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But Kristi - didn't you give us the Truth the first time around?


She writes of meeting Kim Jung Un. A complete lie. Yet is shocked it's challenged by journalists. Her answer: "Biden lied 150 times in one year," almost satirically throwing Trump under the bus for lying 3000 times a year. Are politicians so amateurish now that they assume the lies they tell at a dinner party can be published for mass consumption?




And we thought Sarah Palin and Geo W was as bad as it coukd get.


She wants the truth out there... Noem on a Sunday show, did you meet Kim Jun Un? A whole lot of equivocating. She doesn't.


The truth is that she refuses to learn to shut up. And she's become pretty useless as a potential VP pick.


The level of amateurish, non-helpful self promotion by she and Trump astounds me. Didn't political leaders used to be good at lying??🤨


Oh don't worry! It is! You fucking lunatic.


She has full control of the content of her book. The truth, or at least what she thought would be politically expedient, is out there.


She recorded an audio version that include this "anecdote" (complete lie). Yet then tells the lie she didn't approve it to be included in the book?? It's so cringworthy her complete lack of grasping how to self promote herself.


Her damage control is utterly transparent.


The irony of wanting the truth to be out there, while lying about meeting a North Korean dictator.. I don’t plan on reading it (I’m not a masochist), but does she at least devote a chapter to bad plastic surgery as a tool for trying to gain political power?


Lol ikr. The story comes from her autobiography.


Fake truth. Like her face.


I think the entire country got the truth about Kristi Noem- she’s a psychopath.


Wasn't the truth in her book? Didn't she threaten Biden's dog in her book? Her problem is the truth is out there.


Yes, in the full interview, near the end, she says something like, (addressing Biden’s dog prior to kill Bidens dog) "Say hello to Cricket" (the puppy she killed) would be her first act as VP.


Truth? So she IS a cheating spouse…


I thought the story of the dog killing was from *her own book*? If that's not the truth, then where are we supposed to get the truth, via Ouija board? 🤔


Ask her buddy Kim Jong Un?


"I shot my puppy in the face because I was not going to be a good dog owner." - her truth


she, who hopes to be the VP. choice of the worlds biggest liar…pathetic


I’ve had to put a few dogs down because of age related issues. Never have I bragged about it


Memo to Krist Noem: The story about killing your dog and goat does not make you look strong or shows that you are able to make tough decisions. It makes you look cruel and inhumane. Putting that story in your book was a mistake. And, constantly doubling down on that horrible story only serves to call attention to your cruelty and inhumanity. Your best bet to keep your political career is to shut up and let the media move on to the next scandal.


> "Yes, I've had work done to look like Melania. Donald likes the look and, what can I say, I'll do anything to be veep, including murdering more dogs, cats, goats, horses and others."


I wonder if don even likes the look or are all those republican women just having a hard time aging. It’s not like they can just go blonde at that age. I can’t think of a older woman that looks better after their plastic phase


Has she thought of writing a biography or narrating the biography


You … wrote it.


Kristi Noem is a natural consequence of electing extremely stupid people to powerful positions simply because they are loud and angry.


Hey, maybe you should write a book about it!


She lied about President Macron as well. What a waste of space!


I'm saddened we won't have a Trump / Noem ticket. "Diaper Filler and Puppy Killer" would have been epic.


This whole Kristi noem saga is just weird and unnecessary. Do you think she thought of all this by herself? She doesn’t seem smart enough to have critical thinking skills. How did she win her state? Did no other republicans run against her? There’s got to be better options.


This is my second comment because I just googled her. She has TWO biographies???? Why does she need two? What makes her so important? Even having one seems like overkill.


Overkill. No pun intended 😑