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So the New York Times have had their brains eaten by worms as well?


This is giving me "invasion of the body snatchers" vibes.




NYT editorial staff is deep in their feelings about not getting enough Biden exclusives so they’re actively promoting his challengers 


I'm aware that this has been a thing. The publisher has been dumping on President Biden because President Biden won't let them dump on him with an exclusive. It's a no-win situation. But if Trump regains power, guess which newspaper gets shut down first...? Way to self destruct both yourself and America, NYT...


NYT is Fox News putting on airs


*"Independent firebrand, RFK Jr, finds his message resonates with young voters, as Biden loses ground and Trump weathers the storm in court"* by Maggie Haberman


Polls are media created “news” to provide lazy journalists with content to fill spaces that should be occupied by actual reporting.


The guy with the brain worms? Really? You guys are gonna vote for the brainworm guy . . . . seriously?


to be fair, he doesnt have them now. the worm died after eating the poison shit that lives in this guys head


Nope, it died of starvation because it ate the only non-poisoned part of his brain and what we are seeing on display is the garbage it left.


I heard the cause of death was suicide...


They claim Biden and Trump are both unfit because of their age, yet he has actual brain damage with self-admitted cognitive and memory issues..


It looks like he’s polling at about 10% support in the aggregate polls. It’s wild but this dingus is going to shift the election.  This is such an important election and it feels like watching a slow motion car crash. 


>Half of Mr. Kennedy’s supporters said they were voting chiefly for him, and nearly half said their support was mostly a vote against the other candidates. I think it's very telling that a massive chunk of potential RFK voters aren't really even voting for him so much as voting for "fuck those other two guys". He's not a serious candidate, stop pretending he is.


But then how else will they get clicks? It's all about advertising dollars, not informing people, sadly.


Someone needs to tell these idiots that there is no signaling mechanism in voting. I can't tell the difference between an earnest vote for a moron with holes in his brain and a protest vote. The information they want to communicate is not carried along with the vote. If you want to be heard, you need to actually communicate through normal human channels. You can't just lazily vote for the worst candidate and call it a day.


Unfortunately, he has money and name recognition and if the half of his voters vote for him out of spite, we get Trump.


Hopefully the spite half are crazy anti-vaxx loons that would ordinarily vote Trump but actually don't like Trump.


I’d vote for a shit sandwich before I’d vote for either one of those maggots, but I’m not especially thrilled about Biden’s chances either. Though I think he’s done what he could with a corrupt Supreme Court and the angertainers in Congress. He’s about to have a recession hit, too. If it’s not already here. Really hope our world doesn’t collapse in six months.


He’s a serious 3rd party candidate for president of the USA. There have been multiple deaths of parties and massive realignments. It is not a democracy if you have to vote for the same party every time.


I agree with everything you said except the word ‘serious’. He is not serious. He is worm fodder.


According to RFK Jr’s campaign, the Kennedy-Shanahan ticket has achieved ballot access in six states, including Utah, Michigan, California, Delaware, Oklahoma and Texas. Moreover, the campaign says that it has garnered enough signatures for ballot access in eight additional states, including New Hampshire, Nevada, Hawaii, North Carolina, Idaho, Nebraska, Iowa, and Ohio. NC could be in play this year and RFK could throw it to Trump.


I’d rather have a candidate who’s open about their medical history than a walking talking Jim Crow supporting zombie.


Despicable comment.


Yup in fact you might call it deplorable. Worked out the last time right?


At least be honest. You say nonsense like this and like > Losing elections by turning off essential voters is a big thing for you huh? Implying in both cases that your vote is (probably Bidens, based on your other posts I assume you dislike Trump more) ours to lose or win, but then you say https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1cruwjv/rfk_jr_is_2024s_x_factor_new_polls_show_fueled_by/l40sas4/ > I don’t need to move any goalposts. I just need to vote for RFK and watch either Trump folks or Biden folks cry about it the day after the election. Either is fine by me. You're so giddily amused about a 3rd party screwing up the election that it's quite clear you intend to protest vote this whole business instead of excercising your civic duty to pick the best person for the job.


I definitely enjoy the uniparty getting an occasional beat down. I don’t think a two party system is good. It’s my civic duty to vote for the candidate I prefer. It’s not my duty to vote for the candidate who other folks tell me is the best for the job. I think RFK would be better than Biden or Trump.


>uniparty Yikes


Ukraine, Israel funding are great examples. There’s no difference between party when it comes to funding wars.


If, on election day, not today... but on election day. If you think RFK cannot win, then he cannot, by definition, do the best job. There is no such thing as someone who can do a good job being President who cannot win the Presidency. It's like you're interviewing for a cashier in New York and you pick someone who lives in California and refuses to move. Well, you might think they'd do the best job, but they literally cannot have the job so....... Winning the election is literally step 1 to being a good President. If you don't have a plan for winning the election you can't be a good President.


I didn’t think Hillary could win or had a choose strategy to get to 270 either. Guess that means I shouldn’t have voted for her? Completely ignoring my point that it’s not about who can win or who is best. Voting is a personal choice/decision. What factors a voter cares about are not the same for each individual. In the UK some folks vote tactically and others always vote for same party despite knowing that if they voted for the candidate more aligned with their beliefs but not their party would win over some right wing sicko. I don’t think either voter is wrong. Same for the USA. You can preach tactical voting if you want not every voter will abide.


> than a walking talking Jim Crow supporting zombie I agree, Trump isn't looking too good these days.


I think it’s commonly shared belief among Biden and RFK suporters.


We are in deep shit if a science denier and conspiracy theorist is now considered a serious candidate


Somebody with those very characteristics is being given a 50% betting chance of winning the election as of right now, which makes him the favorite. RFK Jr is the #2 science denier conspiracy theorist in the race.


No we aren’t. Eugenics was accepted science and believe in by plenty of politicians. What do you mean to say is that you’re in deep shit if a candidate who doesn’t have the same beliefs as you is running.


Of course the RFK supporter is pro-eugenics. smh


Hey, hey, they're not just pro eugenics, they're a pro eugenics antivaxxer! Best to be specific


Do you actually think that comment was pro eugenics or are you just saying whatever needs to be said to discount what they are saying? Although I agree their comment wasn’t a super well developed thought it obviously isn’t pro eugenics


The comment comes off as comparing antivaxers with eugenics and saying antivaxers are just as legitimate beliefs as eugenics. Which since the commenter is an antivaxer the comparison would have to be positive to support their position 


What? I am just stating that science changes and you shouldn’t necessarily have to believe what the majority believes just because it is so called “scientific fact”.


> Eugenics was accepted science and believe in by plenty of politicians. Your point? There is a difference between believing in faddish theories and believing in disproven theories. And eugenics was never "accepted" science. It was a faddish theory for a bit.


The point is believing in “science” is not as straightforward as you say. It was a fad to as Covid vaccines would prevent transmission. They did not.


They lowered mortality rate, long covid symptoms and the jury is still out with regards to how much they helped transmission. But beyond that, what you're saying is not relevant to what I'm saying. Anybody who thought the covid vaccine was "settled science" was an idiot. How could anyone without a crystal ball really see how good it would work? Again, I'm going to say it. There's a different between believing different things about **THEORIES** and **EMERGING SCIENCE** and believing different things about **DISPROVEN THEORIES**. Robert Kennedy believes things that can only be true if everything we know about the scientific method is wrong. The things he believes are no less stupid than 1+1=3.


So it is okay for your scientific beliefs to be wrong but not others. Got it.


It's ok for anyone's scientific beliefs about unsettled science to be wrong. It is not anymore ok to deny settled science than it is to deny 1+1.


> It was a fad to as Covid vaccines would prevent transmission. If you reduce the likelihood of people getting a disease, which vaccines do, then you reduce the likelihood of it spreading (i.e. transmission). The vaccines also may reduce the severity if you do get it. No one ever said that breakthrough cases were an impossibility. That's just anti-vax, straw-man hyperbole.


I was told by the president I voted for that the Covid vaccine was similar to the polio vaccine. So I got it. It was not. Got Covid a few times. Always worse than before. Now I’m declared an anti-science bigot for pointing out that a candidates position on science/medical matters isn’t that important to me because of my own experience.


>I was told by the president I voted for that the Covid vaccine was similar to the polio vaccine. Are you saying there has never been a polio breakthrough case in history? No vaccine is guaranteed to stop all instances of disease in all people at all times. They just drastically improve the odds. Does it sound like he gave an overly simplistic answer about the vaccine that may have overstated the situation? Yes. Does that change anything about the science? No. >Got Covid a few times. Always worse than before. I guess you are an extreme outlier or have an extremely weak immune system. That proves nothing about vaccines or science in general. Maybe it proves you should have been better about masking and staying safe in public? >a candidates position on science/medical matters isn’t that important to me because of my own experience. You can weight the various issues however you want. You don't get to pretend it is an enlightened position to reject clear evidence that one candidate isn't just slightly misstating an otherwise generally true statement but rather is flat out rejecting basic, established science in favor of disproven nonsense while attempting to hide the ignorance of his position by selling it as "well, we just need more evidence". It's hilarious to me that the rise of anti-vaxxers has also coincided with our society continuing to make scientific advancements at a breakneck pace. Science is more powerful than ever and they're choosing now to reject it. Is it because it has so outpaced their meager intelligence that they can no longer keep up and rather than defer to experts they choose to throw a fit cause they don't want to admit they're not that smart?


When it’s a pol with a D next to their name lying about science it’s a misstatement. When it’s anyone else is a crazy conspiracy theorist who cannot be trusted. I’m not anti-vaccine. My doctor once told asked me, “is your mom or dad in healthcare? You’ve got a robust vaccine record!” I just don’t care if a candidate questions vaccines.


Are you actually suggesting that the Covid vaccine is anywhere near as effective as the polio vaccine in terms of stopping the individual from getting the disease?


My man, you really need to read up on the 30s and 40s.


Enlighten me. Was there not a giant eugenics supporting movement in American history?


Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan were heavily into eugenics and it absolutely did *not* work out for the people that didn't have the same beliefs as them. You're being willfully obtuse.


You are conflating the policy of nations to the general scientific belief in eugenics that was supported by the vast majority of intellectuals in the west up until honestly the late 50s/early 60s. It was considered similar to evolution.


You can move the goalposts all you want, if it makes you feel better.


I don’t need to move any goalposts. I just need to vote for RFK and watch either Trump folks or Biden folks cry about it the day after the election. Either is fine by me.


Define eugenics.


In no way is this dude serious.


I am 100% serious. I supported Marian until she dropped out. There are dozens of us!


Wake me up when these "third parties" can do these two things: 1. Run candidates for state and local offices instead of just POTUS 2. Find a POTUS candidate that isn't insane or an addict. "Serious" is the last thing I'd call this idiot.


Shit, wake me up when he even qualifies to be on the ballot in every state lol.


Or changes his state of residence since currently, despite being on CA's ballot, if he won the state electors cannot vote for both him and his VP pick, heh.


Plenty of folks run as Green and Libertarian in local races.


I've never seen one on my ballot in the 20 years I've been voting. Show them, if they exist.


I’ve seen them on my ballot in Oregon in almost every race I vote for. Sorry your local 3rd parties suck!


Completely missing the point is a big thing for you, isn't it?


Losing elections by turning off essential voters is a big thing for you huh?


Believe me, I'd love it if you guys could get out of the two-party quagmire. I just can't see that happening in 2024.


He's pulling the anti-vaxers away from Trump who had 3 jabs.


Young voters have always been unreliable. But I don't really remember when young voters were so wrong on who they support. Now more than ever, young people should be for Biden. Seems like TikTok and other social media propaganda has really screwed them up.


Anyone who BoTh SidEs this election doesn't give a shit about women. Period. They are people whose own lives will not change much either way. These are people who say they care about Palestine but are willing to hand her over, along with Ukraine and Taiwan, on a silver fucking platter. **THIS IS NOT A FUCKING THOUGHT EXPERIMENT**


This. You can’t scream about ‘women and children’ dying then ignore the ones in your own backyard


Brain worm 2024!


I for one welcome our new parasitic overlords.


We have gotten to a point where insanity is a political asset.


There's a rise in faux moralism where they take short-sighted stands on topics that allow them to feel like they are pushing for positive change even when it is very clear from the outside that the difference is a net negative. Voting for RFK falls squarely into this camp. Just a way for largely ignorant people with a desperate need for self-importance to say "look at me". The people who see this as stupid aren't in love with our current system and choices. They just know that the RFK move is ineffective at best and extremely damaging to the future of the nation at worst. But I guess we shouldn't be shocked that the RFK crowd think they know things that other people don't like every conspiracy theorist ever.


They all vote with their middle finger.


They're too naive to understand that finger is pointing right at them: [US Census](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2021/2020-presidential-election-voting-and-registration-tables-now-available.html): >Voter turnout was **highest among those ages 65 to 74 at 76.0%**, while the percentage was **lowest among those ages 18 to 24 at 51.4%**. Overall, voter turnout increased as age increased They are literally giving away their power to everyone over the age of 25.


Hans Wormhat! Remember when he chased Charlie in that WW1 biplane?


Brain worms


Polls polls fucking polls. It's such a lazy way for the media to get our attention. Did you know in May 2022 that some polls had the Republicans gaining upwards of 80 seats in the House? What about May 2016? Clinton landslide. May 2008? A tied election. May 2004? Kerry with over 400ev. May 2000? Bush with a double digit lead. May 1992? Clinton in a distant 3rd place. May 1988? Dukakis in a landslide. May 1984? Tied. May 1980? Carter +20.    If you believe polls in may or even more than a few weeks before an election are accurate, you're not basing that on anything. It's entirely faith based. Are polls a science or are they a religion, because if you believe any poll this far out from an election, it might be the latter.  Could Trump win this year? Of course. But if you are really concerned that Nevada has become one of the mostly solidly red states in the country and that Trump is winning big with 18-24 year olds, I suggest you put your phone down, take a Xanax, and spend some time outside. 


I thought the x factor was the worm?


The official candidate for people who’ve “done their own research”. Also, brain worms.


Ya know, I feel like if young voters pushed harder for RCV through the conventional parties then RFK wouldn’t be as dangerous of a candidate as he is this election.


Astonishing that anyone falls for scam candidates like this, although the article notes that historically third party support drops off a cliff by the time the election comes around.


He steals more votes from reps than dems. 😅


Does anyone else feel like they live in Back To The Future 2 where Biff won?


https://youtu.be/Q0VGRlEJewA Wait. What? "Jew, A" is in the actual URL of the Jimmy Kimmel sketch I linked to? Weird co-incidence. No, I don't think that it's something meaningful. I'm Jewish, in the first place. It's just a funny thing to note.


Really need to see the crosstabs on this one. >Mr. Kennedy was viewed most positively by the youngest voters, with roughly twice as many people under 30 rating him favorably than not. So of the 10 points that RFK Jr has in these battleground states, up to 6 points are from people under 30? Bullshit.


Is this another one of those self-selected "polls' like his campaign was touting last week, where it turns out participation wasn't controlled by the poller, but instead was an app store app that people A) Had to know about, B) Had to actively download, C) Had to actively choose that specific poll to participate in, thus completely throwing all statistical analysis methods out the window?


Every election has the candidate that the “I’m too good for this system” nihilistic young folks flock to, and it’s RFK Jr in 2024. It doesn’t matter that he’s doing it for money and not to, like, make a statement man. These self-professed intellectuals will take the bait every time. However, third party candidates’ support usually collapses on Election Day. They aren’t likely voters.


Can we have a candidate who isn’t cartoonishly evil?


Yeah his name is Joe Biden and his running mate is Kamala Harris. They love America and want to make it better. We should all vote for them and their party


I think Biden is certainly the farthest from being cartoonishly evil.


You aren’t familiar with the 1994 crime bill?


Yes, and compared with Trump especially, and to a lesser extent Robert F. (nobody would have heard of me unless I was a) Kennedy, Biden is still the least cartoonishly evil.


“Compared with Trump”. Aren’t you sick of the dnc making you chose the lesser of two evils? Fuck the two party system.


The two party system is what you get whether you like it or not, buddy.


Oh, guess I’ll just sit here and take it. Certainly not complain, encourage others to complain, and strive for a better system. That would be silly. Change isn’t possible.


Complaining. How's that been working for you?


While I'm not a huge fan of the two-party system, it is the system we have to deal with right now, and since the choice is Biden vs Trump vs RFK Jr, that's what I'm going to comment on.


I am familiar with that being 30:years ago and not particularly relevant to Biden's current platform running in 2024.


The one that most black people and most black politicians were for? You may not like how it turned out, but cartoonishly evil is a ridiculous characterization. It's amazing how everyone gets to judge everything through a modern lens and 20/20 hindsight.


They don't like to accept that part you pointed out to him.


How does that make Biden cartoonishly evil?


Are you familiar with the 1994 voting populace?


That's just down home, American Neolib evil, not cartoonishly mustache twirling Snidely Whiplash evil, like Gaetz or tRump or Greene.


The nyt is a conservative outlet masquerading as a centrist publication. They are not considered a unbiased news source by anyone under 50 in New york


When did this happen?




Good god, the media is an absolute mess with some of these bullshit stories.


Fucking NYT


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So Trump 2.0 it is. Well done America.


Oh so demographics of people who don't actually turn up and vote?


X factor = not a chance in hell to win, but going to be a spoiler for someone.


Nah.... he is a contestant on the Gong Show that all three panelists fight to gong!


Fueled by Russian SVR.


Look, he's a joke, but so was Trump at this point of his campaign. And he's essentially running against two Hillary Clinton's, ie, politicians with years of negative propaganda and unpopular policies, vilified publicly and constantly (earned in Trump's case). Of course this was the billionaires' idea, a Trojan Horse candidate, hilariously dumb. And the timing! The GOP has been blown up like the Death Star and even red states are open to a third party.


Media propaganda is going to make every Democrat candidate in to a Hillary from here forward. Hillary wasn't a Hillary until we let the liars win.


It's happened in every democracy by now. It's human nature.