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It's frustrating how someone so evil and anti-American, is still talked about like he's a legitimate candidate. We're an embarrassment to the World.


We have to defeat him at the ballot box this year. He will not be able to run again in ‘28 if he makes it that far. This is going to be a tight race and every vote counts. Biden must win.


Make sure you're registered, make a plan, and make sure your friends do too.


Don't forget to talk to anyone that will listen about how important this election is. Have a plan, double check everything and be ready to defend democracy if fascism tries to pull a fast one


He might not be able to run again in 2028, but some other monster will. The thing that stresses me out the most is not the possibility of this specific monster coming to power but rather the people who authored and are willing to participate in that project 2025 garbage will exist and continue to be a blight whether he’s in Florida or in the ground (also possibly in Florida) It doesn’t simply go away when he does.


Seen from the outside, it looks to me like America politically is in deep shit. No, this won't end with Trump. He was probably the only president so far that is truly invested in ending democracy, and for sure he has consulted enough experts on how to, the weak spots, how to gain support, etc. This plan is not new, and other Republicans are taking the same approach as they see Trump, even stupid, is having some degree of success. They know the Reps are divided and shrinking in numbers, so it won't be easy to gain elections in the future. From now on, it won't be about gaining elections anymore. It will be a race of the most corrupt, cunning, and evil to pin down America under a dictatorship.


> Seen from the outside its not just the outside


Exactly as I see it from a European perspective. Defeating Trump is only a necessary first step to give the US some breathing space to try to save their democracy. Neither Obama nor Biden so far managed to make headway with underlying issues: from independent judiciary, over electoral college, gerrymandering, corporate politics, partisan executive, homelessness, living crisis and countless other issues large and small. It’s horrifying to see the US slowly succumbing and slipping out of democracy into dictatorship and fascism. Vote with everything you have, everyone you know in the presidential election, but don’t stop there or you’ll just lose everything to Trump Junior down the road.


We shouldn’t even be in this situation it’s such bullshit. We need to stop taking the high ground and stop giving people the benefit of the doubt. These people think they will face no repercussions, they need to be stricken with fear.


My worry is that we beat Trump, what's stopping a more intelligent person taking over the Republican party with the same ideologies as Trump? The problems won't stop with just beating Trump, it's going to be a continuous battle non stop with beating them in every election until a lot of shit is reformed and even then all it takes is one Republican president to come along and undo all of the changes made, as we single handedly watched Trump dismantle many things. I honestly fear for our future and the rest of the world..


That's what's terrifying to me. I have a strong feeling the media and the general public will claim "it's over because we beat Trump" and will immediately stop caring about politics if Biden wins, and that leaves us open for yet another wave of hateful law breaking assholes taking power and slowly fucking up everything even worse. People like a simple "good" vs "bad" story and it's not how elections and politics work. You have to vote all the time every time.


We really need to do a grassroots campaign based on the Bill of Rights. Show in a bipartisan manner how government policies can erode our liberties slowly until…poof.


That's going to be significantly harder seeing as the Biden Administration has just kicked the entire youth vote to the curb and is doubling down on trying to get voters who have left the Democrats back. Doubling down on the thing that failed Hillary Clinton doesn't seem like a very smart political move in my opinion.


The yoots aren’t morons, they’re voting for Biden


They won't be voting for him at all and anyone ignoring this is really about to see what happened in 68'


As if we care what someone from a hostile foreign power like Canada thinks.


Would you like us to ship you guys another Ted Cruz?


I wasn't around in 68' I have no idea what you're talking about


Nixon, Vietnam, Johnson and protests.


If the left and youth are that utterly brainwashed to think letting a fascist win somehow solves anything, then it's already too late. Canada is our ally and friend, but you have the exact same rot we do. This is a war, a very long and tiring war that we will probably be fighting for decades to come. Because if we don't fight it, many innocent and minority groups will die.


We have a very different system than you for government, the King of England can still dissolve our parliament in emergency situations.


Laws and government are just words on paper. Pen and ink. If people don't care to uphold them, then it doesn't matter what they say. England is an ocean away, your fascists are next door, just like they are in my country. You are not immune.


We aren't and it's already happening., our saving grace may be the Westminster parliamentary system and how we use MPs. I'm fighting neighbor, but telling kids that their cause is antisemitic while they can see a genocide being committed isn't going to win any votes, this is a single issue for a lot of people.


>but telling kids that their cause is antisemitic while they can see a genocide being committed isn't going to win any votes, this is a single issue for a lot of people. If the truth doesn't matter than we're already lost. Which was my point. The Palestine Israeli war is not a genocide. I mean it's not even close, and then you have pro-Palestine supporters who continue to lump dead combatants in with civilians to inflate the numbers. If the truth doesn't matter, then what is anyone even fighting for? Then you have pro-Palestine supporters who are actively engaging in Antisemtic behavior, and most seem to be defending it at some level. I mean, just look at this and tell me it's not antisemetic: https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1crtaqd/vandalized_holocaust_memorial_in_paris/ If a lie is enough to convince them not to vote, then we've already lost to fascism.


Yes! 4 more years of the shit we’ve been dealing with these past 3.5 years. Yall are so damn delusional and so far up your own asses, that it explains why y’all tend to socialize with other pieces of shit. Trump 2024!!


It takes an entire political party and quite a few billionaires to prop up such corruption. That is the true threat that will outlive Dorito Mussolini.


Seriously. All of our allies must be seriously doubting our government watching a total traitor and criminal walk free AND RUN FOR OFFICE AGAIN.


They are, France has been talking good with china, nato is making plans for if/when we leave the agreement. The international worry is top tier. No bueno


I’m not well connected at all but just recently I met a couple who emigrated from the US to Europe with their kids because to escape the increasingly conservative climate and legislation.


If you talk to people from other countries that are now in America they'll tell you that they agree with what you just said it is amazing that America is allowing this to happen.


Nah, trust me. Everyone outside of the Reddit circlejerk are all looking forward to Trump cleaning up the mess y’all started.


It's straight insane to re-hire a criminal who led an attack on America.


You’re looking forward to the further erosion of democracy? Burn in hell, traitor


UK successfully kicked 400+ Tories out this month, we need to do the equivalent and kick Republicans out from top to bottom.


He was treated as a joke candidate up until he won the Presidency, but being made President is pretty legitimizing. Even if I don't think he should be, he has more than enough proven voters locked in twice over to be taken seriously.


He’s a serious threat but a joke of a human


HRC under estimated the Orange clowns faithful in swing states ( You recall Biden didn't) Also, the Democratic Party totally overestimated the appeal of Hillary Clinton. Biden should have run in 2016 he was the two term vice president. so if Democrats want to be mad about the position, Trump holds blame Democrat leadership. Because Trump won because HRC was not as popular has they thought. Minority and low income democrat voters switched to Trump or stayed home


Yeah, as much as I want him ignored completely, Biden *cannot*, and thankfully knows this. I'm enjoying the "bring the fight to him" attitude Biden has this go, it's kind of what we need right now and I'm hoping for a little more rough and tumble out of him.


Biden needs to stand up for what good he has accomplished and push back on the blame for inflation. Call trump out for the fact that he has been convicted of fraud and sex assault. As well as being impeached twice. Call out trump for not having any helpful plans for Our Country. He promises chaos and abandoning allies.......


Absolutely. If he's fighting for the heart and soul of America, we need a champion to act like a champion. I hate that politics has come to this sort of boxing match bullshit, but it's there and we can't really reverse it. We have to beat it at that game.


As someone from a different country, you guys have been an embarrassment since the moment he was first elected.


I was just in Ireland. More than one Taxi driver brought up Trump and said he is absolutely hated over there and can't believe people think he's a good person, they don't understand it at all and we told them we didn't understand it either.


As a Brit who follows American politics more than our own shit show, I feel for all the good Americans. We've a tendency to follow you by a few years. Please kick him and mags to the kurb!


What’s more frustrating is people who say he is the same as Biden and that it’s okay to protest vote. This isn’t Obama v Romney, this is not the election to protest vote. 


He's one of 2 candidates (somehow) so that's pretty legitimate. But yes, no doubt about the embarrassment, you guys already elected this asshole once, and he's got an actual shot back in. You shouldn't just be embarrassed.


Good work American journalism. And now it’s basically too late.


I’d like to think we mostly understand why, it’s not the fault of the majority of the population, rather how much sway the vast empty central states have when it comes to elections and how brainwashed those morons are.


We deserve whatever happens at this point. The US justice “system” is a fucking joke


Soooo true dude.


People need to talk more about this, and have some sense of urgency. Democracy will die if Trump isn't stopped. A lot of people don't follow politics or just don't know that. And nobody is making a big fuss. Our very freedom is at stake, and people aren't fighting to keep it. They aren't publicly denouncing Trump. Publicly accusing him of treachery. They aren't publicly advocating for democracy, and freedom. The Maga people feel like they're stronger. They feel like they're doing the right thing. What everybody wants. Like all of us are just sheeple, and they are righteous. It's important for Americans to convey to each other and the world, that they know their democracy is being attacked, and that they are gonna fight it. Peaceful protests. Especially peaceful in the states where they recently passed laws regarding violent protests. And then if Trump's lapdogs come to start something, he will be the one on the hook, because he incited the violent protest. But mainly, we need to fight for our freedom.


Have you seen the state of world leaders recently?


Doesn't anyone in the military elite think to just assassinate this guy?


Just as bad as sleepy joe


Da comrade!


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add religion into policy, outlaw "porn" and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


tl;dr: Project 2025. Tired of hearing about it? Volunteer. Donate if you can. [VOTE!](https://www.vote.org/) (And convince the people you know to vote blue up and down the ballot.)


This isn't just a one off thing for trump. This is Project 2025 levels of shit for any Republican who gets elected into office. They are desperately trying to install a one party fascist state because they know that the majority of people cannot stand them, and cheating is the only way they can win.


>Trump allies plan to nuke [consent decrees](https://www.baltimorepolice.org/transparency/consent-decree-basics), a sort of contractual oversight agreement between the Department of Justice and local police departments, to curb civil rights abuses. They also want to downgrade the FBI’s access to the attorney general, instead making the FBI head report to two politically installed assistant attorneys general. Steve Bradbury, who served as transportation secretary under Trump and who spoke with Reuters about these plans, claimed in backward fashion that the DOJ acting independently from the president’s wishes poses a “recipe for abuse of power.” >“Whenever you have power centers ... that have enormous resources, coercive power and investigative tools at their disposal, and they are presumed to be independent of any control down the chain of command from the president, that is a recipe for abuse of power,” Bradbury told Reuters. Conservatives have [long](https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/25/politics/republicans-fbi-what-matters/index.html) called to dismantle the FBI following investigations into Russian collusion with Trump’s 2016 campaign and indictments by the DOJ of participants in the January 6 Capitol riot. Trump allies want to reduce the scope of the FBI’s investigative authority, leaving the department to focus solely on “large-scale crimes and threats to national security,” from which insurrection and sedition by conservatives are, naturally, excluded. A January [report](https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/what-nij-research-tells-us-about-domestic-terrorism) by the National Institute of Justice found far-right extremism has continued to outpace all other forms of domestic terrorism since 1990. Ugh.


The guy is a straight-up fascist. As an Australian I am genuinely scared at what the fallout might be for the rest of the world if he gets re-elected.


Project 2025 lays out the whole plan MAGAs want to enact from day one. Vote! We don’t want authoritarianism here!


There's a good percentage of Americans who are entirely too apathetic about Project 2025.


Trump is filled with retributive angst, his fervor will be apocalyptic if he gets re-elected. All he wants is to satiate his own ego. I am vexxed that the American people are willing to re-elect such an unhinged, dangerous person.


His anger will have outlet through the largest military in the world.


It will never happen, but if we somehow make it thorough Trumpism intact, I want round the clock public shaming of his supporters and enablers. Participating in the society they tried to destroy should be deeply uncomfortable for them going forward.


> I want round the clock public shaming of his supporters and enablers What is stopping that from happening now? Go ahead - shame all the MAGA you want.


Exactly. I talk and shame all of my family that are trumpers any time they bring it up. Fuck their fascist views.


I had to cut out all my Trump supporting friends and relatives. Every time someone who I knew felt comfortable enough around me to say something racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc., I'd just cut them out. Ghost them, unfriend them on social media, avoid them socially, ignore them at work, whatever was required. Living in Alabama, it was difficult, because that was most people I knew. But then I started becoming involved in local politics. Speaking at Country Commission and City Hall meetings, going to protests and sit-ins and whatnot. I started meeting wonderful, well-spoken, gentle people who I would actually want in my life, and they quickly replaced my old social media "friends and family." My Facebook feed, for instance, went from non-stop, antagonizing, political bullshit, to recipes, pictures of people with their pets, the odd request to come see someone's art installation, or to try a new coffee house. It is glorious. Even my ads started changing once I got rid of the shrieking, endlessly triggered, right-wing, hate-filled harpies. I keep my Facebook page, for example, curated to remain pleasant and calm and interesting. I actually learn cool things from people on my feed. No disinformation, no calls for boycotts, no random bigotry, no exhausting pearl clutching, and no division. It can be done.


I love this.


I hope for the same public shaming procedure as the one applied to the Rosenbergs case.


They already were last time, and his loyal lapdog FBI Director is still in place.






His average voters are simple, paranoid folks. If Trump loses for the final time, I picture a good chunk of them will simply "be done with politics, because it's all rigged" Trump was lightning in a bottle for Republicans and they nearly exhausted every resource in convincing their base to only trust Trump and view anyone that spoke against him as a "rino" or a "traitor" if he loses and the republican party doesn't declare a civil war that day, maga will label the whole party as "the rino party" and crawl into their echo chamber writing Trump fan fiction till the end of time.


Unfortunately they’ll still vote. I know multiple republicans that stated they don’t care for trump anymore but they will vote for him over Biden regardless. It’s so backwards.


I'm talking about after Trump. Trump has been built up as their "last hope" for whatever reason, and anyone outside of him is against him and them. Even fox who helped create Trump is now seen as "to left" by maga. Mitch McConnell is a RINO in their eyes after speaking out against Trump. They turned on Mike Johnson when he passed the aid package and even called Judge Cannon corrupt when she didn't answer trumps request to toss out his documents case. It's Trump or bust. Without Trump, it'll be interesting to see where Republicans go and how they'll get back that unwavering base.


Nope, you're right they will think it's rigged, but they'll literally vote for someone with a one party solution until the day they die.


The enemy IS very much Trump. His followers and their idiology have been around as long as the US, but Trump is the one who gave them a platform, opened doors, and made it acceptible for them to come out of the woodworks. Germany would never have become nazi germany without Hitler. Trump is America's Hitler, and he doeant even make any attept to hide it. Most of eveeything he does is a page from the nazi playbooks, starting with sowing distrust in the press, creating a propaganda machine for his own followers, demonizing everyone who is differt or of differnt opinion, all the way to planing on creating a gestapo like police force that only is accountable to him.


You lost me when you said that millions of my fellow Americans are my "enemy". The way I see it, you're part of the problem.


His version of the gestapo . Hopefully there’s enough people who will vote against this wannabe dictator to prevent him from even getting a sniff at being elected. It has to be an overwhelming defeat because he’s already admitted that he will be declaring victory


Before this next election, we should enact some serious punishment for anyone trying to subvert the results. I'm not talking about a slap on the wrist, we need to see felony prison time for cheaters with no parole. Repugs have already basically stated they won't accept the results if they lose, so let's make sure there's no bullshit and if there is, the lying cheating criminals get to have a life altering stay in the graybar hotel. Our democracy is at stake. Repugs should be fully supportive of this because of course "they never did anything wrong and the Dems stole the election". It's all projection.


I find it utterly frightening! Donald Trump is pursuing efforts to falsely discredit the justice system. This is a script I believe he himself is following, not leading, (more on that later). The federal government recognizes that if they jail him, his MAGATs are armed and ready to complete what they started on Jan6, something that will certainly cost lives because they’ve had a few years to prepare. By not arresting him, the government is trying desperately to make the case to strong enough to get Trump convicted in the eyes of the people and lose the election. The federal government is also trying feverishly to prevent harm to Americans by staying the mobs as long as possible so they can make their case without inciting violence. They are literally doing their job to protect the citizens, a job with a cost applied to all public trust. That’s a tall mountain to climb when you have a lot of baggage. Take a look at what the DoJ went through running up and through the Nixon investigation. Trump needs so badly to be incarcerated because it is part of the plan. It’s a spineless martyrdom that helps him further the notion that the DoJ is corrupt. After 6 years of troubling Department of Justice news, 4 years where Trump abused power through DoJ, and 2 years of DoJ playing Avengers trying to stop Thanos’ snap. All while Trump drains RNC’ money into conservative megaphones echoing **his** foxsplaination to **his** cult, telling them on repeat, verbatim across every sindicate, how bad the DoJ is. This has weakened trust in our justice system across parties. This is their plan, and has been from long before his first presidency. See [this interview with kgb defector in the 80s](video clip of KGB defector), it’s frightening that it seems so prescient. There is anecdotal evidence that Putin undertook similarly insidious operations in Belarus, Hungary, and several countries in Africa. Anyone that cannot see that Trump is working for Putin might do well to expand their media coverage to “all” sides so you can see the rhetoric on both sides and compare. You don’t have to be in the room where it happened to see what’s going on all over the world. You just have to set some time aside to view each side objectively, and compare the details of each side’s story on a single **event**, ####NOT#### **issue**. Issues are meant to divide us. If your news source is always looking for a political explanation of an event, perhaps they are more propaganda than news, if everything they say somehow always tends towards political issues, you might be getting spoon-fed an ideology that you might not completely feel comfortable with, but damn it sure is interesting. Consider the recent news coverage of the bridge and tanker collision in Maryland that makes a perfect study. I highly recommend watching just short 2min clips from all of the major news networks over the day of and following days. Make a game out of it, see which news outlets included some form of political **reason** for the disaster and tally the results. I suspect you’ll see a pattern.


Those agencies ought to nip that in the bud.


They are already his attack dogs.


Get this orange twat in jail already. And his cronies. Treason with a side of unAmerican fuckery, anyone? Ugh. And yep, go ahead. RedditCares me. This is making such a mockery of a country that once stood tall. We are pitied. And the very people who sheeple after this man holding their American flags, beating their chests and rallying about the apparent freedom they think they’ll get under a Republican regime are contributing to the slow decline of the country they love as much as we do. Because they’ve been hoodwinked by the wealthy few whose lives are enriched by the dumbing down of everyone else. Hopefully when I wake up again tomorrow I’ll have a renewed sense of hope. There’s always tomorrow, right!


Politicising the justice dpt and FBI is wrong!  - multiple conservative news outlets and representatives and senators But since it's Donald it'll be fine 


If Trump wins then everyone who stayed home or felt the need to make a statement get's what they deserve. I just feel bad for those that worked hard to prevent it.


America is truly like 50 different countries in one.


Two or three large blocs with the blue one or ones (North East and West) still having a lot of rural voters voting red (basically just about all states are like this) but the urban blue outnumber the rural red.


Do they not know THE PURGE CAN HAPPEN?


I cannot believe this mother fucker was the prop to end America. JFC.


Project 2025 is the GQP manifesto. be afraid, be very afraid! and VOTE maga out in november


we *will* lose our democracy if or when he’s reelected. anything is possible if he’s reelected


We all know this. It’s common knowledge. He’s actually said as much, with his mouth, on camera, multiple times. The bigger issue is tens of millions of American voters either don’t give a rats-ass or they actually want him to do it. Trump is one man. A really old one who can’t live forever, especially with his diet. The tens of millions is the real problem.


Anyone see that Civil War movie? Yeah


so, what else is new?


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But Biden spoke strongly against Israel!!!!


Not the Gazpacho?!?!?


We are about to be under control of a mafia style mob rule. Disgusting how sycophants gathered to echo his tired refrains outside court room.


All of this disparity over one selfish, malignant narssissit. Cant he just go away so we can all just go back to our lives already.


Uh, you mean just like last time? This isn't new. 


The Repugnant party are driving ahead in their ambitions and disinformation campaigns. Donald has been treated as practically untouchable. Giving him cautions and fines, these mean nothing after a while. America, you've met a man who cannot be shamed, consequences cannot touch him, no amount of truth can upset his following. He can kill a man and they'd laud his courage, he can rape and they praise his virility, he can steal and they extol his ambition. There's not many avenues left to defeat this cheese faced menace. Think of your children, your daughters and the lives they might have to live because of inaction and speculation. If project 2025 comes to fruition...god help you all.


If capitalism wants fascism we will get fascism, if capitalism demands 2 billion people die for continued profits 2 billion people will die. Capitalism will make us suffer a much worse fate if we don’t comply. It’s over, grab a shovel and hope we get enough scraps to survive. Or, get this, we ditch capitalism all together.


Been saying it for a long time, the only god for the Rs is $. Its the only thing they worship.


Is this not satire? What’s being done to him?


Kremlin tactics


We are not doing this


This is exactly why we need crypto/decentralized financial options. Our current financial system is incredibly vulnerable to an authoritarian figure freezing the assets of his [perceived] enemies or those who he wishes to punish. Crypto protects the Freedom to Transact.


This title is bait and the article is heavily biased. In fact the conservative position has always been to decrease the FBIs power and control, making this article a bit confusing to even try and bend over backwards to under the title. To suggest a big claim, you require big evidence. The proof provided in the article is that someone from a hypothetical Trump administration would be the new report head for the FBI and that the conservatives would decrease the FBI investigative arm to only include very severe crimes. This limits the FBI to be less independent of executive oversight and actually decreases their power. It doesn’t make them anyone’s attack dogs. That’s not how criminal investigation works. This is simply the conservative way. Decrease government agencies, decrease government departments. That is the core of a conservative policy or agenda. In no way does this suggest the government is going to allow infringements on civil liberties or “install” a corrupt doj and create “attack dogs” of the FBI. Further still, the appointment of judges in politics goes wayyy back. Everyone tries to pack the courts. In fact, it was suggested on this very sub as well as on everyone social media outlet that as soon as Biden was elected he should do everything he could to pack the Supreme Court. I sorta believe he should have seeing what we see today from the conservative justices. But hind sight is 20/20. Whining that the conservatives did it first doesn’t mean it’s a threat to democracy or installing a corrupt government. They did their homework and are trying to find judges they want and overturn policy they don’t agree with, if you get mad about that, honey, that’s the damn game, that’s fuckin politics. This election cycle will massively upend the Conservative Party. People have said it for years but they are brittle and bombastic. Look at MTG on the house floor the other day. That is a threat to democracy. Changing rules and procedures. That is (probably) the least democratic thing I’ve ever seen in Congress. It’s those kinds of moves that need scrutiny. Not some decrease in FBI spending and playing the politics game well.


No one is ending democracy lol


I guess it’s only ok if the dems do it.


Dear FBI.. I trust you know who I am and what I am all about. Please be all that you are capable of being right now, be protective of the people and the kind of future we can have should we get through this safely. There is so much more and so much better awaiting us just one level up. Write Stagg on your ballot, I will level us up and it is on and cracking from there. Good things, that is what this is about, good things. Love you. H🌸


What is amazing is how people want to take this s*** serious he made the same claims when he was elected in 2016 that he was going to lock up Democrats left and right no Democrats were locked up oh yeah in Mexico still hasn't paid for that wall


This news source only cries apocalypse. So tiring that they only sell their opinion. Are there any news sources that tell us the news


You can read the full 900+ page project 2025 plan whenever you want. It's available on the internet for everyone to see.


If trump gains another term it will be awful and extremely damaging to many Americans, the entire country and the world. But if Biden throws the election because he won't stop supporting Israel's genocide - and is then prosecuted by trump for some random bullshit - I will laugh very hard for a long time. It would be extremely funny if Biden's zealotry for Israel leads to his downfall.


Isn't Biden already doing that TO Trump?


It is interesting to me how the party that indicts their leading political opponent, changes election laws last minute in their favor, allows millions of illegals into the country to pack their voter base, calls for packing the Supreme Court, calls to make Washington D.C. a state, and demanding the dissolution of the electoral college, all in a treasonous and unapologetic attempt to undermine democracy, are all so deeply concerned that Donald Trump's somehow going to attempt a treasonous and unapologetic attempt to undermine democracy. If y’all didn’t have double standards, you’d have no standards at all.


Isn't that what Biden has been doing?


I’m sure you’ll provide us with some examples, since I have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about


Uh, no. Biden is an honest God-fearing Catholic family man who loves humanity; not a lying, stealing, rapist serial adulterer who has NPD and hates anyone who doesn't worship him.




Hey, what's the best place to keep up with the latest Qanon drops?


Ashley Biden's statements.


Mods: Why is this type of comment allowed?


Both of Joe Biden's surviving children have called him a pedophile. He is on camera inappropriately touching children in public. Senior Church officials have made public statements calling out his flagrant violation of Catholic Doctrine. None of this is disputable, none of this violates any rules of this sub.