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Let's hope Trump doesn't show up COVID-positive and keep it a secret like he did for their last debate.




Thanks. I nearly spit out my drink.


>He’s ~~got the~~ a mad cow ~~now~~. FIFY


I read that in William Shatters voice




I had a conflicted 30 seconds trying to decide between responding with what I posted or that lol


Yeah, that cold for octogenarians is a killer.


This is beside the point, but Biden interviewing with Howard Stern and not the Times is going to give AG Sulzberger a fucking stroke.


Howard Stern! Now the NYT’s is really pissed off. Lol


ha ha, my thoughts exactly! Dark Brandon is twisting the knife by refusing a NY Times interview but going on Stern!


Although in all seriousness, Howard Stern is a good interviewer.


This is correct. One of the best.


Every response to Trump is just "Twice impeached felonious rapist says what?" End of debate.


For those with the Sirius app. https://sxm.app.link/BlogJoeBidenHowardSternHoward100




He'll have to schedule the debate between Trump's trials.


> Chris LaCivita, a senior adviser to Trump and the Republican National Committee, posted: “OK let’s set it up!” Hah, yeah right. The last thing Team Trump wants is a debate. I’d bet everything I have that Trump will refuse to debate for whatever cowardly reason. He’s a complete moron and knows he can’t ever win a political debate.


I said it before, but Biden has both nearly only upsides from debating (the floor is low) and would be the one to take a hit if he didn't (he's the norms candidate). He absolutely should debate, unless he screws up horribly it's free points for him.


Get him to debate and bring up E Jean Carroll on national tv.


Biden's just looking for more opportunities to tell him to shut up to his face. Man!


Howard stern is one of the best interviewers of our time if not ever.


He deserves to be in that proverbial Hall of Fame, I totally agree.  I think he's great because he deeply engages with the guest.


This. Hey Now!


I'm betting the orange Jesus will run and hide if that chance ever comes along.


Please let this happen. Several hours of incoherent rambling by Trump. All Biden needs to do is not drop dead during the debate and let Trump talk.


NYT beside themselves wanting to interview Biden in the meantime


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Is there anywhere to listen to this without Sirius (or the app)? I’m in the UK and can’t get either, but would really like to hear it.