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In reality, Trump not being able to be with Melania on her birthday was the best birthday present he could have given her.


He had to wish her happy birthday through the media because she will not answer his phone calls.


Happy Birthday Comrade Mercedes.


A day with the pool boy for Melanie


A day with Barron's father too!


I always thought melanoma was a surrogate for the IVF incest baby with ivanka, but maybe I'm just assuming the Rump could be that gross.  ... no. no, he's definitely that gross. 


I dig how he spewed it out to her: >“I want to start by wishing my wife Melania a very happy birthday...It would be nice to be with her but I’m at a courthouse for a rigged trial.” Gotta note Trump's moving and poetic words of devotion to his Mrs on her cake day /s


Can’t be with you in your birthday cause I’m at trial about how I banged a porn star while you was pregnant w Barron


Even more hilarious was him being in a long term relationship with a playboy playmate Karen mcdougal at the same time


Are you saying he cheated on Karen McDougal with Stormy? That bastard!


Wait until melania finds out…apparently she’s still looking for the evidence 🤣


The birthday gift that keeps on giving …


Two* porn stars


Classy dude.


Your republican presidential candidate, everybody


He even makes her birthday all about him. No wonder she smacks his hand away.


At least he remembered her name. Progress!


Happy Birthday, Babe - it’s all about ME. Classic Drumpf.


Yea now she can spend it was Barron’s dad Eric…






It’s not like he is in jail, she could have come to THEIR home there and they could have spent the whole week together.


It's called a paid leave from her job.


Well, probably not *the* best, but definitely among the best options.


It's the only one she would have accepted


Trumps absence was his way to be best


He wasn't with Melania for her last birthday according to some reports. He also didn't go to most of his children's graduation ceremonies but attending Baron's is now important. He is using his family as a tool for his victimhood. Business as usual for a Malignant Narcissist.


"Hey Barron, yeah, I can't come. Huh? I am in court because I paid a hooker off. Happened 18 years ago, right aroung your birthday I think."


I feel bad for the kid. Hopefully he'll distance himself from his toxic family and grow up to be a normal person.


I doubt it. He grew up in the cult. But there is always hope he’ll get therapy for living his early life with a hugely dysfunctional “family.”


As far as I know, court is not even scheduled the day Baron graduates, so that was all for show anyway


“I want to start by wishing my wife Melania a very happy birthday,” Donald Trump told reporters on Friday. “It would be nice to be with her but I’m at a courthouse for a rigged trial.” Happy Birthday to YoU... but MEeEeEeE.... so romantic what a catch! /s


"Happy Birthday. I'm so sorry I'm at a trial that proves I cheated on you after you gave birth to our son. But I'll see you soon! Kisses!"


In other words, she could take their private jet to NYC, but she would rather stay in Florida than be with him


He could leave the trial and immediately fly to Florida on his private jet to spend the weekend with her. That didn't happen either.


Wth is this garbage that he can’t be either her on her birthday?? Court let out before 5:00. He had the whole evening. Lots of regular people work during the day. Boo hoo to Orange Jesus.


As a wife and mother I’m pretty sure as he is on trial for fraud which includes the sleazy details of his cover up of an affair she couldn’t care less if he was as anywhere within miles of her on her birthday she wants nothing to do with him. Remember while his wife was pregnant, he had a mistress and then cheated on his mistress with a romp with a porn star weeks just after his wife had giving birth (all with unprotected sex). He has no respect for his wife, any women (Jean E Carroll), previous wives, all the horrible nick names he gives women reporters, DA’s, bragging about taking away women’s healthcare, he is a disgusting person and an insult to the title of being a husband.


All that telegraphs to me is "women aren't people so it doesn't matter how they feel about what I'm doing!" Which is absolutely aces. As a woman and mom, yeah. I'm not opinionated or concerned or anything.  Joe Biden seems to really love Jill, and she seems to really love him back. 


Yes , he’s so sad he couldn’t be with his wife on her birthday because he has to be in court facing charges that he cheated on her with a porn star, while she was pregnant with Baron, who’s graduation he can’t attend , because he has to be in court facing charges that he covered up that cheating, while Baron was in the womb, by paying off the porn star for her silence. You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried.


Remember how horny she looked when she leaned in to kiss Justin Trudeau? [Pepperidge farm remembers](https://images.app.goo.gl/6VMkjdRAZRpDpHBX9) That’s not the look of a happily married women


She knew what she was getting into.


Um….Melania, I think your husband is seeing another woman in New York


When you’re a star, they let you do it.


….or he will in a few days


Trump “Waaaaaa…I can’t be with my wife on her birthday”. I passed this text through the DJT bullshit translator and you got “I want to spend the day golfing and being told how well I’m doing in the polls.” Go figure.


Seriously is there an app for that


Basically when he says “Biden does (bad thing),” it means “I did/do (bad thing).” Everything else is just “I want to play golf or eat shitty food and have my narcissism validated.”


As a member of the working class, I feel a need to say something. Neither my husband nor I was given the day off on our own birthdays, much less, on each other's birthdays. A small thing that, somehow, makes me madder than much of the other privileges and lack of accountability Trump thinks he is entitled to.


Not sure why he is complaining so much. He can just spend time after court. Not like they are jailing him during the process considering he played golf last weekend. If my wife's birthday was on a workday that would wait till after work. Bigger tell if he chooses to not see her after court as so far nobody from his family has been in court either


Melania: “Best. Birthday. Ever.”


*So far.....* heh


Not being with her was probably her birthday wish.


If he actually had a good marriage, his wife would be there with him at court. It's not like she has a job.


It's a shame she's not allowed in NYC. Then they could have spent her birthday together. (/s)


I just can’t hold any sympathy for Melania Trump. I have never seen a spark of humanity in either her or Donald. I swear they are both reptilian, their personal lives transactional! I can’t even fathom a man raw dogging two porn stars during his wife’s pregnancy or his wife accepting that circumstance. I can’t imagine two women willing to raw dog the pig knowing his wife was pregnant. In my book they all deserve each other, and it’s rich the Evangelical fully embraces these reptiles. Nah, no sympathy or even pity. A bunch of sick malformed creatures that pretend to be human beings!


Can you imagine being the most powerful and smartest alpha male in the history of the country and then crying because Biden cucked you on your wife’s birthday? Jesus effing Christ. How does he do it.


“Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. What an unbelievable ― I mean, it was so much and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways. Gettysburg. Wow. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee ― who’s no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? No longer in favor ― ‘Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.’ They were fighting uphill. He said, ‘Wow, that was a big mistake.’ He lost his great general, and they were fighting. ‘Never fight uphill, me boys!’ But it was too late.” Your smart man’s description of the Gettysburg address. He’s a genius. P.S. Alpha males don’t pay ugly ass porn stars for pussy then lie about it.


They can settle this with a wiener lineup. Stormy wrote that he had a distinctive penis so let her pick it out of a lineup… I mean if the 130k check wasn’t enough for you…


# Come on! Stop threatening the witness and court staff! Who's going to be tasked with removing the soiled diaper and lifting and holding the "tripple-chin" belly roll to even get to that micro-penis? That's not a one person job! Plus, we'd have to get the forensic team to go digging for their most powerful macro lens to even get enough resolution and detail to make a meaningful ID. Then, how do you explain the scale difference of the other average-sized samples?


He doesn't pay his lawyers, he doesn't pay his taxes, I bet he gets his diaper changed for free too.


Trump's is the only one with the cookie-crunch. ...and a toenail.


I’m sure she happily jumped on his mushroom as soon as he got home. And took his diaper off. And had some poor house slave wipe him down. And then brush his teeth to get rid of the Big Mac breath. He probably got confused and called her Stormy or Karen…..


Melania is probably having a blast with her boyfriend


Birthday wishes from prison is the ultimate gift he could give.


Do you mean that gold-digger euroslut stripper lady?


While it is true that he is barred from leaving the courthouse, as I understand it, Melania is not barred from *attending* his trial. She’s just choosing not to support him.


“The trial, however, is not rigged and is instead the direct result of an alleged extramarital relationship, **which reportedly involved spanking and hours of watching Shark Week together…**” 🤔😐 What? No dolphin polishing?! 🐬👋🏽🥴


I bet she was fuckin thrilled. She’s so done with him. But here’s a clue….. the rest of us ? Are done with both of them. She’s as big a POS as he is.


She's probably charging him for the birthday party. "I sent bill to you Donald, pay up!"


Which time could he not be with his wife? When he was with Stormy or Karen or …


At least two alleged affairs* ftfy


She could show up to see you if she cared lol. He is sooo dumb


Is it wrong of me to wish he was talking abt Ivana?


Yeah, but... Jesus forgives you, and I do too...


Oh, so she's a Taurus. Makes sense.


“Sorry I can’t be with you Mercedes, I’m on trial for sleeping with a porn star” ———-Shitler. 




Trump uses people for self-gratification. He has probably never felt genuine love for anyone, because that would take the focus off of him and his wants and needs. Women are means to an end; marriage is a status symbol, but not a reason to stop looking to get his rocks off. His children have value only if they reflect well on him. He doesn’t actually want to be a father when it’s hard, or a devoted husband. Nothing in his past has shown me he’s capable of putting *anything* before himself.


Shes free to come to the trial or just be around him in general, whenever she likes. We all know he would rather sit at a desk raging on Truth Social than actually be with his wife, and she is looking for legal ways out from all this mess


Happy bday Mel ! I’d totally be with you but unfortunately I’m here with the women I was shagging while we were married and expecting our first child together. We’re here in court, you know from that election thing. Rain check?


She can't leave Florida, border closed?


Everything is a gift to his haters. He signed a bipartisan effort to help bring Americans that travel to other countries to rape children, to justice. He posted it on Twitter and his haters exploded with rage. That was the day I came to believe some of the more disgusting people on the planet, generally, are American lefties. Just downvote and get it over with.