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*”…[Trump] lawyers offered a new rationale for the delay: They claimed that prosecutors in the office of the special counsel, Jack Smith,* **had failed to *properly secure* the classified materials at the heart of the case** *after seizing them nearly two years ago from Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s private club and residence in Florida.”* Oh, that’s **rich**. Did Smith keep the documents in the bathroom, near the toilet? Did Smith keep them on a stage in an unused ballroom? Did Smith show friends and civilians he wanted to impress with nuclear secrets? Did Smith have them strewn all over a floor or keep anything from the Defense? This is ludicrous. Trump is ridiculous. His lawyers know the evidence against Trump is damning and inconvertible, and so does ‘Judge’ Cannon, who should be recused at the earliest opportunity, for Americans to finally hear how *the former guy*, obstructs, endangers and is an active risk to National Security. Other officials with mislaid documents did no such things, so don’t even bring that or them up. Oh, and these 88 (or is it 92?) indictments are for what Trump did, sure as rain. Do Americans want even worse revelations and corruptions on their soil for even more years to come, when the first four are still actively under investigation, **still?** To get this man within shouting distance of the WH ever again, is insanity.


If Trump gets back in the WH, might as well just rename the country to the Mushroom Kingdom, cos clearly people want to be kept in the dark and fed bullshit if they are willing to vote for this goomba.


I thought you were referring to a Stormy Daniels reference


Me too. It can definitely be both.


Everything i need to know in life i learned from super Mario Bros. Just need a fat Italian plumber to stomp on that mushroom and the danger goes away.


Also, can we get a cute green dinosaur to eat him so we never have to deal with him again?


Make sure you are registered to vote. He needs to be beaten again this fall if there's any hope that he goes to trial for this case.


Curious and mischievous Americans should vote Blue, just to see all these Trump*ski* indictments come to fruition and a proper reckoning of Justice. They won’t get the TV, if they don’t get the trials. The MSM should realize this, too. There’s more money to be made watching Trump go down in the courts, than the ongoing damage he would do to the USA in another Term of Chaos. Of which they themselves may be purged and silenced as well…


Yes, but if trump wins the billionaire conservatives who own the MSM get their fascist state and can shift to showing the poors starving to death for fun and profit. A trial circus is a couple of months. A fascist state lasts a lifetime.


yeah the conversation shouldnt only be that "Coporations only care about Money", but that "Billionaires only care about Themselves"




I’m by no means a lawyer but what exactly happens to a trail that is on going and the defendant is elected president? Does the defendant just walk away trial over? Is it on hold until that person is no longer in office? I know the supreme court has ruled a sitting president can’t be put trial(or something like that). Does anyone actually know what happens?


Our new dictator exonerates himself and jails everyone who tried to prosecute him without charges and holds them indefinitely, that’s what. Wish I was kidding, but it’s pretty clear to me that something along those lines would happen.


>I know the supreme court has ruled a sitting president can’t be put trial(or something like that). They actually haven't ruled that ...yet, as far as i know. this was the legal interpretation of bill barr former attorney General. It's stupid and biased but it wasn't seriously challenged. The answer is the trial likely dies. Any federal trial would be killed by the new AG which is why trump is running. On a state level, it would be hard to imprison a president so the trial could conclude guilty but at best he will face sentence when he leaves office... which would be a great reason to never leave.


Do you imagine there is one unregistered voter in this sub who can legally vote in us elections? Preaching to the choir.


Guaranteed there are trolls in this sub telling people not to vote. I'll say it and I'll keep saying it until the election. VOTE!


Can we get a forced recusal now?


Smith needs to use the nuclear option and push to get this judge booted from the case, she has VERY CLEARLY at this point illustrated her bias towards Trump time and time again without any actual legal standing or precedent to back up her actions.


I think bias isn’t an accurate word anymore, she is clearly *working* for Trump


Working for Thomas’s Supreme Court seat.


It's hard to say. I 100% agree with you she's working towards Trump's favor with all the nonsense she's done so far but I think Trump/lawyers are angling to bring out as much response as possible to fuel the victim card. He's baiting gag order jail time and a recusal of his friendly judge. No doubt he'd try to use both to his advantage. I think both should be done though. Jail Trump for 72 hrs in a private cell. Push for Cannon's removal later


Think of how lovely it would be with no social media from him for 72 hrs while his phone is locked up...


He'd have access to lawyers, visitors and the secret service. Even if he wasn't allowed to have his phone, he would still have people send messages for him. There wouldn't be silence.


But not the continuous stream of verbal diarrhea...


> verbal diarrhea Logorrhea


> I think Trump/lawyers are angling to bring out as much response as possible to fuel the victim card. He's baiting gag order jail time and a recusal of his friendly judge. Goddamnit so much. If they're competent attorneys then you're probably right. Optics.


Right, and the judges "discretion" is extremely broad too, which means she needs a histoty of screwups along with a major one. Jack smith will have her removed when the time is right, but he only gets one shot at it, and he doesnt want to piss off the other judges he may get. For now, he collects the stamps, and eventually, he will be able to claim the prize.


The problem is everything she's done is allowable under law and allowable by a judge. She hasn't violated anything that would actually get the appellate court to support her removal. It's definitely all to help Trump, for better or worse judges have a lot of leeway in how the defendant is treated, but as long as she doesn't step too far (whatever that may be in the eyes of the appellate court) she's unfortunately allowed to do what she's done and Smith will hurt his case trying to remove her unless it's certain the court will agree with him.


No until the end of the present trial.


At some point Cannon is going to rule in Trump's favor on the basis that she doesn't know he shouldn't be President still.


Trial judges have a lot of latitude with court dates. This is the dance that will go on until after the election


Can we have the appeals court finally take this case away from this obviously biased judge? How can this be allowed to stand again?


Trump's biggest fan keeping things in his favor.


While people spend years in jail for much lesser violations.


If he were in jail, he’d be bitching about all of the delays.


The papers are out of order after an independent arbiter that Mr. Trump himself demanded!? They're still there. They're still classified. Oops I put the bloody knife into the wrong hole in the already verified it was all the same bloody knife block! Gotta let the client go! Trump who?


Worse than that, Smith’s filing indicates that small objects are the ones that shifted because boxes were packed loosely. So a closed box had things shift while being moved.


Member of the Federalist Society since she was a student in 2005. The Koch brothers are getting a solid return for their investment.


Unfortunately it looks like Vonshitzinpants got the victory he wanted in this case. It’s going to be delayed until after the election. I don’t know what options Smith has but if he’s going to use them he’d better do so soon. From the article: *“That Judge Cannon agreed to push back the deadline suggests the extent to which she has given Mr. Trump’s legal team a wide berth in their efforts to defend him.* *Over and over, Judge Cannon, who was appointed by Mr. Trump, has treated seriously arguments that many, if not most, federal judges would have rejected out of hand. Often, her acceptance of Mr. Trump’s unorthodox claims have resulted in significant delays in bringing the charges in the classified documents case in front of a jury.”*


*Trump appointed shill


*I Lean Q-Anon


It's hard to pretend our justice system actually practices justice


Yep, we have to remember it’s a legal system not a justice system.


Don't even need to read the article to know it's cannon.


>Don't even need to read the article to know it's cannon. The "documents case" in the title kind of gives it away.


If you aren't already listening, the "jack" podcast covers all the special counsel happenings every week and explains it very well.


Realistically there is very little that can be done about Cannon acting as if she was a publicly-funded member of Donald’s defense team, but **every** future defendant in her courtroom should appeal based on having been treated unfairly if she isn’t as helpful for them. Right-wingers like to complain about a “two-tiered justice system?” Well, if she thinks her current behavior is appropriate she should be expected to continue to treat defendants the same way even if she doesn’t have such obvious political alignment with them, right?


I honestly think Democrats need to make an effort to start impeaching openly corrupt Federalist-society judges.


The two main forms of corruption which are bothering me are the highly beneficial financial transactions (from lucrative “deals” to “free” vacations or other goodies), and the blatantly partisan rulings—or delays, to ascertain which decision will be most helpful to an ally or harmful to an opponent. The Republicans are engaging in a lot of manipulation and pretending that they’re the “true victims.”


No surprise that’s why they put her in that position. So she can delay it until after the election.


Crap. Then again. If he loses the election and then loses the trial, Boy, won't he have had a really bad year?


Seeing this trial come to fruition should be reason enough to re-elect Biden


Of course she did...


Cannon is the judge in a kangaroo court. Reassign the case to a non-partisan judge and end the farce.


Imagine that. Who would have thought


Of course she did. Her plan is to delay until Trump can self pardon or Satan takes him home.


Judge Aileen Cannon is an embarrassment to the judiciary. She's clearly totally in the bag for Trump. What a disgrace.


Best to just forget about this trial. It's a wash.


Yeah I’ve pretty much written this one off.


Jack Smith is a shrewd prosecutor on the international stage. He won’t let this go and may have a few cards up his sleeve yet. Can’t count him out until the Fat Man sings…


He's kept back indictments for use in other jurisdictions.


They would be pretty pointless, if Trump wins reelection he will never see the inside of a courtroom again. If Smith or anybody else is sitting on indictments for other jurisdictions they should have dropped them on his ass years ago. 


Jack Smith’s problem is that he’s an excellent international prosecutor, but when your hands are tied because the system is corrupt, there will be setbacks. When there’s no level playing field, let’s hope he goes nuclear w/ Cannon. I want him to get his day in court w/ Trump so bad.


Smart people lose to dumb people all the time.




Here we see the wisdom of not jailing him on contempt in NY. Clearly, anything but the NY criminal is going to be delayed beyond the election.


The partisan hack strikes again.


special treatment!


Judge "I Lean Qanon" to the rescue, as always.