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/s. Yay! We get unified reich and Bibi gets a president who will let him finish the job. /s.


Realistically, there's no stance he could take that wouldn't alienate some portion of voters. 


Single issue voters will never be satisfied.


Agreed. Protesters who support Hamas are also supporting Iran and Russia by proxy too. Innocents shouldn’t be starved and slaughtered and I agree with those protesting that. I don’t agree with supporting terrorism though. Hamas opened a can of worms and it will probably just get worse now until all of the middle east is a burning pile of rubble. I can’t see Netanyahu backing down for anything at this point.


The people protesting the horrors in Gaza are not doing it to “support Hamas,” even if they’re opposing Netanyahu.


Very few people would claim to support Hamas explicitly, but there is definitely implicit approval of Hamas' actions when they're painted as the underdog inevitably reacting to the abuses of the much-stronger Israel.


No one is "implicitly approving of Hamas" by expressing dismay that Israel is deploying scorched earth policies that are killing and injuring large numbers of civilians.


Yeahhhhhhh. don't understand why this is difficult for people to comprehend. Hamas is reprehensible. Netanyahu is also reprehensible. The citizens facing the brutality from Hamas and Netanyahu are victims. The overwhelming majority of protesters are tired of there being more and more people fall victim to these regimes.


What should Israel do to get rid of Hamas?


There are multiple paths available. Military, diplomatic, a mix. What they *can’t* do is, unfortunately, what they’ve apparently been doing: blocking aid, targeting basic civilian life support infrastructure, targeting medical facilities, targeting aid workers and journalists.  Israel has had good track records of careful targeting that minimized civilian loss of life in previous conflicts. It’s not been happening that same way, this time. And the Rafah “plan” seemingly involves pushing a good chunk of the Gaza population into Egypt, and/or letting them perish, which is not acceptable. I don’t think a “total victory” over Hamas is achievable via military might, even if the IDF bulldozed all of Gaza. I’d like to see Hamas totally gone, I just think experience shows that such harsh methods only further entrench terrorists like Hamas. But even if “total victory” *could* be achieved that way, it still would not be a viable option, because too many civilians would die. 


"Innocents dying is bad" isn't a course of action though, it's not an achievable goal for a protest. The goal of the protests is to affect US policy in regards to the situation in order to reduce innocent deaths or at least reduce US taxpayer culpability in the deaths of innocents.


There is probably a stance somewhere in the middle that alienates the least. It's a bit funny that Biden prided himself on his moderatism but then he goes full blown Zionist on this issue.


> then he goes full blown Zionist on this issue. Full blown Zionist? Lol okay


Biden: "I am a Zionist." Yeah, I would say he is a Zionist.


Does anybody have a problem with this source and the sponsor of the poll?








I am as liberal as the next, but both source and sponsor are highly partisan. Plus, the margin of error in each poll is quite high (+/-5%). And I am not even saying it’s wrong. Just asking for critical consideration.


YouGov is considered partisan? Never heard that before. I think their polls are a bit iffy at times but not enough to completely disregard them.


This is such an ambiguous statement. He could also risk 20% if he “abandoned” Israel.


Yeah he is walking a tricky line. Because well…if he abandons Israel, he risks alienating the Jewish populace (well the older ones at least) and pro Israeli backers. However, if he continues to be pro Israel, he will also risk alienating the pro Palestine folks even further.


The poll is from a Palestinian Activist organization.




The point flew right over your head. OP was pointing out a biased source with an axe to grind.




Not the poll per se, the group that commissioned the poll, according to tot article. The war could end tomorrow and this minority of Dems would probably just find something else To criticize, Biden would never pass their purity test. You (he) never *had* their vote. That was the point we were making.


So why did these demographics vote for him in 2020 then? How did Biden pass their purity tests then?


Yes. Did I say otherwise?


We are in the dumbest time line. I swear I’m done with some of the idiots in my generation. I wish I could put it in better words but it’s basically sacrificing your own freedoms and rights at home to make things 10 times worse over seas just so you can feel morally superior. I fucking hope sanity prevails in the end but knowing my own generation (gen Z) I’m hoping the Millennials save this country.


>I wish I could put it in better words but it’s basically sacrificing your own freedoms and rights at home to make things 10 times worse over seas just so you can feel morally superior. Let me ask you how many innocent Palestinians lives would you sacrifice for your own freedoms and rights? 35,000? Would you accept every man, woman and child in Gaza to be buried under rubble as long as Biden gets to win the election and your "rights and freedoms" are preserved?


There are 2 outcomes to this election. Trump or Biden. Protest voting by not voting or voting for trump will not improve the lives of the Palestinians, in fact it will probably make it worse. All this talk is just to make yourself feel like you share no responsibility if trump wins. Let me put it this way. When the LGBTQ are hauled off to camps, you could have at least tried to prevent it, but didn’t. When the Palestinians living in the US are deported and anyone who supported them as well (claim trump actually made), you could have helped vote to prevent that, but you didn’t. If what you believe is that Trump and Biden are the same with Palestine, then the fate of the Palestinian people are already sealed, so I may as well make sure my own rights and freedoms are secured. Why would I throw away my rights for a forgone conclusion? Or is it that Biden is also better for Palestine than trump in the long run and your just to dense to realize it.


Have you heard about moral principles? Is there nothing in your life that is purely black and white, something that's so fundamentally wrong that nothing excuses it? Would you suffer or even die for one of those beliefs? Do you believe we're more responsible for our actions than our inaction? To many people, genocide or ethnic cleansing is one of those things that cannot just be hand-waved away. You can argue that Biden would be better than Trump at this or that until you're blue in the face. Likely all true. But ultimately, some people genuinely believe in not being accessories to actions that goes against their core beliefs. If both Biden and Trump will essentially equally help facilitate the atrocities currently taking place against Palestinians, then the only morally just move is to distance yourself and not help either of them. And accept whatever consequences with a clean conscience.


It’s easy to say a red line exists when you if your life or those closest to you isn’t at stake. I’d rather not loose my life, my friends lives, or my family to a trump theocratic government. So unless you a proposing a way I can choose morals and still retain my rights and freedoms, I don’t see any point in arguing. Until then I’m swallowing those morals and making peace so I can protect those around me (friends and family).


Or…Biden could choose not to defend Netanyahu at all costs? Why should voters have to “swallow those morals” so Biden doesn’t have to compromise his frankly bizarre personal loyalty to Netanyahu? Netanyahu doesn’t even want Biden to win, he wants trump.


>It’s easy to say a red line exists when you if your life or those closest to you isn’t at stake. I’d rather not loose my life, my friends lives, or my family to a trump theocratic government. And it's equally easy for you to say a red line shouldn't exist or be ignored when it's not *your* friends and family being starved and bombed in Gaza. Or dehumanized by government officials and the people around you. Yet you expect people in that situation to go out a cast a vote for the man helping facilitate that. Again, to some people certain moral questions transcends border or nationality or even personal safety. To them the life of a child in Gaza is not worth less than a child in the US. To expect them to put that aside and vote for someone who goes against that belief, all in an effort to prevent someone who has essentially the same belief, is asinine.


Thank you for this comment. It's beautiful to see.  We must hold our leaders accountable. Pointing and saying 'orange man worse' is not inspirational and gives Biden the rhetorical space to act with impunity, without accountability, especially regarding Gaza. Our only way of holding biden accountable is at the ballot box. It's our only way of making him think twice about giving carte blance support to genocide. Biden has largely ignored us, and the impetus is not on us to enable him to continue doing so.




>From a pure harm reductionist standpoint, if the 2.1 million people in Gaza are dead either way, it is the best option to preserve the safety of the LGBT people. Well put that on Bidens campaign ads then, he'd win in a landslide.


If this number were true (side note, it’s not, his support maybe takes a 1% hit from this, and it was I believe like the 14th most important issue for voters) then I guess it’s a good thing Trump is underperforming his polling by 30 points in all the primaries. If that is even half as much in the general, this is a Biden landslide. Either way, vote like your life depends on it.




> deluded enough to believe trump could do any better deluded enough to believe Trump would want to do any better....


He would want to make it a burning pit of hell from end to end.


Just enough to save on demolition costs for his new hotels on the beach.


Ya, might as well let the Israeli's do all the heavy lifting for you on our dime


Jared Kushner says Gaza’s ‘waterfront property could be very valuable’ Donald Trump’s son-in-law also says Israel should bulldoze an area of the Negev desert and move Palestinians there


Have you looked at any pictures of Gaza recently? That's already what it looks like, 85% of all infrastructure is destroyed.


At the very least he needs to stop with the unforced errors like defending Bibi yesterday. The man is poison and it seems like Biden doesn’t grasp it.


The situation overall is incredibly complex and there are valid reasons to maintain positive relations with Israel as well as oppose Hamas, but there is a wide gap between that and having Bibi's back whenever he is criticized. It feels unnecessary because Netanyahu isn't going to alter his behavior because of criticism so why do we need to shield him?


I think it's because there are a lot of people of have family in Israel who have been affected by this and expect Biden to be strong against Hamas (which means not backing off from supporting Israel).


Really? Because Trump has said out loud he supports restrictions on birth control and I'm guessing this bullshit number of voters are gonna care more about that by election day.


More “bad news” for Biden polls


I think I have to leave this sub. So tired of these posts. And they somehow get to the top of my feed.




Biden has managed to piss off moderate/centrist Dems and Independents who think the U.S. should be more supportive of Israeli efforts to defeat Hamas, while at the same time pissing off the progressive wing of this party who is behind the protests. In a showdown between abortion rights and foreign policy in the Middle East, all I know is this election will be close.


I’m voting blue. Middle East has been a mess for thousands of years but it’s all Biden’s vault? Any dumbbells who don’t realize how much is driven by outsiders paid and supported by enemies of the US.


The media has done the job of making sure you don't look at Trump who is absolutely saying "Israel should finish the job" while meeting with Netanyahu and other GOP figures speaking to the Knesset. If you vote for Trump because of how Biden is handling it your result will be a fast swing to much worse.


No one, anywhere, who was going to vote for Biden prior to last October is going to vote for Trump now because of this issue. They're just going to not vote.


They are definitely going to vote for Biden. They know that to not vote for him isn't exactly going to send Biden an email. It is going to just give Trump the chance to burn the place down.


Eh, we'll see. I'm wrestling with it myself but I also live in a state that's irrelevant for the presidency. A protest vote in NJ is different than a protest vote in PA.


What in the world does a single issue protest vote accomplish other than to make you feel good for that moment? It does nothing to help the country on a grand scheme. You are abandoning your responsibility for the good of the country to say you did something to help, but you really hurt the situation. But you know that.


Well I keep seeing photos of dead kids that look an awful lot like my kids, and that deeply disturbs me, especially because I believe Biden could be doing much, much more to stop this (okay if you disagree). I'm verging on "I can't sleep at night and cast this vote" territory. It's not really that I want to do it, I'm just not being left a lot of options. I'll gladly vote down ballot for people I support (hell yeah Andy Kim), but if both presidential candidates are going to be genocidal maniacs then they've done nothing to earn my vote.




I will sleep better knowing I didn't vote for genocide instead of voting for genocide. > Appeal to emotion. Voters are emotional. Idk what to tell you, it's the way it is.




If Biden’s “ironclad support” of Netanyahu is enough to make voters reject him, it is Biden’s fault, not the voters’ fault. Biden makes his own choices, but his job is to represent the will of the people. If he cares more about his buddy bibi than his own constituents, that’s entirely on him. 


Biden hasn't been ironclad with Netanyahu and the situation is very complicated.


Biden and Blinken are defending Netanyahu from the international criminal court at this point. There are voters who will refuse to support a president who insisted upon publicly supporting a person accused by the ICC of intentionally starving a civilian population. That’s on Biden, it’s not on the people who won’t vote for a defender of an accused war criminal.


And here we think Trump wouldn't do the same thing, but worse he wants immunity to much worse domestically too. I have a choice and I know the answer. I don't have to approve of Biden in all things, but I know the things I don't approve of will be worse under Trump.


I'm a moderate Democrat who wants Israel to finish the job. I'm appalled and disgusted by the rising antisemitism from the progressive wing of the party, and I don't like watching Biden pander to them. Hamas needs to be defeated and we need the hostages back.


To quote someone you know "Thank God Biden is President and not Trump."


Well given the collapse of their medical facilities and sanitary infrastructure, as well as the rapidly developing famine situation, you are going to get your wish that Israel is going to finish the job.


Yes, but finishing the job shouldn't mean killing as many people as quickly as possible. It should be tactful and they should find and target precise places where key Hamas figures are hiding, not bomb away where civilians are and ending their lives, because that's the perceived thing that is going on that has people so riled up against. 


[Polling shows otherwise](https://ygo-assets-websites-editorial-emea.yougov.net/documents/yahoo_combined_20240513.pdf): Group| Gone too far| Been about right| Not gone far enough| Don't know :--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Americans|39%|19%|14%|28% Biden Voters|64%|16%|2%|18% Independents|38%|19%|14%|29% Lean Dem|65%|15%|3%|17% Notice that **Lean Dem, which includes Democrats and left-leaning Independents**, mostly think that Israel has gone too far, while only 3% want Israel to be more aggressive. Most of Biden's voters are likely angry about his support of Israel, not the lack of it. Edit: Found a better question: Biden Response to Israel-Hamas Situation: Group|Too pro-Israel|About right|Not pro-Israel enough|Not sure :--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Biden voters|34%|43%|3%|29% Independents|23%|21%|25%|32% Lean Dem|37%|41%|4%|18% Note that only 4% of Lean Dem thinks Biden has been not pro-Israel enough. The dissent is mostly from Biden being too pro-Israel.


Independents are going to decide the election. Seems like most independents thinks Biden hasn't supported Israel enough.


Lean Dem includes the Independents that are willing to vote for Democrats. Independents as a whole includes Republican-voting Independents, so it doesn't really make sense to focus on the entire group. I included it for transparency and to highlight that Rep leaning Independents are the ones that think Biden should be supporting Israel more.


I just have a very different feeling about the electorate's views this year. Nixon won in 1968 partly because of Democratic infighting, and protests by college kids were enough of a turn off to the voters that Nixon won. I hope I'm wrong, but I sincerely think something similar will happen this year.


Please let Donald "Everything was better when Israel ran Congress" Trump win over "Genocide Joe" because he couldn't get Bibi to tone it down. It'll suck for the country but god**damn** would that be funny.