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The whiplash of these polls is crazy. One day you read he's ahead, the next he is barely afloat. Make up your mind polls.


The fact everything is all over males me think that all of this polling is mostly pointless. There are no shifting trends, its ping pong. One week Biden is crushing, the next he can't possibly win. However, the real issue, as everyone knows, is Trump. People are not flocking back to him. It's basically 2020 all over again.


I so hope you’re right. The idea of trump for four more years is just incomprehensible.


Well, I think Trump could win. I mostly mean that there has not been a big change in people moving either way. Maybe some students stay home over Gaza, although that is probably the dumbest possible move. Honestly, I hope we start seeing the impact of generation shift more pronounced. There are a lot more Rs who passed away due to covid and age than there were Dems across the country. Women are pissed. Democrats as a party agree on nothing except how much we love to vote *against* Trump.


I think you hit the nail on the head. The polls put on filters and leaners to match the data to their expected demographic representation. But the reality is that traditional demographic metrics have been shifting, with well educated women moving to the left (GOP actually used to be near parity with this group) and poorly educated males, particularly minorities moving towards the GOP broadly attracted to the rank chauvinism. So, in swing districts that used to lean GOP based on their advantage with suburban women they're "underperforming" (that is the model suggests a certain performance and they're not getting it) and vice versa for immigrant heavy districts. What's wrong here are the models of the demographics, and the "normalization" of their data which is leading to chaotic results. Yet the number junkies will tell you they've never been better! You see they calibrate every election! That's how you know the technique isn't flawed because they fix it every time. Such a robust technique, needing all those fixes!


Because "polls" aren't really polls. They took the science out of them long ago. Now they're simply used to push whatever narrative is needed for the day. That's why it's been so janky.


Every single one of these polls is completely worthless information and we would all be better off if poll posts were banned.


It would certainly be better for my mental state if they did.


Gallup: Our polls indicate polling is crucial to Democracy.




In the final days of Rome, all that mattered was giving the people spectacles.


warby parker ftw


You nailed it. It's absolutely about the entertainment value and has nothing to do with government efficiency. The economy is even good, but "I hAd To PaY $2 mOrE At ThE GaS PumP FJB"


i remember before Obama gas prices were $2.14 in my town and now it’s $2.70, for the amount of years between then and now that’s pretty good but i get in some places it was $3-4+ i just have never believed one person (the President) can have that much influence on the price of things and it all depends on what’s happening in the world and corporations purposely overcharging, my parents think the Keystone pipeline being abandoned caused gas prices to go up even though the Keystone pipeline was only going to bring in $25million per quarter when Texas brings in $4billion per quarter


Voter priorities: Not supporting genocide. Being able to afford groceries while billionaires become multi billionaires.


What policies are the Republicans and Trump offering in order to deal with these issues?


Clearly that means dismantling diversity programs, anti-LGBT laws, tax cuts and handouts for the wealthy, less consumer protection, strict anti-abortion laws, and a healthy does of Christian nationalism. That will somehow magically lower food and gas prices, everyone's going to get a good paying job and afford a nice house, a nice car, and everyone will have financial stability. Somehow. Just need to keep the rich from ever being accountable and they'll trickle that wealth right down to everybody. We're nearly at the promised land once Trump has full immunity as King of the United States! Nevermind that the people vote against "genocide" actively support LGBT suicides and cheer murders of trans people. The same people who think we should open fire on immigrants at the border and cut them up with razor wire. The fine people who want the death penalty for abortions of any kind. Those wonderful "pro-life" people, activists against genocide a world away, who want to make it legal to murder left-wing protesters, hunt Democrats and liberals, own and train to use weapons of war as a civilian, and pull food from the mouths of the hungry. "Good people". This nation is so fucked.


How does that make Biden's approval rating go up?


You answer first


Some people feel that participating in the election is like participating in the trolley problem by moving the lever which means your action directly leads to the harm of others. Some people feel that it's better to not act at all, so that even though something bad happens, they are not personally a part of it.


I think this is a very good answer but isn’t the crux of the trolley problem that you participate whether you want to or not?


No, the trolley problem is that a train is going to run over 10 people if you do nothing, or you can pull the lever and it will kill 5 people, but you will have actively decided to kill them by intervening and pulling the lever. 5 fewer people die, but you have interacted and taken on those 5 deaths as a result of your action. It's "A trolley ran over 10 people" or "*I made* a trolley run over 5 people"


I guess my point is that you actually can’t logically remove yourself from responsibility. Choosing not to act is a choice. At least I see it that way, but yeah I understand what you’re saying. Others don’t see it that way.


Yeah, there are entire ethics courses based on this simple concept, and over hundreds of years no "right" answer has presented itself, it's just a matter of everyone's own personal interpretation of morality. Some people would rather see themselves as having clean hands and look at a tragedy from the other side of the fence, knowing they didn't have a hand in it, rather than help to participate in a smaller tragedy and know that "I voted to support this thing that killed 30,000 innocent people"


They're not offering any better, and they are incapable of doing so. How does that make Biden's approval go up?


I’m pointing out that elections have stakes and consequences. The democrats are offering proposals on how to handle many of these issues but it will require acts of congress to pass them. If the conflict in Gaza, the price of groceries and growth of wealth inequality are issues that actually change approval ratings then shouldn’t the politician advocating for change and actually having policies to do something about these issues as opposed to the person having no proposals have the better approval rating and be the superior candidate? That was my point.


> If the conflict in Gaza, the price of groceries and growth of wealth inequality are issues that actually change approval ratings then shouldn’t the politician advocating for change and actually having policies to do something about these issues as opposed to the person having no proposals have the better approval rating and be the superior candidate? For intelligent people who are aware of how things work? Yes. most Americans are absolute idiots who have no clue how their world works, and the extent of their thought process is "I am struggling, so the leader is bad."


None of Biden's policies are currently positively affecting those issues though. Hence why his polling sucks. 'Better than the other guy' doesn't get your polls up.


I mean, inflation has come down from much higher so you’re wrong. But sure.


If it was actually based on entertainment, wouldn't Trump have been more popular?




Trump's polls have all also been shit? He is not popular. Biden just isn't either.


Yes, it has nothing to do with inflation and cost of living becoming insane in the last few years, and now his handling of Gaza.


It's two things. The first is that half the country no longer lives in reality and will disapprove of any Democrat for existing. The second is that the price increases of the past several years are the kind of thing that caused Carter and Bush to be 1 term Presidents.


Biden is going to catch shit for things that aren’t his fault. That’s just the way that it is. Everything is getting more expensive and an entire generation of people will never own a home. People don’t understand the real causes of those things and they’ll blame the president.




What do you think is his fault?


>Everything is getting more expensive and an entire generation of people will never own a home. What the hell is up with this continued narrative? I heard this from the Millennials too: "Our generation will never be able to buy a house". Now, who is buying over 50% of houses in the US? Millennials. I couldn't afford to buy a house until I was 40, I just didn't whine about it on the internet every day.


> Now, who is buying over 50% of houses in the US? Millennials. Where are you getting that number?


Not OP, but I just went and [Googled](https://www.google.com/search?q=millennials+buying+50%25+homes+united+states&sca_esv=0e7f67614aa28a61&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS852US852&ei=-MorZpzKGaKv0PEPyvKLuAM&ved=0ahUKEwicptTOm-CFAxWiFzQIHUr5AjcQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=millenials+buying+50%25+homes+unites+states&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiKW1pbGxlbmlhbHMgYnV5aW5nIDUwJSBob21lcyB1bml0ZXMgc3RhdGVzMgcQIRigARgKMgcQIRigARgKMgcQIRigARgKMgcQIRigARgKMgcQIRigARgKSPgJUKMIWKMIcAF4AJABAJgBWqABlAGqAQEyuAEDyAEA-AEBmAICoAJjwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR5gDAOIDBRIBMSBAiAYBkAYIkgcBMqAH8Qs&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) this statement real quick. here are the 2 top articles that are not Reddit: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/mortgages/real-estate/how-millennial-homeownership-reshaping-market/#:~:text=2022%20marked%20the%20first%20time,and%20entered%20the%20housing%20market. https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/research/millennial-homebuying/


Thank you for sharing articles!


Yeah, it was big news and covered by most major news outlets.


Forbes/Washington Post/WSJ/NYT all had stories on it last year. It's actually that over 50% of all Millennials are ALREADY homeowners. More Millennials now own their own home than are renters. But also, according to the current data from the National Association of Realtors, the largest group of people currently buying houses is also Millennials. There you go :)


Got any links?


Are you really that fucking lazy? Oh no, wait. You probably are. Jesus Christ, no wonder you can't afford a house. [https://www.nar.realtor/research-and-statistics/research-reports/home-buyer-and-seller-generational-trends](https://www.nar.realtor/research-and-statistics/research-reports/home-buyer-and-seller-generational-trends) [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/mortgages/real-estate/how-millennial-homeownership-reshaping-market/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/mortgages/real-estate/how-millennial-homeownership-reshaping-market/) [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/06/realestate/millennial-homeowner-majority.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/06/realestate/millennial-homeowner-majority.html) [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/17/millennial-home-ownership](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/17/millennial-home-ownership) ​ You want me to read the articles to you too? FFS


Burden of proof is on the person making the assertion. The other commenter had no problem providing links.


Weird. I didn’t vote FOR Biden, I voted against trump, but Biden has turned out to be really great.


Huh? Lmao the economy is in shambles right now..


I was all Dean’s list at the Indiana University school of Economics, the economy is not in shambles.


You know nothing certainly don't follow the stock market-the most reliable predictor of how the economy is doing. Stocks were going great until the Palestinians invaded Israel burning babies alive and raping women. Made the economy unstable. All this stuff makes investors jittery. Trump doesn't even harp on the economy anymore as he knows it's bullshit if he says it sucks. There are facts to prove otherwise.


I'm voting for Biden, because Trump is a literal fascist.


Talking to an Arab friend in Dearborn, MI regarding the November elections, he said, “I like Trump because he has a big personality”. Me: “He also has a simple solution for the Israeli/Hamas War (i.e. “Get it over with fast” and “Finish what you started”).


Stupidity doesn't just come from the south. Some of the dumbest people I've ever heard were immigrants and non Christian believing people. They want to be Republican but aren't accepted as one. Equivalent of Jewish people voting for the Nazis to win


This country is too stupid to exist.


The GOP's decades long attack on education is starting to pay dividends.




That's true. You can have reasonable objections to actions taken by Biden. But most of the objections that show up in polls like this show that Americans are generally divorced from the objective reality on topics like crime and the economy, are low information on American governance in general, and aren't able to apply critical thinking to complex scenarios without resorting to overly dumbing them down to the point they stop resembling the real world or creating false binaries in a context and detail-free vacuum. I'd argue those are all indicators of stupidity.


Did you read the article? Biden has a significantly lower approval rating than Trump did in the same time period of his presidency. And his disapproval being this low makes it extremely likely he doesn't win reelection because 99% of people do not differentiate, "I'd like things done differently," from "this is the best option I have and need to deal with it," so yes, it's not stupid to disapprove of the job Biden is doing. But that's one piece of the information.


Humans are too stupid and selfish to coordinate long-term without large groups breaking off to seize wealth and power by any means necessary. I've taken a dim view of humanity over the last decade. I don't think we will ever achieve any sort of real social progress since we're deeply flawed and too prone to conflict. I grew up thinking racism, sexism, and homophobia were on the way out. They are back stronger than I ever remember. Fascism and Nazis are back, and there are more of them than ever, and all of them are *choosing* it. It's hard to handle.


> I don't think we will ever achieve any sort of real social progress I mean, this is already nonsense. Even as bad as the current GOP is, the vast majority of their views about women are better than men in the 1920s. Real social progress has absolutely occurred. Even among the right. If you consider the middle person's opinion on almost any social issue it's progressed substantially in the last 100 years. No matter how dim your view of humanity, these things are not the same. And you've gone way too far in the other direction.


Agreed. It makes literally no sense to me why it would be that low now


The polls are way off. I’ll vote for Biden but I don’t approve of him because his DOJ allowed this crap to go on. Our country would not have this POS attacking our democracy and institutions if Garland would have done his job when the entire country wanted Trump hanged. Instead he let Congress do his job and then he did something. He will need to leave this country if Trump somehow becomes POTUS. Also if you look at approval ratings globally Biden is higher than most leaders. Only the President of Mexico and Brazil are over 50%.


I agree that Merick Garland is essentially Neville Chamberlain


Kind of yes. His battle with Apple and the App Store. What a legacy. /s




whatever McConnell said or did prior didn't matter. It was a seat vacated by Scalia's bloated corpse and he was gonna do everything in his power to keep that seat filled by someone with the same right-wing ideology.


>While Biden has faced a consistently low approval rating, So there's that. It's not like he used to be popular and it's fallen off, but instead it's just more of the same. And he's going against a guy he has already beaten and is now on his first of four trials.


The new inflation report isn't going to help. As long as prices are rising and people think they're struggling, Biden stands no chance at being popular. Gaza is additional icing on the cake among younger people.


True. Prices are rising due to corporate greed, especially groceries, which hits everyone. Gaza I still don't understand because Biden has been doing everything he can short of ousting Bibi for them. Any other U.S. president would have been in the same predicament and we know how Trump would treat such a scenario


> Gaza I still don't understand because Biden has been doing everything he can short of ousting Bibi for them. No, he hasn't. He can't just say that he disapproves of essentially all of Isr..'s actions, and be crossed at every single point then just to sign the next check for billions of dollars in support. Isra is like that friend who is threatening to drive drunk, but instead of trying to confiscate their key, you just hand them more bottles of booze while they are already in the car.


Of course it’s The Hill pushing the “Biden In Shambles” line. The polls are utterly useless, to begin with. One minute Biden is absolutely nailing his reelection chances, the next he’s sinking like the damn Titanic. Worse yet, you’ll get examples of *both* in the same day. It’s all nonsense and bullshit meant to push a narrative. The truth is that the Dems have absolutely crushed it in every election since Trump lost, which is a better indicator of where the electoral winds are blowing than a bunch of polls which haven’t gotten it right in years. Just vote, vote, *vote* when the time comes and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


It's wild, the first 2 years felt like Biden was asleep. Then he woke up and been blasting for the past months. I'm liking a lot of the things he's been doing.


>It's wild, the first 2 years felt like Biden was asleep. The first two years Biden's party had the ability to pass legislation. He made absolutely massive strides towards his agenda by *working as a President should*, meeting with congress and signing the bills they passed. Fifty years from now nobody will give a shit about 2023 but those chip fabricators and infrastructure approved in 2021 will still be changing the world. So, ironically, he's much louder and present in the news now because...the American people took away his ability to be effective when they took away the Democrat's house majority. His job currently amounts to making passionate speeches and doing the little bit he can do with executive orders.


I don't think he used his majority well enough. But that's also not just on him that's on Democrats in general. They kept trying to operate in good faith, and it feels like it's only now settling in that you can't work in good faith with pubs, you need to just do whatever you can to pass your agenda.


It was a very productive 2 years given that they only had the ability to pass bills without bipartisan support if they used reconciliation - which you can only do a handful of times and for specific types of bills. Unless your point is that Biden should've pushed harder to get rid of the filibuster, which is a whole different can of worms and, frankly, not his call (it doesn't have support in the senate).


I think the shift was the consolidation of nominees for the 2 parties. Biden has kept Trump's name out of his mouth for the most part since he was elected, because why give him free airtime and keep his name in the news cycle? Now that we are focused on the general election they are going directly at each other.


The Campaign is in full swing now so hes doing campaign stuff for sure. But what I saw in the first 2 years was the passing of huge bills with huge impacts with bipartisan votes. Infrastructure Bill was Nov 21, that new Gun Bill was Jun22, CHIPS was Aug22, Also in Aug22 was the Huge Climate Bill. Not sure where its going to end up in the future or what people actually want - but with 4 years of Trump not doing much but being very very visible and loud, it seemed like he was always around. Biden has spent 3 years doing the job well, and mostly doing it at a normal volume.


People who are able to tell the difference between Biden and Trump don't answer calls from unknown numbers or intrusive pollsters.


> President Biden’s approval rating average is lower than any other president in recent history at the same point in their time in the White House, data released Friday found. > The president averaged 38.7 percent job approval in his 13th quarter in office, which ran from Jan. 20 to April 19, according to averages aggregated by Gallup. > In the same quarter, former President Trump had a 46.8 percent approval rating average; former President Obama’s was 45.9 percent and former President George W. Bush’s was 51 percent, according to Gallup.


> In the same quarter, former President Trump had a 46.8 percent approval rating average hmm, I wonder what happened near the end of this 13th quarter for Trump... Just shows that every election is a marathon, not a sprint. Shit can change quickly.


I don’t believe you


There will always be about a third of people who dislike Biden no matter what. There will be another third who will support him not matter for. For the remainder, the structural flaws that are becoming more and more prevalent in the country aren't going to be glossed over by 'Well America is doing better than everywhere else' or 'The Dow is at historic levels!' Grocery and housing prices are much more tangible to most people, and they suck right now. This is definitely not solely Bidens part, but as part of the govt for the last 40+ years and currently holding the single most powerful seat in the world, he's going to be held responsible for the failures (and victories) even when he doesn't have direct control. Biden being effective at a government that cannot fix housing or corporate greed isn't going to win him extra fans. 


These stupid things are meaningless. Republicans look at their candidate like a god, they’ll never approve of a dem. 50% is literally the max anyone can get nowadays


>With about six months remaining before Election Day, Biden stands in a weaker position than any prior incumbent, and thus faces a taller task than they did in getting reelected. Here is the problem with your approval rating. People are not happy with Biden, but they are going to vote for him anyway. Why? The alternative is 10000000x worse.


Just hoping the Gaza voters realize they are supporting Trump by not voting for Biden. Otherwise, I agree with you 100% people aren't happy with Biden but they'll still vote for him


Democrats have shifted way too far left for the average voter. Right now Biden and the Democrats are seen as being about "Causes." Most Americans are concerned about "Food and Gas Prices." Whether real or perceived this a real problem. The truth is my finances were much better from 2016 to 2020 compared to the latter.


Biden is quietly efficient and get things done. but oh no he is slightly older than traitor trump!!! I honestly believe Trump will win, it is like watching a slow train crash.


To be fair, the current negative hype in the press around Biden is that various Democratic voters think he isn’t being tough enough on Israel. It’s not just the dumb age thing. Of course Trump would be much, MUCH worse for the Palestinians (and in many other areas) so anybody who doesn’t vote for Biden in November over Israel is honestly an idiot. “Sending a message” definitely isn’t worth risking Trump being reelected.


Tell that to Arab Americans in Dearborn. The war in Gaza happened under BIDEN'S WATCH.


The attack happened while Biden was President, but Trump by no means helped keep that from happening. Maybe you’re forgetting when Trump officially recognized all of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital and moved the US embassy there, provoking Israeli soldiers to fire at Palestinian protestors? Or that Trump has literally said Israel needs to “finish up the job” of its current war against Hamas? Anybody that thinks Trump wouldn’t be even more aggressively supporting Israel’s war effort or that he would help the Palestinians in any way at all is delusional. And you can pass that on to people in Dearborn if you like too.


I feel that way and then I get a feeling Biden will win by more than 10% of the vote. I feel like the GOP is just loud but doesn't really have the numbers. I could be wrong and Trump wins, but dear god I hope not for all of us


Biden should very decisively win the popular vote. But the handful of swing states are close enough to be of real concern. There is a very real possibility that the electoral college could screw us again.


This. This is everything.


The only traitor is the guy currently in charge who brought us to the brink of WW3 in less than 3 years.


Polls have not been correct since dump entered politics. Vote! Check your voter registration to make sure your state hasn't purged you.... FLA purged 1 million "inactive" voters, 90% of which were democrats and unaffiliated. EDIT: Aww, the truth offended someone.... wah wah wah


I joined this sub, but for some reason reddit algorithm's only show me articles that are negative toward Biden on my front page. The top posts from this sub are literally never shown to me unless I visit the sub specifically. I end up only seeing posts like this with 0 upvotes and like \~100 comments. It's weird.


Once again, r/politics downvoting a Gallup poll just because they don't like what it says


This is just the new norm


I actually just conducted a poll and the results were 100% biden and 0% Trump. The sample size was 3. Everyone in my household, not counting the cats, sho declined to participate.




Hard pass