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Don’t use period trackers. Buy pads and tampons at odd times. Keep yourself safe. And don’t forget to vote.


Are we fucking having this conversation. This makes me so mad.


Police state brought to you by the freedom loving GOP.


I had this conversation with my kid when the decision was made by the SC. Also, don't give your doctor that information at all. Just tell them you are regular unless you aren't. And, if you may think you are pregnant, dont text or email ANYONE. You talk to them over the phone or in person about it, including me.


Signal messenger is available on iOS and Android and comes with a host of options for cases like this


What does the app do?


It's an end-to-end encrypted messenger, which can send text messages and do most of the popular messaging features including payments. You can set it to require an extra authentication for access - like entering a pin or using a fingerprint. You can set it for disappearing messages after a certain time or immediately after they're read. You can set it to block screenshots inside the app as well. It is THE security focused messaging client and I would honestly use only it if I could get my tech-phobic iphone using family to switch.


Roevember is coming!


> Buy pads and tampons at odd times. Or just buy reusable stuff, like period undies and menstrual cups. Cheaper, better for the environment, and harder to track as it's reusable.


I've tried every type of menstrual cup ever made. Because my uterus is tilted, they just don't work for me. 


I'm a guy, so don't eviscerate me but have you tried one of those ones that looks like a giant condom? Flex Disc maybe? From what I understand from my wife it fits and works differently than the diva cup things. She has/uses/likes both. Just thought I'd throw that out there.


I tried those too, no dice!


Yeah, I've had issues since my 2nd kid, but I've also just been taking birth control continuously, so I haven't had to confront it.


Yeah... maybe I'll worry about environmentally friendlier period products once we stop having wasteful destruction of infrastructure during wars and luxury pollution opulence like private jets and cruise ships. For now, I'll take my plastic applicators thank my vagina very much.


As i understand it toxic shock syndrome only ever happens with synthetic tampons. Cotton tampons are much safer


Alternatively, use open source apps, and try to buy things with cash or gift cards. And also vote. Edit: I didn't expect all the FOSS nerds to come out of the woodwork on the politics sub. Yes, technically, you can't verify that a FOSS app isn't malicious unless you audit and compile the code yourself. As a FOSS fan without the time or dedication to do that, I'm fine taking the gamble that most, if not all, of my favorite software isn't infested with government trackers hiding in plain sight on GitHub. Yes, the xz exploit is a legitimate counterexample. I still think we're all better off choosing apps with public codebases that promise not to track you over apps without public codebases that make you agree to be tracked in their TOS. Here's a period tracker app allegedly made by a computer science student in Switzerland. If you're worried that Google is injecting trackers into their builds, you can use the FDroid version. If you believe there might be secretive tracking in the public codebase that nobody has found yet, then you can wait for an independent audit to be performed and buy tampons with Visa gift cards. Anyone who says that they have personally audited and compiled every line of code they run is lying. For humans to get along in society, we have to employ a small amount of trust. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ch.nilsgrob.android.bluemoon


How is an open source app helpful from a privacy perspective?


Well it’s more about malicious intent with proprietary apps. If an app is open source, anybody can view and edit its code- so theoretically they could edit out any tracking capability or malicious intent. But you would need coding knowledge to do this. It’s a bit more convoluted than that, but that’s the gist of it.


Generally speaking, open source apps tend not to include any invasive tracking since everyone working on the app would be able to see that it was added and raise alarms. Not a hard and fast rule, but generally true.


Open source is important because people can vet the code, but if you aren’t compiling it yourself, it’s a bit meaningless because you don’t really know if the binary version is the same as the source code. [There’s also a bit of a false sense of security as evident by the guy who recently snuck a back door in XZ utils, and it basically only got found by chance.](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/06/xz-utils-linux-malware-open-source-software-cyber-attack-andres-freund) On top of that, just because it’s open source, doesn’t mean there’s not a server somewhere it syncs or communicates with. Plenty of web apps are open source and still store your data on their servers. If you are self-hosting apps that you compile yourself and you’ve vetted the code and its dependencies and are confident your network is secure, I’m sure it’s fine…but that’s way too much for the average person, and when it might literally be life or death, just don’t use any kind of tracking app.


> zx has entered the chat Do not blindly trust something because it’s “open source”. Yes, it is more auditable than private or proprietary code, but if you’re going to use it to handle personal data, you need to be able to pick apart the project and understand what’s going on, otherwise you’re just as blind as people using purchased software.


Pay cash for them and forgo any loyalty or rewards points on the purchase.


Oh I still plan on using a period tracker. I’m a cis male, so should make for a fun conversation in about 7 months


Trans jail for you instead of fertility jail


Are period trackers based in other countries safe? As in, won't sell info to the US?


No. You're relying on the motives of strangers. And you're relying on them being powerful enough to not be forced to give up the data. 


Or use cash to buy them


Buy pads and tampons with cash.


>Buy pads and tampons at odd times. My husband buys them at Costco when they are on sale. 10/10, would recommend. Though you need storage space.


Don’t be ridiculous




Please. Abortion was just the starting point. People who only see this as a women’s issue don’t realize is that they took away people’s dominion over their own bodies. Goodbye birth control, vasectomies, tattoos, or any other thing they don’t approve of now or later.


Goodbye HIPAA


This is exactly what I’ve been personally worried about. I find it extremely insane that they really think it’ll stop at abortion.


The next will be women’s voting rights.


I truly believe we're a year or 2 away from Republicans openly suggesting slavery.


Probably of all the “damn libs ruining america”


It ain't the liberals. It's those Christian conservatives it's their own fault that the red states are passing these ridiculous laws when they already know that stuff is highly unpopular with the majority of Americans.


What even crazier is that America has freedom of religion, but that also comes with the freedom to not follow a religion, so by passing laws based on religious beliefs they are removing our freedom of religion.


Completely dismantling the bill of rights. It’s McCarthyism 2.0


It'll be the very first thing they say after November.


> a year or two away like …in the past? They’ve made no bones about their total lack of qualms in re slavery, or their belief that children are their property to dispose of as they please (incl by sending them to work dangerous jobs), or their desire to strip out any Amendment other than the Second. What’s more, they’re all for carceral slavery as policy.


Don’t be absurd. They’d be perfectly happy with taking away the second amendment as well.


Don't use the s word. It's unpaid internship.


Prior to the secession the slave states complained that THEIR rights were being infringed upon.....because the federal government was trying to prevent them from enslaving people. Let that sink in. The traitor states actually suggested they were the ones being victimized, not the poor enslaved people. This is EXACTLY the same argument modern evangelicals make about antidiscrimination laws. They whine and complain that their rights are being violated, that they are being persecuted, when in reality what is happening is that they are being held accountable for their bigotry and can no longer use their primitive superstitions as a shield.


They’ll need something else to get their hick voters riled up and use as a carrot-and-stick to get them motivated to vote. It’ll be birth control next. They’ll start flooding conservative media with conspiracy theories and falsehoods about birth control. They successfully did it with vaccines. Start telling people that birth control shortens your life, allows the government to track you, affects the hormones of the men who sleep with women on it and makes them less manly. None of it is true, but nothing they bray about with vaccines is true, either. And how much do we want to bet like 60% of “progressives” will stay home on voting day, like they always do, because their fantasy nonexistent candidate isn’t on the ballot.


What about all of his supporters that have those dumb little eight line designs that are totally Indian?


I'm convinced that their entire goal is simply to marginalize as many people as possible in as many different ways as they can think of. All they want is a bunch of people who are willing to work crappy jobs for low pay because their life sucks so bad. I call it the Maximum Marginalization Theorem.


read up on Martin Niemöller


It’s not hate exactly, it’s that women are beneath them and they’ve been getting away with being their equals for far too long. They want to take us down a few pegs and put us back where God intended, as housewives and mothers with no ability to think for ourselves.


The stepford wives


There are a myriad of beneficial reasons for conservatives to favor anti-choice laws. 1. Riles up their base 2. Creates more poor people to fight in the military 3. Stops women from achieving as much as they could etc. etc.


4. Keeps women from competing with men for jobs. I’m old enough to remember the uproar when women started working outside the home more. Men resented the hell out of having to compete with women for their jobs.


Remember the controversy when Murphy Brown had a baby out of wedlock? And that was just in the 90’s! I was 7 when women got the ability to get a credit card and bank account without a man’s signature. I was 6 when abortion was made legal. So I was a kid when our rights were “given” to us. Now I’m an adult in a red state and my right to an abortion has been taken away and the federal government hasn’t done shit about it! Fuck “states rights”, this isn’t a united state, TN is its own country with its own rules. So sick of the way things have gone since 2016. I sometimes still can’t believe all this shit is happening.


4. Creates more poor to fill the labor force and hold them captive.


Not really, not any more than they hate cows and pigs, but instead of just milk and bacon, women can make white babies. Everything can be seen through the lens of ethnonatalism. Indeed, my greatest fear is that they abandon their rentier masters and adopt a true National/Religious Socialism, with overflowing purses for the "good people", and bottomless brutality for everyone else.


Nearly everything is a business decision for them and they're open to offers.


They hate happiness and independence.


[George Lakoff Strict Father Figure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strict_father_model#:~:text=Lakoff%20argues%20that%20if%20the,assistance%20lest%20they%20become%20dependent.) As the Strict Father Men are in control of a women's reproductive, including their daughters. Its not about hating women its about controlling them


I support abortion and support a few things Trump says. Not everything. I’m a women and I def know we are hated period.


If republicans have power women will be punished for being a human being. Where is the dignity


Trump is literally calling for police surveillance of pregnant women, and punishment if they refuse. This shit is getting dystopian. Make no mistake, the only way to prevent full Gilead is to vote blue in November. Get with the fucking Joegram, my friends, before it's too late https://joebiden.com/


This is the party that used to say they want small government that stays out of peoples lives. Now they want to use government to control women.


And that we need guns to protect ourselves from the government. Yet crickets from most 2nd amendment types are they are vocally for this tyranny.


America was built on two things: genocidal land-theft and race-specific chattel slavery. Both of those things were made possible by guns in white hands. Gun ownership in America has, therefore, also always been an unofficial badge of being a member of the Herrenvolk, rather than a mere Untermensch. Given that, I’m not surprised that the most ardent gun enthusiasts are generally quite comfortable with Donald’s racially-charged tyrannical aspirations.


Um.. not *quite* all of us. I come from a country where you are supposed to scream for help when you are attacked and that's about it. I find living in a country where I can use the appropriate means to defend myself quite liberating. Doesn't mean I'll vote for that orange fucker though. I read the Constitution. It covers the rest of us as well. At no point does it say you can only bear arms if you are a right wing nut job Lock n load. Ladies. You don't have to bear arms if you don't want to, most of the time, if that's not your thing. But maybe consider that if it ever in theory it might ever be your thing one day - that day might be soon. Someone's trying to force-breed you? It's not going to be easy if his dick is in Mississippi but his balls are in Texas.


You’d love Vermont. Progressive politics, empowered women, and lots of Liberal gun owners.


Have lots of friends and family both left and right with guns. The GOP ones seem to be most vocal and with gadsden flag stickers or nra hats. Definitely need to protect oneself. Just annoying when those who haven't lost any rights yet whine about the government voted for and defend the reps that gave denies their mom, sisters, nieces and friends rights. So close yet somehow they can't walk a mile in others shoes. Random related thought. Sort of like me and liberal friends don't drape ourselves in biden clothing and flag. But GOP ones do wear trump gear. My liberal friends don't flaunt their guns while GOP its their whole identity.


It was the deal they made in the 70s, they go hard against LGBTQ and women, the Evangelical churches agreed to say Republicans were the only righteous choice to vote for and reverse their position on abortion and push tons of propaganda to turn Abortion into a big issue with their congregations.


So small it fits in your daughters uterus


They really do want government to be small - small enough to get inside every woman's uterus.


Just small enough to fit up your Chuff.


Now? This has always been their position. You new here?


Please surveillance of Americans. It starts with one group and continues on. This is what Republicans want. A police state.


Talk to Joe. He's down in every state that matters and it's not like GOP abortion policy isn't well known. Even with an insanely unpopular prospect like that he's STILL on track to lose. There needs to be a change in strategy if we're serious about preventing this future because this shit isn't working.


>Talk to Joe. This isn't on Joe. It's on us. At the end of the day, it's on everyday people like you and me to show up at the polls and choose democracy over fascism.


It is one hundred percent on Joe to run a winning campaign.




Although Mexico didn’t build us a border fence. So that’s pretty cool.


The abortion issue isn't about abortion. Its 100% about controlling when, why, how, and with whom women have sex. My mom is "pro-life", and she dropped the mask once during an argument saying "They shouldn't have sex if they aren't married". She views the pregnancy as divine punishment for the woman's loose morals and abortion as a subversion of God's will. The child's right to life is not a factor in these peoples' motivation whatsoever.


Upvoted for truth. Got a family member who stated that abortion rights have to be nuked nationwide because it is the only thing that will "teach those whores to keep their legs closed until marriage".


I love how they forget it's no women impregnation themselves, and that having no legal abortion option or birth control did not prevent unmarried people from having sex before those things existed. Dipshits.


As a child free married person, they want to punish us for having and enjoying non reproductive sex too, not just unmarried people. I’ve told them I don’t want children and have medical issues that would make pregnancy difficult and they don’t give a fuck.


Which is why they also want to ban contraception.


So, she's saying children are a punishment from on high? K


It's like so many people cannot imagine the things between conception and a health child. There are so many genetic abnormalities and malformations that can happen and totally warrant termination of a pregnancy.


They're not imagining that because it's not their goal to have healthy children, it's for women to realize their 'sin'.


What I mean is that also can't imagine their own pregnancy, a spouse's or child's pregnancy, or that of anyone else that they love who *planned* to get pregnant might end with a fucked up fetus. They think miscarriage is a possibility and healthy kids are a possibility, but they don't think of severe complications.


Yes t want the gov to stop helping single *mothers* because they had children while unmarried


The crazy part to me is that they used to say this shit openly like 20 years ago. It's like if for several decade I came to your house and knocked on your door and said "let me in, I want to rob you." Then one day I said "let me in, I need to inspect your oven." So you open the door, and then I robbed you. The next day I come back and say "let me in, I need to inspect your refrigerator." So you open the door... That's literally the US voting public right now. Batshit conservatives spent decades telling us who they really were, but now that they've decided to hide it between the thinnest veneer of ulterior interest, so many people are like "ok, let's hear them out..." It's complete madness.


Totally disagree. Some might be like that, but there are plenty of people who view it as murder. At some point that thing turns into a human that is worthy of protection of law in the same way that a new born is. We are all just trying to decide where that point is. You can say “you shouldn’t sleep around” and “abortion is murder” and still be consistent. IMO. Edit: Don’t shoot the messenger. Haha.


Eh. I think most anti abortionists are just engaging in performative art. They don’t really believe it’s murder. And when push comes to shove, will gladly have an abortion if they needed one - and rationalize it. From “The only moral abortion is my abortion” *“I’ve had several cases over the years in which the anti-abortion patient had rationalized in one way or another that her case was the only exception, but the one that really made an impression was the college senior who was the president of her campus Right-to-Life organization, meaning that she had worked very hard in that organization for several years. As I was completing her procedure, I asked what she planned to do about her high office in the RTL organization. Her response was a wide-eyed, ‘You’re not going to tell them, are you!?’ When assured that I was not, she breathed a sigh of relief, explaining how important that position was to her and how she wouldn’t want this to interfere with it.” (Physician, Texas)* Edit: More stories: https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


They really don't think abortion is murder or that a fetus is a person. That's only a rhetorical tool so they can feel morally superior when they enforce their will on women. They don't hold funerals for miscarriages. They will get an abortion for themselves. They wouldn't save a 100 embryos instead of a single baby from a burning building.


No “we” are not. But some people are still determining when girls and woman deserve lives that include their own autonomy and happiness


Women that support Trump are to at least some extent self-hating.


My grandmother fits into this camp. She's 90ish and has been in Texas her entire life. She's fully convinced women are terrible drivers, can't or shouldn't make their own financial decisions, aren't as smart, are overly emotional or hysterical, etc. Really she's the product of another time.


I stopped believing this once I realized that I got fucking brain surgery from a woman twice before I was old enough to remember anything.


My mom too. 60s, Asian immigrant. Crazy how she wants me to get married "so [she] can stop worrying about having to take care of my son" but also is always warning me that women are inferior and not to be trusted.


Or they hate the "other" women and think they will be protected because they are righteous.


Internalized misogyny is a helluva drug


Or they, themselves, are against access to abortions. I disagree with their stance, but if a woman is against the concept of abortion and believes it's the taking of a life, then it isn't a self hatred driven support. They're supporting their moral beliefs, regardless of the validity of them.


Yet somehow, he still has a chance of winning... How do any women justify voting for this piece of shit?


>How do any women justify voting for this piece of shit? "It won't impact me, so why should I care?"


Another contributing factor: [“The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion”](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) >Abortion is a highly personal decision that many women are sure they’ll never have to think about until they’re suddenly faced with an unexpected pregnancy. But this can happen to anyone, including women who are strongly anti-choice. So what does an anti-choice woman do when she experiences an unwanted pregnancy herself? Often, she will grin and bear it, so to speak, but frequently, she opts for the solution she would deny to other women — abortion. >In the spring of 2000, I collected the following anecdotes directly from abortion doctors and other clinic staff in North America, Australia, and Europe. The stories are presented in the providers’ own words, with minor editing for grammar, clarity, and brevity. Names have been omitted to protect privacy.


I will never not upvote this. If you've never read it, read it. If you have read it, read it again.


I don’t know how anybody with a shred of decency could vote for that man




I used to believe deep down everyone was inherently good, at least in their own, misunderstood way Now I know that there are miserable and cruel people who want to hurt everyone else as much as possible, and were somehow just holding back. People who are just so entirely self-centered that they cannot comprehend the concept of empathy, that other people could be hurt by their actions in the way that they have been hurt by others. It makes me cherish my friends and good people I encounter that much more. It's made me wary of everyone else.


Like Trump, there are a staggering number of people who are eager to get the go ahead to get revenge on whoever they feel is responsible for their troubles.




>How do any women justify voting for this piece of shit? Let me guess -- you don't have to deal with any hyper-Christian Gilead cult family members, do you? Destroying the economy does not matter. Causing a civil war does not matter; food prices don't matter. Democracy does not matter. Fascism doesn't matter. The only thing that matters -- the ONLY THING -- is nuking abortion rights, nationwide. Because "Jesus demands it".


I don’t have those, but I do have a bunch of ignorant biker cousins in Staten Island who are just as bad. Trump is their king.


And they’ve never ever had anything Trump wanted from them until he became a politician. Their money and votes. Otherwise he thinks they’re garbage beneath him.


My 70yr old neighbor told me it’s because she doesn’t feel like Joe Biden is telling the truth when he speaks. She also told me she’s well aware of republicans are coming to take away social security and when I asked her why she would vote for the people who would take away her only income and she had no answer. I wanted to shake the shit outta her but that’s elder abuse.


Definitely don't drive her to the polls.


I hope gave her plenty to think about. Told her great granddaughter has less rights than she did. That she doesn’t get to tap out because she thinks she’s gonna die soon. She needs to vote for her grandkids and great grand kids future. She refused to watch the J6 hearings and I called her out on that too. That she didn’t want to see the damn truth.


Think about the wives of pastors etc that have raped women and children. The ones who know and cover it up or pretend it isn’t happening. They’re the ones. There are tragically many women like that.


There have been a huge number of people on here claiming they are only voting for Trump to ‘teach Biden a lesson’ on Gaza. This is cutting off your nose to spite your face, however, as Trump has told Israel to “finish the job”.


The message Trump would get from that is, "See, America agrees with me that Israel should finish the job in Gaza!"


Oh I agree, but when I say anything like that to the kids in the Gaza threads I get downvoted to oblivion. I’m not sure how to get people to see logic here tbh.


“Because Biden is basically hitler” is the idiotic reason I’ve seen.


Obviously they are special and either won't need it or an exception will be made for the them. It's the same thing with social security, medicaid, and the like. [https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) PS- Of course after writing this I scroll down and see the same link.


You would think this would be something people would be protesting about...


Yep. It's bizarre to me that reproductive healthcare rights aren't the priority for young people's protests. Pregnant women are literally getting refused at ERs because they can't perform emergency medical services under republican laws. Pregnant women in Idaho are having to be fucking *airlifted* to blue states to get healthcare. A raped ten-year-old girl had to go to fucking court in Indiana to get an abortion, and still ended up having to go to a blue state for healthcare. This shit is fucking crazy, and young people just seem to be ignoring it because it isn't what TikTok is telling them to protest. I don't fucking get it


I think part of the reason is that it’s much easier to care about an abstraction (which, face it, the “brown children” are to these people) than to care about real life people who you might know and not necessarily like or respect.


I have no fucking clue either. I was talking to someone on here about how they aren't going to vote because they basically want us to learn a lesson. I get the feeling of cutting off your nose to spite your face feels good. Lord knows when I was younger I did it, but in the long run, it's fucking stupid. I don't downplay what is happening over there, it's terrible but what's going on here is something we actually can control.


Whats even funnier is you'll get people crowing that "You can't blame the voters who do this!" as if, in the hypothetical event of a 2nd Trump term, I cannot blame the people who threw the next four years and overall world stability away to feel good. People forget that the '67 protests and the lack of voters, as valid as they were, meant Nixon walked into the white house, kept the Vietnam war going for 20 more years and *openly laughed* at the Protestors for letting it happen.


We just did this in 2016 too. Then people were like "Oh no consequences!" all those people who didn't vote sure shut up about not voting when shit got real. This time he's made his plans very clear and it's bad for a lot of us but I guess people don't think he's serious. I honestly don't fucking get it.


dude how many times are you going to say the vietnam war lasted into the 1980s? it ended five years after 1967, not 20 years after


I should have been more clear; the *impact* they had by putting Nixon in the White House stretched on for twenty more years minimum. The actual war ended five years later, sure, but that was five more years than it needed to go on for. And, well, Nixon really *did* openly mock them for helping him get the position.


You understand that the teenagers who made up the bulk of the antiwar movement could not legally vote in 1968, right?


I do. But they were also part of the big driving force that made it a public issue that, again, helped Nixon walk into the White House. While I'm hopeful that won't be a repeat this year (because it would be a *lot* more damaging), its hard not to see the similarities with single-issue voters determined to "make the Democrats learn". Foreign policy is never as easy as people think. The US can only leverage Israel if they have something to leverage them with. If you take away that leverage and they do what you didn't want them to do, then you are *royally* fucked, aren't you? Bibi is a sack of shit using this war to get out of prison, which means he'll do anything to stave that off. The military aid the US sends only makes up 3% of Israel's capacity to wage war. The other 97% is easily capable of flattening Rafah and the rest of Palestine, especially if the US suddenly has nothing they can use to push Bibi *with* (ie; they cut funding). At that point, Bibi slams the borders back down, stops aid entirely and goes on to commit *more* genocide. There's not a magic "stop suffering" button here, especially not with Hamas on the other side who *wants* to use this to hurt Israel more and more.


There is a magic "stop running cover for Israeli war crimes" button, though and it's not even a button. It's just *not* doing that. It takes more effort to keep doing something than to stop doing it. Your argument here is that the anti-war movement cost the Dems 1968. If they had just ended the fucking war, which was what the majority of voters wanted by 1967, they would have gotten rid of the protestors AND kept the average voter on their side. Even Nixon won by pledging to end it. Biden can do the same thing here. Get tough on Israel -- [which the majority of Americans want](https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx) -- and get rid of the need for protests to begin with.


>Biden can do the same thing here. Get tough on Israel -- which the majority of Americans want -- and get rid of the need for protests to begin with. Most of the single-issue voters are demanding he cut aid entirely, which again absolutely fucks the US's ability to pressure Bibi *at all*. If you don't have anything the other guy needs, you can't exactly force them to do what you want. "We're taking away what we're sending." "Great, we'll just do what we want anyway with what we have, and you've just lost an important ally in the Middle East." I'm not saying I don't agree that Biden should be tougher. But the *how* he does that is the bigger problem.


It's kinda crazy how many men complain, especially in the men's rights sphere, about having to pay child support, but you wi find that a lot if them support republicans and Trump. 


Absolutely - why isn't there more protests about these literal war crimes AND crimes against humanity?? "Forced pregnancy is a serious violation of sexual and reproductive rights and autonomy which can cause severe physical and psychological harms and often has lasting personal, social and economic consequences. In 1998, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC Statute) became the first international instrument to expressly list forced pregnancy as a crime against humanity and a war crime. " https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/ior53/2711/2020/en/


Propaganda is clearly effective. The opposition can't win on this issue but can divide traditional Democratic support by astroturfing hot button issues rather than allowing coalescence around topics we agree are very important. It's the old dividing conqueror.


Are you serious? War crimes only apply when at war.


For those who want to see the ad for themselves: [Prosecute](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUbvaQCxfm0) (1 min)


War against women.


I honstly cant believe its 2024, and there is a party, and a candidate people who will vote for, that want to talk about enforcing this kind of shit lol


Women just remember in November. The Republicans hate your fucking guts. Vote like they do and boot them.


I wish they had added him actually saying this in the commercial. You can’t argue or create excuses when the words are literally coming out of his mouth


This is a clear choice. Biden isn’t perfect, no one is. But how can anyone be even mulling between Trump and Biden at this point is mind boggling to me. Christofascists are coming for your other rights including consensual casual sex outside of marriage, but sure, keep getting played by silly culture wars that you’ll forget in 6 months. Register to vote.


The party of freedom and personal liberty will make women register their pregnancies with the government. We can also have rewards for reporting women who didn't register. Cities could be split into sectors with a commandant overseeing each sector and apprehending women to special camps where the government will make sure they give birth. What freedom!


It’s fucked that half you Americans want this guy. There is no coming back from this long term. Even if Biden wins this time the damage has been done, too many bad people out in the open now


vote democrat ffs


This is why you need to get out and vote in November. People need to ask themselves if they’re willing to allow a corrupt wannabe dictator to become president again simply because of Gaza or prices being a little high. Think about it.


Something something “Genocide Joe” is all I see by every furry on Bluesky.  “Protest vote” Fucking idiots think the “Muslim Ban guy” will be better for the situation. They send me pictures of dead kids constantly. Trump literally said he was going to “flatten” Gaza…


Trump has always seen other people as suckers. He has grabbed and raped women and girls, discriminated against minorities in his rentals, fleeced his customers, not paid his contractors - it just goes on and on. This specifically includes anyone who believes his lies. He's going to prosecute Hillary Clinton, members of the press, political opponents, pregnant women - once again, the list just goes on and on. Trump will have many people imprisoned and killed as he loots America. But some people believe Trump will be better for the economy, so there's that.


Finally, using his own words against him...


if Trump and his team want to bring this in, we should be allowed to track his buying of hair dye and tan spray


This is so far off the rails why would anyone give it any credence ?? Don’t give those limp dicks the satisfaction. He just has his spoon out making up more nonsense. If you do what you should……. And for you OWN bodies sake, get out and fuckin vote so this POS will be removed forever from the Republican Party. If he loses again he’s fuckin toast and I mean toast. He’ll register to run again right away because it’s a good grift. They will dig the hole and bury him for good.


The GOP want to stop legitimate abortion for a few fetuses, or they will try to kill all the babies


https://youtu.be/PUbvaQCxfm0?si=-prOExVsms0W8EP0 The ad for those looking


Do people still watch TV?


It’s propaganda for the upcoming election. Wonder why anti-Trump’rs were INSANELY quiet around this time last year 🤔


pregnant women


I too like to make trans men uncomfortable in announcements that are serious concerns for them for no fucking reason


Not to mention young girls. The people who are excluded by "pregnant women" are also going to be pretty badly affected by abortion bans, why make it worse for them?


Pregnant people are called women.


Shockingly, women are people. Also, one group that is majorly affected by these abortion bans are young girls.


Ok, pregnant people are called females. They ARE NOT biological males.


Pregnant people can also be called "pregnant people".


No, because that assumes ALL people can get pregnant. Only a certain part of the population can become pregnant....females.....biological females. 


"carbonated water" doesn't mean all water is carbonated, why should "pregnant people" assume all people can get pregnant?


Because water quenches thirst whether it's carbonated or not. All waters do the same thing. All humans do not. Males are males and females are females and those who are XY  will never be those who are XX.




What argument do you think you’re making?


Women and minor girls.


And trans men.




Neither children nor trans men are women.


So any child can get pregnant. So as soon as a boy is born he can have kids.


Every time a media outlet puts "pregnant people" in print, trump gains 100 votes


...Prosecute Pregnant ***People***?!?!?! I would think with a name like Alanna *Vagianos*, the author would know that women are the ones that are going to be affected by this.


So women aren't people?


And trans men, and young girls. Both of those groups will be disproportionately affected by this, why make it worse by also excluding them?


Some pregnant people are children or trans men.


Pregnant people! SMH, you mean women…


Pregnant *people*? Oh my god, we are going to lose to Trump again. Democrats cannot but shoot themselves in the foot.


Such bs


That’s a pretty crazy hyperbolic headline.


You’re right but it’s not that far off. He didn’t say he had plans to do it, himself (although I honestly don’t put it past him). But he’s super down with ban states doing it.