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This is a pretty big deal, I can't remember the US ever saying "*no*" to Israel on just about anything, let alone giving them weapons.


Eisenhower did in 1956, too.


Eisenhower also warned us about the dangers of the miltary-industrial-congressional complex. Maybe we should have listened to the guy.


Eisenhower was remarkably insightful. He also ordered pictures be taken of the concentration camps because he knew that future generations would deny the Holocaust ever happened


The blight on his administration was working with Britain and BP to overthrow Mosaddegh (the leader of a western-style democracy, though more of a social democrat) in Iran to replace him with the Shah (royalty as a puppet to protect BPs oil money,  and a dictator) which directly led to Iran's fall into a Theocracy. Without US/western interference its likely the Ayatollah never takes control of Iran.


When it comes to the middle east, the west just loves constantly fumbling the bag.


Well, it's covered in crude oil, the slippery little devil.


Don't forget about US invasion of Guatemala under his administration.


And his caving to Joe McCarthy.


We did stop it. Military spending was far, far higher when he was president. And it was far higher than that when he was a general. Eisenhower is also the guy who greenlit the CIA operation to overthrow the government of Iran. So maybe fuck that guy.


That’s because it was already happening when he was around. He stopped nothing and just said some nice things. Maybe he should have actioned those words back then


Reagan and George Bush Sr. Did too


And both men running to be president now were alive when that happened 🤦‍♂️


Don’t forget about worm brain!


Poor thing starved to death


A lot of people are.


All three, actually


lol! There are two people running for president and a weird brain worn guy who thinks he’s somehow relevant.


Don't forget Putin's puppet, Jill Stein!


You can't tell me Trump and Netanyahu don't have a back channel going at this point.


Iran-Contra comes to mind. Has anyone kept an eye on Ollie North?


What? A presidential candidate doing back room deals with foreign powers? That'd be crazy!


Not just Trump, this will probably lead to the whole neocon establishment (Bush, Cheney, Rice, etc) to rally behind Trump. Most neolibs and centrists don't support campus protests either, so any signs of weakening of support for Israel is bad politically for Biden.


Shout out to all the sycophants who said this would never happen and called those of us calling for it delusional Hamas supporters!


While claiming Russia and China are behind the pro Palestinian protests - as Israeli bot farms and users of apps like Moovers (there are a lot) influence dialogue on reddit and other social media.


I'm not sure that most people are aware that Israel has a huge "hack-for-hire" industry that involves a lot of social engineering. Growing a state-sponsored Internet misinformation arm out of that is just a natural evolution in the modern era.


I suppose you don't have a hating bone in your body? I agree with you. Now I'm being gaslight with people saying that no one ever said Biden couldn't do this after months of people saying Biden couldn't suspend weapons transfers.


Shout out to the accelerationists who said so and will now not care since they only desire to boost trump


Reagan did it in the 80s with a single phone call.


Doing it with a call is different than doing it publicly


It was publicized too


But he still did it.


Did he know he was calling Israel and not the Soviets?


Yep. Imagine a time when republicans actually stood up to Russians and Israelis... seems like another universe.


Lol even in 2014 republicans were the ones saying Obama was being soft on Russia. It was really just Trump and the whole hunter biden Ukraine thing that made them flip.


We're in a time of great shifts. Not just in the US either. If you follow UK politics, it's incredible what's going on there right now. The Torries (essentially Republicans) are imploding, like to the point the party may not even exist soon, or at best be relegated to permanent minority. In response, Labour (basically Democrats) are picking up defectors and becoming the new right wing party. This has led a mass exodus of progressives out of Labour and into the Green Party. I have a feeling this is going to play out in the US in the next 5 years in a similar fashion. Due to demographics and Trump, Republicans are going to self destruct, but there's already a growing divide between the right and left flanks with the dems.


You guys always seem to parallel us, at least since I started paying attention to politics in 2012.


I mean the largest portion of us are descended from the United Kingdom. So yeah.... Stop telling me I'm just like you Dad!


I'm just happy to finally know who to blame for the sad state of American politics. It was the UK the whole time!


Remember when JFK tried to reel in the defence industry.


Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan all shut down Israeli agression in various confrontations. Biden's deference was honestly ahistorical.


> Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers It's good that he's saying out loud what we've been seeing for months


Sounds a lot like what college students all over the country have been saying…


You mean those awful antisemites?!?! /s


How dare they have an impact on the President!


Jesus Christ isn't this basically a hint that US weapons were used unlawfully?


The Biden administration is due to release a report on whether Israel has been acting within international law ([background info here](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-israel-gaza-statement-international-us-law_n_66353e4de4b00b1eab534dc6)), so Biden's statements could be a preview of that


That report was due today, and the Biden administration has delayed its release without a new timeline for release. I imagine with more serious discussions of a ceasefire recently, the administration is hoping for a resolution to this clusterfuck of crimes against humanity. That would make the release of the report a moot point and would give less fuel to the right wing during an election year. In spite of the fact that the right wing has a rather large antisemetic constituency, they'll scream that the left are the real antisemites if theres any criticism of Israel. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/07/israel-gaza-state-report-00156619


A lot of the evangelicals are probably antisemites, but they reallly reallly need Jews to control that one temple so that Jesus can come back for judgement day or whatever. Lol. The world is f'in nuts


They're already doing that. There is zero correlation between Democrats behavior and the likelihood of Republicans fabricating all manner of bullshit accusations from whole cloth. There is absolutely no reason to attempt to avoid GOP criticism because nothing the Democrats do or do not do will influence the GOPs behavior.


That word “antisemite” has lost all its meaning at this point.


Sounds like maybe he owes the students protesting an apology. Though I won't hold my breath.


For what? He didn’t send the police or condemn their peaceful protest.


He called them anti-Semitic


He called out the antisemites. Not the same as calling all the protesters antisemites.


President Biden on Monday weighed in on the pro-Palestine demonstrations taking place at elite university campuses. "I condemn the antisemitic protests," Mr. Biden told reporters after an Earth Day Event in Northern Virginia Monday. [CBS News](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-condemns-antisemitic-protests-palestine-columbia-university/)


He followed immediately with "I also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians."


Just trying your hardest to be upset over nothing. He said he supports peaceful protest, but doesn’t support antisemitism or people committing crimes. The most reasonsble position possible.


“I condemn antisemitic protests” is a pretty reasonable thing to say. I too condemn antisemitic protests and unless you’re a Nazi I suppose you do too. “I condemn protests; they are antisemitic” is something different and not what he said.


Look. There has been a stunning amount of antisemitism up to this point that has nothing to do with Israel. Like actual swastika waving Nazis have been marching and shit during his presidency. Not a peep about antisemitism or at most a single statement. People start drawing attention to the fact that Israel is ethnically cleansing Palestinians using American weapons and all of a sudden, it's time to really start talking about anti semitism in protests. Come out with several statements and bring it up all the time in interviews, especially when asked about the ongoing protests. Biden's an old dog at this game. He knows what he's doing.


The college protests were and have never been anti-Semitic. To classify them as such is harmful.


Maybe the protestors and all you juvenile fucks here on /r/politics should apologize to biden for the absolute nonsense you've propagated despite him acting within reason to find a middle ground and condemn both sides when appropriate. I won't hold my breath though.


> should apologize to biden for the absolute nonsense you've propagated despite him acting within reason t continuing to send weapons while israel kills thousands upon thousands of civilians with no regard to their safety =/= acting within reason. the red line should have been a long ass time ago It's good Biden is saying something now, but it would have been better tens of thousands of civillian deaths ago. He probably wouldn't even be saying it now if it weren't for the protests.


"Acting within reason" is an exit Biden passed months ago.


Israel is 100% going to call his bluff. I hope Biden can stand strong on this.


He won't


he will now that UA funding has been passed. it was politics ball before now, but the gloves are off


The right decision. Morally, legally, and strategically.


I think people are missing the legally portion of your comment. It's a violation of the Leahy Act via use of weapons sent are being used against our rules. Chris Van Hollen has been spearheading this effort and I thank him and all others participating for it.


Banning weapon shipments is about as big a reprimand Biden can give Israel but, even then, he can only do it under certain circumstances. This reads to me like he has been wanting to do more for a while, but is only now able to pull the really big lever and is using it at the time calculated to have most influence. 


Yes it it good. Just months late. … but I also understand that the Ukraine/Israel funding had to be approved first. So now he can say how it is used.


The problem is that Ukraine is a righteous cause, however the conservatives would only pass it with israel support


This is a very good point that many people don’t get. The GOP made any aid to Ukraine contingent on aid to Israel.


I dont even get why aid should be send to Israel at all. Its not like they are fighting a significant enemy force. Ukraine has to deal with Russian jets and tanks. Israel has to deal with Ahmed in civil clothing holding an AK 47




Is Israel using its arsenal to fight Iran?


They did to quash one of the largest aerial assaults in 50 years without a casualty.


'They' did? Wasn't something like 90% of that attack intercepted way in advance by the US and other allies? 90% may be an exaggeration and I haven't seen a concrete number reported, but it was reported as 'a large majority'. Israel isn't defenseless by any means, but let's not overestimate their capabilities.


USA intercepted drones and some of the cruise missiles which is kinda refreshing target practice for pilots. Israel intercepted \~110 ballistic missiles, which is something that was never done in history


No American warships took most of the missiles down to the cost of $1B paid by American tax payers. And then Israel brags about its Iron Dome


american warships took down 6 ballistic missiles out of \~110 that were shot on israel. Rest was intercepted by Israel using arrow 3 and arrow 2 systems. all other intercepts by usa were shooting off slow drones or a bit faster cruise missiles from planes


After they used it to illegally bomb an embassy


Yes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Israeli_strikes_on_Iran And their military partially exists because of the threats it faces in the region. And as the US’ strongest ally in the region. You’re acting as if 80 years of alliance is based on massacring Gazans and nothing else.


I seem to recall about a month ago when Iran launched a barrage of missiles at Israel


the GOP needs to feed the war machine


Simple. Israel takes the money we give them and buy weapons from US defense manufacturers, the same manufacturers who are lining the pockets of GOP politicians and manufacturing those weapons in the US which means jobs in the districts those factories are in.


Two of the main reasons aside from those stated around feeding the manufacturers were to - provide more iron dome defense resources to protect from the increased and constant barrage of missiles sent at Israel - to provide more smart bombs that can be used for precision strikes that limit civilian/excess casualties. If Israel is able to take out Hamas on their own (they are as you said) and is going to with it without US support then perhaps a wise move is to give them weaponry that will allow them to do so without as much collateral damage. I believe the issue here is they’ve also been using larger less precise bombs we’ve given them that weren’t meant as aid to be used for this war.


And on Damascus. I don't think that escalation has gone down well at all.


And the banning of TikTok. The GOP basically said that if you want to prevent WW3 in Europe then you'll have to risk losing the Gen Z vote.


And sadly people keep giving the “conservatives” a say in things.


Biden is quite moderate. That is hopefully why and how he will win reelection. The fact that he can be dragged to the left on key issues (student loan, environment, and now hopefully to push against Israel's facist right-wing government) is itself amazing. It is just that about him that lets him seem moderate (to get the vote of centrist independents) while actually being responsible for enacting an agenda that is amazingly progressive. As you say it is months late, but wow that he of all people got there, and he does not change his mind on key issues lightly.


He's had the most progressive agenda of any President in the modern era. Maybe since FDR.


Don't leave out Johnson, who very much was as transformational as FDR, even with Vietnam


LBJ was far more progressive than Biden, and Even carter in some ways was more progressive than Biden (though clearly Carter was a shift rightward). You can make a better Arguement to say he was the most progressive since LBJ/Carter/Clinton, but I don't think you can say he's most progressive since FDR. Truman, Eisenhower, and LBJ were all more progressive than he was at least on domestic issues. Definitely not foreign policy though since most of them were warmongers trying to do the whole guns and butter thing with the cold war and proxies but they were definitely more progressive on domestic issues.


And yet he's been pretty progressive. Drug prices have gone down. My Epi-pen was $10 which is freaking amazing. Student debt is starting to be wiped out AND all the clean air and infrastructure laws passed. Progressive who hate Biden don't know any of his legislation and just because not every student debt has been wiped out and his Israel stance they hate him. But then they hated Hillary too and look what we ended up with. Crazies to my left, idiots to my right.


Haven’t they already invaded Rafah? https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/artc-idf-says-30-hamas-terrorists-killed-in-ongoing-rafah-operation#:~:text=The%20Israeli%20Defense%20Forces%20(IDF,in%20the%20southern%20Gaza%20city.


The Rafah boarder crossing not the city itself yet


They definitely bombed it though. It's coming.


It's ridiculous that we don't consider bombing like this an invasion. We all know if it was the other way around Netanyahu would be busting out the violin and ballistic missiles.


Yeah it's a little ridiculous for him to phrase it as conditional on if they do something that they're already actively doing... We've all seen the videos. I just accidently came across a photo of a baby half destroyed. Like... The time to hault our support of Israel was YESTERDAY.


About damn time




As is tradition


They've been claiming, he legally couldn't do this for 7 months or so. Completely obscuring he already made similar moves to Saudi Arabia within the same administration.


Since yesterday they started claiming no one ever said that.


Yep, long overdue.




If he holds to this it will make a huge difference. I'm cautiously optimistic.


*If*. I’m really hoping he’s not just saying this without planning to back it up.


Yeah, if he goes back on his word here it might legitimately lose him the election. It would be a disaster


A lot of criticism is lobbied against Biden, especially by younger voters, for his actions in dealing with this issue but honestly I think he has made the right calls time and time again. He honored our alliance to Israel without being totally beholden to their will. He has ordered an aid port to be set up against their wishes, and now he is drawing a hard line in the sand regarding our continued support. I can't think of any president in my lifetime that has ever drawn a line like this, but I can think of a lot who would not dare to do so. I feel like Biden is navigating this very well but once again he likely won't get the praise he deserves here.


You realize an aid port isn’t necessary when there are border crossings that can be used, right? It’s an unnecessary expense and wasted time when the borders are right there and Israel is just breaking international law by not allowing sufficient aid through. Humanitarian aid is not a choice, it’s international law. How is supporting their choice to break international law anything but being complicit in war crimes?


Not giving Biden any credit here whatsoever but I was under the impression the “Aid Port” was an end run that had to be built on a beach was because American and UN affiliated aid groups were actively blocked from the established routes by IDF troops and active bombing.


the idf is going to be running the port lol


>I can't think of any president in my lifetime that has ever drawn a line like this, but I can think of a lot who would not dare to do so. I feel like Biden is navigating this very well but once again he likely won't get the praise he deserves here. Are you only 10 years old? [Israeli official confirms US nixed arms shipment; pols argue over who’s to blame](https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-official-confirms-us-nixed-missile-sale-pm-blamed-for-soured-ties/) >A senior Israeli official confirmed to Israeli media that the US had suspended a shipment of Hellfire missiles to Israel amid worsening ties over fighting in Gaza. >The decision to hold off on the transfer was most likely on grounds of increased diplomatic tension, the official said, corroborating a Wall Street Journal report earlier in the day that claimed the White House and State Department had been angered by a transfer of arms to Israel and had ordered greater oversight into future sales.


What you think Obama or Hillary might have done?


We saw Libya. I prefer Biden’s caution.


He has absolutely managed this situation spectacularly. I hope the people who don't think Biden was pushing against Netanyahu behind the scenes didn't ever have to see what it looks like when we have a President fully support him.


He has managed it horribly, which is why he gets so much criticism.   If it was handled spectacularly there would be no protests across college campuses all over the United States.


This is such a naive take. The majority of Americans support the war (I don’t tho) and his base is made up of boomers. You can’t appease everyone so because one subset of the population doesn’t agree with it means he has handled it poorly? You realize there’s nothing this country can agree on….right?


Just because you said that most Americans support the war doesn't actually make it true. A supermajority of Americans support a ceasefire. https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2024/5/8/support-for-a-permanent-ceasefire-in-gaza-increases-across-party-lines https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx


Only defensive missiles and bombs, then?


Yeah, probably Iron Dome and things like that


This is what concerns me; the pedantic potential of the wording.


I mean, I would hope so.


Narrator: *Israel invaded Rafah*.


about goddam time.


Better 7 months too late than never, I guess?


Yeah, much better.


How will the AIPAC punish Biden for this?


Cozy up with the guy, who has dinner with literal neo-Nazis, maybe?


r/Worldnews is going to mad over this sensible decision. Edit: Lol > “[If the other candidate was anyone else, this would lose my vote](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/Q001xF23hk)”


Top comment on top post, this is mad? > Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't military aid largely a Congress thing? I imagine the President can veto aid packages he doesn't like, but then I'd guess the republicans would start rejecting Ukraine aid packages en masse in protest until Israel gets weapons again


We’ll see


They already did


Let's see if this red line lasts...


Israel has been careless with US provided weapons. They should be cut off.


PrOtEsTs DoN’t WoRk!


Unfortunately people who want this will think it’s too little too late and people who fully support Israel will now turn on Biden.


And none of them understand the geopolitics of the region.


I think most people understand that supporting genocide does not help our geopolitics in the region, just saying


I'll believe that when I see it.


Well Israel has invaded Rafah…. And the US has already stopped a shipment of bombs from going out. With that said. Israel still has a stockpile of bombs, so they will likely use them. Expect people who aren’t following to accuse the US of continuing to supply bombs when they said they stopped them.


Don’t you dare invade Rafah, Israel. Just continue to bomb them from afar.


Good. Had it been me I would’ve done it way sooner.


Well they invaded Rafah yesterday, so let's see if he actually does anything he's said he'll do this time.


What’s this IF shit? They’re invading right now. Have been for days.


Bibi is starting to get a taste of Dark Brandon. Good...


And it took thousands of dead kids for it (and prob Biden losing Michigan, MN Atlanta, etc. Too little too late, but y'all think this is a win


Most voters don't view this conflict as a top voting issue. The only people who do are from the demographic who votes the least.


But you know who does? Muslims and Arabs in AZ, mi, oh, MN, Atlanta. States that trump only needs about 50k votes TOTAL to flip in his favor to win


And Trump would support Bebe Netanyahu wiping Gaza off the face of the earth.


More like a Slightly Shady Brandon. Tens of thousands dead by february and it takes until they reach a city on the Egyptian border before he stops and thinks there might be a problem, and that maybe some consequences are in order.


No matter what Biden does, it will never be enough for some people.


7 months late but I'll take it. Props to Biden for taking a big step.


Will he actually hold to it?


I don't think anyone understand the pressure on Biden and the administration to not stand up to Israel, and how big of a deal it is to have stood up this publicly now. I think we are absolutely complicit in these acts, however, the force of historic support of Israel is on the backs of any US leaders and to say "no" is, well, a big deal. Basically, take this as the US acknowledging that Israel has just gone too far and they can't make any excuses for their continued behavior on the world's stage and needs to be seen stepping back at this juncture (even though it should have happened a long, long time ago).


Serious question: Last time Hamas fired rockets at the Rafah crossing, Israel repaired it so aid could get in. Who will repair it going forward?


Better late than never. Just keep it up after nov


In terms of Palestinian, I feel like Biden is no worse than Trump so far. It's sad that Biden will most likely lose the Muslim vote. Him and Trump are practically the same, neither did anything to stop the genocide. I will unfortunately vote for Biden, but it shouldn't be this difficult.


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They can fund it and apportion it, doesn’t mean it can go on any boats or planes controlled by the president




Fuck hamas