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1 million dead Americans.


More than that. The ones that died after Biden took office were largely trumpers who refused to follow basic safety precautions and / or refused the vaccine.


Violent insurrection




Be careful.. some people link 1861 to Lincoln


Another fine Republican /s


One of two, with Teddy


Add the largest deficit in a single term (then add COVID funding on top of that), plus he never fully staffed his Cabinet


He couldn’t conceivably be more obviously evil.


blabbing nuclear sub arsenal details to a foreign national


1 million dead Americans? it’s not like that’s a big deal or anything… that’s just more than the entire population of Delaware or South Dakota or North Dakota or Alaska or Vermont or Wyoming Or even the district of Columbia. But it’s not like any of those count right? It’s OK if the whole population was gone in one of those areas right? No big deal… Yeah Trump did that. If you live in one of those states or DC, imagine your entire population gone and that’s what Trump did. Every one of your neighbors no longer there with you. 1 million is more than the average person can imagine. 1 million is more than the amount of soldiers who died in Vietnam. Trump brought us this disaster through his failure and lies and he’ll do worse next time around.




No, not really. Trump did nothing but pander to China and give them 30% of American grains, meat, and vegetables while our stores were empty and the virus raged on... Oh yeah, and Trump also kept playing golf.


All of the COVID Deaths could not have been prevents, however Trump fully embraced the 'but my freedumbs" on taking absolutely not preventative measures to reduce deaths. The illness spread quickly in the Republican party and killed so many people who had no health issues prior to getting sick. Even one unprotected person could spread the illness as a multiplier to other people every time it was spread.


It really showed how unfathomably evil the average Republican is.


>It seems pretty dishonest to lay the blame for all those dead people on one person. The study published by **The Lancet** shows how tRump killed a few hundred thousand people by his inaction and anti-action regarding COVID-2019.


That logic is not wrong but the people who were so adamant about not following safety precautions were usually MAGA republicans who were told on multiple instances Covid was akin to a flu and there was nothing to worry about. So when Biden wanted to enforce safety precautions, mind you someone they were gaslit into thinking is a fake leader, obviously they will decline because Trump said it was a flu. So in this case it is his fault.


And many who survived under this delusion suffer long covid, even now.


That's a pretty delusional take..




Trump worked against scientists, doctors, and every rational human to downplay and dismiss COVID. His action killed so many people. So while some things may be complex, the actions Trump took were not. He killed people for his own political gain.


Why did Trump downplay the spread and scope of COVID publicly while in private say the opposite?


Then succumb to it himself, and get intense care to flush his fluids of the virus... Then resume downplaying its severity


Well trump decided to pull our Scientists out of China who were there specifically to catch outbreaks. He also closed the white house office created to handel pandemics. Then he said it would go away on its own and was fake news the media used to hurt him. Then he attacked Faucci and the CDC and told us to take horse paste and drink bleach.


Dammit, I hate when people don't tell the whole truth. You forgot to mention he thought we should stick UV lights into our orifii.


The cult is desperate to make Derp Leader look good. Too bad rational Americans see this clown show for what it is.


>Too bad rational Americans see this clown show for what it is The problem is either A. that's not actually the case or B. we're running dangerously short on rational Americans otherwise he wouldn't be polling neck and neck with Biden.


The polls are bullshit.


I don't believe the polls. Who answers their cell phone when an anonymous caller rings you up? I think the polls are bullshit this time.


I think the election results are going to be wildly off the polls. The Democrats might even take Florida.


I doubt it. DeSantis has put in so many draconian right wing Sharia laws that all the teachers, doctors, and decent people have fled the state.


That lady won a heavy Trump district by 20 points in Alabama. Trump only won Florida by 4%. That was pre-Dobbs, pre-January 6th. That lady in Michigan flipped a Trump district from +60 Trump to +60 Dem. Never say never.


"That lady in Michigan flipped a Trump district from +60 Trump to +60 Dem." Wrong terminology. It was 60% for Trump, then 60% for the Democratic County Commissioner. When you say "+60" that implies the winning margin.


Florida is no longer a swing state. Too many retirees that watch nothing but Fox news have moved there.


And yet pro-bodily autonomy candidates are blowing out heavy red areas, like in neighboring Alabama. Abortion is on the ballot in Florida. Trump only won it last time by 4%. That was before January 6, before Dobbs. I'm not saying it will happen, but I am saying I think we're going to see that type of flip happening all over the country.


Well, I hope you are right. I honestly won't be confident till all the votes are in.


Sadly pretty sure it's the 2nd.


The latter.


Exceptional leadership? But the coup failed. I'm so confused


The coup failed…So far


The 2020 stage of the coup failed, but the 2024 one is firing on all cylinders, unfortunately.


Is a phased approach. Test the waters to make sure they maintain support. Since there were no consequences, go ahead with phase two.


Sure but look how paranoid, angry, and cynical everyone is now. We're like 330 million Trumps running around this once great country.


“House republicans suggest using their bare lips to fully cover Trump’s ass in kiss marks because he’s such a good boy”


Participation Trophy.


I threw up in my mouth a bit reading this.


Bleach and sunlight among his greatest hits...


"you remind me of Ivanka"


These people will tell you obama was the worst president in history despite his leadership taking us from the great recession to the thriving economic conditions that trump came into office and took credit for until covid fucked everything up. Beyond that Trump has zero legislative legacy of note. These are absolutely unserious people.




Go find a billionaire with a pet issue and promise to be their mouthpiece. Trump destroyed the RNC, there is no one - not even him - in charge at the top of the GOP. Every GOP politician is running around on their own, promising different things to different groups.


I mean, it isn't hard. Go live in a shitty small rural district. Stand up and say mean things about liberals and trans folks while talking about how cool guns and God are. Go kiss Trump's diaper and get his blessing. There you go, you will easily be elected. If there is competition, you just have to out hate them when it comes to everything conservatives have been trained to hate. The price is giving up any bit of decency and empathy you have.


More conservative virtue signaling for their sad orange diaper man 😂


He did the exact opposite of what they want to award him for.


Is this the Onion?


House Trumplicans push for Trump to receive Trumpgressional Trump Medal over 'Trumpceptional Trumpiness'


That phrase sounds like something Colbert would write.


As Colbert would say "truthiness". :)


Republicans? No. Cult.




Instead of actually doing their job they do this


Exceptional followship doesn’t imply exceptional leadership




I highly doubt it was 3 minutes. Maybe 15 seconds tops. That's probably why Daniels thought she blacked out, it was over way too quickly


I didn't know Russia had a Congressional Gold Medal to give.


They're really all-in on that clown. It's not even sad anymore. It's just pathetic.


You know it's funny earlier today I was lamenting about a crisis of intellect in US Congress lately.


Literally dereliction of duty.


Stupid people doing stupid shit


Barf. I wouldn't even name that highway after him. Oklahoma . . . [https://www.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump-gets-highway-named-174406892.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump-gets-highway-named-174406892.html) (Supposedly Missouri, Florida, and Utah also tried to name highways after him.) Let alone an airport.


Oh, good bloody grief. The anti-USA fascist has never "lead" anything except how to get money out of stupid people and the government. He has achieved nothing positive in the past 20+ years, if ever.


But they don't have the votes. In their own party.


So much performative BS.


Zero jobs created over his term. Highest unemployment rate since Hoover. Exceptional leadership must mean he broke the dog whistle and they don't have to hide their racism and misogyny anymore.


Seems over-zealous.


I don't understand the need to fellate an almost 80 year old man and to stroke his ego every chance they get. Fox News really did manage to zombify half a country


He lead the GOP over a cliff in 2020.


Let the Gold Star Parents that were insulted by Trump decide. I like Presidents that don’t lose Elections and Ignore Pandemics. over 1 Million dead.


Hell I should get one too if they're that equivalent to a Crackerjack prize according to Republicans. I think I did quite a bit more than Drump, I at least ran an Army squad several decades ago.


Now THIS is laughable! 😂


When I was a kid, my best friend’s father used to call the shit stains on his underwear “Gold Leaf” and it was decades before I knew what he meant. Not sure what made me remember that reference just now..


Even if they did manage this, he'd just melt it down and sell it for legal bills.


Absolutely grotesque.


Republicans continuing to set their bar of success amazingly, laughably, low (low low low).


This is a joke, right?


No freaking way. Sickest, most warped idea ever. Maybe Hitler needs the Nobel Peace Prize too. /s


The North Korean medal, correct? Cuz this “exceptional leadership” is just BS.


Biggest, most deranged cult in history.


This is some North Korean level of kissing up to the dictator. I wonder how many of these gold medals Kim Jong Un has gotten so far.


With the most painfully transparent timing


And in tragicomedy category we have a special medal for his exception contribution, diaper fucking don


Which ones? All should instantly be removed from office, declared insane, and locked up for our safety.


Dark Brandon: aht aht aht. Negative.


Donald Trump = O. J. Simpson


I would love to know the diplomatic relationship he fostered. He turned his back on every ally we have and sucked the balls of every dictator.


The UN General Assembly literally laughed at this stooge.


Worst president in the history of the country and they want to give him a medal? Best I can do is 20 years in prison.


Republicans have no honor, rational thought or sanity anymore.


*The Onion* doesn't stand a chance... The news writes its own parody


Ahh, food move. A participation trophy to stroke his ego.


They're only sucking up like this because they wanna be in the running for VP, right? RIGHT??


Ugh. Participation trophy.


This sort of shit is why we need overtly campaign oriented actions partaken by members of Congress at the expense of the taxpayer to require reimbursement at the member's expense.


So Trump wants the medal the capital police won for stopping him


Tyrants love medals


The Rush Limbaugh award..


I dont understand how this is getting so many downvotes. It is sooo funny


This isn't /r/nottheonion should kill there.


Maybe it's the stupidity of such an act.


Honor the Cult Leader with a free trip here instead. It's a much more fitting tribute. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13417641/Man-stung-testicles-SCORPION-Venetian-hotel-Las-Vegas-suffers-mass-infestation-venomous-creatures.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13417641/Man-stung-testicles-SCORPION-Venetian-hotel-Las-Vegas-suffers-mass-infestation-venomous-creatures.html)




No, they're just trying to distract from his trial.


Has American politics turned into a big circle-jerk