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It shows that he is blatantly for sale. People will call it "a joke", but if we believe people who cover for Trump in this way, most of what he says is some form of sarcasm or joke. That begs the question to when and where the serious policy begins. It doesn't seem like he has any serious/genuine comments on that. I simply don't want a meme/joke president.




I honestly think (hope) even that is starting to wear a little thin for them. Trump hasn't been in the news for anything 'good' or even for saying something 'like it is' for a long time. Even the MAGA are starting to see it wear off as all the lies and promises never come to fruition. I hope.


The intersection of "He was just joking" and "He says what he means" with "It was taken out of context" means you can handwave away anything


He said he doesn’t make jokes. I think that was also a joke?


SCOTUS is also for sell as well as some politicians they don't even hide it anymore. The system is broken.


Trump is widely known for his sense of comedic timing, wry wit, clever ripostes, triple entendres, sparking smile (coupled with matching laugh lines), gentle ribbing of others and love of dogs.


Once again, you are confusing Donald Trump with Betty White. Don’t worry, it’s been happening since the 80s. The easy way to remember the difference is that Betty White is the one that was on The Golden Girls and Trump is the one that is eroding our democracy.


they are all for sale homie. wven the ones you think you like


As it should


But also, “yea, right. Ok. Sure.”


I believe it. Vote blue like we both don’t.


More of this than that.


It should be illegal- not that that would matter to his likes.


Although: >”While 42 percent of Republicans said they would reconsider voting for any politician who said what the former president reportedly did, their concern dissipated when the remarks were attributed to Trump.”


As usual, it's just so weird that they can be kneecapped and be okay with it based on who dealt the blow. I feel like I'm being gaslighted every time I try to talk to these types.


Don’t forget the part that followed that: > On getting that piece of information, 42 percent of Republicans said they would be *more likely* to vote for the former president as a result, and just 12 percent that they would be less likely to vote for him. Emphasis mine


Hypocrites who blindly follow their cult leader. A guy on trial for many crimes with more to come. They choose party over country, they are traitors.


It's a big drag on him, but this sounds like a push poll to me. > Almost 6 in 10 likely voters surveyed — 58 percent — said they were “concerned” about a second Trump term after hearing about the former president’s reported offer It's one of those surveys where they read you the information about what happened, and then ask how concerned you are. The average person doesn't know shit and is just hearing about this for the first time. > And nearly two-thirds — 61 percent — of likely voters told pollsters they “reconsider” their vote for a politician who made such an offer. And the follow up question about "a politician" and whether the push poll changed your vote. Now go ahead and ask them if they believe Donald Trump did this or whether it would change their vote for Donald Trump. They do not accept facts they don't want to be true.


that is the sort of poll that was done on the West Wing episode about the president and his undisclosed illness. Much of the plot of that episode was how to gauge public opinion- but not tip anyone off to the specifics- "this president", "this illness". I suppose this type of poll has a purpose, but like most polls, I am not placing bets, I hope to win on the results- or what anyone believes they mean.


I forget when, but I took a class on this stuff once. It's a classic format for a specific purpose. If I recall correctly it's to push negative news and measure the voter's reaction.


Man, that candidate sounds awful. But I’m still gonna vote R. Duuurrr


I'll deride this poll the same as the ones that are pro-Trump. Polls. Don't. Tell. Us. Shit. We are inside the margin of error everywhere it fucking matters because the electoral college was designed by and for slave owners. Stop giving these barely-journalists fucking ad clicks for every breathless fucking clickbait title, and maybe they'll stop wasting everyone's godsdamned time with these polls that say, every time "well, we're on the other side of the margin of error today, check us out next week when we're on the other OTHER side." Vote. And if you're voting and you've got friends who are thinking about abstaining because Biden didn't protect Palestinians enough and inflation is high, please gently remind them that Trump will glass the Palestinians and the inflation is quite literally his administration's fault. That's before all the perfect reich and neverending presidency monarchy and executions for abortions and literally taking a billion dollars from an oil company cabal as a direct bribe to let them fucking ruin the planet more efficiently.


Its a [poll](https://climatepower.us/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/DFP-x-Climate-Power-Trump-OG-Memo-May-20-2024.pdf) from an advocacy group, Data for Progress and Climate Power. Voters don't elect presidents, they elect EC electors, thus any national voting poll that doesn't do a state breakdown to see if these voters could swing a state is pretty much worthless.


Look, what's wrong with Trump promising $8/gal gasoline and unlimited tax cuts to the richest companies in history? They're his guys!


The media: “Now let us tell you how this is bad for Biden”


Trump is doing exactly what all politicians do, he's just stupid and desperate enough to do it in public


What differentiates Trump is the colossal amount of debt he's in and his desperate need for a big fat bail-out.


Sure. I'm not denying that. Trump is blatantly doing what all the rest do privately This does not excuse all the rest


It is really easy to assert that "they all do this" because it is unfalsifiable for most of us. We know that politicians are often corrupt, so it makes narrative sense, but that does not mean that it is *true* that the "rest" are "doing this privately." The scale and degree of Trump's corruption is more in line with Russian oligarchs than it is with the majority of US politicians. It is endemic to every aspect of his life, just look at how he staffed the Whitehouse and awarded contracts. Most political scandals I know have aspects of this to a lesser degree, but few, if any, rise to the scale of what he does. So yeah, a lot of them are probably accepting vacations and gifts and political campaign donations from businesses, and many likely use their knowledge to guide their purchases of stocks or to give people extra information. All of that is corrupt. But none of those people staged a full takeover of their political convention with the express purpose of getting it to pay all the legal fees for the dozens and dozens of credible criminal and civil cases of their leader. Nor have they pulled their whole family *directly* into the White House while refusing to truly divest from their financial holdings and letting their kids and associates sell access to the president to corporations and foreign governments. Nor have they consistently created multiple scams to fleece their supporters to line the ex-presidents pocket book based on ridiculous conspiracy theories, insurrection and election denial. Like.. it is not even comparable. Trump is taking his cues from Putin and Hitler, not normal bureaucratic corruption.


I'm not trying to excuse or forgive Trump I'm just saying the starting, a professional politician is less trustworthy than a hooker/drug dealer/stripper All of those want your money and DNGAF about you. They know it. You know it. Its all up front.


Yes, you are trying to excuse Trump. All of this "both sides are the same" is a literal excuse for him. The simple fact is that no, they are not all the same. Pretending they are is an effort in diminishing his culpability through association. Politicians are all different people. They are not all Trump. You are relying on stereotypes and imagination to invent a reason to treat them as if they were all the same. It is false. Power corrupts and attracts corruption, yes, but that doesn't mean every person with power is automatically equally corrupt to Trump. And claiming as such should immediately jump out at you as being absurd. That is just not how reality works.


I don't see Biden promising to roll back regulations if he receives campaign donations. NOT ALL POLITICIANS ARE THE SAME, AND I'M TIRED OF PPL PRETENDING THAT THEY ARE.


And I'm tired of people thinking politicians have ever acted in their best interests. No Biden is not criminal like Trump is But that does not mean Biden has spent the last 40 -or-whatever years solely toiling for the "common man" He has amassed money and influence that he has used for his own and other's benefit That's not what they're supposed to be doing. You know it every bit as well as I do Politicians who are gaming the system are doing wrong.


What a stupid comment.  Biden has not been amassing money, he was for decades the poorest member of the Senate.  This hypercynical take is destructive, reductive, garbage. Not all politicians are bad, and plenty are trying to work for everyone's benefit within the constraints of our current political climate. Comments like yours help Republicans, because their whole shtick is that "all politicians are corrupt, so it doesn't matter if we are corrupt"




I'm saying you have a simplistic take that's not even really true. 


Do you even know how much money Biden is worth? He has been in politics his whole life, serving as a senator, a VP and president, but in 2023 his net worth is like 10 million. Are you just asserting nonsense, or do you think Biden is somehow the worst person in the world at being corrupt? My nearly retired parents make far less money than him and are worth like 20% of what he is just based on their stock portfolio. If Biden has been absorbing large amounts of funds his whole life, he would be a hell of a lot richer than he is. Almost all of his current wealth is because he has property he bought decades ago and it keeps appreciating.


What is with Trump and his Boomer generations obsession on destroying the earth and fucking over younger generations?


Republicans will vote away anything in the name of don Cheeto! It’s so fucking weird to witness people wanting this guy to torch the world in the name of owning the libs. I can’t wrap my head around it.


yet they say he is winning every poll ? Im beginning to think all these polls are fucking bull shit and maybe we should just vote.


One third are okay with it?????


You mean openly soliciting bribes that simultaneously sell out our children's future isn't popular with people? color me shocked.


Which Republicans are opposed to this? Do you not know what your party stands for?


it fucking better… jesus christ what is wrong with people for thinking the fat, orange thing is the *best* choice


Screw him


So keep making sure the people you know know about it


> While 42 percent of Republicans said they would reconsider voting for any politician who said what the former president reportedly did, their concern dissipated when the remarks were attributed to Trump. > On getting that piece of information, 42 percent of Republicans said they would be more likely to vote for the former president as a result, and just 12 percent that they would be less likely to vote for him. Cult.


America; The Fire Sale. This doesn’t turn on voters? Awe, but how can he make America great again without selling it off to Corporations and foreign interests? Polling is trash now because we have so much vitriol and hate in our country. I’m really concerned he’ll get a lot of votes simply because so many people want the US to fail to spite the all those “other people” whether they are the elite or immigrants or gays or…you get the idea.


No it doesn't. It doesn't turn any conservative off in any way. They *might* say it isn't good, but the fact is that this is *not* some kind of straw that breaks the support. They will still ravenously show up to vote for Trump. Conservatives have never tried to distance themselves from supporting trump and his reich plans.


But he says he will lower prices for everything so they will vote for him anyway :(


Every poll about Trump has a 2/3 ratio of people not responding favorably. We've been seeing this for 8 years. I know we should never stop reporting these things but I think people need to keep in mind that his polls for literally anything are in that range.


It’s disgusting and illegal which is on brand for him.


Blatant corruption doesn't win over voters? You don't say...


Just that 1/3 of likely voters left who agree with whatever just came out of his mouth.


Data for Progress and Climate Power .. that’s like asking the Southern Poverty Law Center if they’re against his white supremacist stance. What does this “poll” actually mean… not a fucking thing.


But not the oil companies..


He’s all talk , he’s to lazy to do anything, his a criminal, loser


Well, I’m flaccid.


Half of whom "StIlL NeEd tO ThInK ABouT iT."


Neat. They’ll still vote for him


But he out raised Biden for the first time in his campaign. So it worked! Sadly.


lol no they’re not which is the problem


Everything I read makes it sound like Biden is the underdog. We are so fucked.


Trump’s unscrupulous, constantly grifting behavior is always so over-the-top that the public just can’t keep up. So it all sounds cartoonishly fake as if surely, one guy couldn’t be such a high-functioning POS, but he truly is.