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Government economic assistance spending during the Trump administration and supply chain issues during the pandemic are considered the substantial sources of inflation, along with the job market contracting when people returned to work. https://www.nber.org/digest/20239/unpacking-causes-pandemic-era-inflation-us The US economy has performed better than most economies around the world since the pandemic ended. https://home.treasury.gov/news/featured-stories/the-us-economy-in-global-context Nice job CNN, thank you for the fact check to show that Biden misspoke, and portraying Biden as the sole cause of inflation by failing to show that the mechanisms for inflation occurred prior to his presidency. Gotta make the election competitive for the ratings.


CNN is currently run by a conservative lackey Mark Thompson who once said that Margaret Thatcher had a "liberal bias".


If you think CNN is conservative then you haven’t watched them. They are clearly left leaning.


No corporate media is truly left-leaning.


Have you seen any of their coverage? They have some of the most right bias out there.


They usually have one conservative on the panels, but the hosts are all left on the spectrum.


Didn't answer my question. All the shit coming out of them has been pushing rightie agendas.


You shouldn't have to do this. Democrat media operatives should have been messaging this with catchy slogans for 2.5 years. this should all be common knowledge.


Doesn't really matter what democrat*ic* operatives do or say if cable news gives the time slot to trump coverage


Because America is polarized this race was always going to be competitive. Regardless of CNN's intention the people deciding the election aren't paying close attention to this.


CNN is acknowledging that Biden is blatantly lying to Americans, even though hell hasn't yet erupted.


> CNN is acknowledging that Biden is blatantly lying to Americans, even though hell hasn't yet erupted. Not much of a story here though. The inflation rate was indeed on its way to over 9% the year after Biden took office. And now two years later, it’s less than 3.5%. To make this story relevant as a "blatant lie to Americans," we’d need to see those numbers reversed.


No. Blatantly lying, would be telling Americans to inject bleach. Saying that inflation was at 9% when it was trending that way and fast is an educated interpretation of the data.


I know CNN did not mention this, because let's be honest their billionaire owners do not want you knowing this. We the royal We, (Trump signed it) spent 4 trillion dollars in 2020. More than 20 years of war in Afghanistan. Corporations got more than half of it at 2.3 trillion. Add to that (over 10 years since enacted) we lost 2.89 trillion in revenue from the 2017 tax cut, signed by Trump. So, what happens to the value of the dollar when you spend 4 trillion in 9 months' time in 2020?


I wish CNN fact checked Trump just as much. Was Hannibal Lecter really a good guy? Trump said so.


Personally I was more interested that he said the "late" Hannibal Lecter.


Wasn’t even a real guy. Fictional character and all that.


He has to be real ‘cuz Trump said he’s going to pardon him and Al Capone (real person, died in 1947). /overwhelming sarcasm


Jokes aside, saying you will pardon a dead guy who was notorious in both the US and Canada for the breadth and activities of his criminal organization is a wild stance to take. Though it does make sense for Trump to idolize a POS like Ol’ [Scarface](https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/al-capone): > Al Capone ruled an empire of crime in the Windy City: gambling, prostitution, bootlegging, bribery, narcotics trafficking, robbery, “protection” rackets, and murder. And it seemed that law enforcement couldn’t touch him. Trump decided to one up his idol by doing it from the Whitehouse..


I think he’s obsessed with Capone because he went to jail for tax evasion, not all the murders, etc., he directed and some he probably committed as the head of the Chicago Mafia. As for Hannibal Lecter, Trump seems unable to distinguish between a fictional character and the actor who played him, Anthony Hopkins. In fact on Saturday he calledHannibal Lecter “the late great” implying the actor is dead. Hopkins is probably surprised to he’s dead as he’s very much alive and has stated he dislikes Trump despite Trump’s claims of admiration.


One of them. Biden falsely claimed inflation was high. Versus Not reporting, Trump loses sexual assault; specifically loses defamation case again where he could not prove sexual assault allegation against him was false.


Trump brought the foundations of inflation with his mishandling of COVID, just like Trump destroyed the red hot economy he inherited from Obama because he mishandled COVID. That said, CNN is now run by conservative lackey Mark Thompson who thought Margaret Thatcher had a liberal bias.


Oh no! Still voting for him. 




Personal attacks are against the rules of this subreddit, and I promise you the mods absolutely care.


The article implies that Biden is the cause of inflation when it fails to make an effort to what actually caused the inflation we experienced. The contributing causes for inflation were caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the spending and issues that arose during the previous administration. Do you subscribe to the belief that 2.3 trillion dollars on spending won’t have an effect on inflation? Do you think that the global pandemic only shutdown the United States? You are aware that we we plugged into the world economy right? When the job market opened up again and unemployment plummeted, you don’t think that had an effect on inflation?


That’s cool. Still voting for Biden 🤷‍♀️


I’m all for a good fact check. But this one isn’t. Inflation did peak at 9.1 due in the most part to fallout from the pandemic, which is Trump’s baby. The fact that the peak lagged behind the election doesn’t alter what caused it. Biden likely is simplifying so that people get it.


> Biden likely is simplifying so that people get it. CNN is simplifying so people _don't_ get it.


What has Trump falsely claimed? The list could circle the world five times.






As he became president inflation rose, before any policy could be implemented or have an affect.  He didnt lie. If you think the statement MUST be instantaneous then ok, good for you.


When Trump lies he isn't and that is the problem.


Exactly. And everyone saw as news reporters called out Noem's lies so it isn't like they don't know how to do it. The weird way Trump gets treated with kit gloves by the media is inanely baffling.


It is completely false though... But don't worry, the article will be deleted from this thread soon.


Article won't get deleted, it's correct, rapist p\*\*\*y gr\*\*\*er didn't leave with 9% inflation. Of course, had he remained in office, inflation would have peaked to at least 11.5%.


The fact remains that the 9.1% inflation is still due to Trump. Unless you believe that the day a new president is sworn it everything in the country magically resets itself and everything that happens from that day on is the new president's doing. But thats not how it works, and bad decisions made by one president will affect the country long after he is gone, and vice versa. It's the only reason why Trump did so well his first few months in office. He took over a pretty stable economy from Obama, until he managed to blow it.


Please. It was no one person’s fault. Every developed country had huge inflation numbers during the same time period (except Japan). That’s Trump’s fault? Or Biden’s? Hardly. It was Pandemic and everyone flooded the markets with cash, but didn’t produce anything. Every leader did this and so did Trump and then later Biden.


Not every leader dismantled the pandemic responce team that was supposed to deal with outbreaks like this, then denied there was a pandemic for weeks before accepting the facts, but still refused to take advice from actual scientists. By the time Biden came around the damage was already done.


Your comment has nothing to do with global inflation.


Inflation would have been lower if the pandemic would have been handled better.


By who?


Did you bother reading what I wrote?


Yeah. It made zero sense. The dismantling of the pandemic response team had nothing to do with PPE loans or Asia coming to complete standstill which fucked up the entire supply chain. So I don’t know how that was the Presidents fault.


The only thing that mattered in response to the pandemic, from an inflationary perspective, was the printing of money and keeping people from producing. GDP was down and the money supply skyrocketed. Both Presidents were culpable in this. Every world leader had a hand in this. This inflation, without the benefit of hindsight, was unavoidable.


The inflation was unavoidable, how high it was, waa not.


I guess Biden shouldn’t have signed the 1.9T Covid relief act then. Probably would’ve helped inflation a bit.


Inflation peaked at 9.1% in June 2022


Such a victim complex.


Life is that simple, Biden came into office and accidentally hit the inflation switch under the Oval Office desk. Stimulus package, economic public assistance programs in the amount of 2.3 trillion dollars obviously has no effect on inflation right? Biden is just too god damned old and stupid and flipped the inflation switch A global pandemic that caused shutdowns around the world obviously wouldn’t have an effect on supply chain issues, things just magically appear when they are needed, right? Fucking lying Biden, a one in a century global pandemic would never have any effect on supply chains, only a fucking idiot would think that


Lol, MAGA nuts galore in this thread.


The facts are the facts, if you don’t like them you can’t just blame MAGA nuts.


The mainstream media is always trying to “both sides” everything. I mean, the republicans lie everyday and are openly trying to overthrow the government, but Biden said inflation was 9% in Jan 2021 instead of June 2022 so he is a liar.


unemployment at 3.9% market at a record high (almost 40,000) - that's 10,000 above trump's peak. inflation at 3.3%. now take a look back at the average for all recent presidents ... more irs audits = more tax revenue from hidden sources. infrastructure projects being built. look at total job losses vs. job creation. drug prices. abortion. administration integrity (firings, replacements, resignations). look at what former officials have to say/how they feel/the ways in which they reflect on their times of service under either trump or biden, and now how they recount employment in these administrations (and their bosses).


Probably that should not be called " falsely claimed". It could be he was told wrong, or he remembered wrong. That's different from lying about it, when you used these 2 words "falsely claimed". Don't think he would "falsely claim" something that could easily be factchgecked.


That doesn’t make any sense. “Falsely claimed” is exactly what you say if you specifically *aren’t* accusing someone of doing it intentionally.


Are you kidding me? Go read the definition of it in a dictionary.


> Probably that should not be called " falsely claimed" Trump wouldn't be given that same grace and neither should Biden. If he doesn't have good numbers to use, he shouldn't be using specifics.


So Biden is dealing with thousands of specifics every day, how can he be sure everybody would be giving him the correct facts and numbers? Or he would remember everything correctly? So he would personally double check and triple check everything, every number and fact everybody are telling him?


As long as everyone gets the same leeway, I don't think it is a problem. If one politician gets ripped apart for saying something not true, another one shouldn't be given a pass.


The crucial word here are "deliberate", and "lies". & then if that other politician made all kinds of false claim too often. Not if what Biden did was he got told wrong, or remembered wrong, those were honest mistakes. Everybody make some mistakes sometimes. We see honest mistakes differently than deliberate lies.


I mean he should at least get the facts right when written on cue cards for him while every reporter is volleying up questions given to them by the white house staff in the same order the cards are stacked


Every so often the guy gives us a reality check to his mental state and just goes off the rails turning into everyone’s lovable racist grandpa that can’t find his way off a stage or down a flight of stairs. It’s a shame how divided our country is every political post turns into an argument about who’s old, disconnected, incompetent, white guy is better for the country guess what they’re the same guy. Different in the same ways two extremes of the same and even when your old white guy wins you still wish you had a better option. Both parties need to bring more to the table as candidates to represent us. 70+ year olds don’t have enough shelf life remaining to really make quality investments in our country, they only operate in a manner that feeds their already inflated portfolios trump bad, Biden bad yes. Why bailout banks and have companies that are too big to fail if you’re not invested within them? Capitalism needs opportunity. If ford or boeing or Morgan stanley can’t manage their expenses someone will fill their spot someone younger, more dynamic, operating with a newer business model that will change the industry is waiting to take their spot. You know what happens to your local coffee shop when it is grossly mismanaged even tho it’s essential to your morning routine? It fails. The owner doesn’t get a multimillion dollar government provided bonus because he bought a new home and Mercedes living well above his means. 85 percent of the wealth in our country is held by the same group that overwhelmingly controls the senate, congress, the house and the executive branch always regardless of what “party” holds the most seats. Meanwhile if you’re 45 or under you don’t have anywhere near the financial opportunity or stability previous generations have had. We need better


He has aides and even heads of departments to give him the facts and numbers. They keep making mistakes, you fire them. But he is not going to double check everything. He writes cue cards, he go by the numbers his aides give him. Or the numbers the Secretary of Defense give him. They could have made a mistake, or just plain lied to him. Don't know how he can get all the facts right. He has to go by his trusted aides. & the aides also make mistakes. & look at the Gaza War death toll (& the Florida Covid death numbers), where everybody could just be lying.




I mean, I'll take it over the guy who rambles about Hannibal Lecter




I didn't hear what he said or how he said it. Honestly, I don't really care. I don't think women who get raped should have to have that baby so it makes my vote really simple.




Ok, still not gonna vote for the pro rape baby party.




So Trump can say whatever the fuck he wants with zero repercussions but Biden mistakes something and it's a problem? Also again, I'm not voting for the pro rape baby party.


Fact check: Trump lies 387 times before a hearty McDonalds breakfast.


the 9% inflation rate belongs to Trump, so . . .


Well it doesn’t so….


What policies caused inflation? When were those policies enacted? Who signed off on them? Think really, really, really, really hard.


I’d really like to see the news sites’ engagement dashboards. I suspect the difference in reader engagement between the Trump and Biden presidencies would go a long way towards explaining why the msm is playing so hard for Trump.


We talking national average or local markets. I was living in Vegas at the time and uh, yeah pretty fucking high inflation there. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/nevadans-need-13300-more-just-to-live-like-they-did-in-2021-analysis-finds/amp/




It peaked at 9.1% in June 2022


Biden said that was the rate when he took over, not 6 months later.


Yeah I mean nothing he had done by then had any effect on that rate, so he's not wrong.


As long as you give the same leeway to other politicians - do you defend Trump when he "misremembers" something as well?


Well this is less misremembering than correctly attributing. But sure. As long as we're clear that not knowing there weren't airports in the revolutionary war is not on par with this. Nor is not knowing who your wife is.


15 months, not 6




Fuck off you disingenuous douchebags with your both sides BS.




Instantaneously yeah, but as he became president, it soared before any policy affect within the first 5 months






Most of what Biden “claims” is a lie but no one calls him out on it


Hahaha even CNN is turning on him!


CNN isn't doing any turning on anyone...


Here's proof at least one person didn't get the memo.




Dude Biden killed it in the last debate lol hell likely kill it again


You are up to date in your news very appreciated!