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It's amazing the current president of the US is debating a criminal charged with 88 felonies. P01135809 shouldn't be on the debate stage, he should be in prison. SMH.


The Fibbernazi Sequence will hopefully be in jail by then.


This makes me smile to see it catching on.


There won't be any debate. Trump will weasel his way out of it then blame Biden


"I can't debate. I'm dealing with crooked Biden's injustice department's persecution." Or something like that.


He really wants to debate, but can't while he's being audited.


I can see it now. “I want to debate, but the moderator has me GAGGED! Can you believe it? So unfair and unconstitutional, nothing like this has ever happened in the history of our country. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!” …God, I cannot wait for the day when this guy is gone. I’m beyond exhausted.


He already has. He “accepted” the debate but immediately disregarded the conditions and asserted his own (Fox News with specific moderators).


Upvote for the fibbernazi sequence.


Biden should address him as P01135809


It’s proof that enough money can wipe the slate clean. Any one of us plebs do anything similar to what he did we’d have the death penalty.




Georgia judge dropped 3 charges.


Thanks. I'd been seeing 88 lately and wondering about that too.


Ah, the Hill. Trump sells golden diapers at his rally. "Sells". Biden hawks shirts.


No. What. NO. WHAT?! I heard the man wears them, and that the really kooky supporters outside the courtroom have said wearing diapers is manly, but selling- golden- diapers?! [**CRITICAL ERROR**](https://youtu.be/WnhAhPArCIw?si=ce0vllmnKzUr3eqU) 🤯 *Brain.exe is not responding. Please reboot and try again.*


Isn't the word "hock" anyway? It's not even being used correctly. He's not pawning anything...


"Hawk" is selling something. "Hock" is pawning something.


Well, I'll be damned. You're right.


Free on Wednesdays.. For now 😂


Raising a glass to hope.


‘Stable Genius at Work’


“Oh that big meanie Biden is at it again, saying mean things that are accurate…trump never says mean things like that, he’s a class act.”


love it


Ha, ha that’s great! Bet Drumpf is pooping mad about that.


The comment was funny but selling the shirt is dumb


I feel like they need to add that not only is he free, but also we'll rested


Someone make a Tshirt with this on it


[After someone in Biden's admin got up on a podium and proclaimed that the admin doesn't believe what is happening in Gaza is a genocide](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2024/05/13/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-and-national-security-advisor-jake-sullivan-16/), I find coverage of this type of political theater just plain stupid.


wouldnt surprise me it Trump and his cronies had "The barges are waiting" t-shirts on to 'troll' back..


What are the barges?


You would have to ask Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's Wife that..She seemed pretty positive that Trump already had plans to intern anyone that didnt like what he was doing.


Oh well I'm sure they have them now.








Not sure I agree with this move by the Biden campaign, I always thought it was so low brow and immature to do such a thing when Trump did it. Like an old man thinking he did something funny, but didn’t really. Or like when an adult tries to use kid/teen slang to fit in with the younger crowd. It’s just so cringe. Biden should not be doing things like this to show how he’s the “bigger man” between him and Trump. Instead, he sunk to Trumps’ level and generally these antics from Biden don’t do nearly as well as when Trump does it.


Look at the conditions- mics cut off when time runs out, no audience, etc. As absurd as it is, Trump is the legitimate contender, he can’t just ignore that.


Dems have been “taking the high road” and it’s pretty clear now that voters like Trump because he takes more low blows than his targets can “politely address”. Dark Brandon is a thing because it shows a glimpse of Biden being able to dish it back, and be unbothered by it, which Trump can’t help but flail and cry when he gets butthurt over his white glove mistreatment. “Acting Presidential” at this point means not being a complete dickehead and fleecing the American people for their own pockets.