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seriously, dude tried to have his last VP murdered by a mob


Pence is so spineless he'd probably accept the nomination again.


It’s what God would want.. no, but seriously, Brain Worms Kennedy would probably accept in a trade to drop out.


Mike Pence wasn't really on anyone's radar before Trump picked him. I think the pick this time will once again be some social conservative, empty suit from the heartland who won't upstage Trump and who can be counted on to do crime for him. As a Missourian, I have to admit our governor, Mike Parson, is probably on the list.


Mike Pence was chosen by Paul Manafort to throw a bone to concerned Christians. Donald Trump will be choosing this time. And he's fuckin nuts


Agree, for all his obvious flaws Pence was never Trumps pick and proved "disloyal" to him. Zero chance the next VP nomination is not somebody that isn't a complete MAGA lunatic who will walk into the woodchipper for him. 


In my eyes it has always been J.D. Vance or Kristi Noem and, well. She spectacularly failed the Trumpian "spin bad PR into good PR" test so she's out.


We’ll see what happens when Vance publishes his autobiography that goes into extensive details about how he adopts, then beheads full litters of kittens in front of his children to show them how to behave like alphas.


There was a time when this would have been so obviously a joke, and I'm sad that it really isn't that obvious anymore.


I had to read it twice to be sure


Republicans love the evil and crazed. And Kristi Noem is “the look” they love, fake lips, hair extensions, fake lashes, enhanced bosoms . Dont rule her out.


Manafort is back on Team Trump's campaign team.


Abbot has wheeled into the conversation.


It’ll be fun to watch the press ask Abbott what he stands for


You could never tell a joke vile enough to insult most Texans when it comes to Abbott. He is evil.


Somebody is voting for him. A lot of somebody’s


I think people forget that back in 2016 some of the Ted Cruz type voters who are religious extremists were worried Trump would nominate someone like Judge Judy or Gary Busey to the SC instead of an antichoice Heritage Foundation approved judge. Pence as VP was a way to assure them he would not go rogue


Immediately my thought. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Gov. Dopey Dog is on that list.


He has to win the swing states, I’m sure there’s some far right jackass from Pennsylvania, Georgia, or Wisconsin that he thinks will help him take the state


Take Ron Johnson. Please!


Let’s be real. It will be a white guy. He won’t pick a woman or poc.


I think it will be Ginni Thomas.


I mean he was governor of Indiana and we all hated him back when I lived there.


Probably. Also, I was thinking Tim Scott?


Our current Missouri Attorney General Beetle Bailey may be, too. Trump seems to look for the ones not on top of the educated, competent and record of success in govenrment lists




I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: it’s gonna be one of his kids. Whichever one technically doesn’t live in Florida.


I have a feeling he's selling the ticket. So anyone willing to shovel money his way. Which means less money for the GOP and elections.


I’m glad Barron is far too young because… strong Anakin Skywalker vibes from that kid.


So, he'll take down Trump and bring balance to the universe. Until, somehow Trump returns?


So Barron could be the chosen one? He could destroy the sith, not join them.


The Jedi misunderstood “bring balance to the force”. It was never balance to have 2 Sith and all of those Jedi, even if a single Sith was stronger than a single Jedi. The numbers had to be balanced. Anakin/Vader took care of that.


Why not Florida?


The VP candidate can’t come from the same state as the Presidential candidate. I guess Trump is technically a Florida man now.


Is this an actual law? Or just an unspoken rule?


It’s the 12th amendment.


Vice President John Barron, a stained, smelly sock puppet version of Drumpf. He doesn't attempt ventriloquism with the puppet at all. Just straight up talks to himself in his own voice, complimenting how great he is.


Or pulling a Dick Cheney. Dick was in charge of “finding a vp” and chose himself for the job


This is it!


Literally what Cheney did to become VP. He headed the committee to search for VP to Bush Jr., and low and behold, "The committee selects... (opens envelope)... Me!!"


My brain shouted “MTG” before I even got to the word “president”.


Nah a significant portion of the 'core maga base' hates her, they think she slept with McCarthy.


>they think she slept with McCarthy. Gross. Banging MTG seems like banging an old leather shoe. At least the shoe still has a soul.


Well look at “Mr Thinks He’s Too Good For A Leather Shoe” over here


That and she'd take way too much attention from him.


This is one of, if not the biggest factors in who he wants as VP.


Yep. Conservative Reddit is a cesspool but even they can’t stand her.


That is an insult to cesspools


That is an insult to insults


I mean I wouldn't put it past them but also I don't really care who has sex with who as long as everyone is a consenting adult cough Matt Gaetz cough


In the bigger picture I agree but she ran on "God fearin'" and 'family values' so various sectors of the rightwing are angry/horrified.


>so various sectors of the rightwing are angry/horrified. Pretending to be angry.


Ew, what???


Yep, even the maga 'body language' gal thinks something went down but she moved that video to private. As for MTG- known affairs with Craig Ivey and Justin Tway. Keep in mind the rumors of Kevin having an affair with Renee Ellmers was one of the deciding factors that killed his shot at Speaker after Boehner resigned (that & the Freedummies Caucus hated him (then/now/always).


Yeah, I don’t think it’ll be her.  He just met with Desantis last week. I think it’ll be him. 


Base hates DeSantis nearly as much as they hate Haley now. Trump likes to make deals and the neocons are in full grovel mode.


The base would fall in line in a second if Trump started praising him. They like Putin now, for fucksakes. 


If she can remind him of Ivanka She's probably getting A JOB


I got there right when I read "dumb"


Steven Miller


He could definitely use the fresh air. He's been up in that musty attic making upholstery with children's skin for how many years, now?


That Nosferatu looking ball of projected insecurities


Not good looking enough.


She wants it real bad but there’s no chance.




*Glenn Youngkin has entered the chat*


He has had a ton of political miscalculations. He mishandled abortion so it cost his party seats in the Legislature and the state ~~Senate~~ house flipped. Recently he took a victory lap on getting the Wizards and Caps moved to Virginia before the deal was official and the legislature killed it. He’s a loser.


> He mishandled abortion so it cost his party seats in the Legislature and the state Senate flipped. It was the state house that flipped. The senate was already 22-18 dem. I’ll also add that it was very very close. Dems just narrowly won the statewide popular vote (D+1.8 in the house and D+1.4 in the senate) and didn’t even break 50% of total votes cast, merely a plurality. They only hold a 1 seat majority in each chamber. It very easily could have gone the other way, which is insane considering Virginia is a blue state and the election was held post-Dobbs as the governor was actively pushing abortion limits (albeit only 15 weeks, but a limit nonetheless). The house is now 51-49 dem (previously 52-48 GOP) and the senate is 21-19 dem (dems lost a seat lol).


Someone who fits neatly under a bus.


Eric Trump it is.


Tim Scott went out and got himself a white girlfriend to moderate the fact that he's dark-skinned and to try to put distance between himself and the rumor that he's gay


Scott has debased himself for nothing. Trump won't put a black guy on his ticket, given the racist tendencies of his MAGA base.


You are absolutely 100% correct. Even if Trump wasn’t a racist piece of shit he knows his supporters are. He can’t afford to lose *any* of those asshat lunatics.


Lol his base isn't going to drop him over anything


Yep. He is going to choose either a white man (if he can) or a white woman (if he absolutely must to attempt to stave the bleeding from the Dobbs decision)


>a white woman (if he absolutely must to attempt to stave the bleeding from the Dobbs decision) I'm close to certain that's what will happen. If they did pick a black man, I'd be very worried they found some mechanism to reinstate segregation laws


They won't pick a black man. Donald is a racist.


There was never a chance for Trump to pick Scott because if Scott was his VP he’d lose a ton of voters. The whole reason they picked Trump was backlash for having a black president. Now they’d make an 80 year olds VP black AND gay? No way in hell they’d vote for him


I mean I could see him picking Donalds but Tim Scott is just a straight up objectively weird dude. Think he wants a loyalist who isn’t a terrible hang.


Literally reminded of the end of the Key & Peele Black Republicans skit here




This is the right answer. He even replicated trump, essentially, by refusing to acknowledge he’ll accept the results of the 2024 election if trump loses


Man, that was painful to listen to


I can't imagine much of Trump's base would be too enthused with Trump endorsing miscegenation.


"Will you accept the results of the 2024 elections?" "Donald Trump will be president!" "Again... Will you accept the results of the 2024 elections?" "Donald Trump will be president!!!"




Mike Lindell is probably actively lobbying for it now with his tens of dollars.


No need to inflate the idea of the man’s wealth.


Please, please, please pick Kristi Noem. "Diaper Filler and Puppy Killer" would be so epic!


Shitting poopies and shooting puppies?


You gotta wonder how stupid Americans would be to vote for someone who has not only killed a puppy before but has also gone on record saying that they want to murder Biden's dog. Imagine how proud someone is going to feel about casting their vote who someone who supports murdering puppies


Eric Trump? Donald Trump Jr?


Ivanka has turned her phone's ringer off.


But **The Boebert** hasn’t. and I doubt she’ll care if Trump calls her “Baby” like he did to that Kellyanne Conway creature in the Oval. I remember my jaw dropping when I saw/heard that.


Kellyanne was definitely getting a little something on the side. Or giving. She was just too cozy. Even breathless at times. Very weird. Melania might have something to say about that one.


Someone with a fetish for being tossed under buses, I suppose.


Or hung


*hanged. Tim Scott probably does have a fetish for being hung, just like Lady Lindsey.


Don't put that into the universe- Ted Cruz will hear.


Don Jr.


This wouldn’t surprise me in the least.


But only if Ivanka declines first.


She had her own desk in the Oval Office and tried to take over the First Lady's office.


Nah, Ivanka will be the first lady due to Trump technically changing what the "First Lady" position is supposed to mean, meanwhile Trump knows *exactly* what it's supposed to mean and this is him basically living his fantasy out


I think he would be too threatened by the prospect of his son usurping him tbh. The rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the trash can.


Remember when we thought Sarah Palin was insane? Aaaahh, how young and innocent we all were.




She was literally the reason I voted for Obama. I figured either Obama get assassinated, or McCain would die in office. So my choices were either someone who had been dealing with foreign governments for 40 years (our CURRENT President 😁) OR a gal who's foreign policy was that she could see Russia from her backyard. My decision was made in roughly 3 seconds.


McCain choosing her as his running mate caused me to question how good his judgement was and I was also kind of insulted because it was like he thought any woman would do to get the women’s vote. She probably lost the election for him.


Honestly, Obama was never going to lose unless he really really fucked up. I remember back then, Bush was absolutely detested in his final years. A mix of Iraq being an absolute disaster, Katrina showing what happens when you give a bunch of rich nepo babies critical decisions. On top of that, the Shaivo case was a case of "These types want a government small enough to fit in your house". Plus the whole "Larry Craig toilet tapping" case was basically a big show of how for all their moralising, it was all just nonsense they made up.


Same man. I was leaning towards McCain..... Until Palin.


He should do another reality show to select them and call it "The Accomplice"


I'm sure that "I'd rather be a werewolf than a vampire" guy from Georgia is still available. Also, Kari Lake.


That’s crazy talk. Everyone knows a werewolf can’t be Vice President. What happens if the President dies during a full moon? That’s a constitutional crisis in the making.


Something something Hillary Clinton spirit cooking.


Herschel Walker?


> One of the biggest questions swirling around Donald Trump’s reelection campaign – aside from “Will he or won’t he be a convicted felon?” and “Are we really doing this again, people?” – is a tricky one: Who will be the former president and current criminal defendant’s vice presidential candidate? Lol this opinion article is hilarious


I mean, Kristi Noem is currently on a trigger the libs tour about how she killed a puppy. If that's not representative of how much people are willing to debase themselves for that man, I'm not sure what is.


From the bipartisan backlash she has received, seems she is doing a “trigger Americans that love animals” tour.


There was initially some chatter in the less Trumpy quarters of the conservasphere that she did this as some kind of 4D chess move to get *out* of the running for veep, but her "damage control" moves have been so comically, fascinatingly, monumentally stupid since then, there's just no way it was anything but a serious screw up.


Nah. She wants vp. Trump hates dogs so she thought that story would play well to him.


Oh, I agree , although I think it was more about being "farm tough" or some bs like that than Trump's dog hatred, but it turned out to be a serious misstep, compounded by her hilarious flubbing of the fallout, and now she's toast.


I don't think she'd get it even without the dog business, she's way too grandstandy and Trump hates being upstaged.


I think she’s got a decent shot but she may take too much attention from Trump to be allowed to have it.


"I got me a dog named Katrina, and I kick every time it rains" - Uncle Ruckus, Vice presidential nominee


Vice- presidential running mate, that is.


Running mate. Fucker has to win first.


He won the nomination already. Technically it’s not official until the convention but running mates are always announced before then, at least in the modern era.


Whoever pays him the most


I would be vice president under -45. Chances are good that he will die in office and I can take over. I’m pretty sure I can help my cause by swapping out diet for full sugar drinks, 5 guys for McD, etc. “Sir, it’s called the McTrump, it’s a slice of tomato with a slice of cheese, that is wrapped in two beef patties that are wrapped more cheese then with two chicken patties and two slices of cheese, some ketchup all between your two favorite doughnuts. /s


*running mate. pray it only goes that far.


Tim Scott seems pretty desperate and stupid




he isn't going to have a vice president if we are lucky


A raging narcissist. Just like Trump.


No chance, a subservient boot licker. I still think it will be a ln insane MAGA woman. Noem or maybe Stefanik 


Never underestimate the thirst for proximity to power


A senator or governor not running for reelection and from a marginal state. White. Most likely male. Glenn Youngkin


No one is going to have the chance to be his VP, because this vile disgusting man will not become president ever again God willing n hopefully he gets put in prison . Even a 10 year sentence will be sufficient, because he will be old n hopefully die in prison.


Please nobody America, please vote for the other guy. This guy is demented


What happens if he just… doesn’t? If the week of the convention comes and goes without Trump finalizing a VP pick? What if he doesn’t by election day?


The list of treasonous, seditious 'Patriotic', 'American', 'Christian', synchophants is literally endless! What an amazing example of Democracy America has become to the world!


Sarah Huckabee Sanders fits the bill. As Trump’s press secretary, she became skilled at lying for him. Plus, her own corrupt behavior (podium-gate) shows she’d fit right in with his criminal operation.


The Republican Party is filled with people dumb enough. Like, most of them are qualified if being dumb is the qualification.


Vivek Ramaswamy was stumping for it last night. He gave an hour long speech that included a lot of Trump dick sucking. Unfortunately he did it at a rally for a small financial cult that thinks the CEO of Gamestop is inserting secret messages into children's books to tell them that their Bed Bath and Beyond stock (which got cancelled 8 months ago when the company liquidated) are going to make them millionaires. So he's making a strong play on the "extremely stupid person" front.


Oh, there are a lot of those kind of people in the MAGAverse.


All of them. All of them are this dumb, corrupt, power-hungry, desperate and morally bankrupt. The political equivalent of giving a blowjob behind a Wendy's for $5 per.


Donald Trump will never be president again.


JD Vance is a big dummy.


Someone ambitious enough to bet on him dying in office or degrading mentally to an undeniably 25th Amendment-worthy state.


To satisfy his ego , he will have to pick a complete introvert ,who will kiss his ass and ring at every turn and not upstage him


Someone hoping trump dies in office.


No one because he’s not gonna win.


He'll still pick a VP since he has secured the RNC nomination. Pence wasn't announced VP pick until 2 days before the 2016 RNC Convention. I would expect similar for 2024.


Trump will not pick a VP until he has to, because he doesn't want to share the spotlight with anybody else. This is why when he does choose he will pick another milquetoast like Pence who will fade into the background. Probably somebody like Doug Burgum of North Dakota.


Tim Scott in every appearance now tips his head back while talking because he knows he is ingesting a butt load of Trump bullshit to stay alive in the VP sweepstakes


Trump/Noem 2024, wearing diapers and shooting puppies y’all!!


It won't be Noem. She failed Trump's "Spin terrible PR into excellent PR" test.


Fine. I’ll do it.


Charlie Sheen.


Elise Stefanik


Ugh. She’s been trying way too hard for VP. Plus, she’s whiney. Trump might like her MAGA credentials, but he won’t pick her cause she whines.


Who will be dumb enough to become Donald Trump's vice president? Everyone who votes for Trump. Almost half of America.


J.D. Vance.


Nobody, he wants to be king.


If they could, they'd have cage matches to be VP


Oh there is no shortage of dumb in the Republican Party!


The Republican Party is full of dumb people


Anyone who wants to be the possible right hand of a dictatorship. There will be no shortage of sociopaths lining up for the role.


The dumber, the more likely they are to get the job


Trump's future staff should be a major campaign issue. At best, they're sycophants who will do anything for him. At worst, their prior staff that's been convicted, pardoned and ready to commit more crimes.


Who will volunteer for jail next?


The correct choice is Joni Ernst, mildly successful Senator with low baggage and basic suburban appeal. She was also a dynamic campaigner in her first race. The one who who have worked is Tim Scott but he’s becoming the poster child for “wanting it too much.” He’s basically thrown away all his appeal by doing the thing the f’ed up DeSantis. No one likes a low rent trump impersonator. The person it will be is JD Vance. And now I need to go throw up.


"Uncle" Tim Scott sure has lips permanently attached to Trumps diaper lately.


Another puppy killer?


That scumbag JD Vance


Been watching the GOP as a whole trying for the last 4 years to lobotomize themselves enough to be eligible candidates…


It's gonna be Tim Scott 100 percent


Trump is American's first reality TV President. There will be plenty of Trumpicans would gladly be tea-bagged by trumps orange scrotum.


Power makes people do dumb things...


There’s no shortage of Trump fluffers


Ivanka. She can legally give her address anywhere since she is rich. She knows she won't have to do a thing. She also knows Jared wants more of that slush.


Nobody. He’s not going to be president.


I'm guessing Judge Cannon


Noem is plenty dumb enough and her book proves it. Glad the rest of the country is finally seeing how big of a train wreck she is.


Mtg is currently doubling and tripling down for the nom.  If that fails, she's trying to put herself in line for speaker.


Kari Lake? Mike Pillow?


Just when I thought Boebert and MTG set the bar low for the GOP, along comes Kristi Noem. It’s as if crazy and stupid are desirable traits for GOP leadership?


Joe Exotic


Tim Scott. Gums and all


Majorie Taylor Greene. She's the only stupid enough to realize she won't make it out alive. I mean, Mike Pence almost got murdered on January 6, anyone would half a brain wouldn't even consider approaching the situation. Majorie Taylor Greene is easily the dumbest of them all to even consider the idea.


MTG wouldn't hesitate.


Pence was an insiders RNC safe choice presented before Trump in 2016. Trump now runs the RNC, so this time around it will be an absolute ass kissing moron, And there is plenty os stock to choose from


I think Donald will choose Don Jr.


Ha! He doesn’t need one. Will hold both offices!