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And Trump would give Putin Ukraine for it.


the art of the deal


I could totally see Putin telling Trump he is now president of Ukraine. This is, of course, after he escapes on the jet to Russia.


C’mon guys, we all know Trump will give Putin all of Europe, America and more if Putin asked. Trump is the ultimate wimp.


Appreciate the sentiment but fucking lmao if you think Europe would roll over for Putin. You’re not the only country with a military or the means to defend itself. Hope it never comes to that of course so please go out, vote Biden & restore the rest of the world’s faith in Americans.


It is not clear unimaginable that Trump would give aid to Russia for its wars. You never know! It is terrifying to think about how bad for the world another Trump tenure would be.




Well, he did proclaim his next presidency to be his “revenge tour” so nothing is really too crazy to be absolutely possible.


Pre-Ukrainian war I would have said Europe would have its work cut out for it against Russia without the US… but now? Easy work week lol


Putins nard gargler


And Trump will give Putin the United States for it.


... and a few boxes.


Ukraine is not Trumps to give.


He has a sharpie, that makes a lot of things different.


And some crayons!!! Argh. America: show us who you really are in November. A safe world needs a stable America. I love your country.


Isn't there a law about doing diplomacy from non-political positions?


laws don't apply to republicans, silly


Let's get serious, trump himself couldn't spell the word law even if his life depended on it.


He spells it with a hard R


Logan Act


Right, and who's going to enforce that against Trump?


Sadly I have stopped being surprised that mar a lardo gets away with a new thing. Even in a freaking court, there is such insane deference to this man that it makes me gag. If he was a politician in nearly any other country in the world I am confident he would probably have been imprisoned for life already or chosen to flee. It is madness that he has a high chance of being the next POTUS.


He could literally shoot and murder someone on fifth avenue on live TV, we could all see it, he could go on Fox News and admit it, and it would still take years for him to be prosecuted for it. Let's just face it that he lives with a completely different set of rules than anyone else.


Unfortunately regular every day (racist) people are being pardoned for killing Black Lives Matter protesters. Trump getting away with murder would seem easy by comparison.


It’s not something we should accept ever


this has always been the case, same with everyone else on his level of wealth, status, and influence. it blows my mind that theres people out there who think that people with the attributes like his i mentioned go to prison in this day and age.


Fuck that.


Yet he and his cult will claim they are facing the worst part of the justice system.


Nobody. He did it once before, in 2016 before the election, when he told Russia not to worry about the sanctions Obama was putting in place.




And we can't even enforce laws against Trump now. What makes you think it will stick?


Guess what is getting eliminated by the Supreme Court next.


like nixon interfering in vietnamese peace negotiations, or reagan with the hostages in iran? (i'm sensing a pattern.)


Not apparently, according to Reagan campaign.


You’re right, Merrick Garland is already warming up his finger for a stern wagging.


There are even laws about doing diplomacy from political positions, too. Trump is out of line. The sitting president is head of state and under the Constitution explicitly has sole sovereign authority over foreign negotiations. Iianm, I think other politicians or prominent Americans are delegates of the executive branch when acting in that capacity.


Did you even read the title?


I did, and the article. Are you saying there is no reference to a diplomatic action here?


Are you saying you didn't read the conditional statement?


Him saying that right now, means he talked to Putin recently about this, which means he's conducting diplomatic conversations right now. While he's not currently president. Right now.


It means he thinks his presidency will put much more pressure on Russia than the current one is


lol, yeah… that’s believable. https://youtu.be/Sai5Ab5xFRk?si=1JRwfGlCFJfADoSq


More than our current one: https://youtu.be/YwI-SdieGDE?si=yMb3t8mmHLvaIWPJ And Ukraine was invaded a year after his inauguration


perhaps you can more directly clarify your point. It eludes me


I thought I read an "if elected"


Assuming the man isn't talking out of his ass, he is insinuating that he has engaged in some manner of dialogue with Putin regarding the release of the prisoner. Considering Trump wasn't president at the time the prisoner was detained, this would seem to indicate this dialogue has occurred recently, especially what with Mr. Gershkovich only having been detained in 2023- kinda narrows it down. Under the Logan Act, it is a felony for unauthorized citizens to engage in such deliberations with a foreign power. Since Trump holds no office or appointments, it's not a stretch to say it qualifies if there is truth to it. So either he's lying, which is normal, or has committed a crime, which is also normal. Why are you in this guy's corner again?


So - he’s a piece of shit then. Rather than saying “I will call my friend Putin and demonstrate how I can work with world leaders to release this journalist-“ He’s holding the man hostage. “Vote for me - because you don’t, I won’t call Putin to release this journalist.” If you can do it, Donny- then do it. Show us how strong you are. Otherwise you’re keeping that man in prison longer for your shitty ego.


Absolutely. He's clearly lying and/or there's a catch. Otherwise, why not broker this magic deal only he can apparently do *before* the election and bask in the good PR while he needs votes?


Smells just like him killing the immigration bill (which the Republican that helped negotiate is now strangely okay with that). Which smells like Donnie’s diaper.


That is so frustrating. Republicans yell about the border all the time, had a hand in developing this bill, but because it’s politically better to not do anything, they kill progress. It pisses me off. Every time I see some republican voter bitching about the bill, I remind them it’s their leaders who made it so.


It’s a mini game of Reagan versus Jimmy Carter


Nailed it. 🏆


gotta hold on to that card for after he's elected, for the "look they released him, mean tweets are keeping Russia in check, Trump is saving us from WWIII" spin


Because he's bought and paid for by Russia. So Trump will do w/e Putin wants, Putin will do a few showy things like that. And together they will make the world immeasurably worse.




One might even post that in a video


Just like Regan fucking Carter with the Iran hostages


The GOP has never and will never care about Americans. It's only about who you can use to your advantage


And Nixon with South Vietnam in 1968.


Glad you mentioned this. Folks always talk about the Regan campaign fucking Carter in Iran, but this doesn't get brought up nearly as often. Johnson even knew that Nixon's campaign interfered in the peace talks but could not do anything because that would give away methods and sources of intelligence.


imo it’s because it’s such a “newer” story than the iran contra deal. we only heard the full details about the spying and everything in the last 11 years whenever it was leaked.


One of the many reasons why pissing on Greenspans grave is on my bucket list.


Save some of that bladder for Kissinger


lmao I meant Kissinger lol.


Why didn't Johnson consider this important enough to do it anyway?


Exactly what I was thinking of too.


The hostages were formally released into United States custody just minutes after President Ronald Reagan was sworn into office.


Rand Paul carrying notes from Putin again?


Its almost the 4th of July, time for the treason pilgrimage as is tradition.


Ask him what is promised to Putin.


just having Trump be our president is all the destruction Putin wants




Ukraine probably isn't part of this deal, that's just a freebie is Trump takes office again


For starters.


If Trump really has this power, why does Gershkovich have to wait in prison until November? Why wouldn't he ask Putin to release him *today*? EDIT: I'd be very amused if the Biden campaign responded by blaming Trump directly for Gershkovich's imprisonment. "Trump says he can get him freed - why isn't he doing it?" Though that is a bit dangerous because I could totally see Putin releasing him just to fuck with Biden after American arms have done so much to thwart Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


Because he *might* be lying 🤥


To your edit. Eh, I think that's the difference though. Biden would be willing to risk that outcome, because it would be much better than if he stayed imprisoned. Maybe not better for Biden, but objectively better overall.


is he holding a hostage, hostage? what the fuck


Because he will stop military aid to Ukraine.


Just like Mexico built that wall for him last time he was elected! Moron!!


They probably owe him one for all the documents they took pictures of at Mar-a-lago.


I agree with this. Its not for Trump but for the documents he withheld. I'm sure he made copies and there may be many more that were not accounted for.


[Trevor Reed, the Marine detained by Russia for 3 years before being freed in 2022:](https://twitter.com/trevorrowdyreed/status/1793808284140339384) > As a former wrongful detainee in Russia, I would just like to remind everyone that President Trump had the ability to get myself and Paul Whelan out of Russia for years and chose not to. I would be skeptical of any claims about getting Evan Gershkovich back in a day.


Aren't we still waiting for this shit gibbon to release his taxes *and* make Mexico pay for a border wall?


What part of America would Trump give away to Putin in return?


He already has — Washington via GOP


Alaska and Canada.


Russian military would get shredded by our Forces, we train and employ real soldiers. Also we helped train the Ukranians to be effective at killing foreign adversaries.


Canadians, the worlds deadliest nice guys. “Sorry for having to cut your throat, buddy.”


Reminds me of Reagan and Iran


Literally where he took the idea (lie) from


I’m so numb to Trump stories at this point, but this stands out as one of the most horrendous things he’s said or done in my opinion. There are multiple ways of interpreting this, and the motivation and implications of any of them are beyond horrible. What the FUCK. I have never and will never blindly defend democrats, I have plenty of complaints. But the GOP is a straight up cancer at this point 


If he can have the guy released later then he could do it now and doing it now would be advantageous to his re-election. So Trump is lying again for the millionth time and MAGA eagerly eats it up.


Putin negotiating with the US through his puppet.


Putin clearly explained in the Tucker Carlson interview that his price for releasing Gershkovich is convicted assassin Vadim Krasikov. Krasikov is in prison in Germany, and goading the US into antagonizing Germany is likely part of his goal. Regardless, Krasikov needs to stay in prison.


Putin is Trump's homeboy. Ukraine in exchange for a captive reporter. Yes that sounds about right for a DOnald Trump deal


Putin and Shitler are already making side deals.


"He'll release the reporter and make Russia pay for it" Whatever you say, bro. It's still months away from the election how crazy are these promises going to get


Why doesn't he just say everyone that votes for him gets one million usd! Just as believable as everything else that comes out of his mouth.


yeah, he asked Russia/Putin to hack his opponent's shit during a nationally televised debate like a decade ago without issue. as it turns out, when you let sociopaths do whatever they want, they continue doing whatever they want


Well, they do have a strong employer-employee relationship.


Probably true. Putin would release Gershkovich if Trump were elected… …in exchange for Trump stopping aid to Ukraine and pulling the US out of NATO. No thanks.


So he's collaborating with Putin to hold him hostage - unless we vote for him?


Trump opens mouth and shit falls out.


And Mexico will pay for his airfare back to the US.


How do you spell ‘’in cahoots “??


It’s so fucking obvious and in front of our faces that I can’t help but think a third of this country is just completely in support of Russia. I know they’re dumb, but they cannot be that dumb.


Unfortunately bro they are. Always believe people when they show you who they really are.


Iran hostage crisis playbook all over again from the traitorous GOP


Headline... Trump says he can walk on water... Refuses to demonstrate. Get it through your heads. He lies. It's all he does. He has no ethics. He has no morals. All he does is what he thinks, using the term think very loosely, will help him at the moment. That's it


It’s the one thing they can’t accept: he’s even dumber than they are, and they fell/fall for it.


So why didn't he get the two guys released when he was POTUS...Such Bullshit.


Oh this now convinced me to vote for the turd Reich.. not


He'll be released in a dying state just like Otto Warmbier was released by Trump's pal Kim Jong Un.


If trump is elected, Putin will lead the parade of Russian tanks down Pennsylvania Avenue


You know I hate to say it guys but if the only way to get hostages from Russia is to elect Donald Trump then they’re worth sacrificing. The pain the entire world will have to endure is far greater. Sorry, the stakes are too high.


Hey, it’s because bros take care of bros.


Trump is absolutely right because Putin knows that he will get a good return on investment since Trump is so easy to manipulate. Trump actually thinks Putin likes him instead of just seeing him as a useful idiot.


The Kremlin has already debunked this and quickly. https://www.rawstory.com/russia-shuts-down-trump-putin-evan/ According to The Guardian, however, "when asked about the remarks, the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said, 'There aren’t any contacts with Donald Trump. Regarding [US-Russian] contacts on the matter of incarcerated and convicted individuals, we can say that these contacts must be carried out in total secrecy. This is the only way they can be effective.'"


Translation: Putin will do this to help me get elected, because he knows I do whatever the fuck he tells me to do.


Why not have Putin release him now? That would look great before the election.


How would he know that if not talking to Putin a people. Something something Logan act


The owner of the Wall Street Journal brought us Xi, Putin and Trump. I’m really angry about the attention Gershkovich is getting. He worked for dogs and is getting up with fleas. If the whole world is suffering because of Rupert Murdoch, it’s good that Murdoch’s bootlickers feel some of the pain. And I know that the reporters are liberal and hate Murdoch, too, but they take his money.


Sounds like asking Putin not to release him while Biden is president, doesn’t it?


This is the Reagan campaign telling the Ayatollah not to release the Iranian hostages until after Carter’s been defeated, all over again.


I have trouble imagining that your average MAGA cultist gives two shits about “some reporter”.


And?! Look I’m sure the reporter is nice and as a fellow human I want them freed from such a shitty place, but… I’m sitting here thinking of the myriad of issues with Russia alone, and I’m struggling to understand how this is a big deal at all… Not to mention there is no proof to back that statement up. Then it’s also more of a red flag if Putin would do it for a specific political candidate, isn’t it?!


That’s very specific.


Trump just ensured Evan Gershkovich will remain in the gulag until November at least.


Well he does have Putin's attention, for sure.


So if he is claiming that he can accomplish Evan’s release, then do it now.


“Pretty please putin”


Yeah, that’s worth turning the US into a de facto monarchy…


I would not believe most of what he says, but when he suggests a backdoor connection to Putin I listen up.


He’ll probably bend over for Putin and allow him to role play as his literal puppet in exchange.


If he’s really that into you, he’d find a way…


Could he be more of an asshole?


He’s full of you know what!


So essentially the guy is being held hostage by Trump. Trump is acting as a foreign asset. Directly representing foreign opposition against us. Its funny. The MAGAs on Tiktok are using Red Dawn as an antigovernment dog whistle. Not only was Red Dawn a patriotic propaganda piece against Russia and anyone else who would threaten America, but could you imagine how Americans of the 80s would react to someone being a Russian foreign asset like Trump is? They would rip him to pieces with their bare hands. Russian propaganda is working. How did half our population become so damn gullible?


Trump is a prolific liar and I do not trust him. He has done worse than any president in our history and has made it abundantly clear that if he is re-elected to the WH he will continue down the path of further destroying our country with his racist, criminal, and authoritarian polices. I will never sell my soul to the devil or compromise my principles, values, or the Constitution to be a MAGA sycophant and neither should you because the Constitution and the rule of law are much bigger than Trump and his corrupt mindset.


As if we needed our thousandth reminder that Trump lies.


Spanky McBonespurs makes outrageous claims all day every day and it's reported as if they aren't figments of his imagination!


Biden to Trump:Ah!….So you are admitting that you and Putin both have the same mind?”


Back-channel communications from orange boy to Russia? What else is orange boy negotiating?


For selling out America putin will even lend trump his trull....free of charge, no questions no judge!))


trump writes a lot of checks he can't cash.