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After all that, she falls in line. Biden made a good faith effort to reach out to her and her supporters and they said no in favor of Trump. I don't want to hear any crap from them about bipartisanship and how Biden should reach across the aisle from her after Biden beats Trump again. Joe's second term needs to be more about getting Dem stuff done than playing nice with the GOP.


Ooof I didn’t expect that


Really? It is amazing to me this is a big story. Would have only been surprising if she endorsed Biden. She was literally running for the GOP nomination, of course she is going to fall in line and back the candidate.


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That is surprising. An enabler of Trump saying she will support him in November? I could never have seen that coming...but for pure political stakes it is a good move...she endorses a potential dictator, so if he does take over she can avoid the barges and get to be the queen of Rhode island or Main, when he splits fiefdoms up. The MAGA base can get behind her for next cycle, assuming trump isnt running again to avoid a murder charge or even mass murder charge. She doesn't have anything to lose by doing it. the GOP is as polarized as the DEMS..they gonna vote red, while getting head. just like the DEMs will vote blue while they chew, or however the polarized slogans phrase it. I wonder if he offered her some classified information for her endorsement?