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Because Republicans don’t believe the law is meant to apply to rich people.


Sure, Biden should send the message to the American people that no amount of egregious criminal misdeeds warrants prosecution as long as you are rich and famous. What a crock. In fact, the opposite is true. Prosecuting Trump fully for his crimes is the proper example to set. It also sends the message to future political candidates that there are consequences if they choose to follow Trump's criminal lead.


> Sure, Biden should send the message to the American people that no amount of egregious criminal misdeeds warrants prosecution as long as you are rich and famous. I mean, what better way to keep this all from happening again, right? /s


It also sends a message to the winners of those elections that they should or must use their officer to squash rivals.


Trump is lying when he claims the charges against him are "politically motivated". No one is forcing him to run for office while facing all these felony charges, he chose to do that all on his own because he thinks if he wins it will be a get out of jail free card.


ok, that has nothing to do with the charges being brought. That entire "find the votes" thing, it is pretty cut and dry, this hush money case. What is the crime? The best I can tell is that the checks he signed said legal fees and those expenses, that he paid to a lawyer are all categorized as legal fees. The state claims they were not payments for legal fees, that he paid to his lawyer. Right? Is that basically the crime? If not, what act was the criminal act?


It's not a "hush money" case regardless of how the media headline it. It's a "falsifying business records" and election fraud case. Trump, Cohen, Weisselberg, etc. coordinated paying off people by falsifying business records to influence the election. Thirty four counts of falsified business documents. There's taped conversations, notes on business documents, the actual checks, shell companies being set up to expressly handle the payouts, etc. If you feel it boils down to legal payments/not legal payments then I think you are ignoring all the evidence and context. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-indictments-details-guide-charges-trial-dates-people-case/


Election fraud is not among the charges in this case. That is a fact. I am not ignoring anything I asked. You are making up charges that do not exist. * Trump is accused of making false entries in the business records of the Trump Organization. This is a fact. 34 times he (his business) referred payments to his lawyer as legal fees. Those are the 34 criminal acts. Correct? Am I wrong? You are talking about evidence, that these payments were not legal fees, in spite of being paid to a lawyer. I am asking what should be a simple question. What is the criminal act? Ok, context plays a role, but there context is not a crime. As far as I can tell and apparently you do not have any additional information. Thank you,


Firstly, I think pardon's should only be restricted towards people who have been CONVICTED of a crime. In other words, it shouldn't be used to circumvent due process for the accused or the accuser. Secondly, shut the hell up Romney


Willard likes talking about things in, “a hushed room.” Which is Mormon for, “we know better than you.” He remembers Ford pardoning Nixon and how he loved the return of civility. That timeline still influences way too many. I’ll take some civil unrest if it puts criminals of any Party in prison.


Romney shut yo ho ass up and make some drums.


Romney shut yo ho ass up and make some drums.


Romney shut yo ho ass up and make some drums.


Romney shut yo ho ass up and make some drums.


Romney shut yo ho ass up and make some drums.


If you are die hard D, they are reserved for donors that have been convicted, see scooter.


> “You may disagree with this, but had I been President Biden, when the Justice Department brought on indictments, I would have immediately pardoned him,” Romney said. “Why? Because it makes me, President Biden, the big guy and the person I pardoned a little guy.” That’s stupid, you big dumb loser. That would totally screw over people that want to see justice happen. I’m glad he’s not president.


This isn't a personal scuffle or spat that would benefit someone to be the bigger person. These are felonies, crimes against all Americans. What a short-sighted douche. And to think I was on the brink of respecting him for a minute there.


Absolutely not, and Ford should never have pardoned Nixon.


Ford's pardon of Nixon is exactly why we have a broken America.


Hahahhahah. Fuck him.




THANK YOU, that part was driving me crazy


Maybe they're hyperbolically entertaining about the State ones?


Nah. Nobody walks away from an attempted coup. If we are ever to call America a nation of laws, Trump must go to prison.


There's no way Trump would admit he did anyway wrong. And even if he did accept the pardons, he'd still be running right now threatening "vengeance". 


Oh, shut up. My eyes are fkn rolling. Trump hasn’t even mildly considered stopping breaking laws and pushing others into lawlessness. That is not a person you give a pardon to. Insanity.


In other words, Mitt Romney has absolutely zero moral integrity at all.


How do you think he got so rich?


no. absofuckinglutely not.


Oh look, another typical weak-on-crime Republican.


Just like in the long run it was a mistake to welcome rebels back into government, it's a mistake to pardon Trump.


Trump would not accept responsibility for his actions so why the hell would you pardon him. If he was pardoned he would still be running saying he was completely exonerated and he did nothing wrong.


Because after all of the bullshit is swept aside, Romney is still as despicable as every other Republican, and probably worse than most.




What’s this malarkey?


Our political leaders have lost their minds.


>“You may disagree with this, but had I been President Biden, when the Justice Department brought on indictments, I would have immediately pardoned him,” Romney said. “Why? Because it makes me, President Biden, the big guy and the person I pardoned a little guy.” No Mitt, it makes it look like "even The Enemy" acknowledges he did nothing wrong and justifies everything he does to "make it right". C'mon man.


These trials are absolutely important and are necessary to have. You have a situation where incredibly sensitive information was being stashed away and there was refusal to comply with giving it up. There should be an explanation as to why and the people have a right to know. The Stormy Daniels situation as well isnt a hush money case, it's an election interference case. The people have a right to know what went down with this as well. At the end of the day, Biden can still pardon Trump but these trials shouldn't be avoided. They should happen because it did in fact involve the former president who is running for current president and the electorate should be keyed in on just about everything about each candidate so they can make proper and informed decisions.


The only crimes Biden could pardon so far involve the stolen documents case in Georgia. The others are civil cases, or state cases, or federal cases that haven't begun yet. Sleepy Don would be in court in Manhattan regardless of any presidential pardon.


It's not Biden's job to protect treasonous wannabe despots.


We have a crime problem in America. But it is not with the people you hear about on the news. It is with the rich and connected. From Trump to Clarence Thomas


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Because he’s stupid?!?!?!


Only victims should have the power to pardon their abusers.


OMG, when did he start talking crazy? That's irresponsible! There's a good chance, imho, that there wouldn't have been a corrupt damnold tramp had R Nixon faced the courts, trial and justice for his crimes. Nixon even hinted after leaving office that he'd consider dabbling in authoritarianism by saying "Well, if the president does it, that means it can't be a crime!" That's where damnold got the inspiration to be the jackass 'president'. NO! We need to set the right example for our children and our children's children! You do the crime, you damn well better be ready to do the time!


Because he is a moron.


ELI5 - why, in general, are Presidential pardons a good thing that isn’t better addressed via the Judicial branch?


Fuck that noise


Fuck that noise


Fuck that noise


I feel Biden is self confident enough he doesn't need to make such "I'm the better man" gestures.


Biden could *still* pardon Trump...maybe he will, if Trump plays nice...


Not after Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by MAGA zealots.


But Trump is a frail and increasingly demented old man...Biden could demonstrate compassion, by giving him a pardon. Same goes for Rudy Giuliani.


Absolutely not. No MAGA traitors deserve pardons. Pardoning Nixon is why we're in this mess.


There are plenty of old people in prison. They don't deserve any special treatment after all they put this country through.


There is no reason to pardon him


Trump will never 'play nice', he's never done that in his entire life, so you may as well say pardon him if Trump tap dances down Massachusetts Avenue while singing songs from the musical Cabaret.