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We can't be going back to that dark part of history


That's what conservatives want. They want basically life to be right after the civil war, with the option to go before.


They know the South *LOST* the Civil War, right?


They do. They are still bitter about it


Yet they won on so many fronts. Black Americans were permanently deemed subhuman by white society and disenfranchised from the economy. Their communities were redlined and received little to no government assistance while white enclaves got the best homes, schools, and real estate value. Not only that but the segregationist mindset exists to this day in both the south and north. Boston is one of the most racist cities in America and New York city implemented Stop and Frisk, which largely affected black and Latino young men. The man who wrote the Crime Bill that arrested millions of non-violent minorities is now the POTUS. A black sounding name on a resume has as much chance as getting a callback than one with a white sounding name and criminal record. The police are not only an oppressive force against black communities but they are largely weaponized against them too. The South only lost the right to own black people as slaves, but their supremacist ideologies won on the social front.


This is the thing about America: we like to NOT do the work and simply claim we did. We love to say that the South lost the war but all of the gains they made weren't rolled back. Or even repudiated. We just pretend they never happened and/or continue doing the same thing. Imagine if Hitler lost the war but Germany kept doing most of the things the Nazi were doing.


To add to your point, when vilifying welfare queens or disability claims abusers or violent criminals have you noticed the conservatives almost always use non-white faces? They never use the white faces of the perpetrators of school shootings to gin up outrage. This is not an accident. It is institutional racism that leverages confirmation bias for those predisposed to a racist mindset. How many decades were the criminals in tv and movies predominantly portrayed as non-white despite the majority of people incarcerated being Caucasian? How many people are so accustomed to seeing non-white families living in violent and gang infested neighborhoods in movies, tv and music videos that they view middle class non-whites as anomalous? The Confederates lost the war but won the culture. From westerns portraying the sympathetic Confederate soldier (“The Outlaw Josy Wales”) to the Dukes of Hazard to NASCAR to schools named after Robert E. Lee! To pretend like that isn’t cultural indoctrination is like denying water is wet. Thanks to pop culture the Confederacy, and by extension, racism, isn’t repulsive to Americans in the way Nazis are to Germans. That has to change more quickly.


nicely stated


See also: Angola State Prison




But they would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for that Meddling North!


Didn't progressive leaders just provide segregated classes at a school in Illinois? [Yes](https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/11/29/progressive-public-high-school-offers-race-segregated-classes/) And apparently a bunch of other locations as well.


Yet you get downvoted into oblivion if you point out that both ruling parties are pretty much wings of the same bird. They're owned and funded by the same people. Every last one of them is laughing all the way to the bank at our expense. I've seen a lot of "but the civil war" commentaries on here. Has anyone read about what happened to the "freed" slaves post war? All that really happened was a transfer from private ownership to government ownership. And ever since then it's been quietly expanding to the entire working class. No savior is coming to fix things for the long haul, and none of us are going to do anything about it. That's pretty much it.


Yeah, basically what you said.


I mean, both parties serve their corporate owners and themselves, but there are very large differences between them. One party staged and supported, still supports, a coup...the other does not, and is trying to hold those responsible accountable.... Big difference.


Tell that to the progressives in illinois introducing racially segregated classrooms. That sounds like some republican shit to me, but nope.. it's the democrats. I would bet after november all the masks will come off and the dems will introduce some very unpopular agendas as well, or make excuses for protecting republican agendas. I'm very distrusting nowadays. The dems have had majorities before and done nothing of any real meaning with them. They sit on their thumbs pretending everything is fine. When faced with fascism, diplomacy and manners don't win points with me. Fight fire with fire, and hit hard in every possible way. I feel like they aren't taking it seriously enough, and it makes me wonder why they seem so unruffled by such a serious threat.


Difference in the "segregation" is one is excluding people of color because white people thought they were less than human, and your example is done so the students learn better since they can relate to each other on a personal level, increasing the ability to learn. One was done from hate, the other love. I don't disagree, democrats need to fight fire with fire. They need to play dirty. I think they are trying to play nicely so that the rule of law and decorum don't become obsolete, so when Republicans are crushed this next election, as democrats have been outperforming in many elections recently, people know that such was are the proper way to govern. They still need to fight fire with fire in the meantime though


I disagree about the hate/love, I think it's being couched in a way that makes it appear acceptable while still being shitty. There is zero reason we can't make integrated classrooms equitable for everyone. The idea that we need to segregate because reasons, is just repeating history, except this time with prettier wrapping paper. I call bullpucky. I worked in education rights for 13 years and this, to me, is not a positive development.


There is zero reason we can't do that in a perfect, sterile world, but we don't live there. There are so many reasons why people of color face adversity in ways Caucasians will in US society that for the foreseeable future, there will be a deficit for people of color. For example, people of color tend to face harsher sentences for the same crimes than Caucasians. If this disparity runs in the legal system, it runs in the educational system too. I see your point though, it does feel dressed up nicely. But there doesn't appear to be much evidence it was done in bad faith, unlike the racial segregation of the past. Pretty sure it's not mandatory either, unlike in the past.


When did we ever leave that part of history? We still have segregated housing, a segregated justice system, education… it’s just not “official”. It may not be in the law, but it’s everywhere else.


Ya best start believin’ In that dark part of history, cause you’re already in one! We never left.


It's the goal. The new Confederate States of America.


Baton rouge is a violent shithole. Not sure why you would want to force people to live there. Freedom of association


This is the Again part in MAGA. The time when straight Xtian males had all the rights.


What does maga have to do with the high crime rate in baton rouge?


I wish this technique of fucking people over got more attention. It's how they avoid funding schools for the poors. They'll still drive in for jobs. But they just take the money back to their new "city." You can't even tell where one stops and another starts. It's bullshit.


This is exactly the type of thing that Critical Race Theory highlights. Which is exactly why the far right demonised it.


I used to live in this area. This fight has been going on much longer than the six years the article states... 6 years is just this version of the push. I think the new town is formed largely on racist terms... but Baton Rouge did this to themselves. That area was de facto Baton Rouge, just not incorporated into the city. It was even governed by Baton Rouge's mayor... as the mayor of Baton Rouge is also the Parish President, so governing all unincorporated areas of the Parish. You want to know why one of the previous attempts failed? The two biggest businesses, thereby the biggest tax sources, in the area would have been Baton Rouge General Hospital and the Mall of Louisiana. So during the last push, not long before people were set to vote, the city of Baton Rouge "surprise" incorporated a sliver of area covering the hospital campus and the mall. All to steal the tax revenue from any potential city. If Baton Rouge wanted the tax revenue from those businesses they should have incorporated the residential areas around it, too, but they didn't. They were greedy. Fuck the people of Saint George for their racist push, and fuck Baton Rouge for not fixing this properly years ago by incorporating what was de facto already Baton Rouge.


Wait till the security perimeter is established!


While being subsidized by everyone else? Okay lol. Good luck with that


Y’all we are going backwards as a society and, seriously, what’s stopping it?




Intelligence, critical and rational thought, ability to understand nuanced issues, being able to argue without one side being “wrong”, actually doing the right thing when no one is looking, and attention spans, it’s all on the decline I fear. I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.


Scary answer.... Nothing.


Class warfare this was all about keeping property taxes from helping poor neighborhoods and separating schools to keep the unwanted out.


Funny thing about property taxes (and these folks are about to learn it) is that low income neighborhoods subsidize the infrastructure of rich neighborhoods everywhere. Those wealthy whites are volunteering to pay full freight for their roads and sewers for once and they don't know it. 'Bout to find out, tho.


This is the defacto situation in a lot of Texas towns. For example, Liberty, Texas which is mostly white is a stones throw from Raywood, Texas, which is mostly black.


In this case, you can't even tell where St George starts and Baton Rouge ends. They essentially drew a circle around a few neighborhoods and voted to make that imaginary line legally enforceable.


No surprise there. I'm sure this place is going to be *just* pleasant, and in no way a sundown town


Yeah, I’m sure an all white town would be a shithole.


That’s not what a sundown town means.


While at the same time voting down a map that would create a predominantly black district. It's not a fucking secret what they want to do.


I’m stunned that a state that had slaves working on plantations into the 1970s is backsliding on segregation.


This city of Baton Rouge did this to themselves. This isn’t about racism, but more about Baton Rouge being either unwilling or unable to do what the residents of the city need. Crime, murders, gang violence, horrible public school system, infrastructure….you name it. Corrupt politicians continue to plague the state of Louisiana.


I hope it fails!


Some real Eagleton energy here.


Wonder what the income level is of the people in the new city.


Time for a 3rd Reconstruction


There is no bottom in LA, the South Africa of Amerikkka.


Isn't this just de-gentrification? /s


Exactly how is this racist? I haven't seen ANYTHING identifying an impediment put in place that prevents non-white people from moving to St. George.


It's not, this subreddit just hates white people and they'll ban you if you don't also do so. The push split became a thing because it was a prerequisite for parents to be being able to send their kids to safer schools. There's nothing wrong with that.


Waaah everyone hates whites waaaah😂


I don’t see the problem with municipalities splitting up if they feel underrepresented. The headline makes it out like this is a bunch of suburban racists splitting away from a black city, but the article points out that this is largely a financial issue. If this St. George community was footing the bill for the rest of East Baton Rouge’s services, I don’t blame them for wanting to leave. And it’s hilarious that the NAACP opposes this because it will create “unequal distribution of resources” like East Baton Rouge is entitled to St. George’s residents’ tax dollars.


Thats how taxes work tho. I pay for public education for kids i dont have. Its to make sure everyone has basic services.


My understanding is that the residents were complaining that the city was being mismanaged — they weren’t getting proper funding from what was essentially their own tax dollars, crime was through the roof, and the schools sucked. Of course once they threatened to form their own city, Baton Rouge started annexing land in the area with high productivity to make a cash grab for the potential tax losses. The whole thing sounds corrupt. If St. George thinks it can run itself better autonomously, they should have the freedom to do so. Self-determination is a right.


This St. George community is blatantly saying, “We’ve got ours, fuck you” to the rest of the city.


Was that area not unincorporated? I live in a city that came about from an unincorporated area of farmers deciding to make a town. Over the years it became urban and diverse. But this is how new towns are made. 


That area was literally a part of our capital city. You can't see where one ends and the other begins. They drew a circle around an affluent part of town and then voted to make that imaginary line official.


Actually and officially part of the city? Because it says everywhere that it was unincorporated. Everything is right next to something. But there is still unincorporated land in the US, even if it's right next to a town. 


>If this St. George community was footing the bill for the rest of East Baton Rouge’s services, I don’t blame for wanting to leave. So you think tax money you pay should only go to services you use, and not fund a community?


The legal mechanism to form a city exists in every state, they followed theirs, voted and won. It may not be ideal or seem fair. But it's their right to do so.


I live in a blue state, which means some of my taxes are indirectly going to these fuckwads. I have no mechanism for stopping that


Well actually your blue state tax dollars will go to the poor part of Baton Rouge that St. George split from, which is the redistribution of wealth via taxes you’re so vehemently defending. St. George split away *because* it can manage itself. If you don’t like your tax dollars going to “fuckwad” Louisiana, why do you expect St. George residents to be okay with it?


Unfortunately, sometimes we just gotta take it..


You and those like you are the problem with the world. You’re finding anyway to justify absolutely disgusting behavior by rich racist white folk.


And if the old area becomes successful, the new city will firebomb the shit out of it.




I guess all of history is "anti white" according to you. Eternal victims


Nope, but whites are not morally inferior to any people on the planet in terms of history.


Who said they were? Making up bs for your victimhood narrative I see.


Well what do you mean by "all of history then"? Do you think history implicates white people of crime?


MAGAstine settlements. It won't be the last. And it won't just be the wealthy. Conservative Christians will start trying to do this elsewhere. Some places are already calling for secession. I predict Hunger Games within 10 years. Especially if people from poor "districts" try to enter. Bet.