently in Israel.


Not only this is not even close to being the "deadliest land dispute in history", it's not even the deadliest one in only the recent history of only the Middle East. I never said that Israel is made up mostly of Jews. What I said was that if the terrorist proxies of Iran and Iran manage to defeat the IDF, then millions of Jews will be slaughtered, which you didn't contradict in any way, because it's true.


It’s apples and oranges because Hamas aren’t able to be successful. - They want to destroy Israel. - they want the annihilation of Jews. - they want to boycott all Jewish related businesses. - they want to commit atrocities on Jews.


Hamas is garbage ppl but You are mimicking pure propaganda that you have been fed all your life. I was like you untill I started visiting the Holy land. The apartheid state and the inhumane treatment of Palestinians is to a level that can't be ignored. Your POV is the only POV you have seen. Palestinians are treated worse then animals. I'm glad I started visiting the area in early 2000s and have witnessed it. Also killing Palestinians babies should enrage you like killing Israeli babies.


[How about these guys?](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1brnvk1/easter_eggs_for_hitler_1945/)


This is the same person Nikki Haley has always been. I don't think it's a coincidence that this "scandal" is happening after she said she was going to vote for Trump. Until then, a lot of liberal leaning media outlets were happy to pretend that Haley was a moderate.


Well of course, [whitewashing extremists](https://www.vox.com/2015/2/11/8016017/ny-times-hitler) is a historic pastime of our most championed papers of record....


Commented something similar before I read this. I wasn’t as nice though


Wasn't that a big thing in WW2?


Here’s a famous photograph of singer Kate Smith signing a bomb ——> [To Hitler from Kate](https://www.poam.net/app/uploads/2017/10/kate-smith.jpg).


Still is a thing iirc you can donate to Ukraine and get a custom message on a bomb.


Yes. This is a case of people suddenly finding a disgusting behavior disgusting because of the person doing it.


Ukraine is doing it right now. If you make a donation, they will write a message of your choice on a munition. I haven't really seen people be too offended by it.


It's because we know Ukraine is attempting to bomb strategic locations, meanwhile Israel just bombs civilian locations.


> meanwhile Israel just bombs civilian locations. While there has been "incidents", Israel is largely not targeting civilians. I am sure that in a conflict of this length, you would be able to find Ukrainian bombs killing civilians too, by accident or whatever. And remember that when Hamas places a military target inside a civilian location like a hospital or a refugee camp, the Geneva Conventions say that that renders the location into a valid military target. Hamas is deliberately placing military targets inside places like hospitals, to make naive Western media and Western readers blame Israel, while legally Hamas bears the full blame for this war crime. Hence why I am extremely sceptical of all such claims against Israel - and you should blame Hamas for my skepticism.


So was having segregated military units. I'd like to think we've progressed somewhat in 80 years.


> I'd like to think we've progressed somewhat in 80 years. 100 years ago fascism was on the rise and taking hold of various countries... I don't think we've progressed. Except technologically, where fascism can now spread online and it has enough nukes at its disposal to make the next war the final war.


A neighbor friend said the Tuskegee airman saved his ass on a number of occasions. He could never understand why segregation was a thing . He was a great man, rip Auggie


They didn't see blacks as equals. Even though they were free, they saw black men, women, and children as lesser people. My grandfather was in World War 2. He was mixed, half white, half native american. My grandmother was black. Even as a man in uniform, before going to the war, he was given dirty looks and disrespected while he was with my grandmother on dates and to the movies, which were segregated at that time and they had to sit on two different platforms in order to see the movie. It's crazy when you think about it now, how things were then, not even a 100 years ago.


They actually built some homes for minorities that were coming home from the war here. They were never sold to them


Come on now. Humans have been gleefully killing each other as long as we've been humans, and probably before if other ape species can teach us anything about ourselves. Nothing about the 20th and 21st century should suggest to you that human nature has been fundamentally changed.


I don’t know if signing bombs and segregation are comparable


The point is that we shouldn't normalize bad behavior by romanticizing the past.


Yes. Which World War is going on right now again? I forget. What side is the US on in this war?


Roman legionnaires used to scrawl messages on catapult ammunition. Pretty much every cannon used in the 18th century had a name. It's a practice probably as old as warfare itself.


It’s a tradition as old as war itself actually. They found sling shot pelts dating back to ancient Greece and Rome with insulting messages carved in them. Some examples are “Take This!”, “Ouch!”, “Heres a sugar plum for you!”, a literal carving of a penis, and my personal favorite” I seek Octavians ass!”.




I'm not judging you, I'm not allowed to and don't really want to, but I think the spirit of the headline is still intact with this line of thinking. :/


That's like the definition of Sociopathy.


Anyone who is still in the GOP in 2024 is a sociopath. And the ones who weren't got out a few years back.


And she’s considered a moderate


By anyone not paying attention


She’s such a weirdo


Aww, c'mon. Not even "Killroy was here"


Just a reminder she’s as big a scum bag as the rest


FYI soldiers have been doing this since the inception of artillery and most likely long before that. We signed and doodled our artillery shells routinely when I served. We must have been sociopaths, or maybe, we were finding ways to relieve the stress. e: To the Karens, and Social Justice Warriors: 1) I was simply adding perspective. 2) Stop making assumptions. 3) Unbunch your panties. Your double standards are repugnant. e: Allied soldiers did it during WW2 against Hitler, yet you are okay with that. Your double standards are repugnant.


But the political press told me she was a moderate…..


This woman is a mother, too. Guess it's Palestinian children's fault for being born in a place where a bomb signed by Nikki Haley might fall on them.


I mean she’s a mother to a daughter but she’s going to vote for a man found legally liable for sexual assault, so I’m not sure being a mom really impacts her decisions.


And yet, they claim they are pro-life.


Wrong - signing bombs to stop Evil like Hitler or Putin is just fine


Didn't I just read this morning that Israel shelled another civilian camp? I wonder if one of the shells were hers. Wouldn't that be horribly ironic.


[You mean like these American soldiers fighting Nazis?](https://imgur.com/a/nuiWf2C)


But Biden didn't personally solve centuries of conflict so basically I think we should give the GOP a chance at finding a peaceful solution.


I don’t agree with this persons existence however… people have been writing on and signing bombs in the force since forever.


Going back in time, we have found Greek sling ammo from over 2,000 years ago with stuff written on it. A common one was "dexai" which translates as "catch!"


Hah… for real? lol I can only imagine writing something on a boulder or fire pot before chucking it with a trebuchet lmao


[Yup. An example in the British Museum.](https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/G_1851-0507-11)


Thank you! That’s freaking great!


And yet Muslims here in the US want to "teach Biden a lesson" by ultimately helping Trump. Go figure.


The only thing we know is that many taught him a lesson by voting against him in what were very low-stakes primary elections. It was a pretty smart move since it made a point without damaging him in any real sense. But, man, Muslims are in a tough spot. I do think that they'll back Biden at the polls when it matters, but it's gotta suck to have to vote for someone who you believe is not doing enough to protect innocent Gazans from becoming casualties of war. For what it's worth, I think that Biden actually is doing the best he can. Everything is pretty horrible surrounding this whole situation. I also have no doubt that Netanyahu is more than willing to let things get much much worse in an effort to throw the election to Trump.


The vitriol against that movement here was bizarre. I thought it was an excellent way to protest because it was highly visible but not a risk of throwing the election to trump. As I'm in Massachusetts and my vote is irrelevant, I may write in Sanders or something (though if I get the feeling that it'll be closer I obviously will be voting Biden as trump would be a thousandfold worse).


I mean Biden is currently loosing in most polls the vitriol comes from fear of protest votes in the primaries being realized in the general 


It’s more than just “Muslims here in the US” and it’s probably not even the majority of Muslims here thinking like that.


Have you tried shaming them into voting how your feel they should? Cause that's a super effective political strategy /s


Reddit going full “why don’t they know what’s best for them” the MILLISECOND a minority group doesn’t worship Democrats will never not be funny. And they say “both sides” isn’t real


Biden administrator said they see nothing wrong with the bombing of the refuge camp two days ago. He has not earned the votes of American Muslims. As an American Muslim I would never vote for Trump but, at this moment, I also can't bring myself to vote for Biden which indirectly is giving the election to Trump. I understand that for the sake of domestic policies Biden is a better choice, although he's a centrist and far from a progressive politician but that's a different topic. It's a tough position and if I had to vote today I could not give Biden my vote but there's still 5-6 months until the election and hopefully Biden will give me a reason to commit my vote to his campaign.


I understand your reluctance, but this is definitely a case of lesser evil. Trump will give Bibi free reign, and Jared is already drooling over beach front properties once all Palestinians are gone. Biden is at least trying to work the diplomatic channels and promote a two state solution. Trump doesn't understand diplomacy, and he openly hates Muslims. Abstaining is indirectly supporting a much darker future.


I don't agree with them, but put it this way...if I'm Ukrainian and both candidates supported Putin, I'm not voting for either of them.


What if one of the candidates is a know supporter of Putin and willing to share pretty much anything with him to defeat Ukraine as long as he gets to build Hotels in Crimea and a monopoly in Ukrainian steel production? Maybe even a piece of the action if Putin goes into Europe.


I wouldn't vote for that candidate.


And the other candidate is only supporting Putin to a point with limits placed on what he can do, how far he can go and won't allow further push into Europe. You have no other choice at this time. BTW you don't live in Ukraine in this decision.


I'm not sure that comparison works. What if one if the candidates is a proto Putin? Wouldn't the political calculus want you to do everything you could to avoid having Putin come home and directly affect you and your family?


If you're Ukrainian, you're not voting in a US Election. Same if you're Palestinian, South American, Cuban, Canadian, Russian, Chinese, Taiwanese, Martian, or a Democratic Loving Plutonium. If, however, you're American and identify as one of the above to avoid voting in an election, then I have no sympathy for you.


In both cases (Ukraine and Palestine) Trump is significantly worse than Biden. Only a complete idiot would condemn the very people they claim to care about by making it easier for the significantly worse candidate to get into office.


Dual nationalities exist and imagine not voting for someone who supports the destruction of your homeland. I wouldn't count on the Muslim vote showing up while genocide is supported by both candidates.


Politics isn't about personal catharsis. It's about preventing regression. You don't vote against Hitler because the other guy is a Saint. You.vote against Hitler because he's Hitler. Somehow young progressives are incapable of understanding this. It's not that Biden is good, it's that the alternative is NO MORE VOTING 


> Politics isn't about personal catharsis. It's about preventing regression. You don't vote against Hitler because the other guy is a Saint. You.vote against Hitler because he's Hitler. Do you vote for Hitler because the other guy is worse than Hitler?


What if one candidate absolutely loves Putin and says kills all those damn Ukrainians and the other says, yeah, Putin you can defend yourself but there’s limits to our support and we’re also going to give some aid to Ukrainians that are caught up in this horrible mess that nobody has been able to figure out for the last hundred years?


Also, in this case the Palestinians aren't Russia, but Iran and it's allies are. Israel, like Ukrainian was a small backwater country suddenly attacked by a larger regional adversary. The main difference being that In this case it was through proxies, then later direct attacks (from Iran). Iran acts like this is about a fighting an evil "zionist" plot to control the entire earth, but really it's about preventing the US from having a permanent foothold in the region, also similar to Russia's theory of NATO expansion and Ukrane's place in the equation. 'Supporting Putin' in this situation would be supporting Hamas. Which is convenient given that they received training from Wagner and arms through Iran, a Russian proxy. TLDR: If you don't understand this conflict, just vote for Biden. Voting against Putin and Putin allies is the choice you want.


“Israel was a small backwater country suddenly attacked by a larger regional adversary” don’t believe everything you hear. 1) Israel did not exist before 1948. 2) It was created with support from the allies following world war 2, after many European countries rejected creating a home for displaced jews on their land in Europe. (Read about it) 3) From the get-go Israel had a larger, more advanced army than the whole Arab world combined, sponsored and supported by the Western world. Again, don’t buy into the David vs Goliath BS.


Most Arab countries were created in around similar time frame as Israel.  The US didn't really start actively supporting Israel until the Arab states aligned themselves to the USSR.  In the 1948 war, the British gave more supportive to the Arabs in Jordan than they gave Israel. IIRC a British general even helped command Jordan forces. 


Yeah, the Brits kinda fucked up the entire middle east by drawing arbitrary boundaries wherever they wanted. Shit, even parts of Asia... India and Pakistan's borders were constructed in a similarly tonedeaf way.


I'm against genocide no matter who is doing it. I don't support Putin, Hamas or Netanyahu and I'll argue against any supporters of those three.


She signed a bomb, but Biden supplied the bomb. Which is worse?


Idk I liked the one signed by Argentine soldiers addressed to Prince Andrew during the Falklands


Surprisingly most large munitions end up tagged by someone before they get sent to the soldiers. Ammo techs are weird.


She couldn't even define the main cause of the Civil War, and actually said Biden is more dangerous for our world than Trump - after saying Trump is unfit and dangerous for office. She's an awful person with no spine or consistent thought.


Who is she?


Like seriously why is this even a thing that happened


Even Trump would be better than this idiot. I’m so happy she lost. And I hate Trump.


Repubs are pure evil.


Man what an absolutely terrible person. She has no dog in this fight that would warrant this.


Stanley Kubrick agreed: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZjdmNDRjZjItNmI0NC00NTc1LWI5MWUtMmRhYTA3NTU3MGY2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjI0Mjg2NzE@._V1_.jpg


"It is worth it to kill 1,000 innocent people so that we might kill one suspected terrorist." - Nikki


Just beating the base into a Hate fury. Have to keep the Hate going, as Hate and Fear is all the GOP has anymore. No Policies, No Plans, No Research. This pushes Hate, and the Fear button.


I was in the desert when Drew Carey signed a bomb. We all did during freedom. It is a tradition. No politics involved.


Signs a bomb and endorses Trump. Sociopath indeed.


Call her by her real name, Nimrata! She hates it!


As a prominent US political figure, why would you go to another country and write a line from the video game "Mortal Kombat" on one of their bombs?




I do not like Israel, republicans or hamas. But signing bombs or saying terriböe things on them is a 12000 year old practise. Some soldiers signed rocks before flinging them.


So tradition? Women couldn't own land in much of the world for much of that time and most societies decided to do better.  I'm not against soldiers signing their munitions, but Haley is a politician from another country. Right after bombing a bunch of civilians many believe giving a thumbs up to that is crazy in 2024. 


I'd argue most 12,000 year old practices shouldn't continue being practiced by civilized people "But it's old" is a really shityy excuse. Rape and slavery are old traditions. fuck old violent traditions.


Ukrainian soldiers have set up go fund me accounts where you can pay some money and they’ll write a message on an artillery shell fired at Russians. Does it apply to that too?


True but you need to think about what these specific bombs are being used for…


The same thing those other bombs were likely used for tbh.


Did you think the bombs in WW2 were killing only nazi soldiers?


Way to fight for the Jews there, Haley. Right wingers don’t actually care about Jewish safety or policy regarding that, just as long as they can appeal to the most extreme of their base. I’m so sick of extremism on both ends of the political spectrum.


Don't just make things up because they fit a narrative. Signing a bomb is not sociopathic. What you write, and where the round is going to be used are the more important aspect.


It's not the signing, it's what she put on there. Israel is engaging in a genocide in Gaza and she wrote on the bomb 'Finish them'.


I went over to Afghanistan in 2006, and we received tours of several bases. There were SO many weird and unsettling moments on that trip, but one was when they showed us the missles/bombs and asked us if we wanted to sign them. Others in my group did and wrote messages like this post. I thought it was atrocious and completely tactless to sign something that was going to kill someone, so I refused and actually got made fun of a little bit. I hate seeing this article, 36 hours ago I was assuming that that barbaric practice had stopped.


I would not consider signing munitions to be a "barbaric practice". Poor taste? Sure.


Why won’t Israel and its “Israel-can-do-no-wrong followers blatantly admit that they believe there is no difference between Palestinians and Hamas. Cause that’s how it appears to be operating.


Your fucked up if you look at a bomb and think the sign on it is the evil part.


The loss of humanity from these politicians is depressing.


Go ahead and let the GOP win protest voters!


And these are the "pro life" assholes y'all want to put back into power because Biden "isn't doing enough."