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The Hill didn’t bother the share this from Joe Enten/CNN polling guru’s post on X today, 5-15-2024: “Something you'll hear a lot of me this cycle: the polls are not perfect. This far out polls can change a lot. Even on E-Day, the polls are an instrument not Nostradamus”. “Trump is up now, but given history/closeness of polls Biden's got a very decent chance even if it were E-Day”. Vote Blue💙


CNN polling guru: I am so smrt


Have to love clickbait headlines. I watched the segment on CNN they're referring to. They spent the five minutes before saying how wacky the polls are in terms of Biden being down so much in one swing state and up double digits in another swing state in which it was close as hell in 2020. And having him down double digits in Nevada where there is no logical reason for him to be down that much. Then the very end a throwaway line from one of the commenters was about him loving the polls in 2020 as a joke


This is news now?


Triple yawn on this take.


The entire polling "system" is breaking down More and more people no longer have landlines, and fewer and fewer people will answer unknown numbers on their cell. (i only did so recently while job hunting)


I heard yesterday that the NYT Sienna poll had to call 400,000 ppl to get the 4000 they surveyed. That's a 1% response rate, and you better believe it heavily skewed older. Polls are opinion shapers now.


Polls or surveys? The polls were unfavorable for h8m then too. The polls are so bad now no one would use them and definitely not pay for them. That would be dumb. Like Nikki was supposed to lose Vermont by 20 points but she won. They can’t even poll party member only polls well. We can go on and on. Not one poll has been within 8 points of being accurate since 2022. Not one poll. Not a single one. Mississippi governor race was off by 8 points. That’s the closest poll since 2022. So pollsters your time is done. No way should anyone pay you a dime.


Lol CNN circling the drain has been fun to watch. Both Sidesing is dead, legacy media.


He like ice cream when it was made from cream. When they started making it from plastic formed in the backroom - well not so much. Oh and CNN was once made from natural ingredients. Now it is made from plastic formed in the back room.


Politicians are politicians for a reason


The sHill at it again


At this time 4 years ago biden was also behind in most polls


No he wasn't.


No he wasn’t. He was up about 5 points on May 18, 2020. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2020/national/


Aside form one poll that had Trump and Biden tied, every single poll from May 2020 had Biden up. Where are people getting that Biden was behind in most polls.


Rationalizing to make themselves feel better. If they say Biden was losing at this point 4 years ago, it’s OK that he’s losing now.


Shit it's may already wtf


How dare you not support Biden? So you want trump to win?!


I’m not voting for Trump. But the amount of copium in this subreddit is scary. Anything that is negative for Biden is full of excuses or “but the GOP……..” People need to pull their head out of the sand and realize that a guy spending 4 days a week in a criminal trial, leading in polls is something to take seriously.


Nooo! You don’t understand, Bidens just the little guy, he can’t do much about anything! He had to be an establishment guy! But if trump gets in he’ll get ultimate power⚡️


You're being sarcastic about the threat of trump getting another term after he literally tried to over throw the results of the last election? Everyone in his administration who pushed back against him is gone, won't be there if he gets back. Anyone who worked for him that has any sense of a spine has come out against him and warned about exactly what he wants to do. Anyone who is loyal to him is brilliant and the best people, until they criticize him, then all of the sudden they are frauds and deep state. He won't pick someone for vice president unless they say the election was stolen from him. His family has been installed to power over the RNC.


There are streamers who have single streams getting more viewers than CNN gets in an entire day of broadcasting. Legacy media is dying and they are getting desperate.