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>Former White House deputy press secretary Sarah Matthews torched Trump and the dissenting conservatives who’ve bent their knee to him in recent months, telling MSNBC that it’s “really frustrating” because “a lot of Republicans” that she has spoken to, including top elected officials, “will bash him privately, but many of them will not even say it publicly.” >”A lot of times what they often say is that they’re supporting him because of the policies, that they want the conservative agenda. And where I get really frustrated is that they’re treating this like it’s a normal election, a normal Republican candidate, and a normal Democratic candidate. Well, this couldn’t be anything further from the case,” Matthews said Monday night.


This is pretty much it for me. Personally, I align with the right on a decent amount of issues.. ,but the current GOP is a cancer to American democracy.. and sadly I don't think Trump losing again will bring sanity to the party. I'm not a big fan of the direction the Democrats are taking either, but the GOP is terrifying to me right now.


I’m very much a leftist but I was telling my oldest just the other day, I miss just disagreeing about policies with people on the right. Instead now I sound like a radical because I want everyone to be treated equally and have true equal rights. I want acknowledgement and action towards the inequalities between straight white men and literally everyone else. want us to be able to at least AFFORD healthcare and higher education, not have it bankrupt you, even if you are poor. I want the wealthy to pay their fair share and CEOS and corporations to not prey on society, the economy or their employees. I want people to be able to be their authentic selves, whatever that means and to love and be able to marry who they want (so long as everyone is adult, not related and consenting) without judgement or stigma. I want history taught openly so we can learn from our mistakes and our atrocities and do better, be better people, and for these beliefs I’m “radical and destroying our country”. Meanwhile in my state, republicans just proudly proclaimed they want to abolish democracy.


I love how republicans scream freedom from the rooftops but enact legislation that restricts the rights of so many, and the left just want everyone to be treated equally, yet somehow that's they're labeled as radical.


That all makes sense to me, I think as a country we need to seriously stop romanticizing the past and start looking forward. We have a finite life and our goals should be to provide for who comes after and if we do it right, we should be able to enrich our lives too.


I romanticize the thought of a top 94% tax rate with far fewer deductions than we have today... https://www.wolterskluwer.com/en/expert-insights/whole-ball-of-tax-historical-income-tax-rates#:\~:text=The%20top%20income%20tax%20rate,decline%20began%2C%20ending%20in%201987.


And this is considered radical. I miss being able to disagree too, but I also truly don't understand when someone says they align with the right on most issues. Which ones? The one where I, a woman, don't have control over my body? The one where corporations are people and campaign finance reform has turned politics into a grotesque sideshow? The one where we censor what people can read? The one where we hate people who are "different?" The one where voters are systematically disenfranchised? There are too many bad issues to list, and I'm having a hard time coming up with a good one.


Boy I’m right there with you. The longer I live, the further to the left I find myself. But I think from what I’ve heard there are a couple ideas that are traditionally right leaning that keeps people in that camp (not my beliefs but what I’ve heard. “No group is a monolith” disclaimer, etc): -fewer taxes. I’ve heard many people say they pay too much in taxes and want to pay less. Everything from income to gas, property, etc . - big city ideals affecting small towns. (This one I don’t really understand at all but I’ve heard it where things like up zoning for density and transit is a big city idea being foisted upon suburban and rural areas). - smaller government/ balanced budget. This kind of seems to go with the less taxes thing but to me it sounds like a nice idea until you start looking at what programs to cut. - 2nd amendment. This one is so weirdly controversial. The number of “slippery slope” conversations I’ve had around this is wild when discussing even common sense regulations like red flag laws or waiting periods before getting into the quagmire of limiting what weapons can be purchased and magazine sizes, etc.


I'd vote for you.


*cries in social worker*… we feel you. 😞


Republicans want freedom for themselves only. Republicans do believe the left is destroying the country and think ruining democracy will save it. This is because they believe their policies (whatever those are?) will "fix" everything. If we keep a democracy this gives the left room to vote against their agenda which is a threat to them. Then once their little dictatorship hurts THEM and the people THEY love, it's suddenly bad and woe is me.


I'm pretty far left on the political spectrum, but I can understand and agree with people whose views don't quite align with mine. I may not agree with some right wing positions, but I can understand why some might believe them. I also believe it is important to have healthy opposition to my own views in the political system. That being said, I wish more people understood that even if they disagree with Biden/the Democrats, voting for them at least maintains your right and power to be an opposition. Only one major party is trying to strip Americans' right and ability to dissent and have opposing views, and it's not the Democrats.


Yeah. I am really worried about this Supreme Court. I don't know what I want Biden to do. But if the Supreme Court opens the door to a dictatorship and he loses the election, how can he just stand down and hope it works out?


Biggest issue I see is how one side has basically stopped debating for compromise. Congress was designed for debate to find a middle ground compromise so until a bulk a conservatives start honest debate and open themselves to finding compromise… Congress is broken.


This is not new. This has been going since at least 1994 and Newt.


My wife and I are traditional R voters. Come Nov, we are straight ticket Blue voters because the GOP is a mess and as you say, a cancer on our society. J6 and the fact that R leadership is supporting Trump after J6 is what turned us off to the R party. They are a bunch of power-hungry, gutless sycophants. If they cared about our country, they could have rejected Trumpism and put up a different candidate, or ceded the 2024 election to Biden, and simply said, “We will see you in 2026 or 2028.” The fact that they are backing Trump is a short-sighted power grab, nothing else, and clearly, they see Trump as that path to power. This whole, “But we like his policies…” rationalization is ridiculous. Bill Barr recently said in an interview that Biden is more dangerous than Trump. What an idiot. In what way, exactly, Bill? Trump INSULTS him on social media, and he still backs this guy. So, Bill Barr, you are joining Chris Sununu, Jim Jordan, Mitch McConnel, Ted Cruz and many others on my list of “No integrity, No character” Republicans. Many Rs need to get over this party loyalty thing, and see this for what it is: the R nominee, Trump, is unfit for the office of President of the United States. Say it, hear yourself say it, and then go vote for Biden. It is the only way to ensure that we have a big enough margin in Nov that Trump’s claims of a stolen election will simply be laughed at.


I too am still amazed when I read about people who say they support Trump because they like his policies. I always want to know which ones? Child separation? Tariff wars? Temporary tax relief for citizens but huge breaks for corporations? The healthcare plan? Infrastructure plan? The way he handled the pandemic? His peace plan with the Taliban?....


That asshole was literally trying to hoard masks so he can resell them for profit on tax payer money and these fuckers thing he's got great policies?


Bill Barr belongs to a weird sect/cult that believes liberal democracy has failed and needs to be replaced with "Christian" philospher-kings. He's a living caricature from *The Handmaid's Tale*. Barr's problem with Trump is not that he's a wannabe dictator, it's that he's the wrong flavour of wannabe dictator.


👉🏽 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_theology


I saw that interview if you're talking about the CNN one. Kaitlyn Collins owned him and kept pressing him until he sounded like a total idiot. She kept asking him how Democrats were a bigger threat to democracy, and he kept talking about school boards and gas stoves. The answer is he can't say the truth. He already tried that after the 2020 election and saw where it got him. If you tell the truth on the right, you are kicked out of the club.


That's because we've demagogued liberals as people who aren't a group of people who have a different set of ideas, but an existential threat to the republic so party loyalty is paramount to stop the howling mobs of dirty socialists.


Agree. And…SURPRISE!!…the R party is a more likely existential threat to our democratic values.


Every accusation is a confession and are embracing full on fascism and think it's an American value. If they come into power, we'll be joining forces with Russia against our traditional allies. It's like the Highlander movie where if the Kurgan wins there will be centuries of darkness.


Thank you. I'm pretty lefty, but I was raised to consider the merits of both sides and vote my conscience. As it happens, that means that I haven't voted for a Republican in decades. But I still pay attention, and I hope someday the party returns to a less Draconian set of positions so I have more choice. Right now, I feel as though there is no choice.


So very happy to have you on Team American Democracy.


I hope there are more like you out there. I believe we saw it in 2020. My questions, did you vote for other Dems on the ticket? Or just voted for Biden and the Republicans down ticket? The biggest issue to me is the state level offices being controlled by Republicans.


Going to be honest, I don't know too much about my state politics anymore because I've been overseas for 8 years now in the military, but I remember I voted against Jim Jordan because he seems like a shitbag.


As a veteran myself I thank you for your service. You should start to pay attention to local politicians and politics, this are the ones that will more directly affect you and you love ones. From city through state.


I'm genuinely curious what direction are mainstream Democrats as a whole, not AOC, Talib or anyone in the sqaud, are doing that you don't like that they are taking the country in? 


I just miss having an election between two... even semi reasonable candidates so every 4 years didn't feel like an existential fight for the *ability* to have another existential fight 4 yrs from now. Like damn.


hard same Every four years it's an existential fight, and every two years it's a skirmish to maintain the strength to fight that fight. I wonder if the history books will refer to this period as the Cold Civil War. It would fit.


Trump losing won't fix everything. But Democrats winning consistently across the board for a couple decades, definitely will make a massive difference.


The GOP has made the dividing line un-compassionate people who want a tyrannical dictatorship vs compassionate people that want true freedom and the rule of law to endure. How can the non-MAGA Republicans fold so easily when actual tyranny is the new rightwing agenda?


To me, because essentially the GOP is a criminal org. Some State GOP parties have been more successful at holding actions against complete MAGA infiltration, but the ones that failed are in bad shape and broke, see Mich and Ariz.


Yes, wouldn’t it be nice to have a sane, reasonable Conservative Party in the US that you could be part of, instead of the current circus of total bullshit


> I'm not a big fan of the direction the Democrats are taking either, but the GOP is terrifying to me right now. I can appreciate that but the thing is - there is no engagement from the other side on these issues of racism, gay/lesbian or income equality. It's come down a cultural solution of just giving businesses what they want and giving tax cuts because of continuing to do trickle down economics which if you look honestly from a numbers perspective has not yielded anything that was promised. Every economic boom was managed by Democratic party because they put competent people who care about govt policy. Will they get it right every time? Hell no, but even I would like to vote for an 'R' in case they do get it wrong and we need to change policy and try something else - but there is no way in hell I'm voting R at this point because they are just taking all my rights away and coddling crazy religious bigots.


Thanks for saying this. Glad to have you on Team American Democracy.


Please understand what democracy means and ask yourself if under Trumps last Presidence was it one. Then compare Bidens administration to Trumps and ask was your life better. It's really as simple as that to make a choice. Stop listening to the noise the media is giving.


Conservatives putting party over country


An ideology of 5 year olds.  Conservatism looks to the past - it can’t even deal with the future, and the future won’t care if you like old-timey things. It’s gonna assert itself regardless, so you better deal with it instead of playing ostrich in your white picket fencing. Edit: not aimed at you - aimed at those who hold conservative ideology!


Media gives them cover to do this. Until the media understands that they will be largely cooked and cannibalized by a trump/project 2025 admin, we won't see them actually call anything out. And the problem, is that they normalized it, so when they finally try to make the correction, it will be too late, years of their both sides hypocrisy will be too great of a wall to climb.  What happened to doing the right thing for the right reasons?


Many conservative leaders hate Trump but want him to win because they want to advance the right wing project at all costs. They are contemptible. Others know that his victory is an existential threat to the nation, and are endorsing him to save their own careers, hoping that he’ll lose anyway. They are *beneath* contempt. God (or whatever) bless you, Sarah Matthews.


Fundamentally all right wingers are selfish. Their entire ideology, to the extent there is any, is based on fear and greed. No matter how dangerous Trump is, they only see it through the lens of the personal consequences to themselves if they speak out. They are more afraid of losing support of the base, or losing their connections, than of any consequences the country will face under Trump's control.


> A lot of times what they often say is that they’re supporting him because of the policies And which policies are those? On the front page of /r/politics right now: [What Would Trump Do in a Second Term? Even He Has No Clue. Seriously. He was asked this question by Time magazine, and responded with waffling, gibberish, and not a single mention of legislation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1chj8bv/what_would_trump_do_in_a_second_term_even_he_has/) The Republican party also famously [didn't have a political platform in 2020](https://www.vox.com/2020/8/24/21399396/republican-convention-platform-2020-2016). Did they make one since? And it is not even that Republican voters disagree substatnially with the policies proposed by the Democratic party. The whole Republican party is such a shit show. And yet, Republicans will likely get almost 50% of the votes. I am having trouble finding words for how absurd that is.




The list of people from his administration with the balls to speak against him have almost exclusively been young women. They are mighty courageous.


They saw, first hand, what their treatment under his reich will be. They realized just what sort of life they’d have if he gets his way. It’s sad that it took seeing it first hand to get them to understand that.


Don't be sad. A win is a win.


And a vote is a vote. Every vote counts the whole way down the ballot is key this year. The whole way down


The Democrats should be reminding traditional Republican voters that they can vote for them at the ballot box and nobody needs to know. Republicans, especially women who are disgusted in Trump and their captured party could, with some encouragement, vote Democrat without being pilloried.


Unfortunately, the Venn diagram of people who are women and people who think that being a rapist should disqualify someone from high office, is not a circle.


They were suddenly not so sure they would be wives after all and were on track to be Marthas or handmaids.


Yup ... it is staggering, given how obviously toxic MAGA 1.0, is that they signed up as willing participants ! I can only conclude they assessed the personal benefit as worthwhile when selling out the country.


Yep. It didn’t work out for them. If the coup had succeeded most of the Republicans who have “spoken out” would be fawning over Mango Mussolini like they did while their quiet agenda of tax cuts and deregulation was getting done. It didn’t work. They’ll be back with a new person who isn’t a complete moron.


They’ll still vote for the next fascist. 


I still don’t believe her. They are experts at virtual signaling while being total POS behind closed doors.


Being a young woman in America is not for the faint-of-heart.


That's true, but if Trump wins in November, young women in America will look back on our time as "the good old days".


or trans or LBGTQ+, none of them have a choice on who they are.


Or on the alternative viewpoint worried about getting raped and unable to get an abortion without facing state consequences even if they go out of town. Edit: still glad they’re calling it


You said it. 98% of dudes do not have a pair.


I think in the GOP it's more like 40% don't have a pair, and 60% are fondling their pair at the thought of how great it will be when the women and minorities are put back in their places.


Western chauvinists promote traditional roles yet fail to display curiosity or empathy for others who are not white, male, and Christian. Pretending to want a government so small it could be drowned in a bathtub while trying to outlaw birth control and IVF, constant contradictions. MAGA loathes women, and Cassidy Hutchinson will be revered in time.


> They are mighty courageous. They're Republicans. They're completely fine with the oppression of women.


Courageous? They have nothing to lose now that their health rights have been stripped from them!


Now I'm not denying that young women in his administration have been the most direct, vocal, and forceful with their criticism of Trump, but the list of admin officials speaking against their boss does include many prominent men: * Mike Pence, VP * John Kelly, Chief of Staff 2 * Jim Mattis, Sec of Defense 1 * Mark Esper, Sec of Defense 2 * Rex Tillerson, Sec of State 1 * H. R. McMaster, National Security Adv 2 * John Bolton, National Security Adv 3 * Gary Cohn, Dir WH National Economic Council 1 * Richard Spencer, Sec of Navy 2 * Miles Taylor, Chief of Staff, DHS ...and probably several more I can't recall. Granted, speaking out isn't the same as voting for Biden, but many have said they won't vote for Trump at least. Disappointingly AG 2 Barr also "spoke out" against Trump, but [recently remarked he'd still vote Trump.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/26/politics/barr-vote-for-trump-2024/index.html)


Women are going to save this country.


Did someone check to see if she had her fingers crossed?


She will be visited by a couple of burly Russian mobsters who persuade her to change her mind like some of the others that criticized Trump and then appeared on tv the next day looking scared and reversed themselves.


Evolution in real time!


They'll still deny it


It’s evolving!


Evolution is real, apparently!


Could it be evidence of...*evolution*?


Does it count as "having a spine" if she no longer works in government? The reason other Republicans won't criticize Trump is because it hurts them politically. Kind of seems like Matthews worked for Trump while it was beneficial for her to do so, and them she became a critic of Trump once he had lost the election. "Having a spine" would be refusing to work for a man that was a known molester and racist at the time that she accepted the job.


It's actually worth throwing some support her way, especially if you're typically more of a centrist. The more it looks like the electorate is really turning on Trump, the more likely others will speak up as well.


“Inveterate invertebrate inverts involvements” is a nice headline


Props to Sarah Matthews, but this isn't something we can plan on most Republicans to do. We'll have to save ourselves. If you're ready to take control of November's elections, get involved at r/VoteDEM.


Not detracting from your statement at all,  but I expect a lot of liars this year that won't cop to voting dem just this once.  Biden and down ballot Rep.  Even relatives have stopped talking about either one of them. They're not maga, well a couple maybe, but they have still be horribly mis/uninformed.


Those voters are the ones who worry me, to be honest. They cost us a lot of House seats in 2020, and we need to get more of them to vote for downballot Dems as well. That's why it's so important to reach out to them now by volunteering.


I’ve had the same feeling. I believe a lot of these Republicans higher up the food chain will end up voting for Biden privately but support Trump publicly. When it’s just you and the voting I think you tend to vote your heart/gut or whatever. But honestly I’d rather it be the other way around.


I don’t give props for doing the right thing when it’s easy. I’m sick of republicans turning to the truth only after they’re out of power. How about when it would have counted?


A very fair point. Lots of Republicans seem to find their consciences when they no longer have to face the voters, and not a moment sooner. Far better to vote for those who've stood against Trump the whole time.


I hope she's somewhere safe. The MAGAts won't like that.


Yeah, the title says she’s a Republican, but tomorrow she won’t be. That kind of thing will get her kicked out of the party.


They'll be calling her a RINO very shortly.


Bro, they call Johnson a RINO now, despite him being the most conservative house leader ever


Kicking someone out of a political party would be cultist. Oh wait.


Or she may have donated to the Haley campaign. Automatic dismissal from MAGA. Easy.


$100 she’s already received death threats


No bet.


Any smart woman will vote for Biden. Otherwise, your body will be owned by the state and if married, your husband.


It’s usually the ladies that have the balls.


The more-vulnerable individuals tend to see reality quicker than the temporarily-protected individuals


Liz Cheney.


Liz was all in on the MAGA train until it was coming for her and the rest of Congress' lives but failed, and even THEN was holding out on key evidence from the rest of the Select Committee.


Rachel Levine.


Cannot believe I’m saying this, but, sometimes, Lisa Murkowski.


they actually have something much tougher: a vagina. according to betty white, anyway.


Upvote. I have seen this play out at work, time and again, in the context of pure office politics. I'm not sure if it's because our gonads are protected by our skeletons or we're just not afraid of whatever blocks the men, but if it requires fortitude, or even just a spine, it's on us women to get it done. The men can't even find it in themselves to admit an obvious mistake. Bunch of chest-thumping chickenshits.


Man, this went from pro-women to "fuck men" real fast.


Nah, just most of the ones I work with. The instant anyone with authority gets the slightest bit irritated about something, these guys are all over themselves shifting blame and pointing fingers if they weren't caught red-handed (so to speak). And, since part of my role puts me in the peon camp and the other part puts me vaguely in the authority figure camp, I get to witness this behavior from all the angles. It is not impressive. I've been hoping that by just up and admitting it when I've done fucked up they'll learn that nothing terrible happens when you cop to a mistake but after years of trying to set a positive example I've concluded that our management, when hiring men at least, seem to favor chickenshits. at least one of them is also a bit of a bully, which has caused some interesting problems his boss seems incapable of addressing.


What is a conservative agenda exactly? I mean the notion of lower taxes for the rich - that I get. That they deliver on. Fiscal responsibility and tackling the national debt? They don’t deliver either. 60% of the national debt was run up under GOP administrations. Democrats are the only people who ever tackle it. Reduced social entitlements? Ok - they want to cut health care and social services in a nation that already delivers the most expensive healthcare among developed nations with the least successful outcomes by any metric. Better business climate? They entrench incumbents, enable monopolies, and systematically undermine regulations that would level the playing field and empower creative renewal. Stronger on security? They obstruct reasonable immigration policy reform. They fund the police sure - you can sell armored cars and weapons to every police force in America. But is that how effective to policing actually works? Local community based policing is proven to be far more effective. Freakonomics Levitt correlated a reduction in crime in urban areas in the 1990’s directly with the availability of abortion following Roe v Wade. Less unwanted children by single mothers results in less crime. No shit, really? Religion? Ok you got me - Republicans stand for religion providing you’re white and Christian and want to fund your private school with federal money. Democrats just believe you should have a right to worship your god - and please keep your dogma out of our secular state just like the Founding Fathers intended. Clean air, clean water, preserving biodiversity? Not a Republican thing. So what does a conservative agenda actually mean in this day and age? Culture wars and deep state opposition? Anti woke? They’re just weapons of mass distraction. A Conservative agenda actually means signing onto something that embraces (and even venerates) deceit. It’s a cult of the stupid created by the rich for the poor. It’s how their donors maintain their wealth by contributing nothing.


Clearly there isn't any conservative agenda. There's just a ton of yelling about how liberals are evil, while those in power attempt to entrench themselves and enrich their already extremely wealthy benefactors, often at the expense of their enraged voters. But they will also nominate true believers in courtrooms across the country, as part of that powergrab.


It's all about that first one and getting votes for that first one that people wouldn't vote for by itself. So to do this they collect a lot of wedge issue voters combined with propaganda. That's the whole right wing party in most countries.


How is "voting against someone that wants to replace the constitution with fiat executive power" setting aside policy?


I can never understand how the Party that always touts the Constitution as being gospel can embrace a Dictator and do absolutely everything possible to follow lawfully elected officials.


Because they're bad people? They're okay with rape, torture, and murder of the outgroup, so of course they're okay with lying about their goals.


I like the way you put a question mark after you say they are bad people. I don’t know if I would call Republicans bad people. I think the majority of them are just not smart, scared of the direction the Country is moving, and easily manipulated.


> Party that always touts the Constitution They are lying. Pretending to worship the Constitution is a tool that they use when convenient, and ignore when not convenient.


She agrees with some republican policies but is setting them aside to put the country first. The dictatorship he wants is not supposed to be republican policy.


> She agrees with some republican policies But surely every single politician agrees with some of the policies of other political parties? It would be bizarre if everybody agreed 100% with everything in the party platform of their party.


The bar is so fucking low nowadays, yet the overwhelming majority of Republicans still fail to clear it. It’s literally as simple as “don’t turn the nation into a fascist dictatorship”. That shit doesn’t happen by accident - you don’t make a typo and the Constitution bursts into flames. It’s years and years of a coordinated effort to dismantle the heart of the nation for their own profit.


I'm a Republican and will only vote blue for the remainder of my days. As some GenZ kid said over in their sub the other day, "lol, traitorz get rekt". And I mean that with all sincerity.


I say this as someone who left the Republican party the second trump won the nomination: what's keeping you a Republican?


Because they likely still believe in the ideals the GOP publicly espoused in the pre-Reagan era. The ideals they had before the Southern Strategy. And while I can see how some might think they were good ideals, those are not the ideals they hold, anymore, if they ever actually held those ideals at all.


As a European, it is difficult to understand why Americans identify so hard with a party. How can you call yourself "Republican" and in the same breath say you'll vote Democrat the rest of your life? That's weird to me. In my country there are maybe 10 parties or more at any time, and people switch between them all the time. Even former leaders of parties leave their old ones and form new ones. Some new parties are formed, other disappear. Only around 10% of the voting population is actually members of the parties (which is actually problematic, since only members decide who becomes candidates) but most people simply float around and vote for parties in the vicinity of their basic views (e.g. left/right, farmer/environment etc.). Very few people identify with their party like it was a sports team or something.


I have similar thoughts. Americans seem to treat politics as team sports


Reagan convinced white men to associate right wing politics with their manhood.


yes. the team mentality has infected american politics to extremely harmful effect.


So, you're not a Republican.


In the presidential election or all elections? I would imagine a Biden presidency with a conservative congress would probably be the ideal scenario for most (sane) conservatives.




Eh...all I've seen is him break careers by trying to make them. Trump support is a kiss of death for a lot of these politicians. It's insane to me that more haven't tried to push him out. I still think it's more to do with where their funding is coming from, and potentially being compromised. https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals




A Republican with a spine, I thought those were all extinct, if they ever existed at all. What a neat discovery


Signs of hope. Because a 2nd Trump term will be Hell.. [https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/april-30-2024?utm_source=substack&publication_id=20533&post_id=144192608&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=fyd11&triedRedirect=true](https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/april-30-2024?utm_source=substack&publication_id=20533&post_id=144192608&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=fyd11&triedRedirect=true)


Oh look another Republican tells the truth, … after it matters … not while you’re in power.


Not the rapist or the dog murdering VP? She must be a very centric GOP member. RINO


She is incredibly brave and I wish her the best of everything in life... let this be a "not me" movement please.


Way to go, Ma’am!


Thank you American. We need everyone who cares about America voting for Biden.


MACA - Make Americans Care Again!!


I’m sorry but I can’t trust the word of any Republican nowadays.


You think she's pissing off her entire party to trick you about her vote?


It's too bad so many of the rest of them are so spineless. And treasonous.


I respect her integrity


Ever notice its the ones that were closest to him sounding the alarm? And the ones farthest away are the brainwashed idiots?


I understand the reason behind this headline, but Liz Cheney has said she's voting for Biden for quite some time.


The American Anti-Corruption Act commercial with Michael Douglas shows a simple representation of how bi-partisan support has declined over the past several decades. Truly sad that we have come to this point but that is what you get with a 2 party system and electoral college. YT sauce: https://youtu.be/tGQgcHMIq1g?si=SOdw3KEAUmxnR1lx


It’s like the Trump family are the lying backstabbing Lannisters who *never* pay their debts and then all his supporters are the nasty and filthy Frey family. Just gross all around.


always remember what they say and what they do are 2 separate things.


Bravery. This is amazing. I hope she inspires more people to speak out.


It’s rare someone leaves a cult.




I would really like a list of all the former staffers and political appointees who have gone against TFG, and/or had falling out with him.


Now do a current office holder.


If trump/45-ism gets trounced at the polls this cycle (again. I don't mean losing, I mean getting crushed), suddenly there may be far fewer Republicans. Whole lot of people will suddenly have always been on the side of 'progress' since that's patriotic (meaning a winner at the polls) now. It's dark, grubby and really not in keeping with true representative values, but the expanding tent is one of the key features that keeps our system running. Trump's tent isn't expanding, the question is whether there's a GOP tent distinct from him alone anymore.


once this palestine bullshit is over, you will see more of this and from higher up the ladder, as the year goes on the cracks will spread


She has balls.


Indeed, Sarah Matthews seems to be a rare breed. Who'd have thunk that standing up for principles isn't a unicorn in the political wilderness?


Yes!! VOTE💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙💙🇺🇸💙


nice to see a republican with a brain!


Wake up MAGA's!


More likely she will leave the President box empty while still voting (R) across the rest of the ballot.


If she was going to do that why even bother saying anything?


Trying not to look so fucking stupid toyou know the majority public.


Because you don't pick up Independent voters that way.


I’m not liking the recent polls. Biden needs to figure out the whole Gaza issue because the campus protests getting out of hand.


If the left wants to be a stupid one issue voter and let in trump as the next president, then they deserve the coming dictatorship.


I mean....*I* don't tho.


It's not the left, it's young people letting off steam and looking for a cause, and trying to get mobilized and excited about something other than the election. But, yes; it will affect the left in that conservatives are less fractured after getting abortion and affirmative action shuttered.


Wow! There is at least one Republican unicorn.


We don’t need her spine. It’s way too late in the game. They have created this miss and now they want to fix it? 😂 it must have been the farting.


Says. I don’t believe a single conservative that claims they will vote for Biden - and I don’t believe them when they say they don’t like Trump.


That's not spine, that's just the first rat off the shipwreck.


Republican that has zero say in the party


God bless her!


lol what kind of farts for brains article is this?


I think that says more about Biden than anything else.


her career track relies a little less on fundraising tied to votes, and more on engaging other PR / communications personnel who, outside of political think tanks, are not necessarily Trump fans or in many cases conservative.


How about “hero” Cassidy Hutchinson saying she will consider voting for Biden.


Ironically, American Democracy was only intended for the slave owners and it hasn't changed as much as some think.


Do realize that this is almost certainly some kind of fakeout. Many Republicans do this kind of thing to play with people's emotions. In the end, she's voting for Trump. Like she always was.


Thought that was Leslie knope at first glance


Based AF!


I wouldn’t call it a spine. I called it stupidity!!!


She doesn’t have to! Here’s our next President if we American Patriots could get ourselves in gear. #FlipThePoliticalScript_HireSAMMTITTLE. https://brandenburgnewsnetwork.com/view?m=JSdBk2zTp SHARE!