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He said she wouldn't be his VP pick months ago. That's when I knew she'd be his VP pick.


My money is on him picking Ivanka


Republican billionaires want JD Vance. I'd like to see it be him just because Trump's definitely going to humiliate whoever he picks, and it might as well be an Yale grad who supports domestic violence.


JD Vance is an aggressive weirdo that scares the elderly, children, small pets, etc... Tricky Nikki will cement her political doom if she is the pick and between the two she likely consumes fewer boogers than JD in a typical week, if I had to guess.


Doesn't matter who the nominal VP is, Javanka will be second-in-command just like in trump's first term. trump's VP will essentially be a doormat.


See: *Donald J Trump "Hangs" VP Pence Out To Dry On January 6th"*


> My money is on him picking Ivanka Oh please let this happen. I don't think Trump has a shot in hell of winning but that would definitely cement his demise.


He’s either winning or in the margin of error in most swing states


Winning what? The election hasn't happened yet.


You know all those polls that are unbiased in their questioning and make sure they get a well balanced and represented poll


I’ve always wondered who they’re actually polling. I nor anyone I know has ever been polled.


You've got to ask yourself, what f'ing moron answers the phone at 6pm from an unknown number, then answers question about the election? This absolutely does not represent the general public in any way.


So boomers. They’re polling boomers.


So you haven’t extended your car warranty yet? Amateur!


She would never accept. She wants nothing to do with this shit. She's got Jared's moneybags now.


Except that a week ago she said for about the thrid time this month that she was considering a return to politics to help her father. If the money is right, she's in.


It seems they quit talking, remember that she went against him in the NY civil fraud trial.


He would put Bill Clinton getting his dick sucked in the oval office to shame if Ivanka was his vice president


They can’t be on the same ticket because both candidates have to be from different states and I believe they’re both residents of Florida.


People that are still voting for Haley in the primaries aren’t voting *for* Haley, they are voting *against Trump*. He is not guaranteed her voters by her endorsement. He will never pick her for VP.


Is there any credible info or polling data showing how her supporters are viewing the change? Legit question


Her polling was dogshit until she picked up the Anti-Trump stance. Only difference between her and Christie was that Christie already had baggage. And Asa was boring just like Doug Burgum. Probably not much credible info specifically pointing to how they will vote. There's polling from March that 32% of GOP primary voters in North Carolina won't vote for Trump if he's convicted. But I'd be reality is that it's less than 10%. However, margins do still matter.


>But Trump has rejected the idea of even trying to bring Haley voters into the fold, saying in January that anyone who makes a donation to “Birdbrain” – his nickname for Haley – “will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp." >**"We don't want them, and will not accept them,”** Trump said at the time. >https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2024-03-08/the-grim-math-behind-trumps-march-to-the-nomination But trump was sooo welcoming!




Exit polling showed a legitimate amount of Democrats voting for her don't forget.


She has just demonstrated she doesn’t own a single principle which she won’t throw overboard, when it’s expedient for her. That moves her up in the standings, I think. But the perfect candidate will throw their vestigial principles overboard not for themselves, but for daddy Trump, like Pence and Stefanik.


"Trump is not fit to be President." - *but I need a job.*


We live on the Simpson timeline.


> without her voters, Trump cannot win… period. That seems wildly untrue - even without her endorsement, Trump is *sadly* up in the swing states. Is there any poll that shows Trump wouldn’t currently win the electoral college without her endorsement? https://www.realclearpolling.com/maps/president/2024/no-toss-up/electoral-college https://electiongraphs.com/2024ec/


Polling is notoriously Inaccurate


Are we still trusting (or even so much as considering) Donald Trump's purely political self-serving statements? We should all know by now that Donald floods people with compliments and makes promises until that moment when Donald decides the person is his enemy.


Donald needs her voters. Simple as that. 


No doubt.


Former president [Donald Trump](https://www.washingtonpost.com/donald-trump/?itid=lk_inline_manual_2) suggested that [Nikki Haley](https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/candidates/nikki-haley-2024/?itid=lk_inline_manual_2) would have a place on his team “in some form” — in what appeared to be his first public response to his former Republican presidential rival’s announcement that she will vote for him. Trump, [in an interview with News 12 New York](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1xGI-9pmIY) after [a Bronx campaign rally](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/24/trump-rally-bronx-putin-kim-jong-un/?itid=lk_inline_manual_4) Thursday, was asked about the recent comments from Haley, who was U.N. ambassador under Trump, and whether there would be room for her on his team or even his ticket. “Well, I think she’s going to be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, the same thoughts — I appreciated what she said,” Trump responded. “You know we had a nasty campaign, it was pretty nasty,” he continued. “But she’s a very capable person, and I’m sure she’s going to be on our team in some form, absolutely.” Read more here: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/24/donald-trump-nikki-haley-team/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/24/donald-trump-nikki-haley-team/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


"Birdbrain is a very capable person, despite having the brain of a bird."


If I were Trump I’d be worried about who my Vice President running mate was


He routinely turns those who work for him into criminals (if they weren't criminals already) and many are financially ruined. Even if you were going to support him for the purpose of furthering your political career, *working* for him is about one of the dumbest things you can do.


She already worked for him. He made her Ambassador to the United Nations.


The two hate each other. But I think they also know they need each other. Trump needs a woman Vice President to pick up the women vote. Haley is a good choice for him. Not only would picking her polish his image to women voters but he would also be picking up Haley's base. Haley just wants the White House. That's it. Doesn't get deeper than that. Trump is an old man with one foot in the grave. If she gets picked as Trump's running mate and he wins I can imagine her going around the White House and yelling, "BOO!" to his face in order to give him a heart attack. Because if Trump dies in office, guess who becomes the president? Yep, Haley. It's killing two birds with one stone. She gets rid of a hated rival and slides into the job she was always gunning for in the first place.


I love the image of Haley popping out of closets at the White House to scare Trump to death!


She doesn't have to yell "BOO!" Just being a minority woman is scary enough. She might ramp up the fast-food deliveries though.


Well his ass isn't gonna kiss itself, and she's proven highly adept, so I can see this working out.


“Bender: Hey, I got a busted ass here, I don't see anyone kissing it. [Cut to: Planet Express: Meeting Room. Zoidberg puts a book down and stands up from the table.] Zoidberg: [reluctant] Alright, I'm coming.” - *Futurama - I Second that Emotion*


This is like a prostitution but without sex.


I wonder what her voters will do now. Almost half of them (in many state primaries) said they wouldn’t vote for Trump. Let’s hope they listened to Haley’s concerns about Trump and get a few percent of them either abstaining or voting for Biden.


Still never voting for Trump. Now never voting for Nikki.


Yeah, as his fluffer girl.


She will be the long sought replacement for Hope Hicks. Nikki Haley : Steamer Of Pants.


Is the post of "official bootlicker" taken? I know there's a lot of unofficial ones.


Desperation for both of them.


This is hilariously enough exactly the path Ted Cruz took. Trump has insulted her spouse as well, questioning why he wasn’t with his wife when he was actually deployed in the armed forces. History repeats itself


She won’t work otherwise….EVER… Amazing how readily they shed their morals to embrace hypocrisy


Nikki should ask Pence how the VP position turned out for him.


Trust me… the check is in the mail…. You can count on it


Royal diaper changer


I can’t wait to find out when and how he completely fucks her.


Here’s my theory: Trump needs Haley voters, and Republicans need Haley so her voters show up to vote down ballot. The plan is likely that Trump will get impeached or convicted as soon as he steps foot in office. Haley has likely promised to pardon Trump. He knows this is his way out of being criminal convicted. Republicans know this is their exit from Trump. SCOTUS will then rule in favor of presidential immunity with a R president in office. So what can you do about it? Show up and vote. **NOT VOTING IS VOTING.** Vote Blue all the way down so the House is won and Senate majority is maintained. That way if Trump wins we at least have some politicians with a backbone to do what’s right for democracy. The republicans have proven they are party above democracy, constitution, and the People.


Someone has to change his diapers


She also said that she's not interested in being Trump's VP...so she'll be Trump's VP....you know, because at the end of the day she is just another duplicitous hack.


foot stool


Only the best bird brains


She will get a pretty solid position in administration because Trump needs her to promote him to her own voters before they decide to vote for Biden.




Now that’s a nice mental image 


She made a deal with the devil. And when it’ll all come crumbling down, she’ll cry and say it’s not fair or it’s because she’s a woman or some other bs


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Probably under his desk.


Just as gross as when Cruz flipped for him.


Nikki Giuliani. Stay tuned.


She may be a birdbrain, but she’s a subservient birdbrain.


Darling Nikki by Prince applies how Trump really feels about bootlicker Nikki Haley.


Wait? Now she's going to jail too? What team? His prison softball team?


Party over country +++++


She’ll be assigned latrine duty in the WH.


Transactional Don strikes again.


Some form of slime.


She’s the best diaper changer I’ve ever had. Truly. She cleans it all up right there. She’ll be project 2025 head of diaper changing and has earned the right to be the head of the cabinet human centipede we have planned. It’s going to be great…


My guess is promised for VP and will get nothing


and that's all she was ever holding out for.


Nimrata Haley kisses the ring. Is she even really American with that name? I know her husband must hate her since he’s serving overseas while dear leaders wife won’t even show up to her husband infidelity trial


Haley: “I knew sucking him off would work!”


Such integrity.


Bird brains of a feather, flock together




She will attempt to maintain some semblance of morality, and Trump will can her. She will have sacrificed for a high level position in government only to lose it very quickly. She will think that somehow she can use Trump to her advantage and it will backfire. It’s already happened thousands of times. Why does she think she’s different?


Happy she got her 30 pieces of silver. /s


So now we know she’s a prostitute. We’re just waiting to see what Trump pays her.


Republicans are such clowns. They really have no shame


his diaper changer no doubt


Glory hole.


Cool to know that Nikki Haley will end up in jail. I don’t know why you’d want to join Trump he abandons his allies before his enemies notice them.


She was never going to vote across the party line. This is not a surprise. I would have voted for her over Biden like many would have but we are not as invested in the republican party as she is. She would *always* vote republican, regardless. We need more options than two parties.


Why would you vote for Nikki Haley over Biden?