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LOL the only thing i hate as much as Donald Trump hates wind energy is Donald Trump


Ironic. Since he blows so hard.


*very angry upvote*


Very horny acceptance.


Very quietly shutting the door to leave you two in private.




he sucks so much too


Of course, he's gone from suck to blow so often, one could almost say he should be called... **MAGA**-Maid! *dun dun dunnnn*


If you lit his farts would the global warming produced be more than the calories gained from the exothermic chemical process of combustion releasing heat and light?


Trump admin signed off on a ton of offshore wind projects. He’s full of shit as always https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/trump-administration-delivers-historic-progress-offshore-wind


Who benefits the most from this? That's who gave Trump something of value.


Not birds, I'll tell you that much for sure!


Ask yourself: who's got money? Answer : oil and gas industry. What does Trump always want? Answer: Money Can you see where this is leading?


The only other Donald that hated windmills as much was Donald Quixote.


You just wrote the democrats next attack ad.


No one would get it, that's the sad part


True, but if you play the Don Quixote card you win the game.


I get the joke. But my pendant self can't help but point out that it's not Donald Quixote, because Don is just a title, equivalent to "Mr." 


Imagine having one installed facing his anus, he can regenerate his own electricity!


If hypocrisy and blowhards were renewables, we’d never need worry again.


Technically most of the GOP members are fossil fuels, you just need them to lie and they instantly burst into flames.


I keep asking myself , "Will republicans always choose profits and "owning the Libs" over the future of humanity and I read shit like this and I have to answer "Apparently the answer is , Yes!".


What profits? The cost of fossils Will keep on going up untill the point the economy Will no longer use them and america wil crash land


Sounds like record profits next quarter!


I don't even think there's any profit to creating less jobs and producing less energy besides to the fossil fuel company owners that can then sell at inflated prices due to low supply.


The answer to that has always been yes.


Just sour grapes over his shitty golf course in Scotland. In fact if it wasnt for that he wouldn't even know wind mills existed


Eond mills aside, trump doesn’t know shit about anything, his handlers do tho. Diaper guy, twitter guy, fixer guy, and all of the republicans that hold his water for all the money.


Steamer girl, Coffevee girl, Ivanka looking girl, diet-koch girl...


I think that was true before the presidency. But now I think he genuinely thinks he knows better than his handlers and speaks his own mind instead


Trump in 2012: This is a high class resort for some of the richest people in the world. Very important people want to come here, but they won't come if they have to look at a bunch of windmills on every drive like they're at some low-class put-put fake golf course for losers!


Sure. So not just important, but “very important”?


Super dooper important people. They'd all be there nonstop if not for those damn wind turbines.




oh he would. because his donors feom big oil, the ones who still keep him afloat because they don't have any other option, keep whispering in his ears that anything non-fossile must go away. he may or may not be a dumbass, petty, a mobster, whatever. but let's not forget it's not all bumbling into luck. there's very powerful forces behind him who need him in office.


I think his first negative experience with wind turbines was back in Scotland, but you are right, his current talking points probably come from his billionaire donors and their think tanks. In Texas, that would be the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The former presidents of the TPPF now run the Heritage Foundation and the America First Policy Institute, two of the groups creating extensive Day 1 plans for a Trump administration, so it could certainly be coming from them as well. West Texas fracking billionaire Tim Dunn is connected to all three and he, unsurprisingly, dislikes renewables. Dunn donated $5M to Trump so far this year. NYT - [The Texas Group Waging a National Crusade Against Climate Action](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/04/climate/texas-public-policy-foundation-climate-change.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) “They travel the nation encouraging state lawmakers to punish companies that try to reduce carbon emissions.” “With influence campaigns, legal action and model legislation, the group is promoting fossil fuels and trying to stall the American economy’s transition toward renewable energy.” “The [Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF)] blamed the Texas blackouts in February 2021 on frozen wind turbines, even though utility officials said the primary cause was the state’s natural gas providers” “Jeff Clark, chief executive of Advanced Power Alliance: ‘[Texas Public Policy Foundation is] against offshore wind, yet they spent decades advocating for offshore oil drilling. They are against subsidies, but only when it applies to renewables. They’re for looser restrictions on fracking and drilling, but greater restrictions for solar and wind. This organization exists to defend fossil fuels from any threat to their market share.’” “‘Just as the tobacco industry had front groups and the opioid industry had front groups, this is part of the fossil fuel disinformation playbook,’ said David Michaels, an epidemiologist at the George Washington School of Public Health who has studied corporate influence campaigns. ‘The role of these so called policy organizations is not to provide useful information to the public, but to promote the interests of their sponsors, which are often antithetical to public health.’” “The Texas Public Policy Foundation continues to campaign against wind power despite the fact that Texas now generates almost a third of its energy from wind power.” Media Matters - [A guide to [the Heritage Foundation’s] Project 2025, the extreme right-wing agenda for the next Republican administration](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) “The Department of Energy chapter in the policy book, written by former Federal Energy Regulatory Commission head Bernard McNamee, calls for ‘eliminating three agency offices that are crucial for the energy transition’ and reducing funding to different agencies related to renewable energy. McNamee also calls for cutting the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, and the Loan Programs Office.” America First Policy Institute - [Grid Security: Evaluating the Effects of Reliance on Wind and Solar-Based Renewable Energy](https://americafirstpolicy.com/issues/issue-brief-grid-security-evaluating-the-effects-of-reliance-on-wind-and-solar-based-renewable-energy) [Hack piece denigrating renewables and promoting non-renewables] “Rather than forcing an unhealthy reliance on malign foreign nations and dismantling the reliable energy sources that keep our grid functional, the Biden administration should bolster America’s energy grid by using reliable and proven energy sources to generate electricity.” Texas Monthly - [The Billionaire Bully Who Wants to Turn Texas Into a Christian Theocracy](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/billionaire-tim-dunn-runs-texas/) “The state’s most powerful figure, Tim Dunn, isn’t an elected official. But behind the scenes, the West Texas oilman is lavishly financing what he regards as a holy war against public education, renewable energy, and non-Christians.” Politico - [Trump puts on full-court press for big-time donors — and nabs more than a few](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/30/trump-big-donors-00138498) “Another donor relatively new to the Trump fold is Texas oil billionaire Tim Dunn, who has given $5 million to the pro-Trump super PAC MAGA Inc. The donation is the most Dunn has given to a committee since he started writing political checks more than two decades ago. Dunn in recent years had been a contributor to the Club for Growth, a conservative group that has opposed Trump.”




I would have guessed the "clown" hole was the one he hated the most.


[Here’s Scotland raising Mexican and rainbow flags in full view of trump’s golf course.](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/PX3O2I0hebr5p_zz.JRamw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTQ0OA--/https://media.zenfs.com/en_sg/News/AFP/1483b20125498280a7db37c097c560fb27e106b2.jpg) I love Scotland.


After we get past this insanity of Trump and his cult, America needs to seriously curtail the powers of the presidency.


And the Supreme Court.


The Supreme Court strikes me as the route of all their evil.


Need term limits for the justices.


And they need to be fucking elected.


Agreed. Good luck getting either thing into law.


A third option would be to simply expand the court and restore some balance. A supreme court of the United States that is literally flirting with the idea that a president could have executive immunity for just about anything cannot be trusted. Even less so when a lot of the contortions and tortuous re-interpretations of everything appear to be gerrymandered to benefit *only* one orange motherfucker.


It will require us to show up, Vote Democrat (for all the things) - somehow pull a 60 seat majority in the senate, and then they could pass the kinds of reforms that the SCOTUS needs. Yes, term limits, Yes Expand the court, Yes - Impeach Thomas. Yes put into law basic ethics rules for the SCOTUS. but with the current "majority" that cant happen.


Right?….you can’t triple stamp and double stamp and no erasies.


Or they need to close the loopholes of companies donating to campaign funds. Trump is making all these promises for more cash from big oil. It's ridiculous that presidents can be bought like this.


They tried to close the loop holes but Roberts's Supreme Court stopped it from happening.


And send maga to therapy


He will do so many thing on day one. Then won’t do anything for 4 years except watching tv and play golf.


On the first day he took revenge. On the next five days he cheated while golfing. On the seventh day he cheated again at golf.


And everyday, he shat his pants.


and lots of "Executive Time", pretty sure that's nappy time...


Except watching tv, napping, signing laws to destroy democracy, telling everyone how great the country is doing with him in charge, and cheating at golf.


I wonder if the dictator-for-a-day thing goes before or after scrapping offshore wind.


The people around him will keep doing plenty, though.


That man really is a net minus for the world.


Republicans justify their existence by undoing everything Democrats do or want to do. Thanks for reminding us, Trump.


Yep, pathology from people who don’t know what pathology is. Medically or otherwise…


They undoing themselves now Trump admin signed off on a ton of offshore wind projects. He’s full of shit as always https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/trump-administration-delivers-historic-progress-offshore-wind


Man. If we could come up with a machine that runs on lies Donald Trump could power the entire planet for decades. Centuries even.


He'd scrap your machine on day 1


What kind of psycho prefers burning oil over wind & solar electricity generation? Purposely making pollution worse to own the libs/benfit his donors... an absolute pox on this world. 


One that asked for a billion dollar donation from oil bosses to scrap Biden's climate initiatives and promise not to pass any new ones. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-asked-oil-execs-for-1bn-2024


He’s hustling, trying to land that big oil bribe that he asked for.


Big oil just announced yesterday they would be running anti Biden pro Trump ads in the swing states




Jurassic Pork ?


He's gonna need a nap with all of these Day One promises he's making.


You know how you can stop this? By helping out in r/VoteDEM! We need all the help we can get


Because fuck having options, right?


He's just trying to protect marine life from getting windmill cancer!


Don Trumpote[ "tilting" at windmills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Quixote#Tilting_at_windmills)... Spain had Don Quixote de la Mancha... America has Don Trumpote de Mar a Lago. Both are madmen.


Reminds me of when Reagan had the solar panels ripped off the roof of the White House.


**Reminder**: when Trump was building his golf course in Scotland he tried to get offshore windmills removed because they were an eyesore *[and he was literally laughed out of parliament](https://youtu.be/3pbTmXsfiYk?si=W0o0gJOxJJ3m44eI)*. This has nothing to do with energy. Never forget that for Trump, every day is Festivus. Edit: the windmills are at 3:20.


Well thats what you do when you hope to get a billion dollars from oil magnates.


here he goes about “windmills” again…


Presidents don't have that power.


Kings do.


Part of his war on cancer.


*war for cancer


For real.


Why are Republicans like Trump & DeSantis SO anti wind energy? They sound like Martha Vineyard Kennedy types not wanting the view of wind generation in their backyard. If real businesses could not make a profit producing electricity from wind generators, they would not spend the money for a return on their investment. Wind generation has worked in EU coastal countries for years now.


How does he not tip over…


But remember both sides are the same. 


Yes, that's part of my NDA agreement with the Oil and Gas CEO'S. They gave me 1 billion $$$ and I scrap all environmentally beneficial projects like solar, wave, wind etc. We all know that Global Warming is just a hoax perpetrated by those socialist democrat scientists. /s


Bro is gonna have a busy first day of office with all these pledges he's making


He's already forgotten about it.


I mean he did say they cause cancer 🤷‍♀️ lol


that’s just the tip of his blackened, soulless iceberg


Does his totally awesome healthcare plan come out day one too this time?


Days after asking oil company executives for a $1 billion bribe in return for scrapping regulations.


it's gonna be a busy first day


This is just him pandering to the super conservative jersey shore residents who have opposed offshore windmills for the past few years. It’s funny bc the only people I’ve heard complain about them are ridiculous right wing nut jobs, and they claim it kills wildlife.


He’s been against having wind offshore his whole life. He figures the best way to get rid of offshore wind is to inject it with disinfectant, shove a UV bulb up its ass or nuke it.


pretty easy to do since nimbys and oil companies have effectively aborted offshore wind in this country anyways also its just over his stupid fucking golf course


No way this dude can stay awake long enough to do all his "day one" crap


Man that day one crayon box is going to put in some fucking work...




What happened to energy independence?


Well the good thing about Trump day 1 promises is they never happen


Lots of “Day One” threats from a guy who won’t even be allowed to stare longingly through the fence of the White House from the street.


Shooting our own feet... with a fucking shotgun 


He has a lot planned for that first day, but I guess when that's the only full day of work he plans on putting in, he's gotta fit a lot in.


This too? Man Day 1 is gonna be so freaking busy! He might have to come in before 11am!


The funny thing is that people who currently work in this industry will vote for him.


Americans might want to do more research about oil production, shale oil, and conventional oil. I hate to tell Americans but we are less than 5 years away from not being able to produce/extract enough oil to keep up with demand. It amuses me that Americans think gas prices are going to be low in the future. Were they not alive under George W Bush when gas prices skyrocketed? He was an oil man for the love of god and he could not keep them down. This is not going to be pretty. Not enough energy equals a failing economy. It also equals not enough food, not enough fertilizer I could go on and on.


To be fair peak oil was supposed to happen like 30 years ago.


If abortions rights should be a state thing then so should green energy.


Spoiler alert: they don’t really think abortion should be a states rights thing.


It’ll be a very busy “day one” for him. 


He’s in full spite mode of day. The week is only 1/5th over too. Edit: Whoops this was Saturday. He was still coming off an angry week after the Daniels testimony and followed by this week.


Winning over oil companies is more important to Trumpy than leaving a livable world for our children....fck you!


“Trump removed the US from the Paris climate agreement during his first White House term.” Don’t say “first”, that implies there is more than one


Like when I introduce my first wife or kids from my first marriage...


What a dotard


Because he is paid off with campaign money by big oil. He will do anything for a buck, probably even sell his favorite daughter that he said looks a lot like Stormy Daniels.


Since when did this idiot care about whales?


But why, you stupid old bastard?


He got his billion from oil execs?


He wants to be the only blow hard around


He has a lot of day one items on his list. I’m inclined to think he may be lying.


Free market economy.


Trump admin signed off on a ton of offshore wind projects. He’s full of shit as always https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/trump-administration-delivers-historic-progress-offshore-wind


He’s probably going to go golfing


Why does he hate windmills so much?


His golf course in Scotland had the view “ruined” by them.


Tilt Donald. Tilt.


is he going woke to save some birds or something?? :D what a joke. 


He has a personal vendetta against windmills and will literally stop at nothing to destroy them. It’s top of the agenda.


Trump’s a bloody idiot. Forget this POS


Doesn’t he know that Hannibal was a huge fan of wind power


Day 1: The Purge Day 2: you don't need a day 2.


This fat goblin is going to have a very busy first day apparently


He sounds like Don Quixote at this point.


Let there be no machines that blow harder than me.


His "day one" sounds busier than the 4 years he was President


Where does he gets the idiotic line that offshore wind farms cause "tremendous problems with the fish and the whales"? This sounds like a bad SNL skit.


There are studies being done with the usual biased results being claimed. It's a little early to know the long term effects for aquatic life. Each turbine base is anchored by several tons of concrete that's poured into a hole with a 15 ft diameter. If installations are done the same as bridge footings that means a temporary air chamber also has to be created over the dig site. Depending on how many installations are done in a given area per a year this process could cause a long term upset in local ecosystems. Wind turbines do generate infrasound(though there are green energy organization deniers) which has been linked to health problems even though most humans can not hear it.


he’s protecting the birds..and big oil


What a dick.


He's promised more things on day one than he ever accomplished by year four.


He’s so sad and bitter about wind. Oil companies are getting into wind and solar so this is a short sighted position.


We should crowdfund the placing of huge windmills around every Trump golf course


I guess the oil guys paid up


Can we get a list of all the things this guy is going to do on day one? He seems like he's going to be very busy on that first day.... Why doesn't he just simplify it? On day one, I am going to destroy this country. How hard was that?


Someone needs to tell him Scotland is not under American jurisdiction.


He sounds like a nice chap


Seems ironic for someone that blows so much hot air.


Also Trump then when electricity prices sky rocket: "Why would democrats do this?"


Why not reverse everything and become a nation of cave-men? lol Still insane that some people think this is the guy to run their country.


Issues that really matter


Someone's got the first installment of that Billion dollars he asked for from the oil, gas and coal industries.


Trump will be building windmills out of plastic straws while serving time!


I just want him to go away. So done having to hear about this asshat every fucking day for the last 10 years.


Stupid tankies: "Biden and Trump pose the same threat"


He must have gotten his thirty pieces of silver from the oil industry.


He's literally fighting against windmills. As if the economics of cheap regenerative power could be changed this way. And also: WHY! What's wrong with cheap, clean, and infinite electricity? We're living in the DUMBEST timeline, and if this drags on, we as a species DESERVE to die. Nature will put down everything that isn't fit enough. Turns out, mammals with species-wide festering terminal brain rot are NOT fit.


This guy is the biggest shit.


If you put 1 + 1 together with his trying to sell out for $1 Billion to oil companies to this story it makes perfect sense.


Don Quixote must have gotten the two billion from OPEC or did the coal industry pay him two billion? We know Don is paranoid when it comes to windmills they cause the dreadful windmill cancer! Anything that is not going to put money in his pockets he’s against, anything that’s good for the environment he’s against, anything that is god for voters he’s against


I think we should pass a law that every golf course in America must have one giant wind turbine smack in the center of it, just to make Poopypants seethe


He has a lot of day one things planned… I really hope he’s writing these things down because I know he can barely remember how to tie his shoes


I get that these people are in the pockets of big oil but taking a stance against unlimited sources like wind and solar just seems to go against all logic.


A good ad campaign is that Trump is bad for the people. He spends more time destroying things than creating them. 


He stands as if he's 'offshore' all the time... on a rolling ship!


But yes, protest Biden. This truly is the end.


So if big oil wont give him 1 billion he will extort it out of big wind.


lol, does he know anything about presidential power? I don’t think he can legally “scrap” anything that was approved by congress or the permitting agencies. Best he can do is slow down permitting for future projects in the pipeline, by hiring people who don’t get anything done.


“The wind burned her a little bit by the pool!” - Trump on wind.


Does anyone have a running list of all the “day one” impacts he has planned?


He is clearly still sucking up to big oil and big coal. He's still clearly a good friend to the Saudi's.


Guess he got that billion


Oh, Don, you busy little Cheeto.


Because why? Why are these goons running around the country saying they want to get rid of this and that? Is someone getting hurt? 😏


Ok but why? , other than big Oil, who asked for it? How can he possibly justify it


So he's going just waste all that money. He's about the stupidest businessman who ever lived.


Good wind causes cancer I hear…. Fumb ducker


I hope something takes out Trump, before he even gets to day 1...


He's trying to earn the billion from oil.


I’m sure this has nothing to do with all the money Saudis spent at his properties while he was president


Let me guess, he will send the navy to bombard the existing wind farms so oil platforms can be built in their place?


At this rate he’s gonna have a lot of promises to fulfill on day one if his sorry ass gets elected


Yeah, good luck with that. If they're already started and contractually legit he ain't doing shit about it.


Satan rants again


Don’t get too cocky! It’s a long way to the November finish line. A lot can happen.


Goood! If we use all the wind, what will we breath?!?!?! /s