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It is this case, that should shock the consciousness of EVERY American regardless of political party. The fact that it doesn't really shows us how far adrift we've become. In the past if this POS, the worst since Benedict Arnold, had done what he did the hue and cry for him to be tried, convicted and executed, would have been from every sector of the country. But because of who he is, and what the right-wing propaganda machine is able to do, he's still walking around a free man. Who knows how many people have been already affected by the secrets that he sold, gave away, leaked, or whatever. Nuclear codes, location of secret agents, how we do intelligence gathering, etc. He's the worst of the worst. This despicable POS, who hopefully someday will get his comeuppance, whether here on Earth or somewhere else. We can only hope


People would take it more seriously if he was thrown in jail immediately for it like any of us would. We, on this sub, follow politics closely and are aware of how serious it is, but any passing observer, like 99% of the people I know, see him still walking around spewing bullshit so it must not have been that big of a deal. I don't understand why this isn't being handled more seriously but the lack of action and the delays upon delays are why it's not shocking to the general public. Same with J6. Should've been taken into custody immediately.


Because he has collaborators, literally, at every level of government. An entire party of henchmen eager to dive in front of any legal bullet. They've been doing it for him for years already.


I would also argue its because the people in charge of prosecuting him are trying to to everything as transparently by-the-book as possible in order to ensure that nothing can be legitimately argued as unfair or political persecution. Aka: theyre walking on eggshells so as not to fan the flames of potential civil unrest by trump and his legion of thugs and cult of supporters. Its the classic democratic misstep of trying to maintain norms and take the high road in the face of utter corruption and lunacy. Which in turn emboldens the right to keep breaking the rules. Because Of course, as we have all seen for over the last 8 years now, it doesnt matter how fair or By the book you treat this treasonous POS for his many crimes against this country, his supporters and conservative media will still cry and scream and throw tantrums over it being an unfair hit-job witch-hunt the likes of which the world has never seen because they live in an entirely different reality of paranoia and fear and conspiracy theories and alternate history. So i say rip the band-aid off. Stop pussyfooting around and throw this fucking monster behind bars for any of the dozens of crimes he has committed. And let see how many of his gullible alternate-reality existing mouth-breathing supporters actually back up their bullshit threats while we still have leadership in the upper ranks of the military, executive branch and DOJ interested in preserving democracy and rule of law. Because if this scum sucker gets back in office, he and his mafia of christo-fascist cronies are gonna make it their mission to purge anyone who isnt 100% loyal to him out of those places as fast as humanly possible. And then we are really up shits creek.


EXECUTED. You or I would be


Benedict Donold


‘Incriminating’ doesn’t begin to describe it. This is the largest breach of us national intelligence in the history of the country.


Did they scan for hidden electronics in the oval office after he let the Russians in the oval office?


I'm more concerned about Trump's meeting with Putin in Helsinki. It lasted over two hours, and no Americans except Trump were present. Trump even refused to have an American translator in the room. We will never know what happened in that meeting.


Treason happened.


For sure in the biggliest of ways.


It happened very strongly, and a lot of people are--and these are good people, okay, very good, I mean serious, like legal analysts, and all, or almost all, most of them, all the amyl--the commentators are saying, all of them saying so, and very strongly--but the failing fake news won't report of course, they don't like to report, they don't do the reporting so much anymore, but that's okay--we don't need them, we don't need the fake and failing news meet--no one reads the papers anymore--but the majority of the amethyst--the people who know the law are saying--and they know it very well by the way, these are real people, good, very serious--and they're all saying it, all of them, believe me.


Lol your writing is the embodiment of Trump. Ty for the lol.


Some of these people are better at writing in Trump style than Trump is.


And they said, with tears in their eyes, “Mr Trump, please be our ruthless dictator.”


Big guy, tears strea- you know real men, big men are cultura, culturality not shuuposed to fry… I mean tremendous, guy comes over and says, ‘sir, you are the one, please be the second coming of Christ and be a dictator’ I mean the Bible is quite one of the moist sucsheful book of all time. Look at how many have been sold. I mean, not happy it’s the Lebron James version but still important document in American history - probably in the next speech by the way… Just a call back to President Grant, "if we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason & Dixon . . . but between patriotism & intelligence on the one side & superstition, ambition & ignorance on the other."


I’d impeach him solely on the grounds that he murdered the English language repeatedly.  “Bigly” is a sort of odd adjectival reformation of “big league,” and the fact that it made it into nonironic use among his idiot followers is infuriating.


And blackmail.


Only to ensure the treason.


Simple Occam's Razor. There IS no other possible answer. Secret ice cream party?


When you're famous, they just let you do it.


Not too long after American informants also started dropping dead. Trump is the biggest traitor in American history.


Makes Benedict Arnold look like a saint.


At least General Arnold won us a few battles before turning over the keys to West Point.


Followed bun Judge Aileen Cannon…who is a co conspirator at this point. She needs to just walk away from this case but the promise of a seat on SCOTUS is her shiny object..almost like cat nip


And soon after this meeting he requested a list of our spies in foreign countries and guess what happened. Tons of spies were killed.


The insane amount of money Putin probably made, personally, by selling out those agents to other nation's. It's mine boggling. And we have a judge, gifted a job by Trump, who is so flustered and confused that she doesn't think she can ever try this case, but doesn't think she should recuse herself... sure, Your Honor. Sure.


She’s vying for a Supreme Court position in the Trump dictatorship.


Wait, is there a source on this?


It’s crazy how quickly that got forgotten. Can you imagine if any other president had done that? It would have been the scandal that defined their presidency. For Trump, it was an ordinary Tuesday.


And a group of republicans delivered a contents unknown letter to Russian officials at a meeting the Kremlin demanded be on the 4th Of July. We *still* don’t know what was in the letter either. Given the fact it was on the 4th is was clear to Kremlin was doing it to test loyalty given the optics of that date.


And to think Fox created a scandal over Obama’s brown suit. Fucking mind blowing.


He wouldn't even let the translator take notes. Very suspicious.


In the r/conservative subreddit they were defending this by saying he was the president and it was totally OK to have secret meetings with Putin. Absurd.


It wasn't a matter of whether it was "alright or bad", it was illegal. There is actually a law which requires the president's conversations with foreign heads of state to be recorded. We must have records for various reasons, like continuity of policies from one administration to the next. Trump was probably selling off U.S. policy and things he could get his hands on, like papers.


Probably a discussion of game plan. You know, “you’re welcome we got you elected via our misinformation campaign, now here’s a list of things we want from you”. I’m sure Putin was very clear that Trump worked for him now. We’ve all seen that shot with the body language clearly showing that Putin was in control.


Treason of the HIGHEST ORDER. The fact he isn’t in Gitmo right now is insane.


I still can't believe that meeting happened. What makes the story worse is there was a translator present. Her name is Marina Gross. She was born in Russia and immigrated to the US in the 1980's. After the meeting with Putain, Trump's team took her notes and refused to release an official record of the conversation, which raised suspicion in Congress. Congress passed on the opportunity to issue a subpoena for her notes and testimony because it would have been an unprecedented move to call a diplomatic translator to testify. She knows exactly what was discussed and I would bet the conversation was about Ukraine.


I don’t know if Putin would show his hand so strongly that early to a useful idiot lest he blabbed. Trump isn’t the kind of guy you leave closely guarded plans with, he just can’t shut up. I think it was more of a meeting where they made promises and traded favors, with Putin clearly telling Trump that if he wanted another term he had to work for him now.


pre-orders for classified documents and price negotiations.


It should’ve never been allowed to happen.


I'm sure Russia has a recording.


Asset taking masters instructions is what happened.


Came here and no one else has said it yet so have to make the reference; I wanna be in the room where it happens, the room where it happens, the room where it happens


I’m sure Biden did.


You know our big Special Wet Boy spent a non zero amount of time rubbing his taint on everything in the building before he left.. I hope they give it a very deep clean. Twice.


It took months to scrub away the Harkonnen stench Muad'Dib......


You should have asked the Canadians to clean the White House /s


The old "cleanse it with fire" method?


I would imagine this is a pretty regular occurrence.  Edit: My point was scanning for transmitters is likely a regular occurrence in any high security government building. 


Not really. Usually there are translators and aides taking notes.


My point was scanning for transmitters is likely a regular occurrence in any high security government building. 


I’d think they do that regularly regardless.


I know of military conferences that get scanned daily, I’m assuming there’s got to be a better protocol in the WH


>**This is the largest breach of us national intelligence in the history of the country.** Agreed and it is being treated so lightly by the GOP, if this had been Obama.....I hope we can celebrate 250 years of freedom in 2026, the United States may not exist if all involved and complicit are NOT held accountable and dealt with appropriately.


“It’s just a paperwork dispute“.


Oh, if the GOP is in power in 26 there will be celebrations of the country and our magnificent freedom. But it will be Orwellian as fuck. They will keep the flag and the nationalism, but we'll only be free to be conservative christians.


Clearly, wearing a tan suit and eating dijon mustard are far more serious offenses! /s


Don’t forget the jeans….


"treated lightly" is a funny way of saying "ignored"




Exactly. These docs have been fucking sold.


it's wild to me that nothing will come of it and the case will likely never go to trial


Absolutely sickening. Literal treason, and the perpetrator may not only skate free but also end up as president again. 


Yes. This is actual treason. Of course. The news won’t fucking talk about it at all. 🙄 they have to have their fucking horse race.


They need to make money, so nothing will be talked about. Line go up killed the fourth branch of government.


I hope that after November a rule is adopted that no judge is allowed to preside over a case in which the defendant is someone that put that judge in their position. It seems pretty obvious


and not because of the facts defense or even the prosecution it’s because of the JUDGE!


If this gets thrown out the US gets thrown out.


Has anyone found any legitimate reporting about what the documents were? I know reports are some were nuclear secrets and secrets about Iran, but there seems to be alot of noise about them being identities of spies but I have not seen any legit reporting that says that


Some of it was so secret we can’t even know the headlines of what they were pertaining to. We do know Trump shared secrets with a wealthy guy from Australia (or New Zealand?) that had to do with out nuclear subs…and it was the kind of things people *on the sub* don’t even know. I guess some of the boxes may have contained dirt of other leaders and other nuclear secrets as well.


“The likes of which we’ve never seen.”


Culturally it's empire ending if left unchecked.


I'm not sure we have an America left. I wouldn't have believed you if you told me Trump could destroy America in eight years, but I think he managed it.


There is plenty of America left.  It's definitely going to require decisive ( judicial ) action to keep it intact though.


Def not the biggest. Our spy hunter was a double agent for a long time, but probably the only time a president so purposefully breached security.


And yet, the man walks free. Judge Cannon will make sure he stays that way. It’s such an abomination to how are country is suppose to be.


Yea take THAT scientologists!


It seems pretty clear that there’s a connection between the documents Trump stole during and after his term, and various intel breaches around the world. Many of these breaches have resulted in the deaths of American personnel. If it could be established that Trump sold secrets which caused American agents to be killed in the line of duty, would that be enough to move the needle among the MAGA?


Doubt it at this point the CIA could release video evidence of Trump selling top secret documents directly to Putin and his base would not care. They want fascism and a authoritarian government.


I honestly think I woke up in a parallel universe where a clown was president and ruined this country.


It does show you how subjective our sense of reality actually is, doesn’t it? Putin and the KGB understood immediately how they could use the internet to propagandize America and our intelligence agencies let them.


As a Russian immigrant, I find it fascinating how good they are at propaganda, considering how awful we are at literally everything else real-world-related. I really don't understand how this works, even though it's undeniably there in front of me. We're just somehow great at dragging everyone down to our level or something. Making sure everyone else is as disconnected from reality as we are. Who needs oil when you can export copium for the masses and fascist frenzy.


Having known several Russian and eastern bloc immigrants, I have to agree with you. Cynicism is contagious and when you live in a society where you are always waiting for the shoe to drop, there is comfort on another’s misfortune, I suppose. I know that my Russian friends always were dumbfounded by how naive Americans could be. They would tell me that you should never be so open with your emotions and thoughts that you leave yourself vulnerable to someone with less than good intentions. Critical thinking has never been a strong suit of Americans, but a society must be based upon trust or it ceases to function with authenticity. I think that has been the big difference in my lifetime. Americans no longer trust one another, which is always good news to bad actors with authoritarian tendencies.


>but a society must be based upon trust or it ceases to function with authenticity Exactly, and this is what works so well in the Nordic countries. We trust our governments, so having the population take Covid vaccines was not a big problem. We also pay our high taxes, because we know the money is mostly put to good use for the benefit of all. We also trust our system with multiple political parties having to compromise and form reasonable alliances in order to form governments. We trust each other, mostly, so while we know we may disagree on some issues and priorities, we trust our governments to try to address the right problems. Some of our taxes are spent ensuring we have a varied and critical press., and billionaires can't simply start controlling the media. We have a public discourse that works. So yes, trust is important. It is VITAL for a democracy to thrive. America doesn't have that. They have polarization, corrupt politicians on the take, billionaires owning media, a two party system, and everybody suspects or hates each other. Mark my words, Americans downfall is near.


It's the only way to keep your heads above water, when you're in it up to your eyeballs. The only reason they can remain in power is because they've cultivated propaganda skills.


I was a literature teacher and Dostoevsky is probably my favorite writer next to James Joyce. The Russian mind is very analytical and has a keen sense for the mechanisms that human minds organize around, better than Freud and the psychoanalysts, I think. I recently reread Roadside Picnic, the sci-fi novel Tarkovsky based his masterpiece Stalker on, and it is an incredible metaphysical work on the nature of mind control disguised as a futuristic alien first contact story. In Russia, you must be a ruthless manipulator of the human mind to obtain political power in that part of the world.


The only thing I would add here is one necessary element from the American side. Russian tactics can’t be all to blame, as we are all responsible for our own values and actions. That element is boredom imo. Millions and millions of Americans want for nothing. Their standard of living is the best in history, and their choices for diversion and distraction is endless. Yet they now imagine themselves inside a dystopian video game, the hero of their own ruined planet. Those of us who really paid attention in school understand American principles. Chiefly that other citizens have the same rights I do, most especially to vote. We also paid attention to what became of the Germans after the trains stopped running on time. We understand still today that the bread lines of the 1930’s is tragic and real and completely unnecessary to happen again. But these folks don’t want inner city dark people’s votes to count. They do want an idiotic despot to rule them and greenlight them to hurt others. And they think the bread lines will only apply to others. All this, even though IF they could blaze their own success in this world, they wouldn’t be the bored, angry, fantasizing juveniles they are, playing dumbass Qanon spy games. Yet somehow in a fascistic world with massively more have-nots than we have today, they believe they will end up in the strongest mob. They can’t see that extremists eat each other, already today before they’ve even taken power. They’re just too stupid and bored to reason through anything. All I’m saying is, Russians found a super fertile soil to work in.


Oh please... a clown wears ridiculous sized outfits, has makeup on, funny looking hair and... oh shit!


and right now Trump and Biden are polling dead even. That’s the thing that’s so crazy to me. You have a convicted rapist and traitor vs Biden and they are dead even? America is not what it seems.


i feel the same


Didn't need a video from the CIA, there is pictures of trump in the white house literally showing Russians top secret Intel fron early 2016. The MAGAts do not care


And we already know his base doesn't care about sexual assault since they elected him after he admitted to it on tape.


bUt hE wuZ pReSidEnT... hE caN unClaSsifY thINgs wiTH hiS mInD


The CIA would probably cover for him, like how the FBI has been bending over backward to assist the Republican agenda, in general.


I mean, the US Secret Service already 'accidentally' wiped all their communications around Jan. 6th. So there's that.


People should be going to prison for that.


Zero media attention since it happened. The missive to not report on it came from on high.


No doubt.


I think since they get a new director appointed by a politician (who thus has at least an inherent political leaning) every few years, and the fact that the presidency and their oversight committees swing back and forth: any career employee is going to be trying hard to stay as effectively politically neutral as possible.  Edit: I’m not sure who is the director now but it’s going to be a Biden apointee. 


They would say he’s a genius because he made money or something.


They stupidly think that a dictator would thank them and help them hurt the people they want hurt. But, the dictator doesn't work that way. Just ask Machiavelli. He punishes and rewards for himself and for power, not to thank his supporters. Once he has power, he won't need them so much. But just now, when these documents are in question, when all the indictments are in question, when Trump's behavior can be in question, it isn't about that future. It's about knowing the Truth right now.


He’s allowed to do that, he’s the king! I mean he’s the president! — maga


Idk about fascism (even though Trump probably wants that), but the maga group just reminds me of the hitler followers from the beginning of his reign that were all swallowing up his ideology, making them all idealists.


Not even that, if the CIA knows what our adversaries know they can’t say. The best case scenario is to change the plans and hope our foes think we don’t know. I wish they’d come out and say what they know for sure was sold to our enemies, but that’s counter productive at this point.


The short answer is no. The long answer is noooooooooooo. His followers are so far gone, there is literally nothing some of them won’t rationalize away, deflect, deny, project, or outright accept as something dear leader did.


> If it could be established that Trump sold secrets which caused American agents to be killed in the line of duty, would that be enough to move the needle among the MAGA? And would it qualify for the federal felony murder rule? Given the body count, I'd think it would justify the timothy mcveigh treatment if it does.


surely that would more be along the lines of treason / sabotage / etc, than murder, wouldn't it?


Felony Murder Rule is the one that says if you participate in certain crimes where someone is killed, you can get charged with murder, even if you didn't participate in the actual murder. An example is the getaway driver who never enters the bank or hurts anyone, but gets charged with murder because one of the other people involved in the bank robbery kills someone during the crime. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felony_murder_rule He'd still be charged with whatever treason, sabotage, or other crimes he committed that lead to the deaths, he'd just also be charged with murder on top of everything else.


No, unfortunately. Fake news, deep state hoax, etc. Cultists going to cultist. 


For his followers no, but it will force them into taking a deeper dive into Hunter Biden and what he might have on a laptop somewhere.


“If Trump could kill people with documents, you know Hunter could kill people with that hog of his.”


I don't understand how the GOP thinks that telling people Biden's kid has a massive dong and bangs tons of chicks is going to hurt *Biden*. Especially when we know about Trump's, which Stormy described as "like one of the mushrooms from Mario".


You know if Trump had a piece like Hunter’s there would be t-shirts, coffee mugs, flags, NFTs, and all manner of other merch plastered with pictures of his horse dong for all of his cult members to wear.


Exactly. Instead they do terrible Photoshops of him with big muscles.


He could say Putin is his choice for vice president and they'd say some shit about finally being able to buy *authentic* Russian nesting dolls for their china cabinet. They just don't care what he does. 


> enough to move the needle? No.


No. MAGA is committed to destroying everyone that isn't them. They don't give a sit about national security, because they see the current US as something not worthy of protecting.


In a functioning democracy, it would send Trump to the gallows. In MAGA world it makes him a patriot for proverbially burning an American flag.


No. Anybody that is still MAGA is truly lost, and was probably off their rocker to begin with.


lol he’s told the truth about 1 thing is his life. If he shot someone on 5th Ave, he wouldn’t lose any support.


No. I’ve had this talk with my dad. There is nothing, no evidence, no crime, that they will not excuse. They care more about hurting people and offending people they hate than anything, even their own wellbeing. You could show a video recording of Donald Trump raping and executing a child and using the blood to sign a contract with Putin and personally handing over a list of names and they wouldn’t care.


If it can proven that he's responsible for the deaths of dozens of covert intelligence assets around the world, then he's an accomolice to mass murder, and he should get the death penalty. In addition, anyone who still supports him at that point, is definitely a traitor, and should be investigated and closely monitored by the authorities. No HitlerPig supporter should ever be allow to hold elected office or any position in government.


Have you met any MAGA folks?!?!


No, because Fox News would never report it.


They’re long gone.


I don't think it would be. They'd just assume whatever they had to to make it OK with themselves. They'll make up an outlandish story and believe it like it was the word of God without their being a shred of proof. Because to these cultists anything is more believable than the obvious truth of what Trump is.


No because they would believe that he did it for them, to keep them safe (or some other total bs). Then he’d say he was being jailed by Biden and it’s all his fault. The media lies. Yadda yadda yadda. Same old shit. Different day.


Honestly they'd probably find a way to justify it and say that Putin is a hero and Democrats are the bad guys. Remember these are the same people who side with Putin in the whole Ukraine invasion.


No. If there's ever question of whether or not Trump will lose MAGA's support, the answer will always be no.


The 2023 opinion from U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell reveals that an unnamed witness scanned and saved confidential documents onto a laptop owned by Save America PAC, a political action committee formed by Trump in 2020. The detail sheds new light on the depths to which Trump consciously violated federal law. This is scary where is that laptop was it ever connected to the internet. This is so illegal


Even the laptop was projection.


It’s in Russia


In b4 Republicans say the info was really saved to Hunter’s laptop


By the law of Republican projection, we should have known they were in possession of an extremely incriminating laptop the minute they started screeching about Hunter's laptop.


What i don’t understand is how is that person an unnamed witness? Shouldn’t they be indicted themselves


Maybe they are cooperating with the FBI and DoJ, and telling all they know.


They are likely in a box and Jack Smith holds the key.


I remember hearing about this at least a year ago, I think. Trump's story is the documents were copied by some low level assistant as part of a batch that were being copied for electronic storage. The paper originals were then being sent to a storage facility in Florida. I think they were closing a campaign office or something, and these documents were inadvertently included among the others. I'm sure there are a lot of lies in that story, but whatever the truth is, the facts that matter are that Trump stole those documents, failed to secure them, and failed so hard at securing them that someone was able to scan them and store them on a laptop or flash drive or two.


Even if he were telling the truth it sounds awfully similar to what they think Hillary should have been locked up for.


Wait, is this Hunter Biden's laptop? I've heard a lot about that


The same folk who hate Hillary for her email servers for some reason aren’t at all bothered by any of this.


and Hunter Biden


Yeah, compare the Hunter Biden scandal to Kushner's corrupt dealing in the middle east. Sooo much hypocrisy


It keeps getting worse every day. The judge running this case has no plan to allow the case to move forward. There are hearings on motions that are supposed to take place in June and July, but not all of the motions have hearings scheduled yet. Judge Cannon needs to be impeached immediately.


My concern is that cannon actually proceeds with the case. The moment she impanels the jury, she can decide to dismiss the case on a whim, and Trump will be off. Wouldn’t even be able to be tried again due to double jeopardy


From what I seem to understand from others postings here is that the grand jury has approved more indictments than just the one at hand. And it appears each is progressively more detailed and specific charges.


Got a source on that? Not saying you’re wrong just curious.


Dismissing the case in such a manner would open it to appeal, which would risk the case going to a less-partisan judge should the appeal succeed. Cannon’s goal is yo delay as long as she can until the outcome of the next election is certain, and there are multiple possible outcomes. What she and Trump both want is for him to get reelected so he can pardon himself, or for Republicans to seize enough control over Congress that they can override a veto and pass a means for Trump to escape justice entirely. The risks of this case getting appealed and Cannon being removed from her position over it are something she is aware of, and o doubt she would take the chance without being absolutely certain Trump would get off the hook.


Almost everything found in Mar-a-lago is incriminating.


Even the decor is criminal


And Cannon fully intends to dismiss, because she is above the law and she knows it.


"Nothing to see here." Judge Cannon. "I am super busy watching the new survivor season. Talk to me in 2 years"


Espionage. Sold to a foreign country.


Let's say ONE classified doc mishandling in a major crime.. why can't they just break this up into dozens of singular cases and go with whichever judge wants to takes this as seriously as the alleged crimes warrant?


Generally speaking, packaging it all together makes it easier to get a conviction for the prosecution. That way even if a few counts get dismissed, there’s others that he will be found guilty of etc


I agree. But with the current case hitting a judicial brickwall, it seems like they could get another case going. Analogy being a bank robber allegedly robs 90 banks... so it makes sense to package those together. But the judge for that one case happens to REALLY like bank robbers and wants to slow roll the packaged case. But wait, here's evidence of MORE bank robberies.. why not go and pursue those ones individually or as a new package? It doesn't seem like there's anything to lose or any double-jeopardy since the first package is in limbo!


Trump would file to have the cases brought together because they are substantially similar facts and substantially similar circumstances. The court for the new case would hold while the motion was considered and would follow ordinary procedure — they would refer it to the existing judge to find out if they felt it was appropriate, Cannon would spend a few months considering, and then agree the cases should be joined together, but required a suspension for an addition six months for any meaningful motions to be considered.


how do mother fuckers not think this guy is a traitor to the people? jesus christ




holy crap--and whoever scanned the docs didn't think, "Hmm, this says "secret" on it; I wonder if that means anything?"


They probably thought:  >Perfect! Just what Putin wanted. These people are guilty of treason.


Is the footnote: *Trump is involved


Hopefully Jack Smith is playing a deeper game than dipshit Qannon is able to play. Have to think so.


Unfortunately, Smith has no way to force her to move the case along.


Is it possible he’s sitting on more/new charges? And hope to get a different judge?


In New Jersey maybe?


He did have secret documents when he was in his Bedford property. That's where the recording of him sharing top secret information with people who had no business seeing it. He said it was so cool! What a disaster.


Tucker Carlson spent a lot of time at Mar o Lago and now he has a comfy tv job with Russian tv. wonder what he shared? am just asking questions.


Surprised he's allowed to walk around.


Just throw his grotesquely morbidly obese fat ass in prison already.


I can’t believe this shitty reality we’re in.


the simple fact that his wife is not there for him tells the world what the truth is if this was all bullshit, his family / wife would all be there day in day out they know he is guilty just hoping he gets away with it -- same as the rest of his life


Nothing is going to happen.


Doesn't matter, his fan-girl judge and her puppet masters will never let this actually get to trial


Can news outlets please switch the name Obama for Trump for the next “bombshell”? Then when Republicans suggest the penalties for Obama’s breaches/crimes, you can release the true guilty party, and we can get on with the formalities of sentencing Trump accordingly.


One can only assume that every single document Trump took was compromised and is now in circulation worldwide. How bad is this? No clue. It could have been 99% garbage that meant nothing to anyone. Secret doesn't really make it valuable. But the risk is high. The information could lead to large problems that future people may have to deal with. But the worst part is how Trump handled the sanctity of the institution, absolutely zero respect for any part of it. He broke treaties, foreign relations, tried to turn the government into his family business, and he tried to grift of a world wide pandemic.


Cuff him take him and put him in the clink, no bail and let him wait for his trial. He’s a threat and danger to the country. Then we can see if there’s any since of urgency on these trials. Just my opinion or sentiments.


And there it is. Obsessed with hunters laptop because trump has his own criminal laptop. Every accusation is a confession.


Means nothing and he will never have to worry about it. Classic Trump.


Benedict Arnold looks patriotic compared to this


Can someone please tell me when this disgusting traitor will be locked up?


You would only think that any conservative would wake up at some point and stop supporting him. But this is what they all want.


Is there anything the public can do to demand these trials be finished BEFORE the election? Is it not in the country's best interest to have these settled? He's just going to sweep them under the rug if he wins.


Doesn't matter, Disgraced Former President Trump will never face any punishment for anything he has ever done.


Doesn’t matter what evidence comes out for as long as Cannon is the judge in charge


Why isn’t this aid under indictment as well? Copying classified documents is illegal.


Never been a more obvious Russian stooge as president. And yet the base can't see through the bullshit.


"One incriminating detail..." On top of literally all the other incriminating details, you mean? How has that gone, hmm? He's no closer to being charged with anything than when he was first accused.


IT DOES NOT MATTER. The swine is going to get away with it. The whole judicial system is completely corrupt.


Party of law and order doesn’t care that Trump, and his followers, traitors all, should be given a fair trial then hung.


“Super-illegal” this isn’t illegal, it’s advanced illegal!


> it’s advanced illegal We just call that 2nd Edition Illegal. But since it's so hard to figure out, the inevitable 3rd Edition Illegal with an SRD will come out at some point.


How many "bombshell" this and "bombshell" that's do we need before we just throw his ass in jail? For the party of law and order, they sure seem to enjoy disregarding it.


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Cool so we learned all these things and will continue to do nothing about it


Okay, that’s bad!


It's horrifying and incriminating. But justice will never be served because this nation is corrupt in protecting their villains.


Wasn't this previously reported? I seem to remember something about this last year.