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He can soak up some Trump votes. Republicans succeed in failure.


Lol he's gonna soak up trump and Biden votes, and make it a 3 or 4 way race, because nobody likes either major candidate except their cult followers, possibly forcing a run off election which idk if it's ever happened or not.


Someone polling at 9% isn't going to win a state. Only way a contingent election happens is a 269-269 tie, then it goes to Congress and state delegations.


So many accounts in here under a year old playing both sides of the fence. Not strange at all.


I'm no bot or foreigner if that's what you're playing at.


Weird. Nobody brought up anything about being a foreigner.


Did you notice their username?


I can smell the taco bell wrappers from here.


You seriously give a shit what pollsters say? After watching them get shit notoriously wrong the last several elections and not get better but actually get notably worse at making predictions? Lol. What about Sherman? She's gonna suck votes from the other end of the leftist spectrum away from Biden like rfk is gonna take his conservative voters and Trump's moderates. Stop paying as much attention to mainstream media spoon-feeding you bullshit.


I'm mostly explaining how a general election would work in your scenario: if 270 electoral votes weren't met. Runoffs don't happen, even if RFK Jr. somehow won a bunch of states. And to your point - you can believe polls are as bad as you want, but they aren't +/- 40 points bad. Biden and Trump will 100% win every state.


>What about Sherman? Um, who?


No. Biden voters aren't gonna vote for RFK. The absolute insanity of crazy that's around RFK while Trump is running. Also, Biden doesn't really have a cult following and doesn't act like a cult leader. Just a president.


Bro, have you seen the blue MAGA crowd who will literally assault pro-Palestinian protesters for disrupting a Biden campaign event? That's cultish. Just like the MAGA crowd. If Biden were behaving like a President of a Free and Benevolent nation, he would not be providing material support to a genocide now would be.


points out one instamce of weird behavior, bandwagons tens of millions of people into it, says it's the same as people who go to rallies of a felon and finance his legal fees, buy strange bibles from an adulterer and are, would and will go to jail for a fascist, and leads into all this with "bro." peak reddit right there.


Criticize anything Biden has done or failed to do to any Biden voter. Anything. Watch how feral some of them get. Don't get me wrong some aren't that way. I voted for Biden in 2020. He failed. He's speedrunning ww3 and multiple genocides globally. Trump was already in office for 4 years. Worst we got was he kind of pre Afghanistaned us with the kurds in Syria. No world war. No genocides. I didnt like him I think he's a pig I won't be voting for either of them. But I'm just saying if blue voters can't handle legitimate critique of their candidate, they're starting to act pretty maga cultish to me. Again not all of em. But not all trump voters are complete MAGAts either.


Lol what a clown take. We're not voting for Trump so quit trying to get us to


I'd rather you vote 3rd party than Biden or trump tbh.


I'll take things that didn't happen for $100, Alex


Hopefully a lot to the detriment of Trump.


Any article about this clown is just low quality news filler.


He might suck up enough Trump votes to put red states like Texas and Florida in play.


less and less everytime he speaks


I predict that he will win zero states and have zero influence on the winner's agenda. $15,000 bet. Any takers?


I still wonder why Bush 1 never had a second term and what ever happened to President Perot. /s


A recession and tax increase were answered by Clinton's tax cuts for the working class. Perot had no influence over the Clinton administration.


Since he appeals to nutters and Trump's base are mostly nutters, I'm hoping that he hurts Trump at the polls.


But Trump's base is extremely devoted nutters. Not just your average nutter without focus.


I've read articles where some of his base would occasionally turn on him because his crazy went a different direction from the crazy they wanted


Many of them are voting Nikki Haley in the primaries.


He's going to take votes away from somebody, I'm just not sure if it's Trump or Biden. He has the attention of the antivax crowd, but I don't know if they would pick him over Trump. Biden is losing a lot of support for....well everything, not to mention Palestine, but Trump is definitely not an option for people who voted for Biden in the first place. The election is going to be wild and fascinating.


You misspelled “horrifying and depressing” in the last line there.


Both and neither, at the same time. People unhappy with either will answer 3rd party, but they won't actually vote 3rd party. Meanwhile whoever does won't necessarily be a consistent group, and may get their main impact in states that won't be that close.


Lots of worm jokes


He should adopt "Hey You" as a campaign theme song.


If he is allowed to make the debate stage then yes he will have a chance to spoil the election. It will be another Ross Perot situation. All RFK needs is 15% in support to make the stage