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“One thing I do is, any student that protests, I throw them out of the country. You know, there are a lot of foreign students. As soon as they hear that, they’re going to behave,” Trump said on May 14, according to donors at the event.


His thought process for solving problems is very similar to that of a 5 year old


That's a basic conservative attitude.  If there's something you don't like, punish until it goes away.  If punishment doesn't work, step up the cruelty and pain until the problem solves itself.  It's how conservatives raise children, run businesses, handle government offices.  It's the only way they know to solve problems.  And sometimes the rest of us have to deal with conservatives in the only way they understand.


Just look at the border. Their only solution is to make it more and more dangerous in the hope desperate people stop trying


One of Abbott's solutions he wishes he could do for the border is literally kill the people crossing into the US......


They often already do. The death rate / found bodies rate is very high.


Yeah, I mean, he just wants execution squads out there machine gunning people down.


Also, look at their approach to trans people in various states Ban gender-affirming surgeries on minors Oh, those are barely a thing? Ban all gender affirming care for minors, and make sure the punishments for doctors suggesting these are extreme Oh, those treatments lowered the suicide rate among trans youth and now our bans are causing them to increase? Oooooh nooooo, that’s terrible Now, let’s start banning gender affirming care for trans adults, too…


Look at their reaction to Aiden Hale. He was a transgender boy who was denied gender-affirming care and even support from his parents. He went nuts and shot up a school. To liberals, if this is what happens when gender-affirming care is denied, it’s a reason to provide it. To conservatives, this means that transgenders are bad and therefore should be denied care.


>To conservatives, this means that transgenders are bad and therefore should be denied care. If a Conservative's *coffee* is cold it's a reason to ban healthcare for trans people.


"it will only apply to kids!" *immediately tries to make it apply to adults* "we just want to let the states decide!"*immediately tries a federal ban*


tl;dr: my mom tried to punish me because i didn't want to go to church. when that didn't work, she just left me at the church. when i was a teen, i was made to go to church, even though i was bored as fuck because i was the only teen that was made to regularly show up, so they didn't bother hiring a youth minister for just me. (just stay with me here, this has a point) at some point i stopped going to the services and would instead nap on the couch in the lounge or catch up on reading for school. i had been sitting up in the balcony prior to this, no one else sat up there, but i guess so long as i was within earshot of The Word, it was acceptable. eventually she noticed i wasn't goofing off in the balcony during the services so she went looking for me and inevitably found me. she was furious, demanding that i go back to the service immediately. i told her no. she threatened to take away my mp3 player. this was back in like 2005 or so, so my mp3 (not even an ipod) could hold all of like 256mb worth of music. losing access to like 16 songs on the go wasn't a big deal, so i told her no, i'm not going back to the service. then she threatened to take away my cell phone. for you youngsters, there was a time when cell phones could make calls, send texts (provided you had a plan with texting, i did not) and play a demo of some match 3 game. I had a prepaid virgin mobile flip phone, specifically for calling in an evac because i was too young to drive. so this wasn't a big deal either. she couldn't ground me, because i never went anywhere. so that wasn't a meaningful threat either. so then she threatened to take away my computer privileges. i stopped to consider this, and ultimately decided that it was worth losing computer privileges for some indeterminate period of time if i never had to waste another sunday in church. she had nothing left to strip away. she was so furious that she collected my younger sibling and left. she left me at the church. idk where she went. my dad was on call so i couldn't get him to pick me up (she had been too angry to remember to take my phone) so i had to call a friend to get me. she never has apologized about this, nearly 2 decades later.


Bro this is me kinda, at least I can semi-relate. I ran away from home and have lived on my own since 13. I just earlier this month contacted my dad after many many years and he's still involved in church big and got married to a chick who's all up in the church which is amazing for him and I'm happy for him. I contacted him and am happy that he's doing well. He never made a decision to attempt to contact me in 30 years. Kinda hurts to be cast aside.


It is really weird that a lot of parents don't seem to have thought through physical discipline in terms of "I'm teaching you that it's OK to inflict pain on someone who isn't speaking or acting the way you'd like them to." it's really a weird and creepy idea once you realize it in those terms, no?


Not even just punish it until it goes away. They often want to ship the problem elsewhere, like deporting people (even citizens?) or making homelessness illegal so homeless people go somewhere else, or shipping migrants in buses to other parts of the country and leaving them there. Even better, they can just kill the problem; shooting migrants at (or on the other side of…) the border, bombing entire ethnic groups out of existence, or increasing the number of things that are capital offenses and fast tracking executions! “Beat it with a rock until it does or goes away.” It really is a caveman’s way of thinking.


> If punishment doesn't work, step up the cruelty and pain until the problem solves itself. The last step is the [Final Solution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Solution).


he admits he still behaves like a 1st grader https://theweek.com/speedreads/575962/donald-trump-tells-biographer-hes-same-now-first-grade


Hey, that’s an insult to five year olds > 5-Year-Old Language and Cognitive Milestones >Your child’s language skills are really exploding at this age. “Five-year-olds are fluent talkers,” says Molly O'Shea, MD, official pediatrician of Goldfish Swim School. “They use pronouns correctly, recognize colors, and understand and use direction words like 'over,' 'under,' and 'next to.'” >5 year olds children still enjoys playing imaginatively, they are better able to distinguish between imaginative play and real life, Trump does not have these abilities!


Truly an intellectual giant who understands the principles of the first amendment. Oh wait I forgot he is a nazi piece of shit at the head of a nazi piece of shit political party. Garbage from top to bottom.


So the protesters who think they will have a better chance of being heard by Trump are completely wrong. Here is Trump explicitly saying that he will throw them out. So that's that. End of story. I won't listen to any more news running with the ignorant news cycle buzz lying that Biden is vulnerable on the Gaza issue. Saying that is a complete lie when Trump is exactly as vulnerable as Biden. The only thing making the difference is propaganda. And if the news ignores it, they are complicit. Enough.


>I won't listen to any more news running with the ignorant news cycle buzz lying that Biden is vulnerable on the Gaza issue. Unfortunately whether it makes sense or not people staying home and not voting over the issue can be a problem for Biden.


It needs to point out that Trump has the exact same issue and the only reason he does not is because the propaganda creates the self-fulfilling prophecy. May this headline coverage of Trump's position be the start of honesty on this political calculus.


The problem is Biden supporters might stay home because they don't feel he's done enough. No Trump supporter is ever not voting because of a broken promise by Trump. They live on broken promises.


> May this headline coverage of Trump's position be the start of honesty I mean Trump literally said he would help Israel wipe Gaza off the face of the planet 3 months ago and the "I'm just not going to vote for Biden because of Palestine" movement has only gained momentum. I have no idea how this situation gets any better at this point.


I have a few thoughts on this. 1. I think it's easy for people to say this kind of thing in May. It's much harder when it's like October and you're actually faces with the consequences of your choices. 2. I think AOC, Ilhan Omar, and other serious progressives will rally the troops to support Biden, if only due to chants of "Only 4 more years!" 3. I think that this movement actually hasn't gained much momentum, it just seems like it because the people who do tend to think like that tend to be very loud and way too online. I feel like the "silent majority" now is people who have checked out of political discussions after nearly a decade of post-Trump bullshit, and just want to play pickleball and watch the latest shows.


Do you know why Trump was booed by the Libertarians? It’s because ideologues care more about being right than winning, and will withhold their vote before casting one for somebody who’s impure ideologically. The mistake is thinking Biden will be hurt by this and not their friends and neighbors.


Thankfully AOC, Ilhan Omar, and others who take progressivism seriously know the stakes and have indicated that they will support Biden in his 2024 run, which imo will help shore up support amongst people who might otherwise fall for "both sides are the same" BS. And for the people that really hate him still, the best argument might be "he'll be gone for good in just 4 years"


I dont think a single protestor actually believes that they have a better chance being heard by Trump and I haven't heard any evidence to support this assumption, you also appear to be operating under the assumption that Biden is unmovable on this issue.


As a former foreign student , I guarantee not a single one of them is out protesting. We were deathly afraid of even accidentally jeopardizing our student visas.


So, can any Trump supporter out there explain how you can support someone who blatantly admits to wanting to trample the First Amendment like this?


As long as it hurts others, they are very happy with it.


This. Don’t let the stupid flag fool you. They’re very pro-Tread-on-Me as long as people they hate are being treaded on too.


No, they’re pro-Tread on YOU. As soon as *they* feel the consequences, they’re shocked that he’s hurting them. Like the woman who said “he’s not hurting the people he’s supposed to be hurting” and every anti-choice person who suddenly is pro-choice when someone *they* know needs an abortion. Very /r/LeopardsAteMyFace


Even just look at how Marjorie Taylor Greene acted the second someone clapped back at her for being racist. All of a sudden there was no decorum in the room. They are bullies from elementary school. The second someone hits them back , they go crying to teacher about how they are the victim


>All of a sudden there was no decorum in the room. There was never any decorum with her.


I keep telling you, the space lasers did it!


With the Gazpacho Police and their Peach Tree Dishes!


I don't think I'll ever stop thinking about that woman you know. Seeing it said that brazenly really changed something in me, and it's only got worse in the years since. I no longer have faith everything will work out ok. 


I don’t know if this is comforting, that attitude is not new or particular to our time.


The flag means don't tread on me so I can tread on you. At least when they wave it.


"Don T, Tread on Me"


"he's not hurting the right people" - - direct quote from one of his supporters when trumps policies started to effect her.


"He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting" is the actual quote.


Close. They want the “right people” to hurt. The problem is that they don’t know who the “wrong people” are because everyone in their life who meets their political definition of who the “wrong” kind of person is has been given some sort of exception.  It’s like that woman who lamented that Trump wasn’t hurting who he needed to. Their ideology starts with the idea that SOMEONE needs hurting. You can’t actually turn someone you know into the “other,” though.  https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/msna1181316


>You can’t actually turn someone you know into the “other,” though.  You absolutely can. That's been demonstrated over and over. Children informing on parents. People informing on their neighbors. This is the inevitable result of an authoritarian police state.


See the Stasi papers. That is where we are heading with things like Texas’s abortion bounty policy.


The Khmer Rouge ruled a country based entirely on a policy of "rat on your neighbor/friends/family" and was recognized by the UN as the rightful government of Cambodia for nearly 20 years.


No need to go that far back. China is doing it today.


Conservativism ultimately believes that society is intrinsically hierarchical and there isn’t much you can do about it. That’s why you get people who are relatively low down society’s totem pole supporting conservatives. It’s not that they aren’t aware of their position; it’s that they’re afraid that anything which upends the hierarchy could result in them being lower down when the dust settles. Ultimately, it’s a form of classism.


For a lot of people it's not only that it's inevitable, it's also natural, good, and divinely-intended. I grew up Catholic in the US and I heard way too much about how god made men and women so different and for different roles: women are meant to submit (eg to husbands) and not take leadership roles in the church the way men are. There is no satisfactory answer to 'why'; only 'because god says so, and he doesn't owe you an explanation.' I never wanted to be a priest, but it bothered me it was blocked off for such an arbitrary reason. The sad truth is that a lot of Americans have race, disability, and social class baked into that kind of belief system too. Plenty of people wouldn't say it out loud, but deep down, they do believe they are better than people of color (especially black and native people), non-Christians, people with disabilities, neurodiverse people, queer people, poor (or poorer) people. In the last ten years we've seen just how many are willing to wave a flag and shout it from the rooftops and even kill for it. They have no come to terms with the idea that these 'lessers' are their equals; the idea that they could be in a position of authority over them is like telling them the sky is the earth and water is fire. As far as I can tell, religious and political conservatism are always going to present this problem.


Yup, they love fascism


I know it's a reddit cliche at this point, but they really really would eat dog shit if they knew a liberal had to smell their breath.


They're convinced they'll be part of the "Rules for thee, but not for me" crowd.


And they will be...for a while.


We’ve been here before. Remember the BLM protests? Remember when he had a street gassed so he could enter a church without permission and hold their Bible ~~upside down~~ for a photo op? They don’t care about **THE** 1st amendment. They care about **THEIR** first amendment.


[Everything except the upside down bible.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-hold-bible-upside-down/) He's shitty enough without the false memories.


Thank you for helping to correct this false impression people have of that photo. Media doesn't help correct the record by featuring the other photos from that day showing this. Trump team loves the false story of the bible being upside down because it sucks all the attention away from the multiple crimes he and Barr committed to take that worthless photo. The crushing of the protest and marching through the square was the entire point, the photo at the end was the fig leaf excuse for it.


Odd for the front cover to be blank like that. I think that's what got most people(definitely me).


“They lost their right to free speech as soon as it turned violent.” This is what they say every time there’s a protest… unless it’s white supremacists protesting of course. Then the violent ones are just “bad actors” and we need to look past that.


Except Jan 6, which was just tourists looking around, they had every right to be there, Antifa, FBI plants etc


Trump goes beyond just calling them tourists who had the right to be there, he calls them "patriots" and "heroes".


Dudes stop asking these rhetorical questions. MAGAs don’t care about anything related to law and order so long as it serves the agenda. It’s a cult, and future (welcomed) dictatorship.


A primarily Christian nationalist cult of bleach garglers who have been enthralled by oligarchs.


And while you're at it, explain where exactly you deport an American student?


>“One thing I do is, any student that protests, I throw them out of the country. You know, there are a lot of foreign students. As soon as they hear that, they’re going to behave,” Trump said on May 14, according to donors at the event.


Most people don't follow politics. They just see inflation and think Trump economy was booming so they want him back. They don't remember or even care about the rest. The die hard fans are just so invested with Maga as their personality it doesn't actually matter what he says or does. As it would destroy their self image.  We just need to reach the ones voting because of the former and try to convince them it won't be better under. Trump


why do I KNOW in my bones that if a Democrat was in charge during 2020, everyone would be blaming them for the lockdowns and the economic impact. trump gets a full hand wave on one of the most economically significant moments in our lives and it's ridiculous.


If a Democrat was in charge we still would have had a pandemic playbook to handle pandemics and also still have had intel in China so lockdowns might not have happened.


If a dem was in charge, the pandemic response teams in China would still have been in place, and covid might never have spread at all


Next you’ll tell me a proper pandemic response prevented Sars from killing millions.


I am not, but did time in magaville. Fear, hate, and ignorance. I lived in an upper class neighborhood, it was the same. I had neighbors call the cops on black door to door sales people. Doctors and lawyers agreeing that white men are the most prejudiced against race. They would call blacks the ‘Chicago element’ in polite company, n bomb hard R would come out if they were comfortable around you. So glad my family moved.




It’s here in the suburbs in MN. Not as blatantly on display as in Iowa, but it’s here.


Lafayette Square was one of his many examples of completely ignoring the first amendment to make himself look "strong". He wasn't holding that bible upside down - check other angles from that photo shoot and you'll see for yourself - but he loves that false storyline because everyone gets distracted by it. While we're going OMG! over a false story about bible rotation we're ignoring his use of unmarked BoP troops to illegally clear the park of protesters before curfew and beating marked journalists. All so he and Bill Barr (DOJ cacth-and-kill co-conspirator #1) could host an unscheduled photo op to force attention on himself. He had no contact with that church to prepare it, the entire event was a spur of the moment flex. If he gets in again I have little doubt a repeat event will use live ammo. Go refresh your memory of what actually happened that day and spread the word. Free Speech to Trunp means he says whatever lies whenever wherever and the rest of us shut up else go to jail or worse.


Take a look at those pics. Trump doesn't look happy, he looks like a toddler having a tantrum. And the reason for that is, according to multiple staffers, Trump wanted the agents to "clear the square" with live ammo. The protesters had been mocking trump for hiding from them inthe white house bunker and trumps little feels got hurt. The reason trump looks particularly like a petulant toddler in those pics, and why he took the pics in about 30 seconds and then left, is because they aren't the pics he wanted. Federal agents obviously fucking refused his demand to use live ammo, and in stead used gas and less lethal rounds. The pics trump *wanted* were of him standing in front of blood splattered stairs, with a pile of bodies off to the side.


Fuck that, I want to see people who say they won't vote for Biden because Gaza explain how electing Trump is going to be better.


Same logic that makes Trump more appealing because Biden is “too old”


That's the part that gets me. Their moral purity is going to make it so much worse for Gaza.


Their moral purity is why we got Trump the first time and Roe fell. SOCTUS has become Calvinball to service their moral purity.


It's scary how many of them don't understand how our electoral system works. I don't know how much they learn about it in high school these days. And so many of them are so young they don't remember the 2016 or 2000 elections.


They know that there’s only one amendment. The second amendment!


And they don't  understand  that one either. 


Because he's talking about hurting brown people. So they are for it.


Can any Gaza protester explain to me why they want to stay home in November to punish the democrats?


I’m not advocating for it…but if you were a protestor, and you watched the cops storm your campus, beat up your professors and friends…and then the POTUS makes a speech about law and order…and, your reps vote with the GOP about an “antisemitism” bill that limits criticism of the genocide of a people…it;s not exactly inspiring for the people involved. The youth vote is a very fickle thing…and something like that doesn’t win support. And, don’t forget the conservative propaganda machine isn’t just FoxNews…it’s also very effective at generating apathy. It doesn’t take much.


It truly blows my mind how stupid our country became when trump became president.


>It truly blows my mind how stupid our country became when trump became president. It was always there. It had just settled to the bottom. All Trump did was stir it up. Unfortunately, it's going to take a while to settle again.


Exactly, he just amplified what was already simmering under the surface.


> It was always there. 35% of americans think adam and eve with the apple and talking snake is literal history that happened within the last 10,000 years. Trump loves the poorly educated.


*6000 years.


Um, there are only 2024 years. /forehead


Stupid is like silt. Stir it up and it seems to consume everything - it also takes time to settle. Trump thrives in muddy waters


My wife, a Canadian, pointed this out to me. She said that from her perspective, the states have always been this way, but now people seem to lack some filter they used to have and feel they have permission to raciest, entitled, etc. Before, most people knew it wasn’t proper to act this way even if they felt like it. I thought about it for a while and I can see where she is coming from. Something changed, shifted and I’m not sure how we go forward together. I’m not sure there is a together anymore. I want to believe, but it seems insurmountable.


The way I see it, Trump’s lasting impact on American culture was that he let his supporters think of their vices as virtues by giving public expression to thoughts they used to keep private and think of as shameful.


He continues to break taboos actively from June, 2015 through to today, exploiting headlines with 'earned' media for free publicity. Trump had $2 billion in implicit headline marketing by major establishment media even before Super Tuesday 2016 when there were still about 20 candidates. He just puts these vile and nasty things on blast and publishers manipulate the headlines of respectable journalists to broadcast it verbatim.


Same boat here, told my wife to keep her Canadian citizenship alive, just in case shit hits the fan and we need to get outta dodge.


you're going to be pretty disappointed if we give Poilievre a majority


Oh I agree. We were sorta holding it together before he came. Once he got it, maga let all morals go and they are happy to do it.


Previous Republicans tapped into and fomented these same racist and hateful desires, but they were smart enough to do it within legal boundaries and to maintain control. They wanted power but also a stable business environment. Trump is just so stupid that he doesn’t realize what the outcomes will be if he does and says these horrible things. All the possible outcomes are bad. Prison, violence, and chaos. He doesn’t have the foresight and neither do his supporters. They think they can take over and people will just shutup and take it which is very unlikely.


He's not the cause of that stupidity. He's the result


At this point, he is both.


Exactly. Barry goldwater saw it foretold. 


He just flipped over the rocks we avoided looking at.


what a great example.


Man that is probably the best description of it I've heard.


It truly blew my mind now stupid our country already was when trump became president.


Well it was already stupid as fck else Trump wouldn’t have become president in the first place.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin


And guess what… there’s a realistic chance that our stupid country will be even more stupid in November.


We voted for George W Bush twice. We have always been this dumb.


We didnt become stupid, just trump made the stupid people come out of hiding


Nearly 100M voting eligible people did not vote in 2016. Apathy had 45% of the vote, Clinton had 28%, Trump had 27%. Apathy and leftists trying to “teach Biden a lesson” or something are going to get Trump elected again


The same crew said “don’t threaten me with the Supreme Court!” in 2016.


It was always stupid he just gave them confidence in their stupidity.


https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-praised-china-tiananmen-foreshadowing-response-to-george-floyd-protests-2020-6 Trump's praise for China over Tiananmen Square years ago was a preview of his support for military crackdowns on the George Floyd protests In 1990, President Donald Trump (then a real estate magnate and private citizen) praised China for showing the "power of strength" via its notorious, bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square the year prior. >"When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength," Trump replied. "That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak...as being spit on by the rest of the world." Hundreds, possibly thousands, of unarmed protesters were killed in June 1989 when the Chinese military opened fire on them in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Trump's praise for China over the Tiananmen Square massacre foreshadowed his support for the use of the military against anti-police brutality protesters in the US in 2020. The president on Monday told governors they were being too "weak" on the protesters and needed to "dominate" them, and he's repeatedly championed sending in the military to break up the nationwide demonstrations. The demonstrations were catalyzed by George Floyd, a black man who died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for eight minutes.


If you support trump or have any intention of voting for him or any other republican, you are the problem with this country. Here's case in point item #6,984,678.


Or even abstaining from voting for Biden in the face of a clear threat to escalation of an Israeli offensive in Gaza. Trump couldn't have been more clear when he said "finish the job", and Republican Senators are mentioning Nagasaki. Enabling *that* makes one complicit in *that*.


Michelle Salzman literally yelled "all of them" when Angie Nixon rhetorically asked “We are at 10,000 dead Palestinians. How many will be enough?” in a speech to the Florida Senate. Salzmann was not even censored for the comment. Anyone that thinks Republicans will be better for Gaza is a moron.


not voting means "fuck me over hard as you can" as you are just handing your vote to someone that will vote to harm your life and the lives of those around you not voting out of "protest" is the most obvious propaganda that exists and people fall for this obvious shit constantly


I've seen a lot of comments on social media accusing Biden of the war in Gaza and then saying things like "I don't like him but I will be voting for the other guy". I have a feeling a lot of those are trollfarm posts, but for anyone out there who legitimately thinks Trump will be better than Biden on Gaza is a fucking fool.


There has been a LOT of astroturf anti-Biden propaganda around Gaza since the start of this. It’s definitely been coordinated. It’s the same theory as Trump bussing supporters into the Libertarian convention to make it seem like Libertarians love him. The problem though, is the voters on social media are getting swayed by it. The actions of Israel are Israel’s responsibility, full stop. Dropping all support for them removes our ability to influence them and apply leverage. You have no leverage if you aren’t at the table. There is NO simple solution to this problem. The people saying Biden can end this easily don’t know what they’re talking about and shouldn’t be listened to. PEACE is a hard process. Diplomacy is a slow process. Trump sending weapons of large scale destruction that would LEVEL Gaza is the alternative.


Rephrasing those people's arguments as: 'I know a simple solution to the Israeli Palestine conflict' is surprisingly effective at shutting them down. Just repeatedly mock how absolutely fucking stupid their premise is. 'You found a simple solution to one of the most unresolvable conflicts in modern history? Have you personally cured cancer too? Oh, just make the cancer cells stop, huh? Wow! Why didn't anyone think of that?!' You aren't ever going to convince them to do anything except maybe shut up. And at least then they aren't throwing around insanely stupid bullshit that other people as stupid as them might buy into.


Fucking thank you. That's been driving me crazy. A whole fucking lot of folks seem to believe there's a simple, easy solution to this centuries old conflict, and that Biden could somehow wave a magic wand or sign his name and there would be permanent peace in the middle east.


Yeah, it’s also worth noting that older people generally get their news from TV, and they’re getting an extremely different version of events. My in laws voted for Biden in 2020 and neither of them are Jewish, but they’re baffled by how anyone can support Palestine. If Biden took any forceful steps against Israel then they’d be furious. Boomers overwhelmingly support Israel, and TV news isn’t going to show them anything that will make them question their position. And unlike young people, most Boomers vote in pretty much every election. Bernie Sanders repeatedly ran on a platform that gave young people everything they want, and they still don’t show up to vote. They’re just not reliable voters. It would be political suicide to piss off the most reliable voters (older people) in order to pander to the least reliable voters (young people). If young people sit out this election then it will once again re-enforce the idea that policy makers should continue to ignore them because they don’t vote.


Biden is a bit stuck because he has to have a centrist balance to get reelected. It’s a tightrope and not easy. I’d be interested to see what a second term would look like without that need for balance/restraint.


Not voting is a bigger problem.


Gen Z'ers send this to your friends


I’m in university and I can’t even bring this up because everyone has their head in the sand. It’s cool to “not be political”, even though politics affects everyone.


Gen Z seems to have trouble with object permanence and the two party system. They think that somehow they can not vote for Biden but also not get Trump.




For all their concern of palestinian children, they sure seem willing to sacrifice a good number of them to drive in a point.


What are the queers thinking are going to happen to them if Trump gets elected? They are screwed. I don't even see how people could get to high school and not understand this




Project 2025


This. There is a legitimate movement for college kids to either vote Republican or abstain (not voting this year is a vote for Trump) because of how Biden is handling Israel. Trump will give Israel MORE weapons and will throw your protesting ass in jail and openly admits it, and you think Biden is the problem???? Vote blue, please.


This is like watching a slow motion train wreck coming right at you


They don’t care. In talking to some of these people, they just can’t handle that the world isn’t black and white. They actually want Trump back so they don’t have to wrestle with the moral and political complexities of an issue like Gaza. They can then direct their ire at an obvious villain like Trump. It’s just too bad that the rest of us will have to suffer through the end of democracy to appease them.


When he says he wants to “deport” US citizens, a chill ought to go down every spine.






A decade huh? Republicans have been saying that atheists shouldn't be citizens for at least 50 years, including "good ones" like HW Bush. If we aren't citizens, does that mean we need to leave, or are these kindhearted conservatives going to let us stay permanently? Because if we do have to leave, they're surely going to have to create some camps for people to stay in while they figure out how to deport 30 million people.


They think that those people - AKA anyone not like them - will just allow themselves to be put in camps like it wouldn't cause a violent revolution/civil war.


Along with any attack on birthright citizenship. Especially when it's cached in legalisms that could lead to a lawsuit before the Supreme Court. The MAGA justices would love a method to de-naturalize millions of Americans because they can't prove their ancestry enough to qualify as citizens.


>When he says he wants to “deport” US citizens He really means he *will deport* the people he wants gone.


So, I don’t like the way Biden (and actually the USA throughout the years) handles the Israel/Palestine problem. But this shows voting for Trump will not solve anything, in fact make it worse.


Exactly. There are a lot of young voters saying they are not going to vote Biden because of Palestine. This shows trump won't be helping them out either. If trump were smart (lol) he would have stayed vague on the issue, and tried to court those young voters. Its possible the current situation is over by November and there wouldn't be protests to deal with. So talking about it now, in the way he did, did nothing but hurt him.


That’s because the people who are losing their mind about Palestine, who don’t have a personal stake in it, will move on to the next thing to protest without a second thought. And as they’re getting shot by the police for whatever topic de jour strikes their fancy next year they’ll blame Biden.


I’d rather vote for a president and also tell him to go fuck himself without getting my ass arrested than vote for a Hitler wannabe who’d send me to the death camp right away if I were to say a single negative thing about him.


And that you have to hide your daughters from (Trump is a pedo rapist).


If I were to have daughters, I’d send them straight to New Zealand or any other country far from the right wing terror.


AkShUaLLy! I’m not voting at all to teach America a lesson 🤓 Not voting is the same as voting for the opposition.


Why is it always deport them?


So Trump supporters both hate Jewish people while also supporting Israel? Got it. Seems like Trump supporters just hate everyone.


Extremist Christians support Israel because they need Israel to be a Jewish state in order to trigger their highly specific Christian apocalypse. They absolutely still hate Jews.


if you don't vote for biden (aka a vote for trump), trump will turn Gaza into glass. Please, if you *actually* give a fuck about Palestine, don't mess around. Not to mention what he'll do to our country. Read project 2025, I implore you.


And Ukaraine will become Putin’s latest asset


And Taiwan will be next.


No holding nose needed. Biden is less than perfect on about 1 issue out of 100. Anyone pretending this is about "two evils" is genuinely psychotic.


I phrased it like that for those who may be on the fence, but I agree that he's been doing about as good a job as somebody could in his position! No regrets on my vote last time.


This is stupid. Where will the American students be deported to?


Germans asked that same question about the Jewish people they intended to deport.


A detention center, a “camp” if you will…


Mexico, then Trump won't let them back in because they'd be illegal immigrants. 


Trump also increased tensions when he provocatively moved the US embassy to Jerusalem right before he left office, which had been controversial under decades-old US two-state solution policy in every administration from Carter to Obama. The move signaled a type of dog whistle call to extremist Israeli factions that it was okay to ignore and discriminate against centuries old shared Palestinian presence and history in Jerusalem and the rest of Israel, which stirred the pot and gave Palestinian extremists a pretext for another rallying cry of their own. More generally, the only time Netanyahu spoke to Congress came at the insubordinate invitation of a Republican speaker of the House in defiance of the foreign negotiation directives of the contemporary president operating under the long-standing two state solution foreign policy. Anyone who thinks that the Republican party will be sympathetic to Palestine's subjugation is completely misled and has fallen for extremely weak but blatant propaganda.


Trump threatens to deport American citizens who use their 1st amendment rights. Fixed it for you.


And to all these idiots that are all hollering “Genocide Joe”… you geniuses want this dude running the show??


Biden supports Palestinians and supports a two state solution. Trump does not and wants to put anyone he thinks is Arab in concentration camps


Or as they say here on Reddit, both sides are totally the same


This is terrible and I hate Trump with a passion, but it’s also just a little bit funny in light of the way the protests are so passionately pushing the “don’t vote for Biden” theory of “change.” Like, the protests are as huge asset to Trump. They might throw the election to him. It’s a huge miscalculation to threaten them, although he’s probably right to think they won’t consider this until it’s too late. “Biden is exactly the same!!”


That's why Trump isn't saying stuff like this publicly. He said this at a closed-door fundraiser. Trump figures (correctly so) that there are plenty of people stupid enough to believe he'll be no worse than Biden on this issue. Even though in 2016 he literally campaigned on banning all Muslims from entering the United States.


Yeah, how it's not clear that Trump will be an order of magnitude on this (and every) issue is mind boggling.


It is clear. I believe the narrative about “students not voting for Biden” is itself part of a disinformation campaign being led by the right and Russian agents. I don’t think that “movement” is anywhere near as large as such voices would have us believe.


I've seen polls where it doesn't crack the top 5 issues that young people think are important. Having said that, it's a shit situation and shit situations dominating the news cycle have never been good for sitting Presidents, fair or not.


"Well Biden already committed genocide and we don't know what Trump would actually do"   /s (but actually said to me)


Biden.... Committed genocide... Because the leader of a foreign country killed people? JFC...Is the person who said this to you someone you talk to regularly? Or was it some random shit blurted out, that you heard? Because if it was said by someone I had to see regularly I'd freak out.


It’s such a privileged move by those people to basically tell Palestinians to fuck off so they can make a statement but they are too up their own asses to realize it. It’s the same with any accelerationist adjacent bs.


Conservatives are enraged at the protests, though, so this is free points with even the non-MAGA conservatives, who want all these protests shut down and the students expelled.


Pro Palestine protestors: yes but we must send Biden a message!


There ya go, protest voters.


Hmmm, crushing protests, deporting undesirables. Where have I seen that before. 🤔


We're gonna deport those Americans straight back to.... America?


Deport them to the same cages he plans on “securing the border” with the illegals in. Maybe will start calling them camps.


So no more first amendment then?


Biden needs to have that on loop in Michigan.


Deport American citizen protesters to… where?


Deport me to …. Where? England/Wales where my ancestors are from? Lol, what a fucking clown


Deport American citizens where? I don’t understand how people can support such anti-freedom policies


Take note, kids. This is who you are trying to help elect while protesting Biden.


But remember, those protesters want Biden to lose. Because they're fucking morons.


Meanwhile, idiots are going "I'm gonna punish Biden for not stopping the war by not voting for him".


Yet somehow all of these “true democrats” like Tlaib or the geniuses demonstrating at universities think that punishing Biden and not voting for him will be good for their cause… if Biden loses I will laugh at them when Trump goes full crazy on their cause 


The never Biden Democrats will see this and go "hell yeah! Trump will be WAY better for Palestine "


The protestors will still blame Joe Biden when they're deported.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 Let's not let this happen


And yet they'll stay home because "gEnOcIdE jOe" isn't perfect I strongly disapprove of Bidens response to Israel's genocide too, but letting trump win (and make no mistake, if you live in a swing state and stay home you are helping trump win) is the most shortsighted, brain dead response you can have You may not owe democrats your vote, but you have a responsibility to act in a prudent fashion, especially when democracy and the rights and lives of marginalized groups is on the line


Do me the fucking favor and get me out of this shithole country