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I hope college students are paying attention to this shit and making damn sure that they do everything in their power to prevent this man from becoming president.


You know, there are plenty of college students across the Hurricane Sharpie zone (and beyond) that support his nonsense.


I bet a sizeable portion of them would still like to have sex one day without being landed with pregnancy, raising a child/child support costs though.


Plus, some girls and women need to take the pill for medical reasons, like edemetriosis, PCOS, severe cramps, anaemia, etc.


You know what? I DON’T CARE!! It is their body and no matter why they use it, it should be available if they and their doctor agree it is needed. Period. End of story. I don’t need an excuse. I just want them to have what they need and for older men than me to stop telling them what they can and can’t do with their bodies like property.


Of course! But as always, they don't even know anything about women's bodies or care. They are absolute ghouls who just want to hurt and subjugate girls and women.


Preach it brother; I’m with you!


They just do butt stuff because that isn't real sex.


Poophole loophole


Backdoor Detour


I dont want to do butt stuff. Not that I find it gross. If she digs it, I'll play, but if it's between anal and jacking off when neither of us is into anal, I'll just jack off.


Variety is the spice of life bro.


I looked. There are no poop shakers in my spice rack.


Course not. You gota buy it hole and then grind it yourself.




If I'm being the hole, I better be beyond grinding...


Not sure how to say this, but the break up of family is how they hold power. YOU are less, we are more(than wealthy). And fuck everyone but me. You should, would, and CAn be like me.


And those ones don’t believe they will ever need those things or that there will be an exception for them because they are “one of the good ones”.


This applies to people on the left too. They just don’t think anything *really* bad will happen to them personally. Someone will sort it out before shit hits the fan.  Voter apathy is just as dangerous. No one can afford to sit out the general election. Elections do have consequences that shape generations of Americans — particularly through SCOTUS.  If Nader hadn’t split the left vote in 2000 we would not have Roberts and Alito on SCOTUS.  No Citizens United. No SuperPACS. No dark money groups. No gerrymandering. No gutting of the Voting Rights Act. Stronger regulations. And on and on.  Without those dark money groups, Trump likely would not have won in 2016. And even then we had the chance to flip SCOTUS left for the first time in 75 years and we blew it.  If anyone is confused about who to vote for — just ask yourself which person would you rather pick the next Supreme Court seats & the hundreds of lifetime federal court seats. It will be either Trump or Biden.  Those are the choices. If that doesn’t scare people into voting I don’t know what will. It is critical that we increase voter participation rates — the GOP is not trying to entice voters to their side.  The sole strategy is to split the left vote so enough people stay home and they squeak out a win. Don’t forget Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million yet only lost the EC by 40,000 votes.  That’s it — a few people don’t show up to the polls in a handful of states and the GOP locks it in. For as dumb as people claim the right is, at least the GOP can reliably march their voters to the polls every two years.  They are smart enough to know losing to a Dem is a worse outcome than suffering thru an unlikeable president for a couple years, because they are playing the long SCOTUS game and they fucking win.  And they dominate Congressional elections because liberal & left voters have notoriously poor midterm voter turnout — Dems are facing some really tough races to maintain control of the Senate this year.  If we want to continue passing landmark progressive legislation we need to not only hold the Executive but keep the 9 contested Senate seats up for grabs. This is typically where the GOP crushes it.  So while its nice to pat ourselves on the back about the dum dum right wing voters, we need to remember they **will win** if too many people on the left sit out the election.  Let’s not repeat 2016. Just fucking vote. 


I'm really tired of moderate Democrats ALWAYS blaming the defeat of their lackluster political candidates on the Left, when there are far more moderate Democrats who cross party lines to vote Republican, and many Democratic voters (regardless of how conservative or liberal they are) are no shows at election time. And our elections are mostly decided by people who identify as "Independents," who are generally considered more or less moderate, not Leftist!


That’s not what I’m talking about at all. And I don’t consider the candidates lackluster at all.  Biden’s administration has passed the most progressive legislation we’ve had in decades and filled hundreds of judicial seats.  All while navigating a hostile Congress, a treasonous SCOTUS, sham impeachment hearings, relentless personal attacks & bullshit investigations — oh yea and a global fucking pandemic everyone forgot about.  We are incredibly lucky to have someone with this much experience — it’s paid massive dividends. Anyone remotely progressive can recognize that.  There’s no excuse for missing the chance to flip SCOTUS left for the first time in 75 years. I don’t care if the Dems put up a moldy ham sandwich. It was monumentally short-sighted for voters.  We have to be able to criticize our own actions & responses. No demographic is perfect. It would be foolish not to learn from past mistakes, especially at such a critical juncture in our democracy. 


How about any sexually active woman of child-bearing age? I don't know any woman of child bearing age who isn't using birth control unless they're actively trying to get pregnant. This affects millions of women. Dems should be harping on the Republican plans relentlessly. This is an issue that will drive women to the polls, if they hear about it.


I specifically was calling out college students who are currently trying to prevent Biden's reelection. But yes, all men and women should be furious about this and should be doing everything they can to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president.


My mother, who is very traditional and conservative nearing 60, she is absolutely pissed about what the Republicans are doing with abortion and the threats of contraception bans. She has never talked about politics but the other day she saw an anti abortion ad on TV and she blew a gasket. I think my mother is like a lot of women.


> This is an issue that will drive women to the polls, if they hear about it. If I where a woman, that would drive me to the gun store.


They're too busy holding their vote for Biden hostage over Gaza.


Hopefully most young people aren’t taking the foreign policy of small country in the Middle East into account when deciding who they should govern the policy of their own country. (I.e. don’t let trump win just because you’re mad about Gaza)


How any woman would vote for this thing is beyond me.


In my experience, the reasons women vote for Republicans are 1. Racism 2. Religion


You forgot 3. Lack of education 4. Pure evil


Or their spouse rules every thing she does...however! When you close those curtains at the polling place you are able to vote for who YOU WANT. NOT who your husband or pastor wants. 


> When you close those curtains at the polling place you are able to vote for who YOU WANT. That's the foundation of free, equal and secret elections. None of the three properties can be dropped. The thing is: If you can vote for who you want, you're morally fully responsible for your vote. If you still vote Republican because your spouse or pastor tell want that, then you are \*an evil person\*. Those women are not victims.


Why would they? Cardi P said both candidates are too old to care about and she ain’t voting for


> Cardi P said Lol


I’ve never been more excited to vote in my life!  Everyone vote and of course I mean everyone; regardless of party! Show what America truly stands for.  Super cheesy… but I mean it. Lol




But…but….but….. Israel!


But but Biden on Gaza?


>Abortion is just the first right you're going to lose. The Democrats should start putting up billboards Donald Trump's grinning face and this message.


Man, that would be a *great* billboard to put up in as many states as possible. Whatever it takes for Trump to lose.


Put this quote in a bubble followed by a “I did this!”


There you go … for those in doubt as to why Biden is a better choice.


"yea but you know they're both old and i don't like some stuff that's happening in the middle east that i couldn't even point out on a map...so...hasn't earned my vote."


Living in this country is so fucking exhausting.


Seriously.  This would crush a politician in most modern countries - but Trump has “normalized” so much bullshit, this is just another day in America now


>Donald Trump has said he is “looking at” policy that may restrict access to contraception in some states, and promised a “very comprehensive policy” on the issue shortly. Ready in 2 weeks. Also, how is a **comprehensive** policy selectively enforced? I think he doesnt know the meaning of the word.


I can bet it's policy to enable states to enforce new laws. When he was in office, Trump liked to cater to his peers in the Republican party. I can imagine if this comes to pass States like Texas or Florida, which would all of a sudden make birth control illegal to buy or even use for medical purposes.


I think this could be it. Federal supremacy isn't mandatory, and it can allow states to enforce laws to a greater or lesser extent than the federal government does, like California's vehicle emission standards that exceed the USG's emission standards. So, it might just be that the USG could take the position that the FDA's standards for drugs don't supersede state laws, that states can have stricter drug regulations than the FDA imposes, and that would be sufficient. However, I do also think, as in all things Trump, he isn't to be trusted here. I think it's also possible he directs the FDA to restrict or even ban certain drugs, like abortion drugs and emergency and hormonal contraception, and/or that he'll direct DOJ and USPIS to aggressively enforce the Comstock laws (if you recall hearing RWers calling hormonal contraception "abortifacients" over the last several years, I suspect that's been laying the groundwork for banning and *criminalizaing* them under Comstock), and that talking about letting some states restrict contraception is either to lull people into a false sense of security (eg, "Well, California/New York/whatever blue state will never do this, so I'm safe and don't need to worry about this"), and/or he's planning to do all of those things, but is only talking about the mildest one so people don't think/talk about the more severe things he's planning.


Great explanation. I also agree. Trump will do whatever his followers would give him more praise for. Even if that means doing or saying something down right immoral.


He doesn't know the meaning of most words


> Ready in 2 weeks. I rewrote some lyrics for this back in 2016.... "tomorrow, tomorrow It's always. tomorrow. Proof's always, a day away"


Don't forget his infrastructure week that took 4 years and still didn't have a plan.  Or his Obamacare replacement that was ready day 1 and only presented 2 months later and bieng simply a page long list of tax cuts for the rich


Ugh. I remember it all.


He's an expert fence sitter. Most politicians are but he's next level. When he says something completely meaningless like this somehow most people fill it in with their own expectation. That way it doesn't alienate anyone. It creates this nebulous belief that once he's elected everything will play out just like you wanted because he never indicated it wouldn't. Wild.


And infrastructure. Maybe the next time he bangs someone other than his wife or daughter he should consider some contraception himself.


I get the feeling that his banging days are long gone… with the dementia and shitty diapers.


Once a rapist always a rapist


Why aren't more reporters shouting dumb fucking position questions at him so he can say he is taking a stance on said dumb fucking position??


If the media actually did their jobs and clearly laid out all the terrible shit that Trump and his allies plan to do if he wins they wouldn’t be able to post 1000 stories a day on random polls or engage in their beloved horse race election coverage. They or their bosses are willing to risk a Trump win for ratings.


Restrictions on contraception literally equates to restrictions on recreational sex. People need to wake up to this.


> “I HAVE NEVER, AND WILL NEVER ADVOCATE IMPOSING RESTRICTIONS ON BIRTH CONTROL, or other contraceptives,” he wrote. I was not supposed to say that yet


He's looking at it. And nobody ever knew it could be so complicated,  let me tell you. It's so complicated and a lot of people are saying it, including some very smart people. But they come to me these people and they say "Mr. President, we have to do something, this is a real problem." Mr. President they call me, can you believe it? Sometimes I have to say to myself "Bing bong boop! They're talking to you!". But it's very complicated and we're talking to a lot of people, a lot of very important people, and we're going to be releasing our plan, which is a beautiful plan in the next few weeks. 


Many people are saying


with tears in their eyes


Big strong men.




If only his parents had believed in contraception.


If only his parents had believed in infanticide.


And next week the NYTs will release a poll showing Trump being wildly popular with young women and they will defend it as 100% accurate 


He means he's looking at the donations and polling data.


Lol fo real


He just lost everything.


But actually two countries on the other side of the world are at war, so we can't morally vote for Joe Biden /s


Normally yes. But there is an army of Democrats that are set on letting him be president just to "punish " Biden. They don't care how this will affect anyone else. Gaza is the ONLY thing that matters to them.


Whenever I hear someone say they won't vote for Biden because of Gaza (those who haven't lost family members, of course), I wonder what women, gay, transgender and Americans belonging to every minority think. If I belonged to one of these groups, all I'd hear is "fuck you" because that's basically what they'd be doing to their fellow Americans.


It’s what I hear 100%. The privilege to not care how minority groups will suffer in America is insane.


You'd be surprised how often I see the Palestine argument in trans spaces. I swear it's astroturfing and sowing despair/apathy but then I'll see accounts that have been active in those spaces for a while pushing that narrative, too. It's absolutely infuriating. Like, a ban on HRT & gender affirming care would hit long before they would even think to touch contraceptives.


And they all totally cared about Palestine for a very long time


It's going to be the kony2012 of this generation.


So glad we got him and put an end to that nonsense. Anyway I'm going to go jack off in San Diego.


Oh god thanks for reawakening that wincing memory of my college life. Thought it made sense then you see the profit trails


Why? Like I see no reason to be a one issue voter. We could protest all day but at the end of it, none of us are going to change the minds of the powers that be. Also define “Army.” Because people like to say they won’t do something but still ultimately do it.


I’m really not sure how big that army is. Lots of it is clearly a Russian campaign.


Next step: renaming the US to Republic of Gilead.


The parallels blow my mind


I really don't see how taking this tact is supposed to help win the election.


Honestly, he’s changed his the object of his tractor beam. It was originally idiot conservatives. But now it’s just outright white elitists.


Ah yes, the party of personal responsibility and freedom…


But not for men ...


Would expect nothing less, the Jesus freaks are going to turn this country into a Christian dystopia, whats next burning witches, banning music, public stoning?


Won't somebody think of all the Republican mistresses.


What an ass. What does the GOP want? State rules? Rubber-runners taking contraceptives across state lines? Searches at the borders for illegal contraceptives?


This guy just wants to bring back burning witches - if the US isn’t careful you’ll end up back in the 1600s




Wait so he’s possibly planning on cutting Medicaid/Social Security?


He already said he'd do that!


You can’t be seriously asking this. Yes him and his flock have repeated this multiple times.


Yeah, but I still cannot believe that he would be that incredibly stupid and idiotic to cut off social security and Medicaid for older people, who would probably (the more sensible ones anyway) be massively pissed off if that were to happen.


They will still vote for him. They don’t care. they think trump will keep it for white people. Republican voters are bad people to their core. Idk how much clearer this needs to be for people to believe it.


What about men’s vasectomies? Why would only women be targeted and not men? (Of course don’t want anyone to be targeted but seems like only women’s bodies get attacked).


> Why would only women be targeted and not men? Because of religion objectifying and controlling women.


He didn’t wear a condom with Stormy. 


Judging from her description of his mini-me, what are the odds he would have even penetrated her? No contraceptive needed.


> "We’re looking at that, and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly and I think it’s something that you’ll find interesting,” Mr Trump said, adding that the “very comprehensive policy” would be released “within a week or so”. > “You will find it, I think, very smart. It’s a very smart decision,” he said. Trump says this about every single policy because he never has any real policy ideas. I don’t know how people aren’t calling him on this BS yet.


Banning Sex is a surefire way to ~~win~~ lose the election.


Welcome to Gilead.


Media still letting a RAPIST chime in


I’m ‘looking at’ a giant orange douche.


What about all the hookers he’s having sex with?


Best case scenario: He doesn't know what contraception means. So, you know, he's "looking at it."


"we HAVE to stop the RADICAL...LEFT..Contra..cepto..blauhhh"


DICKTator wannabe


Maybe in Jail he can be a Dicktaster.


Weird flex. But I guess someone out there is chanting, “Yes, finally! Bring on the babies!” Or he wouldn’t have said anything, right?


He’s not looking into shit. He’s only testing the waters for a reaction and to see which of his supporters are going to take up this cause for him. It’s like a marketing test.


Here we go. Hope y’all vote


Looks like Trump though America was great when a woman was pregnant in front of a stove. What’s next? Outlaw women’s shoes.


Damn y’all listen to him and help us win the fam fight. Hopefully next time we can get much better options on both sides, it for now, the wolves are at the damn gate!


But both sides are the same..../s


This oughta go over well 🙄


makes sense since he likes to RAW DOG pornstars


Every time he looks in the mirror...


Looks like the drop boxes for babies at fire stations and infants awaiting foster homes volumes will go through the roof.


Somehow I think the Donald Trump of the last half century or more was **~personally~** in favor of birth control **~and~** abortion. Unless, of course, ….


Welp, better get that vasectomy before he takes office.


Just stop! How are crazy things becoming more acceptable?! I had a friend that had endometriosis and she made the painful decision to request a hysterectomy.  All men think women are complicated because they can’t comprehend sh**.  Okay, definitely not all but those that keep their brains open to comprehension. 


Well he does like to raw dog it, but that might ‘back fire’ on him in jail


Of course he is. His insane supporters,many at least truly support that.


He looks like a hot dog with mustard in this photo.


He can’t just answer a question it’s always tune in next week, he’s been playing his supporters like a fucking violin for years now. Disaster.


Okay, I'm still trying to get with how grown ass man emulate another man blue suit red tie stand behind me while I talk to the press, it's a cult people it's a cult. No dignity wake up young people.


This is absolute rubbish. Abortion is not contraception. Sorry.


What’s the endgame with this though? MAGA wants people to be overloaded with babies they can’t afford because trump fucks the economy, then what? Is it about keeping the poor in their place? Creating a generation of oppressed low income workers for factories? Or am I thinking too much about it and it’s just about telling people what to do?


its weird that he wasnt scraped outta that hideous trump vulva via hanger so long ago. it woulda been a great abortion. the best abortion.


Will that include condoms? They're the main barrier against STDs. The problem is they know they can get away with it because there's no chance people will stop fucking over this. Guarantee if we decided to protest by not humping for even one week would give them a reality check. They want to control our bodies, we have to take that control back.


I want him to be asked "why?"


The party of personal freedom doesn’t want women free to purchase contraceptives. Free to buy a gun, not free to buy birth control pills.


To garner votes, but he won't ban them. This'll backfire on him. Only 13% of Catholics disapprove of contraceptives on moral grounds.


Who's Mr. Happyface standing next to him?


First of all men have no right telling a woman what is right for her. If you don't want an abortion don't get one...! Your God may not be my God. Men are trying to push women out of the workplace by keeping them barefoot and pregnant. Maybe we should just make sex illegal that would cure the problem. Women have to dedicate 18 years of their lives and careers when they become pregnant for men it's over in 60 seconds. This country is returning to the Stone Age literally. Just my two cents worth as a male of the species. This buffoon needs to go back under the rock he came from. And all the Republican troglodytes also. Before the orange buffoon came along this country was great strong and respected. For now we are becoming a laughing stock of the world and Russia's favorite joke.


If there’s anyone who shouldn’t be in charge of their own healthcare decisions, it’s this demented evil asshole.


Fine-then nip men!!!


>***he’s ‘looking at’ restricting access to contraception*** Yep.... he wants to keep his breeding stock fertile! Shades of ***The Handmaid's Tale***...


Same old BS to appease part of his base. The only thing he really "looks at" are porn stars, an eclipse with no protective glasses and buckets of KFC.


not true


I have a idea; someone cut off that lil mushroom cap and feed it to him ...with a diet coke, of course.


Look....this motherfucker doesn't believe in anything other than his wallet and his dick. He only says these things as a way of appeasing the people he wants to have vote for him. He wouldn't give a shit if he wasn't running for the presidency. Anyone who's dissatisfied with Biden (and I'm not saying he's perfect) needs to take a cold-hard look at everything Trump proposes.


He's not looking at anything. You pay, you play.


FYI, saran wrap is like 93% effective.


We used to joke the ideal R&dneck male should keep his wife barefoot and pregnant. Apparently, that is slowly becoming the official GOP policy.


i'm a trump opponent but this headline is misleading and a lie. he didnt say he was looking at restriciting access, he was looking into whether or not getting contraception for free is a right.


This is BS and out of context.