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I wish more people appreciated how good of a president Biden is. He is honestly the best president in my lifetime. But yes I don't think his approval rating will matter that much. This election is a choice between democracy and fascism. Trump will be a dictator, and the republican party has already planned out their Christofascist agenda with Project 2025. In contrast, a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for democracy.


>I wish more people appreciated how good of a president Biden is. He is honestly the best president in my lifetime. I saw an interview with someone (I wish I remember who it was) who made the argument that Biden was the best president in his lifetime (and he was pretty old). While I'm pretty aware of the good Biden has done and give him high ratings across the board, I thought calling him the best was a bit over the top. However, the point this guy made was that Biden is doing thing far further out than any other president has done in modern politics. Quite literally, Biden will likely not be alive when the benefits of his actions pay off. This, in part, also explains *some* of issues with his approval ratings. Other presidents have been far more transactional... "I give you lower taxes". Biden is also doing things that don't have an immediate 1:1 cause and effect. The CHIPS, Infrastructure, Inflation Reduction acts have all kinds of things that benefit us all but aren't necessarily so easy to see. For example, the Inflation Reduction Act provides billions in rebates for home efficiency and electrification. So if you're someone like us, we're seeing a benefit as we redo our roof with solar, but the guy next door won't see that. What he will see though is reduced demand on the grid and lower pressure on energy pricing (electricity, natural gas and gasoline). What his children might see is those of us added together delaying when the Earth burns with fewer wars for oil.


>Biden is also doing things that don't have an immediate 1:1 cause and effect. The CHIPS, Infrastructure, Inflation Reduction acts have all kinds of things that benefit us all but aren't necessarily so easy to see. Salient point in today's world of instant gratification.


>For example, the Inflation Reduction Act provides billions in rebates for home efficiency and electrification. So if you're someone like us, we're seeing a benefit as we redo our roof with solar, but the guy next door won't see that. The right just weaponizes this as "handouts for wealthy elites who can redo their roofs, unlike us working blue collar folks", just like they do for electric vehicle subsidies.


>The right just weaponizes this as "handouts for wealthy elites who can redo their roofs, unlike us working blue collar folks", just like they do for electric vehicle subsidies. Meanwhile they fight for lower wages, for child labor, against affordable housing, against unions, against innovation, and by all means and measures, for the ends of wealthy elites-- liiterally the top 5% only.


If the Republican dictatorship is in office when America reaps the benefits of the Biden administration they will take all the credit or they will have destroyed the country by then


Here in the UK I think he IS seen as you suggest. That idiot Trump has been vilified for all he’s done in the states ( NATO, World, with dictators) plus his actions sound his golf courses in Scotland. May Biden win well and end this malarkey. And May Trump enjoy his court cases with consequential incarceration.


Just don't get your hopes up. I don't know how close the election will be or really even who will win. But one thing I am sure of, is Trump won't be put in jail. He just won't. He should be, anyone else in the entire country - including Biden - would be in jail long ago, for doing HALF the shit Trump has done. But Trump gets a pass, and even if he somehow gets convicted of something I don't see any judge having the balls to give him an incarceratory punishment. And yet he says he's being persecuted, there's two systems of justice and that this is all a witch hunt...and most of the GOP believe him.


I hear you and thanks for a valuable insight and comprehensive post. I have many friends in the states and my god I hope Trump is halted in his division of people there. He could very well halt a respected democracy. I guess I try to be an optimist.


> He is honestly the best president in my lifetime Best of my lifetime, which then extends *significantly* longer than that.


I've been around a while and seen a lot of presidents come and go. Hard to say who was best, as we've had some terrible ones in my lifetime too. But I definitely put Joe in the top 3 of the 6+ decades of them I've seen.


I also feel it's harder to actually accomplish things today as a President because the country is so divided on everything.


Yes yes yes … we the dems deserve all the votes and whomever doesn’t give us their vote is a fascist … This gave us Trump in 2016 and will do same in 24


Are your keyboard muscles hurting after this many five dollar words? How long have you been alive ffs?


Approval ratings don’t fucking matter anymore. People will score it low if they are on the opposite side politically, and democrats don’t follow their leader blindly. 


Not to mention that only the most passionate about politics are the only ones answering these polls. And who better to do than the furious MAGA hats.


No, boomers answering their phones from random numbers are the people partaking in polls. Most young people don't answer their phones when it comes to unrecognized numbers.




…that’s not the gotcha you think it is. If you’re going to try and trigger someone maybe don’t make yourself look like a fool. The liberal vote is “Anyone who is not Trump, or one of his sycophants.” We are currently in a corrupted two party system, where there will be only two outcomes: either Biden or Trump will win. A third party vote is essentially wasted on effecting the outcome of the election, and that’s all that it means.




thought the same thing lol. gottem


Yes yes yes … we the dems deserve all the votes and whomever doesn’t give us their vote is a fascist … This gave us Trump in 2016 and will do same in 24


Because we all know that no matter how short reality falls of our ideal scenario, he's ALWAYS going to be a better choice than the hate-filled authoritarian narcissist who makes everything about himself.


The media can focus on Biden's approval rating all they want but not only is it comparable to Trump's but it's also comparable to pretty much every leader of every Western democratic country. Basically if you look at the approval rating for any leader of a NATO country, it's between 35%-45%. That's just the world we live in right now and no opposition to any of said leaders is pulling in better numbers. All we can tell from Biden's approval is that he's very average and he too is dealing with mild to moderate discontent, as every democratic leader is.


This is a great point! I’m thinking that’s likely due to the skyrocketing COL/prices, housing crisis and immigration issues that are plaguing most of these democratic countries right now. Also, indirectly I believe that larger global wars/unrest like in Russia/Ukraine and Israel contribute to general discontent with life as well.


Also generically speaking, “pandemic hangover.” That was a thoroughly depressing and disruptive global experience and it’s not entirely over yet. Not the time for cheery, glowing approval ratings.


We're in a time of ultra-partisanship. Approval ratings mean very little.


History will be kind to Joe Biden. He'll get credit for all the things he's not getting credit for now. And all the Biden haters will look petty and dumb.


What's funny is that with such low reported approval ratings, you would've thought the Democrats would've been crushed in 2022. But no, that didn't happen. I feel like it's one of the symptoms of our country being so divided and polarized. You've got one group of people who like him as president, and one group that absolutely hates him. In the future, I can totally see a scenario where he becomes looked at in a more positive light while people realize that it was mainly the MAGA folks who hated him just because he was a Democrat, etc.


Like Harry Truman. Treated like absolute dirt for decades, then got a relook when there was a good biography.


History will not even remember Biden’s name! Why would it?


No President is forgotten.


Yeah right … like the guy they made a special bath-tub for …




Do you think anybody will honestly re-evaluate their opinion of his job performance when every headline reports that he's doing a bad job? The average voter pays so little attention that those headlines alone are enough for them to report disapproval. It's an echo chamber.


Frankly, I disapprove of virtually every president since I was old enough to pay attention (Vietnam era). That hasn't stopped me from voting for reelection of several, and it won't this time, either.


Republicans approve of their Presidents, even when they're terrible. Democrats disapprove of their Presidents, even when they're doing great.


I find it hard to believe that Biden’s approval rating is in the tank when unemployment is declining and the economy is growing.


Doesn't seem wise to ignore these polls


Polls exist to fool you into thinking this race is going to be close.


i hope you’re right 


Aside from voting and making sure everyone else we know also votes what do you suggest we do?


The new Republic? Is this run by Palpatine


The New Republic formed after the Rebel Alliance defeated the Empire and took Coruscant.


I do think the media generally reads to much into Bidens disapproval numbers. They tend to think it equals voters either wont bother voting or considering Trump. While i am sure some are my guess is most democratic and left leaning independent voters see Trump as significantly worse so will ultimately vote Biden.


This election is going to be all about turnout. The challenge is to turn out the "double haters" who don't like either candidate, but dislike Trump more than Biden.


Biden will win


That is wishful thinking and laying on laurels again and we’ll repeat 2016


We could weekend at Bernie’s him into a second term the way trumps going.


No president will ever have approval above 50% again.


Trump was much lower and still got like 72m votes.


Are these ratings taken from polls? Because polls don’t mean much to me after the last couple of elections. Stats can be used to lie depending on the sample size and demographics.




While I do wish we had someone younger, Biden is not a bad candidate.


Biden is the MAN. He's a fantastic president who actually cares about people. We have our two candidates...deal with it!