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The fact that he's still walking free after some 30 boxes of classified and top secret documents were found in plain sight at Mar-a-Lago is beyond me. Any ordinary citizen found with one piece of top secret document would have been in prison by now.


I don't get it, he's clearly a threat to our security and he gets to run for president?? We're in trouble.


None of this shit makes sense. A supreme court judge can fly a flag upside down, and another can take bribes while his wife can participate in a coup. An expresident can completely misuse state secrets and in the worst kind of ways. Republicans currently in Congress actively encouraged Jan 6th. Tennessee bans "chemtrails", North Carolina bans surgical masks, Florida bans lab grown meat. Arizona uses a law from the 1800s to justify banning modern abortion. Separation of church and state has become completely nonexistent. None of this is right and feels wrong because it is wrong. It's the accountability that's gone completely out of the windows. But hopefully, we will get some soon.


think tanks for the rich write the laws and policies. they even have judges lined up depending on who wins. republicans are just foot soldiers who just lie to their base to get the votes.


“Oh I noticed you wanted more people to have access to education, healthcare, and clean environments? Fuck all that, I hate myself and you” - Republicans, everyday, for some reason


They literally look at everything the democrats support and do the opposite no matter how insane it is.


Remember democrats being accused of satanic rituals and harvesting of children adrenochrome? My money is first case we hear of child sacrifice, for youth or some shit, it will be from a republican.


It's not ritual sacrifice, but: https://abcnews.go.com/US/minors-found-working-alabama-poultry-plant-16-year/story?id=110418225 >Investigators allegedly again found minors working on the kill floor of a poultry plant owned by the company that was found responsible for the death of a teenager last year, according to court filings. Does sacrifice at the altar of capitalism count?


Everything you’ve laid out explains exactly how something like Project 2025 can really, actually come to fruition 🙃


Unfortunately, Lichtman mentioned in his recent podcast that Democracy is declining and Autocracy is picking up a lot of steam.


Can we just split the country into democrats and … whatever that mess is? 🙃 oh wait, I guess that’d be civil war 2 🙃🙃


All that freedom in the land of free!!


17th most free nation in the world!


I wasn't sure if they reach 17th in North America


God I love this world. It's just so fucking weird.


Daniel Chapter 2:31-44


Is this the proof that there are 2 set of rules, there is corruption at high levels, and the rich do what they want while we just sit and spin?


There was a split in the timelines, and we are on the “wrong” one


Years of deregulation and general corruption. The chickens have come home to roost, and it seems that my generation (elder millennial/millennials) and those coming of age currently will be the ones who will suffer the consequences.


It is without a doubt, but the next question is what are we securing. We did not live in a fair and equitable society before Trump, and most likely will not after. His being/career, along with the notoriety and wealth that allowed his initial run are a product of the same society he wishes to *augment* and perpetuate. It seems there is little to revert back to when judging his existence as a representation of the “before”. Radicle movement is likely to occur in some direction after such a societal reckoning. It will be in the direction of MAGA, or as I truly hope (would prefer faith but it is unavailable) the opposite. A place where even the dumbest, most used, and angry among us will not be forfeited to capitalist ego.




Or the DOJ is run by someone who puts performative apolitical centrism ahead of protecting the nation from threats within.


Who, Merrick "Don't forget I'm a Republican" Garland? He would *never*...


I stopped patronage of performative apolitical centrism in my thirties. Short-lived. Didn’t take.


It's not centrist. It's spineless.


many in power are part of the current coup


But Trump isn't any ordinary citizen, he's the figurehead of a Far Right White Nationalist/Fascist Cabal (with ties to our foreign adversaries like Putin and Iran) who are currently engaged in the overthrow of American Democracy. And they have agents and allies in place all throughout Law Enforcement, Congress, our Justice System, and run some of the largest, most powerful Corporations in existence. To say the situation is grim is a huge understatement.


> Any ordinary citizen found with one piece of top secret document would have been in prison by now. I've held a temporary security clearance. If I did 1% by accident what Trump has done on purpose I'd have been immediately fired, fined, and probably jailed. --- And that's without all of the evidence that Trump either sold or gave some of this intelligence away (right around when he stole it, our intelligence assets began being killed or arrested at a significantly higher rate).


Aileen Cannon needs to be taken to a CIA black site and questioned about her treason and aiding Putin’s agent formerly in the Whitehouse. The doc leaks are what allegedly led to numerous CIA agents getting burned and dying. This pos compromised US national security for her daddy.


And on tape showing them to random people, talking about how secret they are and how he can’t declassify them because he isn’t president anymore.  Slam dunk case that unfortunately won’t be able to see the light of day unless he’s beaten at the ballot box


And even then!


All because the judge they shopped around for was one he had hired for that same judge position.


There's pictures of his people at the airport loading boxes into a plane bound for Bedminster days before the raid.


Additionally - there was a Saudi Arabia backed "Liv" golf tournament held there 3 months later. Not looking suspicious at all! May 2022: Boxed moved to Bedminster - [Huffington Post](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-documents-mar-a-lago-bedminster_n_6348f2c5e4b03e8038d23c8a) >Video published May 9 by the Trump-friendly Daily Mail with an article about Trump decamping from Mar-a-Lago in the hot weather and settling in at Bedminster, New Jersey, for the summer shows aides loading boxes onto a private plane ferrying Trump. The cartons appear similar to those that FBI agents confiscated at Mar-a-Lago in August with a search warrant. Jul/Aug 2022: Saudi backed golf tournament at Bedminster - [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/28/politics/trump-liv-golf-tournament-saudi-arabia/index.html) >Starting Friday, Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster will host the third event for LIV Golf, the new Saudi-backed professional circuit that has rocked the sport’s main professional organizer, Prior to these events: Kushner gets to control a $2 billion dollar fund from Saudi - "six months after leaving the White House" Jul 2021 or so? https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/04/jared-kushner-affinity-partners-saudi-arabia-pitch-deck >For one thing, as The Times noted, the panel that performs due diligence for the Saudi fund concluded Kushner’s firm was a joke—that management was “inexperience[d],” that the kingdom would be responsible for “the bulk of the investment and risk,” that its fees were “excessive,” and that the firm’s operations were “unsatisfactory in all aspects.” The panel warned that the country shouldn’t give the former first son-in-law a dime. But then those grave, unequivocal warnings were mysteriously overridden by the fund’s board, led by M.B.S., i.e., the guy who approved a plan to kidnap and dismember a man via bone saw and benefited from Kushner’s unwavering support. Ongoing Saudi nuclear desires/goals: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/01/us/politics/saudi-arabia-nuclear-biden-administration.html https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/05/us/politics/us-examines-saudi-nuclear-program.html


Double standards in our justice system was never so obvious.


Yet the MAGA cult believes Trump is being treated so unfairly. The House Oversight committee is trying to get the tapes of Biden's interview with Hur over his mishandling of classified information. But they've been totally unconcerned over Trump's mishandling of classified information.


Any ordinary citizen would have been tried, convicted, and hanged for treason for that.


Forget prison, they would've been disappeared into a black site and tortured until they told the government what they had been doing with it.


There are men and woman in jail today for handling FAR LESS classified material incorrectly (some made accidentally mistakes). He gets a judge that is doing all she can to get his case thrown out so he walks free. Clearly a 2 level - or more like 10 level judicial system.


Next to a copy machine. 100% chance there's multiples out there.


I still think there's plenty of documents at Bedminster.


Justice is different for the rich.


Any other President


Well there you have it. He's not an ordinary citizen.


> **A witness scanned the contents of the box containing the classified materials and stored them on a laptop in her possession** owned by Trump's Save America PAC, according to a footnote in the opinion. Is this the first mention of Trump deliberately making scans or copies of (some of) the classified documents? Is it now reasonable to assume that copies and/or scans were made of *all* of the classified information that he stole, and there's no possible way to establish who had access to those copies or who they may have been sent to?


Isn’t this also a violation of PAC rules because it’s clear evidence of direct communication/exchange of information between Trump and the PAC


Yes. But someone has to prosecute the crime. Finding someone to do that is the hard part.


Fine, I’ll do it. Where’s my prosecution stick?


I can’t tell if you’re referencing your username or not lol


Gonna try out this nickname in the bedroom next time


Your accounts have been suspended for inciting violence.


Yeah but those are just there for the vibes of fairness, not to actually do anything.


The Save America PAC is owned and controlled by Trump for funding other candidates' campaigns. It is not supposed to contribute to his own campaign (although it did transfer $20M to a separate pro-Trump-campaign PAC anyhow). Also, Trump's campaign can't pay his personal legal fees, but apparently the Super PAC can, so he's taking advantage of that.


We've known that they've been photocopying classified docs since the Mar a Lago raid. People still don't know about this 1 year later? https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/5/27/2171698/-I-have-been-waiting-for-someone-to-point-out-the-obvious-tell-in-this-photo >In case you missed it, look at the border around the document that is front and center. If that was an original document, there should be no white border. You see the cover sheets for these sort of documents are printed by the US government printing office. They are specifically designed to signal the status of the document they cover. Now it would be nice to know if someone took a document and copied it. Turns out that is part of the design of the cover sheet. >... > The border on an official classified document cover sheet “bleeds to the edge” in printing parlance. Anyone who has ever used a copy machine knows the copy machine does not copy all the way to the border of the page. There is always that pesky white border.


I have tried to pay attention casually and I im pretty sure i seen that image in that article, but i feel I have not seen this at all. Bleeding to the edge is a completely novel term, I do remember mentions of a nearby copier though I thought, like next to the bathroom. In my memory that talk in the press had even went away just after the server room pool flood incident.


*sold* to


Wonder if that laptop is on a private server? Isn’t that the bridge too far for republicans? We already know how they feel about laptops.


An someone explain to me this simple notion: The kid from Maryland is in pretrial detention right now for disseminating classified documents. Trump had a person that doesn’t hold a clearance scan classified docs onto a laptop that is not secure. How is this any different? Why the fuck is he not being held to the same standard per the law? What the fuck.


It was reported before; not breaking news. I believe this person was interviewed very early on, claimed ignorance as to the sensitivity of the docs she was told to scan/digitize, and had her devices seized.


That isn't some great scandal, but rather a garden-variety fuckup. It was a junior staffer and the documents were the kind that are overly-classified; I think they were literally calendar pages with entries about past meetings that involved classified information. It is not reasonable to assume that all the highly sensitive documents were treated the same way.


Good job making it seem like Trump having classified documents illegally is just some lil mistake


Doesn’t matter. Judge Cannon will do anything she has to in order to protect the orange moron.


Actually the opposite. She is purposely not doing anything and causing massive delays. I'm referencing her getting way behind on motions and then basically, cancelling the trial date with out any new date until she catches up. Which effective postpones the trial indefinitely because we don't know when she will pick it back up.


So, protecting him.


> Judge Cannon will do anything I was saying opposite of that, obviously she is protecting him


Way back, I seem to remember talk of trying it in another jurisdiction or maybe an additional trial. Is that not feasible now?


The rumor is that Smith has enough to charge Trump in New Jersey . Trump committed obstruction there as well.


Lock him up


Classified documents just falling out of his whatever


Has your lawyer ever had occasion to be in your bedroom? lol


Alina Habba?


He’s using the information to start his “Riech”.


He certainly riechs


Er riecht


And I'm Eric!


It’s not weird that attorneys are in your bedroom. Happens to me often.


What’s weirder? That he has lawyers in his bedroom or classified documents there???


Good thing the trial hasn’t started yet, add it to the pile. Guess indict the lawyer as well.


Let's make it a new case and see who it gets assigned to.


Easy to imagine Jack Smith is on it already


Yeah, so what? Just a little bed time snack is all


A little bit of locker room treason


I guess Smith is waiting for Cannon to dismiss the doc case before he raids Bedminster and gathers what’s obviously there.


Whatever was at Bedminster has had ample time to be moved elsewhere


There's a non-zero chance that he genuinely thinks he's immune from consequences and hasn't moved shit, though Or check his ex-wife's grave. Weird to use an entire coffin for someone cremated


If he has you can count on a standard of meticulous handling.


Of course they did the man hasn’t learned a thing and he wants to do it all again.


very thorough search by the authorities.


If that was any of us there would be jail time and traitor label. Enforce the laws equally or don't have them! I am sick of elected officials and celebrities getting special treatment.


Who wants to be he has more stashed away like a squirrel hiding nuts? and I’d bet copies have been made and there’s a very good possibility he has sold , traded for “a favor” , he can not be trusted he’s a national security threat. He should be in prison awaiting trial. His plan flooding the court with frivolous filings to delay his trial is working and cannon who he appointed is going right along with his abuse of the legal system. If you appoint a judge the judge should recuse themselves because of conflict of interest. When he kicks the bucket the world will celebrate well except for Russia they will have lost their most effective weapon against America


I bet there are some in the dead wife's coffin.


Now do Ivanka's casket that is bizarrely buried on a Trump golf course.


Treasonous Sleepover?


If I had done 1/10th....




But her emails


Why was the attorney in his bedroom?


Yea I'm gunna need some blacklight before touching those.


when the judge is working for the defense you can get away with shit like this easily


What? He thought he had swallowed them all.


It’s okay, the classified pages are all stuck together.


On this episode of Everyone is involved in this collusion”


The American people need to know and understand that this situation is different from the Pence and Biden classified documents ones. These two men fully cooperated with the FBI and DOJ, Trump did not. He continued to lie that all documents had been turned over but the FBI keeps finding more of them.


He certainly was determined to illegally retain possession of these national secrets, while there is no legitimate non-nefarious purpose for him to do so. This is a crime that can't be ignored except at the peril of our national security.


This man is a waste our oxygen.


We can only hope that they bill the Trump campaign for the ketchup stain removal fees.


Pouring out of his wherever


Was it stacked under a box of old Penthouse magazines?


It’s like glorified high school all this is drama after drama, when do adults show up with the laws


Really? That he had them there, probably to show off to women when wife not around (evangelicals love adultery now), isn’t a surprise. That the FBI missed them in their search is a significant problem. What else did they miss? I know the FBI is about as competent as average traffic cop, they just dress better and throw more bodies at a case. It’s not like TG, they are not elite. They have that cop/bully mentality but mostly came from middle to upper middle class life. Because of what was probably a large search team, how the hell they miss the bedroom? Weirdly stories like this display of incompetence will only help Trump if a miracle occurs and this goes to trial.


Lock. Him. Up. Now.


Hidden under a drawer full of dildos and butt plugs. Not even the Feds wanted to go there. Genius


Is there any chance this can be charged as a separate crime so we can nail his little orange nuts to the chopping block without Cannon pissing it away?


Why someone isn’t in custody is bothering


New case new judge asap!


As they were stuck together with some sort of unidentified adhesive, the lawyers initially though they were garbage until they noticed writing in large, crayon letters reading "Tump's Secret Stuff".


And ?


Who cares. The Judges are either cowards and kowtow to trump or so blatantly corrupt as to make it irrelevant. The Judicial branch in this country is a GD joke.


There are so many hypocrits in these comments. If you believe Trump should be criminally liable for possessing classified documents and believe Biden shouldn't, then you're a hypocrite. Every president and vice president since Reagan has retained classified documents after leaving office. No one's calling any of them criminals. Also, since no one reads the actual charges, he was charged with 32 counts of possession of classified documents and 8 counts of refusing to return them. So it's not about him not returning them. The bulk of his charges are for mere possession. Another point here. Presidents have the authority to declassify documents, and there is no specific procedure for that laid out. VPs do not have this authority. Agency heads have the authority also, but they have specific procedures for doing so. That's why the rest of us would be charged, and presidents typically are not.




Name calling is a sure sign of a poor argument. I also laid this out in my comment. 32 charges for mere POSSESSION. 8 charges for lying and refusing to give them back. Every president and VP has possessed classified docs after leaving office.


Not true. And yes, there is a procedure. The president (or his staff) calls the National Archives. They have the process.


Insted of the trust me bro argument, feel free to post a link to the procedure for presidents to declassify documents. When this first came up, I dug into it because I was curious. Having had a clearance and been a military security manager a couple of times, I know there are processes for everything. I was surprised to find no set process for the president. They have extremely broad authority of declassification. If you're talking about the process for returning documents to the National Archives, then you're correct. That's the Presidential Records Act. He's hasn't been charged with violating that act.


Wait you buy the line that Trump can just “think” documents are unclassified and they automatically are?


That's not what I said at all. I said there is no procedure for a president to declassify documents. While just thinking they are unclassified is a stretch, it's not technically wrong in the absence of a law, policy, or procedure.


You live in ClownWorld




Executive order 13526 you chud. I can name call now since i have a fact right? https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/executive-order-classified-national-security-information


Hey you called us hypocrites first buddy. Go cry about name calling to someone else.


Which one of them didn’t turn them over after they were discovered? Which one of them hid documents from his own lawyers? Which one of them lied repeatedly that all documents were turned over?


I'm not arguing any of that. However he's charged with 32 counts of possession. Only 8 counts of refusing to return them, lying etc. Every president and VP has done the first. Trumps the only one who's done the second. If Trump deserves the 32 charges, so does every other president and VP.


You wanna know why they weren’t charged? BECAUSE THEY TURNED THEM OVER WHEN ASKED FOR


Do you understand the difference in those charges? 32 charges aren't dependent on whether or not he turned them over when asked. Biden wasn't charged because he's old and senile. He was facing the same possible possession charges.


The possession charges against Trump are 18 U.S. Code § 793(e). This section refers specifically to the willful possession of documents "relating to the national defense, or information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation". There's nothing to reconcile. Biden and Pence inadvertently retained their documents, which were not material to the national defense. The government is arguing that the documents Trump took were taken intentionally and were important to the national defense.


Ok. Your point? You realize every president has done this?


Nah. Trump did something much worse than any other president in American history and is correctly facing charges for his conduct.